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For protected reserves set aside for conservation, the impact of roads and traffic on wildlife can be severe, particularly for those in the peri-urban environment. Often reserves possess many sealed roads that have regular traffic from tourists and local residents. As managerial bodies struggle to control the wide variety of threats to the fauna within these reserves, the loss of life on roads only compounds the precarious nature of wildlife survival in these disturbed environments. As a first step to addressing this concern in Australia, this study quantifies the fatalities of wildlife killed on roads within the Royal National Park in New South Wales, and estimates those wildlife species using roadside habitat in order to identify species susceptible to collisions. Modelling of fatality data indicated that mammals were most likely to be killed where forage was abundant on the roadside verge and where there was plenty of protective cover, while birds were most likely to be killed when the height of roadside vegetation was low. A number of collision hotspots were identified along the surveyed road that should be the target of mitigation efforts. The average speed of vehicles travelling within the park peaked at night. This is of particular concern as activity by Australian mammals tends to be greatest at night. The findings indicate that roads in peri-urban reserves have the potential to alter the movement of animals and impact on their populations through loss of life.  相似文献   

Wet-only rainwater composition on a daily basis, and atmospheric SO2 and NO2 concentrations on a monthly basis have been measured over a two year period at four sites ~100 km to the west of Sydney. Bulk aerosol composition on a monthly basis was also measured at one site. The study region is predominantly rural in character, but contains two coal-fired thermal power stations with a total installed capacity of 2320 MW, as well as several min or population centres, including a small city, with a total population of about 21,000. The measurement sites were located roughly on the perimeter of a circle of about 20 km radius having the power stations at its centre. Three of the sites were situated in rural settings, while the fourth was located on the outskirts of the small city of Lithgow. Atmospheric acid loadings at all sites were low by the standards usually associated with industrialised regions of Europe and North America, with about one third of rainwater total acidity provided by organic acids (formic, acetic and oxalic). At the three rural sites, total inorganic acid deposition, comprising measured wet deposition plus inferred dry deposition of acidic S and N species, averaged about 30 meq m?2 y?1, a low figure by most standards. At the site located near the city of Lithgow total deposition of acidic S and N species averaged about 80 meq m?2 y?1.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to systematically quantify differences in soil carbon and key related soil properties along a replicated land‐use intensity gradient on three soil landscapes in northwest New South Wales, Australia. Our results demonstrate consistent land‐use effects across all soil types where C, N and C:N ratio were in the order woodland > unimproved pasture = improved pasture > cultivation while bulk density broadly showed the reverse pattern. These land‐use effects were largely restricted to the near surface soil layers. Improved pasture was associated with a significant soil acidification, indicating that strategies to increase soil carbon through pasture improvement in these environments might also have associated soil degradation issues. Total soil carbon stocks were significantly larger in woodland soils, across all soil types, compared with the other land‐uses studied. Non‐wooded systems, however, had statistically similar carbon stocks and this pattern persisted whether or not carbon quantity was corrected for equivalent mass. Our results suggest that conversion from cultivation to pasture in this environment would yield between 0.06 and 0.15 t C/ha/yr which is at the lower end of predicted ranges in Australia and well below values measured in other cooler, wetter environments. We estimate that a 10% conversion rate (cultivation to pasture) across NSW would yield around 0.36 Mt CO2‐e/yr which would contribute little to emission reductions in NSW. We conclude that carbon accumulation in agricultural soils in this environment might be more modest than current predictions suggest and that systematically collected, regionally specific data are required for the vegetation communities and full range of land‐uses before accurate and reliable predictions of soil carbon change can be made across these extensive landscapes.  相似文献   

Characterisation of aeolian material in the Girilambone Region of New South Wales (600 km NW of Sydney), using particle size analysis, mineralogy, geochemistry and micromorphological analysis, shows that it consists of spheroidal, highly abraded 70 μm quartz grains. Although relatively pure aeolian accessions are found on top of Tertiary leucitite flows, the aeolian material is generally admixed with residual and transported soil to a depth of 0.3 m throughout the region. This study has established a set of criteria for identifying the aeolian contribution to soils in the Girilambone region of north western New South Wales where it is difficult to distinguish. These include: a characteristic particle size of 70 μm of the quartz grains; highly abraded and spherical morphology; presence of thin clay coats on well-rounded grains; and gradational patterns in particle size distribution, mineralogy and geochemistry through the soil profile. These types of soils, with a high content of silt and fine sand, do not readily form aggregates, particularly where they have low organic content. To improve the sustainability of cropping and pastoral activities on these soils, their management should aim to maintain or increase structural stability, for example by addition of organic material. Mineral exploration procedures should avoid the diluting aeolian component by sampling the > 150 μm fraction from surficial soils or material from below 0.3 m.  相似文献   

Land degradation is a major threat to the productivity of agricultural land in Australia, and on the soils used for growing wheat (Triticum aestivum) soil erosion and fertility decline are serious problems. A study financed jointly by NSW Agriculture, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and agribusiness looked at the effectiveness of using integrated marketing to increase adoption of dryland lucerne (Medicago sativa) in rotations in northwestern NSW as a means to rehabilitate degraded wheat soils. At the time of the study, average wheat and protein yields were declining. Integrated marketing, with heavy reliance on television advertising, was run during Summer 1992 and Autumn 1993. Approximately 750 wheat growers, located around Moree in NSW comprised the target group. A similar number of comparable farmers from around Dalby in southern Queensland, who were not exposed to the promotional campaign, formed the control group. Farmers were surveyed by mail just before and 18 months after the campaign. While the results were compounded by severe drought during the study time, as well as by other constraints, the data suggest none the less the value of this approach in getting farmers to change their practices. One in six wheat growers in the target area were aware of the free information kit available via the advertised 1800 number or freepost mail coupon; one in twelve obtained the kit. Television was the most influential media in eliciting a response, followed by the Australian Grain Magazine. The results suggested that the campaign did in fact engender the desired change. The study highlights the possible role integrated marketing may play in rural Australia, whether the subject dealt with is agricultural, environmental or other, not because of any novelty value, but because of the technique itself. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digital soil maps of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration potential resulting from a hypothetical 10% relative increase in long-term vegetation cover are presented at 100-m resolution across the state of New South Wales (NSW) in southeast Australia. This land management outcome is considered realistically achievable for many land managers, using strategies such as revegetation, grazing management or crop residue management. A mean state-wide potential increase of 5.4 Mg ha−1 over the 0- to 30-cm depth interval was derived. Assuming a 20-year period of re-equilibration, this equates to an average SOC increase of 0.27 Mg ha−1 year−1. Sequestration potential is systematically influenced by a combination of climate, soil parent material and current vegetation cover, for example only 1.6 Mg ha−1 SOC under dry conditions in sandy, infertile soil material with sparse vegetation cover, compared with 15.9 Mg ha−1 under wet conditions in clay-rich, fertile soil material with moderate–high vegetation cover. The outputs could be used to identify locations of highest sequestration potential and thereby help prioritize areas and inform decisions on sequestration programmes. Future application of the method at field scale with high levels of accuracy, together with strategic sampling, may provide statistically reliable estimates of carbon sequestration, for application in carbon trading schemes such as Australia's Emissions Reduction Fund. The modelling involved a conceptually transparent ‘space-for-time substitution’ process. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and random forest (RF) modelling techniques were applied, but only MLR gave consistently meaningful results. The apparent failing of RF in this application warrants further examination.  相似文献   

Caulerpa taxifolia was first discovered in New South Wales, Australia, in April 2000 and is now present in nine waterways. Infestations, which range from sparse distributions of scattered runners to dense beds 40 cm thick, covered approximately 8.1 km2 by mid 2004. Various methods for controlling the alga were trialed. The application of coarse sea salt at a concentration of 50 kg/m2 was found to be the most effective method as it rapidly killed the alga, had relatively minor effects on native biota (seagrass and infauna) and was relatively inexpensive. In small-scale trials, frond density of C. taxifolia had decreased by 70-95% one week after salting and no fronds were present after 1 or 6 months. Seagrass and infauna were also affected by salt, but abundances had generally recovered after 6 months. The effectiveness of salting at larger scales depended on the method of application and salting appeared to be most successful in the cooler months when C. taxifolia dies back naturally. Results of large-scale salting trials were mixed. In one waterway, a single application of salt resulted in the apparent removal of almost 5200 m2 of C. taxifolia; in another, repeated salting of a 3000 m2 infestation led to a considerable reduction in the density of the alga, but no overall change in the boundaries of the infestation. Eradication of C. taxifolia from New South Wales is unlikely, but local control measures, extensive monitoring and experimentation are continuing in an attempt to limit the impact of this invasive alga.  相似文献   

Invasions of Pinus species are a major environmental concern in South Africa and New Zealand where pines are beginning to dominate native grasslands and shrublands. Pines are widely cultivated in Australia with almost a million hectares growing in large plantations. Plantations are commonly bordered by native Eucalypt vegetation resulting in a high potential for invasion and providing an opportunity to study pine invasion processes within forest environments.In order to determine if Pinus radiata equally invades different dry Eucalypt woodland vegetation types, two areas in the upper Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia were surveyed. Similar levels of invasion were observed in both Eucalypt forest types. An average pine abundance of 55 individuals for the Eucalyptus oreades and Eucalyptus sieberi vegetation type and 49 individuals for the Eucalyptus mannifera and Eucalyptus dives vegetation type was recorded in 20 m by 20 m plots located 50 m from the plantation boundary. To characterise the spatial distribution of the pines, transects were placed perpendicular to the plantation edge. As expected pine numbers diminished with distance from the plantation, however, large reproductive pine trees were found up to 4 km from the seed source signifying long distance dispersal.Investigation of wildling pine response to fire suggests that it may not always be an appropriate management tool. Fire stimulated seed release from cones and resulted in high recruitment of seedlings around reproductive pines which were large enough to survive the burn. Infrequent fires at intervals greater than time to maturity will lead to increased pine densities and further spread into the native vegetation.  相似文献   

Disturbances from road management activities are often considered to be a major threat to plants in roadside environments, however effects may not be deleterious to all plants. The post-disturbance response of three Acacia species with different life-history attributes was compared in four road reserves impacted by soil disturbance from grading activities. Recovery of acacias to grading was variable, however basal resprouting, root suckering and seedling emergence led to a 6.2% population increase for all road reserves combined. In two road reserves, there was significant resprouting of the facultative seeder A. decora, and 2 years after disturbance, resprouts reached mean heights of 71 and 74 cm. One year after disturbance, 71% of A. decora resprouts flowered and 49% also set viable seed, and there was a significant positive relationship between flowers produced and viable seed set. Similarly, 65% of resprouts of the facultative seeder A. montana flowered but only 10% set viable seed. In contrast, there was patchy seedling emergence of the obligate seeder A. pycnantha and to a lesser extent A. montana, and seedlings did not reach reproductive maturity 1 year after disturbance. Drought most likely reduced seedling numbers, as seedlings were only recorded in shaded road reserves, where additional water was applied from roadworks activities. Grading of roadside environments appears to favour plants with strong resprouting ability, and persistence of Acacia populations will depend on the timing of soil disturbances from grading activities in relation to species life-history attributes.  相似文献   

Planners of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) commonly use maps of habitat types when choosing areas to conserve. This assumes that habitats are homogeneous, and therefore, that any area of habitat will represent the full spectrum of ecological diversity within that habitat. Here, we report that macrobenthic assemblages in tidal flat habitats were spatially heterogeneous in terms of beta diversity (taxonomic turnover), abundance, taxonomic richness and Shannon-Wiener H′ Diversity. Importantly, the patterns of heterogeneity were scale dependent for the three spatial scales we examined; plots (20 m), sites (100s of m) and estuaries (<30 km). The three estuaries in the study were compositionally similar as they shared the same dominant taxa, although one estuary had significantly more taxa and a higher abundance of macrobenthos. Assemblages within tidal flats differed at scales of 100s of m for all ecological measures. Most notably, beta diversity was highest at this scale. Assemblages were relatively more homogeneous at the 20-m scale. These findings highlight the value of examining more than one ecological measure and estimating magnitude of effects across a variety of scales. This work presents two important considerations for MPAs. First, although tidal flats in different estuaries are compositionally similar for dominant taxa, rarer taxa and high heterogeneity in abundance should influence the choice and number of tidal flats in MPAs. Second, strong compositional heterogeneity within individual tidal flats implies that conservation of whole habitat, rather than sections of a tidal flat, is essential if this habitat type is to be used to represent taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for DDE [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene] has been used to map DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane)] residues in the top 10 cm of soil in three river valleys of northern New South Wales, Australia. Despite being almost 20 years since DDT was last applied for cotton growing in these areas, the relationship between sites of greatest application and current residue levels was strong. DDE concentrations in the range 0-2 ppm were found, although most the 389 soil samples examined contained less than 0.2 ppm of DDE. Although some relationship between mode of land use and current residue levels was apparent, this varied from valley to valley and may have reflected different farming practices and times of application. The study demonstrates that the combination of ELISA and geographical information system (GIS) analysis provides an effective means of displaying levels of soil contamination by a pesticide and the possible need for remediation.  相似文献   

Zimbabwe’s Mid-Zambezi Valley is of global importance for the emblematic mega-fauna of Africa. Over the past 30 years rapid land use change in this area has substantially reduced wildlife habitat. Tsetse control operations are often blamed for this. In this study, we quantify this change for the Dande Communal Area, Mbire District, of the Mid-Zambezi Valley and analyse the contribution of three major potential drivers: (1) increase in human population; (2) increase in cattle population (and the expansion of associated plough-based agriculture), and; (3) expansion of cotton farming. Although direct effects of land use change on wildlife densities could not be proven, our study suggests that the consequences for elephant and buffalo numbers are negative. All three of the above drivers have contributed to the observed land use change. However, we found farmland to have expanded faster than the human population, and to have followed a similar rate of expansion in cattle sparse, tsetse infested areas as in tsetse free areas where cattle-drawn plough agriculture dominates. This implies the existence of a paramount driver, which we demonstrate to be cotton farming. Contrary to common belief, we argue that tsetse control was not the major trigger behind the dramatic land use change observed, but merely alleviated a constraint to cattle accumulation. We argue that without the presence of a cash crop (cotton), land use change would have been neither as extensive nor as rapid as has been observed. Therefore, conservation agencies should be as concerned by the way people farm as they are by population increase. Conserving biodiversity without jeopardising agricultural production will require the development of innovative technological and institutional options in association with policy and market interventions.  相似文献   

Powerboats are potentially a significant source of disturbance to coastal cetaceans. Information is scarce, however, on the nature of interactions between powerboats and dolphins, particularly when both surface and acoustic behaviour are combined. The surface behaviour and acoustic response of travelling dolphins to approaches by a powerboat were assessed by a series of experimental trials between November 2001 and November 2003 in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Dolphin behaviour was monitored continuously from an independent research boat before, during and after a powerboat approached (n = 12). Treatments were interspersed with control observations (n = 12). Changes in surface behaviour indicated differences between the treatment and control periods (z = 2.24, p = 0.025), with dolphins tending to alter their surface behaviour when exposed to the powerboat approach. Analysis also revealed a change in the direction of travel by dolphin groups when approached (z = 3.22, p = 0.001). Changes in surface behaviour occurred at vessel approach distances outside the minimum approach distance of 30 m for recreational and commercial vessels, as proposed by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. In contrast, there were no changes in dolphin whistle rates (F3,12 = 0.74, p = 0.54) or the duration of echolocation click bouts (F3,12 = 0.76, p = 0.59) when approached. These findings indicate that powerboats do affect the surface behaviour and direction of travelling inshore bottlenose dolphins in Jervis Bay; however it appears that this impact is not reflected in their acoustic behaviour.  相似文献   


A nutritional survey of 23 commercial peach orchards was carried out in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas (M.I.A.) of New South Wales during three growing seasons (1961–62, 1962–63 and 1963–64). Sampling sites were chosen to provide the widest possible coverage of peach orchards of above average productivity. Leaf and soil samples were taken from each site for chemical analysis.

The lighter textured (loamy sand) soils were found to have low reserves of N, P, Ca, Mg and K which could limit growth and yield. The heavier textured colluvial (sandy loam) and alluvial (clay loam) soils contained adequate reserves of most nutrients except N and P. Colluvial soils were particularly low in P. On all soils organic matter contents were very low, generally being below 1.0%.

Leaf N, P, K and B contents decreased during the growing season from October to April. In contrast, leaf Ca, Mg, Na and Cl contents increased over the same period. Since there was a tendency for the leaf N and P contents to decrease slightly during January, this month is suggested as being the most suitable for the collection of leaf samples for diagnostic purposes. Despite the low reserves of some nutrients as indicated by soil analysis, generally satisfactory levels of leaf N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, B, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn were found.  相似文献   

Increasingly knowledge is shared using new web‐based channels. The use of these channels is relatively new in the realm of soil science. However, they may prove to be very useful for connecting time‐poor, geographically dispersed audiences in an efficient and cost‐effective way. There has been limited study of this form of knowledge sharing for natural science (let alone soil science). In New South Wales (NSW), Australia, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) has coordinated the Soil Network of Knowledge (SNoK) monthly webinar over 3 years, with over 40 webinars targeting an audience of next users of soil information. Aggregated data collected from these webinars indicated that the majority of information is used for professional development by participants. Whether this will eventually lead to on‐ground practice change because of the improved professional and technical knowledge of participants is still a moot point and will require further investigation over time. The information collected on attendance and participation showed that webinars are a good way to connect with some target audiences such as other government bodies that have a historical relationship with NSW DPI. However, other target audiences that NSW DPI has always found difficulty in engaging, such as private advisers, require more active overtures to drive participation. The growing subscriber base is encouraging.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳活性组分沿中国长白山海拔坡度的分布情况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Understanding the responses of soil organic carbon(SOC) fractions to altitudinal gradient variation is important for understanding changes in the carbon balance of forest ecosystems.In our study the SOC and its fractions of readily oxidizable carbon(ROC),water-soluble carbon(WSC) and microbial biomass carbon(MBC) in the soil organic and mineral horizons were investigated for four typical forest types,including mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest(MCB),dark coniferous spruce-fir forest(DCSF),dark coniferous spruce forest(DCS),and Ermans birch forest(EB),along an altitudinal gradient in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve in Northeast China.The results showed that there was no obvious altitudinal pattern in the SOC.Similar variation trends of SOC with altitude were observed between the organic and mineral horizons.Significant differences in the contents of SOC,WSC,MBC and ROC were found among the four forest types and between horizons.The contents of ROC in the mineral horizon,WSC in the organic horizon and MBC in both horizons in the MCB and EB forests were significantly greater than those in either DCSF or DCS forest.The proportion of soil WSC to SOC was the lowest among the three main fractions.The contents of WSC,MBC and ROC were significantly correlated(P < 0.05) with SOC content.It can be concluded that vegetation types and climate were crucial factors in regulating the distribution of soil organic carbon fractions in Changbai Mountain.  相似文献   

Four vineyards from the eastern foot of Helan Mountain within the same climate classification, where the planted grapes were 4-year-old Cabernet Sauvignon, were selected for investigating the difference in grape and wine properties. Results showed that the grapes of Lilan vineyard had a higher sugar content and sugar–acid ratio than Huida, Yuquan and Zhihuiyuanshi vineyards. The grapes of Zhihuiyuanshi vineyard had the highest tannin and total phenols content. Concerning the wines, the wine of Yuquan vineyard had low pH but had a great ageing potential, and wine of Zhihuiyuanshi vineyard had highest tone, chroma, tannins, total phenols and alcohol content than other vineyards. Soil pH was positively correlated with anthocyanins in the grapes and negatively correlated with total acid in wine. The microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was correlated with the anthocyanins in grape. Microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) was positively correlated with soluble solid in grapes, and positively correlated with tannin and total phenols in the wine. The MBC/MBN ratio was negatively correlated with tone in the wine. Our findings indicate that adjusting soil pH and choosing microbial fertiliser with high soil microbial carbon and nitrogen nutrients are effective ways to improve the quality of regional grapes and wine.  相似文献   

The concentrations of boron were measured in rain, air and soil water along transects across the Southern Alps, New Zealand, during southern autumn and early winter 1999. Estimates of wet deposition, dry deposition, and flux of boron leaving the soil in soil water are presented. At the Main Divide of the Southern Alps, strong and constant orographic effects on rain-bearing fronts resulted in low concentrations and little variation of boron in rain. Areas with less orographic influence received varying boron concentrations in the rain depending on the origin and character of the fronts. Concentrations of boron in air were greater near the sea than in the intramontane basin. High mean concentrations in air go together with large variations caused by changes of wind direction and speed during frontal passages. Air reaching the intramontane basin was depleted of boron because of washout over the eastern and western ranges and by dry deposition. After a long dry summer spell, the first autumn flush of soil water contained high concentrations of boron at low soil water flow. Later, as the soil wetted up, the soil water concentration approached that of rain water at all sites. Wet deposition was least at sites away from the coast where there was little rain and less boron in it. High rainfall with low boron concentrations or mean rainfall with high boron concentrations occurred near the eastern and western divides. Dry deposition varied over shorter time intervals and distances than wet deposition. It was high near the coastlines during onshore winds and low in the intramontane basin, especially with weak convective turbulence. The concentrations of boron in springs resembled those in rain and soil water, increasing from the western coastal plain eastwards across the Southern Alps.  相似文献   

济南市南部山区土地利用变化与地形因子关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在DEM基础上,基于2000年和2013年Landsat ETM+/OLI卫星影像数据,综合运用RS和GIS技术,分析了济南市南部山区土地利用结构及其变化、土地利用类型转移率及转移方式与高程、坡度和坡向间的关系。研究表明:(1)研究区以绿地为主体的土地利用结构虽未发生根本改变,但内部结构已发生深刻变化,大面积土地利用类型曾发生过转化。(2)基于研究区尺度和自然环境特点,地形是影响土地利用及其变化的主导自然因素,但地形因子高度、坡度和坡向对土地利用及其变化的作用是不同的。(3)高度和坡度对土地利用及其变化的影响较为一致,即随高度和坡度的增加,土地利用结构及其变化、土地利用类型间转移特点有相似的规律性。比较坡度和高度的作用方式发现,坡度是更直接和更明显的影响因素。(4)在高度有限的山地丘陵区,不同坡向与土地利用结构及其变化间无明显相关关系。与坡度和高度相比,坡向对土地利用结构及其变化的影响非常有限。  相似文献   

The small Cape mountain zebra population in Gamka Mountain Nature Reserve represents a third of the entire gene pool of this endangered species and is thus vital for it’s conservation. Presently, management of this population is largely hands off, with the belief that it will grow to levels which will allow it to form a source for the mixing of mountain zebra stocks in the future. The growth of this population however, has been slow and we investigated the influence of habitat and fire on this growth. Firstly, we used a diffusion model to perform a population viability analysis. This analysis indicated that the population had a low probability of attaining quasi-extinction in the next 50 years (G = 0.0032). However, our findings indicated that less than 30% of the reserve was suitable for mountain zebra and that the preferred habitat would have to be burnt at unnaturally short intervals to sustain the present growth. We therefore argue that the risk of quasi-extinction to this population is greater than predicted and suggest that management options need to be implemented to reduce this risk. These options include; translocation to another protected area; acquisition of adjacent land; burning preferred habitat at unnaturally short intervals; forming a conservancy with adjacent landowners; leasing cultivated land for pasture. We suggest that only the latter two options are likely to stimulate mountain zebra population growth in the short term and that these should receive immediate attention.  相似文献   

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