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  • 1. Historically, ecological assessment of lakes has depended on open‐water chemical and phytoplankton analysis, with trophic status determined by chlorophyll a and total phosphorus following the general protocol of the OECD lake classification scheme. This has been accompanied by a prevailing opinion that the littoral zone of lakes is too heterogeneous to allow meaningful inter‐lake comparisons.
  • 2. Council of the European Communities Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework in the field of water policy (the Water Framework Directive) requires a broader approach to ecological assessment, including the need to incorporate a range of biotic variables. This paper describes the results of a monitoring programme designed to determine within‐ and among‐lake variation of macroinvertebrate communities found in defined mesohabitats of 22 lakes incorporating a range of lake types. Three sampling approaches were applied to the study.
  • 3. Triplicate macroinvertebrate samples from a cobble/pebble mesohabitat of 11 lakes showed that community composition from a standard habitat was robust.
  • 4. Twinned samples from contrasting habitats of pebble/cobble and macrophyte dominated mesohabitats of 21 lakes had greater similarity within than among lakes. This showed that even across contrasting habitat structure, macroinvertebrate assemblages can provide a reliable lake‐specific indicator.
  • 5. Multivariate analysis of replicate samples from 15 visually distinct mesohabitats in one lake showed that within‐lake variation could, nevertheless, be identified as distinct clusters of invertebrate assemblages.
  • 6. Conclusions from the work are that variations within lakes were nested in among‐lake variation across a range of lake types, and that macroinvertebrate assemblages can provide meaningful assessment of ecological differences across lakes. Monitoring can, however, produce a substantial amount of ‘noise’ from the data that reflects the complexity of macroinvertebrate community structure in littoral zones. It is recommended that incorporation of macroinvertebrates in ecological assessment is most useful when confined to well defined mesohabitats rather than attempt to incorporate a complete range of mesohabitats within a single lake.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The European Water Framework Directive requires the determination of ecological status in European fresh and saline waters. This is to be through the establishment of a typology of surface water bodies, the determination of reference (high status) conditions in each element (ecotype) of the typology and of lower grades of status (good, moderate, poor and bad) for each ecotype. It then requires classification of the status of the water bodies and their restoration to at least ‘good status’ in a specified period.
  • 2. Though there are many methods for assessing water quality, none has the scope of that defined in the Directive. The provisions of the Directive require a wide range of variables to be measured and give only general guidance as to how systems of classification should be established. This raises issues of comparability across States and of the costs of making the determinations.
  • 3. Using expert workshops and subsequent field testing, a practicable pan‐European typology and classification system has been developed for shallow lakes, which can easily be extended to all lakes. It is parsimonious in its choice of determinands, but based on current limnological understanding and therefore as cost‐effective as possible.
  • 4. A core typology is described, which can be expanded easily in particular States to meet local conditions. The core includes 48 ecotypes across the entire European climate gradient and incorporates climate, lake area, geology of the catchment and conductivity.
  • 5. The classification system is founded on a liberal interpretation of Annexes in the Directive and uses variables that are inexpensive to measure and ecologically relevant. The need for taxonomic expertise is minimized.
  • 6. The scheme has been through eight iterations, two of which were tested in the field on tranches of 66 lakes. The final version, Version 8, is offered for operational testing and further refinement by statutory authorities.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The EC Water Framework Directive requires that Member States assess the ecological quality of their water bodies on the basis of a wide set of variables, including benthic invertebrates.
  • 2. The aim of the study was to find one or more faunistic indices that could be related to ecological status of shallow lakes, independent of different macrophyte types.
  • 3. Six invertebrate indices were calculated from abundance and biomass data in 10 Spanish shallow lakes: total abundance and biomass, Shannon's index, percentage of predators, percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, Orthocladiinae as a percentage of the total Chironomidae, and Chironominae as a percentage of the whole macroinvertebrate community. Taxon richness was also calculated.
  • 4. Differences in the values of indices across different macrophyte types were explored by means of a one‐way analysis of variance. Significant differences were occasionally found when indices were calculated from biomass data. Total abundance was also significantly different across some architecture types.
  • 5. No significant correlations were found between the overall values of the indices for each lake and the environmental variables measured (ecological status, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a concentrations, dynamics of the water flow, and naturalness of the shore), except in the case of total biomass.
  • 6. Values of indices were plotted (box plots) to detect potential differences between lakes of different ecological status. None of the index values was clearly related to ecological status. Thus, the approach used here, requiring relatively little sampling effort and taxonomic expertise, was of little use as a quality indicator for shallow lakes. The implementation of the Directive will therefore require different approaches to be developed and tested.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Based on the inclusion of macroalgae in the European Union Water Framework Directive as quality elements for the evaluation of the ecological status of coastal waters, the suitability of one (Ecological Evaluation Index, EEI) of several previously proposed evaluation methods in the particular ecological conditions of the northern Adriatic Sea was tested.
  • 2. The EEI was assessed for 10 locations (polluted and putatively pristine) scattered along 60 km of the western Istrian coast. The sampling was performed seasonally at 1 and 3 m depth by destructive (determination of species cover and biomass) and non‐destructive (determination of species coverage using digital photography) methods.
  • 3. When assessed at 1 m depth the spatial scale weighted EEI for the west Istrian coast was 8.1, corresponding to an ecological status class (ESC) value of high. However, data for 3 m depth gave a spatial EEI of 6.72 which corresponds to an ESC value of good. Regressions of the ratio of ecological state group I (ESG I, i.e. thick leathery, calcareous and crustose species) over total algal abundance with the pollution gradient (obtained using principal components analysis (PCA) ordination of environmental variables) were significant at 3 m but not at 1 m depth. This was due to the high abundance of ESG I macroalgae Corallina elongata and Cystoseira compressa at 1 m depth at polluted stations. Similar regressions were obtained using cover, biomass and coverage.
  • 4. It is concluded that the EEI method may be suitable for the classification of coastal waters in the northern Adriatic only in certain cases. A better assessment of ecological status using this method would require more realistic estimations based on the inclusion of data from several sampling depths. As all three abundance measures (cover, biomass, coverage) gave similar results, coverage (using digital photography) is suggested as being a preferred measure owing to the rapidity of sampling at several depths and less time‐consuming laboratory work.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Assessing the ecological integrity of freshwater ecosystems has become a priority to protect the threatened biodiversity they hold and secure future accessibility to the services they provide. Some of the most widespread applications of biological indicators are fish‐based indices. These have mostly mirrored the approach proposed by Karr 30 years ago (Index of Biotic Integrity; IBI), based on the comparison of observed and expected composition and structure of local fish assemblages in the absence of major perturbations, using the so‐called reference condition approach. Despite the notable success of the implementation of fish‐based indices, most of them overlook non‐native species as a source of ecosystem degradation, and evaluations are focused on the physico‐chemical condition of freshwater ecosystems and their effects on freshwater biodiversity. Almost 90% of 83 reviewed IBIs did not consider non‐native species when defining reference conditions. Most IBIs used non‐native species in conjunction with native ones to construct the metrics that conform to the index. The response of the IBI to the effect of non‐native species has hardly ever been tested. When developing and evaluating IBIs, attention was mostly directed to ensuring the correct response of the index to physico‐chemical parameters, which could otherwise be characterized more effectively using alternative methods. Current application of IBIs entails a misuse of biological indicators by overlooking some types of degradation that cannot be otherwise evaluated by traditional methods. This constrains the capacity to adequately respond to one of the most challenging and common threats to the conservation of freshwater fish diversity.  相似文献   

In this study, an integrative weight of evidence (WOE) tetrad methodology was developed and used to assess environmental quality and ecological risk at contaminated sites by fish farm effluents using spatial modelling tools [geographical information systems (GIS) and fuzzy logic and multicriteria analysis (MCA)], taking into account the results of four lines of evidence (LOE): the physico‐chemical characteristics of water and sediment, acute toxicity bioassays, biomarkers and the in situ alteration of benthic communities. The methodology was tested in the Rio San Pedro salt marsh creek in southwestern Spain. The proposed approach allowed for a quantitative spatial characterization of ecological risk and a better discrimination based on various types of physical, chemical and biological data. The methodology illustrates how GIS spatial models may be used in conjunction with other tools such as fuzzy logic and MCA to assist in decision‐making processes based on multiple environmental quality criteria and lines of evidence, with the transparency, objectivity and synoptic ability required to address environmental management problems in general and the management of contaminated marine areas affected by fish farms in particular.  相似文献   

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