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Freshwater ecosystems in the tropics host a diverse endemic fauna including freshwater crabs, but the rapid loss and deterioration of habitat means that many species are now under imminent threat. Studies on freshwater fish and amphibians suggest a third to half of the species in some tropical freshwaters is either extinct or endangered, but the status of the freshwater crabs is not known. Freshwater crabs, with 1280 species, represent one-fifth of all the World’s brachyurans. We therefore undertook a comprehensive IUCN Red List assessment of the freshwater crabs, which was the first time that such a study had been attempted on a global scale for any group of freshwater invertebrates. The conservation status of all known species from the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australasia revealed unexpectedly high threat levels. Here we show that about one-sixth of all freshwater crab species have an elevated risk of extinction, only one-third are not at-risk, and although none are actually extinct, almost half are too poorly known to assess. Out of 122 countries that have populations of freshwater crabs, 43 have species in need of protection. The majority of threatened species are restricted-range semi-terrestrial endemics living in habitats subjected to deforestation, alteration of drainage patterns, and pollution. This is illustrated with a case study of one such species found in Singapore. This underlines the need to prioritize and develop conservation measures before species decline to levels from which they cannot recover. The proportion of freshwater crabs threatened with extinction is equal to that of reef-building corals, and exceeds that of all other groups that have been assessed except for amphibians. These results represent a baseline that can be used to design strategies to save the World’s threatened freshwater crab species.  相似文献   

Regions with unique habitats often harbor endemic taxa associated with temporally stable habitats. We identified such habitats that sustain endemic fishes in the plains of North America. We also summarized threats to their conservation and identified remnant habitats that still harbor endemic fishes (refuges) based on post-1989 surveys. Major springs, smaller, spring-fed streams, larger rivers, and euryhaline habitats were associated with a total of 49 endemics. Endemism was attributable to climatic refugia associated with each habitat type and dispersal limitation among major river drainages and springs. Forty-one endemic fishes (84%) were declining or extinct. Dewatering, habitat fragmentation, and habitat degradation were main causes of declines, often present together. Pollution and non-native species were also threats in many cases. Evidence for 53 existing refuges was found. We considered 34 refuges to be “high-quality” because they harbored three or more endemics. Twenty of these (those with available data) maintained consistent streamflow regimes for at least 50 years up to 2009. Case studies suggest high stream length, more natural flow regimes, and fewer direct human impacts are features of high-quality refuges, but extinction thresholds are unquantified and extinction debts of refuges are unknown. Limited information on past extinctions suggests drought, a natural feature of the plains, combines with other threats to eliminate remnant endemic populations. Long-term conservation planning requires identification, protection, and restoration of high-quality refuges to reduce extinction risk, especially during future drought periods. Planning should be integrated with regional water resource planning, given scarcity of water in the region.  相似文献   

A quantitative protocol was developed to determine conservation status of all 129 freshwater fishes native to California. Seven (5%) were extinct; 33 (26%) were found to be in danger of extinction in the near future (endangered); 33 (26%) were rated as sufficiently threatened to be on a trajectory towards extinction if present trends continue (vulnerable); 34 (26%) were rated as declining species but not in immediate danger of extinction. Only 22 (17%) species were found to be of least concern. Of 31 species officially listed under federal and state endangered species acts (ESAs), 17 (55%) were rated as endangered by our criteria, while 12 (39%) were rated vulnerable. Conversely, of the 33 species that received our endangered rating, only 17 (51%) were officially listed under the ESAs. Among the seven metrics used to assess extinction threat, climate change, area occupied and anthropogenic threats had the largest negative impacts on status. Of 15 categories of causes of decline, those most likely to diminish status were alien species, agriculture, and dams. Overall, 83% of California’s freshwater fishes are extinct or at risk of becoming so, a 16% increase since 1995 and a 21% increase since 1989. The rapid decline of California’s inland fishes is probably typical of declines in other regions that are less well documented, indicating a strong need for improved conservation of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

The fish fauna of mountain streams in the Jiri (440 km2) and Seorak (373 km2) National Park areas of South Korea was investigated from September 1998 to May 2001. A total of 5979 fish were collected and classified into 22 families and 60 species from both national parks. At Jiri, 30 species in 12 families of fishes were collected, while at Seorak there were 42 species in 17 families. Zacco temmincki [relative abundance (RA) 47.9%] was dominant at both parks. Subdominant species were Rhynchocypris kumkangensis (RA 10.8%), Zacco platypus (RA 9.4%), and Pungtungia herzi (RA 5.3%). A total of 20 species were found to be Korean endemic species, representing seven families. The relative abundance of Korean endemic species was higher at Seorak (30.5%) than Jiri (18.5%). One exotic species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and two species translocated outside their native catchments (Hypomesus nipponensis and Coreoperca herzi) were collected. The proportion of Korean endemic freshwater fish species in both parks (33.3%) was higher than the overall proportion on the Korean peninsula (23.6%). Within the 14 South Korean mountain-area national parks as a whole, larger parks tend to have higher fish diversity. We conclude that South Korean national parks are important for conservation of the regional fish fauna, especially for endemic and endangered species. Current threats to conservation of fishes within South Korean national parks are identified and management solutions are suggested.  相似文献   

Diversion of river water has diminished freshwater flow into many estuaries worldwide, yet the effects of these diversions on marine fisheries, many of which depend on estuaries, are largely unexplored. We document the impact of diverting Colorado River flow from the Gulf of California on the life history of a now-endangered marine fish (Totoaba macdonaldi, Sciaenidae). Growth increments in prehistoric (1000–5000 ybp) otoliths document that pre-dam juveniles grew twice as fast and matured 1–5 years earlier than post-dam fish. Oxygen isotopes link these changes to elimination of estuarine habitat. This study provides evidence that river diversion can have a dramatic effect on life history of marine fishes by slowing growth during the juvenile stage, thus delaying maturation. These findings also provide valuable insight into the relative influence of habitat alteration versus fishing pressure on marine fishes.  相似文献   

Freshwaters ecosystems continue to face pressures from pollution, flow regime alterations, habitat destruction and exotic species invasions despite their unique biodiversity. In Europe, National Parks and Special Areas of Conservation aim to provide protection of ‘aggregate’ biodiversity, yet inspection of priority species lists for these sites often reveals a focus towards terrestrial species. In regions such as the Alps and the Pyrénées, this is a particularly serious problem because climate change and other anthropogenic pressures (e.g. hydropower, tourism) are causing widespread hydrological modification which is likely to drive changes in aquatic species abundance, diversity and distribution. Improved understanding of the diversity of rare plants and animals is necessary so efforts can be cost-effectively targeted to conserve the maximum number of species, whilst a clearer picture of these species’ distributions is a precursor to targeting conservation efforts. This paper reports results of a study into the diversity and distribution of 17 endemic mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies from 598 rivers sites across southern France. Endemic macroinvertebrates were found only at sites in the Pyrénées mountain range with richness peaking at 1500–1800 m above sea level. Nine of these 17 species were recorded from <20 sites and two (Protonemura angelieri, Rhithrogena kimminsi) were found at only 10 sites. Despite both the rarity of these species and threats to their existence, none of them have any current conservation status. New conservation policies for freshwater ecosystems in the French Pyrénées need to be developed as a priority due to the rarity of many aquatic species in this area, growing threats to their existence (habitat modification, hydrological change), and to recognise their importance in food webs that may include other rare species of conservation value.  相似文献   

Human development of freshwater ecosystems has lead to drastic changes in freshwater fish faunas, including the loss of many native species and the gain of non-natives. Typically conservation ecologists view these two opposing forces as contributing to biological homogenization, and consider homogenization as one of the principle negative consequences of urbanization. However, homogenization is only one outcome out of many that can result from the loss and gain of species. In particular, it is possible for invasions and extinctions to lead to differentiation; a process whereby two (or more) regions become less similar to one another through time. Using the freshwater fishes of California, we show that urbanization is highly positively correlated to both the endangerment of native fish and the invasion of non-native fish within watersheds. Despite this, the fish faunas of California’s watersheds have differentiated from one another through time. Furthermore, the degree of differentiation is positively correlated with measures of urbanization, which is contrary to expectation. We suggest that this result reflects: (1) the haphazard manner in which non-native fishes have been introduced into California watersheds, (2) the difficulty that both native and non-native fishes have in expanding their geographical ranges, and (3) the continued presence of vestiges of formerly distinct regional faunas. This pattern of differentiation among watersheds is likely a matter of scale, as previous work on freshwater fishes has demonstrated homogenization at both larger and smaller spatial scales. In addition the observed pattern is probably a short-term (temporal) phenomena and will disappear with continued invasion and extinction. We suggest that similar patterns may occur for other taxa that have limited natural dispersal abilities and that are idiosyncratically released as non-natives via human activities (e.g. herptiles).  相似文献   

Fishing has become a major conservation threat to marine fishes. Effective conservation of threatened species requires timely identification of vulnerable species. However, evaluation of extinction risk using conventional methods is difficult for the majority of fish species because the population data normally required by such methods are unavailable. This paper presents a fuzzy expert system that integrates life history and ecological characteristics of marine fishes to estimate their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing. We extract heuristic rules (expressed in IF-THEN clauses) from published literature describing known relationships between biological characteristics and vulnerability. Input and output variables are defined by fuzzy sets which deal explicitly with the uncertainty associated with qualitative knowledge. Conclusions from different lines of evidence are combined through fuzzy inference and defuzzification processes. Our fuzzy system provides vulnerability estimates that correlate with observed declines more closely than previous methods, and has advantages in flexibility of input data requirements, in the explicit representation of uncertainty, and in the ease of incorporating new knowledge. This fuzzy expert system can be used as a decision support tool in fishery management and marine conservation planning.  相似文献   

Small-scale fisheries provide over half the world’s wild-caught seafood, employ over 99% of its fishers, and are frequently promoted as a sustainable alternative to large-scale industrial fisheries. However, few studies have quantitatively examined how possible habitat impacts and non-target species composition vary across gears used in small-scale fisheries, as data are sparse and conservation efforts are largely focused on more iconic species. Here, we quantify and compare the ecosystem impacts of four fishing gears (lobster traps, fish traps, set gillnets, drift gillnets) used in small-scale fisheries of Baja California, Mexico, using at-sea observations and field experiments. Set gillnets had the highest overall impact on both non-target species and habitat, with discard rates higher than most industrial fisheries (34.3% by weight), and an estimated 19.2% of Eisenia arborea kelp and 16.8% of gorgonian corals damaged or removed within 1 m of the net path. Fish traps had the lowest discard rates (0.11%) while lobster traps and drift gillnets had intermediate discard rates (15.1% and 18.5% respectively). In contrast with gillnets, traps caused minimal immediate damage to gorgonian corals and rarely interacted with kelp. Results indicate that ecological impacts depend more on fishing gear type and habitat characteristics than the size of fishing vessels, calling into question broad generalizations that small-scale fisheries are inherently more sustainable than industrial fisheries. Our findings highlight the ecological impacts of artisanal gillnet fisheries as priorities for research, management, and conservation efforts in Baja California and other coastal areas.  相似文献   

The conservation of rare species on islands is a special challenge, especially when the islands are faced with increasing human impact. Two endangered wild felids in Japan provide a contrast that is useful for examining conservation strategies. The Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis) is endemic to Iriomotejima Island in Okinawa, and the Tsushima leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) occurs in the Tsushima islands in Japan, although a related subspecies found in the Korean Peninsula. Population size was approximately 100 individuals for each subspecies. While the population of Iriomote cat appears relatively stable, the population and abundance of the Tsushima leopard cat has decreased in recent decades. Because of their small population sizes and restricted habitats both are listed as endangered species/subspecies in Japan’s Red List, and the Iriomote cat is listed as an endangered subspecies in the IUCN Red List. Although both are similar-sized felids living on small islands, their ecological characteristics such as food habit, habitat selection, and density differ. These differences seem to be caused by the climate, the biological environment (the species composition of fauna in each island, and the presence of competitors), and the artificial background. The threats facing these two felids are also similar. Habitat destruction, traffic accidents, and negative influences by introduced species are the principal threats to be addressed for their conservation. At the same time, there are differences in the degree of impact by each threat, in each species’ conservation programs in practice, and in the stages of progress and operation of programs. These differences are partly because they have different ecological features and partly because the social background of each island, such as human population, main industry, and historical relationship between human and wildlife, are quite different. We will compare the ecology and state of these two wild felids and discuss the different conservational situations in relation to felid ecology and human society.  相似文献   

Naturally high total dissolved solids and upstream agricultural runoff often mask the influence of urban land cover on stream chemistry and biology. We examined the influence of headwater urbanization on the water chemistry, microbiology, and fish communities of the Big Brushy Creek watershed, a 96 km2 drainage basin in the piedmont of South Carolina, USA. Concentrations of most major anions and cations (especially nitrate, sulfate, chloride, sodium, potassium, and calcium) were highest in the urban headwaters and decreased downstream. Generally, the highest concentrations of suspended coliform bacteria occurred in the urban headwaters. In contrast, stream habitat quality and the abundance, species richness, and species diversity of fishes did not differ significantly between urban and rural sites. Discharge of wastewater treatment plant effluent at one rural location caused an increase in concentrations of many solutes and possibly the abundance of benthic algae. We hypothesize that atmospheric dry deposition and domestic animal wastes are important sources of stream solutes and of coliform bacteria, respectively, in the urban headwaters. The lack of significant differences in fish abundance and diversity between urban and rural sites may indicate that urban development in the Big Brushy Creek watershed has not yet degraded habitat conditions greatly for stream fishes. Alternatively, agriculture or other land uses may have degraded stream habitat quality throughout the watershed prior to urbanization.  相似文献   

Testing the myriad predictions associated with the community, demographic and genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation remains a high conservation priority. Many bryophyte taxa are ideal model systems for experimentally testing such metapopulation-based and population genetic predictions due to their relatively fast colonisation-extinction rates, high substrate specificity, dominant haploid condition, and diminutive size. Herein, we review the community, demographic and population genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation on bryophytes, highlight the present knowledge gaps, and offer ideas on how experimental studies utilizing bryophytes may be used to address the broader conservation implications associated with fragmented ecosystems. Previous research suggests that dispersal limitation best explains observed patterns of abundance and distribution of bryophytes in some fragmented habitats. However, edge effects influence bryophyte community structure of border habitats especially where abrupt differences in micro-climatic conditions between the matrix and the forest remnant exist, or where the species pool contains members with inherently restricted ecological amplitudes. Existing studies do not agree on the relationship between basic attributes of bryophyte community structure (i.e., species richness and local density), and habitat area and degree of spatial-isolation. Demographic studies are a critical step in structuring conservation strategies, however surprisingly little empirical information exists as to the impacts of habitat fragmentation on plant population dynamics. We propose that bryophytes offer great potential for testing predictions with respect to plant population persistence in spatially-structured landscapes.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka supports a diverse fauna of freshwater fishes, 24% of which are endemic. A survey of the island's streams indicated that a number of the endemic fishes are threatened with extinction and others are depleted due to the interaction of deforestation, urbanization, gem mining, pesticides, exploitation, water diversions, and introductions of exotic species. It is clear that these declines should be halted for ethical, economic, and ecological reasons. Methods proposed to reverse the declines include captive breeding, better watershed management, translocation, and regulation of fisheries, especially that for aquarium fishes. The depauperate Second Peneplain is proposed as a site for translocation of endangered species.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the status and distribution of populations of freshwater fishes in the British Isles and their worth as a resource. The total value of freshwater fishes to the community is far greater than is normally appreciated and includes, in addition to the economic sport and commercial fisheries, amenity, recreational, educational, and scientific, aspects as well as a potentially useful store of genetic material for the future. The main human pressures on existing fish stocks are discussed under the headings of fisheries, pollution, and land-used. The principal trends in the British Isles are away from natural and stable mixed fish populations towards artificially maintained, unstable stocks of a few species of sporting or commercial value. In particular the rarer, more sensitive, fish stocks with poor powers of distribution are being eradicated and replaced by commoner, more robust forms with greater powers of distribution. The rarer species and genetic strains can only survive if constructive conservation projects are initiated expeditiously at a variety of levels.  相似文献   

Commercial fishing has repeatedly been identified as a major causal factor for global declines in fish stocks. Recently, recreational fisheries have also been considered as having the potential to contribute to fisheries declines. Here, we take a global focus, contrasting the characteristics of commercial and recreational fisheries relevant to conservation and sustainability of exploited fishes in both marine and freshwater environments. We provide evidence to support our assertion that the same issues that have led to global fisheries concerns regarding commercial fishing can have equivalent, and in some cases, magnified effects in recreational fisheries. Contrasts revealed that the issues of bycatch and catch-and-release, fisheries-induced selection, trophic changes, habitat degradation, gear technology, fishing effort, and production regimes are remarkably similar among fishery sectors. In recognition of this conclusion, we present a new vision for recreational fishing that positions it on the same scale and urgency as commercial fisheries. Efforts to manage and conserve fisheries must recognise that issues and threats are similar in these fundamentally and philosophically different fisheries, as may be the solutions. Failure to recognise the similarities will further polarise these sectors and retard efforts to conserve aquatic resources. Fishing activity of any kind, whether commercial or recreational, has the potential to affect negatively fish and fisheries, as well as aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Many species of conservation concern are in decline due to threats from multiple sources. To quantify the conservation requirements of these species we need robust estimates of the impact of each threat on the rate of population decline. However, for the vast majority of species this information is lacking. Here we demonstrate the application of integrated population modelling as a means of deriving robust estimates of the impact of multiple threats for a rapidly declining koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population in South-east Queensland, Australia. Integrated population modelling provides a basis for reducing uncertainty and bias by formally integrating information from multiple data sources into a single model. We quantify mortality rates due to threats from dog attacks, vehicle collisions and disease and the extent to which each of these mortality rates would need to be reduced, or how much habitat would need to be restored, to stop the population declining. We show that the integrated population modelling approach substantially reduces uncertainty. We also show that recovery actions that only address single threats would need to reduce those threats to implausibly low levels to recover the population. This indicates that strategies for simultaneously tackling multiple threats are necessary; a situation that is likely to be true for many of the world’s threatened species. This study provides an important framework for quantifying the conservation requirements of species undergoing declines due to multiple threats.  相似文献   

The biodiversity crisis, particularly dramatic in freshwaters, has prompted further setting of global and regional conservation priorities. Species rarity and endemism are among the most fundamental criteria for establishing these priorities. We studied the patterns of rarity and the role of rare species in community uniqueness using data on freshwater bivalve molluscs (family Unionidae) in Texas. Due to the large size and gradients in landscape and climate, Texas has diverse and distinct unionid communities, including numerous regional and state endemic species. Analysis of the state-wide distribution and abundance of Unionidae allowed us to develop a non-arbitrary method to classify species rarity based on their range size and relative density. Of the 46 Unionidae species currently present in Texas, 65% were classified as rare and very rare, including all state and regional endemics. We found that endemic species were a critical component in defining the uniqueness of unionid communities. Almost all endemics were found exclusively in streams and rivers, where diversity was almost double that of lentic waters. Man’s ongoing alteration of lotic with lentic waterbodies favors common species, and dramatically reduces habitat for endemics, contributing to homogenization of unionid fauna. We identified hotspots of endemism, prioritized species in need of protection, estimated their population size, and recommended changes to their current conservation status.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes are the dominating landscape types in many parts of the world. Land-use intensification and spatial homogeneity are major threats to biodiversity in these landscapes. Thus cost-effective strategies for species conservation in large-scale agricultural landscapes are required. Spatial optimisation methods can be applied to identify the most effective allocation of a given budget for conservation. However, the optimisation of spatial land-use patterns in real landscapes on a large spatial scale is often limited by computational power. In this paper, we present a simplifying methodology for analysing cost-effectiveness of management actions on a regional scale. A spatially explicit optimisation approach is employed to identify optimum agricultural land-use patterns with respect to an ecological-economic goal function. Based on the optimisation results for small scale landscape samples we derive a target- and site-specific cost-benefit function that can be applied to predict ecological improvement as a function of costs and local conditions on a large spatial scale. Thus, it is possible to identify areas where management actions for ecological improvement are most efficient with respect to a certain conservation goal. The fitted function is validated independently. In a case study, we analyse cost-effectiveness of management actions to enhance habitat suitability for three different target species. The approach is flexible and could be applied to a variety of other landscape planning problems dealing with the effective allocation of management measures.  相似文献   

The vast Brazilian coast harbors unique and diverse reef fish communities. Unfortunately, relatively little is known about the impact of fishing on these fish species, and few management or conservation efforts are being made to protect them. Here, we examine the effect of different levels of protection on the composition, abundance, and size structure of reef fish species along a 2500 km portion of the Brazilian coastline, noting in particular the relative abundance of endemics and the effect of protection on these species. Pairwise comparisons of sites with different protection status (more versus less protected) were used to determine the potential responses of reef fishes to the establishment of marine protected areas. Highly targeted species (top predators and large herbivores) were significantly more abundant and larger in size within sites with a higher degree of protection, indicating that they benefit from protection, while lightly fished and unfished species were not. These results are consistent with past work documenting the responses of species to protection. Here, we use our results in particular to suggest strategies and provide expectations for managing and protecting Brazilian reef fisheries. Because this biogeographic province lies entirely within the jurisdiction of a single nation, there may be unique and significant opportunities to effectively manage and conserve these fish species.  相似文献   

Computational methods for marine reserve design are frequently used as decision-support tools for the identification of conservation areas. Most reserve-selection algorithms minimise the cost of the reserve system whilst aiming to meet specified biodiversity objectives. Here, we extend a widely-used selection algorithm, Marxan, to incorporate several important considerations related to biodiversity processes and management. First we relax the scorched earth assumption to allow conservation features in non-reserve zones to contribute explicitly to conservation objectives. To achieve this, we generate conservation targets at landscape scales rather than focusing purely on the representation of features within reserves. Second, we develop the notion of spatial dependencies further to incorporate spatial heterogeneity in the value of individual conservation features such as habitat types. We use the example of ontogenetic migrations of fish from mangroves to coral reefs because it nicely demonstrates how spatial ecological processes generate predictable heterogeneity in habitat value that should be considered in the reserve design process. Lastly, we show how habitat value can be disaggregated into ecosystem processes and services. Using a case study for the Belize Barrier Reef we compare reserve networks generated using our new approach with the results of traditional analyses. Consideration of the contribution of different protection zones, connectivity among habitats and more complex management goals resulted in up to a 52% increase in the mean biomass of commercially and ecologically-important fish species represented in the landscape. Our approach strengthens the ecological basis of reserve-design algorithms and might facilitate the uptake of ecosystem-based management into reserve design.  相似文献   

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