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Atlantic halibut larvae were fed docosohexanoic acid- (DHA) selco enriched Artemia (RH-cysts) or wild zooplankton in duplicate tanks from first-feeding and 60 days onward. The zooplankton were collected from a fertilized sea water pond and consisted mainly of different stages of Eurytemora affinis and Centropages hamatus . There were no differences in survival, or in growth during the first 45 days of feeding, between larvae fed the two prey items, but the larvae fed Artemia showed much higher incidence of malpigmentation and impaired eye migration than larvae fed zooplankton. The prey organisms contained similar amounts of dry matter and protein, but Artemia was higher in lipid and glycogen than the zooplankton. Larvae fed Artemia were higher in both glycogen and lipid than the zooplankton-fed larvae towards the end of the feeding period. There were large differences between the prey organisms in the concentrations of essential fatty acids (% of total fatty acids) which was reflected in the fatty acid composition of the larval body. It is concluded that the macronutrient composition of Artemia in the present study was probably within the optimal range for promotion of growth and survival in young Atlantic halibut. The concentration of n-3 HUFA, and especially DHA, is however, very much lower in enriched Artemia than in copepods, and may be one of the factors triggering developmental errors in Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   

The long-term sustainability of the marine ornamental industry is being threatened by environmental pressures that are severely degrading the health of coral reef ecosystems. There is now a compelling need to practice resource conservation through the development of 'reef friendly' aquaculture technologies as an alternative to wild collection practices and to restore degraded wild populations. The commercial culture of marine ornamental finfish is very much in its infancy, but advances can be made more rapidly using insights from years of research and development with marine foodfish species. Many of the bottlenecks and constraints to developing marine ornamental fish culture are those now being addressed with the more challenging species of foodfish being attempted. The two key bottlenecks that currently limit expansion of the marine ornamental industry are the control of captive maturation and spawning and the identification of appropriate first-feed items for marine ornamental fish larvae. This paper highlights basic principles and recent achievements in marine foodfish culture that might be applicable to rapid development of controlled reproduction and propagation techniques for marine ornamental finfish.  相似文献   

A series of ingestion trials were conducted to determine the ingestion rate of Artemia nauplii by Eriocheir sinensis zoea larvae with increasing densities of Artemia and with or without rotifers as a co-feed. At each zoeal stage, 10 groups of 10 larvae were reared individually in glass beakers and fed with increasing densities of newly hatched Artemia nauplii (0.5, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 individual (ind.) mL−1) with or without rotifers (15–25 ind. mL−1) as a co-feed. The average number of ingested Artemia was measured over 24 h. In addition, the average larval development rate (Larval Stage Index, LSI) over a longer period (time needed for the best treatment to reach 100% moult or metamorphosis to the next larval stage) was compared. The results showed that Artemia ingestion rate of E. sinensis larvae increased with increasing prey densities and larval development, and had a significantly negative correlation with rotifer consumption for all zoeal stages. Rotifers as an alternative prey significantly affected the intake of Artemia at early larval stages (Z1 and Z2) and promoted LSI at a lower Artemia density. Further experiments are needed to clarify the effect of prey density on survival and larval development when larvae are reared communally.  相似文献   

在NaCl质量浓度73g/L、25℃和光暗比12h∶12h条件下,将20日龄的中华卤虫成熟个体按每杯1雌1雄方式置于盛有约100mL高盐海水的玻璃杯中,用盐生杜氏藻按1.5×10~6、4×10~6、6×10~6、9×10~6个/杯4个投喂量培育30d,记录所产出的休眠卵和无节幼体数量,并测量休眠卵卵径、无节幼体体长和雌性亲体体长。试验结果表明,同时产休眠卵和幼体情形下的卤虫的产仔次数仅占总产仔次数的1.2%~2.9%。1.5×10~6、4×10~6、6×10~6个/杯3个试验组仅产卵的产仔次数占总产仔次数的30.4%~40%,仅产幼体的产仔次数占总产仔次数的57.5%~66.7%,而9×10~6个/杯试验组仅产卵及仅产幼体的百分比分别为61.3%和37.5%。4个试验组的单雌繁殖量分别为88.7、105.9、193、298.7个,单雌繁殖次数分别为2.7、2.9、3.9、4.7次,卵生后代比例分别为32.4%、31.1%、36.9%、66.2%。各试验组干卵径、卵生无节幼体体长和卵胎生无节幼体体长依次为1.5×10~6个/杯试验组<6×10~6个/杯试验组<4×10~6个/杯试验组<9×10~6个/杯试验组,且各试验组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。雌性亲体的最终体长随投喂量增加而显著增加(P<0.05)。研究结果表明,中华卤虫解池种群的雌体在饵料充足时偏卵生,在饵料匮乏时偏卵胎生;卤虫产仔方式受到投喂量的影响,但通过降低投喂量来改变产仔方式的做法在生产上是不经济的。  相似文献   

Flatfish metamorphosis is initiated by the actions of thyroid hormones (TH) and iodine is an essential part of these hormones. Hence, an iodine deficiency may lead to insufficient levels of TH and incomplete metamorphosis. In this study, different iodine sources for enrichment of Artemia were evaluated and the levels of iodine obtained in Artemia were within the range of 60–350 μg g?1 found in copepods. Larval Atlantic halibut was fed Artemia enriched with either normal DC‐DHA Selco or DC‐DHA Selco (commercial enrichments) supplemented with iodine from days 9 to 60 postfirst feeding. There was no significant difference in growth, mortality or metamorphic development between the groups. The analyses showed that we were able to enrich Artemia with iodine. Further, the larvae‐fed iodine‐enriched Artemia had higher whole body iodine concentration compared to larvae‐fed Artemia without iodine enrichment.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in marine fish culture is how to provide live food of adequate size and nutritional quality for first‐feeding larvae. Commonly used live food organisms, rotifers and brine shrimp, may not always be the best option. To determine the suitability of different zooplankton in the larviculture of Elacatinus figaro, three diets were tested: RE – rotifers Brachionus sp. (10 ind mL?1)+ciliate Euplotes sp. (10 ind mL?1), enriched with fatty acids; RC – enriched rotifers (10 ind mL?1)+wild copepod nauplii (10 ind mL?1); and R – enriched rotifers (20 ind mL?1). Survival rates were estimated 10 days after hatch (DAH) for the three test groups, and growth rates were evaluated for RE and R at 10 and 20 DAH. Although survival rate was numerically higher for the RC diet (41.1±14.2%), no significant difference was detected between groups fed RE (20.5±18.1%), RC or R (32.1±16.5%). At 10 DAH, the growth rate was significantly higher in RC (5.7±0.6 mm) than in R (4.6±0.5 mm), a trend that was also observed at 20 DAH for RC (8.6±0.5 mm) and R (5.8±0.7 mm) (P<0.05). E. figaro larvae fed on ciliates did not show satisfactory results, whereas feeding copepod nauplii enhanced growth.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of Bacillus subtilis bacterium, on larval growth and development rate of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) during February 28 to April 8, 2005 in University Putra Malaysia hatchery. Newly hatched larvae of M. rosenbergii were reared with two dietary treatments consisting of newly hatched Artemia salina nauplii with B. subtilis (108 cells ml−1), and newly hatched A. salina nauplii without B. subtilis carried out in triplicate in 60‐L aquarium (50 L−1). After trial, the larvae that fed B. subtilis‐treated Artemia naupli were found to have higher survival and a faster rate of metamorphosis than larvae that were fed with nontreated Artemia naupli. There were significant differences between B. subtilis‐treated Artemia naupli and nontreated Artemia diet in larval growth and development rate of metamorphosis (P < 0.05). Larval survival after 40 days was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the B. subtilis‐treated groups (55.3 ± 1.02) compared with the nontreated groups (36.2 ± 5.02%).  相似文献   


This paper describes a pilot culture system for the production of on‐grown Artemia in freshwater ornamental fish farms. The system had 21 culture units, each consisting essentially of three components: an oval‐shaped raceway, an air‐water lift system and two waste collectors. Using artificial seawater at 20 ppt for culture and at a mean production rate of 3 kg/m3 of water in a 12‐day cycle, the system had a production capacity of 8 metric tons of on‐grown Artemia a year. Biochemical analyses were preformed to evaluate the nutritional value of the on‐grown Artemia against three conventional live feeds, viz. live Artemia nauplii, live Moina and frozen bloodworms. Cost‐benefit analysis showed that with a capital investment of US$ 82,000 and an annual cost of production of US$ 81,000, the system achieved a high internal rate of return of 88% over a 10‐year period and a short payback period of 1.23 years. The availability of on‐grown Artemia would not only offer farmers and exporters a better alternative live food organism for feeding to their fish, but more importantly the possibility of enhancing the fish performance and quality through bioencapsulation.  相似文献   

Among their numerous physiological effects, heat shock proteins (Hsps) are potent immunomodulators, a characteristic reflecting their potential as therapeutic agents and which led to their application in combating infection. As an example, the up-regulation of endogenous Hsp70 in the branchiopod crustacean Artemia franciscana (Kellogg) is concurrent with shielding against bacterial infection. To better understand this protective mechanism, gnotobiotic Artemia were fed with Escherichia coli treated to over-produce different prokaryotic Hsps. This was shown to increase larval resistance to experimental Vibrio campbellii exposure. Immunoprobing of Western blots showed that the enhanced resistance to V. campbellii correlated with DnaK production in E coli . A definitive role for DnaK was then demonstrated by feeding Artemia larvae with transformed bacteria over-producing only this protein, although other Hsps such as DnaJ and grpE also provided tolerance against Vibrio infection. Feeding of bacteria synthesizing selected Hsps is therefore suggested as an alternative to antibiotic use as a means of enhancing resistance of Artemia larvae to bacterial infection, which may have potential applications in aquaculture.  相似文献   

As with many species of seahorses, Hippocampus hippocampus wild populations are being subjected to uncontrolled exploitation in their natural environment. Thus, aquaculture could contribute to satisfy the commercial demand for animals while promoting the recovery of wild stocks. The present study was conducted to compare the effect of the substituting Artemia nauplii with rotifers for first feeding seahorse juveniles. Survival, growth and biochemical composition of prey organisms and fish were studied during the feeding trial. In addition, to help the biometric study, an anaesthetic test was also carried out using clove oil. The results showed excellent survival (average 60%) in juveniles exclusively fed with Artemia, with better values than those reported previously obtained by other authors for this species. By comparison, high mortality and poor growth were observed during first feeding with seahorses fed on rotifers. This could have been related to the lower energy intake and poorer nutritional value of the rotifers. Furthermore, clove oil concentrations of 25 ppm were found to work well as an anaesthetic for seahorse juveniles. Overall, first feeding Artemia alone was found to be an efficient and simplified method for feeding young H. hippocampus fry, building the principles for their culture for ornamental or re‐stocking purposes.  相似文献   


Liposomes were prepared in the laboratory with lipids obtained from chicken egg yolk to encapsulate Spirulina powder. Artemia napulii were hatched and fed with lipid-encapsulated Spirulina or Spirulina powder. After 20 days of rearing, the experimental A. salina were harvested and measured for total body length and total content of protein and carbohydrates. Total body length was 45% higher, protein content was 49% higher, and carbohydrate was 35% higher in Artemia fed with liposomes as compared with those fed only Spirulina powder.  相似文献   

To study the effect of dietary supplementation of iodine in Solea senegalensis, larvae were randomly distributed in six tanks. Larvae in three tanks were given rotifers and Artemia enriched with iodine in addition to Rich Advance or Super Selco from 2 days after hatch (DAH) until 31 DAH. Larvae in a second set of three tanks were fed control rotifers and Artemia, enriched only with Rich Advance or Super Selco. Samples were collected at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 31 DAH to determine dry weight, total length, myotome height and thyroid status. Larvae fed the iodine‐enriched diet had significantly higher weight at 31 DAH and higher levels of whole body iodine concentration, compared to control larvae. At 31 DAH, larvae from the control treatment showed typical goitrous thyroid follicles. Thyroid cells of larvae from this treatment appeared columnar or afollicular, with the colloid partly or completely depleted, representative of hyperplasia (goitre). The lower growth rate in fish larvae from the control treatment was possibly a consequence of the hyperplasia, and the iodine enrichment prevented Senegalese sole larvae from developing goitre. This study demonstrates the importance of iodine enrichment of live feed for fish reared in a recirculation system.  相似文献   

新加坡观赏渔业分析及对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今,在水族箱内饲养观赏鱼已遍及全球,已成为一种休闲时尚,可以说,每类观赏鱼的发展,都是一个长期文化交流和贸易交往的结果。从观赏鱼的出口量情况看,新加坡最大,而且新加坡观赏鱼管理制度化、组织化、规范化、普及化,重视观赏鱼养殖的可持续发展,是中国观赏鱼外向型发展应该吸取的;对于中国观赏鱼产业健康全面发展面临的挑战,更应值得深思,而且观赏渔业作为一个新兴产业,在促进社会主义精神文明建设和国民经济的快速发展等方面有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

Major challenges in culture of Atlantic halibut larvae have been slow growth during the late larval stages and inferior juvenile quality due to pigmentation errors and incomplete eye migration during metamorphosis. The hypothesis of this study was that feeding on‐grown Artemia would alleviate these problems. Artemia were grown for 3–4 days on Origreen or Origo. The growth and nutrient composition of Artemia nauplii and on‐grown Artemia were analysed, and both Artemia types were fed to Atlantic halibut larvae, on‐grown Artemia from 15 days post‐first feeding (dpff). The body length of Artemia increased with 20%–70% in response to on‐growing. In all experiments, protein, free amino acids and the ratio of phospholipid to total lipid increased, while lipid and glycogen decreased. The fatty acid composition improved in some cases and not in others. The micronutrient profiles were not negatively affected in on‐grown Artemia. All these changes are thought to be beneficial for marine fish larvae. The final weight of Atlantic halibut postlarvae was similar, and 90% of the juveniles had complete eye migration in both groups. It is concluded that the present version of Artemia nauplii probably covers the nutrient requirements of Atlantic halibut larvae.  相似文献   

Growth of larval sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus fed live Artemia nauplii , a specially prepared dry feed (MN-3), a commercial dry salmon starter feed (Silver Cup 3600), or a combination of 50% live Artemia and 50% MN-3, under conditions of either light or dark for 21 days was studied. For all diets, fish reared in darkened tanks were significantly larger than those in illuminated tanks from day 8 onwards. Fish fed a combination of live Artemia plus MN-3 grew significantly more quickly than those fed either live Artemia or MN-3 only. On day 21 of the experiment, average weight of fish fed the combined diet was 649 ± 30 mg (mean ± SEM ) in darkened tanks and 445 ± 16 mg in illuminated tanks, while those fed Artemia alone were 242 ± 9 and 198 ± 13 mg (dark and light, respectively) and fish fed MN-3 only were intermediate at 377 ± 20 and 267 ± 16 mg (dark and light, respectively). Catfish fed the salmon starter initially grew slowly, but after day 11 grew more quickly than the other groups. Mortalities were highest for fish fed salmon feed.
Permanent darkness enhances the growth of C. gariepinus larvae during and after metamorphosis. While dry diets promoted higher growth rate than live Artemia nauplii alone, a combination of the two resulted in the fastest growth.  相似文献   

Decapsulated cysts of Artemia subjected to different heat treatments (40, 60, 80 and 96 °C) were fed to African catfish Clarias gariepinus larvae. Heated cysts, untreated cysts and live Artemia nauplii as control constituted the experimental diets. Protein denaturation and solubility, total alkaline protease and specific trypsin activities in the cyst diets were evaluated. The growth of catfish larvae and the proteolytic activity of larval samples during development were also determined. Heat treatment of cysts increased protein denaturation and decreased protein solubility. The protease activity in the cyst diets decreased with higher heating temperatures. The growth of catfish larvae differed according to the diet; higher fish growth was achieved with nauplii and cysts heated at 40 °C. The digestive enzyme activity in larval samples remained similar in all dietary treatments during larval development. The quality of food protein and the way this protein is processed might be more important for successful larval growth than exogenous enzyme supply.  相似文献   

The transmission of lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) to gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., larvae was investigated using fertilized eggs from a farm with previous reports of lymphocystis disease. LCDV genome was detected by PCR‐hybridization in blood samples from 17.5% of the asymptomatic gilthead seabream broodstock analysed. Using the same methodology, eggs spawned from these animals were LCDV positive, as well as larvae hatched from them. The presence of infective viral particles was confirmed by cytopathic effects development on SAF‐1 cells. Whole‐mount in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed the presence of LCDV in the epidermis of larvae hatched from LCDV‐positive eggs. When fertilized eggs were disinfected with iodine, no viral DNA was detected either in eggs (analysed by PCR‐hybridization) or in larvae (PCR‐hybridization and ISH). These results suggest the vertical transmission of LCDV, the virus being transmitted on the egg surface. Larvae hatched from disinfected eggs remain LCDV negative during the endotrophic phase, as showed by PCR‐hybridization, ISH and IHC. After feeding on LCDV‐positive rotifers, viral antigens were observed in the digestive tract, which suggests that viral entry could be achieved via the alimentary canal, and that rotifers can act as a vector in LCDV transmission to gilthead seabream larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract To inform the development of alternative livelihoods, the women’s traditional alok fishery in the Campo‐Ma’an National Park and buffer zone of southern Cameroon were studied over 15 months. Participatory rural appraisal was used to characterise livelihood strategies among 45 households. Thirty‐three cultured crops, nine farmed animal species and 65 non‐timber forest products, including 31 bushmeat species are cultivated in, or harvested from, the forest. Transport is a major impediment to commercial trade of all local products. In 16 alok fishing events, average weight of fish harvested was 5.14 kg per 280 m of stream distributed among an average of 23 fishers for a return of 220 g person?1 or 40 g fish h?1 over 5 h of work. Fish and crustacean standing stock was 25 g per linear metre or 167 t when extrapolated to the zone. Implications for rainforest livelihoods in light of the Millennium Development Goals are discussed.  相似文献   


One of the major challenges of culturing of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, is providing an appropriate food source at onset of feeding. Ciliates are abundant in marine waters but their significance as a first food for fish larvae is poorly understood as many have no lorica to facilitate their identification in the gut of a larval fish. Fabrea salina is a naked heterotrich ciliate that can be mass cultured at densities up to 84 ± 10 ciliates/mL in 7 days. Its appropriateness as a first food for red snapper larvae was evaluated in a green-water setting using 1-m3 tanks. Larvae were stocked at 10/L, 36 h post-hatch, before first-feeding commenced. Larvae were fed either (1) copepod nauplii, 20–75 μm, only from days 1 to 10; (2) copepod nauplii from days 1 to 10 plus F. salina from days 1 to 5; or, (3) F. salina only from days 1 to 3 plus copepod nauplii from days 4 to 10. Copepod nauplii were added at 2/mL and ciliates were added at 5/mL. Survival after 28 days was 0.28 ± 0.15% for larvae given only copepod nauplii and 2.39 ± 2.75% for those given F. salina and copepod nauplii. Larvae given only F. salina did not survive past 4 days post-stocking. Larvae were more actively feeding in the tanks given F. salina and copepods as first foods with 34.6 ± 8.5% mean daily reduction in copepod nauplii compared to 15.8 ± 16.2% reduction when only nauplii were provided.  相似文献   

Yttrium oxide (Y2O3), ytterbium oxide (Yb2O3), lanthanum oxide (La2O3) and dysprosium oxide (Dy2O3) were evaluated as potential live feed markers for feeding and nutrition studies with fish larvae, by determining the uptake and depletion of markers over time in two trials, and quantifying ingestion of Y2O3‐marked rotifers (Branchionus plicatilis) by Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in a third trial. In the first two trials, Artemia nauplii and rotifers quickly took up markers within 10 min to concentrations useful for nutrition studies (>2% dry weight). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) among temperatures in depletion of markers (10, 15, 20 °C) with Artemia or rotifers. Depletion from rotifers was not significantly different (P>0.05) between 5 and 20 min nor between 5 and 30 min for Artemia when marked at a concentration of 50 mg of marker per litre of seawater. In the second trial, rotifers and Artemia were marked with a higher concentration (250 mg L?1) and allowed to deplete for a longer time (90 min). In the third trial, visual estimates of Artemia consumed by Atlantic cod larvae were similar to consumption estimates determined by analysis of Y2O3‐marked Artemia using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (r2=0.77).  相似文献   

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