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Natural areas are becoming increasingly fragmented and embedded in an urban matrix. Natural and semi-natural areas at the urban/wildland interface are threatened by a variety of ‘edge effects’, and are especially vulnerable to invasion by introduced plants, with suburban gardens acting as significant sources of alien propagules. Urban/wildland interfaces also provide access for humans, leading to various types of disturbance. Alien plant invasions are one of the biggest threats facing remaining natural areas on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. The area provides an ideal opportunity to study the dynamics of invasions at the urban/wildland interface, since the largest natural area, the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP), is surrounded by the city of Cape Town. We explored invasion patterns in Newlands Forest (a small section of the TMNP) and detailed the roles of habitat features and distance from putative source populations in three main habitat types: natural Afromontane forest, riverine woodland habitats, and plantations of exotic pines (Pinus radiata and P. pinaster). We also examined the role of disturbance in driving invasions in two of these habitat types (Afromontane forest and pine plantations). We hypothesized that alien richness and alien stem density would decrease with distance from the urban/wildland interface, and that alien richness and alien stem density would increase with increasing levels of human disturbance.Distance from putative source populations and levels of anthropogenic disturbance influenced alien richness in Newlands Forest but not alien stem density. Alien richness decreased significantly with distance from presumed sources in the pine habitat, and increased significantly with disturbance in the forest habitat. Percentage overstorey cover and soil pH were important environmental variables associated with alien plant species. A socio-economic approach is discussed as being the most effective approach to the management and prevention of alien plant species in Newlands Forest.  相似文献   

The quality of habitat at and around a spawning site, and the availability of movement between spawning and nonspawning habitats are likely to be important determinants for population persistence in a degraded and fragmented landscape. We assessed the influence of habitat connectivity, habitat quality and invasive species for distributions and local abundance of eggs and larvae of crucian carp (Crassius auratus complex, which is listed as “data deficient” on the Japanese Red List) in agricultural landscapes surrounding Lake Mikata, Japan, where drainage ditches and paddy fields are extensively utilised for spawning (lake or river shores are also used). We investigated the presence and abundance of eggs and larvae of crucian carp and habitat components at 146 sites across a range of presumed spawning habitats. Egg presence was affected strongly by connectivity to the lake (watercourse distance from the lake), and egg abundance was significantly influenced by both connectivity and habitat quality. In contrast, larval presence was primarily related to habitat quality. Larval abundance was influenced by connectivity and habitat quality, but the effect of connectivity was relatively low. Furthermore, larval abundance was negatively related to the presence of the invasive species red swamp crayfish (Procambarus craki) and bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Our findings indicate that connectivity, habitat quality and the presences of invasive species are crucial in determining suitable spawning and nursery habitats, but their relative importance may vary depending on egg and larval life stages. We suggest that restoring connectivity, improving habitat quality and removal of invasive species could be effective conservation strategies for the declining populations of crucian carp in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The relative effects of road traffic and forest cover on anuran populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Road traffic and the loss of forests are both known to have negative effects on anurans. However, the relative importance of these two predictors is poorly understood because forest cover in the landscape is usually negatively correlated with the density of roads and traffic. To evaluate the independent effects of traffic and forest cover, we selected 36 ponds near Ottawa, Canada, at the center of four landscape types: low forest/low traffic; low forest/high traffic; high forest/low traffic; and high forest/high traffic, where traffic and forest cover were measured within 100-2000 m of the edge of each pond. We surveyed all ponds in 2005 and re-surveyed a 23-pond subset in 2006. The negative association between species richness and traffic density was stronger (partial R2 = 0.34; P < .001) than the positive association of species richness with forest cover (partial R2 = 0.10; P > .05) in the landscape. Three of six common species showed stronger associations with traffic density than with forest cover - Bufo americanus, Rana pipiens, and Hyla versicolor; two species - Pseudacris crucifer and Rana sylvatica - showed stronger associations with forest cover than with traffic; while Rana clamitans showed similar associations with traffic and forest cover. Our results show that the overall negative effect of traffic on anuran populations in northeastern North America is at least as great as the negative effect of deforestation, and also that the relative effects of these two predictors on anuran abundance vary between species.  相似文献   

Landscape restoration through revegetation is being increasingly used in the conservation management of degraded landscapes. To effectively plan restoration programs information is required on how the landscape context of revegetation influences biodiversity gains. Here, we investigate the relative influence of patch area and connectivity on bird species richness and abundance within urban revegetation patches in Brisbane, Australia. We carried out bird surveys at 20 revegetation sites, and used hierarchical partitioning and model selection to test the relative importance of patch area (the area of revegetation including all directly connected remnant vegetation) and landscape connectivity (the vegetated area connected by less than 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m and 50 m cleared gaps). We controlled for a number of possible confounding variables within the hierarchical partitioning procedure. Both the hierarchical partitioning and model selection procedures indicated that connectivity had an important influence on bird species richness. Patch area in combination with connectivity were important influencing factors on overall bird abundance. We also carried out the hierarchical partitioning procedure for bird abundance data within a range of feeding guilds, yielding results specific to species groups. Overall our data suggest that greater connectivity enhances the habitat area that colonists can arrive from (resulting in greater species richness), whereas increased patch area allows for increased abundance by expanding the habitat available to species already present in a patch. A combined approach where connectivity and overall habitat area is enhanced across the landscape is likely to be necessary to meet long-term conservation objectives.  相似文献   

In this study we compared ground beetles (Carabidae) from a range of different forest fragments along an urbanization gradient in Brussels, Belgium. We address the following questions: (i) How does the degree of urbanization in the surrounding habitat affect forest beetles, and does it interact with the effects of patch size and distance to forest edge? (ii) Do these factors have a different effect at the level of individual species, habitat affinity groups or total community? During 2002 we sampled 13 forest plots in 10 forest patches, ranging in size from 5.27 to 4383 ha. The beetles were captured using transects of pitfall traps from the edge to a distance of 100 m into each woodland and identified to species level. Effects of urbanization, forest size and forest edge were evaluated on total species number, abundance and habitat affinity groups and ten abundant, widespread model carabid species. Overall, the effects of urbanization, forest size and edge effects slightly influenced total species richness and abundance but appeared to have a major effect on ground beetle assemblages through species specific responses. More urbanized sites had significantly fewer forest specialists and more generalist species. Large forest fragments were favoured by forest specialist species while generalist species and species frequently associated with forest (forest generalists) dominated the smaller forests. Forest edges mainly harboured generalist species while forest specialist species were more frequent into the forests if the forest patches were large enough, otherwise they disappeared due to the destruction or impoverishment of their habitat. Our results show the importance of differentiating between habitat affinity, especially habitat generalists versus specialists, the latter having a higher value in nature conservation, and merely the quantity of species represented in human-dominated areas.  相似文献   

Growth of cabbage (Brasslca oleracea L.), cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.), squash (Cucurbita pepo L.), chile pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)., radish (Raphanus sativus L.), and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) was enhanced when supplied with additional Ca in the presence of NH4‐N over those with normal Ca. Ammonium uptake as measured by residual NH4 in soil leachate was lowered indicating possible increased uptake in the presence of additional Ca.  相似文献   

Summary In the Netherlands, the dung beetleTyphaeus typhoeus (Col., Geotrupidae) is confined to sandy and loamy sandy soils. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and in the field to ascertain the effects of soil bulk density and soil moisture on various aspects of the reproductive behaviour and development of this dung beetle. Some of the results were validated under natural field conditions. The nesting burrows were shown not to penetrate beyond the upper level of the soil moisture saturation zone. The depth of the burrows was not influenced by the bulk density in moist and free-drained sandy soils. Lower bulk densities of the soil were shown to result in fewer dung sausages being made, even when sufficient dung was availabe to provide for the larvae. This phenomenon was attributed to a behavioural response from the dung beetles. The critical bulk density in the field appeared to be approximately 1.40 × 103 kg/m3. The survival rate of eggs and larvae was shown to be adversely affected by conditions of high soil moisture (> 20% by volume) at the depths where the larvae develop. Evidence is given for a low survival rate of larvae at conditions of low soil moisture (pF > 2.7) at these depths. The impact of certain other soil factors is discussed.Communication no. 280 of the Biological Station, Wijster, The Netherlands  相似文献   

In managed landscapes, habitat structure is frequently manipulated through the creation of features such as tracks, hedges, and waterways. If predator and prey activity are concentrated around these features, levels of predation may be elevated in these landscapes. This issue is of particular importance when habitat structures are used to attract species of conservation concern. For example, the installation of linear waterways in wet grasslands is a common form of habitat management to benefit breeding waders and wader nests and foraging chicks tend to be aggregated around wet features. If predator activity is also focused around these features, and if their linearity increases the probability of prey being located, then the conservation benefits of this management technique may be eliminated. We explore predator movement in relation to the structure and complexity of linear wet features within a lowland wet grassland landscape. We examine patterns of nest and chick predation in lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) at the whole-site, between-field and within-field scales. Mammalian predators were responsible for the majority of nest predation. However, we found no evidence that mammalian predators used linear wet features disproportionately within the landscape, or that wet feature distribution influenced the probability of nest or chick predation. At the whole-site scale, nest predation rates were significantly higher in areas with greater predator presence and lowest where the number of breeding neighbours was high. Thus, predation levels were influenced by large-scale patterns of predator presence and lapwing density but not by the use of linear wet features as a habitat management tool. Managing predator impacts is therefore likely to require empirical assessments of local predator distribution and abundance in order to target measures effectively.  相似文献   

Due to the growing awareness of potential impacts of roads, managers demand well-designed studies about the implications of linear infrastructures on ecosystems. We illustrate the application of Before–During–After and Before–During–After-Control–Impact designs (BDA and BDACI) to assess effects of highway construction and operation using a population of great bustards (Otis tarda) as a model. Based on a time series of demographic and distribution data (1997–2009), we developed generalized additive models and classification trees to test the effect of road distance on bustard distribution, identify road-effect distances and explore the seasonality of these effects. Two control zones were selected to test the changes between construction phases on productivity, and population trends using TRIM models. From the start of the road construction, great bustards tended to avoid close proximity to the highway (ca. 560–750 m threshold distance). The exclusion band was narrower during the breeding season. In addition, family groups were less tolerant to highway operation disturbances, as shown by their higher distance effect (ca. 1300 m). Population trends did not differ between impact and control zones during the construction. However, once the highway was in operation, bustard numbers declined gradually up to 50% in the impact zone, remained stable in the closest control zone, and increased in the zone located at the greatest distance from the highway. The effects on density of family groups were less evident. Our approach provides information relevant to great bustard conservation and suggests methods for obtaining information of interest to road managers, that could be applied to linear infrastructures with others species.  相似文献   

Thirty-one meadows were investigated within five sites representing various farming styles found in Austrian cultural landscapes. The meadows were analysed regarding (a) biodiversity (vascular plant and bryophyte species richness), (b) land-use practices (fertiliser input, mowing intensity, the use of silage), and (c) economic aspects (variable costs, profit margin and subsidies per ha). There were significant negative correlations between plant species richness and mowing intensity and intensity of fertiliser application. Bryophytes were good indicators of low nutrient regimes, having high species richness at low fertiliser input. Vascular plants showed highest species richness at an intermediate nitrogen supply. The total plant species richness decreased with increasing nitrogen supply. Intensive silage production was also negatively correlated with plant diversity. Species with a very narrow ecological niche of soil moisture and nutrients declined, whereas species adapted to wider ecological conditions increased. Profit margin and variable costs correlated negatively with plant species richness, with meadows that offered low or no profit margins showing highest species richness. There was no significant relationship between species richness and the amount of subsidies invested at the study meadows. Estimated costs of maintaining a species are shown. It is concluded that if plant species richness are to be maintained in these meadows, farmers have to receive increased financial incentives through agro-environmental subsidies for appropriate meadow management, and these have to be linked to clearly defined measures.  相似文献   

Over the past 100 years species-rich semi-natural grasslands have decreased dramatically in Western Europe, where former arable fields (ex-fields) are used instead as pasture. The disappearance of semi-natural grasslands has caused a threat to the biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Many typical grassland plants are dispersal limited, thus grazed ex-fields can be used to investigate if species spontaneously colonise these new grassland habitats. We examined the relationship between surrounding landscape, field area, shape, distance between edge and centre, and plant species diversity in ex-fields that had been grazed for 15-18 years. The results showed that there were 35% more plant species in fields surrounded by commercial forestry production compared to those surrounded by open agricultural landscape. Area and shape did not influence species richness, although there was increasing number of species in the centre with decreasing distance from the edge. Twenty-five percent of the species where typical grassland species, and ex-fields surrounded by forest had 91% more grassland species compared to those in the open landscape. It is possible to increase grassland plant occurrences by grazing ex-fields surrounded by forest or other grassland remnant habitats, particularly in landscapes where grazed semi-natural grasslands are scarce.  相似文献   

The factors influencing the number of nightjars on 36 heathland sites (referred to as patches) in Dorset, England were examined using novel spatial integration of existing datasets. Surrogate measures of human density and settlement, including the amount of developed land at different distances from the heath (obtained from aerial photographs) and the actual number of buildings (obtained from Post Code databases) were all found to be highly correlated with each other and to show a strong negative relationship with the density of nightjars present on a patch, regardless of patch size. The amount of woodland (the preferred foraging habitat) surrounding each patch (within 500 m of the patch boundary) was also a significant predictor of nightjar numbers. When used together, the extent of woodland and developed land both gave significant improvements to predictions of nightjar density. The results indicate that the number of nightjars present on a heathland patch is influenced by the surrounding land-use and that the effect of urban development is more than just habitat loss. We suggest that trends identified are at least partly due to actual human presence on the heathlands and as such, human disturbance is potentially a problem for this species.  相似文献   

从盐生植物根际土中分离得到4株含1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)脱氨酶的植物促生菌(PGPR),通过无菌育种袋栽培试验,考查其在不同盐分条件下对燕麦和黑麦草幼苗的促生效应。结果表明,4株菌对5 g/kg或10 g/kg NaCl盐分胁迫下的燕麦和黑麦草幼苗均表现出显著地缓解促生效应,其中假单胞菌属S1最显著,10 g/kg NaCl比无NaCl时促生作用更大。4株PGPR的ACC脱氨酶活性与植物生长参数(根长和下胚轴长)之间具有极显著的正相关性(Pearson相关系数>0.81)。  相似文献   

Lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) were grown in nutrient solution in controlled environment plant growth chambers to characterize certain qualitative responses to above ambient levels of CO2. Increased plant material produced under high CO2 levels did not differ nutritionally from plants grown under ambient levels. No differences were found in chloroplast pigment content, protein content, or in carbohydrate content on a weight basis. Sequential harvests did reveal, however, that there is a greater accumulation of carbohydrate, under high CO2 conditions, prior to an increased growth rate as the plants reach maturity.  相似文献   

A pot experiment in a greenhouse was conducted in order to investigate the effect of different N2‐fixing, phytohormone‐producing, and P‐solubilizing bacterial species on wheat and spinach growth and enzyme activities. Growth parameters and the activities of four enzymes, glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD; EC, 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD; EC, glutathione reductase (GR; EC, and glutathione S‐transferase (GST; EC were determined in the leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Konya) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), noninoculated and inoculated with nine plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR: Bacillus cereus RC18, Bacillus licheniformis RC08, Bacillus megaterium RC07, Bacillus subtilis RC11, Bacillus OSU‐142, Bacillus M‐13, Pseudomonas putida RC06, Paenibacillus polymyxa RC05 and RC14). Among the strains used in the present study, six PGPR exhibited nitrogenase activity and four were efficient in phosphate solubilization; all bacterial strains were efficient in indole acetic acid (IAA) production and significantly increased growth of wheat and spinach. Inoculation with PGPR increased wheat shoot fresh weight by 16.2%–53.8% and spinach shoot fresh weight by 2.2%–53.4% over control. PGPR inoculation gave leaf area increases by 6.0%–47.0% in wheat and 5.3%–49.3% in spinach. Inoculation increased plant height by 2.2%–24.6% and 1.9%–36.8% in wheat and spinach, respectively. A close relationship between plant growth and enzyme activities such as G6PD, 6PGD, GR, and GST was demonstrated. Plant‐growth response was variable and dependent on the inoculant strain, enzyme activity, plant species, and growth parameter evaluated. In particular, the N2‐fixing bacterial strains RC05, RC06, RC14, and OSU‐142 and the P‐solubilizing strains RC07 and RC08 have great potential in being formulated and used as biofertilizers.  相似文献   

This paper describes the vegetation which develops around forest paths (closed to public motor vehicles) in a 4383 ha-beech forest in central Belgium. The main purposes of these investigations were to analyse how far into the forest stands, paths have an influence on the surrounding plant species composition; and to acquire more specific information on the particular effect of some types of surfacing materials. The results show that forest paths have a significant effect on the surrounding plant assemblages. Some species are significantly associated with one particular type of surfacing material. Globally, the presence of a path results in an increase in the number of ruderal species, disturbance indicators, nitrogen-demanding species and indicators of basic conditions. Eutrophication and pH increase, as inferred from the plant composition, are perceptible up to a minimum distance of 10 m from the path. The consequences for long-term conservation of the woodland flora are discussed.  相似文献   

Invasions of exotic plant species are among the most pervasive and important threats to natural ecosystems, however, the effects of plant invasions on soil processes and the soil biota have rarely been investigated. We grew two exotic and a native under-story plant species in the same mineral soil from a non-invaded forest stand in order to test whether observed differences in the field could be experimentally produced in the greenhouse. We characterized changes in the soil microbial community structure (as indexed by PLFAs) and function (as indexed by enzyme activities and SIR), as well as changes in potential nitrogen mineralization rates. We found that the invasion of two very dissimilar exotic species into the under-story of deciduous forests in eastern North America can rapidly cause changes in most of the studied soil properties. At the end of the three-month incubation, soils under the exotic species had significantly different PLFA, enzyme and SIR profiles than both initial soils and soils where native shrubs had been grown. We also observed a significant increase in pH and nitrification rates under one of the exotic plants. Such changes in the soil are potentially long-term (e.g. changes in soil pH) and are therefore likely to promote the re-invasion of these and other exotics. Both management of exotic plant invasions and the restoration of native communities must take into account exotic species effects on the soil.  相似文献   

This study was conducted over a two year period in the north west of Madeira Island (Macaronesian Atlantic Islands, Portugal). It investigates the relationship between fruiting patterns in the indigenous forest and the use by the Madeira laurel pigeon of forest habitats and cultivated areas. Habitat use observations were carried out using line-transects in forest sites where the availability of fruit (the most important element of the diet) was assessed. The use of agricultural fields was measured indirectly by the assessment of the damage caused to crops. The findings provided strong evidence that bird movements and shifts in abundance are related to fruit usage and availability. The use of fruits is mostly opportunistic but when many species are available, selection was observed. From an ecological perspective, our findings indirectly confirm a high concordance between pigeon diet, studied by microhistological techniques, and habitat use. The use of crops also seems to be mostly opportunistic and is governed by the birds’ movements within the adjacent forest. It is hypothesised that fruit phenology will influence the use of agricultural areas only to the extent that it governs such movements; there is no strong evidence that crops are attacked only when the availability of natural foods is low. Our results suggest that the current management strategy for the forest is adequate for the conservation of this pigeon but that the conservation value of forest edges should be redefined. It is also proposed that crop damage may be reduced by identifying the proximate factors, which lead to the use of specific fields.  相似文献   

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