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OBJECTIVE: To establish the range and cost of losses in Merino flocks in southern New South Wales during drought conditions by determining the cause of death, morbidity or wasting in adult sheep. DESIGN AND POPULATION: Pathological studies were performed on 392 dead or moribund adult sheep from 12 Ovine Johne's disease (OJD)-infected flocks during 2002 and a further 58 sheep culled due to wasting from one of these flocks in 2003. Flocks ranged between 3,500 and 20,000 sheep. METHOD: The most likely cause of death, morbidity or wasting was determined following consideration of the environment in which the animal was found, clinical and gross pathological findings, plus histopathology of tissues collected during necropsy. RESULTS: A most likely cause of death, morbidity or wasting was determined for 362 sheep in 2002 and 58 sheep in 2003. OJD contributed to the death of 250 sheep in 2002, and wasting of 48 sheep in 2003. Of the sheep that died or were euthanased due to other causes, malnutrition was a contributing factor in the death of 70 sheep (63%) in 2002 and 2 sheep (20%) in 2003. Losses were not evenly distributed across flocks, with 57% of mortalities caused by malnutrition in 2002 occurring in one flock. Malnutrition accounted for 18% of the annual cost of all deaths among adult sheep in 2002 with an average cost of $16,882 per farm. Losses not attributed to malnutrition included a range of infectious and non-infectious disorders. These included balanoposthitis, clostridial enterotoxaemia, cutaneous myiasis, endoparasitism, enteritis, intestinal adenocarcinoma, misadventure, peritonitis, periparturient death of ewes, photosensitisation, pneumonia, post-shearing stress and squamous cell carcinoma of the perineum. CONCLUSION: Almost one third of mortalities in OJD-infected flocks during drought were unrelated to OJD and could be reduced by improving nutritional and disease management practices. The importance of close supervision of the flock is highlighted so that early management intervention can be instituted, including the culling of cases of welfare concern.  相似文献   

Perinatal mortality is affected by a variety of management factors and disease processes that create significant losses for the sheep industry. Annual production losses prior to weaning include roughly 15% to 20% of the lamb crop. The majority of these perinatal losses occur during the prenatal, natal, and early postnatal periods, with the predominant wave of mortality occurring during the first several days following birth. Causes of perinatal mortality may vary between flocks and between geographic areas; however, four dominant categories of lamb loss consistently surface: (1) abortions; (2) hypothermia, starvation, and exposure; (3) pneumonia; and (4) stillbirth and dystocia. They account for roughly 50% to 75% of all documented perinatal losses. Veterinarians and producers need to work together to document the type of losses that occur in a given flock and then design economic prevention programs that address these problems. In most cases, traditional prevention programs will need to be replaced by a comprehensive management scheme addressing nutrition, genetics, housing, marketing, lambing husbandry, and labor.  相似文献   

The authors analyse the current epidemiological situation of sheep Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) in Sardinia, where the prevalence of ovine CE is still very high (70%) and this parassitosis is also frequently found in the human population. For this reason Sardinia represents a peculiar model for CE study, because there are particular conditions that allow Echinococcus granulosus to complete its life cycle. Some social and economical factors support the persistence of sheep CE: over 3 million Sarda breed heads are extensively bred; the presence, at farm level, of a strong relationship between dog, sheep and human; the low commercial value of meat coming from adult sheep, whinch results in a large number of sheep being slaughtered at home or on the farm rather than in authorized slaughterhouses. Moreover Sardinia is the only Italian region where partially successful echinococcosis control plans have been applied. The authors suggest some indirect and direct initiatives, including the use of a new vaccine against the development of this metacestode in sheep, to reduce the prevalence of CE.  相似文献   

The authors analyse the current epidemiological situation of sheep Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) in Sardinia, where the prevalence of ovine CE is still very high (70%) and this parassitosis is also frequently found in the human population. For this reason Sardinia represents a peculiar model for CE study, because there are particular conditions that allow Echinococcus granulosus to complete its life cycle. Some social and economical factors support the persistence of sheep CE: over 3 million Sarda breed heads are extensively bred; the presence, at farm level, of a strong relationship between dog, sheep and human; the low commercial value of meat coming from adult sheep, whinch results in a large number of sheep being slaughtered at home or on the farm rather than in authorized slaughterhouses. Moreover Sardinia is the only Italian region where partially successful echinococcosis control plans have been applied. The authors suggest some indirect and direct initiatives, including the use of a new vaccine against the development of this metacestode in sheep, to reduce the prevalence of CE.  相似文献   

This work estimates the economic losses due to Neospora abortions in the humid pampa region of Argentina. The total dairy and beef cattle population at risk of abortion is 1,771,326 and 9,726,684 head, respectively. In dairy cattle, there was an 8 % risk of experiencing abortion due to a variety of causes, but 16.5 % of them were due to Neospora caninum. The economic losses were estimated at US$1,865 (range, 1,400–2,331) per abortion, which equates to a total loss of US$43,607,430 (range, 15,622,600–194,412,390) for the dairy industry at the humid pampa region of Argentina. In beef cattle, the overall risk of abortion was estimated to be 4.5 % for all pregnancies, whereas 6.7 % are specifically due to N. caninum, with an economic loss of US$440 (range, 150–730) per abortion. This amounts to an annual loss to the beef industry of US$12,903,440 (range, 1,130,700–42,070,630) in the same area. The results of this study show that Neospora infections and thus abortions cause severe economic impacts in the dairy and beef industries in the humid pampa region of Argentina, which is one the most important areas of cattle production in the world.  相似文献   

The present review article deals with the current knowledge on the most important reasons of quantitative and qualitative losses during breeding and turnover before slaughtering of farm animals. At present, the profitability of every economic activity of people is an indispensable necessity. As regards farm animals there are many factors, seemingly banal ones, that determine the final economical effect and satisfaction of such activity. Many essential errors are made by producers as a result of ignorance or not complying with the basic needs of their behaviour. The turnover only deepens these neglects. The most essential limitations of these quantitative and qualitative losses are the proper selection and joining of the animals as well as an exact knowledge and complying with their natural behaviour. Such activity decreases animal stress, improves a proper welfare and consequently increases economical effects considerably.  相似文献   

SUMMARY An investigation of sheep flocks with unknown histories of fleece derangement, selected at random from the main sheep raising areas of New South Wales, showed that Psorergates ovis was present in 53 of the 177 flocks surveyed and In 162 of the 3495 sheep examined. Of the single causes of fleece derangement, the most prevalent was grass seed contamination (15.7%) followed by Infestation with sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis, (14.7%) and Infestation with Itch mite (7.8%). The prevalence of fleece derangement was significantly higher on sheep In which lice were the only ectoparasites found than on those In which Itch mites were the only ectoparasites present. The greatest prevalence of P ovis was In flocks In the Young, Yass, Mudgee and Tenterfield districts. In most affected flocks, more than one potential cause of fleece derangement was present. Itch mite Infestation was more prevalent in flocks that received no treatment for ectoparasites than in those that had been treated in the year preceding the survey. Our results did not support a commonly held belief among farmers that arsenical compounds control Infestations of Itch mites more effectively than other types of pesticides. There was no significant difference in prevalence of fleece derangement between flocks treated with different pesticide groups and those that received no treatment, but mean fleece derangement score was significantly lower in sheep treated with organophosphates than in untreated sheep. Infestations of lice were significantly more prevalent in sheep from flocks treated with synthetic pyrethroids than from those treated with organophosphates or those that received no treatment.  相似文献   

Stability and storage characteristics of enzymes in sheep blood   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The stability and storage characteristics were studied of 11 ovine enzymes of potential clinical significance, namely, aldolase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, acetylcholinesterase, creatine kinase, gamma glutamyltransferase, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Enzyme activities in fresh serum were compared with those in plasma containing various anticoagulants including lithium heparin, EDTA and oxalate/fluoride. The same preservatives were assessed for their effects on the whole blood activities of GSH-Px and SOD. Stabilities of enzymes in plasma and serum stored at room (+20 degrees C), refrigerator (4 degrees C) or deep freeze (-20 degrees C) temperatures were also compared. In addition, SOD and GSH-Px activities in samples stored, at the same temperatures, as whole blood or aqueous lysates were monitored. The results are discussed with particular reference to the differences between sheep and cattle.  相似文献   

Between 1983 and 1989, we examined 1,201 aborted fetuses and dead lambs from the north central United States. Toxoplasmosis was diagnosed in 17.5%, campylobacteriosis in 9.9%, chlamydiosis in 4.7%, and miscellaneous infections in 15.1%. Inflammatory lesions suggestive of infectious causes were seen in 13%. Noninfectious causes were identified in 6.1%, and a diagnosis was not reached in 33.3%. An agglutination test was used to detect Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibodies in ovine fluids. Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were detected in 223 of 1,064 (20.9%) fluids from fetuses and dead lambs. Of 201 seropostive (greater than or equal to 16) fetuses and lambs, T gondii antibody titers (reciprocal) were 16 (21 fetuses and lambs), 32 (10 fetuses and lambs), 64 (2 fetuses and lambs), 128 (7 fetuses and lambs), 256 (9 fetuses and lambs), 512 (5 fetuses and lambs), 1,024 (15 fetuses and lambs), 2,048 (13 fetuses and lambs), 4,096 (13 fetuses and lambs), 8,196 (13 fetuses and lambs), 16,392 (19 fetuses and lambs), and greater than or equal to 32,784 (74 fetuses and lambs).  相似文献   

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