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BACKGROUND: Papaver rhoeas (L.) has evolved resistance to tribenuron in winter wheat fields in northern Greece owing to multiple Pro197 substitutions. Therefore, the cross‐resistance pattern to other sulfonylurea and non‐sulfonylurea ALS‐inhibiting herbicides of the tribenuron resistant (R) and susceptible (S) corn poppy populations was studied by using whole‐plant trials and in vitro ALS catalytic activity assays. RESULTS: The whole‐plant trials revealed that tribenuron R populations were also cross‐resistant to sulfonylureas mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron, chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron. The whole‐plant resistance factors (RFs) calculated for pyrithiobac, imazamox and florasulam ranged from 12.4 to > 88, from 1.5 to 28.3 and from 5.6 to 25.4, respectively, and were lower than the respective tribenuron RF values (137 to > 2400). The ALS activity assay showed higher resistance of the ALS enzyme to sulfonylurea herbicides (tribenuron > chlorsulfuron) and lower resistance to non‐sulfonylurea ALS‐inhibiting herbicides (pyrithiobac > florasulam ≈ imazamox). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that Pro197 substitution by Ala, Ser, Arg or Thr in corn poppy results in a less sensitive ALS enzyme to sulfonylurea herbicides than to other ALS‐inhibiting herbicides. The continued use of sulfonylurea herbicides led to cross‐resistance to all ALS‐inhibiting herbicides, making their use impossible in corn poppy resistance management programmes. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Primisulfuron‐resistant (AR and MR) and ‐susceptible (AS and MS) Bromus tectorum biotypes were collected from a Poa pratensis field at Athena, Oregon, and in research plots at Madras, Oregon. Studies were conducted to characterize the resistance of the B. tectorum biotypes. Whole plant bioassay and acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme assay revealed that the AR biotype was highly resistant to the sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides, primisulfuron and sulfosulfuron and to a sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone (SCT) herbicide, propoxycarbazone‐sodium. However, the AR biotype was not resistant to imazamox, an imidazolinone (IMI) herbicide. Results of the whole plant bioassay studies showed that the MR biotype was moderately resistant to all ALS inhibitors tested. However, there were no differences in ALS sensitivities between the MR and MS biotypes. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence analysis of the als gene demonstrated a single‐point mutation from C to T, conferring the exchange of the amino acid proline to serine at position 197 in the AR biotype. However, this mutation was not found in the MR biotype. Results of this research indicate that: the resistance of the AR biotype to SU and SCT herbicides is based on an altered target site due to a single‐point mutation; resistance in the MR biotype is not due to a target site mutation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Wild radish, a problem weed worldwide, is a severe dicotyledonous weed in crops. In Australia, sustained reliance on ALS‐inhibiting herbicides to control this species has led to the evolution of many resistant populations endowed by any of several ALS mutations. The molecular basis of ALS‐inhibiting herbicide resistance in a novel resistant population was studied. RESULTS: ALS gene sequencing revealed a previously unreported substitution of Tyr for Ala at amino acid position 122 in resistant individuals of a wild radish population (WARR30). A purified subpopulation individually homozygous for the Ala‐122‐Tyr mutation was generated and characterised in terms of its response to the different chemical classes of ALS‐inhibiting herbicides. Whole‐plant dose‐response studies showed that the purified subpopulation was highly resistant to chlorsulfuron, metosulam and imazamox, with LD50 or GR50 R/S ratio of > 1024, > 512 and > 137 respectively. The resistance to imazypyr was found to be relatively moderate (but still substantial), with LD50 and GR50 R/S ratios of > 16 and > 7.8 respectively. In vitro ALS activity assays showed that Ala‐122‐Tyr ALS was highly resistant to all tested ALS‐inhibiting herbicides. CONCLUSION: The molecular basis of ALS‐inhibiting herbicide resistance in wild radish population WARR30 was identified to be due to an Ala‐122‐Tyr mutation in the ALS gene. This is the first report of an amino acid substitution at Ala‐122 in the plant ALS that confers high‐level and broad‐spectrum resistance to ALS‐inhibiting herbicides, a remarkable contrast to the known mutation Ala‐122‐Thr endowing resistance to imidazolinone herbicide. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

长芒苋Amaranthus palmeri生长迅速,适应性广,繁殖系数高,具有很强的竞争性,已在我国多地定植,对作物产量及生态环境构成潜在威胁.一旦其对除草剂产生抗性,将大大增加治理难度.本试验研究了采自不同地点的长芒苋种群对除草剂咪唑乙烟酸的抗性水平和抗性机理.整株生物测定得出,长芒苋疑似抗性种群和敏感种群对咪唑乙烟...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide sulfosulfuron is registered in Australia for the selective control of Hordeum leporinum Link. in wheat crops. This herbicide failed to control H. leporinum on two farms in Western Australia on its first use. This study aimed to determine the level of resistance of three H. leporinum biotypes, identify the biochemical and molecular basis and develop molecular markers for diagnostic analysis of the resistance. RESULTS: Dose-response studies revealed very high level (>340-fold) resistance to the sulfonylurea herbicides sulfosulfuron and sulfometuron. In vitro ALS assays revealed that resistance was due to reduced sensitivity of the ALS enzyme to herbicide inhibition. This altered ALS sensitivity in the resistant biotypes was found to be due to a mutation in the ALS gene resulting in amino acid proline to serine substitution at position 197. In addition, two- to threefold higher ALS activities were consistently found in the resistant biotypes, compared with the known susceptible biotype. Two cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers were developed for diagnostic testing of the resistant populations. CONCLUSION: This study established the first documented case of evolved ALS inhibitor resistance in H. leporinum and revealed that the molecular basis of resistance is due to a Pro to Ser mutation in the ALS gene.  相似文献   

Yu Q  Han H  Powles SB 《Pest management science》2008,64(12):1229-1236
BACKGROUND: In the important grass weed Lolium rigidum (Gaud.), resistance to ALS‐inhibiting herbicides has evolved widely in Australia. The authors have previously characterised the biochemical basis of ALS herbicide resistance in a number of L. rigidum biotypes and established that resistance can be due to a resistant ALS and/or enhanced herbicide metabolism. The purpose of this study was to identify specific resistance‐endowing ALS gene mutation(s) in four resistant populations and to develop PCR‐based molecular markers. RESULTS: Six resistance‐conferring ALS mutations were identified: Pro‐197‐Ala, Pro‐197‐Arg, Pro‐197‐Gln, Pro‐197‐Leu, Pro‐197‐Ser and Trp‐574‐Leu. All six mutations were found in one population (WLR1). Each Pro‐197 mutation conferred resistance to the sulfonylurea (SU) herbicide sulfometuron, whereas the Trp‐574‐Leu mutation conferred resistance to both sulfometuron and the imidazolinone (IMS) herbicide imazapyr. A derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (dCAPS) marker was developed for detecting resistance mutations at Pro‐197. Furthermore, cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) markers were developed for detecting each of the six mutant resistant alleles. Using these markers, the authors revealed diverse ALS‐resistant alleles and genotypes in these populations and related them directly to phenotypic resistance to ALS‐inhibiting herbicides. CONCLUSION: This study established the existence of a diversity of ALS gene mutations endowing resistance in L. rigidum populations: 1–6 different mutations were found within single populations. At field herbicide rates, resistance profiles were determined more by the specific mutation than by whether plants were homo‐ or heterozygous for the mutation. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The issue of cross‐ or multiple resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors and the auxinic herbicide 2,4‐D was investigated in Papaver rhoeas L., a common and troublesome weed in winter cereals, in a broad‐scale study across four European countries. A combination of herbicide sensitivity bioassays and molecular assays targeting mutations involved in resistance was conducted on 27 populations of P. rhoeas originating from Greece (9), Italy (5), France (10) and Spain (3). Plants resistant to the field rate of 2,4‐D were observed in 25 of the 27 populations assayed, in frequencies ranging from 5% to 85%. Plants resistant to ALS‐inhibiting herbicides (sulfonylureas) were present in 24 of the 27 populations, in frequencies ranging from 4% to 100%. Plants resistant to 2,4‐D co‐occurred with plants resistant to sulfonylureas in 23 populations. In four of these, the probability of presence of plants with cross‐ or multiple resistance to 2,4‐D and sulfonylureas was higher than 0.5. ALS genotyping of plants from the field populations or of their progenies, identified ALS alleles carrying a mutation at codon Pro197 or Trp574 in 2,4‐D‐sensitive and in 2,4‐D‐resistant plants. The latter case confirmed multiple resistance to 2,4‐D and ALS inhibitors at the level of individual plants in all four countries investigated. This study is the first to identify individual plants with multiple resistance in P. rhoeas, an attribute rarely assessed in other weed species, but one with significant implications in designing chemical control strategies.  相似文献   

Acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors are the most resistance‐prone herbicide group. Rapid resistance diagnosis is thus of importance for their optimal use. We formulate rules to use the derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence method to develop molecular tools detecting a change at a given codon, the nature of which is unknown. We applied them to Alopecurus myosuroides (black grass) to develop assays targeting ALS codons A122, P197, A205, W574 and S653 that are crucial for herbicide sensitivity. These assays detected W574L or P197T, or both substitutions, in most plants analysed from a field where ALS inhibitors failed after 3 years of use. Similar assays can easily be set up for any species. Given the rapidity of selection for resistance to ALS inhibitors, these assays should be very useful in proactive herbicide resistance diagnosis.  相似文献   

Reliable in‐season and in‐field tools for rapidly quantifying herbicide efficacy in dicotyledonous weeds are missing. In this study, the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) of susceptible and resistant Papaver rhoeas and Stellaria media populations in response to treatments with acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors were examined. Seedlings (4–6 leafs) were transplanted into the field immediately after the application of the ALS inhibitors florasulam, metsulfuron‐methyl and tribenuron‐methyl. The Fv/Fm values were assessed 1–7, 9 and 14 days after treatment (DAT). Based on the Fv/Fm values of all fluorescing pixels in the images of herbicide‐treated plants, discriminant maximum‐likelihood classifiers were created. Based on this classifier, an independent set of images were classified into ‘susceptible’ or ‘resistant’ plants. The classifiers’ accuracy, false‐positive rate and false‐negative rate were calculated. The Fv/Fm values of sensitive P. rhoeas and S. media plants decreased within 3 DAT by 28–43%. The Fv/Fm values of the resistant plants of both species were 20% higher than those of the sensitive plants in all herbicide treatments. The classifier separated sensitive and resistant plants 3 DAT with accuracies of 62–100%. False‐positive and false‐negative classifications decreased with increasing DAT. We conclude that by the assessment of the Fv/Fm value in combination with the classification sensitive and resistant P. rhoeas and S. media populations could be separated 3 DAT. This technique can help to select effective control methods and speed up the monitoring process of susceptible and resistant weeds.  相似文献   

An acetolactate synthase (ALS)‐resistant Amaranthus retroflexus biotype was collected in a soyabean crop after repeated exposure to imazethapyr and thifensulfuron‐methyl in north‐eastern Italy. Studies were conducted to characterise the resistance status and determine alternative post‐emergence herbicides for controlling this biotype. Whole‐plant bioassay revealed that the GR50 values were 1898‐ and 293‐fold higher than those observed for the biotype susceptible to imazethapyr and imazamox respectively. The biotype also displayed high cross‐resistance to sulfonylureas. Molecular analysis demonstrated that a single nucleotide substitution had occurred in domain B (TGG to TTG at position 574), conferring a change from the amino acid tryptophan to leucine in the resistant biotype. However, herbicides with other modes of action (PSII, 4‐HPPD and PPO inhibitors) provided excellent control. The GR50 ratios for metribuzin, terbuthylazine and mesotrione were close to 1 and treatments with fomesafen gave 100% control of both susceptible and resistant biotypes at the recommended field dose. This study documents the first case of an imidazolinone and ALS‐resistant biotype in European crops and identifies the post‐emergence herbicide options available for managing this troublesome weed in soyabean crops. Alternative management strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

近年来长江下游地区稻田耳叶水苋Ammannia arenaria H.B.K.危害十分严重。采用盆栽法首次测定了耳叶水苋对苄嘧磺隆等药剂的抗性水平,同时分析了其抗性和敏感种群间乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)基因的DNA序列及其RNA表达差异。结果表明:采自浙江嘉兴(JX110)、江苏苏州(JS039)、浙江宁波(NB0143-05)和安徽广德(AH014)的耳叶水苋生物型对苄嘧磺隆的抗性指数(RI)分别为67.90、17.59、44.63和8.37,对苄嘧磺隆表现出中高水平抗性的生物型对五氟磺草胺、双草醚及咪唑乙烟酸也产生了低水平的抗性。获得了耳叶水苋ALS基因全长核苷酸序列2235 bp,编码667个氨基酸,仅发现NB0143-05等3种抗性生物型ALS酶的氨基酸序列非保守区第93位的亮氨酸被脯氨酸取代。然而,NB0143-05的ALS酶对ALS抑制剂的敏感性大幅度降低(RI 37.04),且在苄嘧磺隆处理后4 d的ALS基因表达量是敏感生物型(HZ001)的1.86倍。这表明,ALS酶对药剂的敏感性降低以及被苄嘧磺隆诱导后ALS基因表达量显著增加,很可能是耳叶水苋生物型NB0143-05对ALS抑制剂产生抗性的原因。  相似文献   

Two Alisma plantago‐aquatica biotypes resistant to bensulfuron‐methyl were detected in rice paddy fields in Portugal’s Mondego (biotype T) and Tagus and Sorraia (biotype Q) River valleys. The fields had been treated with bensulfuron‐methyl‐based herbicide mixtures for 4–6 years. In order to characterize the resistant (R) biotypes, dose–response experiments, absorption and translocation assays, metabolism studies and acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity assays were performed. There were marked differences between R and susceptible (S) biotypes, with a resistance index (ED50R/S) of 500 and 6.25 for biotypes Q and T respectively. Cross‐resistance to azimsulfuron, cinosulfuron and ethoxysulfuron, but not to metsulfuron‐methyl, imazethapyr, bentazone, propanil and MCPA was demonstrated. No differences in the absorption and translocation of 14C‐bensulfuron‐methyl were found between the biotypes studied. Maximum absorption attained 1.12, 2.02 and 2.56 nmol g−1 dry weight after 96 h incubation with herbicide, for S, Q and T biotypes respectively. Most of the radioactivity taken up by the roots was translocated to shoots. Bensulfuron‐methyl metabolism in shoots was similar in all biotypes. The R biotypes displayed a higher level of ALS activity than the S biotype, both in the presence and absence of herbicide and the resistance indices (IC50R/S) were 20 197 and 10 for biotypes Q and T respectively. These data confirm for the first time that resistance to bensulfuron‐methyl in A. plantago‐aquatica is target‐site‐based. In practice, to control target site R biotypes, it would be preferable to use mixtures of ALS inhibitors with herbicides with other modes of action.  相似文献   

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