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Bounty records from Montana (1902-1930) were used to better understand spatial and temporal response of wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor) to an eradication program. Number of payments for wolves declined from a high of 4116 in 1903 to 0 by 1928. Numbers of cougar pelts fluctuated, but generally declined from 177 in 1908 to 2 in 1930. An inverse spatial relationship existed between density of payments for wolves and cougars. Payments for wolves were greatest in the Prairie ecoregion, while payments for cougars were greatest in the Montane. The ratio of pup to adult wolves also was greatest in the Prairie ecoregion and least in the montane. If distribution and frequency of bounty payments were a reflection of the distribution and abundance of wolves, populations were highest and most productive in areas where they currently do not occur.  相似文献   

The increasing disturbances affecting marine communities highlight the need to examine restoration measures that can be added to other conservation efforts for threatened populations. The main goal of this study was to examine the usefulness of ecological restoration in the management of gorgonian populations damaged by diving activity in intensively visited marine protected areas (MPAs). We used field experiments as well as simulations from size-structured matrices to assess the utility of transplantation of living fragments from damaged colonies to increase the viability of threatened populations. Despite results showing that technique failure caused the loss of 40% of transplants, well-attached transplants achieved survival rates (80%) similar to those of natural colonies. Surprisingly, environmental conditions (light level and presence of algae) did not have a significant effect on the mortality of the transplants, but did affect methodological failure rates (37% of transplants were lost in the photophilous treatments in contrast to the 25% lost in sciaphilous treatment). The simulations showed a substantial increase in the annual population growth rate (λ) only when transplantation was performed every two years and under the most demanding conditions (recovering 75% of the detached colonies and obtaining 3 fragments from each one). Predictions from the size-structured matrix model suggest severe limitations of this technique at larger spatial scales. However, our study confirms the feasibility of this restoration measure to contribute to the recovery of populations in MPAs affected by local disturbances. The experimental and modelling approaches developed here may provide useful guidelines for future studies on the restoration of marine populations.  相似文献   

In terms of managing biodiversity, a third of the land area of New Zealand is included in a conservation estate of national parks, reserves and sanctuaries. Administration of this large natural heritage asset is by 13 separate Department of Conservation (DOC) conservancies. A survey was conducted, across all conservancies, of DOC staff directly involved with the management and recovery of threatened New Zealand species. The aim of the survey was to gain an insight into how DOC staff regard the management tools available to them for the recovery of threatened species. The survey also assessed the perceived relevance of the threatened species recovery plans (TSRPs) currently in use by these staff. The results of the survey show that in general, the DOC staff consider that a lack of adequate funding, poor communication between conservancies and staff shortages have resulted in failure to achieve comprehensive management and recovery of threatened species. There was an expectation for TSRPs to comprehensively guide management and recovery actions but most staff concluded that TSRPs failed to meet this objective. It was identified that TSRPs need to be kept up-to-date and preferably in an electronic format accessible to all DOC staff throughout New Zealand. There was strong support for the establishment of a national approach for the recovery of threatened species. Concern was expressed that current resourcing only allowed recovery of a very small number of New Zealand’s threatened species with staff calling for secure funding for the duration of threatened species recovery programmes.  相似文献   

The use of flowers by the apollo butterfly at several sites along the Sierra de Guadarrama (central Spain) is documented. The Apollo butterfly uses a narrow range of flowers as nectar sources. Males feed more frequently on Armeria arenaria, Jasione montana and Carduus carpetanus. Females feed on the same species as males, but incorporate other species in their diet (Jurinea humilis, Thymus bracteata and Anthyllis lotoides). These observations also indicate that Parnassius apollo generally direct their foraging activities towards a limited number of the available plants but that the plants used can differ slightly between sites and change within sites through time. These data on resources for the adult butterflies should serve for the management of the species in future conservation programmes.  相似文献   

Historical data on the distribution and status of the purple gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio) in Portugal were collected by bibliographic research, from museum catalogues and from questionnaires to wetland managers, ornithologists and birdwatchers. The population suffered severe decline and range contraction at the end of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, due mainly to habitat loss and degradation and excessive hunting. However, the population has begun to recover in the last decade mainly through direct protection of the species and of the remaining habitat, together with creation of artificial wetlands and a reintroduction programme, and probably also due to immigration from Spain. The population size has increased about 10-fold and the range has expanded to most of its former area. The estimated Portuguese breeding population in 2002 was 49-67 pairs. Densities varied between 0.05 and 7 individuals/ha in recently colonized areas and stable (saturated) areas, respectively. Although the population is recovering, its small size, high fragmentation and several natural and anthropogenic threats lead us to consider it still a species of major concern in Portugal.  相似文献   

We used camera traps in combination with capture-recapture data analysis to provide the first reliable density estimates for tigers and leopards from the high altitude and rugged terrain in Bhutan’s Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Fifty days of camera trapping in each of five study zones collapsed into two trapping blocks, resulted in a sampling effort of 4050 trap days. Camera trapping yielded 17 tiger photos (14 left flanked and 3 right flanked) and 48 leopard photos (25 left flanked and 23 right flanked). Using photos of these left flank, the closed heterogeneous Jackknife Model Mh was the best fit for the capture history data. A capture probability () of 0.04 was obtained for both tigers and leopards, thus generating population size (N) of 8 tigers (SE = 2.12) and 16 leopards (SE = 2.91) with densities of 0.52 tiger 100 km−2 and 1.04 leopard 100 km−2. Photographic evidence indicated that tigers and leopards did not overlap in their spatial use of space. Tigers preferred less disturbed areas located further away from settlements, while leopards appeared to be more resilient to disturbances in so far as they were found nearer to human settlements. Camera trapping using a capture-recapture framework was an effective tool for assessing population sizes for tiger and leopard in low density areas such as Bhutan.  相似文献   

Prioritization of conservation efforts for threatened and endangered species has tended to focus on factors measuring the risk of extirpation rather than the probability of success and cost. Approaches such as triage are advisable when three main conditions are present: insufficient capacity exists to adequately treat all patients, patients are in a critical state and cannot wait until additional capacity becomes available, and patients differ in their likely outcome and/or the amount of treatment they require. The objective of our study was to document the status of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) herds in Alberta, Canada, with respect to these three conditions and to determine whether a triage approach might be warranted. To do this we modeled three types of recovery effort - protection, habitat restoration, and wolf control - and estimated the opportunity cost of recovery for each herd. We also assessed herds with respect to a suite of factors linked to long-term viability. We found that all but three herds will decline to critical levels (<10 animals) within approximately 30 years if current population trends continue. The opportunity cost of protecting all ranges by excluding new development, in terms of the net present value of petroleum and forestry resources, was estimated to be in excess of 100 billion dollars (assuming no substitution of activity outside of the ranges). A habitat restoration program applied to all ranges would cost several hundred million dollars, and a provincial-scale wolf control program would cost tens of millions of dollars. Recovery costs among herds varied by an order of magnitude. Herds also varied substantially in terms of their potential viability. These findings suggest that woodland caribou in Alberta meet the conditions whereby triage should be considered as an appropriate conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification in Northern Ireland has brought about large-scale changes to the landscape with a detrimental effect on biodiversity. Between 1996 and 1998, we surveyed a stratified random sample of 1 km squares for bats using a spot-sample technique and time expansion bat detector to establish linear and area habitat associations. Bats strongly selected water bodies with bankside vegetation, treelines, and deciduous and mixed woodland edge, avoiding open areas such as upland/unimproved grassland and improved grassland. Of three sympatric pipistrelle species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus and P. nathusii), two were shown to forage in different habitats; P. pipistrellus being more of a ‘generalist’, foraging in a wider variety of habitats than P. pygmaeus, a ‘specialist’ which foraged in a smaller range of habitats. Nyctalus leisleri selected parkland/amenity grassland, deciduous woodland edge and rivers/canals and avoided improved grassland, hedgerows, whilst Myotis spp. selected deciduous woodland centre, lake/reservoir margins and rivers/canals. Reduction in area and quality of inland water, deciduous woodlands and field boundaries in Northern Ireland may impact on bat populations. Habitat management should focus on improving those habitats which are selected by bats, including the maintenance and enhancement of connecting linear habitats.  相似文献   

Prior to 1995, the Montserrat oriole (Icterus oberi) was confined to ca. 30 km2 of hill forest on the Lesser Antillean island of Montserrat, but was not listed as globally threatened. Since then, the eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano has destroyed more than half of the species’ range. Recent intensive monitoring has indicated that the species has also declined dramatically within the remaining intact forest, and is now critically threatened. Different monitoring and analytical methods indicate a decline of 8-52% p.a., and a remaining global population of ca. 100-400 pairs. This case study justifies the use of the restricted range criterion in designating threatened species. Despite intensive monitoring and the use of several analytical methods, it has proved surprisingly difficult to estimate the magnitude of the oriole’s decrease, or to control for potential artefacts in the census method. We discuss the reasons for this. The cause(s) of population decline in the intact forest are unclear, though two hypotheses appear plausible: a decrease in arthropod food, a result of volcanic ash fall, and an increase in nest predation as a result of increases in populations of opportunistic omnivores.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species cause considerable economic and environmental damage. Nevertheless which species should be targeted first and exact control strategies are controversial matters. As no categorization of the impact of alien bird species is available so far, we adopted an impact scoring system for mammals to birds and scored the impact of the alien birds established in Europe. We investigated 26 established alien birds in Europe and compiled all known impact data for these species. The species with highest environmental impact were the Canada goose (Branta canadensis), sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) and ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). The most severe impact on economy was exerted again by the Canada goose. Also the ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) had high impact in this category. Combining these potential impact data with the current distribution generates a list of alien birds with highest actual impact. These two values can be used to prioritise preventive and control measures. In comparison to birds, mammals in general have higher potential and actual impact in Europe, but some bird species reach impact values as high as some of the worst mammal species. Still, these bird species - in contrast to mammals with high impact - are hardly targeted by control programmes. This study shows that there is no scientific reason for this. With the here presented scoring system we offer a decision tool to practitioners which supports them in finding an appropriate reaction to invasive birds.  相似文献   

The decline of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations in Mediterranean Spain has been shown to be one of the main threats to rabbit-specialist predators such as the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardina) and the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), two species which are in serious danger of extinction. Consequently, corrective measures such as increasing rabbit populations by restocking have been carried out to help the recovery of predator populations. In order to determine the general applicability of rabbit restocking for predator conservation, we performed three experimental restockings and evaluated their success in relation to season, habitat quality and the number of animals introduced. Rabbits were released either in large or small numbers in all four seasons of the year, and in habitat types defined as `poor' or `rich' according to the food availability for rabbits. For each restocking we evaluated rabbit survival, degree of residency and expected population increase. As a rule, the highest restocking success occurred whenever smaller number of rabbits were released in the richest quality habitat. Restocking during the breeding season was less successful than in other seasons. Problems concerning intraspecific competition, reproductive failure and diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that roads can adversely affect local animal populations but little is known how roads affect bats. In particular, no study compared the response of bats that differ in foraging ecology to motorways that cut through the breeding habitat. As bats are key species in conservation, such data are urgently needed for designing management plans. Using radio-telemetry, mist netting, and mark-recapture data we investigated the effects of a motorway with heavy traffic on the habitat use of two threatened forest-living bats. We compared barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus), which forage in open space, to Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii), which glean prey from the vegetation. Five of six radio-tracked barbastelle bats crossed the motorway during foraging and roost switching, flying through underpasses and directly over the motorway. In contrast, only three of 34 radio-tracked Bechstein’s bats crossed the motorway during foraging, all three using an underpass. Bechstein’s bats, unlike barbastelle bats, never crossed the motorway during roost switching. Moreover, only in Bechstein’s bats individuals foraging close to the motorway had smaller foraging areas than individuals foraging further away, whereas other forest edges had no such effect. Our data show that motorways can restrict habitat accessibility for bats but the effect seems to depend on the species’ foraging ecology and wing morphology. We suggest that motorways have stronger barrier effects on bats that forage close to surfaces than on bats that forage in open space, and discuss the implications of our findings for bat conservation during road construction.  相似文献   

Levels of genetic variation and intrapopulation genetic structures of Leontice microrhyncha S. Moore (Berberidaceae) were assessed for six populations in South Korea, representing the southern most range of a species found in Northeast China and the Korean peninsula. Detected genetic diversity (Hes) was very low (0.024) and FIS values showed large heterozygote deficiencies. The small percentage of polymorphic loci and numbers of alleles per locus suggest that L. microrhyncha has a history of severe or long-lasting population bottlenecks that have eroded genetic diversity. This study suggests that the Korean population appears to consist of two historically isolated and independently evolving populations. It seems likely that these groups have been isolated and unstable for a significant period of time. However, the effects of recent habitat fragmentation on the historically disjunct and fragmented population system found in L. microrhyncha were not those predicted from the lack of significant relationships between population-level patterns of genetic variation and population sizes. Most non-unique genotypes were shared by most individuals and the lower level of diversity, high levels of inbreeding and population differentiation as well as high rate of seed production indicated that this species is autogamous and self-compatible and probably largely selfing. Therefore, to preserve extant genetic variation, all populations must be protected across the small geographic range of the species to retain both allelic and genotypic diversity.  相似文献   

Information about geographic distributions is required for species conservation and management. Ultimately, this information is derived from records of occurrence. However, the reliability and availability of occurrence records are variable. A conceptual framework for evaluating the reliability of occurrence records is provided. Only records associated with physical evidence, especially a museum voucher specimen, are considered verified. However, errors in species identification or location are possible even for verified records. In addition, biases exist in occurrence records because they generally are collected haphazardly. Other sources of bias include sampling error associated with small areas or range limits and aspects of the species’ biology that make it unlikely to be documented. A practical method is provided for interpreting a species’ distribution in a particular area given a paucity of reliable occurrence records. Factors that must be considered for including such areas of interest within the range of a species include: (1) plausible reason for the paucity of records; (2) continuous suitable habitat between the area of interest and localities of reliable occurrence; and (3) absence of biogeographic breaks in the distribution of other organisms with similar evolutionary histories. The possible distribution of wolverine (Gulo gulo) and Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in New Mexico provides a case study of this approach. It is concluded that the mountains of north-central New Mexico should be considered within the natural range of wolverine and Canada lynx.  相似文献   

Clianthus is an acutely threatened, bird-pollinated genus endemic to New Zealand, represented in the wild by only one population of C. puniceus and 11 populations of C. maximus, each with very few individuals (typically <10 per population). A limited number of named Clianthus cultivars of indeterminate origin are commonly grown as ornamentals. Genomic DNA from individual Clianthus plants was extracted for genetic diversity analysis using a range of molecular markers, including amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Data were analysed by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging (UPGMA), the generation of Neighbor-Joining trees, and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA). Genetic distance between wild populations of C. maximus was highly correlated with geographical distance between populations. Sequencing of intron 2 of a putative partial homologue of the floral meristem identity gene LEAFY (CmLFY) revealed a 7 bp deletion that was exhibited homozygously in the more northern populations of C. maximus, and in all individuals tested from the sole population of C. puniceus. This deletion was not exhibited in more southern populations of C. maximus. Further, one geographically intermediate population contained some plants that were heterozygous for the deletion. Parallel analyses of cultivated Clianthus genotypes, more than half of which were also homozygous for the 7 bp deletion, showed that these were not representative of the broad, but threatened, diversity remaining in the wild. It is argued that wild populations of C. maximus are unlikely to have arisen from the escape of plants from cultivation. Conservation effort should focus on the protection and study of the extant plants in these wild populations, rather than on the introduction of disturbance regimes to uncover potential seed banks.  相似文献   

Large flying-foxes in insular Southeast Asia are the most threatened of the Old World fruit bats due to high levels of deforestation and hunting and effectively little local conservation commitment. The forest at Subic Bay, Philippines, supports a rare, large colony of vulnerable Philippine giant fruit bats (Pteropus vampyrus lanensis) and endangered and endemic golden-crowned flying-foxes (Acerodon jubatus). These large flying-foxes are optimal for conservation focus, because in addition to being keystone, flagship, and umbrella species, the bats are important to Subic Bay’s economy and its indigenous cultures. Habitat selection information streamlines management’s efforts to protect and conserve these popular but threatened animals. We used radio telemetry to describe the bats’ nighttime use of habitat on two ecological scales: vegetation and microhabitat. The fruit bats used the entire 14,000 ha study area, including all of Subic Bay Watershed Reserve, as well as neighboring forests just outside the protected area boundaries. Their recorded foraging locations ranged between 0.4 and 12 km from the roost. We compared the bats’ use to the availability of vegetative habitat types, riparian areas, and bat trees. The fruit bats’ locations showed a preference for undisturbed forest types and selection against disturbed and agricultural areas. Bat locations also showed selection for particular fruiting/flowering bat trees. The bats showed strong preference for riparian areas; locations were in riparian areas over four times more than expected. From these results we recommend that management focus flying-fox conservation efforts on undisturbed forest and riparian areas.  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) overbrowsing has altered plant species diversity throughout deciduous forest understories in eastern North America. Here we report on a landscape-level (306 km2) project in Pennsylvania, USA that tracked the herbaceous community response to deer herd reductions. From 2001 to 2007, we estimated deer densities, browse impact on woody seedlings, and censused the herbaceous flora in permanent plots throughout the area. We assessed herb layer species richness, abundance, and dominance and measured three known phytoindicators of deer impact: Trillium spp., Maianthemum canadense, and Medeola virginiana. We predicted that browse-sensitive taxa would increase in abundance, size, and flowering as would overall species diversity following deer culls and browse impact that declined by an order of magnitude by 2007. Following intensified deer harvests, we observed a limited recovery of the herbaceous community. Trillium spp. abundance, height, and flowering; M. canadense cover; and M. virginiana height all increased following herd reductions. Similarly, forb and shrub cover increased by 130% and 300%, respectively. Nevertheless, species diversity (i.e., richness and dominance) did not vary. Our work demonstrates that reducing deer densities can provide rapid morphological and population-level benefits to palatable species without a concomitant recovery in diversity. We suggest that decreasing deer populations alone may not promote plant diversity in overbrowsed, depauperate forests without additional restoration strategies to mitigate a browse-legacy layer dominated by browse-resistant species.  相似文献   

Lesser kestrel Falco naumanni and Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus are two small raptor species commonly breeding in open agro-pastoral systems that have suffered a dramatic decline in their populations during the past few decades due to changes in land use. Direct intoxication by chemicals used in farming has been one of the causes proposed promoting population declines in both species. However, there have been no studies exploring the degree of kestrel intoxication at individual or population levels in the wild. We investigated the inter-population variation in blood levels of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in nestlings of Spanish Lesser and Eurasian kestrels. AChE was used as an estimator of the degree of organophosphorus (OP) and/or carbamate (CB) exposure or intoxication. In addition, we measured the albumin-globulin ratio (A/G) as an index of general health status. We found only extremely low AChE levels in lesser kestrels from one of the seven studied populations. In addition, we did not find differences in nestling AChE levels between pastoral and agricultural habitats. Furthermore, the present study revealed that two of the seven lesser kestrel populations are suffering from poor health conditions, in one case due to OP-CB poisoning, and the other possibly due to a pathogen infection as suggested by the low A/G ratio observed. Thus, our study suggests that, in general, OP and/or CB pesticide poisoning in traditional agro-pastoral systems in Spain is not currently an important conservation factor for either Lesser or Eurasian kestrels chicks.  相似文献   

Whether or not a species is threatened by habitat change is influenced by its life-history traits as well as by the nature and severity of the threatening process. Detailed studies of declining taxa can clarify reasons for their vulnerability, both in proximate terms (e.g., taxa with slow growth, delayed maturation, low fecundity and infrequent reproduction will be poorly suited to withstand increases in adult mortality rates) and in an evolutionary perspective (i.e., what attributes of the environment have favoured the evolution of certain life history traits?). We obtained data on life history traits during an intensive radio-tracking study on the threatened arboreal elapid snake Hoplocephalus stephensii from forest habitats of eastern Australia. Based on 39 field-collected specimens, these long, slender snakes (mean adult snout-vent length 73 cm, mass 114 g) feed predominantly on mammalian prey such as Bush Rats (Rattus fuscipes) and Pygmy-possums (Cercartetus nanus); but juveniles also take lizards. Foraging modes are diverse, from active searching through to ambush. Gape-limitation prevents snakes from ingesting adults of the most abundant local rodent (R. fuscipes), limiting the snakes to specialise on sub-adult rats which are only seasonally available. Rates of feeding, growth and reproduction are low; for example, none of 21 wild-caught females was reproductive. However, snakes given access to abundant prey in captivity, rapidly gained in body condition, grew significantly, and subsequently reproduced. Litters consisted of a few (1-9), relatively large (25 cm snout-vent length, 7.5 g) offspring. The “slow” life-history traits that have contributed to endangerment of this taxon may include proximate as well as evolutionary responses to the low temperatures and limited prey availability in the forest habitat of H. stephensii.  相似文献   

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