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The bearded vulture is a threatened species for which human disturbance has been suggested as an important factor potentially influencing breeding success. Additionally, disturbance remains one of the few factors that is possible to control through directed policy. We evaluated the effect of human activities on the behaviour and breeding success of bearded vultures breeding in the French Pyrenees. Human activities influenced bearded vulture behaviour (primarily through a decrease in nest attendance), but this effect varied in relation to the type of activities and the distance to the nest. Very noisy activities and hunting most frequently provoked nest unattendance even when occurring far (>1.5 km) from the nest. People on foot or cars/planes only affected bearded vulture behaviour if close (<500-700 m) to the nest. We also found a significant relationship between human activities and vulture breeding success: the probability of failure increased with the frequency of human activities. In particular, there was a significant relationship between the probability of failure and the frequency of very noisy activities. We discuss the implications of our results for management schemes and conservation of this species.  相似文献   

The little tern (Sterna albifrons) is a species of shorebird that nests in colonies on sandy beaches and riverbanks with little vegetation cover. In Japan, the natural breeding habitats of the terns have decreased drastically, and the species is listed under the category “vulnerable” in the Red List of the Government of Japan. To reduce the effects of habitat loss on the terns, conservationists are attempting to create and manage artificial colony sites in highly developed landscapes, such as reclaimed lands located in Tokyo Bay, central Japan. We present the factors that contribute to breeding success for this species and the habitat characteristics related to nest-site selection in the artificial colony sites along Tokyo Bay. Our data show that around 3 ha of a building rooftop without vegetation cover could sustain more than 2000 little tern nests. We found a strong positive relationship between colony size and hatching success, observing that a colony size of more than 100 lowered predation rates of eggs. On sites built upon white crushed-concrete, nest densities were high and predation rates of eggs were low. We also found that feeding rates were affected by foraging habitats, of which the best types were the shoreline of sandy beaches and mud flats. The 40 km dispersal range of the breeding terns, inferred from distribution data, should be considered when establishing a network of the multiple colony sites.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental factors on species richness and species composition may be manifested at different spatial levels. Exploring these relationships is important to understand at which spatial scales certain species and organism groups become sensitive to fragmentation and changes in habitat quality. At different spatial scales we evaluated the potential influence of 45 factors (multiple regression, PCA) on saproxylic oak beetles in 21 smaller broadleaved Swedish forests of conservation importance (woodland key habitats, WKH). Local amount of dead wood in forests is often assumed to be important, but two landscape variables, area of oak dominated woodland key habitats within 1 km of sites and regional amount of dead oak wood, were the main (and strong) predictors of variation in local species richness of oak beetles. The result was similar for red-listed beetles associated with oak. Species composition of the beetles was also best predicted by area of oak woodland key habitat within 1 km, with canopy closure as the second predictor. Despite suitable local quality of the woodland key habitats, the density of such habitat patches may in many areas be too low for long-term protection of saproxylic beetles associated with broadleaved temperate forests. Landscapes with many clustered woodland key habitats rich in oak should have high priority for conservation of saproxylic oak beetles.  相似文献   

The management of the cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) populations, the largest bird of the Western Palæarctic and considered an umbrella species, requires the understanding of the factors limiting the breeding success. As part of a management program, we studied such factors in seven breeding colonies in Extremadura (SW Iberian Peninsula). Using a Geographic Information System and multivariate models, we analyzed the relationship of breeding success with anthropic and natural factors at the nest site and in the foraging area of the adults. We incorporated into the models density-dependent effects between pairs and the spatial autocorrelation of the environmental variables. The differences in breeding success resulted from spatial variations in natural and anthropic conditions, with present human disturbance to nests and future alteration of climate having an expected negative effect at all the sites. Management measures must set calendar restrictions for the immediate environment of the nests, mainly with respect to forestry and hunting activities. A second key element is the protection of the habitats at the nest sites and in their surrounding area, with the aim of there being both wooded areas available for the location of the nest and open environments for the availability of food. The Special Protection Areas showed a partial effectiveness of conservation measures for the species, and the need for future improvement. Lastly, in a scenario of global warming, management policies with respect to nesting habitats will have to be extended to higher altitude zones, actions that should be guided by the study of the selection of potential nesting habitat.  相似文献   

Satellite tracking of black storks was used to estimate home range sizes and to study habitat selection during the breeding season. Breeding and non-breeding adults foraged over very large areas (ca. 54 000 ha for 12 territories), preferentially in woodlands with high number of river sources, mirroring the species needs for high quality water resource. Rearing and post-fledging ranges of breeding partners largely overlapped. Home ranges of non-breeding adults largely overlapped ranges of breeding birds, so that assessing home range size of breeding pairs from observed densities is not reliable. Protection and management of breeding and feeding habitats appear to be the most important conservation measures to be considered. This study allowed to evaluate how large these protected areas should be, and which habitat types they should encompass. Conservation measures for the species in western Europe should include protection of very large forest areas and also focus on managing river networks to ensure a high water quality as far as 20 km away from nests.  相似文献   

Connectivity among habitat patches has mainly been studied in relation to species-specific behaviours. However, the movements of animals among patches may have different functions, and tolerance to gaps between habitat patches may vary between these functions. We tracked the movements of greater flamingos during the breeding and post-breeding periods with the aim of illustrating how the degree of connectivity may vary depending on the biological processes underlying the movements between wetlands. Most foraging sites used by breeding adults in a colony in southern Spain were within 200 km of the colony site, although some birds eventually moved 400 km. After the breeding season, the adults remained for several weeks in specific wetlands, moving to other sites located 280-2100 km away to overwinter. During these movements the birds may use stopover sites, the conservation of which may be critical to facilitate long-range movements. Our results suggest that wetland connectivity during chick rearing does not seem to be determined by whether or not central-place foraging flamingos are able to reach wetlands located at the longest distance that they are able to fly during non-stop flights (>1000 km), but by whether they are able to sustain the energetic costs derived from frequent commuting. In contrast, long-distance movements were occasionally undertaken during the post-breeding period. The energetic costs of such flights could be paid by flamingos because these movements were infrequent. Thus, in the case of flamingos, connectedness thresholds between wetlands vary depending on the biological process involved (chick rearing or post-breeding movements). This emphasizes the need to consider different types of connectivity in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Transhumance is a traditional livestock practice based on the movement of livestock between winter and summer pastures with importance placed on biodiversity conservation. We analyzed the transhumant activity of sheep and cows in the uplands of the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain, and its influence on the ecology and management of the griffon vulture, a scavenger with a relevant ecosystem function. For the first time, we provided strong evidence of the close relationship between vultures and transhumance, which was previously only suggested. Vultures occupied roosting sites very close to the summer pastures and often consumed livestock carcasses. There was a strong spatiotemporal adjustment in the use of these mountain areas by transhumant livestock, especially sheep, and vultures. The number of transhumant sheep and cows within 10-12.5 km around the roosts were the best predictors of vulture occurrence and abundance, respectively, in generalized linear mixed models. Our estimates of potentially available food from livestock carcasses for vultures indicated that our study area can maintain important griffon vulture populations through a system based on traditional livestock farming including transhumance. Thus, transhumance is able to influence the top of the ecosystem (scavengers) and could aid in sustainable management of griffon vulture populations. In our study area, transhumant sheep were reduced by 62% in the last 15 years and only 20% of summer pastures are now occupied. The potential impact that the ongoing loss of transhumant activity could have on mountain ecosystem conservation should be assessed and taken into account by the new European Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

The Eurasian black vulture (Aegypius monachus) is a globally endangered species, vulnerable in Europe and endangered in Greece. We modelled its nesting preferences in Dadia reserve, northeastern Greece using logistic models at multi-scale level combined by Bayesian statistics. Compared with the random sites, the vultures nested at trees with greater diameter (DBH), lower height, and lower total number of trees around the nest tree, steeper slopes and greater distance from forest roads. Our results indicate that conservation and management guidelines for black vultures must aim: (1) to preserve old, isolated mature trees in the reserve, (2) to maintain the zones of strict protection as vulture sanctuary, including most of the suitable nesting habitat, (3) to protect the apparently suitable but still unused habitat in the rest of the reserve from disturbance and logging, (4) to monitor any changes in habitats and use our models to evaluate and predict their effect on vulture nesting in the reserve.  相似文献   

This study suggests procedures for determining the spatial scale for conservation guidelines for animals, giving an illustration with an analysis of grizzly bear habitat selection. Bear densities were sampled by identifying hairs at bait stations in British Columbia. Habitat variables were measured using remote sensing. Spatial scale was changed by varying the window size over which the variables were averaged. First, the spatial pattern of bears was studied, measuring the patchiness in bear densities at a variety of spatial scales, by calculating the correlation in bear densities between adjacent windows. This was repeated for the habitat variables. Finally, the overall interaction between bears and habitats was analysed, measuring the strength of habitat selection at different spatial scales. There are three domains of scale: at 2-4 km, bears and habitats are patchy, at 5-10 km, bears select for habitats, and at 40+ km, habitats are patchy and bears select for habitats. At scales of 40+ km, bears selected for: (i) higher slopes, or (ii) higher slopes, and some combination of more avalanche chutes, fewer roads and trees, higher elevations, and less logged land. Within 15 km areas, bears selected for 6 km areas that are either at higher elevations, or at higher elevations and had fewer trees. The relationship of conservation guidelines at different spatial scales should be determined by measuring and comparing hierarchical to non-hierarchical selection. The scales that bears select for habitats roughly correspond to the scales used in present grizzly bear conservation plans in British Columbia.  相似文献   

We assessed home range size for breeding loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) near the limit of the species range at the Greek island of Zakynthos in the Mediterranean. Thirteen adult females and seven adult males were tracked using GPS units (loggers and transmitters) during May and June of 2006, 2007 and 2008. Kernel analysis indicated that core home range sizes (50% estimator; range: 2.9-19.7 km2) for both males and females were restricted to a 7.5 km tract of coastline. 15% of GPS locations fell outside of the national park protection zones, while within the protected breeding area 88% of GPS locations occurred in zones of minimal protection. Female home ranges were 64% larger in 2008 than in 2006 and 2007, indicating that several years monitoring may be required for the most effective designation of marine protected areas (MPAs). Ten of the tracked females departed the core breeding area on 15 occasions for periods of 1-15 days travelling distances of 10-100 km, although none nested at alternative breeding sites. The inter-annual variability of breeding area home range size and likelihood of incidence of forays appeared be correlated with barometric pressure. The movement responses of loggerheads to environmental conditions implicates an ability to switch nesting areas over small scales in response to climate change. However, such behaviour suggests the protection of existing core breeding sites may be inadequate, with policy makers being required to consider the protection of broader areas to encompass potential changes in the habitat needs of this species.  相似文献   

When habitats are declining, niche segregation by demographic groups, such as the two sexes, can have a profound impact on the extinction risk of a species as a whole. Thus, differences in the requirements of demographic groups are of importance in conservation. We combined behavioural and genetic data to investigate whether the sexually segregated parti-colored bat (Vespertilio murinus) exhibits sex-specific niche partitioning. We use our data to evaluate implications for conservation of this potentially vulnerable species in Switzerland, the western boundary of its range. Using radio-telemetry, we found sex-specific differences in habitat use. Foraging females strongly relied on lakes while foraging males displayed more flexibility in their habitat use. Moreover, males covered significantly larger foraging areas than females. Sequencing 341 base pairs of the mitochondrial D-loop of 247 individuals revealed sex-specific differences in the genetic structure of colonies, but no such difference was observed for three nuclear micro-satellite markers. We found high mtDNA diversity in two Swiss male colonies and one German female colony, but low mtDNA diversity in two Swiss female colonies. Our genetic data suggest that considerable gene flow occurs via male dispersal and mating. At the same time immigration of females into the existing female colonies in Switzerland is rare compared to the immigration of new males into male colonies. Since we found the sexes in Vespertilio murinus to differ markedly in their ecology, population genetics, and behaviour, we conclude that sex-specific conservation plans are required to protect this species efficiently.  相似文献   

Despite their vulnerability to forest disturbances in the Neotropics, the consequences of forest perturbation on mixed species flocks are poorly understood in the threatened Southeast Asian rainforests. We examined the effects of local-scale habitat disturbance on mixed species flocks along an escalating gradient of anthropogenic modification (i.e., forest interior, forest edge, and urban) in a sub-montane tropical rainforest in Peninsular Malaysia that is presently experiencing low intensity development. Mixed species flocks in the forest interior and forest edge habitats (9.3 ± 2.3 and 8.4 ± 2.3, respectively) had significantly higher number of species than those observed in the urban habitat (5.1 ± 1.7). Flock participation was influenced by environmental characteristics (e.g., canopy cover). Flocking species sensitive to habitat disturbance were likely to be from the Families Corvidae, Nectariniidae, and Sylviidae; had narrow to restricted altitudinal ranges; and were exclusively dependent on primary forest and understory microhabitats. We conclude that sub-montane mixed species flocks are affected by even small scale urbanization and that they, particularly with species richness as a parameter, can be used as effective ecological indicators. With the looming development pressure on the sub-montane/montane habitats in Peninsular Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region, urgent conservation actions are needed for the preservation of their biotas.  相似文献   

The significance of reserves in maintaining forest bird species of conservation concern (N = 36) was studied by large-scale quantitative line transect bird censuses in Finland, which stretches 1100 km through the boreal zone from the hemiboreal to the subarctic. Altogether 12 245 km of line transect was carried out in 1981-2004 in reserves covering 28 910 km2. Bird census data in protected areas were combined into 100 km × 100 km squares. As a group the studied bird species were rather evenly distributed throughout the reserve network. The present reserve network is particularly significant for species having their highest densities in northern Finland, because large proportions of the populations of these species occurred in protected areas. However, over half of the studied species were concentrated in protected areas of southern and central Finland, and only small proportions of their populations were included in the present reserve network. In contrast to the whole species pool of conservation concern, the studied individual forest bird species were not distributed evenly throughout the whole reserve network. This suggests that for most individual species a regionally concentrated network is a preferred option, but for the whole species group the reserve network should clearly be regionally complementary and representative even in the boreal zone, where species have rather wide ranges. Thus, only some species and their habitats can be preserved in a spatially uneven reserve network in boreal forests.  相似文献   

The landscape context is crucial for forest conservation in regions where the natural forest is fragmented. The focus of practical conservation is currently shifting from local stands to a landscape perspective, but few studies have tested the relative effect of different spatial and temporal scales for occurrence and persistence of species of conservation concern. We studied Red Data Book and Indicator species (the latter proposed to indicate presence of Red Data Book species) of vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes and wood-inhabiting fungi in 22 old temperate broadleaved forests in southern Sweden. We analysed at which scales these species respond to habitat proportion in surrounding landscape. The proportion of suitable habitat was measured at two temporal scales (present-day and historic) and at two spatial scales (about 0-1 km and 1-5 km of study sites). Local density of Red Data Book species increased with increasing proportion of suitable habitat in the current landscape (within 1-5 km of study sites) while Indicator species were unaffected. The response to landscape differed between organism groups. Vascular plants (near significantly) and wood-inhabiting fungi showed a time delay of 120 years in their response, indicating a possible regional extinction debt. An appropriate minimum landscape scale for conservation of Red Data Book species in temperate broadleaved forests in Sweden seems to be about 5 km (radius), but smaller landscapes may be important for vascular plants and wood-inhabiting fungi of conservation concern. In addition, restoration is urgent to counteract the effect of time delays in species responses to recent habitat loss.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2002,108(2):213-219
Management of dehesas (i.e. oak woodland pastures) creates a patchwork of sectors that differ in their structure and composition of understorey vegetation. We analysed whether different management techniques affect the populations of several species of lizards (Podarcis hispanica, Psammodromus algirus, Psammodromus hispanicus, Acanthodactylus erythrurus, and Lacerta lepida). Multivariate analyses showed that lizards preferentially used forested areas with scrub while they avoided open herbaceous areas. The abundance of lizards increased when the understorey bushy vegetation increased. In contrast, grasslands or cereal fields were scarcely occupied even if holm oak trees (Quercus ilex) were present, apparently because low shrubs were scarce here. Therefore, some of the traditional management practices of dehesas may negatively affect lizard populations. These conclusions could have wider implications for the design of wildlife reserves within dehesas, which has been previously based on the umbrella species concept (e.g. some dehesas are managed for imperial eagle Aquila adalberti conservation), without considering habitat requirements of other representative animal groups.  相似文献   

Intensive farming has contributed to the serious declines in abundance and geographic range suffered by several bumblebee species in Europe and North America. Recent UK agri-environmental policy aims to conserve and restore bumblebee populations by providing foraging habitats on arable field margins. We examined the effectiveness of strategies to achieve this, including sowing seed mixtures of (1) tussocky grass species, (2) wildflowers and (3) pollen- and nectar-rich plants. These were compared to conventionally managed cereal crops. Sampling was undertaken in 32 10 × 10 km squares throughout England, each containing a sample of the different field margin types. Bumblebee abundance in July and August was significantly higher on pollen and nectar margins (86 ± 14 bees per 100 m) compared with wildflower margins (43 ± 14), mature grass margins (6 ± 14) and recently sown grass margins (8 ± 4). Bees were virtually absent from the cereal crop (0.2 ± 0.1). Bumblebee species richness was significantly higher on margins sown with either wildflowers or the pollen and nectar mix. There was evidence that richness of the bumblebee assemblage at the 10 × 10 km square scale was positively correlated with land use heterogeneity, the proportion of grassland, and the abundance and richness of dicotyledon flowers. The abundance of long-tongued bees per margin was explained by the number of pollen and nectar agreements per 10 × 10 km square, together with flower abundance. Future research is required to determine the quantity and location of foraging habitat required to sustain bumblebee populations at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Many threatened primates now exist in fragmented forest habitats. The survival of these populations may depend on their ability to utilise agricultural or other matrix habitats between forest fragments, but this is poorly known. Here, we systematically investigate an arboreal primate’s use of a heterogeneous matrix in a fragmented forest landscape: the Angola black-and-white colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) in southern Kenya. We used a novel technique, based on semi-structured interviews with local informants, to address the difficulty of sampling relatively rare but important events, such as dispersal between fragments. We found that colobus frequently travelled and foraged in indigenous matrix vegetation (such as mangrove, wooded shrubland and shrubland) up to 4 km from the nearest forest fragments. Agricultural habitats, such as perennial plantation (coconut, mango and cashew nut) were also used by colobus for travelling and foraging (in remnant indigenous trees). The probability of sighting colobus in the matrix increased with the proportion of both tall (>6 m) vegetation cover and food tree cover, but declined with distance from forest habitat. Our findings suggest that certain matrix habitats are important for C. a. palliatus, and that future primate conservation initiatives might benefit from adopting a ‘landscape-level’ approach to habitat management, particularly in fragmented forest systems.  相似文献   

Analysis of the spatial distribution of all species of conservation importance within a region is necessary to augment reserve selection strategies and habitat management in biodiversity conservation. In this study, we analyzed the spatial aggregation, spatial association, and vegetation types of point occurrence data collected from museum and herbaria records for rare, special concern, threatened, and endangered species of plants, reptiles, mammals, and birds in western Riverside County in southern California, USA. All taxa showed clumped distributions, with aggregation evident below 14 km for plants, 12 km for reptiles, 2 km for mammals, and 10 km for birds. In addition, all combinations of the different species groups showed high positive spatial association. The Santa Rosa Plateau exhibited the highest number of rare, special concern, threatened, and endangered species, and shrubland (coastal sage and chaparral) was the vegetation type inhabited by the most species. Local land use planning, zoning and reserve design should consider the spatial aggregation within and between species to determine the appropriate scale for conservation planning. The higher spatial association between species groups in this study may indicate interdependence between different species groups or shared habitat requirements. It is important to maintain diverse communities due to potential interdependence. The results of the study indicate that concentrating preservation efforts on areas with the highest number of species of concern and the restoration of native shrublands are the most appropriate actions for multiple species habitat conservation in this area.  相似文献   

Information about the spatial distribution of individual foraging habitats, which determines the space required by a population to be viable, is vitally important for the conservation of bats. Detailed knowledge of this kind is crucial for the design of nature reserves and management plans. Recent field studies that examined habitat use and home range distribution of bats largely ignored factors like traditional range use vs. intra- and interspecific competition, which may be responsible for the spatial organisation of a population home range. We investigated the home range sizes and distribution of a maternity colony of the western barbastelle bat via radio telemetry in four consecutive tracking sessions (2004-2007). Based on 19 data sets with a total of 2737 fixes obtained from 12 females, we examined (i) how colony members partition the population home range (home range overlap analysis), and (ii) if individuals tracked over several years exhibit site fidelity. Home range sizes ranged from 125 to 2551 ha (median: 403 ha), with a median number of 2 core areas (range: 1-5 core areas per individual per year). The core area sizes ranged from 5 to 285 ha (median: 67 ha). A home range and core area overlap analysis showed that site fidelity across years seems to be more important for home range distribution than competition among colony members. This allows researchers to combine information from several years to get a deeper insight into the population’s spatial requirements.  相似文献   

Among species life-history traits, size and age at first reproduction are particularly relevant to design meaningful conservation plans. The main goal of this study was to define the size at first reproduction of colonies of the precious red coral Corallium rubrum (L.) and determine their age, thanks to a new reliable method. Sampled colonies come from two sites at 40 m depth on the French Mediterranean coast near Marseilles. Furthermore, we report trends in reproduction parameters in relation to colony size. The smallest fertile colonies (<30 mm height class) were on an average 24.0 mm in height and 3.6 mm in basal diameter: these colonies were on an average between 7 and 10 years. The reproductive effort, i.e., percentage of gravid polyps per colony, was higher in large (>50 mm in height) and medium size colonies (30-50 mm) than in small ones (<30 mm). Our results indicate that management strategies for the conservation of red coral should lead to increase the abundance of large colonies to guarantee a good reproduction output. Suggested measures are minimal harvesting sizes and no-take areas in shallow habitats (<50 m).  相似文献   

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