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Growth characteristics, dry‐matter (DM) yield, chemical components and in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) of Napier grass were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Haramaya University, Ethiopia. The treatments were three defoliation frequencies (60, 90 and 120 d after Napier grass establishment) and five cutting heights (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 cm above ground level). Except for leaf‐to‐stem ratio, all growth characteristics increased with decreasing frequency of defoliation. Similarly, DM yield of Napier grass increased as the frequency of defoliation decreased. Total ash, crude protein (CP), hemicellulose and IVDMD contents of Napier grass increased with increasing frequency of defoliation, whereas DM, acid detergent fibre, acid detergent lignin and cellulose contents increased with a decrease in defoliation frequency. In contrast, cutting heights had no significant effect on most chemical components and IVDMD contents, although total ash and CP decreased as the height of cutting increased. The CP yield per cut and per day was highest at an intermediate defoliation frequency. The results of this study indicated that Napier grass could be categorized under medium‐ to high‐quality herbage if defoliated at 90 d after establishment in the mid and highlands of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted at Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland, to determine the effect of sowing date and nitrogen application on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of forage rape and stubble turnips. The first experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) on forage rape DM yields. The second experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) over two soil sites (fertile or nitrogen depleted) on forage rape and stubble turnip DM yields. A delay in sowing from 1 to 31 August characterized a 74·5% decrease in forage rape DM yield, while stubble turnip DM yield decreased by 55·5%. Forage rape DM yields increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 at the first two sowing dates over both sites. In contrast, stubble turnips showed less response beyond 40 kg N ha?1 on site 1 in the first two sowing dates, while DM yield increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 on the less fertile site. The results indicate that the optimal sowing time for forage rape and a stubble turnip in Ireland was early August.  相似文献   

Five pastures in an Mediterranean environment in southern Italy were fertilized for 6 years (1993–1998) with nitrogen (N) fertilizer, phosphorus (P) fertilizer and two levels low (L) and high (H) of combined nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (N‐P), and compared with a no‐fertilizer control treatment, and the effects on soil variables, dry matter (DM) yield of herbage and floristic composition of the pastures measured. From 1998–2002, half of each plot was fertilized with the same treatments (continued treatment) while the other half received no fertilizer (discontinued treatment). In the year 2001–2002, the plots on the discontinued fertilizer treatments and the plots on the control treatment were used to evaluate the residual effects of the fertilizer treatments. The P and N‐P fertilizer continued and discontinued treatments, in comparison to the control treatment, had a higher content of available P2O5 in the soil while under the N fertilizer treatment it decreased. The N and P fertilizer treatments and the residual effects of these treatments led to higher DM yields and proportions of Gramineae and Leguminosae, respectively, compared to the control treatment. Furthermore, differences in the nutritive value of the herbage and floristic composition were observed between the N‐P fertilizer treatments and the control treatment. The residual effect of the N, P and N‐P fertilizer treatments increased DM yield proportionately by 0.063, 0.385 and 0.404, respectively, and reduced the crude protein content of the herbage. The residual effects of the fertilizer treatments on milk forage units (MFU) were 261 for N, 1107 for P and 1003 MFU ha?1 for N–P fertilizer treatments. Among fertilizers, the residual effect of the N‐P fertilizer treatment promoted an increase in DM yield but produced little variation in floristic composition of the pasture. In general, the fertilizer treatments increased DM yield and nutritive value of herbage and reduced floristic composition in pastures on these Mediterranean sites.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the prediction accuracy of grass dry‐matter intake (GDMI) and milk yield predicted by the GrazeIn model using a large database representing 8787 per cow GDMI measurements. In this study, the animal input variables (age, parity, week of lactation, potential peak milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content, bodyweight, body condition score (BCS), week of conception, BCS at calving and calf birth weight) were investigated. The mean actual GDMI of the database was 15·9 kg DM per cow d?1 and GrazeIn predicted a mean GDMI for the database of 15·5 kg DM per cow d?1. The mean bias was ?0·4 kg DM per cow d?1. GrazeIn predicted GDMI for the total database with an RPE of 15·5% at cow level. The mean actual daily milk yield of the database was 21·3 kg per cow d?1 and GrazeIn predicted a daily milk yield for the database of 22·2 kg per cow d?1. The mean bias was +0·9 kg per cow d?1. GrazeIn predicted milk yield for the total database with an RPE of 16·7% at cow level. From the evaluation, GrazeIn predicted milk yield of all cows in late lactation with a larger level of error than in early and mid‐lactation. This error appears to be due to the persistency of the lactation curve used by the model, which results in a higher predicted milk yield in late lactation compared with the actual milk yield.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the prediction accuracy of grass dry‐matter intake (GDMI) and milk yield predicted by the model GrazeIn using a database representing 522 grazing herds. The GrazeIn input variables under consideration were fill value (FV), grass energy content [Unité Fourragère Lait (UFL)], grass protein value [true protein absorbable in the small intestine when rumen fermen energy is limiting microbial protein synthesis in the rumen (PDIE)], pre‐grazing herbage mass (PGHM), daily herbage allowance (DHA) and concentrate supplementation. GrazeIn was evaluated using the relative prediction error (RPE). The mean actual GDMI and milk yields of grazing herds in the database ranged from 9·9–22·0 kg DM per cow d?1 and 8·9–41·8 kg per cow d?1, respectively. The accuracy of predictions for the total database estimated by RPE was 12·2 and 12·8% for GDMI and milk yield, respectively. The mean bias (predicted minus actual) for GDMI was ?0·3 kg DM per cow d?1 and for milk yield was +0·9 kg per cow d?1. GrazeIn predicted GDMI with a level of error <13·4% RPE for spring, summer and autumn. GrazeIn predicted milk yield in autumn (RPE = 17·6%) with a larger error in comparison with spring (RPE = 10·4%) and summer (RPE = 11·0%). Future studies should focus on the adaptation of GrazeIn to correct and improve the prediction of milk yield in autumn.  相似文献   

Responses of grasses to N fertilization are affected by cutting intensity although little is known regarding the interactions of these factors in warm‐season grasses. Pre‐cutting canopy height, herbage accumulation and changes in the nutritive value of warm‐season grasses in response to four different management strategies were assessed from October 2011 to September 2014. Treatments included two cutting intensities (70 vs. 50% depletion of canopy height set by 95% light interception), two N fertilization levels (zero vs. 300 kg N ha?1 year?1) and six perennial C4 grass species (Axonopus catharinensis; Cynodon spp. hybrid Tifton 85; Hemarthria altissima cv. Flórida; Megathyrsus maximus cv. Aruana; Paspalum notatum cv. Pensacola; and Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu) grown in monoculture in a factorial experimental design. Canopy height varied among grass species, cutting intensity and N treatments, mainly among seasons, indicating that more than one management target (i.e. canopy height) existed throughout the plant growth cycle for each species. The largest herbage accumulation occurred in the N fertilization treatments for most species, regardless of cutting intensity. Nitrogen fertilization and 50% depletion of canopy height increased the leaf proportion and decreased the neutral detergent fibre content. Overall, N fertilization had a stronger positive impact than cutting intensity on the acid detergent fibre content, dry‐matter digestibility and crude protein content, but the magnitudes of the responses were species‐specific.  相似文献   

The changes in dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and nutritive value of herbage to ruminants of two wet grasslands, Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (Experiment 1) and a Molinia caerulea fen meadow (Experiment 2), in which a range of cutting and fertilizer treatments were imposed in 1999, were assessed after 4–7 years of treatment imposition. Both experiments had a split‐plot design with four replicates. In Experiment 1 the three main‐plot cutting treatments were two cuts with a delayed first cut, three cuts and four cuts during the growing season of each year. In Experiment 2 the cutting treatments were two cuts with a traditional harvest time, two cuts with a delayed first cut and three cuts. The four sub‐plot fertilizer treatments were an unfertilized control, application of a phosphorus and potassium (PK) fertilizer, application of a nitrogen (N) and PK fertilizer to the first cut only (N1PK) and application of PK plus N applied to each of two, three or four cuts (Nc PK). Application of fertilizer influenced yield and botanical composition of herbage more than the cutting treatments while the opposite occurred for nutritive value of the herbage. Application of fertilizer increased the proportion of tall grasses in Experiment 1 and forbs in Experiment 2. The proportion of Equisetum palustre, present only in Experiment 1, was reduced from 0·33 to less than 0·01 by increased cutting frequency together with the NPK fertilizer treatments. In Experiment 1 diversity of vascular plants was negatively affected only by the four‐cuts treatment while on both wet grasslands other cutting and fertilizer application treatments had no effect. Changes in DM yield of herbage caused by the cutting and fertilizer application treatments were similar for both vegetation types with DM yield increased significantly by fertilizer application but only slightly or not reduced by increasing the cutting frequency. Nutritive value of herbage was positively correlated with cutting frequency and was most influenced at the first cut.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨单粒精播花生生理性状和产量性状对密度和氮肥的响应。选择山东省烟台市招远鲁东丘陵地,作物两年三熟。2018和2019年,以出口大花生品种花育22为试验材料进行大田试验,设置了3个种植密度(12万、20万、28万株/hm2,分别表示为D1、D2和D3)和4个施氮量(0、50、115、180 kg/hm2,分别表示为N0、N50、N115、N180),于不同生育时期调查分析花生SPAD值、植株和产量性状。研究结果表明,种植密度和施氮量均显著影响花生叶绿素含量、干物质量、植株性状和产量性状,且两者互作效应显著。在D2密度条件下,花生荚果产量较D1密度和D3密度分别高24.31%~45.04%和10.57%~15.13%,成熟期叶绿素含量分别高3.70%~27.82%和6.10%~18.94%,成熟期干物质量分别高7.31%~32.34%和10.65%~34.59%,且差异性均达到了显著水平。在D2密度下,施氮量在50~180 kg/hm2范围内,花生荚果产量、叶绿素含量和干物质量均显著高于无氮处理,各施氮处理表现为N115 > N180 > N50 > N0,以施氮量为115 kg/hm2时花生荚果产量最大,较N50和N180处理分别提高了6.83%和3.90%,叶绿素含量、干物质量和植株性状也协同提高。综合考虑生理性状、产量性状等因素,在本试验条件下,单粒精播花生栽培在低密度12万株/hm2下,花生主要产量性状随着施氮量的增加而增加,以种植密度为20万株/hm2,施氮量为115 kg/hm2较为适宜。  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) evaluation trials are often conducted under simulated grazing to identify the most productive cultivars. It is unclear whether simulated grazing identifies the most productive cultivar for animal‐grazed swards. Ten cultivars were established as plots and managed concurrently under simulated grazing (SG), animal grazing (AG) and conservation (CON). The experiment lasted 3 years with dry‐matter (DM) off‐take, digestibility, tiller density and ground‐cover score recorded in all years. A good relationship existed between DM off‐take under SG and CON (R2 = 0·73). The relationship between SG and AG was strongest in year 2 and 3 (R2 = 0·53 and 0·55 respectively). High DM production was observed in SG swards in year 1; this was weakly related to the DM production of the AG sward. Across the 3 years, the CON treatment had higher yields than either of the other two treatments and was poorly correlated to DM yield under AG, confirming that cultivars should be evaluated under a similar defoliation frequency to their intended use. Tiller density declined quickest under CON and slowest under AG. Some reranking of cultivars occurred between defoliation managements. The results show that simulated grazing is a useful indicator of DM yield performance of animal‐grazed swards.  相似文献   

The outcomes of previous studies have resulted in differing recommendations on the rate and timing of fertilizer N applications for forage maize. In order to gain an improved understanding of the role of N fertilizer, a field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of time and rate of N application on total and plant‐fraction yield, nutritive value and efficiency of nutrient utilization in early‐ and late‐sown forage maize. Treatments included two sowing dates (early, late), two rates of N (0, 135 kg ha?1) applied pre‐sowing (N1) and three rates of N (0, 79, 158 kg ha?1) applied post‐sowing (N2) at the six‐leaf stage (V6). Application of N at N1 (N0 vs. N135) increased dry‐matter (DM) stover yield by 11% and total yield by 7%. Application of fertilizer N at N2 (N0 vs. N158) increased grain yield by 44% and total yield by 34%. Application of N2 also increased irrigation and total water‐use efficiency (WUE) from 30 to 40 and 46 to 61 kg DM ml ?1 water respectively. Late sowing increased DM yield by 6%, but decreased WUE compared with early sowing. The results indicate that application of N at both N1 and N2 is essential to maximize total DM yield from forage maize, but application at V6 is recommended when N input is reduced.  相似文献   

Soil acidity is a limiting factor affecting the growth and yield of many crops all over the world. It is recognized that liming is the most common management practice of profitable crop production on acid soils. On the other hand, it is well-known that the form of nitrogen may affect tobacco yield and quality. In this work, the impact of the interaction between three hydrated lime (HL, Ca(OH)2) rates (0, 1.5 and 3 t HL ha−1) and three nitrogen fertilizer forms (NO3-N 100%, NH4-N 100% and NO3-N 50% plus NH4-N 50%) on growth, yield and quality characteristics of Virginia (flue-cured) tobacco was investigated in a 4-year (1995–1998) field experiment established in an acid soil (pHwater 1:1 5.3) located in Northern Greece. Lime was applied only once in December 1994, while nitrogen fertilizer was applied annually before transplanting. The results showed that the effect of liming on tobacco growth was not dependent on time, weather conditions and form of nitrogen fertilizer. Liming increased soil pH, enhanced the early growth of tobacco (within 30 days after transplanting (DAT)) and finally increased the total gross and trade yield of tobacco proportionally to the amount of HL added. However, the quality index (organoleptic characteristics) of the cured product was improved only at the HL application rate of 3 t HL ha−1. Furthermore, liming significantly increased Ca and P concentrations but decreased K concentration in cured tobacco leaves. Tobacco yield increase was attributed to the increase of P uptake. Liming also increased the ash content of cured leaves, whereas it did not significantly affect nicotine, total nitrogen and reducing sugars. The use of ammonium N in fertilizer delayed the early growth of tobacco, reduced the nicotine concentration and increased the reducing sugars concentration of the cured product. Total-N, P, K and Mg concentrations of cured leaves were not significantly affected by the form of nitrogen fertilizer used. The results suggested that an initial application of hydrated lime at a rate of 3 t HL ha−1 may ameliorate soil acidity and increase the yield and quality characteristics of Virginia tobacco at least over a 4-year period after application, independent of the form of N fertilizer used.  相似文献   

Red pea–cereal intercropping could provide animal feed with agronomic and economic advantages. The growth rate, forage yield, quality, interspecific competition and financial outcome of intercrops of red pea (Lathyrus cicera L.) with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) in two different seeding ratios (60:40, 80:20) were estimated. Growth rate of species was lower in the intercrops than in monocrops, especially in red pea–oat intercrops due to the strong competitive ability of oat. Red pea–oat intercrop of 60:40 produced the highest biomass (10.83 Mg/ha) and crude protein yield (1,116 kg/ha). Land equivalent ratio (LER) values were greater for the red pea with wheat (1.13) and oat 60:40 (1.09) indicating an advantage of intercropping in terms of dry‐matter (DM) yield, while red pea:oat 60:40 ranked first for LER for nitrogen yield. Aggressivity and partial actual yield loss indicated cereals as the dominant species. The highest monetary advantage index was recorded for the red pea:wheat 60:40 and the highest intercropping advantage value was recorded for the red pea:oat 80:20. In conclusion, most intercrops of red pea with wheat and oat showed significant advantages relative to their monocrops due to better DM production, resource‐use efficiency and economics under low‐input farming.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of growth stage and legume proportion on the nutritive and ensiling characteristics of triticale–pea–vetch intercrop mixtures. The three‐species mixtures were sown at three seeding ratios to produce different legume proportions (low, medium and high proportions) and harvested at two growth stages. The six resulting forages were subsequently ensiled in mini‐silos. Forage dry‐matter (DM) yield, nutritive characteristics of fresh and ensiled mixtures and fermentation characteristics of silages were determined. Forage DM yield almost tripled between early‐stage harvest and late‐stage harvest. Nutritive characteristics of fresh and ensiled mixtures were affected by both growth stage and legume proportion: crude protein concentration and pepsin–cellulase digestibility decreased whereas NDF and ADF concentrations increased as growth stage advanced. Crude protein concentration and pepsin–cellulase digestibility were higher for the high‐legume treatment at both growth stages. All mixtures ensiled well, as indicated by low pH and high lactic and acetic acids contents. However, all silages had high soluble nitrogen and ammonia concentrations. This study showed that triticale–pea–vetch silages hold good potential net energy supply value for ruminants, especially at early‐stage growth and when legume proportion increases. However, protein value has to be improved by reducing protein breakdown during ensiling.  相似文献   

The emphasis plant breeders place on improving seasonal dry‐matter (DM) yield of pasture plants may increase farm profitability through greater supply of DM for livestock in critical seasons. Economic values (EV) for traits can be used to guide plant breeders when selecting ‘top’ pasture plants. Two methods of calculating economic value (EV) for seasonal DM traits were evaluated. These were based on the cost of otherwise acquiring or replacing the unit change in DM (‘replacement cost method’) and the opportunity cost of not having the unit change in DM, based on changes in livestock production either as a change in stocking rate or a change in liveweight gains of growing livestock (‘change in livestock production method’). Using barley replacement cost, the EV of a 1‐kg increase in phalaris DM on Australian sheep and beef farms ranged between AUD0·234 in summer and AUD0·303 in winter. In contrast, the EV for seasonal DM using the change in weaner beef calf liveweight gains ranged between AUD0·256 in summer and AUD0·515 in winter. The change in livestock production method highlighted in this study offers an alternative to the replacement cost method, or more detailed farm system modelling or experimentations designed to estimate pasture EV.  相似文献   

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