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Investigating preferential flow in a large intact soil block under pasture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A large soil block was constructed to determine the importance of preferential flow routes compared with matric flow pathways at a pasture site in mid-Devon. The sandy loam soil was well structured and uniform. The soil block measured 5 m×3 m×1 m and was instrumented with an array of 54 tensiometers, TDR wave guides and suction samplers connected to an in situ chloride analysis system. Four steady state irrigation experiments were conducted with a range of rainfall intensities. During each experiment chloride and nitrate tracers were applied and the patterns of movement were observed. Although the application of tracer was uniform and the soil was relatively homogeneous, there was large variability across the block in terms of time taken to reach the peak concentration (TPC) and the peak concentration itself. About 44 samplers operated at the greatest intensities (10–2 mm h−1) and only 35 at the smallest (1 mm h−1). No relationship was found between TPC and depth. The fastest TPC and largest concentrations were associated with the greatest rainfall intensities. Relative importance of the individual water pathways was a function of soil heterogeneity: parts of the soil block were highly active with several pathways having short TPCs and conductivities in excess of 4 m day−1 whereas other areas had longer TPCs and conductivities of 1–2 m day−1. The pattern was also dynamic, with conductivities of the pathways changing through time, though most of the faster pathways maintained their greater conductivities for more than one year.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles and colloids affect the storage and hence the availability of P in forest ecosystems. We investigated the fine colloids present in forest soils and their association with inorganic and organic P. To differentiate between the different P forms, we performed liquid‐state 31P‐nucelar magnetic resonance (31P‐NMR) measurements on forest bulk soil extracts, on colloid extracts and on the electrolyte phase of their soil suspensions. The 31P‐NMR spectra indicated that soil nanoparticles and colloids were more enriched with organic than with inorganic P forms compared to the electrolyte phase. The P concentration was enriched in the colloidal fraction in comparison to the bulk soil and the phosphate diesters were more dominant in the colloidal fraction when compared to the bulk soil. The colloidal P‐diester to P‐monoester ratios were 2 to 3 times higher in the colloidal fraction than in the bulk soil. In contrast, relatively large percentages of inorganic P were found in the electrolyte phase. Supplementary (not shown) Data are available at the JuSER Server (juser.fz‐juelich.de, reference number: FZJ‐2016‐01739) https://juser.fz‐juelich.de/record/283057 .  相似文献   

Soil bulk density (ρ) is an important physical property, but its measurement is frequently lacking in soil surveys due to the time‐consuming nature of making the measurement. As a result pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have been developed to predict ρ from other more easily available soil properties. These functions are generally derived from regression methods that aim to fit a single model. In this study, we use a technique called Generalized Boosted Regression Modelling (GBM; Ridgeway, 2006 ) which combines two algorithms: regression trees and boosting. We built two models and compared their predictive performance with published PTFs. All the functions were fitted based on the French forest soil dataset for the European demonstration Biosoil project. The two GBM models were Model G3 which involved the three most frequent quantitative predictors used to estimate soil bulk density (organic carbon, clay and silt), and Model G10, which included ten qualitative and quantitative input variables such as parent material or tree species. Based on the full dataset, Models G3 and G10 gave R2 values of 0.45 and 0.86, respectively. Model G3 did not significantly outperform the best published model. Even when fitted from an external dataset, it explained only 29% of the variation of ρ with a root mean square error of 0.244 g/cm3. In contrast, the more complex Model G10 outperformed the other models during external validation, with a R2 of 0.67 and a predictive deviation of ±0.168 g/cm3. The variation in forest soil bulk densities was mainly explained by five input variables: organic carbon content, tree species, the coarse fragment content, parent material and sampling depth.  相似文献   

The immediate effect of low and high severity wildfires on the main soil properties, as well as their short‐ and medium‐term evolution under field conditions, was examined. The study was performed with three pine forest soils (two Leptosols and one Humic Cambisol, developed over granite and basic schist, respectively), located in the Atlantic humid temperate zone (Galicia, NW Spain). Samples were collected from the A‐horizon (0–5 cm depth) of the burnt and the corresponding unburnt soils, immediately and 3, 6 and 12 months after the wildfires. Most properties analysed exhibit immediate fire‐induced changes and different evolution depending on fire severity and soil type. In general, immediately after the fire pH and soil properties related to nutrients availability increased and cation exchange capacity decreased, whereas properties related to soil organic matter content (C, N, Fe and Al oxides) had a variable effect depending mainly on the soil studied; all these modifications were accentuated by fire severity. These effects were attenuated in the short term in the soil affected by a low severity wildfire, but they lasted for at least 1 year in the soils affected by high severity wildfires, particularly in the Leptosols. The results showed the importance of the fire as a disturbance agent in the dynamic of nutrients and soil organic matter that is directly related with soil quality in the Galician forest ecosystems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) fluxes from forest soils are not well understood. For temperate zone forests, there is some evidence from watershed studies that P export occurs mainly in preferential flow pathways during storm events after dry periods. Therefore, we tested the practical applicability of a sampling approach, which should allow for quantifying P concentrations and fluxes. We used zero‐tension lysimeters, which were installed beneath the topsoil and in the subsoil at plots in the Tharandt Forest (Saxony, East Germany). Two storm events after dry periods were simulated by means of experimental sprinkler irrigation. Preferential flow water collected with the zero‐tension lysimeters was analyzed for total P (TP), particulate P (PP), dissolved organic P (DOP) and dissolved inorganic P (DIP), and the respective P fluxes were calculated. The results indicate that the experimental approach is applicable to estimate fluxes of different P fractions in preferential flow. Measured data point toward a distinct flushing of P in the first hours of heavy rainfall events with PP fraction playing a dominant role. In general, P concentrations decreased quickly during the first 2 h of irrigation and then remained constant. Initial concentrations and cumulative fluxes were highest in the subsoil samplers. For a better understanding of underlying processes, further research with a special focus on the PP fraction is necessary.  相似文献   

[目的]从土壤理化性状和微生物多样性角度,研究将竹炭和复合肥制备成竹炭包膜复合肥后对毛竹林土壤磷素有效性的影响,分析竹炭简化施用的可行性.[方法]野外林地试验在浙江杭州红黄壤上进行,设置单施复合肥(CK)、竹炭包膜复合肥(BF)和复合肥+竹炭(SC)?3个处理.在施肥后的第30和100天,测定土壤pH、容重、总碳、总氮...  相似文献   

The effects of forest fires on the soil mycotlora were investigated in a Pinus contorta forest in Alberta, where it was found that species of Trichoderma and Penicillium were reduced in the burned plot, whereas Gelasinospora sp occurred only in the burned plot: Cylindrocarpon destructans appeared not to be affected by fire.The response of fungi to aqueous extracts of burned and unburned litter, measured as linear growth on agar, showed that, of the isolates tested, all but C. destructans were inhibited by the burned litter extract; C. destructans grew better on the burned litter extract. An examination of spore germination rates and growth in liquid culture showed that Trichoderma polysporum and Penicillium janthinellum were both inhibited by burned litter extracts whereas C. destructans was not. Gelasinospora sp did not grow in liquid culture, nor did it produce spores after being kept in culture for some time.It was concluded that species of Trichoderma and Penicillium were killed by the heat of the fire, and subsequently unable to rccolonize the upper layers of the soil, due to an inhibition of spore germination and growth by the chemical products of burning. C. destructans on the other hand may have been able to recolonize quickly as it appeared to be stimulated in its linear growth rate by the chemical products of burning, and its spore germination rate was only marginally lowered. The occurrence of Gelasinospora sp following fire is possibly explained by its extremely rapid growth rate, and the possibility of its ascospores being more able to withstand high temperatures in the soil.In the light of recent reports, indicating that some species of Trichoderma and Penicillium are actively antagonistic to other fungi, it is suggested that their absence after fire, in the area studied, may permit a high inoculum of C. destructans to develop in the soil, which could possibly result in a high incidence of disease in developing pine seedlings  相似文献   

Depositions originating from a central Slovak Al smelter may increase metal solubility in adjacent soils because they contain F (mainly HF). The reason for fluoro‐mobilization of metals may be the formation of soluble fluoro‐metal complexes or the mobilization of organic matter and subsequent formation of organo‐metal complexes. The objectives of our work were (1) to assess the extent of metal mobilization by fluoride in a Slovak Lithic Eutrochrept affected by the emissions of an Al smelter and (2) to model the dissolved metal species with the help of a chemical equilibrium model (MINEQL+). The O (Moder), A, and B horizons were equilibrated with solutions at F concentrations of 0, 0.9, 2.7, and 9.0 mmol l—1. In the extracts, the concentrations of Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), free and complexed F, and the pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were determined. The heavy metal concentrations in the O horizon (Cd: 0.99, Cr: 18.0, Cu: 44, Ni: 26, Pb: 110, and Zn: 84 mg kg—1) were 2.5 to 9 times larger than those in the A and B horizons. The concentrations of H2O‐soluble F decreased from the O (261 mg kg—1) to the A (103 mg kg—1) and B horizon (92 mg kg—1). In batch experiments increasing addition of F increased the equilibrium concentrations of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and DOC in all samples, of Cd in the A, and of K in the B horizon. At the same time the concentrations of complexed F and pH increased whereas EC decreased. Chemical equilibrium modelling indicated that the mobilizing effect of F resulted from the formation of fluoro‐Al complexes and organo‐complexes of all other metals.  相似文献   

The absorbance of near‐infrared (NIR) radiation by plants depends on the overtones of vibration, bending and stretching of the chemical bonds within their organic components. The wide variety of these bonds gives rise to characteristic NIR spectra, or ‘fingerprints’, of plant materials. Do these fingerprints remain in the soil when the plants decompose and allow discrimination between soils that have supported different types of vegetation? We have compared the NIR spectra of grassland soil with those of soil under forest in the Vosges mountains in France. Near‐infrared reflectances, R, from 370 samples of soil were recorded as A = log10(1/R) at wavelengths between 1100 and 2500 nm and averaged over 10‐nm intervals to give spectra each with 140 values. A canonical variate analysis (CVA) of the raw spectra discriminated well, but not perfectly, between grassland and forest soil, with Mahalanobis distance, D, of 4.87. Standardization along the spectra to remove effects of varied mineral composition achieved complete separation between the two sources with D = 9.81. Canonical variate analysis of first and second derivatives of the spectra distinguished the two groups even better, with D = 12.27 and D = 16.65, respectively. The results show much promise for inferring past vegetative cover from NIR spectra deriving from the organic matter in the soil. The next step will be to extend these studies to see how well we can distinguish other types of vegetation from such spectra.  相似文献   

In the natural forest communities of Central Europe, beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) predominates in the tree layer over a wide range of soil conditions. An exception with respect to the dominance of beech are skeleton‐rich soils such as screes where up to 10 broad‐leaved trees co‐exist. In such a Tilia‐Fagus‐Fraxinus‐Acer‐Ulmus forest and an adjacent mono‐specific beech forest we compared (1) soil nutrient pools and net nitrogen mineralization rates, (2) leaf nutrient levels, and (3) leaf litter production and stem increment rates in order to evaluate the relationship between soil conditions and tree species composition. In the mixed forest only a small quantity of fine earth was present (35 g l—1) which was distributed in patches between basalt stones; whereas a significantly higher (P < 0.05) soil quantity (182 g l—1) was found in the beech forest. In the soil patches of the mixed forest C and N concentrations and also concentrations of exchangeable nutrients (K, Ca, Mg) were significantly higher than in the beech forest. Net N mineralization rates on soil dry weight basis in the mixed forest exceeded those in the beech forest by a factor of 2.6. Due to differences in fine earth and stone contents, the volume related soil K pool and the N mineralization rate were lower in the mixed forest (52 kg N ha—1 yr—1, 0—10 cm depth) than in the beech forest (105 kg N ha—1 yr—1). The leaf N and K concentrations of the beech trees did not differ significantly between the stands, which suggests that plant nutrition was not impaired. In the mixed forest leaf litter fall (11 %) and the increment rate of stem basal area (52 %) were lower than in the beech forest. Thus, compared with the adjacent beech forest, the mixed forest stand was characterized by a low volume of patchy distributed nutrient‐rich soil, a lower volume related K pool and N mineralization rate, and low rates of stem increment. Together with other factors such as water availability these patterns may contribute to an explanation of the diverse tree species composition on Central European screes.  相似文献   



The extensive application of phosphate fertilizers could produce a series of environmental problems by adsorbing on the surface of soil particle and migrating into water during soil erosion. Therefore, this study is to explore the effects of phosphate on soil aggregate stability and soil erosion and to analyze the mechanisms of phosphate enhancing soil erosion from the scope of soil charge density, electric field, and particle interaction.

Materials and methods

A variable charged soil (0–20 cm) was pre-treated firstly by KCl, K2HPO4, and KH2PO4, respectively. Under the conditions of KCl, K2HPO4, and KH2PO4 solutions with concentrations of 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mol L?1, (1) the amounts of soil particle transport and erosion intensities were measured using rainfall simulation with electrolyte solutions instead of rainwater; (2) the aggregate stabilities were measured by weighing the particles and micro-aggregates of <2, 5, and 10 μm after soil aggregate breakdown in electrolyte solutions; and (3) the zeta potentials of soil particles were measured in electrolyte solutions.

Results and discussion

The application of K2HPO4 and KH2PO4 in soil strongly enhanced soil aggregate breakdown and soil erosion, while in KCl application, soil aggregates were stable and erosion did not occur. Moreover, the intensities of soil aggregate breakdown and soil erosion for K2HPO4 application were much stronger than that for KH2PO4 application. Phosphate, especially K2HPO4, strongly increased surface negative charge density of soil particles and thus increased the electrostatic repulsive pressure between adjacent soil particles in aggregates, and as a result, the soil erosion intensity increased. However, the surface charge density was not increased by the increased pH, specific adsorption, and dispersion force adsorption but possibly attributed to a non-classic induction force adsorption arising from the anionic non-classic polarization in the strong electric field around soil particle surface.


The application of phosphate decreased aggregate stability and stimulated soil erosion through increasing charge density of particle surface by a new non-classic induction adsorption of phosphate.

Significant amounts of organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are accumulated in soil in boreal forests. However, increased concern has been shown regarding the negative impacts of forestry operations on both the C sequestration and N stocks in soil. Changes in the C and N stocks in woody debris, forest floor and mineral soil (0–20 cm) were studied in Eastern Finland for 10 years after stem‐only clear‐cutting followed by soil harrowing. Samples were taken from the uncut forest and from the different microsites formed by the harrowing (ridges, furrows and undisturbed areas). Carbon and N from logging residues were not incorporated into the forest floor or mineral soil stocks to any great extent. After 5 years the C stock above the mineral soil was smaller (< 20%) in the treated area than in the uncut forest and after 10 years it was < 50% smaller. The corresponding N stock was marginally larger (< 5%) after 5 years, but smaller (< 20%) after 10 years. In the mineral soil there were no changes; only the furrows lost C and N when compared with the other microsites, but not when compared with the forest. Harrowing increased the spatial variation in the forest floor C and N stocks. The comparison of the N losses from the soil and logging residues and woody debris with the leaching losses, the amounts utilized by the regenerating vegetation or estimated to be immobilized by the stumps at the same site indicated that N which remained after the clear‐cutting was retained at the site. For a full understanding of the impact of such a disturbance on stocks at a site all significant fluxes and stocks would need to be monitored.  相似文献   

Forest degradation, manifested through decline in forest cover, and the resulting soil erosion and organic carbon losses, is a serious problem caused by a complex coupling of bio‐physical, socio‐economic and technological factors in the Himalayan watersheds. Greater understanding of the linkages between these factors requires a systems approach. We have proposed such an approach using a bio‐economic model to explore the system behaviour of forest degradation, soil erosion, and soil C losses in the forest areas. The outcome of the model simulation over a 20‐year period indicates that soil erosion and C loss rates may increase more than four‐fold by the year 2020 under the existing socio‐economic and biophysical regime (the base scenario). Reductions in the population growth rate, introduction of improved agricultural technology and increase in the prices of major agricultural crops can help slow down the rates of forest decline, soil erosion and C loss or even stabilize or reverse them. The results suggest that economic incentives may be highly effective in the reduction of soil loss, as well as C release to the atmosphere. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 In land-based wastewater treatment systems (LTS), denitrification is an important nitrogen removal process. We investigated the factors limiting the denitrifying population in a forested LTS, by studying the individual and combined effects of soil aeration, water content, nitrate and carbon on denitrification enzyme activity (DEA). The size of the soil denitrifying population in the LTS appeared to be limited by soil aeration, and limiting oxygen availability increased the denitrifying population above that observed in the field. Furthermore, we found that wastewater irrigation altered the short-term response of denitrifiers to anaerobic soil conditions. Under low oxygen conditions, denitrifiers in the wastewater-irrigated soils produced enzymes sooner and at a greater rate than soils without a history of wastewater irrigation. We propose that the size of the denitrifying population cannot be expected to be large in free-draining, coarsely textured soils even when provided with additional nitrogen and water inputs. Received: 11 October 1999  相似文献   

Although considerable research has been conducted on the importance of recent litter compared with older soil organic matter as sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in forest soils, a more thorough evaluation of this mechanism is necessary. We studied water‐extractable organic carbon (WEOC) in a soil profile under a cool‐temperate beech forest by analysing the isotopic composition (13C and 14C) of WEOC and its fractions after separation on a DAX‐8 resin. With depth, WEOC became more enriched in 13C, which reflects the increasing proportion of the hydrophilic, isotopically heavier fraction. The 14C content in WEOC and its fractions decreased with depth, paralleling the 14C trend in soil organic matter (SOM). These results indicate a dynamic equilibrium of WEOC and soil organic carbon. The dominant process maintaining the WEOC pool in the mineral soil appears to be the microbial release of water‐soluble compounds from the SOM, which alters in time‐scales of decades to centuries.  相似文献   

Short‐term (<7 years) effects of prescribed litter‐raking on forest‐floor nutrient pools, stand nutrition, and seepage water chemistry were studied in an N‐saturated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest in Southern Germany subject to high atmospheric‐nitrogen deposition. The study was based on a comparison of plots with and without annual prescribed litter raking at three sites with different N‐deposition levels. Prescribed litter‐raking resulted in a considerable reduction of forest‐floor thickness and mass, as well as of forest‐floor C, N, P, K, Mg, and Ca pools. Furthermore, it induced a significant decrease of the foliar N content in current‐year needles of the pines and a more balanced nutritional status of the stand. Particularly on the site subject to the highest N deposition, but to a lesser degree also at the other sites, the mean NO concentration in the subsoil seepage water and the N export into the groundwater were substantially reduced on the litter‐raked plots. The results show that in N‐saturated Scots pine ecosystems prescribed litter‐raking on areas of limited size, which are used as sources of groundwater‐derived drinking water and/or serve as habitat for endangered plant species, is a quick and effective method to achieve a more balanced nutritional status of the trees and to reduce seepage‐water NO concentrations and N export into the groundwater. In terms of sustainable ecosystem nutrient management, the conversion of conifer monocultures into broadleaf‐rich mixed stands is the better, yet less immediately effective method to reduce the seepage‐water N export from conifer forests subject to high atmospheric‐N deposition.  相似文献   

Clear-cutting a Scots pine stand resulted in an initial increase in bacterial biomass determined by microscopic counts after staining with both acridine orange (AO) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA). During the third year after clear-cutting and onwards, bacterial biomass decreased compared to a reference stand. Results from a ca. 10-yr old clear-cut area indicated long-lasting detrimental effects on the size of bacterial populations. Plots in the clear-cut area which received slash consistently contained greater amounts of bacteria than did plots with slash removed.The FDA staining was used for the first time in long-term field measurements and gave similar results to those obtained with AO.  相似文献   

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