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The spiny lobster Panulirus argus is of ecological and commercial importance in the South Florida coast of the continental USA and throughout the Intra‐Americas Sea. Essential spiny lobster habitat in South Florida is primarily located in the Florida Keys coastal zone (including the Dry Tortugas), where the dynamic regional circulation coupled with the long planktonic larval duration (6–12 months) of P. argus raises questions of larval retention and recruitment. Locally spawned phyllosomata entrained in the Florida Current are likely to be expatriated out of the Straits of Florida, which implies that the local spiny lobster population is sustained by the transport of larval recruits from upstream locations. We examined the physical processes that may influence recruitment. Transport processes in the Keys coastal zone are spatially variable. Observed and modelled data suggest that the upper Keys is a point of onshore larval transport via the inshore meandering of the Florida Current, and the lower Keys to Dry Tortugas region apoint of retention through wind‐driven onshore/countercurrents and eddy recirculation. Eddies that propagate between the Dry Tortugas and the lower Keys facilitate the exchange of larvae between the Florida Current and the coastal zone. Northerly wind events associated with cold fronts can enhance recirculation of larvae in the upper Keys. The association of older larvae with the Florida Current front supports the hypothesis that spiny lobster larval recruits come from upstream sources in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Spiny lobsters are highly valuable seafood species that are captured and marketed in more than 90 countries. After more than 30 years of stable catches, spiny lobster fisheries in many parts of the world are declining due to decreased recruitment. The planktonic larvae spend up to 2 years in offshore waters, accumulating energy stores to fuel the non‐feeding post‐larva, or puerulus, to actively migrate onshore and settle. The total energy required by spiny lobster pueruli for cross‐shelf migration has not been accurately determined. Recent advances in larval culture have provided the opportunity for the first detailed examination of the swimming performance, respiratory metabolism and nitrogen excretion of spiny lobster (Sagmariasus verreauxi) throughout the puerulus stage. The routine and active metabolic rates of pueruli were lower than for most other decapod larvae, probably to provide greater energy efficiency. However, pueruli were found to have limited time, swimming ability and fuel for active cross‐shelf migration. It is estimated that S. verreauxi pueruli require at least 13.8 mg of stored lipid to provide sufficient energy (18.4% DW) to complete the puerulus stage and recruit to coastal habitats. The ability of the preceding phyllosoma larvae to accumulate these reserves, and the presence of favourable oceanographic conditions during the limited time available to the migrating puerulus, are both crucial to subsequent successful recruitment. Spiny lobster recruitment processes appear to be particularly vulnerable to changes in oceanic climate which is likely to contribute to the recent large‐scale declines in recruitment to valuable fished populations.  相似文献   

The level of puerulus settlement has proven to be a reliable predictor of the recruitment to the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery three and four years later. It is generally accepted that the early larval stages are moved offshore by wind-driven surface currents. Previous studies have shown that coastal sea level, used as an indicator of the strength of the Leeuwin Current flowing down the west coast of Australia, was positively related to the level of puerulus settling on the inshore reefs after a 9- to 11-month larval life. In this paper a significant relationship is also demonstrated between winter/spring storms, which are usually associated with onshore westerly winds, and the level of puerulus settlement (multiple correlation of 0.83, R1= 0.68, n = 22). Rainfall from coastal localities was used as an index of the storms. The residuals from this relationship showed a significant positive autocorrelation. The autocorrelation was incorporated into the relationship by using time series analysis with a transfer function model and a first-order autocorrelation (R2= 0.76). The possible relationship between storms and the Leeuwin Current and their effect on the puerulus settlement are considered, and the potential for the environmental variables to bias or obscure the spawning stock recruitment relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

The daily mortality rates of North Sea herring early‐stage larvae are found to vary over decades. Larval abundance data were used with a spatio‐temporal oceanographic model to reconstruct temperature histories of the observed larvae. The histories were used in conjunction with a temperature‐based growth model to estimate larval age. Mean daily mortality rates were then estimated for the four spawning components (Downs, Banks, Buchan and Orkney/Shetland) using the vertical life table approach, which considers instantaneous abundances across all ages rather than following distinct cohorts. All spawning components, but especially Downs (in the south), exhibited a steady rise in mortality associated with increasing population size. In addition, the three northern components shared a distinct trend in mortality that was significantly correlated with ambient water temperatures experienced by the larvae during the respective time periods after hatching. This trend was also significantly negatively correlated with the residuals of the whole stock‐recruitment relationship. These findings were generally robust to assumptions about growth and hatch length of larvae. The compensatory increase in productivity in the late 1980s and poor recruitment since 2000 coincide with changes in the mortality of larvae younger than 30 days post hatch and covary with larval density and temperature. Thus we suggest that the mortality of early‐stage larvae does impact on the population dynamics in North Sea herring in its current productivity regime, implying a critical period in the determination of year class strength.  相似文献   

A larval survey is used in the annual assessment as an index of the spawning stock size of Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus). To test how inter‐annual fluctuations in circulation pattern, survey design and execution of the survey affected the larval abundance estimate we conducted simulated surveys using a model framework with idealized assumptions to model larval drift and sampled larvae using several realistic survey scenarios. The results suggest that inter‐annual variations in circulation pattern alone can have a profound effect on the perception of larvae abundance and that the direction of the survey (north to south versus south to north) can have a significant effect on the estimated abundance, particularly if hatching occurs over a short period of time. Additionally, disruptions to a continuous survey schedule also have an effect and, as such, sampling strategies in case of disruption to the survey are proposed.  相似文献   

Data from stock assessment surveys, published research and climate sensors were linked to model the interaction between fishing, physical‐oceanographic processes and spatial patterns of larval settlement for western king prawn [Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus]. This information was used to evaluate the trade‐off between larval recruitment and catch during fishing periods that demand high prices but coincide with spawning. Total rates of larval settlement were maximized when tidal currents and atmospheric physical‐forcing components were coupled with simulations of larval swimming behaviour under average gulf temperatures. Average gulf temperatures sustained longer larval durations and increased larval settlement rates by over 12% compared with warmer gulf conditions simulated under a scenario of global warming. Reproductive data coupled with outputs from the biophysical model identified consistent inter‐annual patterns in the areas contributing to larval settlement success. Areas located in the north‐east, and central‐west of the fishery, consistently contributed to over 40% of all larvae reaching a settlement in each year. Harvest sensitivity analyses indicated that changes in the spatial patterns of pre‐Christmas fishing could lead to improvements in overall rates of the larval settlement while maintaining or improving the levels of catch. Future studies to refine the model inputs relating to physical processes, larval behaviour and mortality rates for P. latisulcatus coupled with surveys of juvenile prawn abundance to ground truth the modelled predictions, would allow stock recruitment relationships to be more closely examined and inform adaptive management of the fishery in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract Observations relevant to the North American stock complex of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., suggest that marine mortality is influenced by variation in predation pressure affecting post‐smolts during the first months at sea. This hypothesis was tested for Gulf of Maine (GOM) stocks by examining wind pseudostress and the distribution of piscivorous predator fields potentially affecting post‐smolts. Marine survival has declined over recent decades with a change in the direction of spring winds, which is likely extending the migration of post‐smolts by favouring routes using the western GOM. In addition to changes in spring wind patterns, higher spring sea surface temperatures have been associated with shifting distributions of a range of fish species. The abundance of several pelagic piscivores, which based on their feeding habits may predate on salmon post‐smolts, has increased in the areas that serve as migration corridors for post‐smolts. In particular, populations of silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchell), red hake, Urophycis chuss (Walbaum), and spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias L., increased in size in the portion of the GOM used by post‐smolts. Climate variation and shifting predator distributions in the GOM are consistent with the predator hypothesis of recruitment control suggested for the stock complex.  相似文献   

Infectious pathogens figure prominently among those factors threatening marine wildlife. Mass mortality events caused by pathogens can fundamentally alter the structure of wild fish stocks and depress recruitment rates and yield. In the most severe instances, this can precipitate stock collapses resulting in dramatic economic losses to once valuable commercial fisheries. An outbreak of a herpes‐like virus among commercially fished abalone populations in the south‐west fishery of Victoria, Australia, during 2006–2007, has been associated with high mortality rates among all cohorts. Long‐term records from fishery‐independent surveys of blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) enabled abundance from pre‐ and post‐viral periods to be analysed to estimate stock density and biomass. The spatial distribution of abundance in relation to physical habitat variables derived from high‐resolution bathymetric LiDAR data was investigated. Significant differences were observed in both measures between pre‐ and post‐viral periods. Although there was some limited evidence of gradual stock improvement in recent years, disease‐affected reefs have remained below productivity rates prior to the disease outbreak suggesting a reduction in larval availability or settlement success. This was corroborated by trends in sublegal sized blacklip abalone abundance that has yet to show substantial recovery post‐disease. Abundance data were modelled as a function of habitat variables using a generalised additive model (GAM) and indicated that high abundance was associated with complex reef structures of coastal waters (<15 m). This study highlights the importance of long‐term surveys to understand abalone recovery following mass mortality and the links between stock abundance and seafloor variability.  相似文献   

The survival of fish eggs and larvae, and therefore recruitment success, can be critically affected by transport in ocean currents. Combining a model of early‐life stage dispersal with statistical stock–recruitment models, we investigated the role of larval transport for recruitment variability across spatial scales for the population complex of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). By using a coupled physical–biological model, we estimated the egg and larval transport over a 44‐year period. The oceanographic component of the model, capable of capturing the interannual variability of temperature and ocean current patterns, was coupled to the biological component, an individual‐based model (IBM) that simulated the cod eggs and larvae development and mortality. This study proposes a novel method to account for larval transport and success in stock–recruitment models: weighting the spawning stock biomass by retention rate and, in the case of multiple populations, their connectivity. Our method provides an estimate of the stock biomass contributing to recruitment and the effect of larval transport on recruitment variability. Our results indicate an effect, albeit small, in some populations at the local level. Including transport anomaly as an environmental covariate in traditional stock–recruitment models in turn captures recruitment variability at larger scales. Our study aims to quantify the role of larval transport for recruitment across spatial scales, and disentangle the roles of temperature and larval transport on effective connectivity between populations, thus informing about the potential impacts of climate change on the cod population structure in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in growth of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was examined from 1983 to 1991 and of juveniles from 1985 to 1990. ANCOVA was used to assess differences in population growth rates, and an alternate method was developed to examine variations between annual length-at-age data and average 'expected' values over different age groupings. For larvae, the years 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1990 had higher than average length-at-age, and 1988 and 1991 had lower than average values. Relationships between growth and SST and larval density were not clear. A tentative relationship between copepod nauplii abundance and larval length-at-age was noted. The consequence of larval growth to larval mortality, late larval abundance or recruitment was not clear. We conclude that larval mortality rates are highly variable and tend to mask effects of moderate variability in growth on later abundance. For juveniles, 1987 had significantly lower than average length-at-age and 1988 had higher than average values. Although there are few years of data, they tend to support the importance of juvenile growth in the recruitment process. Conditions for the large 1988 year class are documented and discussed, including warm SST, calm winds, relatively low larval growth rates, low abundances of potential predators on larvae, low larval mortality rates, and high juvenile growth rates.  相似文献   

Many demersal marine fish species depend on a dispersive larval stage that connects geographically discrete sub‐populations. Understanding connectivity between these sub‐populations is necessary to determine stock structure, which identifies the appropriate spatial scale for fishery management. Such connectivity is poorly understood for King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus; Perciformes) in South Australia's gulf system, even though spawning grounds and nursery areas are adequately defined. In response to declines in commercial catches and estimated biomass, this study aimed to determine the most important spawning grounds and nursery areas to recruitment, and the connectivity between them. A biophysical model was seeded with particles according to the distribution and density of eggs throughout the spawning area in 2017 and 2018. Despite inter‐annual differences in the origins of particles, dispersal pathways and predicted settlement areas remained consistent between years. Predicted settlement was generally highest to nursery areas only short distances from regional spawning grounds, consistent with previous hydrodynamic models. However, the model also predicted that spawning in one region could contribute to recruitment in an adjacent region later in the spawning season, which aligned with the breakdown of thermohaline fronts at the entrance of each gulf. The connectivity between spawning grounds and nursery areas predicted by the model is supported by spatio‐temporal patterns in the otolith chemistry of pre‐flexion larvae and settled juveniles. Consequently, the most parsimonious explanation is that the populations of King George whiting in South Australia's gulf system constitute a single, panmictic stock, which has implications for fishery management.  相似文献   

Oceanographic processes and ecological interactions can strongly influence recruitment success in marine fishes. Here, we develop an environmental index of sablefish recruitment with the goal of elucidating recruitment‐environment relationships and informing stock assessment. We start with a conceptual life‐history model for sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria on the US west coast to generate stage‐ and spatio‐temporally‐specific hypotheses regarding the oceanographic and biological variables likely influencing sablefish recruitment. Our model includes seven stages from pre‐spawn female condition through benthic recruitment (age‐0 fish) for the northern portion of the west coast U.S. sablefish stock (40°N–50°N). We then fit linear models and use model comparison to select predictors. We use residuals from the stock‐recruitment relationship in the 2015 sablefish assessment as the dependent variable (thus removing the effect of spawning stock biomass). Predictor variables were drawn primarily from ROMS model outputs for the California Current Ecosystem. We also include indices of prey and predator abundance and freshwater input. Five variables explained 57% of the variation in recruitment not accounted for by the stock‐recruitment relationship in the sablefish assessment. Recruitment deviations were positively correlated with (i) colder conditions during the spawner preconditioning period, (ii) warmer water temperatures during the egg stage, (iii) stronger cross‐shelf transport to near‐shore nursery habitats during the egg stage, (iv) stronger long‐shore transport to the north during the yolk‐sac stage, and (v) cold surface water temperatures during the larval stage. This result suggests that multiple mechanisms likely affect sablefish recruitment at different points in their life history.  相似文献   

We applied a physiological individual‐based model for the foraging and growth of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae, using observed temperature and prey fields data from the Irish Sea, collected during the 2006 spawning season. We used the model to estimate larval growth and survival and explore the different productivities of the cod and haddock stocks encountered in the Irish Sea. The larvae of both species showed similar responses to changes in environmental conditions (temperature, wind, prey availability, daylight hours) and better survival was predicted in the western Irish Sea, covering the spawning ground for haddock and about half of that for cod. Larval growth was predicted to be mostly prey‐limited, but exploration of stock recruitment data suggests that other factors are important to ensure successful recruitment. We suggest that the presence of a cyclonic gyre in the western Irish Sea, influencing the retention and/or dispersal of larvae from their spawning grounds, and the increasing abundance of clupeids adding predatory pressure on the eggs and larvae; both may play a key role. These two processes deserve more attention if we want to understand the mechanisms behind the recruitment of cod and haddock in the Irish Sea. For the ecosystem‐based management approach, there is a need to achieve a greater understanding of the interactions between species on the scale a fish stock is managed, and to work toward integrated fisheries management in particular when considering the effects of advection from spawning grounds and prey–predator reversal on the recovery of depleted stocks.  相似文献   

For many marine fish species, recruitment is strongly related to larval survival and dispersal to nursery areas. Simulating larval drift should help assessing the sensitivity of recruitment variability to early life history. An individual‐based model (IBM) coupled to a hydrodynamic model was used to simulate common sole larval supply from spawning areas to coastal and estuarine nursery grounds at the population scale in the eastern Channel on a 14‐yr time series, from 1991 to 2004. The IBM allowed each particle released to be transported by currents from the hydrodynamic model, to grow with temperature, to migrate vertically giving stage development, and possibly to die according to drift duration, representing the life history from spawning to metamorphosis. Despite sensitivity to the larval mortality rate, the model provided realistic simulations of cohort decline and spatio‐temporal variability of larval supply. The model outputs were analysed to explore the effects of hydrodynamics and life history on the interannual variability of settled sole larvae in coastal nurseries. Different hypotheses of the spawning spatial distribution were also tested, comparing homogeneous egg distribution to observation and potential larval survival (PLS) maps. The sensitivity analyses demonstrated that larval supply is more sensitive to the life history along larval drift than to the phenology and volume of spawning, providing explanations for the lack of significant stock–recruitment relationship. Nevertheless, larval supply is sensitive to spawning distribution. Results also suggested a very low connectivity between supposed different sub‐populations in the eastern Channel.  相似文献   

  • 1. Diving surveys were undertaken to investigate the effects of marine reserve protection on spiny lobster (Jasus edwardsii) populations at Tonga Island Marine Reserve, northern South Island, New Zealand over a 2 year period from December 1998 to December 2000.
  • 2. Spiny lobsters were 2.8 times more abundant overall, and mean size was 19 mm carapace length larger in shallow transects and 28 mm carapace length larger in deep transects, in the marine reserve than at adjacent fished sites. That pattern was evident despite very high variability within sites, and among sites within reserve and fished areas.
  • 3. Large reproductive males were 10 times more abundant within the reserve compared to adjacent fished areas, suggesting that more eggs would be fertilized in the reserve than on the adjacent fished coast.
  • 4. Estimates of size‐specific fecundity, combined with abundances of females, suggested that almost nine times more eggs would be produced in the reserve than in fished areas.
  • 6. We estimate that the mean abundance of spiny lobster in the reserve has increased by 22%, 5 years after its establishment, indicating an annual population increase of 4.4%. Over the same period, abundance of spiny lobster outside the reserve has declined by 2.9% per annum.
  • 7. Based on known spiny lobster movements, we suggest that marine reserves of more than 10 km length should be given priority over smaller reserves. Smaller reserves will, however, protect part of the population for at least a portion of their lifespan.
  • 8. Previous studies of movement of J. edwardsii suggest that spillover from the reserve should occur, and as population density increases we predict that more spiny lobsters will move out from the reserve.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Few studies have compared the suitability of different artificial reef construction materials in terms of their efficacy in acquiring diverse faunal assemblages. We compared the fishes associated with 12 co-located reefs constructed of limestone quarry boulders, concrete-gravel aggregate, or concrete-tire aggregate (four of each substrate) in 7 m of water, 200 m offshore Miami Beach, Florida, USA. All 12 reefs were deployed 100 m apart the same day in two lines of six. The four quarry stone reefs consist of a pile of 50 boulders each. The remaining eight reefs, of concrete-gravel aggregate and concrete-tire aggregate, were each constructed with 25 1.5 m edge and 25 1.2 m edge tetrahedron modules. Every two months from October 1998 to February 2001, SCUBA divers recorded fish species, abundance, and length, as well as spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, abundance. One hundred and forty-six species of fishes were recorded during the study period. The abundance and species richness of fish on each treatment exhibited a significant (p<0.05) seasonal variation with summer months having the greatest numbers and winter the lowest. There was no significant difference in total fish or spiny lobster abundance or fish biomass amongst the three reef types (p>0.05). Likewise, multi-dimensional scaling of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indices did not indicate clustering of fish assemblages by reef type. Comparison of pre-deployment fish counts from the reef sites and neighboring hard bottom and jetty with counts from the same sites two years post-deployment indicate the artificial reefs increased both fish abundance and richness in the local area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   We investigated changes in the reproductive patterns of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria concurrent with stock-abundance decline in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Stock abundance was high in the mid to late 1980s but decreased abruptly in the early 1990s. The yearly change in annual mean larval abundance was similar to that of stock abundance. Mantis shrimp in the bay have two spawning seasons, an early season (May–June) for ≥1-year-old individuals and a late season (July–September) for 0–1-year-old individuals. This general reproductive pattern does not differ among different stock-abundance levels. However, the monthly pattern in larval abundance has changed with stock-abundance decline; larval abundance from the early spawning season was highest in the high-stock-abundance period, and it decreased significantly in the low-stock-abundance period, probably as a result of decreased spawning-stock abundance of large female mantis shrimp ≥1-year-old. Correlation analysis on the egg production index and larval abundance suggested that during this low-stock-abundance period the population is supported mostly by late-hatched larvae spawned by small, 0–1-year-old female mantis shrimp. Considering the reproductive pattern and the present status of the fishery, the stock of small female mantis shrimp should be conserved to enhance reproduction of the population for stock recovery.  相似文献   

Cod stocks in the North Sea, including the Kattegat and the Skagerrak, have declined dramatically since the 1970s. Occasionally there is a high recruitment of juveniles in Kattegat/Skagerrak, without leading to the rebuilding of adult cod stocks despite reduced fishing mortality. In a biophysical model of egg and larval drift, we examined the potential importance of extant and historical spawning grounds for recruitment of cod in the Kattegat/Skagerrak seas using data of spawning stock biomass from the 1970s and from today's reduced stocks. The results suggest that Kattegat in the 1970s relied on largely locally retained (83%) larvae with little annual variation in recruitment. Kattegat also provided a substantial proportion of larvae recruiting in Swedish Skagerrak (72%). This is in contrast to present conditions where the Kattegat spawning stock has been reduced by 94%, and Kattegat only provides 34% of locally retained larvae and 30% to Swedish Skagerrak. Instead, the protected area in the Öresund and the Belt Sea are expected today to provide most larvae recruiting in Kattegat. Also, the inflow of larvae from the North Sea to Skagerrak and Kattegat can be significant although highly variable between years, with a positive correlation to the North‐Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO). The rebuilding of healthy spawning areas in the Kattegat may be key for restoring local cod stocks in both Kattegat and along the Skagerrak coast. This poses a management challenge if cod with local ‘Kattegat’ adaptations, e.g., in terms of egg density and migration patterns, are lost or reduced to non‐resilient densities.  相似文献   

Fish stocks vary in abundance. The causes behind the fluctuations may be difficult to determine, especially ones caused by natural fluctuations, but long‐term data series may provide indications of the mechanisms. Assessments show that the recruitment to the Norwegian spring‐spawning herring (Clupea harengus, Clupeidae) has remained low since 2004, a year which produced the last really rich year‐class. Long time‐series of estimated recruitment and mean winter temperature in the ocean showed a significant positive correlation for the period 1921–2004. Here, we show that this positive correlation did not continue from 2005 onwards as the winter temperature increased to high levels while herring recruitment decreased and has remained low. The density of zooplankton in the drift route of the herring larvae dropped significantly after 2004, and their centre of gravity shifted northwards. There may currently be heavy predation on the larvae by Atlanic mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scombridae), and top‐down regulation is suggested to hamper successful recruitment. Our analysis indicates that the presence of food and overlap with high food concentrations are likely important regulators of survival in herring larvae. The findings may be important for future management and planning of fisheries of this stock because recruitment failure may continue if temperature remains high and food abundance remains low.  相似文献   

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