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The distribution and abundance of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus in the Faroe–Shetland Channel was studied during December 1994 and January 1995. Maximum abundance of animals in the Channel was approximately 50 000 m−2, with a peak concentration of 627 m−3 at a depth of 930 m. Copepodite stages IV and V accounted for > 98% of the population. A clear association was found between the horizontal and vertical distribution of animals and the Arctic water masses in the bottom of the Faroe–Shetland Channel. The Wyville–Thomson Ridge formed a barrier to the southern distribution of Arctic waters and the abundance of overwintering C. finmarchicus was 25 times lower to the south of the Ridge than to the north. Spatial variability in lipid content and composition indicated that overwintering C. finmarchicus in the southern Norwegian Sea were in poorer condition with respect to wax ester content, and in a more advanced state of emergence from overwintering, than the animals within the Channel. The overwintering stock in the Channel probably originated from the Norwegian Sea or from north of the Faroe Islands. The Faroe–Shetland Channel is an important source of animals advected into the northern North Sea in the spring (March/April). The population abundance in the Faroe–Shetland Channel was estimated to be 4.5 × 1014 individuals, which is more than adequate to account for the mean concentration of adult stages observed in the northern North Sea in April.  相似文献   

The population of Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea is replenished each spring by invasion from an overwintering stock located beyond the shelf edge. A combination of field observations, statistical analysis of Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) data, and particle tracking model simulations, was used to investigate the processes involved in the cross-shelf invasion. The results showed that the main source of overwintering animals entering the North Sea in the spring is at depths of greater than 600 m in the Faroe–Shetland Channel, where concentrations of up to 620 m−3 are found in association with the overflow of Norwegian Sea Deep Water (NSDW) across the Iceland–Scotland Ridge. The input of this water mass to the Faroe–Shetland Channel, and hence the supply of overwintering C. finmarchicus , has declined since the late 1960s due to changes in convective processes in the Greenland Sea. Beginning in February, animals start to emerge from the overwintering state and migrate to the surface waters, where their transport into the North Sea is mainly determined by the incidence of north-westerly winds that have declined since the 1960s. Together, these two factors explain a high proportion of the 30-year trends in spring abundance in the North Sea as measured by the CPR survey. Both the regional winds and the NSDW overflow are connected to the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO), which is an atmospheric climate index, but with different time scales of response. Thus, interannual fluctuations in the NAO can cause immediate changes in the incidence of north-westerly winds without leading to corresponding changes in C. finmarchicus abundance in the North Sea, because the NSDW overflow responds over longer (decadal) time scales.  相似文献   

比较分析了2015年冬季1月和春末5月黄海不同粒级浮游生物的脂肪酸组成,旨在对不同粒级网采浮游生物营养价值进行评价,为海洋鱼类营养补充研究提供基础资料。结果显示,冬、春两季,ω3多不饱合脂肪酸(ω3PUFA)、二十碳五稀酸(EPA)、二十二碳六稀酸(DHA)、20:1+22:1的相对含量以较大粒级浮游生物(500~2000μm)较高;而16:0、18:0不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量以500μm粒级浮游生物较高。冬季各粒级浮游生物的总饱和脂肪酸(SFA)相对含量均高于春季相应值,但MUFA、PUFA、16:1ω7、EPA、DHA、20:1+22:1的相对含量却低于春季。多元对应分析显示,环境因子中海水温度与100~1000μm粒级浮游生物的不饱和脂肪酸MUFA和PUFA含量呈显著的正相关关系(P0.05)。对比冬、春季浮游生物脂肪酸组成与黄海主要经济鱼类的脂肪酸营养组成,初步认为,在冬季,可为鱼类生长提供足够营养的浮游生物的粒级范围相对较窄,主要是500μm粒级的较大型的浮游生物,而在春季,该类浮游生物的粒级范围较广,100~2000μm的浮游动物都可作为鱼类早期生长的有效饵料来源。由此初步推论,浮游生物食性仔稚鱼食物来源的粒级范围在春季比冬季更为广泛。  相似文献   

Global environmental changes threaten the sustainable use of resources and raise uncertainties regarding marine populations' responses in a changing Ocean. The pelagic copepods of the genus Calanus play a central role in shelf ecosystems transferring phytoplankton carbon to harvested populations, from boreal to temperate regions. Here we examined a 15‐yr time series of Calanus sinicus abundance in regards to climate forcing in the East China Sea. We identified a compound effect of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM) on environmental conditions in the East China Sea. Such climate influences not only a southward transport of Csinicus from its population centres into the Taiwan area, but favours advantageous thermal conditions for the species as well. On the interannual scale, our results show that the population size of Csinicus echoes climate‐driven temperature changes. Hence, the possibility of using the PDO and EAWM variability for assessing and predicting interannual abundance changes of Csinicus in the East China Sea is considered. The observed close relationship between climate and Csinicus may promote bottom‐up controls in the pelagic food web, further influencing the southern edge of the species' geographic distribution. Owing to the prominent role this species plays in food web dynamics these results might help integrative fisheries management policies in the heavily exploited East China Sea.  相似文献   

Red sea bream Pagrus major is a commercially important fish in Japan. In eastern Seto Inland Sea (SIS), the catch has increased from 297 tons in 1972 to 2,039 tons in 2010. We examined the relationship, 1972–2010, between increase in catch and winter temperature, based on the catch in February and March and the lowest water temperature at 10 m depth. In 1972–1986, the lowest water temperatures in the inner SIS areas (Osaka Bay, Harima‐nada, and Bisan‐seto) were <8°C, which is physiologically unfavorable for red sea bream. However, in 1987–2010 temperatures were generally ≥8°C. In the inner areas, the catch during winter had been minimal until the early 1980s, presumably because most red sea breams moved to the Kuroshio‐influenced (warmer) Kii Channel area. However, the winter catch in the inner areas of SIS increased from the late 1980s with warm winters. In addition, the catch between April and June, the spawning season, increased in the inner areas from the 1990s, and the catch rate of the inner areas was more than twice higher in the 2000s than in the 1980s. The results suggest that expansion of the distribution area during winter due to warm winter and increase in egg production in the inner areas greatly contributes to the increasing in catch in the eastern SIS.  相似文献   

使用地统计二阶广义线性混合模型(geostatistical delta-GLMM)分析了2001—2011和2015—2017年黄、渤海小黄鱼越冬群体在黄海中部、南部的空间分布,并用geostatistical delta-GLMM、基于普通克里格插值法和基于站位调查设计的扫海面积法分别估计了小黄鱼资源量指数,对geostatistical delta-GLMM相较基于普通克里格插值法和基于站位调查设计的性能进行了比较研究。结果显示,在2001和2002年,黄海越冬场主要存在北部(36°00′~37°37.5′N,123°15′~124°15′E)、中部(33°75′~36°00′N,123°15′~124°75′E)和东南部(32°00′~33°75′N,124°00′~125°15′E)3个生物量高密度区,其中中部区密度最高。从2003年开始,小黄鱼的生物量密度开始下降,北部和东南部高密度区下降程度高于中部高密度区;至2016—2017年高密度区变得不明显。冬季小黄鱼总资源量指数与小黄鱼的年产量、渔船功率变化趋势相反,呈下降趋势,且大部分年份站位数在37站以上,站位范围覆盖了本实验区域,可排除采样站位因素,这说明小黄鱼资源仍面临过度捕捞,种群处于衰退状态。研究表明,地统计二阶广义线性混合模型估计的2001—2017年冬季黄海中部、南部小黄鱼的总资源量指数相对扫海面积法和普通克里格法的估计值精确度更高。  相似文献   

In the southern part of the East China Sea (ECS), a large spawning ground of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus has recently been found: Larval survival during the period of transport from the spawning ground along the shelf break is potentially a critical stage prior to recruitment. As such, the distribution of copepod nauplii in this region was investigated during the main spawning period in 2003–2006. The average naupliar density in 2003 was significantly higher than the other years along the shelf break, which is a major transport pathway for jack mackerel larvae (sea-surface temperature 20–23°C). Estimated egg production rates for Paracalanus spp., one of the most dominant genera of copepods in the southern ECS, based on temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration could not fully explain the spatial and annual variation in naupliar distribution and abundance. Although naupliar densities showed significant positive correlations with chlorophyll-a concentration for all years, an analysis of covariance revealed that naupliar density in 2003 was high even if the effect of chlorophyll-a concentration was excluded. This suggests that apart from copepod production, adult female distribution plays an important role in variability of the naupliar distribution and abundance in the southern ECS.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and vertical migrations of fish larvae and implications for their cross‐shelf distribution were investigated in the northern limit of the NE Atlantic upwelling region during the late winter mixing period of 2012. The average positive values of the upwelling index for February and March of this year were far from normal, although the average hydrographic conditions during the period of study were of downwelling and the water column was completely mixed. Fish larvae, most in the preflexion stage, were concentrated in the upper layers of the water column and their distribution was depth stratified, both day and night. However, the larval fish community was not structured in the vertical plane and fish larvae did not show significant diel vertical migration (DVM), although five species showed ontogenetic vertical migration. In regions of coastal upwelling and in the absence of DVM, the location of fish larvae in the water column is crucial for their cross‐shelf distribution. Thus, the cross‐shelf distribution of the six most abundant species collected in this study can be explained by the surface onshore flow associated with coastal downwelling, retaining larvae of the coastal spawning species with a relatively shallow distribution in the shelf region and transporting larvae of slope spawning species onto the shelf. The wide vertical distribution shown by larvae of the offshore spawning species could be an adaptation of these species to ensure that some larvae reach the inshore nursery areas.  相似文献   

A qualitative understanding of the long‐term variation in the population dynamics of Yellow Sea (YS) herring is particularly important for clarifying the evolutionary processes and driving mechanisms of the YS large marine ecosystem. Unfortunately, because of a lack of long‐term, continuous, and simultaneous monitoring data, the specific driving processes and mechanisms of climate effects on the population dynamics of YS herring remain largely unknown. In response to this scientific issue, we preliminarily propose the idea of reconstructing long‐term changes in YS herring abundance over the past 590 years (AD 1417–2004) based on historical documents and attempt to explore the impacts of climate on the population. Our results show that YS herring abundance maintained at a relatively high level from AD 1417 to 1870 (during the Little Ice Age); in contrast, the population declined significantly from AD 1870 to 2004 at different rates. In addition, we also found that there were strong relationships between the population abundance of YS herring and the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) and drought/flood cycles. We suggest that the fluctuations in YS herring abundance may be influenced by ocean–climatic circulation shifts throughout the North Pacific, especially the PDO.  相似文献   

  • 1. Cetacean observations were made by fisheries observers on trawlers targeting Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the area around the Flemish Cap, northwest Atlantic.
  • 2. Data from four observers amounted to a total of 291 observer days at sea aboard fishing vessels. This effort was mainly concentrated in the periods July to September 1996 and February to April 1997.
  • 3. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were the most frequently sighted cetacean, with 82 encounters on 64 different days. Pilot whales were encountered on nine occasions.
  • 4. Sighting rates of sperm whales during net hauling were significantly (approximately 30 times) greater than during shooting or steaming. Sperm whales were observed in aggregations of up to six animals close to the vessel and net during hauling. It is suggested that the sperm whales were attracted by the potential food source within the net, and possibly were feeding on fish escaping from the net. This represents rarely reported behaviour for this species.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The malacosporean Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae was detected in kidneys from Atlantic salmon parr in 64 of 91 sampled Norwegian rivers. Using real‐time PCR, this parasite was found to be present in Atlantic salmon parr in rivers along the whole coast, from the northernmost and southernmost areas of the country. In addition, T. bryosalmonae was found in kidneys from brown trout parr in 17 of 19 sampled rivers in south‐east Norway, and in Arctic charr sampled in the River Risfjordelva, located at the northernmost edge of the European mainland. In conclusion, T. bryosalmonae has a widespread distribution in salmonids in Norwegian watercourses. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) caused by T. bryosalmonae and PKD‐induced mortality has been observed in salmonids in several Norwegian rivers and it can be speculated that more PKD outbreaks will occur as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

  • 1. Boat surveys were conducted between 2002 and 2005 to study bottlenose dolphins living in the 400 km2 Amvrakikos Gulf, western Greece. During 116 survey days, 4705 km of total effort resulted in the individual photo‐identification of 106 animals, through long‐term natural markings on their dorsal fins.
  • 2. Mark–recapture analyses based on the Mth model provided estimates of 82 marked individuals in 2003 (95% CI=80–91), 92 in 2004 (95% CI=86–108) and 98 in 2005 (95% CI=94–110). To include the unmarked portion of the population, the proportion of unmarked individuals was computed based on the number of photographs of marked and unmarked dorsal fins. The mean proportion of unmarked animals in the population was 0.338 (95% CI=0.288–0.389). By adding this to the estimate for marked animals in 2005, considered as the most robust, a total population estimate of 148 individuals (95% CI=132–180) was obtained.
  • 3. Dolphin encounter rates in 2003–2005 did not show significant variations, and averaged 7.2 groups per 100 km or 72.5 individuals per 100 km. Encounter rates within the Gulf were about one order of magnitude greater than those found for bottlenose dolphins in nearby eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters.
  • 4. Mean dolphin density in the Gulf was 0.37 animals km?2. This relatively high density, together with high levels of site fidelity shown by most individuals, was thought to be related primarily to prey availability, particularly of epipelagic schooling fish.
  • 5. The importance of the semi‐closed Amvrakikos Gulf for bottlenose dolphins and other threatened species encourages the adoption of measures aimed to conserve its valuable ecosystems and raise the naturalistic profile of the area, while promoting environment‐conscious development. Meaningful action includes restoring natural hydrology (e.g. freshwater input from rivers), curtailing pollution from various sources, responsible fisheries and aquaculture management, and control of illegal fishing. Interactions between dolphins and fisheries also deserve careful quantitative investigation.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research has estimated associations between water temperature and the spatial distribution of marine fishes based upon correlations between temperature and the centroid of fish distribution (centre of gravity, COG). Analysts have then projected future water temperatures to forecast shifts in COG, but often neglected to demonstrate that temperature explains a substantial portion of historical distribution shifts. We argue that estimating the proportion of observed distributional shifts that can be attributed to temperature vs. other factors is a critical first step in forecasting future changes. We illustrate this approach using Gadus chalcogrammus (Walleye pollock) in the Eastern Bering Sea, and use a vector‐autoregressive spatiotemporal model to attribute variation in COG from 1982 to 2015 to three factors: local or regional changes in surface and bottom temperature (“temperature effects”), fluctuations in size‐structure that cause COG to be skewed towards juvenile or adult habitats (“size‐structured effects”) or otherwise unexplained spatiotemporal variation in distribution (“unexplained effects”). We find that the majority of variation in COG (including the north‐west trend since 1982) is largely unexplained by temperature or size‐structured effects. Temperature alone generates a small portion of primarily north–south variation in COG, while size‐structured effects generate a small portion of east–west variation. We therefore conclude that projections of future distribution based on temperature alone are likely to miss a substantial portion of both the interannual variation and interdecadal trends in COG for this species. More generally, we suggest that decomposing variation in COG into multiple causal factors is a vital first step for projecting likely impacts of temperature change.  相似文献   

The understanding of spatio‐temporal dynamics of marine ecosystems is crucial for ecosystem‐based fisheries management and climate change impact assessments. We quantified temporal changes in the distribution of 0‐group cod (Gadus morhua) and grey gurnard (Eutriglia gurnardus), a primary predator of 0‐group cod, with the help of regression kriging and assessed the temporal dynamics of the related spatial predator–prey overlap of these two species at different spatial scales. We analysed the robustness of relationships among abiotic habitat properties (temperature, salinity and depth) and abundance. Small cod was mainly found in low salinity areas of the Skagerrak but larger year classes were able to expand their distribution area towards the central and northern North Sea. In contrast, grey gurnard was mainly found in waters with salinities above 33 and temperatures above 14°C. This species has expanded its high density areas in the central North Sea northward over the last two decades. Recruitment success of cod was negatively correlated to a Moran's I cross‐correlation index, a proxy for the degree of spatial overlap between both species. Strong cod year classes overlapped less with grey gurnard at the large and medium spatial scale. In general, the relationships between abiotic habitat properties and abundance showed an increased inter‐annual variability, which was likely caused by underlying factors not taken into account in the distribution models. Thus assemblage modeling approaches combining the strength of different model types should be considered in the future to predict potential distribution patterns under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

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