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  1. Effective management of marine resources requires an understanding of the spatial distribution of biologically important communities.
  2. The north‐western Gulf of Mexico contains diverse marine ecosystems at a large range of depths and geographic settings. To better understand the distribution of these marine habitats across large geographic areas under consideration for marine sanctuary status, presence‐only predictive modelling was used.
  3. Results confirmed that local geographic characteristics can accurately predict the probability of occurrence for marine habitat types, and include a novel technique for assigning a single, most likely habitat in areas where multiple habitats are predicted.
  4. The highest resolution bathymetric data (10 m) available for the region was used to develop raster layers that represent characteristics that have been shown to influence species occurrence in other settings.
  5. A georeferenced historical photo record collected via remotely operated vehicle was classified according to six commonly found mesophotic habitats across the 18 reefs and banks under consideration for Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary boundary expansion.
  6. Using maximum entropy modelling, the influence of local geographic characteristics on the presence of these habitats was measured and a spatial probability distribution was developed for each habitat type across the study area.

Abstract  Hatchery-reared age-0 red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey), were released onto artificial habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. Fish showed 12.7% survival after 7 months on small habitats (0.86 m3) and 3.1% survival after 8 months on large habitats (3.9 m3). Emigration was estimated by the movement of fish to unstocked habitats and accounted for 76.8% of the total decline in abundance at release sites after 26 days. Fish showed higher survival and growth rates on small habitats (27.6% at 26 days; 0.33 mm day−1) compared with large habitats (13.2% at 34 days; 0.26 mm day−1), which may have been due to increased predation and competition on large habitats. Fish became evenly distributed among adjacent habitats 26 days after release, indicating that stocking densities at release habitats were above carrying capacities. These observations suggested that providing additional habitat around red snapper release sites would increase survival.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) as essential habitat of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and pompano dolphinfish (C. equiselis) during early life and to characterize conditions in which they were found. Eight ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted during the summer months from 2007 to 2010 in northern Gulf waters off Texas and Louisiana (26–28°N, 87–93°W), during which 1145 dolphinfish larvae were collected. C. hippurus, the dominant dolphinfish species, were collected in 57% of sampling sites with an overall mean density of 0.73 larvae 1000 m?3, whereas C. equiselis were only collected at 18% of sites with a mean density of 0.12 larvae 1000 m?3. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to examine the relationship between several environmental parameters and C. hippurus presence/absence and density. Both presence/absence and density GAMs indicated that catches of C. hippurus larvae increased near fronts and eddies and that increased abundances were most strongly associated with higher salinities and cooler temperatures. In addition, our models showed that C. hippurus larvae were positively associated with C. equiselis larvae, suggesting that C. hippurus and C. equiselis use similar habitats. Results of this study indicate that the Gulf may represent important spawning and/or nursery habitat of dolphinfishes and that mesoscale features and physicochemical conditions influence the distribution and abundance of C. hippurus larvae in this region.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of supplementary stocking of juvenile (age 0+), hatchery‐reared, brown trout, Salmo trutta L., on annual yields was assessed in a Norwegian mountain reservoir between 1979 and 2007. Fishing was mainly carried out by local fishermen with benthic gillnets. During the study period, annual stocking ranged from 0 to 52 500 fish (19.8 ha?1). No stocking has been carried out since 1997. Annual yield varied from 1650 to 5653 kg, corresponding to 0.62–2.13 kg ha?1. Exploitation rate in terms of number of gillnets and mean weight of 6+ fish (age when catchable size was reached) explained 64% of the variability in catches. Stocked fish contributed very little to the yield or catch‐per‐unit‐effort, exhibiting no positive correlation with stocking density. The lack of contribution from stocked fish was probably caused by a competitive bottleneck in the eroded epibenthic zone, causing high juvenile mortality. If stocking continues, it is recommended that fish with body lengths >15–20 cm are used.  相似文献   

Abstract The potential to discriminate between wild and hatchery trout [Salmo trutta f. fario L. and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)] by chronological microchemical patterns of different otolith regions was tested. Central and rim regions of otoliths were analysed for life stage specific elemental patterns of strontium (Sr), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) as well as of 87Sr/86Sr ratios using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). Classification to life stage specific habitats was achieved with 100% accuracy by 88Sr/43Ca, 23Na/43Ca and 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulting in a discrimination of hatchery fish from wild fish. 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr concentration in otoliths were positively correlated with the ratio and amount in the water. Na content in otoliths did not directly reflect the concentration in the water, although the 23Na/43Ca ratio in otoliths contributed to the discrimination. Clear differences in otolith chemistry were found for fish experiencing different geological units or a groundwater‐fed environment in a hatchery. Natural chronological microchemical patterns in otoliths proved to be a valuable tool for discriminating wild and hatchery fish without the necessity to use marking methods. LA‐ICP‐MS is well suited for this application because of its limited need for sample preparation, its potentially high sample throughput and the possibility of simultaneous measurement of multiple elemental and isotopic fingerprints.  相似文献   

Marine ecology seeks to understand the factors that shape biological communities. Progress towards this goal has been hampered by habitat‐centric approaches that ignore the influence of the wider seascape. Coral reef fishes may use non‐reef habitats (e.g. mangrove and seagrass) extensively, yet most studies have focused on within‐reef attributes or connectivity between reefs to explain trends in their distribution and abundance. We systematically review the evidence for multihabitat use by coral reef fishes across life stages, feeding guilds and conservation status. At least 670 species of “coral reef fish” have been observed in non‐reef habitats, with almost half (293 species) being recorded in two or more non‐reef habitats. Of the 170 fish species for which both adult and juvenile data were available, almost 76% were recorded in non‐reef habitats in both life stages. Importantly, over half of the coral reef fish species recorded in non‐reef habitats (397 spp.) were potential fisheries targets. The use of non‐reef habitats by “coral reef” fishes appears to be widespread, suggesting in turn that attempts to manage anthropogenic impacts on fisheries and coral reefs may need to consider broader scales and different forms of connectivity than traditional approaches recommend. Faced with the deteriorating condition of many coastal habitats, there is a pressing need to better understand how the wider seascape can influence reef fish populations, community dynamics, food‐webs and other key ecological processes on reefs.  相似文献   

The concerns about the impact of the nervous necrosis virus (NNV) infections in wild fish have been raised. This paper presents the results of quarterly surveys of NNV in wild and cage‐reared marine fish from South China Sea. Samples of 892 wild fish belonging to 69 species and 381 cage‐reared fish belonging to 11 species were collected and were detected by seminested PCR and nested PCR. In the case of seminested PCR, the positive signal was detected in 3.0% and 3.1% samples of wild and cage‐reared fish, respectively. However, by nested RT‐PCR, the positive signal was observed in 42.3% and 63.0% samples of wild and cage‐reared fish, respectively. If the fish species were considered, the positive signal was detected in 21.7% and 72.7% species of wild and cage‐reared fish by seminested PCR assay, respectively. However, by nested RT‐PCR, the positive signal was observed in 65.2% and 100% species of wild and cage‐reared fish, respectively. The nucleotide sequences of the nested PCR products were determined. Phylogenetic tree showed that all the obtained viral isolates belonged to the red‐spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV) genotype. Thirty‐five species of the marine fish were the new hosts of NNV.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has caused substantial global economic impact on aquaculture, and it has been determined that strains can vary in virulence. In this study, the effect of viral load was evaluated by infecting Litopenaeus vannamei with 10‐fold serial dilution of tissue infected with strain WSSV Mx‐H, and the virulence of four WSSV strains from north‐western Mexico was assessed along with their variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) genotypes in ORF75, ORF94 and ORF125. The LD50 of the Mx‐H strain was a dilution dose of 10?7.5; the mortality titre was 109.2 LD50 per gram. In shrimp injected with 102.5 to 106.5 LD50, no significant virulence differences were evident. Using mortality data, the four WSSV strains grouped into three virulence levels. The Mx‐F strain (intermediate virulence) and the Mx‐C strain (high virulence) showed more genetic differences than those observed between the Mx‐G (low‐virulence) and Mx‐H (high‐virulence) strains, in ORF94 and ORF125. The application of high‐viral‐load inocula proved useful in determining the different virulence phenotypes of the WSSV strains from the Eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

A tropicalization phenomenon of ichthyofauna has been described in the last decades in Galicia (north‐eastern Atlantic), with increasing reports of tropical and subtropical fishes appearing northward this distribution range. A search for parasites was carried out in the digestive tract of two specimens first captured in Galician waters: the prickly puffer Ephippion guttifer (Tetraodontidae) and the African stripped grunt Parapristipoma octolineatum (Haemulidae). Examination of E. guttifer showed high intensity of nematodes, from three different genera: Cucullanus (Cucullanidae), Hysterothylacium (Raphidascaridae) and Anisakis (Anisakidae), with demonstrated pathogenicity to humans. Molecular identification allowed the identification of Anisakis pegreffii, already described in the area, and first reports for European waters of Cucullanus dodsworthi, Hysterothylacium reliquens and a new Hysterothylacium sp. P. octolineatum showed a far lower level of parasitization, with two Hysterothylacium larvae, genetically identified as Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum, also its first report in the eastern Atlantic. Thus, possible ecological impact of the occurrence of two non‐native individual fishes in a new area could be remarkably higher if we see this issue through the lens of the parasitological perspective, as far as only two individual fish can harbour more of one hundred nematode parasites belonging to different species, most of them also new species for that area.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of tuna by‐product meal (TBM), a locally produced feed ingredient, as a replacement for fish meal (FM) in diets for spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus. Six isonitrogenous compounds [480 kg?1 crude protein (CP) and isoenergetic diets (21 kJ g?1)] were formulated to replace 0 (D‐0%), 10 (D‐10%), 20 (D‐20%), 30 (D‐30%), 40 (D‐40% or 50% (D‐50%) of FM protein with TBM protein. Each diet was fed to four replicate groups of spotted rose snapper (initial weight 5.4 g ± 0.04 g) to apparent satiation three times a day. After 8 weeks of feeding, the fish gained 4–5 times their initial weight. Spotted rose snapper fed D‐30% had a significantly higher specific growth rate (2.7% day?1) than fish fed the other diets containing lower or higher amounts of TBM. Haematological parameters and whole‐body proximate composition were unaffected by diet (> 0.05). The ADC for protein and energy in D‐0%, D‐20% and D‐30% were significantly higher than those for the D‐40% and D‐50% groups. A broken line model indicated that 262 g kg?1 TBM in the diet would yield maximum growth of the spotted rose snapper. The results of this study demonstrate that TBM is an acceptable ingredient for replacing 25–30% of dietary protein from FM in spotted rose snapper diets but that higher replacement levels reduce fish performance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Spotted halibut Verasper variegatus hatchery juveniles produced in 2002 were genotyped using three microsatellite DNA markers (msDNA) and then released into natural waters. Subsequently, recaptured individuals were examined using msDNA. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stock enhancement program, from the genetic point of view, a pairwise F ST test was implemented to estimate the genetic divergence between the wild captive broodstock, the hatchery offspring and the recaptured samples. The analysis showed significant differentiation between the broodstock and recaptured samples. Pedigree determination using msDNA was used to calculate the effective population size of the recaptured stock, which was found to be very low ( N e ≈ 8). Equal family survivability was observed between the two recaptured stocks, but not between the released and recaptured stock. The number of identified families was higher and more equalized in the hatchery offspring compared to the recaptured samples, where the number of families declined. This fact was caused by an unequal family survivability just before or just after release. Separately, the number of contributing parents to the hatchery offspring was lower than the broodstock census number. Consequently, these two facts caused the genetic divergence of the recaptured stock from the broodstock.  相似文献   

Changes in fish assemblages were tracked in representative eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) beds within two estuaries on the urbanised coast of southern California, USA, San Diego Bay and Mission Bay, from 1987 to 2010. Assemblages were sampled twice yearly (spring and summer) at day and night using beach seines. Assemblage stability was examined over time along with changes in assemblage structure across time of day and season, including the influence of temporally variable abiotic variables. Only the occasionally occurring fish, those present in <70% of samples, in Mission Bay appeared to be shifting to a new assemblage. Although season and sampling time significantly affected assemblages, correlations with abiotic factors were low. Given the long history of urban development of these estuaries, community shifts may have occurred prior to the onset of sampling, giving the appearance of stability. Alternatively, eelgrass habitat may be providing a refuge from long‐term disturbances.  相似文献   

  • 1. The change in fish fauna was monitored in ponds within irrigation systems in Iwate prefecture, north‐eastern Japan to evaluate the effectiveness of eradicating the invasive piscivorous largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides.
  • 2. Eleven study ponds were categorized into three pond groups: bass‐dwelling (n=3), bass‐eradicated (n=3) and non‐invaded ponds (n=5).
  • 3. Species richness and diversity, which temporally decreased in bass‐dwelling ponds, increased in bass‐eradicated ponds. Furthermore, in bass‐eradicated ponds, the mean numbers of topmouth minnow and freshwater goby were gradually restored, but in bass‐dwelling ponds the numbers decreased and both species eventually disappeared.
  • 4. Although the eradication of piscivorous invaders is helpful for restoring fish species diversity in ponds, its effectiveness varies among species, and other alien fish such as the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus) often invade and proliferate in the bass‐eradicated ponds.
  • 5. To ensure successful restoration of native biota and avoid undesirable results, it is necessary to plan and implement continuous monitoring and adaptive management after eradication of alien predators. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. A review of floristic studies on the Galician maërl community (north‐west Spain) and updated information on the distribution of maërl beds, their associated flora and long‐term changes is presented.
  • 2. The Galician maërl community has been poorly studied; most of the previous studies were of short duration and focused on isolated beds. Studies on the associated maërl flora and overall Galician maërl bed distribution are required to put these in context with other Atlantic and Mediterranean European areas.
  • 3. A literature review of all Galician studies produced a list of 198 maërl associated species (204 infraspecific taxa including life history stages) recorded from a total of 111 maërl beds. The current survey (2003–2006) increased the Galician maërl epiflora records to 226 species (232 intraspecific taxa including life history stages: 9 Cyanophyta, 160 Rhodophyta, 36 Heterokontophyta and 27 Chlorophyta), highlighting the occurrence of 10 non‐native species. The current Galician catalogue is compared with maërl studies from different Atlantic and Mediterranean regions.
  • 4. In order to assess the long‐term changes in Galician maërl beds and their conservation status, 60 maërl beds which have been previously studied by various different workers were resampled to compare their current distribution, area and cover with historical data from the literature.
  • 5. A reduction in the study area of maërl beds and their cover was detected. Most of the lost maërl areas were within or in the vicinity of myticulture areas where burial of maërl by fine sediment has a deleterious effect.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Allometric growth and ontogeny were studied in thick‐lipped grey mullet Chelon labrosus reared in mesocosms from 1 to 71 day post hatching (dph). Multivariate allometric analysis of morphometric growth distinguished three distinct developmental stanzas separated by two morphometric metamorphosis lengths (Lm1 = 4.46 ± 0.06 mm; Lm2 = 28.56 ± 1.04 mm). Body mass growth also showed three distinct episodes separated by two inflections, correlated with morpho‐functional changes. First episode concerned pre‐flexion larvae and ended around 4.5 mm‐LT (14‐dph), coinciding with estimated Lm1. It was distinguished by reduced growth, but intense morphogenesis and differentiation processes. Organogenesis and allometric changes indicated that development priorities concerned feeding efficiency, by improving detection ability (sensory system development), ingestion capacity (head growth) and assimilation performance (digestive system differentiation), together with respiration efficiency (gill development). Second episode concerned post‐flexion larvae and, ended around 8.6 mm‐LT (25‐dph). It was distinguished by fast growth of trunk and tail, acquisition of adult axial muscle distribution and completion of gill filament development, improving locomotion and oxygenation performances. It corresponded to transition towards metamorphosing stage as indicated by later isometric growth, musculature maturation and acquisition of juvenile phenotype. Metamorphosis seemed to end at Lm2, suggesting to avoid zootechnic handling before this size.  相似文献   

Developing ecological models for accurately predicting the dynamics of a population and individual physiological processes in field conditions is a challenging task for ecosystem management and ecological risk assessment. Here, we propose to assess the relevance of a dynamic energy budget (DEB) model calibrated using data previously generated from laboratory experiments for adult three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) living in semi‐natural conditions. We compared different ways of integrating different data sets such as temperature and prey abundance obtained in mesocosm experiments to assess the predictive capacity of the model. By this study, we provide recommendations for developing an appropriate environmental scenario (e.g. natural variations of food and temperature) for using a DEB model in a field context. We conclude that a DEB model calibrated with laboratory data can be used to predict the physiological processes of an organism living in semi‐natural conditions, but that the reproductive behaviour of the organism can affect the predictions. At last, we suggest that further studies on the feeding behaviour may be necessary for immature organisms.  相似文献   

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