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This study aimed to investigate the feeding behaviour (particularly gut fullness and evacuation, preying on rotifers and feeding preference in the water column) of the calanoid copepod, Pseudodiaptomus hessei, as a potential live feed species for aquaculture. Fed and starved, male and female P. hessei were fed rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) in the presence and absence of microalgae for 24 hr. Starved copepods consumed more rotifers (11.31 ± 1.01, individual rotifers) than fed (8.06 ± 1.01, individual rotifers) while the number of rotifers consumed in the presence of microalgae was similar when fed or starved. Gut fullness and evacuation was determined by feeding copepods two different cell size microalgae species (Tetraselmis suecica and Isochrysis galbana). Gut fullness and evacuation percentage were observed under the dissecting microscope (as 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%). Copepods fed on T. suecica (large cell) filled their guts more rapidly, while those fed on I. galbana (small cell) evacuated their guts faster. Feeding preference was determined using a multifactorial experiment where copepods were fed two microalgae species, T. suecica and I. galbana, each presented as benthic and planktonic food sources. P. hessei preferred to feed on planktonic microalgae first regardless of microalgae choice species for ±80 min, before shifting to benthic food source. This information can be used as baseline information for aquaculturists to rear the species as live feed for marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods, including species of the genus Acartia, are commonly used as larval diets for marine finfish. This study aimed to determine the separate effects of water temperature (18, 22, 24, 28° ± 0.5°C) and photoperiod (24L:0D; 18L:6D; 12L:12D; 8L:18D; 0L:24D) on Acartia grani egg production (EP), hatching rate (EHR) and population growth. Egg production rate was not affected by the two abiotic parameters. A. grani eggs incubated at T24°C and T28°C were the first to achieve 50% hatching rate (23–25 hr), with significant differences at the end of the experiment (48 hr) between T28°C treatment (EHR 88 ± 5%) and T18°C treatment (EHR 65 ± 2%). However, different temperature regimes did not affect final number of individuals in population growth experiment. Still, when eggs were excluded from data, population at lower temperatures (18°C) was mainly composed by the nauplii stage (72%), while at higher temperatures (24°C and 28°C) more than 60% of the population was composed by copepodites and adults. A. grani subjected to long‐day photoperiods had significantly lower EHR (16.7% at 24L:0D; 20.8% at 18L:6D) than at short‐day photoperiods (52.6% at 6L:18D; 50.0% at 0L:24D). In population growth experiment, eggs were the most common life stage after 12‐day culture. Lowest population number was found at constant light conditions (665.0 ± 197.1), suggesting higher metabolic rates and depletion of energy reserves in long‐day conditions. This study expanded knowledge on the biological response of A. grani to separate temperature and photoperiod regimes, and provided ground to improve the culture of this potential life feed species for hatcheries.  相似文献   

莱州湾小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)丰度分布周年变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2011年5月?2012年4月(除冰期12月和翌年1?2月外)在渤海莱州湾逐月由底至表垂直拖网(网孔目160μm)获得的浮游动物样品,开展小拟哲水蚤丰度分布周年季节变动研究。结果显示,小拟哲水蚤季节变化呈单峰型,7?10月份丰度较高,高峰值出现在8月份;水平分布以湾中部偏东侧丰度较集中,其次为湾口站位,湾顶站位为相对低值区。应用 Primer 6.0软件中的 BIOENV程序分析发现,小拟哲水蚤总丰度的月变化主要受水温影响、特别是1月前的水温,可能还受黄河径流量的间接影响;水平分布则与盐度、水深关系密切。  相似文献   

利用2011年5月?2012年4月(除冰期12月和翌年1?2月外)在渤海莱州湾逐月由底至表垂直拖网(网孔目160 µm)获得的浮游动物样品,开展小拟哲水蚤丰度分布周年季节变动研究。结果显示,小拟哲水蚤季节变化呈单峰型,7?10月份丰度较高,高峰值出现在8月份;水平分布以湾中部偏东侧丰度较集中,其次为湾口站位,湾顶站位为相对低值区。应用Primer 6.0软件中的BIOENV程序分析发现,小拟哲水蚤总丰度的月变化主要受水温影响、特别是1月前的水温,可能还受黄河径流量的间接影响;水平分布则与盐度、水深关系密切。  相似文献   

To investigate egg storage capacity of the copepod Acartia bilobata for aquaculture interest, we tested hatching success rate (HSR) of inclusive eggs (mixture of all egg types) after 4°C storage. The HSR peaked after 14 days storage when incubating at 28°C for 48 hr (85.8 ± 1.6%) and 72 hr (87.6 ± 0.9%), then gradually declined until 1 year (48 hr: 7 ± 0.6%; 72 hr: 19.4 ± 3.9%). Reallocation of fatty acid profile suggests that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is correlated with the HSR of A. bilobata eggs. Additionally, we investigated the HSR of diapausing eggs (unhatched eggs after 72 hr incubation of the inclusive eggs) after 4°C storage. Their HSR peaked after 14 days storage (48 hr:75.3 ± 3.5%; 72 hr:78.2 ± 2.1%), then gradually declined until 60 days (48 hr HSR:42.1 ± 2.3%; 72 hr HSR:53.0 ± 3.2%). Overall, we illustrated the hatchability of diapausing and quiescent eggs of A. bilobata after 4°C storage. The cold storage capacities were low (<60% HSR after 60 days), and it could be limited by the egg DHA content. Our findings provide implications for future studies aiming to improve cold storage techniques of tropical copepod eggs for aquaculture applications.  相似文献   

Diapause eggs of Centropages hamatus were used to investigate the effect of temperature and duration of incubation on egg hatching. Eggs were incubated for 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40 h at 15°C and 14L–10D. After incubation for the designated period, eggs were transferred to 25°C and monitored periodically to determine egg hatching. Control eggs were incubated solely at 15°C and monitored for egg hatching. The greatest daily hatching success of eggs occurred within 1 or 2 days after transfer from 15°C to 25°C, while the controls required 3–4 days. The cumulative hatching success of eggs was significantly lower than the control, with the exception of eggs held for at least 36 h at 15°C before transfer to 25°C. These results indicate that overall time to hatching of diapause eggs of C. hamatus can be reduced by transferring the eggs to a higher temperature, for example, 25°C, following a minimum period of time (36 h) at reduced temperature, for example, 15°C. Exposure to 15°C for only 10 h does not appear to be sufficient to result in any subsequent hatching at higher temperature.  相似文献   

盐度骤变和渐变对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹发育和摄食的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨三疣梭子蟹幼蟹对盐度的适应性,设置盐度骤变和渐变2组试验.骤变试验以27为基础盐度,幼蟹直接转入7、11、15、19、23、31、35、39、43、47、51盐度水体中;渐变试验盐度从27开始,以4/d的日变幅逐渐升至51和降至7,分析不同处理下幼蟹存活率、变态率及摄食量的变化.试验结果表明,I期幼蟹盐度从27骤变为11~23后,120 h存活率≥50%,骤变为35~47,72 h存活率均降至10%,96 h内幼蟹全部死亡.Ⅱ期幼蟹盐度骤变为7、47、51后,96 h存活率分别为40%、20%、0%,其他处理存活率≥50%.I期幼蟹盐度骤变为11~31时,变态率≥40%,其他处理均为0%;Ⅱ期幼蟹盐度骤变为11~39时,变态率≥40%,其他变态率为10%~30%(51处理组除外,为0%).盐度骤变试验组存活幼蟹平均摄食卤虫成体1~3.17个.盐度突降<16或突升<8时,幼蟹的摄食量高于其他盐度骤变组.盐度渐变对幼蟹存活率、变态率和摄食量的影响均小于相应盐度下的骤变组.幼蟹适应盐度渐变的能力强于骤变;在盐度的降低或升高变化中,幼蟹能较好的适应盐度降低;幼蟹的盐度适应能力随发育呈增强趋势.15~31为三疣梭子蟹幼蟹生长发育的适宜盐度.  相似文献   

用豆浆、米糠、酵母3种饲料培养南京丰年虫(Chirocephalus nankinensisShen),试验结果表明:这3种饲料对南京丰年虫生长和生殖力的影响差异显著。其中,体长和体重增长依次为豆浆>酵母>米糠,成活率高低顺序为米糠>豆浆>酵母;生殖力高低顺序为豆浆>米糠>酵母。故用豆浆为饲料培养南京丰年虫较适于其生长和种群的增殖。  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii is one of the most common decapod species, and now getting more attention from the aquaculturists world wide due to its high market demand. It is commercially important because of its size as well as its eating flesh qualities. The breeding behaviour, reproduction and hatching of this species were observed for about 8 months during 2009. Juveniles (0.55 ± 0.177 g total weight and 2.7 ± 0.12 cm, total length) were reared in rounded fibre glass tanks (1.3 m, diameter). Pre‐mating moult occurs in prawns once the ovaries ripen in their carapace cavity so as to transform the prawn into berried stage. Recorded incubation period ranged from 18 to 24 days. The number of eggs ranged from 2050 to 150 500 and the fecundity ranged from 435.2 to 3849.1 eggs. Number of hatched larvae ranged from 1825 to 123 410 larvae for females of 4.71 to 39.1 g respectively. The number of eggs carried by female prawn was directly proportional to its body weight (no. of eggs = 3441.3 wt. of female – 32 292, r2 = 0.819). (fecundity = 82.066 wt. of female ? 235.04, r2 = 0.7779; fecundity = 317.86 length of female ? 2651, r2 = 0.833). Hatching rate ranged from 65% to 91%, and there was a correlation between number of hatched larvae and size of female parent (no. of larvae = 10 369 length of female – 102 965, r2 = 0.8159; no. of larvae = 2792.9 wt. of female – 26 268, r2 = 0.829). This study can greatly help in the management strategies of prawn hatcheries and improve its hatching technology.  相似文献   

First feed production continues to be a major barrier to the cultivation of many fish species. Although copepod nauplii are a suitable food, consistency and high production have been difficult. Temporal changes in production in batch cultures of the calanoid copepod, Bestiolina similis, were investigated to develop management strategies for the use of copepod nauplii as a live food. Population abundances and female egg production rates were measured, and recruitment and mortality rates were calculated. Relative expression levels of a molecular biomarker for stress, heat shock protein hsp70, were determined using real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The population cycle included a period of rapid increase in abundances, followed by a steep decline and a period of stable but low population densities. Initially, egg production exceeded 25 eggs per female per day and low mortality rates prevailed. The population decline was preceded by upregulation of hsp70 and followed by an 80–90% decline in female fecundity and an increase in mortality rates. Egg production rates remained below four eggs per female per day even after new generations of females reached adulthood. The predictable population cycle provides opportunities to coordinate nauplius production rates with first feed needs of fish larvae.  相似文献   

试验研究了舟山牙鲆人工培育及促熟催产中的技术措施。采用自然海区捕获的牙鲆亲鱼,逐年筛选、精心培育,共获得健康的2~4龄成熟亲鱼300尾(雄鱼200尾、雌鱼100尾),体重1 000~5 000 g。在自然产卵和外源激素HCG(1 500 IU/kg)及LHRH-A3(5μg/kg)的作用下(雄鱼减半),共采卵536.2×104粒,上浮率51.3%,受精率69.5%,孵化率84.2%。与自然产卵相比,激素催产产卵数量多,受精率和孵化率相对偏低;而自然产卵受精率和孵化率高,但产卵不够集中且数量相对较少。  相似文献   

Procambarus (Austrocambarus) llamasi (Villalobos 1955) is a crayfish endemic to south‐eastern Mexico with aquaculture potential. This study intends to enhance knowledge of the reproductive biology of this species under laboratory conditions, including fecundity, egg development and juvenile growth. Mean fecundity was 311 eggs/female, and egg development occurred in seven stages over a 27‐ to 30‐day time range. The best growth results were obtained at a density of 50 organisms m?2.Procambarus llamasi is considered to perform well in aquaculture contexts.  相似文献   

试验分延迟0d、1d、2d、3d、4d、5d、6d、7d投饵和完全饥饿9个试验组,研究了延迟投饵对泥鳅仔鱼摄食、生长和存活的影响。结果显示:水温27℃±1℃时,泥鳅仔鱼3日龄开口,混合营养期2d,4日龄卵黄囊消失。开口当日初次摄食率为36%,最高初次摄食率出现在5日龄,达98%,饥饿不可逆点(PNR)在8~9日龄。延迟0d(正常投饵)和1d投饵组仔鱼体长一直呈增长趋势,至11日龄,两组仔鱼体长没有显著差异(P>0.05);随延迟投饵天数的增加,仔鱼体长生长速度明显降低;完全饥饿组仔鱼3~5日龄呈正增长,随后转为负增长。延迟0d和1d投饵组,11日龄时仔鱼存活率分别为82.67%和89.33%,且两者无显著差异(P>0.05);随延迟投饵天数的增加,11日龄时仔鱼存活率明显降低;完全饥饿组,11日龄时仔鱼全部死亡。  相似文献   

The changes in egg lipids and fatty acid compositions that occur during embryonic development of spotted wolf‐fish, Anarhichas minor, were examined by monitoring individual egg batches from the time of spawning (egg stripping) until hatching. The lipids, present as 3.7±0.1% of the wet mass of the freshly stripped eggs, contained high percentages of monoenes (monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), ca. 33%) and polyenes (ca. 43%) and approximately 20% saturated fatty acids (SFAs). The fatty acid profiles were dominated by a small number of fatty acids. The major SFA was 16:0 (ca. 14%), the dominant MUFA was 18:1 n‐9 (ca. 21%), and among the polyenes, the n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) 22:6 n‐3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 20:5 n‐3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were present in the highest concentrations (EPA, ca. 16%; DHA, ca. 19%). The n‐6 HUFA 20:4 n‐6 arachidonic acid (AA) was present as ca. 1% of the total fatty acids in the freshly stripped eggs. This resulted in an AA:EPA of ca. 0.07, which is lower than reported for eggs of many other fish species. As embryonic development progressed, the percentage contribution of AA to the total fatty acids almost doubled. There were also increases in the relative proportions of SFAs (due mainly to an increase in the percentage of 16:0 to ca. 16% at hatch) and DHA (to ca. 23%), and there was a corresponding decrease in the percentage of MUFAs (mostly brought about by a decrease in the percentage of 18:1 n‐9 to ca. 18% at hatch). The most marked changes occurred towards the end of incubation. The percentage of EPA changed little during incubation. This implies that there was selective retention of DHA, 16:0 and AA, and these fatty acids were probably incorporated into cell membranes. MUFAs, particularly 18:1 n‐9, seem to have been catabolized to provide energy for the developing embryo, and some EPA also seems to have been utilized as an energy source. Survival of eggs to the eyed stage (range ca. 10–80%) and to hatch (ca. 5–75%) was negatively correlated with the %AA, %EPA and AA:DHA of the freshly stripped eggs. There was also a negative correlation between AA:EPA and egg survival, which implies that there is not a universal requirement for a high AA:EPA to ensure high rates of survival of fish eggs.  相似文献   

海黍子新生枝条的室内培养及有性生殖同步化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化海黍子(Sargassum muticum)新生枝条生长与同步生殖的室内培养条件,以长度5 cm左右的海黍子新生枝为材料,在培养箱中采用不同的温度、光照度和营养盐配比(KNO3∶KH2PO4)等生长条件,通过跟踪测量生长情况,观察记录新生枝条形态变化、生殖器官形成及生殖特点,研究有利于新生枝条在室内生长和繁殖的优化组合条件,实现生殖托提前发育和受精作用的同步化。结果表明,培养条件对海黍子新生枝条长度特定增长率的影响:光照度>营养盐配比>温度;对质量特定增长率的影响:温度>光照度>营养盐配比。温度14℃时无法形成生殖托,温度22℃时能形成生殖托,但未形成受精卵。室内培养的海黍子5 cm新生枝条最快40 d完成繁殖过程,平均每棵藻体可以采苗近400棵。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of broodstock diet on flame angelfish (Centropyge loriculus) reproduction and generate baseline spawning performance (mean fecundity, egg fertilization, egg viability) and egg biochemistry data for this species. Sixteen flame angelfish broodstock pairs were maintained on one of three formulated diets or a raw diet (consisting of squid, shrimp, fish eggs and algae) to determine the effect of diet composition on the fecundity, egg fertilization rates and egg viability over a 7‐month period. Although all the diets supported similar mean spawn frequency and fecundity over the duration of the experiment, the mean fertilization rates and egg viability were significantly greater among pairs receiving the raw diet. Egg fatty acid composition was generally reflective of the maternal diet and similar to the values reported for other tropical species. In particular, dietary factors such as n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acid and ARA level (which were elevated in the raw diet and eggs from fish receiving that treatment) are correlated with egg quality and are therefore worthy of future investigation. Because of the ease of conditioning, adaptability to varied formulated diets and continuous, sustained reproductive output, flame angelfish are an excellent model for examining the factors affecting marine fish egg and larval quality.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and salinity on the reproductive success of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), were examined by holding broodstock under the following conditions from mid‐May until the end of September: fresh water at ambient temperature (NFW; 8–16 °C); salt water (25–30‰) at ambient temperature (NSW; 4–10 °C); fresh water cooled to saltwater temperature (CFW; 4–10 °C); or salt water heated to freshwater temperature (HSW; 8–16 °C). The relative fecundity of females was similar among groups (P > 0.05; 2685 ± 706 eggs), but females reared in NSW produced significantly larger eggs than those raised in NFW. The highest spermatozoa concentrations were found in milt from males reared in SW and the highest milt glucose concentration was from males kept under coldwater conditions (CFW, NSW). Eggs from NSW and HSW females contained more proteins than eggs produced by NFW females. Eggs from NSW females also contained 40% more lipids than was observed in the other groups, and total energy content was 27% higher in eggs from NSW females than in eggs from NFW females. When FW was cooled (CFW), females produced eggs with protein contents similar to those in NSW, but the lipid contents remained 30% lower. Finally, the best survival at the eyed stage and at hatch was observed in families produced by NSW broodstock. Intermediate values were observed in families from NFW or CFW while the highest mortality occurred in families from the HSW group. All these results suggest that, under the experimental conditions used in the present study, coastal seawater conditions offered the most favourable summer rearing conditions with respect to the reproductive success of Arctic charr.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the long‐term effects (7‐month experiment) of diets consisting of fish oil (Kilka fish) and vegetable oil (rapeseed) on the reproductive performance of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) broodstock. Forty‐five broodstock (990.3 ± 20.05 g) were randomly allocated to three different diet treatments. Three experimental diets were formulated with graded levels of fish oil (100% FO), vegetable oil (100% VO), and a combination of fish and vegetable oil (50% FO + 50% VO). At the end of the 7‐month feeding trial period, the weight gain and final weight were changed significantly different between the treatments (p < 0.05). Broodstock fed the FO + VO diet had higher growth than those fed the only FO or VO diets (p < 0.05). The highest germinal vesicle migration percentage was observed in FO + VO treatment (p < 0.05). The DHA/EPA, DHA/ARA and EPA/ARA ratios in oocyte exhibited a significant difference in the different treatments (p < 0.05). This study indicates that nutrition of broodstock with diet including FO + VO (p < 0.05) can positively affect the growth performance of larvae compared with only FO or VO diets. Furthermore, the high levels of 18:1n‐9, AL and ALA contents in oocytes from broodstock fed VO and the lowest ALA content in oocytes from broodstock fed FO underlined the important role of broodstock diets in the reproductive process and embryonic and/or larval developments of sterlet.  相似文献   

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