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Coastal habitats near urban centres in North Atlantic estuaries often support substantial numbers of wintering waterfowl, but little is known of the effects of landscape setting and urbanisation on habitat use. We conducted surveys of waterfowl at 32 wintering sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, to identify characteristics that may influence habitat use. Sites were chosen along a gradient of urbanisation and reflected the dominant habitat types used by waterfowl in the Bay. Mean waterfowl abundance was 206.7 ± 209.5 birds per site, and sites in the inner part of the estuary had higher overall waterfowl abundances (r2 = 0.40, p = 0.021). Species richness ranged from 3.2 to 13.0 and decreased with increasing hunting activity (r2 = 0.36, p = 0.040). Hunting activity and habitat characteristics (e.g., latitude, shoreline configuration, prey density) explained 13-27% of the variation in waterfowl abundance and species richness among sites, but landscape characteristics (e.g., surrounding residential development, vegetated land, or wetland surrounding the sites and the extent of wetland edge) explained an additional 1-26%. The landscape characteristics extent of adjacent residential development and vegetated upland were the most common variables entering into the models; most species were more abundant at sites with more adjacent vegetated upland and less adjacent residential development. Our results suggest that landscape setting may be influencing the distribution of wintering waterfowl, and should be considered when developing strategies for the conservation for these species in urban North Atlantic estuaries.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants constitute a major threat to local biodiversity. Moreover, their appearance often coincides with land use change. Many endangered groups of organisms suffer from habitat loss, which is often a consequence of the invasion of alien plants. This paper examines how invasive alien goldenrods Solidago spp. affect the richness of endangered grassland bird species and numbers of breeding pairs in abandoned meadows in southern Poland. Meadows invaded by goldenrods (n = 15) had lower bird species richness and a lower number of breeding pairs than meadows in which goldenrods were absent (n = 15). Two important factors positively influencing bird species richness were meadow area and shrub density (the latter only in meadows without goldenrods). Moreover, both the index of potential food density (number of butterflies) and plant species richness were much lower in meadows invaded by goldenrods than in meadows without these plants. Urgent action aimed at preventing the invasion of alien goldenrods in abandoned meadows is needed and such measures should involve regular mowing. Our results also highlight the fact that land abandonment in Central and Eastern Europe is not necessarily as beneficial for biodiversity as it is commonly believed and it may even lead to a decrease in the populations of several bird species in the agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

We searched for predictive models for alpha, beta and gamma plant diversity based in easy to measure field indicators. The study was conducted on the upper belt of the Córdoba mountains (Argentina). We established 222 permanent plots of 4 × 4 m distributed on sites with different physiognomy, topography and management. At each plot we measured physical and physiognomic indicators and recorded the presence of all vascular plants. We estimated alpha diversity as the number of species detected in a plot, beta diversity as the floristic dissimilarity between two plots, and gamma diversity as the number of species detected in a landscape. Through linear regression we found predictive models for alpha and pair-wise beta diversity. Then we analysed if predicted average alpha and beta diversity were good estimators of gamma diversity. We recorded a total of 288 species (5-74 species per plot). Alpha diversity was highest in sites on shallow soils with high structural richness (i.e. high number of cover categories), half covered by lawns, at sunny slopes and rough landscapes (r2 = 0.66). For beta diversity, the difference between plots in structural richness and in cover of thick tussocks grasses and lawns were the best predictors (r2 = 0.45). For different sets of simulated landscapes, gamma diversity was well explained by predicted average alpha and beta diversity, plus the sampling effort (r2 = 0.92). We concluded that using easy to measure field indicators it is possible to estimate plant diversity at different levels with a good accuracy.  相似文献   

The relative effects of road traffic and forest cover on anuran populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Road traffic and the loss of forests are both known to have negative effects on anurans. However, the relative importance of these two predictors is poorly understood because forest cover in the landscape is usually negatively correlated with the density of roads and traffic. To evaluate the independent effects of traffic and forest cover, we selected 36 ponds near Ottawa, Canada, at the center of four landscape types: low forest/low traffic; low forest/high traffic; high forest/low traffic; and high forest/high traffic, where traffic and forest cover were measured within 100-2000 m of the edge of each pond. We surveyed all ponds in 2005 and re-surveyed a 23-pond subset in 2006. The negative association between species richness and traffic density was stronger (partial R2 = 0.34; P < .001) than the positive association of species richness with forest cover (partial R2 = 0.10; P > .05) in the landscape. Three of six common species showed stronger associations with traffic density than with forest cover - Bufo americanus, Rana pipiens, and Hyla versicolor; two species - Pseudacris crucifer and Rana sylvatica - showed stronger associations with forest cover than with traffic; while Rana clamitans showed similar associations with traffic and forest cover. Our results show that the overall negative effect of traffic on anuran populations in northeastern North America is at least as great as the negative effect of deforestation, and also that the relative effects of these two predictors on anuran abundance vary between species.  相似文献   

Landscape-level thresholds of habitat cover for woodland-dependent birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Theory suggests that a disproportionate loss of species occurs when total habitat cover decreases to 10-30% of the landscape. To date, little empirical evidence has been collected to test for such thresholds in habitat cover, especially at the landscape scale. Here, we present empirical data on the species richness of woodland-dependent birds collected systematically from 24 landscapes (each 100 km2) that sample a gradient in habitat cover from <2% to 60%. To compare the relative effects of habitat cover and habitat configuration, landscapes with similar amounts of habitat but contrasting configuration (i.e., aggregated versus dispersed) were surveyed and the richness of woodland-dependent birds collated for each landscape. The relationship between species richness, habitat cover and habitat configuration was examined using analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA), multiple linear regression and univariate non-linear modelling. There was a significant effect of habitat cover (co-variate) in the ANCOVA, but the main treatment effect of configuration was not significant. However, comparison of non-linear models indicated that the shape of the response curve of species loss with decreasing habitat cover differed between aggregated and dispersed landscapes. Species richness was significantly related to habitat cover in all analyses, explaining between 55% and 60% of the variance in regression models. Mean patch shape complexity and the extent of habitat aggregation were also significant explanatory variables, but explained less than 10% of the variance in richness of woodland birds. Biogeographic variables (range in elevation and geographic location) explained up to 14% of the variance in species richness. There was strong evidence for a threshold response in species richness: non-linear models (broken-stick, exponential, inverse) exhibiting a sharp decline in species richness in landscapes with less than 10% habitat cover provided a better fit to the observed data than linear models. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical demonstration of landscape-level thresholds in species richness. We emphasise that thresholds in species richness denote multiple species’ extinction events, the end point of the process of species decline. For viable populations, habitat cover must be maintained well above the threshold level. Finally, thresholds of assemblage measures, such as species richness, potentially mask compositional changes in the avifauna community and may also conceal the loss of species with greater sensitivity to landscape change.  相似文献   

To increase wetland acreage and biodiversity, Delaware agencies constructed >220 depressional wetlands. During construction, agencies included amendments thought to increase biodiversity. Because the efficacy of amendments is unknown, we investigated their effects on macroinvertebrate and vegetative communities. We selected 20 standardized wetlands (five contained coarse woody debris (CWD) and microtopography amendments (land surface ridges and furrows), five had neither, five had CWD only, and five had microtopography only). Additionally, 12 wetlands had received organic matter amendments (i.e., straw). Insect richness (P = 0.010; r2 = 0.16), insect biomass (P = 0.023; r2 = 0.13), intolerant insect biomass (P = 0.033, r2 = 0.03), Ephemeroptera biomass (P = 0.027; r2 = 0.12), and Odonata biomass (P = 0.046; r2 = 0.10) increased with CWD volume. Obligate plant percent cover increased with microtopographic variation (P = 0.029; r2 = 0.120). Although organic matter amendments did not increase percent soil organic matter (t13.7 = −1.16, P = 0.264), total (P = 0.027; r2 = 0.12), native (P = 0.036; r2 = 0.11), and facultative (P = 0.001; r2 = 0.24) plant richness increased with percent soil organic matter. To enhance biodiversity, constructed wetlands should contain CWD, but additional research is needed to understand the benefits of microtopography and organic matter amendments.  相似文献   

The study explores whether small-scale species diversity, species evenness and species richness in semi-natural grassland communities are similarly associated with present management regime and/or present and historical landscape context (percentage of different land-cover types in the surroundings). Species diversity, evenness and richness were recorded within 441 50 × 50 cm grassland plots in 4.5 × 4.5 km agricultural landscape on Öland, Sweden. Recent and historical land-cover maps (years 2004, 1959, 1938, 1835, and 1800) were used to characterize the present and past landscape context of the sampled vegetation plots. Partial regression and simultaneous autoregressive models were used to explore the relationships between species diversity measures (Shannon diversity, richness and evenness) and different explanatory variables while accounting for spatial autocorrelation in the data. The results indicated that species richness was relatively sensitive to grassland isolation, while the response of species evenness to isolation was characterized by a degree of inertia. Because the richness and evenness components of species diversity may respond differently to habitat fragmentation, we suggest that monitoring projects and empirical studies that focus on changes in biodiversity in semi-natural grasslands should include the assessment of species evenness - as a complement to the assessment of species richness. In addition, our results indicated that the development and persistence of a species-rich and even grassland vegetation was favoured in areas that have historically (in the 19th century) been surrounded by grasslands. Information on landscape history should, whenever possible, be incorporated into the planning of strategies for grassland conservation.  相似文献   

Invasive plants can threaten diversity and ecosystem function. We examined the relationship between the invasive Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) and species richness in beaver wetlands in Oregon, USA. Four basins (drainages) were chosen and three sites each of beaver impoundments, unimpounded areas and areas upstream of debris jams were randomly chosen in each basin for further study (n = 36). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that the relationship between Phalaris and species richness differed significantly (p = 0.01) by site type. Dam sites (beaver impoundments) exhibited a strong inverse relationship between Phalaris and species richness (bD = −0.15), with one species lost for each 7% increase in Phalaris cover. In contrast, there was essentially no relationship between Phalaris cover and species richness in jam sites (debris jam impoundments formed by flooding; bJ = +0.01) and unimpounded sites (bU = −0.03). The cycle of beaver impoundment and abandonment both disrupts the native community and provides an ideal environment for Phalaris, which once established tends to exclude development of herbaceous communities and limits species richness. Because beaver wetlands are a dominant wetland type in the Coast Range, Phalaris invasion presents a real threat to landscape heterogeneity and ecosystem function in the region.  相似文献   

Woodpeckers (family Picidae) show promise as indicators of avian diversity in forests because their populations can be reliably monitored, and their foraging and nesting activities can positively influence the abundance and richness of other forest birds. A correlation between woodpecker richness and richness of forest birds is known to exist at the landscape scale, but uncertainty remains whether this correlation occurs at the smaller stand-level spatial scales where forest management activities take place. We used data collected under a diverse range of forest types, harvest treatments, and forest health conditions during a long-term study of bird communities in interior British Columbia, Canada, to examine two basic questions: (1) at the level of individual forest stands, is woodpecker richness correlated with bird richness (measured as richness of all other bird species)? and (2) do woodpecker richness and bird richness have similar habitat correlates? Bird richness was positively correlated with woodpecker richness (β = 0.59, SE = 0.22, 95% CI = [0.14 1.03]). Richness of both woodpeckers and all other birds were positively correlated with tree species richness and negatively correlated with density of pines, and the effect for forest harvest type was similar for both measures of avian richness (uncut < partial harvest < clearcut with reserves). The effect of density of lodgepole pines killed by mountain pine beetles differed between the two richness measures, being positive for woodpecker richness and negative for forest bird richness. We conclude that the richness of woodpeckers is indeed correlated with the richness of other birds at the stand-level, and can serve as a reliable indicator of overall bird richness in most forest stands and conditions, except during insect outbreaks when differential responses by woodpeckers and the rest of the avian community may decouple the relationship between bird richness and woodpecker richness.  相似文献   

The process of urbanization has resulted in an expansion of alien plant species and declines of native species, in particular already rare species. These processes may cause a greater similarity between different urban regions, i.e. biotic homogenization. We explored the relationship between urban regions and homogenization for plant species in Germany using (i) all plant species, (ii) only native species, (iii) all alien species and only those introduced (iv) before or (v) after 1500, respectively. We used the database FLORKART for species distribution on a 6 min latitude × 10 min longitude (ca. 130 km2) scale. We calculated mean similarities for the 60 “most urbanized” cells. We then resampled 60 randomly drawn “less urbanized” cells and 60 “rural” cells and compared these results to the “most urbanized” cells taking distance effects into account. Urbanization does not have an overall effect on homogenization of all species, but native species as well as pre-1500 alien plant assemblages show effects of homogenization while post-1500 alien plant assemblages show the opposite effect. On a regional scale, urbanization is not unequivocally related to homogenization. This might be different when extending the analysed range across several bioclimatic regions. Specific urban habitats, or what remains of them, require special protection and management if the trend towards homogenization is to be avoided.  相似文献   

Small patches of natural or semi-natural habitat have an important role in the conservation of biodiversity in human-dominated environments. The values of such areas are determined by attributes of the patch as well as its context in the surrounding land mosaic. There is a need for better understanding of the ways in which assemblages are influenced by patch context and the scale over which this occurs. Here we examine the influence of regional environmental gradients on the richness, annual turnover and composition of breeding bird species in small woods in south-eastern England. Regional gradients were defined independently of woods by an ordination of attributes for 5 km × 5 km landscape units across a 2100 km2 region. Patch-level attributes, particularly area, were the most important predictors for most bird variables. For woodland migrants and woodland-dependent species, variables representing the context of each wood, either at a local or regional scale, explained significant additional variance in species richness after accounting for wood area, but did not do so for species turnover. Significant context effects for woodland-dependent species related to the extent of hedges and woodland cover in the local vicinity (<1 km radius), whereas for woodland seasonal migrants the best predictors of richness after patch area were two regional environmental gradients. The initial cue to settlement for migrants may be at a coarse regional scale, with selection for suitable landscapes that have a greater extent of woodland cover. Edge species showed different responses: they were influenced by the diversity of structural features in woods, and were a more-dominant component of the avifauna in isolated woods in open fenland environments of the region. Significant relationships between coarse regional gradients (25 km2 units) and bird assemblages in small woods (0.5-30 ha) suggest that population and community processes in the avifauna operate across a broader scale than local patch neighbourhoods. They also highlight the importance of adopting a landscape or regional perspective on potential changes to land-use in rural environments, and on the conservation management of small reserves.  相似文献   

Because forest width is thought to be the most relevant metric to ecological communities, it has persisted as the dominant paradigm and focus of management recommendations for riparian forest conservation. Consequently, managers may overlook important effects of the surrounding landscape matrix. We determined if characteristics of the landscape matrix, particularly the amount of urban development surrounding a forest, were better predictors of bird communities than forest width. We sampled breeding-bird communities 3 times each June 2001-2004 in 33 riparian forest sites (69-565 m wide) in Ohio, USA. We examined if bird community structure and composition were more closely associated with forest width or the amount of urban development within 1 km of each forest using canonical correlation analysis. Results indicate that the landscape matrix surrounding these relatively large forest tracts explained >94% of the variation in bird communities compared to <6% explained by forest width. Numbers of Neotropical migrants were negatively associated with urbanization in the landscapes (r = −0.43), whereas residents (r = 0.57) and short-distance migrants (r = 0.41) were positively associated with urbanization. Similar patterns persisted at the individual species level, particularly for Neotropical migrants as 76% of species in this guild were negatively related to urban development. Our findings suggest that the traditional approach to conserving riparian forests is not sufficient and that explicit consideration of the surrounding landscape matrix also should be a key component in conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Differences in alpha and beta bat diversity among montane rainforest and five shaded coffee plantations under different management regimes, as well as some environmental factors and vegetation parameters influencing bat richness, were evaluated for the first time in southeastern Chiapas, Mexico. In each site, bats were captured every 2 months from March 2004 to July 2005, with six mist-nets, during two nights, using the capture-recapture method. We captured 2970 individuals of 43 bat species. Montane rainforest had the greatest alpha diversity (H′ = 2.681; n = 37), whereas alpha diversity was similar among coffee plantations (H′ = 2.229-2.364; n = 23-26). The number of frugivorous and nectarivorous species was similar among the sites; the greatest exchange in species composition (beta diversity) occurred for insectivorous bats, which reduce their number in coffee plantations as pesticides are incorporated. Bat richness species was significantly related to the number of vegetation strata, height, and cover of trees. We suggest that coffee plantations could act as corridors, facilitating connection among different elements of the landscape in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas for some frugivorous and nectarivorous bats.  相似文献   

Natural areas are becoming increasingly fragmented and embedded in an urban matrix. Natural and semi-natural areas at the urban/wildland interface are threatened by a variety of ‘edge effects’, and are especially vulnerable to invasion by introduced plants, with suburban gardens acting as significant sources of alien propagules. Urban/wildland interfaces also provide access for humans, leading to various types of disturbance. Alien plant invasions are one of the biggest threats facing remaining natural areas on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. The area provides an ideal opportunity to study the dynamics of invasions at the urban/wildland interface, since the largest natural area, the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP), is surrounded by the city of Cape Town. We explored invasion patterns in Newlands Forest (a small section of the TMNP) and detailed the roles of habitat features and distance from putative source populations in three main habitat types: natural Afromontane forest, riverine woodland habitats, and plantations of exotic pines (Pinus radiata and P. pinaster). We also examined the role of disturbance in driving invasions in two of these habitat types (Afromontane forest and pine plantations). We hypothesized that alien richness and alien stem density would decrease with distance from the urban/wildland interface, and that alien richness and alien stem density would increase with increasing levels of human disturbance.Distance from putative source populations and levels of anthropogenic disturbance influenced alien richness in Newlands Forest but not alien stem density. Alien richness decreased significantly with distance from presumed sources in the pine habitat, and increased significantly with disturbance in the forest habitat. Percentage overstorey cover and soil pH were important environmental variables associated with alien plant species. A socio-economic approach is discussed as being the most effective approach to the management and prevention of alien plant species in Newlands Forest.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) instruments, there now exists a means of rapidly digitizing intricate structural details of vegetation canopies using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology. In this investigation, Intelligent Laser Ranging and Imaging System (ILRIS-3D) data was acquired of individual tree crowns at olive (Olea europaea L.) plantations in Córdoba, Spain. In addition to conventional tripod-mounted ILRIS-3D scans, the unit was mounted on a platform (12 m above ground) to provide nadir (top-down) observations of the olive crowns. 24 structurally variable olive trees were selected for in-depth analysis. From the observed 3D laser pulse returns, quantitative retrievals of tree crown structure and foliage assemblage were obtained. Robust methodologies were developed to characterize diagnostic architectural parameters, such as tree height (r2 = 0.97, rmse = 0.21 m), crown width (r2 = 0.97, rmse = 0.13 m), crown height (r2 = 0.86, rmse = 0.14 m), crown volume (r2 = 0.99, rmse = 2.6 m3), and Plant Area Index (PAI) (r2 = 0.76, rmse = 0.26 m2/m2). With the development of such LiDAR-based methodologies to describe vegetation architecture, the forestry, agriculture, and remote sensing communities are now faced with the possibility of replacing current labour-intensive inventory practices with, modern TLS systems. This research demonstrates that TLS systems can potentially be the new observational tool and benchmark for precise characterization of vegetation architecture for improved agricultural monitoring and management.  相似文献   

The Grass skipper subfamily (Hesperiinae) includes many at risk species across the globe. Conservation efforts for these skippers are hindered by insufficient information about their basic biology. Mardon skipper (Polites mardon) is declining throughout its range. We surveyed mardon oviposition across nine study meadows in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest of Washington State. We conducted habitat surveys with respect to oviposition (n = 269) and random (n = 270) locations, recording data on over 50 variables. Mardon oviposited on 23 different graminoid species, yet are selective for specific graminoids within meadows. Most frequent ovipositions across meadows occurred on Festuca idahoensis and Poa pratensis (accounting for 112 of 269 total oviposition observations). Discriminant Function Analyses revealed that mardon habitat was too variable to detect oviposition selection across study meadows, yet there was strong selection occurring within meadows (r2 ranging from 0.82 to 0.99). Variables important to within meadow selection were graminoid cover, height, and community; oviposition plant structure (leaf density, height, area); insolation factors (tree abundance and canopy shading); and litter layer factors (cover and depth). With few exceptions the primary variables discriminating between oviposition and random locations were significantly different (p < 0.001). Conservation implications include maintaining native meadow ecosystems with sensitivity to local habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Predicting species' responses to habitat loss is a significant challenge facing conservation biologists. We examined the response of both European three-toed woodpecker subspecies Picoides tridactylus tridactylus and P. tr. alpinus to different amounts of dead wood in a boreal and a sub-Alpine coniferous forest landscape in central Sweden and Switzerland, respectively. Habitat variables were measured by fieldwork in forests with breeding woodpeckers (n=10+12) and in control forests without breeding woodpeckers (n=10+12) in the same landscape. Logistic regression analyses revealed steep thresholds for the amount of dead standing trees and the probability of three-toed woodpecker presence in both Sweden and Switzerland. The probability of the presence of three-toed woodpeckers increased from 0.10 to 0.95 when snag basal area increased from 0.6 to 1.3 m2 ha−1 in Switzerland and from 0.3 to 0.5 m2 ha−1 in central Sweden. In Switzerland, a high road network density was negatively correlated to the presence of woodpeckers (r=−0.65, p=0.0007). The higher volumes of dead wood in Switzerland, where population trends are more positive, than in central Sweden, where the population is declining, would suggest that the volumes of dead wood in managed forests in Sweden are too low to sustain three-toed woodpeckers in the long-term. In terms of management implications, we suggest a quantitative target of at least 5% of standing trees in older forests being dead over at least 100 ha large forest areas. This corresponds about to ?1.3 m2 ha−1 (basal area) or ?15 m3 ha−1 (volume), still depending on site productivity.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effects of glucose-C on the activities of fungi and bacteria determined by the method of substrate-induced respiration (SIR) in combination with the selective inhibition technique, the immobilized-S and the arylsulphatase (ARS) activity in two calcareous arable and fallow soils. The amounts of glucose-C were added at six doses: 0, 125, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg kg− 1 soil to the soils and then incubated for one week with a Na235SO4 solution (518.9 kBq kg− 1 dry soil and 20 mg S kg− 1 dry soil) prior to analysis. At the highest dose of 1000 mg kg− 1 soil, fungal activity increased by 59.1% (of the dose 0) versus 45.5% for bacterial activity in the arable soil, while in the fallow soil the increases were more marked and corresponded to 69.9% and 71.1%, respectively. Largest increase in immobilized-S was observed in the arable soil (300.7%) compared with the fallow soil (153.1%). In contrast, the ARS activity increased by 16.4% in the arable soil versus 32.1% in the fallow soil. These results indicate that glucose proportionately affected more the intensities of immobilized-S than those of ARS. Strong positive correlation coefficients were found between fungal activities and immobilized-S in the arable soil (r = 0.96, P < 0.01) and in the fallow soil (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). However, non-significant correlations were observed between fungal activities and ARS in both studied soils. As to bacterial activities, positive significant correlation coefficients were found with immobilized-S in the arable soil (r = 0.95, P < 0.01) and in the fallow soil (r = 0.90, P < 0.05) as well as with ARS activities in the arable soil (r = 0.83, P < 0.05) and in the fallow soil (r = 0.97, P < 0.01). Overall, we also found positive and significant correlation coefficients of immobilized-S with ARS activities in the arable soil (r = 0.86, P < 0.05) and in the fallow soil (r = 0.83, P < 0.05). Accordingly, the results showed a presence of extracellular arylsulphatase activity of 38.7 mg p-nitrophenol kg− 1 soil h− 1 in the arable soil and of 63.5 mg p-nitrophenol kg− 1 soil h− 1 in the fallow soil. It was concluded that fallowing maintained larger activities of fungi, bacteria and arylsulphatase compared with the arable soil.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 efflux is a large component of total respiration in many ecosystems. It is important to understand the environmental controls on soil CO2 efflux, in order to evaluate potential responses of ecosystems to climate change. This study investigated the relationship between total soil CO2 efflux and soil temperature, soil moisture and solar radiation on an interannual basis for a plot of temperate deciduous ancient semi-natural woodland at Wytham Woods in central southern England. We also aimed to quantify the contribution of soil organic matter decomposition (SOM), root-and-rhizosphere respiration, and mycorrhizal respiration components to total soil CO2 efflux, and determine their environmental correlates. Total soil CO2 efflux was measured regularly from April 2006 to December 2008 and found to average 4.1 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 in both 2007 and 2008. In addition, we applied a recently developed approach to partition the efflux into SOM, root-and-rhizosphere, and mycorrhizal components in situ using mesh bags. SOM decomposition, root-and-rhizosphere, and mycorrhizal respiration were estimated to contribute 70 ± 6%, 22 ± 6% and 8 ± 3% of total soil CO2 efflux respectively, equating to 3.0 ± 0.3, 0.9 ± 0.2 and 0.3 ± 0.1 Mg C ha−1 yr−1. In order to avoid the effect of temporal correlation between variables caused by seasonality, we investigated interannual variability by examining the relationship between CO2 flux anomalies and anomalies in environmental variables. Variation in soil temperature explained 50% of the interannual variance in soil CO2 efflux, and soil moisture a further 18% of the residual variance. Solar radiation, as a proxy for plant photosynthesis, had no significant effect on total soil CO2 efflux, but was positively correlated with root-and-rhizosphere respiration, and mycorrhizal respiration. The relationship between anomalies in soil CO2 efflux and soil temperature was highly significant, with a sensitivity of 0.164 ± 0.023 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 °C−1. For mean peak summer efflux rates (2.03 μmol CO2 m2 s−1), this is equivalent to 8% per °C, or a Q10 temperature sensitivity of 2.2 ± 0.2. We demonstrate the utility of an anomaly analysis approach and conclude that soil temperature is the key driver of total soil CO2 efflux primarily through its positive relationship with SOM-decomposition rate.  相似文献   

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