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To evaluate edge effects on recruitment of the understory perennial herb Trillium camschatcense, spatial distribution and stage-class structure based on four life-history stages were investigated within a small forest fragment in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Seedlings were most affected by edge effects. The density of seedlings was considerably lower in the forest edges than in the interiors and was higher on the northern side of the forest. Although three stages suffered edge and orientation effects, flowering plants experienced much more moderate edge effects than juvenile stages and showed relatively uniform distribution. The results suggest that the recruitment of juvenile stages was strongly limited near forest edges. Seedling density was correlated with microclimatic conditions, not with seed production. The edge and orientation effects on stage-class structures were also observed in two other small populations, emphasizing the role of edge-related decreases in seed germination and subsequent survival for limiting the recruitment of small, fragmented populations of T. camschatcense.  相似文献   

Tree cavities are proposed to limit populations and structure communities of cavity-nesting birds. Although the greatest diversity of cavity-nesting birds is found in tropical and subtropical moist forests, little is known about how tropical logging affects the abundance of cavities or cavity-nesting birds. We compared the abundance of cavities and cavity nests between primary and selectively-logged subtropical moist Atlantic forest in Argentina, and conducted the first before-after controlled nest-box addition experiment to determine whether nest sites limit the breeding density of cavity-nesting birds in tropical or subtropical moist forest. Visual inspection of 86 cavities identified through ground-surveys revealed that only 19% were suitable for nesting birds, suggesting that cavity abundance may be overestimated in the literature on tropical forests. Suitable cavities were found in fewer than 1% of 1156 trees <60 cm dbh but 20% of 20 trees >100 cm dbh. Logged forest had half the basal area of primary forest, one third the density of large trees, nine times fewer cavities suitable for nesting birds, and 17 times fewer active nests. When we added nest boxes, nesting density increased on treatment plots but not on control plots in both logged and primary forest, suggesting that cavity supply can limit nest density even in relatively undisturbed forest. This is the first experiment to show how reduced cavity supply in logged tropical forest can limit breeding density of cavity-nesting birds. International initiatives such as forest certification should promote tropical timber management strategies that conserve large live cavity-bearing trees.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation on forest bird assemblages were analysed in 214 holm oak (Quercus ilex) remnants spread across the northern and southern plateaux of central Spain. Bird richness was highly dependent on fragment area for all species regardless of isolation, and barely affected by habitat traits. Geographical location was associated with high differences in richness of bird assemblages, which included 17 species exclusive to northern remnants and one exclusive to southern remnants. This supports the hypothesis that habitat suitability deteriorates sharply from north to south for forest birds in Spain. The species-area relationships of bird assemblages sampled in fragmented forests along a broad continental gradient (from Norway to southern Spain) showed that true forest birds only nest in woodlands >100 ha in southern Spain, whereas the full complement of forest species occurs in much smaller fragments in central-western Europe. Loss of species that are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation accounts for these differences between dry Spanish and mesic European woodlands. These results are explained by the low habitat suitability of Spanish woodlands, associated with the restrictive conditions for plant regeneration in the Mediterranean climate and long-standing human usage. There is, therefore, a particular need to develop management strategies that conserve birds, and probably other forest organisms, in Mediterranean regions by preventing habitat deterioration and decreases in fragment size, and by conserving all woods >100 ha.  相似文献   

Edge effects are suggested to have great impact on the persistence of species in fragmented landscapes. We tested edge avoidance by forest understory passerines in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest and also compared their mobility and movement patterns in contiguous and fragmented landscapes to assess whether movements would increase in the fragmented landscape. Between 2003 and 2005, 96 Chiroxiphia caudata, 38 Pyriglena leucoptera and 27 Sclerurus scansor were radio-tracked. The most strictly forest species C. caudata and S. scansor avoided forest edges, while P. leucoptera showed affinities for the edge. Both sensitive species showed larger mean step length and maximal observed daily distance in the fragmented forest versus the unfragmented forest. P. leucoptera did not show any significant difference. There were no significant differences in proportional daily home range use for any of the three species. Our results suggested that fragmentation and the consequent increase in edge areas do influence movement behavior of sensitive forest understory birds that avoided the use of edges and increased the speed and distance they covered daily. For the most restricted forest species, it would be advisable to protect larger patches of forest instead of many small or medium fragments connected by narrow corridors. However, by comparing our data with that obtained earlier, we concluded that movement behavior of resident birds differs from that of dispersing birds and might not allow to infer functional connectivity or landscape-scale sensitivity to fragmentation; a fact that should be taken into consideration when suggesting conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Drought-sensitive bryophytes are especially vulnerable to edge effects caused by forest fragmentation. Because of increased forest fragmentation, these bryophyte species are declining and are in need of conservation. Considering that a field survey including all bryophyte species is very time consuming, methods that make identification less difficult should be tested for their usefulness in conservation. This paper describes an alternative survey method that utilizes the correlation between bryophyte life-forms and microclimates for evaluating drought-sensitive bryophytes. This survey method was examined using epiphytic bryophyte flora on tree trunks in 27 fragmented forests of Kyoto city, in the western part of Japan. The usefulness of life-forms for this evaluation was discussed based on the correlation of life-forms with species richness and microclimates. The results indicated that, while life-from richness was considered to reflect the heterogeneity of moisture availability and light intensity in bryophyte habitats, a certain life-form category (for example, fans and dendroids) seemed to correlate with drought sensitivity of bryophytes. Considering this correlation, an alternative survey method was proposed that utilizes the richness of hygrophilous life-forms. This survey method seems to be more cost-effective than a traditional all-species survey, and provides an important step toward the conservation of drought-sensitive species.  相似文献   

A considerable number of bird species depend on tree cavities availability for nesting in temperate and tropical forests in Mexico. Tree cavity availability is reduced in heavily managed forests, making cavity nesting species particularly vulnerable to the high rates of forest loss and degradation that occur every day in the remaining wilderness areas of the country. We analyzed information about nesting behavior, distribution, and conservation status of resident landbird avifauna from 35 important and protected bird areas of Mexico. The main intention was to determine the proportion of resident bird species that nest in tree cavities and are more sensitive to intensive forest management practices. Our results revealed that 17% (112 species) of the resident landbird avifauna need tree cavities for nesting. Cavity nesters represented a higher proportion of endangered and threatened species than non-cavity nesters. The families Strigidae and Psittacidae represented the highest number of tree cavity nesting species in status. In the 35 avifaunas examined, the mean percentage of cavity nesting species ranged from 17% to 21%. The cloud forest reserve of “El Triunfo” with 43 species, is the area with the highest concentration of cavity nesting species in Mexico.  相似文献   

Staphylinid beetle assemblages from coniferous foothills forest in west-central Alberta, Canada were studied via pitfall trapping to examine the effects of stand age and possible edge effects. Sites included a chronosequence of stands from 1 to 27 years post-harvest, and four types of mature forest that had not been disturbed by fire for at least 80 years. In all, 19 sites were sampled between 1989 and 1991. A total of 98 species were identified, nine of which are reported for the first time in Alberta. Staphylinids were more abundant in mature forest stands but assemblages were more diverse in regenerating stands. Thirty-four rove beetle species showed significant indicator value for particular stands or groups of stands, including mature forest, young forest, and open ground specialists. After harvesting, the catch rate of many forest species decreased dramatically, and open ground species were more commonly collected. Populations of some forest species remained active on logged sites for one or 2 years before disappearing. As stands regenerated, they were colonized by species characteristic of young stands, but true forest species were found only in older unharvested stands. The beetle assemblages from regenerating stands became more similar to those from mature stands as they aged, but still differed considerably from them 27 years after harvesting. Transects across forest-clearcut edges revealed a significant beetle response to habitat edges. Staphylinids assemblages were compared to the ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblage sampled via the same pitfall trapping regime. Mature forest specialists are threatened by fragmentation and loss of habitat. In order to conserve these beetle assemblages, forest managers should retain adequate patches of older successional stages on working landscapes.  相似文献   

Predation rates of artificial nests were investigated in a fragmented landscape in the lowlands of Los Tuxtlas in southern Mexico. Hen and plasticine eggs were used to assess predation pressure in four habitats: the interior of forest fragments, the forest-pasture edge, corridors of residual forest vegetation and linear strips of live fences across pastures. Three sites per habitat were used in three experimental trials. Hen and plasticine ground nests with three eggs each were alternated every 50 m along transects at each site. Predation rates on each type of nest were monitored for 9 days. Survey of potential avian and mammalian potential nest predators were conducted at each site prior to the experimental trails. Readings of amount of light illuminating the ground were taken by each nest at each site to assess exposure of nests. In general, average predation rates were significantly higher for both hen and plasticine nests in the forest-pasture edge and in the corridors than in the interior of the forest fragments. While birds and mammals were the principal predators on hen eggs in the forests, mammals were responsible for the majority (?70%) of eggs damaged at the other habitats. Surveys of potential nest predators showed that avian and mammalian potential nest predators were significantly more common at the forest-pasture edges and at the other habitats than in the forests. Readings of light reaching the ground suggest that concealment of nests by the vegetation may play an important role in predation risk. Our results are consistent with reports from other Neotropical rainforests indicating an increase of artificial nest predation pressures from forest interior to open habitats. Restoration of forest fragments, allowing the vegetation to grow along the forest-pasture edge and the planting of arboreal crops at the forest-pasture edges may be measures that could increase cover and nest protection.  相似文献   

Grassland birds are declining at a faster rate than any other group of North American bird species. Livestock grazing is the primary economic use of grasslands in the western United States, but the effects of this use on distribution and productivity of grassland birds are unclear. We examined nest density and success of ground-nesting birds on grazed and ungrazed grasslands in western Montana. In comparison to grazed plots, ungrazed plots had reduced forb cover, increased litter cover, increased litter depth, and increased visual obstruction readings (VOR) of vegetation. Nest density among 10 of 11 common bird species was most strongly correlated with VOR of plots, and greatest nest density for each species occured where mean VOR of the plot was similar to mean VOR at nests. Additionally, all bird species were relatively consistent in their choice of VOR at nests despite substantial differences in VOR among plots. We suggest that birds selected plots based in part on availability of suitable nest sites and that variation in nest density relative to grazing reflected the effect of grazing on availability of nest sites. Nest success was similar between grazed plots and ungrazed plots for two species but was lower for nests on grazed plots than on ungrazed plots for two other species because of increased rates of predation, trampling, or parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Other species nested almost exclusively on ungrazed plots (six species) or grazed plots (one species), precluding evaluation of the effects of grazing on nest success. We demonstrate that each species in a diverse suite of ground-nesting birds preferentially used certain habitats for nesting and that grazing altered availability of preferred nesting habitats through changes in vegetation structure and plant species composition. We also show that grazing directly or indirectly predisposed some bird species to increased nesting mortality. Management alternatives that avoid intensive grazing during the breeding season would be expected to benefit many grassland bird species.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of human disturbance in nesting success of little tern (Sterna albifrons) and its interaction with the intrinsic seasonal variation in the birds’ breeding biology. During 2003-2005 we studied little tern nesting ecology in southern Portugal in two different types of habitat: their natural habitat (sandy beaches) and a man-made habitat (salinas). In both habitat types, annual variations were found in the distribution of nest initiation over the breeding season and in the size of the clutches. The percentage of nests producing hatched chicks varied between 26.7% and 66.4% in different years and habitats. The main causes of hatching failure varied between years and habitats, but predation, flooding and human activities were very common. No consistent differences in breeding parameters or nesting success were found between habitats. On sandy beaches, the effect of protective measures (warning signs and wardening) on nesting success, together with differences between years and within each breeding season, were assessed using a logistic regression model. The presence/absence of protective measures was the most important predictor of nesting success, with birds being up to 34 times more likely to succeed with protective measures. Seasonal declines were found for clutch size and egg volume, and season was also an important predictor of nesting success, with nests more likely to succeed earlier in the season. Hence, earlier breeders will be those that benefit more from protective measures, suggesting that conservation efforts for little tern can be maximised if concentrated earlier in the season.  相似文献   

We show how Chilean forest bird species richness, abundance and guild structure changes as a function of structural properties of forest stands. We surveyed bird assemblages in two old-growth (>200 years), two mid-successional (30-60 years), and two early-successional forest stands (4-20 years), from November 1999 to September 2000, on Chiloé Island, southern Chile (42°S). Birds were grouped into four habitat-use guilds: large-tree users, vertical-profile generalists, understory species, and shrub-users that occasionally use forests. We recorded a total of 24 bird species: 21 in old-growth, 14 in mid-successional and 16 in early-successional stands. Large-tree users and understory birds were most abundant in old-growth stands, vertical-profile generalists were common in both old-growth and mid-successional stands, and shrub-users were only common in early-successional stands. For nine bird species we found significant relationships between their local abundance and forest structural elements. Higher bird densities in old-growth forests were associated with greater availability of canopy emergent trees, snags, logs and understory bamboo cover in this habitat. Accordingly, bird species diversity in forest stands can be predicted by the presence of these structural elements, and forests should be managed to conserve structural elements that create favorable habitat for bird species in order to prevent future species losses due to logging practices.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of matrix type on forest bird species richness in historically fragmented forests of the KwaZulu-Natal midlands, South Africa. Bird species-area relationships for forest fragments within natural grassland were compared with those surrounded by plantation forestry (Pinus spp.). While fragments in grasslands displayed a species-area effect, no such effect (slope ∼0) was detected for fragments in plantations. The critical fragment size to avoid an island effect on species richness was 302 ha for fragments in grasslands, and contained 51 of the 61 forest bird species encountered. Small forest fragments (<50 ha) within grasslands were less species-rich than those surrounded by plantation, while the reverse was true for forests larger than 50 ha. Bird density was significantly lower in larger forest patches within plantation when compared to those in grassland. However, a slight decline in species density with increasing species richness in a patch (i.e. weak density compensation) characterised only those bird assemblages surrounded by a grassland matrix, suggesting these are approaching species saturation. Commercial plantations may increase the likelihood of colonisation of, and immigration from, small forest fragments by birds, reducing the incidence of area-dependent extinction in small fragments, but may also result in lower species richness in larger fragments. The latter is likely a consequence of the promotion by plantations of a wider distribution of generalist species in, and the loss of some specialised or rare species from, large patches. Management options are to avoid planting plantations near large forest patches and to increase the size of small patches where possible. Where afforestation is unavoidable, placing plantations in the vicinity of small forest patches rather than large forest patches may be preferable.  相似文献   

The rufous treecreeper (Climacteris rufa) has declined in abundance in the agricultural regions of southwestern Australia. The patterns of decline are well documented, but the processes that threaten population persistence are poorly understood. I compared the reproductive success and survival of the treecreeper between three sites in an unfragmented landscape and four remnant categories (large, small, grazed and ungrazed) in a fragmented, agricultural landscape. Nest success and annual productivity were significantly higher in the unfragmented landscape, but varied between sites and remnant categories within landscapes. Nest success was lowest in grazed remnants and annual productivity was positively associated with territory size in the fragmented landscape. Fledgling survival rates did not differ between landscapes, but there was a trend for juvenile survival rates to be higher in the unfragmented landscape. I used artificial nests to compare relative predation rates between landscapes, and provisioning rates and prey biomass brought to nestlings to assess differences in food availability. There were no landscape differences in predation rates, but provisioning rates to nestlings and total prey biomass were significantly lower in the fragmented landscape. Mean habitat quality was also lower in the fragmented landscape, although it differed between remnant categories. Reduced reproductive success, juvenile survival, food availability and habitat quality may threaten the viability of the rufous treecreeper population living in the fragmented landscape. Limiting the modification of remaining habitat (e.g. removing stock grazing) and improving habitat quality are required to assist in the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Rivers and streams lined by narrow forest strips are common in the lowland countryside of south-western Costa Rica. We studied the importance of these gallery forests for understorey birds, especially forest species. Using mist-nets, we captured 1110 birds belonging to 90 species between June and September 2007 at 16 sites spread equally over four habitat types: forest interior, forest margin, gallery forest connected to closed forest, and isolated gallery forest. Though isolated gallery forests had the greatest number of expected species in total, they supported the lowest number of forest-specialist species, lower even than connected gallery forests. Granivorous birds showed an increase from forest to isolated gallery forest, all other feeding guilds however showed no change. The studied habitats differed from each other in their faunal composition. Assemblages of three species groups categorised by their habitat preferences (forest specialists, forest generalists, non-forest species) showed nested distribution patterns across the four habitats. There was no significant difference in the proportion of birds with brood patches or of recaptures across the studied habitat types, leading to the assumption that birds not only use gallery forests for movement and foraging but also for reproduction. Though of limited conservation value for most forest understorey birds, at least for a small fraction of forest species gallery forests constitute an important secondary habitat. More significantly, they can form corridors or stepping stones that allow movements within the matrix of human-dominated habitats, and represent an important landscape component benefiting total bird species richness in the Costa Rican countryside.  相似文献   

With tropical forests under increased pressure from fragmentation and nascent effects of climate change, it is imperative to reliably predict change for timely reduction of impacts. This depends on measuring the right variables and analyzing them in ways that best detect change. I compared the usefulness of density, species richness, species diversity, and size in detecting edge penetration; and other parameters in revealing edge effect on tree species in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Trees were sampled in 104 1 km edge-interior transects set around the entire park. Density and species richness were better indicators of edge-width than girth size and diversity measurements, both showing edge penetration as most intense within 300 m, although effect was detectable up to 900-1000 m. This estimate compared closely with an earlier estimate of 300-350 m obtained using incidences of resource harvest. Among other measures, measures of tree species abundance and frequency showed significant response to the edge by both early succession and primary forest species; while analyses of density showed edge response primarily by forest interior species. Parameters of tree size and their derivatives showed edge response by the lowest number of species. These results suggest that to measure edge effects reliably, it is important to select the right parameters.  相似文献   

The effort of boreal forest conservation has emphasised the preservation of old-growth forests while the role of young successional stages in maintaining biodiversity has remained largely unstudied. We compared the richness of beetle species and composition of species assemblages between managed and seminatural forests in five stages of forest succession. The sites were in boreal sub-xeric pine-dominated forests in eastern Finland. Seminatural study sites, especially the recently burned sites, were important habitats for threatened and near-threatened species. We propose that young stages of natural succession should be included in the network of protected forest areas. On the other hand, the composition of saproxylic species assemblages in seminatural forests differed from the assemblages in managed forests, indicating also the need to improve the forest management guidelines so that they better address the requirements of species protection. Regeneration methods applied should resemble or mimic the natural disturbances more closely.  相似文献   

Recent developments have highlighted the importance of forest amount at large spatial scales and of matrix quality for ecological processes in remnants. These developments, in turn, suggest the potential for reducing biodiversity loss through the maintenance of a high percentage of forest combined with sensitive management of anthropogenic areas. We conducted a multi-taxa survey to evaluate the potential for biodiversity maintenance in an Atlantic forest landscape that presented a favorable context from a theoretical perspective (high proportion of mature forest partly surrounded by structurally complex matrices). We sampled ferns, butterflies, frogs, lizards, bats, small mammals and birds in interiors and edges of large and small mature forest remnants and two matrices (second-growth forests and shade cacao plantations), as well as trees in interiors of small and large remnants. By considering richness, abundance and composition of forest specialists and generalists, we investigated the biodiversity value of matrix habitats (comparing them with interiors of large remnants for all groups except tree), and evaluated area (for all groups) and edge effects (for all groups except trees) in mature forest remnants. Our results suggest that in landscapes comprising high amounts of mature forest and low contrasting matrices: (1) shade cacao plantations and second-growth forests harbor an appreciable number of forest specialists; (2) most forest specialist assemblages are not affected by area or edge effects, while most generalist assemblages proliferate at edges of small remnants. Nevertheless, differences in tree assemblages, especially among smaller trees, suggest that observed patterns are unlikely to be stable over time.  相似文献   

Testing the myriad predictions associated with the community, demographic and genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation remains a high conservation priority. Many bryophyte taxa are ideal model systems for experimentally testing such metapopulation-based and population genetic predictions due to their relatively fast colonisation-extinction rates, high substrate specificity, dominant haploid condition, and diminutive size. Herein, we review the community, demographic and population genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation on bryophytes, highlight the present knowledge gaps, and offer ideas on how experimental studies utilizing bryophytes may be used to address the broader conservation implications associated with fragmented ecosystems. Previous research suggests that dispersal limitation best explains observed patterns of abundance and distribution of bryophytes in some fragmented habitats. However, edge effects influence bryophyte community structure of border habitats especially where abrupt differences in micro-climatic conditions between the matrix and the forest remnant exist, or where the species pool contains members with inherently restricted ecological amplitudes. Existing studies do not agree on the relationship between basic attributes of bryophyte community structure (i.e., species richness and local density), and habitat area and degree of spatial-isolation. Demographic studies are a critical step in structuring conservation strategies, however surprisingly little empirical information exists as to the impacts of habitat fragmentation on plant population dynamics. We propose that bryophytes offer great potential for testing predictions with respect to plant population persistence in spatially-structured landscapes.  相似文献   

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