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The former and present distribution of white clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the province of Granada (southern Spain) is studied. Before 1980 it was widely distributed but at present only 16 populations exist. The decline is related to the presence of the freshwater red-swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), an American species, vector of the aphanomycosis disease, introduced to the Iberian Peninsula in 1974 and now widely distributed in the watercourses and marshes of southern Spain. To establish an appropriate conservation policy for A. pallipes at its southernmost distribution limit, we studied watercourses from two river basins, Genil and Guadiana Menor, (tributaries of the Guadalquivir River). P. clarkii inhabits the medium to lower reaches of these two river basins (with its upper limit at 820 m a.s.l.). The distribution of this species was best explained by the effect of three of the 12 analyzed variables: altitude, water-current and minimum winter temperatures. From our results, the repopulation of the native crayfish is almost impossible in those reaches inhabited by P. clarkii. However, based on the habitat selection study, it is clear that upper reaches are unsuitable for the red-swamp crayfish, where the native white-clawed crayfish may have greater survival possibilities, and these sites can be used for future restocking projects.  相似文献   

The invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) may undergo ontogenetic diet shifts with increasing size, but the consequences of crayfish size-structure changes for aquatic food webs are little known. We evaluated size-dependent impacts of signal crayfish on a littoral marsh food web using in-situ enclosures in a northern Japanese marsh. During the 60-day experiment, large crayfish (<30 mm orbital carapace length) rapidly eliminated submerged macrophytes through mechanical destruction while the comparable impacts of small crayfish (>30 mm) appeared after more time had passed. Benthic algal biomass was reduced in the presence of large crayfish but was affected little by small crayfish, suggesting that large crayfish were significant bioturbators. On the other hand, total invertebrate biomass was reduced while total invertebrate density was enhanced in the presence of both crayfish size classes. Potential crayfish impacts on invertebrates are: (1) predation on large vulnerable taxa such as Trichoptera and predatory invertebrates, (2) mechanical destruction of macrophytes, thereby reducing microhabitats for invertebrates, (3) heightened emigration of invertebrates in response to bioturbation and/or (4) predation or competition release on small invertebrates as a result of crayfish reducing their predators/competitors. Invertebrate taxa richness was nearly halved in the presence of large crayfish, probably reflecting reductions of rare taxa. Overall, functional roles of signal crayfish as omnivores and ecosystem engineers remained similar during the ontogenetic stage but the magnitude and rate of crayfish impacts intensified with increasing crayfish size. Thus, removal of large invasive crayfish alone may reduce detrimental impacts on aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

A coordinated program ofin situ and laboratory bioassays supported by water quality analyses was used to evaluate the potential effect of a coal ash storage facility on a yellow perch (Perca flavescens) spawning area. The facility is located in the Zekiah Swamp watershed, a tributary of the Wicomico River, MD.In situ bioassays were conducted in Zekiah Swamp Run and reference locations in 1989 and 1990. Larval mortality was high in non-tidal areas of Zekiah Swamp Run, both at a site upstream and beyond the influence of the facility, and at a site downstream of the facility. Mortality was significantly less at a nearby reference stream and at a station in the tidal area of Zekiah Swamp Run. Analysis of water samples for metals (including inorganic monomeric aluminum), organic contaminants, and pH, as well as measurements of stream flow, did not identify a specific cause for the mortality. The field and laboratory bioassays showed that, although leachate from the ash facility contributed to local contamination of ground water, the facility does not appear to be responsible for the poor survival of larval yellow perch.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious causes of degradation of Mediterranean wetlands. Mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) are of particular concern due to biomagnification. Here, we used red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) to monitor the spatial and temporal patterns of these two metals in a Portuguese rice field system. We sampled the crayfish in three different sites and three different time periods in the Sado River Basin (Portugal). We measured temperature, pH, total dissolved solids and conductivity in the water. Hg and Cd were measured in the crayfish abdominal muscle tissue and exoskeleton. In muscle, a spatial pattern was found for the accumulation of Cd while for Hg, only a temporal pattern emerged. The spatial pattern for Cd seemed to reflect the mining history of the sites, whereas the temporal pattern for Hg seemed related to the flooding of rice fields. We suggest that this flooding process increases Hg bioavailability.  相似文献   

Japan’s only native crayfish species Cambaroides japonicus has been declining dramatically in the past few decades. For the purpose of conservation planning, twenty-two coastal streams were surveyed to investigate summer distributions of crayfish in relation to stream and riparian environment. Classification and regression trees were used to predict the occurrence and abundance of crayfish. The classification tree model with stream variables as predictors showed that crayfish would occur in swift or high gradient streams (correct classification rate = 91%). Within those streams, however, crayfish only inhabited depositional microhabitats, in which the areas are limited in availability. Crayfish were not found in gentle, low gradient streams containing abundant depositional microhabitats. This paradoxical distribution pattern was attributed to availability of boulder substrates in swift or high gradient streams. The regression tree model indicated that crayfish abundance was determined primarily by the percentage of boulder substrates and the presence of fish (observed vs. predicted r = 0.64).The classification tree model using only riparian variables indicated that the total woody plant (mainly broadleaf species) density followed by the percentage of early successional species such as alder and willow determined the splits of the tree model (correct classification rate = 95%). A leaf processing experiment on 10 riparian plant species suggested that crayfish preferred high nitrogen (or low C/N) leaves.These results suggest that swift or high gradient fishless streams associated with abundant cover in dense broadleaf forest serve conservation areas for this endangered crayfish, and that consideration of riparian composition may facilitate conservation efforts.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1987,42(2):153-159
American red swamp crayfish were introduced into the Guadalquivir marismas, close to the Doñana National Park, in 1974, and are now thriving. Food habits of otters in a small stream by the marsh were compared before the arrival of crayfish and three, five and eight years later. Fish were their staple prey at this locality in 1976, with amphibians and insects as secondary foods. In 1979 crayfish were the second most important food and the frequency of fish in the spraints decreased significantly. Later the role of fish did not change, but crayfish became the most common prey category in 1981 and 1984. The occurrence of amphibians decreased statistically from 1979 (probably because of their scarcity in the habitat, due to high mortality in fyke nets) and that of insects increased (probably because they are found more often by the predator when searching for crayfish). We conclude that at present crayfish are a significant food for most of the marsh predators, but their spread and the related commercial fishing affect the faunistic diversity of the marismas.  相似文献   

Automated stream dosers that deliver a wet slurry of calcite were installed in 1987 on two Maryland Coastal Plain streams subject to acidic pulses during rainstorms to evaluate the use of stream liming technology to maintain suitable water quality for early life stages of anadromous fish. Results of water quality sampling during baseflow conditions and hydrologic events indicated that significant changes in water chemistry occurred at the upstream (untreated) site during elevated flows on each stream. Observed responses in stream chemistry during the events included declines in pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), and Ca, and increases in monomeric Al concentrations. With the addition of calcite, stream chemistry conditions at the downstream (treated) sites during each event were similar to those observed during baseflow. In situ bioassay experiments indicated that survival of yellow perch eggs and newly-hatched larvae may be enhanced by stream liming.  相似文献   

Data pertaining to the transport of fluvial sediment sampled in detail during a five hour long event in a small upland stream channel in the extremely arid Southern Negev are presented. Considerations based on comparative evaluations of water discharge, stream power, total and fractional sediment concentration, and total and fractional sediment discharge suggest that bedload transport in channels of even very small upland catchments practically devoid of continuous alluvial cover takes place in waves, which are not a priori related to any water discharge characteristic, but rather reflect some intrinsic feature of watershed dynamics, such as slope-channel topographic contrasts or fluvial bifurcation. The regular spacing of pools and riffles and of gravel bars in the more alluvial reaches downstream may therefore be initiated from upstream.  相似文献   

G. L. Heritage  D. J. Milan   《CATENA》2004,58(3):235-257
There is much debate over the role of hydraulic ‘reversal’ in the maintenance of riffle–pool sequences in gravel-bed channels. It is, however, generally acknowledged that the pool has the greatest maximum energy during flood flows allowing scour and pool maintenance. Little emphasis has been placed on the reversal period in many previous studies despite its potential importance being noted in the seminal study of Keller [Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 82 (1971) 753]. This is potentially significant, as reversal may only occur for short periods at the peak of flood hydrographs; hence, the hydraulic argument behind riffle–pool maintenance is based around what is often a marginal energy excess in the pool for a very short period of time. This study uses the magnitude frequency concept of Wolman and Miller [J. Geol. 68 (1960) 54] and applies it to an investigation of the temporal dominance in morphologic unit stream power between a series of four pools and three riffles derived from measured flow and calculated energy slopes on the upland gravel-bed River Rede, Northumberland. The geomorphologically effective flow regime is used to define temporal balances between riffle and pool energy levels. The geomorphic work carried out by riffles and pools, as described by the excess stream power (ΩΩc) capable of transporting the bed sediments, displayed a broad balance for the upstream four units before reducing significantly at pool 3 and rising again for the subsequent two units which appear particularly energetic. These findings contrast with hydraulic theories of riffle–pool maintenance, e.g., Keller [Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 82 (1971) 753]. For sediments to be transferred through a riffle–pool sequence whilst maintaining a quasi-equilibrium form, the pools should carry out the same amount of work as the riffle upstream in order for it not to fill with sediment. Although stream power reversal did occur for some riffle–pool units, the magnitude and longevity of the reversal did not balance the energy exerted at riffle locations. Armouring and shallow gravel depth at riffle 3 appear to indicate scouring in response to high excess stream power found in this area. However, there was no evidence of sub-dominant pools 3 and 4 filling in response to low stream power.  相似文献   

Crayfish are amongst the most frequently introduced non-native aquatic organisms, with well-documented negative effects on a large number of freshwater taxa. Crayfish-control attempts often make use of manual removal by trapping, a method known preferentially to remove the largest individuals. Studies from aquaculture suggest that lowered population densities and the preferential removal of large individuals may result in non-removed individuals demonstrating increased growth rates. We test the hypothesis under wild conditions, that removal by trapping of American signal crayfish from a UK river would result in an improvement in body condition in the remaining crayfish. We studied four 100 m stretches of two rivers, the Evenlode and Thame, comprising two removal and two non-removal stretches. Each river supported both treatments. Half of the crayfish captured from the removal sections were removed and humanely destroyed by freezing. All crayfish captured from the non-removal sections were marked and returned at the point of capture. Crayfish were more likely to be captured if relatively large and with intact chelae. Catch per unit effort was reduced at the removal sites, and still remained significantly lower between capture sessions. The mean carapace length of crayfish was smaller at removal than non-removal sites. Over the course of the experiment, crayfish at the removal sites became progressively heavier for a given carapace length. The results of this study are consistent with expectations if removals reduced the population density, particularly of large, competitively dominant crayfish, resulting in higher growth rates in the remaining population. This study confirms the possibility that the effects of manual removal by trapping may be at least partially counteracted by density dependent effects improving the body condition of the non-removed portion of the population.  相似文献   

P. Billi  F. Dramis 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):353-368
Gully erosion phenomena are very common in Ethiopia. They affect large areas with different morphological, pedological and climatic characteristics. The amount of soil loss due to gullying has become a very serious problem in the recent decades as it was associated to remarkable depletion of cultivated land. Field investigations on gully morphology and its genetic processes were carried out in two study areas of Ethiopia, representative of different geo-environmental conditions: the Lakes Region in the Rift portion north of Shashamene and the area surrounding the town of Mekele in Tigray.Two main types of gullies were identified on the basis of their morphological and hydraulic geometry characteristics: (1) discontinuous gullies which generally develop on low gradient slopes (1–5° on average) and the hydraulic radius of which increases from an upstream minimum to a maximum, at approximately their mid length, and decreases again to a relative minimum at their downstream end; and (2) stream gullies, formed by deep erosion processes typically migrating upslope. In order to investigate the main causes originating the different types of gullies, shear stress data were collected in the field from their hydraulic geometry. Hypotheses on the mechanisms responsible for both discontinuous and stream gullies development and for their different characteristics are discussed considering the pattern of shear stress variation in the downstream direction.  相似文献   

Trace metals and metalloids (TMM) in forest soils and invasive earthworms were studied at 9 sites in northern New England, USA. Essential (Cu, Mo, Ni, Zn, Se) and toxic (As, Cd, Pb, Hg, U) TMM concentrations (mg kg−1) and pools (mg m−2) were quantified for organic horizons (forest floor), mineral soils and earthworm tissues. Essential TMM tissue concentrations were greatest for mineral soil-feeding earthworm Octolasion cyaneum. Toxic TMM tissue concentrations were highest for organic horizon-feeding earthworms Dendobaena octaedra, Aporrectodea rosea and Amynthas agrestis. Most earthworm species had attained tissue concentrations of Pb, Hg and Se potentially hazardous to predators. Bioaccumulation factors were Cd > Se > Hg > Zn > Pb > U > 1.0 > Cu > As > Mo > Ni. Only Cd, Se, Hg and Zn were considered strongly bioaccumulated by earthworms because their average bioaccumulation factors were significantly greater than 1.0. Differences in bioaccumulation did not appear to be caused by soil concentrations as earthworm TMM tissue concentrations were poorly correlated with TMM soil concentrations. Instead, TMM bioaccumulation appears to be species and site dependent. The invasive A. agrestis had the greatest tissue TMM pools, due to its large body mass and high abundance at our stands. We observed that TMM tissue pools in earthworms were comparable or exceeded organic horizon TMM pools; earthworm tissue pools of Cd were up 12 times greater than in the organic horizon. Thus, exotic earthworms may represent an unaccounted portion and flux of TMM in forests of the northeastern US. Our results highlight the importance of earthworms in TMM cycling in northern forests and warrant more research into their impact across the region.  相似文献   



The aim of this work was to improve the understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of suspended sediment transport during flushing flows in a large regulated river, the lower River Ebro (NE Spain).

Materials and methods

Relationships between sediment and discharge (i.e. discharge (Q)–suspended sediment concentrations (SSC)) were examined during six flushing flows using continuous discharge and turbidity records obtained at six monitoring sections distributed along the lower Ebro River for the 2008–2011 period.

Results and discussion

Analyses revealed marked spatial and temporal patterns. At the spatial scale, the Q–SSC relationships were mostly influenced by the different routing velocity of discharge and sediment waves. At the upstream sections, the sediment peak usually preceded peak discharge (i.e. clockwise loop); however, flow routing through the 85-km channel length tends to increase the lag between them, modifying the hysteresis towards counter-clockwise patterns in the downstream direction. At the temporal scale, the season when the artificial releases were performed strongly influenced the sediment availability, with similar-magnitude flushing flows generating higher sediment peaks in autumn than in spring.


These results are of great interest in order to reinforce the flushing flows programme in the lower Ebro River, so as to help achieve the sustainability of the riverine and deltaic ecosystems.  相似文献   

In an effort to improve the fisheries potential of many West Virginia mountain streams by increasing the alkalinity and pH, the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is conducting research into the feasibility of a point source limestone application technique. This research was to provide data that would assist in the design of future projects and the selection of appropriate methodology. Thirteen metric t and 33.3 t of 0.64 cm crusher run ground limestone aggregate were applied as a single deposition to Crouch and Yokum Runs, respectively. Limestone was applied to Crouch Run a year prior to treatment of Yokum Run. The point source treatment produced discharge dependent changes in the downstream water chemistry. The pH increased from an average of 4.73 above the application point to 5.70 below. At high stream discharges, the pH dropped, but never to the pretreatment background level. Increases in Ca concentrations and ANC were also observed downstream of the limestone application site. Sediment analysis was performed to determine the calcite concentration within the stream bed by both an instrumental technique (x-ray fluorescence (XRF)) and an HC1 leach technique to indicate the extent of downstream movement and distribution of limestone. The analysis showed both a limited downstream transport and a variable spread of limestone across the stream channel. The XRF and wet laboratory methods of quantifying the calcite content of the sediments were compared. Although statistical analysis indicated a difference in precision between the x-ray fluorescence and HC1 leach methods, the acid leach method can be considered an economical alternative to x-ray fluorescence. Recommendations are made on methods to increase the effectiveness of the point source treatment and the design of future research.  相似文献   

Bat activity and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled at nine paired sites, upstream and downstream from sewage effluent discharges into Irish rivers. Bat activity was measured using broadband acoustic detectors and macroinvertebrates by three 30-s standard benthic kick samples per site. Biological indices of water quality were significantly lower downstream from sewage outfalls, relative to upstream. The soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) was significantly more active (as measured by bat passes per unit time) at downstream sites, while Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) was less active. These results contrast with those of a similar study in England, where P. pygmaeus were less active, and Myotis spp. were more active downstream from sewage outfalls. We suggest that P. pygmaeus were more active downstream in our study because of a preference for preying on small orthocladiinid Chironomidae (non-biting midges), which were significantly more abundant downstream. M. daubentonii may prefer Trichoptera (caddis fly), which were significantly more abundant upstream. Organic pollution may then affect bats, but its effect appears to be more complex than previously implied. Implications of changing nutrient levels in freshwaters for populations of M. daubentonii and P. pygmaeus may be different from what is currently suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of the effluent discharged from a freshwater (trout and related species) fish hatchery on the presence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in a small stream. There had been no documented use of antibiotics in the hatchery for at least 6 months prior to our study, although a variety of biocides were employed routinely for cleaning. Heterotrophic bacteria and Escherichia coli were isolated from both water column and sediment samples at sites above and below the discharge of the hatchery effluent as well as from the hatchery effluent itself. Randomly chosen isolates (≥96 isolates per site) were tested for their resistance to ampicillin, cephalexin, erythromycin, and tetracycline. Resistance to at least one antibiotic was found in greater than 30% of both the heterotrophic isolates and the E. coli isolates from each of the sites. There were no significant differences among the sites in the proportion of the heterotrophic isolates resistant to any specific antibiotic. The proportion of E. coli isolates resistant to tetracycline in the hatchery effluent and in both the downstream water and sediment samples was significantly higher than in either the upstream water or sediment. These results support the possibility of the hatchery as a source of tetracycline-resistant microorganisms even in the absence of recent use of this antibiotic.  相似文献   

The quality of habitat at and around a spawning site, and the availability of movement between spawning and nonspawning habitats are likely to be important determinants for population persistence in a degraded and fragmented landscape. We assessed the influence of habitat connectivity, habitat quality and invasive species for distributions and local abundance of eggs and larvae of crucian carp (Crassius auratus complex, which is listed as “data deficient” on the Japanese Red List) in agricultural landscapes surrounding Lake Mikata, Japan, where drainage ditches and paddy fields are extensively utilised for spawning (lake or river shores are also used). We investigated the presence and abundance of eggs and larvae of crucian carp and habitat components at 146 sites across a range of presumed spawning habitats. Egg presence was affected strongly by connectivity to the lake (watercourse distance from the lake), and egg abundance was significantly influenced by both connectivity and habitat quality. In contrast, larval presence was primarily related to habitat quality. Larval abundance was influenced by connectivity and habitat quality, but the effect of connectivity was relatively low. Furthermore, larval abundance was negatively related to the presence of the invasive species red swamp crayfish (Procambarus craki) and bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Our findings indicate that connectivity, habitat quality and the presences of invasive species are crucial in determining suitable spawning and nursery habitats, but their relative importance may vary depending on egg and larval life stages. We suggest that restoring connectivity, improving habitat quality and removal of invasive species could be effective conservation strategies for the declining populations of crucian carp in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

台湾主要河川大都发源于中央山脉,上游坡降陡峻水流湍急。至中下流入平地后地势转缓,流速始渐滞缓,头汴坑溪-江桥位属于汴坑溪上游段,上游500m处受到1999年9月21日集集大地震断层错动影响,该河段右岩瞬间发生大规模山崩,致大量土石滑落将原有河道全部掩盖,水流无法向下游倾泄,随着地震后时间逐渐拉长,上游水位亦逐渐抬升,随时可能泛滥成灾而危及上下游居民生命财产安全。本研究收集该地区水文地文、地震后抢修抢检及复建工程设计施工相关资料,配合水理分析,提出妥善处理计划,俾供相关做作业人员参考运用。  相似文献   

Water resource development in coastal river catchments contributes to poor fish assemblage health due to the effects of barriers to migration and altered flow regimes. Impacts of migration barriers on fish assemblages depend primarily on the location of each barrier within the river network and migration needs of regional fish fauna. This study examined how temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution and composition of fish assemblages was associated with varying estuarine connectivity and migration barriers in higher altitude reaches in the eastern Hunter River catchment, temperate Australia. Species richness and abundances of diadromous species were expected to be greater in a tributary catchment with unrestricted connectivity to the Hunter River estuary when compared to a neighbouring tributary catchment with restricted connectivity. Six diadromous species were sampled only, or in greater abundances, in the unrestricted tributary when compared to the restricted tributary. As a consequence, assemblage composition in the restricted tributary was dominated by non-diadromous species. Greater abundances of the amphidromous Cox’s gudgeon (Gobiomorphus coxii) were sampled in the unrestricted tributary following their estuarine-freshwater upstream juvenile migration period when compared to the restricted tributary. Differences in the accumulations of migratory species immediately downstream of upland barriers between the two levels of estuary connectivity indicate that migration barriers in lowland reaches have significant effects throughout the entire catchment. Results of this study indicate that the location of each barrier to migration within river networks has varying consequences for catchment-scale connectivity loss and assessing the impacts of multiple barriers. Determining the effects and most appropriate management of migration barriers requires that all obstructions within a river network are recognised, as multiple barriers can have cumulative and interacting consequences for freshwater fish fauna, especially diadromous species.  相似文献   

动水法观测渠道渗漏较静水法便捷,但由于动水法观测条件苛刻,通常使得动水法定义下的计算结果可靠性较差。该文通过对动水法观测问题及特点分析,建立了流量过程线推移法,通过数据平行检验,绘制有效数据的流量过程线,并对流量过程线进行顺流推移和逆流推移,从而获得某观测时段内上、下游观测断面的流量过程线差,进而算得损失流量。该文以石津灌区四干三分干南四支梯形混凝土衬砌渠道为例进行了分析,对该段渠道上6种衬砌形式进行静水法和流量过程线推移法观测。静水法分析得6种衬砌形式的渗漏量与渠道水深之间均表现为幂函数形式。流量过程线推移法通过平行检验得到19组数据,计算得到渗漏量,将其与静水法得到结果进行比较,得到有12组数据绝对误差小于10 m3/(km·h)。两种方法的渗漏量与水深相关分析呈现相同的变化趋势,即渗漏量随水深的增加而增加。该研究初步验证了流量过程线推移法在渗漏量计算上的可行性。  相似文献   

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