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以鱼粉和豆粕分别为主要动物性和植物性蛋白源,研究饲料中不同豆粕替代鱼粉比例对牙鲆幼鱼生长性能和生化指标的影响。设计4∶1、3∶1、2∶1和1∶1四种不同动植物蛋白比的等氮等脂饲料配方,按配方制备试验饲料,分别表示为D1、D2、D3和D4。牙鲆幼鱼随机分配到12个设有循环水系统的玻璃钢桶内(900L),每3桶鱼饲喂一种饲料,每天投喂饲料2次,每次达到表观饱食,饲喂期为56d。以增重率(WGR)、饵料系数(FCR)、特定生长率(SGR)、蛋白质效率(PER)、肝体指数(HSI)、肥满度(CF)、鱼体成分和饲料成本为依据,综合评价饲料中不同比例的豆粕替代鱼粉比例对牙鲆的饲养效果。通过测定尿素氮(BUN)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)、总蛋白(TP)、甘油三酯(TG)、胆固醇(CHO)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)等生化指标,研究饲料中不同豆粕替代鱼粉比例对牙鲆蛋白质代谢和脂肪代谢的影响。随豆粕比例的增加,WGR、PER和SGR逐渐降低,FCR逐渐增加,当饲料中豆粕比例在24%以上时差异显著(P<0.05);HSI逐渐增加,且D1组显著低于其他...  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fish meal (FM) with soybean meal (SBM) and peanut meal (PM) on growth, feed utilization, body composition and haemolymph indexes of juvenile white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone. Five diets were formulated: a control diet (FM30) containing 30% fish meal and four other diets (FM20, FM15, FM10 and FM5) in which protein from fish meal was substituted by protein from SBM and PM. The dietary amino acids of diets FM20, FM15, FM10 and FM5 were equal to those of the diet FM30 by adding crystalline amino acids (lysine and methionine). Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 30 shrimps (initial weight = 0.48 g), each three times daily. The results indicated that shrimp fed the diets FM15, FM10 and FM5 had poor growth performance and feed utilization compared with shrimp fed the control diet. No difference was observed in feed intake, survival and body composition among dietary treatments. The plasma total cholesterol level of shrimp and the digestibility of dry matter, protein and energy contained in the diets decreased significantly with increasing PM and SBM inclusion levels. Results of this study suggested that fish meal can be reduced from 300 to 200 g kg?1 when replaced by a mixture of SBM and PM.  相似文献   

Larvae of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) at protozoea 1 (PZ1) stage were stocked in 2‐L glass flasks to investigate the effects of various salinities (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 ppt) on growth and survival until the post‐larval (PL) stages. The PZ larvae were not able to tolerate a sudden salinity drop of over 10 ppt. Yet, an abrupt salinity increase of over 10 or even 15 ppt did not cause mortality. The PZ larvae were successfully acclimated to different test salinities at a rate of 4 ppt h?1. The larvae displayed better tolerance to high rather than low salinities. The lowest and highest critical salinities appeared to be 22 and 55 ppt respectively. Taking into account survival, growth and development results, the optimal salinity for the larval culture of M. monoceros inhabiting the Eastern Mediterranean was 40 ppt. At this salinity, the PZ1 larvae were successfully cultured until PL1 stage within 11 days with 68% survival on a feeding regime of Tetraselmis chuii Kylin (Butcher) (20 cells μ L?1), Chaetoceros calcitrans Paulsen (50 cells μ L?1), Isochrysis galbana Parke (30 cells μL?1) and five newly hatched Artemia nauplii mL?1 from M1 onwards at 28 °C.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of replacing of soybean meal (SBM) with sesame meal (SM) in the diets of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. Seven practical diets (33 g kg?1 crude protein, 19.2 MJ kg?1 dry diet) containing substitution levels of 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, 32%, 40% and 48% SM for SBM protein were formulated and fed to triplicate groups of O. niloticus fingerlings (mean initial weight of 8.74 ± 0.12 g). The fish survival rate, hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatic index and condition factor were not significantly affected by the contents of SM in the diets (P>0.05). The final body weight, weight gain (WG), specific growth ratio, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio of the fish fed the diet containing 16% SM were similar (P>0.05) to that of the fish fed the control diet. Except lipid, digestible contents of dry matter, crude protein, ash, gross energy and individual amino acids decreased while phosphorous increased with increasing SM levels. No significant differences were observed in whole‐body dry matter, ash and lipid contents among all the treatments (P>0.05); crude protein contents between fish fed the control diet and a diet containing 24% SM were also not affected significantly (P>0.05), and the phosphorus content was not significantly different when the SM level was increased to 32% (P>0.05). No significant negative differences were observed in the liver composition between fish fed the control diet and the diet containing 24% SM. The most efficient diet in terms of cost per unit WG of fish was obtained in 8% SM dietary substitution, while no significant differences were found among the 0%, 8% and 16% levels. It was indicated that SM can be utilized in the juvenile Nile tilapia diet to replace about 16% of SBM protein without causing negative effects on growth performance, body composition, liver composition and feed utilization.  相似文献   

The effect of partial substitution of dietary fish meal with a high‐value soybean meal (HVS) and a commercial soybean meal (CSM) on the growth performance in juvenile Japanese seabass (8.3±0.2 g body weight) was determined. Nine isonitrogenous (crude protein 44%) and isoenergetic (20 kJ g?1) practical diets replacing 0 (the control), 15%, 30%, 45% and 60% fish meal protein by soybean meal protein (HVS or CSM) were formulated. Each diet was randomly assigned to four replicate cages (1.5 × 1.5 × 2.0 m). Fish were fed twice daily for 10 weeks. Growth was significantly reduced with increased soybean inclusion in fish fed both the soybean sources. Independent of the soybean source used, increased inclusion of soybean meal decreased the growth performance. When the substitution level was 45% or more in CSM and 60% in HVS, the specific growth rate (SGR) and the feed efficiency ratio (FER) were significantly lower compared with the control. These results indicated that CSM protein could substitute for 30% fish meal protein, while the substitution level of HVS protein could be 45%, which did not influence the growth of juvenile Japanese seabass. The higher substitution level for HVS compared with CSM was probably due to better nutritional values.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential of a Bacillus subtilis E20‐fermented mixture (FSFEM) containing soybean meal (SBM) and Eisenia fetida earthworm meal (EM) at a ratio of 4:1 to increase the methionine level in order to satisfy the methionine requirement of white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei in a diet with fish meal (FM) completely replaced by mixtures. B. subtilis E20 fermentation improved the mixture's palatability and utilization based on better growth performance in comparison to shrimp fed FSEM (contains fermented SBM and EM at a ratio of 4:1) diets. FSFEM is a good substitute for FM. Maximal replacement levels of FM with FSFEM were 80% in a shrimp diet with 37% of crude protein and 7% of crude lipid based on weight gain and 100% based on feeding efficiency. In addition, shrimp fed experimental diets had no significant differences in survival after being challenged by Vibrio alginolyticus. It is suggested that B. subtilis E20‐FSFEM has the potential to replace FM in cultured shrimp diets.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to examine the suitability of soybean meal (SBM) and cottonseed meal (CSM) as a partial substitute for the dietary protein supplied by fish meal for H. niloticus fingerlings. Fish were fed with four isonitrogenous (350 g kg?1 crude protein) and isoenergetic (18.8 kJ g?1 GE) diets in which fish meal protein was gradually replaced by plant protein from a mixture of SBM and CSM (0%, 25%, 50% and 75% in diets 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively). Triplicate groups of fingerlings H. niloticus (mean weight of 5 g) were handfed twice daily to apparent satiation for 60 days inside net hapas. Growth performances (SGR varied from 3.09% to 3.16% day?1) of fingerlings fed diets containing 0%, 25% and 50% plant protein were not significantly different (P>0.05). At 75% fish meal substitution, growth and feed utilization efficiency indicators were significantly reduced (P<0.05). The carcass composition were also significantly (P<0.05) affected by the replacement level of fish meal, except dry matter and ash. Results suggest that the dietary fish meal protein could efficiently be substituted by a mixture of soybean and cottonseed meals up to 50%, without adverse effects on maximal growth in practical diets for H. niloticus fingerlings.  相似文献   

豆粕替代鱼粉对青鱼幼鱼生长及生理生化指标的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
毛盼  胡毅  李金龙  黄云  肖调义  艾庆辉 《淡水渔业》2013,43(5):50-56,67
以初始体重(5.90±0.01)g的青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)为研究对象,用豆粕替代不同水平鱼粉,配制5种等氮等能的实验饲料,分别为30%鱼粉(对照组)、25%鱼粉、20%鱼粉、15%鱼粉和15%鱼粉+晶体氨基酸,试验持续8周。结果显示:当鱼粉含量为15%时,其增重率、特定生长率、肌肉鲜味氨基酸含量和总氨基酸含量显著低于对照组,而饲料系数则显著高于对照组,添加晶体氨基酸对青鱼生长无显著改善;各处理组间甘油三酯(TG)、总蛋白(TP)、总胆固醇(TC)含量及谷丙转氨酶(ALT)活性无显著差异,但15%鱼粉组和15%鱼粉+晶体氨基酸组的青鱼的血糖含量和谷丙转氨酶活性显著高于对照组。结果表明,青鱼幼鱼实用饲料中鱼粉含量以不低于20%为宜,添加晶体氨基酸对青鱼幼鱼的生长无改善作用。  相似文献   

The 8‐week experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of partial replacement of fish meal (FM) with soybean protein concentrate (SPC) on juvenile black sea bream, Acanthopagrus schlegelii (10.70 ± 0.04 g). Diets were formulated to replace FM protein by SPC at 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 or 40% (designated as T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively). Diets except T1 were supplemented with phytase at 2000 phytase activity U kg?1. The results showed that survival rate, growth performance and feed utilization were not significantly affected by increasing dietary SPC. Fish fed diet T3 had higher feed intake compared to those fed T1, T2 and T5 diets. Whole body compositions of black sea bream were significantly influenced by SPC replacing FM except for protein, ash and phosphorus content. Condition factor of fish was significantly lower in T2 than that of fish in T3 group. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter was higher in fish fed T6 diet than those of fish fed T1 and T2 diets, ADCs of phosphorus increased with dietary SPC level up to T3 and then decreased. The results obtained in this study indicate that FM protein could be effectively replaced by SPC protein with phytase in diet of black sea bream.  相似文献   

石斑鱼配合饲料中发酵豆粕和豆粕部分替代白鱼粉的研究   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
罗智 《水产学报》2004,28(2):175-181
在浮式海水网箱(1.5m×1m×1.5m)中养殖石斑鱼幼鱼(9.4±0.1g),在等氮(52% CP)基础上进行以发酵豆粕和普通豆粕替代鱼粉的实验, 为期56天.结果显示在石斑鱼饲料中添加14%发酵豆粕,其增重率、特定生长率(SGR)、饲料效率和蛋白质效率与对照组没有显著性差异(P>0.05),以后随着发酵豆粕添加量的上升,这些指标都显著下降(P<0.05).在同样替代水平下,添加21%发酵豆粕组,增重率,SGR,饲料效率和蛋白质效率都比添加20%豆粕组高(P<0.05),表明对海水肉食性鱼类来说,发酵豆粕是一种比豆粕更优良的蛋白源.用折线模型分析增重率随白鱼粉替代水平的变化关系,结果表明在石斑鱼配合饲料中,发酵豆粕替代白鱼粉的最适量为10%.从实际生产的经济效益出发,建议在饲料中添加14%发酵豆粕,对石斑鱼的生长和鱼体组成不会造成显著影响.  相似文献   

Six isonitrogenous diets (420 g kg?1 crude protein on dry matter basis) with six levels of soybean meal (SBM) inclusion (0, 112, 225, 336, 449 and 560 g kg?1) in substitution of fish meal (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) were evaluated in Chinese sucker of 1.81 ± 0.01 g initial weight for 8 weeks. There existed a significant difference (P < 0.001) in fish weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed intake, protein efficiency ratio and specific growth rate when the replacement level for fish meal protein was increased from 40% to 60%, indicating that up to 40% of fish meal protein could be replaced with SBM protein without causing reduction in growth and protein utilization. Lipid contents in the Chinese sucker body decreased significantly (P < 0.001) as dietary SBM increased. Digestive enzyme activities in the intestine and hepatopancreas of the fish were significantly different (P < 0.001) as the SBM protein replacement level was increased. Results of the present study appear to indicate that 40% FM can be replaced by SBM in practical feeds of Chinese sucker.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas (L.) is a multipurpose and drought‐resistant tree, widespread throughout the tropics and subtropics. Its seeds are rich in oil and protein (contains 600–660 g kg?1 crude protein similar to fish meal). It is being promoted as a biofuel plant. Jatropha kernel meal obtained after oil extraction is an excellent source of protein. However, presence of toxic and antinutritional constituents restricts its use in fish and shrimp feed. An 8‐week experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritional quality of the detoxified Jatropha kernel meal (DJKM) in white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Shrimp (60) with an initial average body weight of 4.46 ± 0.64 g were randomly distributed into three treatments with four replicates and fed isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets (crude protein 350 g kg?1, crude lipid 90 g kg?1): Control (fish meal‐based protein), JC25 and JC50 (25% and 50% of fish meal protein replaced by DJKM). Higher (P < 0.05) body mass gain, specific growth rate and metabolic growth rate were observed in DJKM‐fed groups than in Control group. However, lower (P > 0.05) feed conversion ratio was observed in DJKM‐fed groups, while protein efficiency ratio exhibited an opposite trend. Protein, ash and gross energy content of the whole shrimp body were higher (P < 0.05) in DJKM‐fed groups compared to Control group. Moisture and lipid content of the whole shrimp body did not differ significantly among the three groups. Cholesterol level in plasma was highest (P < 0.05) in the Control group, followed by JC25 and JC50 groups; all being significantly different. In conclusion, DJKM is a promising fish meal replacer in shrimp diets.  相似文献   

大口黑鲈幼鱼饲料中白鱼粉与两种豆粕的适宜配比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用8种等氮、等能和等脂的饲料,以实验鱼的生长、体组成、饲料效率、非特异性免疫和血液学参数作指标,评定大口黑鲈幼鱼饲料中去皮豆粕和酶解豆粕分别替代白鱼粉的可行性和适宜配比。在4水平的去皮豆粕饲料(D1~D4)和酶解豆粕饲料(E1~E4)中,白鱼粉和两种豆粕的配比均分别为45∶5、40∶12、35∶18和30∶25。用上述8种饲料饲喂初始体质量(5.32±0.05)g的大口黑鲈,每饲料设3个重复,每重复35尾鱼。采用表观饱食投喂,每天饲喂2次(8:00和16:00)。结果显示,各组之间实验鱼的成活率和特定生长率无显著性差异。但当去皮豆粕和酶解豆粕在饲料中的含量分别高于5%和12%时,饲料效率和蛋白质效率显著降低。随着饲料中白鱼粉含量从45%降低至30%,饲料的蛋白质和脂肪消化率显著升高;同时,全鱼、肌肉和内脏的蛋白质和水分含量均呈显著降低,但脂肪含量却显著升高;肝体比和肝糖含量显著降低;实验鱼的血清溶菌酶活性和血清蛋白质含量显著降低,但血清补体活性无显著差异;红细胞压积和血红蛋白含量均显著降低,但红细胞数差异不显著。实验表明,大口黑鲈幼鱼饲料中白鱼粉与去皮豆粕的合适配比为45%和5%,而白鱼粉与酶解豆粕的合适配比为40%和12%;豆粕经酶处理后能去除其中的部分抗营养因子,可替代饲料中11%的白鱼粉。  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of partial replacement of soybean meal (SBM) with fermented soybean residue (FSR) on growth performance, body composition and plasma biochemical parameters of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Soybean residue was fermented with a mixture of microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus spp. and Molasses yeast) using the solid‐state fermentation. Four isonitrogenous (crude protein 430 g/kg) and isoenergetic (gross energy 18 MJ/kg) diets were formulated by replacing 0 (the control), 20, 40 and 60g/kg of protein from SBM with FSR (FSR0, FSR20, FSR40 and FSR60, respectively). Each diet was fed to four replicate groups of fish (initial body weight: 17.1 ± 0.19 g) for 12 weeks. Results showed that dietary FSR substitution significantly improved growth of juvenile largemouth bass. The weight gain, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were all significantly improved by dietary FSR level up to 40g/kg substitution level (< .05) and then levelled off beyond this level. Fish fed the diet with 40g/kg and 60g/kg protein from FSR had lower feed conversion ratio than the control group (< .05). The hepatosomatic index, viscera ratio and liver lipid content significantly decreased with increasing dietary FSR level. Total protein content, superoxide dismutase and alkaline phosphates activities in plasma were lower in fish fed the control diet (< .05) than the other groups. However, both alanine aminotransferase and aspartate transaminase were higher in fish fed the control diet (< .05) compared to the other treatments. The plasma catalase activity significantly increased with increasing dietary FSR level, while plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, glucose and malondialdehyde contents significantly reduced. No significant difference was observed in the glutathione peroxidase activity among dietary treatments. These findings demonstrated that replacing dietary SBM with FSR has beneficial effects on growth of M. salmoides, and the best growth performance was obtained at 40g/kg replacement for SBM protein. In addition, there is a great potential to apply FSR to improve lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity of M. salmoides.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of fish meal (FM) replacement with fermented soybean meal (FSM) on growth and feed utilization of rainbow trout. Two FSM products, FSM1 (more fermentation with more small peptide and acid than FSM2) and FSM2 were used to replace 20%, 40% and 60% of FM in control diet (250 g/kg FM), respectively (FSM1‐20, FSM1‐40, FSM1‐60, FSM2‐20, FSM2‐40 and FSM2‐60). Then the seven diets were fed to rainbow trout (18.1 g) for 8 weeks. Weight gain (WG), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and digestibility of crude protein and dry matter showed no significant difference among the groups of FSM1‐20, FSM1‐40, FSM2‐20, FSM2‐40 and the control, but WG significantly decreased and FCR increased when 60% FM was replaced by both FSMs (p < .05). The replacement of 40%, 60% FM resulted in lower villus height than the control (p < .05), and intestinal protease activity was lower in FSM2‐40, FSM2‐60 and FSM1‐60 groups than the control group (p < .05). In addition, the activity of alkaline phosphatase and superoxide dismutase increased with increasing levels of FSM (p < .05). In conclusion, dietary fish meal could be replaced by 40% with both FSMs without adverse effects on growth and feed utilization of rainbow trout based on an eight weeks feeding trial.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to determine the amount of soybean meal (SBM) that could replace fish meal (FM) without compromising growth and health of Asian red‐tailed catfish (Hemibagrus wyckioides). Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets (S0, S15, S30, S45 and S60) were formulated with SBM to replace 0%, 15%, 30%, 45% and 60% of FM. The replacement level up to 30% improved daily growth coefficient, plasma adenosine monophosphate deaminase (AMPD) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities and IgM content, and hepatic ALT, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and glutathione reductase activities, whereas these were depressed by a further inclusion. The highest protein efficiency ratio and lowest feed conversion ratio were observed in fish fed the S15 diet. Replacement of FM with SBM generally decreased plasma insulin and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) contents and hepatic catalase activity, whereas no significant differences were observed among fish fed the S0, S15 and S30 diets. In contrast, replacing FM with SBM generally increased blood urea nitrogen content, and that was higher in fish fed the S60 diet compared to fish fed the S0 diet. The highest growth hormone (GH) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities were observed in fish fed the S30 diet. Fish fed the S30 and S45 diets exhibited the highest hepatic AMPD, GDH, IGF‐1 and target of rapamycin mRNA levels and muscle AMPD and GDH mRNA levels, whereas those were lowest in fish fed the S60 diet. These results indicate that under the reported conditions SBM may be included in the diet up to 222 g/kg as a substitute for FM, replacing about 30% of FM protein in juvenile H. wyckioides.  相似文献   

An 8‐week experiment was conducted to examine the effect of partial replacement of fish meal (FM) by a mixture of soybean meal (SBM) and rapeseed meal (RM) in practical diets of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis of initial body weight of 1.54±0.12 g (means±SD, n=90). Five isonitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 35% protein and 5% lipid. Soybean meal and RM mix (1:1 ratio) were included at five levels of 0 (control), 15%, 30%, 45% and 60%, replacing 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% FM respectively. When FM was replaced by 15% of SBM and RM, crab showed the highest growth, feed utilization and moulting frequency (MF). Fish meal replaced by SBM and RM did not significantly influence crude protein, lipid and moisture contents of whole body crab, but ash content was the lowest for crab fed the diet with FM replaced by 15% of SBM and RM. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, crude protein and energy tended to decline with increasing inclusion levels of dietary SBM and RM. In general, ADCs of lipid were high (over 90%) and showed no significant differences among the treatments (P>0.05). Based on these observations above, these results indicated that about 40% of FM can be replaced with a mixture of SBM and RM (1:1 ratio) in the diet of E. sinensis without adverse growth performance, compared with the FM‐based diet. However, 20% of FM replaced by SBM and RM produced the best growth performance and feed utilization.  相似文献   

In this study, we replaced fish meal with peanut meal (PM) in isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets for Pacific white shrimp at inclusion levels of 0, 70, 140, 210, 280 and 350 g kg?1. The diets were hand‐fed to three independent groups of shrimp three times a day over a 6‐week period. Shrimp fed PM diets at a level of 280 g kg?1 or higher had lower per cent weight gain compared with those fed the basal diet, whereas shrimp fed PM diets at 140 g kg?1 or higher had a lower feed utilization and protein efficiency ratio compared with shrimp fed the basal diet. The feeding rate in shrimp fed PM diets at 350 g kg?1 and the survival and protease activity in shrimp fed PM diets at 210 g kg?1 or higher were lower than that in shrimp fed the basal diet. Diets containing 280 g kg?1 or higher of PM caused an increase in the whole‐body moisture content of the shrimp, but decreased whole‐body protein and ash contents compared with the basal diet. Nutrient digestibility was lower or tended to be lower in shrimp fed a PM diet compared with those fed the basal diet. The activities of peroxidase and acid and alkaline phosphatases in plasma decreased with increasing levels of PM inclusion up to 210 g kg?1. Superoxide dismutase activity decreased at dietary PM levels of 280 g kg?1 or higher. Aflatoxin B1 residue in the muscle was not affected by any of the treatments and remained low. The data suggest that up to 140 g kg?1 of PM could be included in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp.  相似文献   

为探究2种蛋白源单一和混合替代鱼粉对大口黑鲈生长性能、血清生化指标和肠道组织学的影响,实验用发酵豆粕(FSM)、肉骨粉(MBM)和发酵豆粕+肉骨粉(FSM+MBM)混合物(1∶1)等蛋白替代基础饲料(FM,含鱼粉350 g/kg)中150 g/kg的鱼粉,使鱼粉含量降为200 g/kg,共配制成4种等氮等脂的实验饲料,记为FM (对照组)、FSM、MBM和FSM+MBM组,投喂初始体质量为(21.2±0.1) g的大口黑鲈8周。结果显示,与对照组相比,各替代组的增重率均无显著差异,但FSM组的增重率显著低于FSM+MBM组。此外,FSM组的饲料系数较对照组和MBM组显著升高。各组在全鱼成分(水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分)和干物质消化率、蛋白质消化率以及蛋白质沉积率上无显著差异,而FSM组的蛋白质效率和脂肪沉积率显著低于对照组。此外,FSM组的血清谷草转氨酶显著增加,而血清总抗氧化能力以及超氧化物歧化酶、溶菌酶活性显著降低。在前肠形态学方面,各替代组的绒毛宽度均显著低于对照组,FSM组的绒毛高度、肌层厚度以及绒毛周长显著高于对照组。以上结果表明,在鱼粉含量为350 g/kg的饲料中,MB...  相似文献   

Two feeding experiments were carried out to evaluate the utilization of fermented soybean meal (FSBM) in diets for Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). The digestibility experiment was assessed with four diets: a reference diet and three ingredient test diets containing FSBM, local and Chilean fishmeal. The growth experiment was conducted including four isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets formulated to contain the graded levels of dietary fishmeal (0 g/kg, 150 g/kg, 300 g/kg and 450 g/kg) substituted by FSBM. The results indicated that ADCs of crude protein in FSBM were high (888.4 g/kg) and equal in local fishmeal but little lower than Chilean fishmeal while without any significant differences observed in ADCs of crude lipid among the different test ingredients. After 75 days of growth trial, survival rates and feed conversion ratio were not significantly different among the experimental treatments. However, shrimp fed the diets with increasing inclusions of FSBM had a tendency to reduce weight gain and specific growth rate. Based on the correlation between weight gain and substituted fishmeal level analysed by broken‐line regression, the optimum level of fishmeal replaced by FSBM in diet was 253.6 g/kg without adverse effects on growth and feed utilization of Pacific white shrimp.  相似文献   

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