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This study examined the efficacy of bithionol as a prophylactic or therapeutic oral treatment for Atlantic salmon (AS), Salmo salar , affected by amoebic gill disease (AGD). Furthermore, it explored the interaction of bithionol oral therapy with the current standard treatment (a freshwater bath for at least 3 h). The efficacy of three medicated feeds was determined in the trial by feeding AGD-affected AS at 1% body weight (BW) day−1 either oil coated commercial feed (control) or prophylactic and therapeutic bithionol at 25 mg kg−1 feed. Feeding commenced 2 weeks prior to exposure to Neoparamoeba spp. at 300 cells L−1 and continued for 49 days post-exposure (PE). Bithionol when fed as a 2-week prophylactic or therapeutic treatment at 25 mg kg−1 feed delayed the onset of AGD pathology and reduced the percentage of gill filaments with lesions. Administration of a 3-h freshwater bath at 28 days PE significantly reduced amoeba numbers to a similar level across all treatments; in contrast, gross gill score and percent lesioned filaments were reduced to different extents, the control having a significantly higher score than both bithionol treatments. Following the freshwater bath, clinical signs of AGD increased at a similar level across all treatments, albeit controls were significantly higher than the bithionol treatments immediately following freshwater treatment. This study demonstrated that bithionol at 25 mg kg−1 feed, when fed as a 2-week prophylactic or a therapeutic treatment, delayed and reduced the intensity of AGD pathology and warrants further investigation as a treatment for AGD-affected AS.  相似文献   

Fish from cages with histories of heavy and light amoebic gill disease (AGD) outbreaks were harvested and the morphology, histology and activities of lactate dehydrogenase determined. Although fish with a history of heavy AGD were smaller, their heart somatic indices were similar to those of fish with a history of light AGD. However, morphometrically the ratios of ventricle axis length and width and axis length and height were significantly higher, and there was an overall thickening of the muscularis compactum in the ventricle of fish with heavy AGD history. There was no difference in the lactate dehydrogenase activity of the ventricle muscle in the two fish groups. These results suggest that the change in ventricle shape associated with AGD was a possible compensation for an increased afterload where the lengthening of the ventricle was compensated for by an increase in muscle thickness, but without any overall ventricular hypertrophy or gain in ventricular mass. This suggests that AGD may be associated with cardiovascular compromise in affected fish.  相似文献   

Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a pathogenic disease in salmonids caused by Neoparamoeba perurans. Treatment of AGD infection has been through freshwater bathing of the fish. However, as the availability of fresh water is often limited, hydrogen peroxide has been introduced as an alternative treatment. This study investigated the effect of hydrogen peroxide as treatment for AGD‐infected salmon (Salmo salar L.,) at different seawater temperatures and hydrogen peroxide dosages. In total, 600 fish were challenged with N. perurans and the severity of the AGD infection was measured using a gill score scale. After challenge and disease development, the fish were distributed into 12 tanks. The treatment was performed at different seawater temperatures (8°C, 12°C, 17°C) using different hydrogen peroxide doses. Each temperature included an untreated control group. Linear models were used to analyse gill score. A significant effect of treatment was found (?0.68 ± 0.05) regardless of dose and temperature, suggesting that hydrogen peroxide was effective in treating AGD. When the model included dose, a negative linear relationship between dose and gill score was found. The study proved that treatment of AGD with hydrogen peroxide was successful, as gills partially recovered following treatment and further disease development was delayed.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) surveillance in the Bay of Fundy has identified the existence of a large number of genetically distinct ISAV isolates which appear to be of variable virulence. Genetically distinct isolates are currently being designated based on sequencing of the hyper polymorphic region (HPR) of genomic segment 6, which encodes the haemagglutinin–esterase protein, but it has been difficult to elucidate a clear association between these molecular variations and variations in virulence. This has hampered the establishment of proactive management decisions regarding infected fish, and ISAV infections, regardless of type, must be treated as one. Field data of ISAV infections is difficult to collect and to compare between infections because of a wide range of confounding factors including time of year, fish stock, cage site location, mitigating factors and stressors. An important tool in determining the relationship between molecular differences and virulence comes from analysis of quarantine studies. The goal of this study was to compare the virulence, by co-habitation and intraperitoneal injection, of four regionally common and recent ISAV isolates in a controlled environment. We found significant differences in mortality between ISAV molecular isolates, and present data showing that survival of ISAV infection confers significant resistance to re-infection with a different ISAV isolate. These findings, if borne out in field studies, will significantly alter the way ISAV infections are managed in the Bay of Fundy and elsewhere.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of Neoparamoeba sp. infection on the innate immune responses of Atlantic salmon. Atlantic salmon were experimentally infected with Neoparamoeba sp. and serially sampled 0, 1, 4, 6, 8 and 11 days post-exposure (dpe). Histological analysis of infected fish gill arches identified the presence of characteristic amoebic gill disease lesions as early as 1 dpe with a steady increase in the number of affected gill filaments over time. Immune parameters investigated were anterior kidney phagocyte function (respiratory burst, chemotaxis and phagocytosis) and total plasma protein and lysozyme. In comparison with non-exposed control fish basal respiratory burst responses were suppressed at 8 and 11 dpe, while phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated activity was significantly suppressed at 11 dpe. Variable differences in phagocytic activity and phagocytic rate following infection were identified. There was an increase in the chemotactic response of anterior kidney macrophages isolated from exposed fish relative to control fish at 8 dpe. Total protein and lysozyme levels were not affected by Neoparamoeba sp. exposure.  相似文献   

The current treatment for amoebic gill disease (AGD)-affected Atlantic salmon involves bathing sea-caged fish in fresh water, often sourced from local dams, for 3-4 h. In both a small-scale laboratory and an on-farm field experiment, the effects of water hardness on the efficacy of freshwater bathing were assessed. Results showed that soft fresh water (19.3-37.4 mg L(-1) CaCO3), whether it be naturally soft city mains water or artificially softened dam water, was more efficacious at alleviating AGD in affected fish than hard fresh water (173-236.3 mg L(-1) CaCO3). Soft freshwater bathing significantly reduced viable gill amoebae numbers (from 73.9 to 40.9% of total count) and significantly alleviated gill pathology, both gross and histological. Following bathing, gross gill pathological scores of soft freshwater bathed fish lagged 2 weeks behind hard freshwater bathed fish. Significant gill lesion fragmentation, and shedding of lesion-associated hyperplastic tissue, was accompanied by a significant reduction in AGD-affected gill filaments in soft freshwater bathed fish. Furthermore, soft freshwater bathing alleviated the blood plasma electrolyte imbalance seen in control (sea water) and hard freshwater bathed fish. This study showed that the use of soft fresh water for bathing AGD-affected Atlantic salmon could be an improvement to the current method of treatment. Not only does it reduce gill amoeba numbers, but also, it is of a therapeutic advantage with the potential to reduce bathing frequency.  相似文献   

There is inconsistent evidence of resistance of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., to amoebic gill disease (AGD). Here, evidence is presented that demonstrates that Atlantic salmon exposed and subsequently challenged with AGD are more resistant than naïve control fish. Seventy‐three per cent of Atlantic salmon previously exposed to AGD survived to day 35 post‐challenge compared with 26% exposed to Neoparamoeba sp. for the first time, yet the gill pathology of surviving naïve control or previously exposed fish was not significantly different. Development of resistance to AGD is associated with anti‐Neoparamoeba sp. antibodies that were detectable in serum of 50% of surviving Atlantic salmon previously exposed to AGD. However, anti‐Neoparamoeba sp. antibodies were not detectable in cutaneous mucus of resistant fish. Increased resistance of Atlantic salmon after secondary Neoparamoeba sp. infection and detection of specific serum antibodies provides support for the development of a vaccine for AGD.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon with amoebic gill disease (AGD) were treated with chloramine‐T to compare its effectiveness with that of freshwater bathing. In 250‐L tank trials, treatment of seawater with chloramine‐T reduced amoeba density on the gills to levels significantly lower than when treated with seawater alone. There was no further change in amoeba levels in fish bathed for 3 or 6 h compared with 1 h of treatment. Plasma lactate levels in fish bathed in chloramine‐T for 6 h showed no differences across treatments. In 1000‐L tank trials using freshwater alone or seawater with chloramine‐T, significant reductions in amoeba density occurred compared with pre‐bath levels. Histological analysis of gill tissue revealed AGD lesion levels to increase, then to return to pre‐bath levels within 1 week for freshwater‐treated fish, while chloramine‐T‐ and seawater‐treated fish had higher levels of AGD lesions from 2 weeks post bathing. Immunodot‐blot data indicated an initial significant increase in prevalence of lesions in seawater and chloramine‐T‐treated fish, which declined to levels significantly lower than pre‐bath levels by 3 weeks post bathing, compared with the freshwater‐treated fish, which had significantly lower levels than controls by 2 weeks post bathing. At reducing amoeba density, it is apparent that bathing AGD‐affected Atlantic salmon in seawater with chloramine‐T proved at least as effective as freshwater.  相似文献   

Dietary phosphorus requirement of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The objective of this study was to determine the dietary phosphorus (P) requirement of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmon salar L. Triplicate groups of fish (mean initial weight 1.4 g) were fed semipurified, casein-gelatine-based diets containing one of five levels of P (4, 8, 10, 15 and 25 g kg−1) from Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O, or a commercial feed (17 g kg−1 P) for 9 weeks. Weight gains did not differ significantly among treatment groups fed the experimental diets but were slightly less than gains in fish fed the commercial feed. Feed efficiency (wet weight gain/dry feed consumed) was similar in all groups, averaging 1.45. Availability of dietary P, estimated from apparent retention and apparent digestibility, was 86%. Whole-body P concentrations declined in fish fed diets containing less than 10 g kg−1 P. Fitting a logistic curve to dietary P vs. whole-body P concentrations indicated that a minimum of 11 g kg−1 dietary P (9 g kg−1 digestible P) was required by juvenile Atlantic salmon to maintain whole-body P concentrations at initial levels. Calculation of a dietary requirement using a simple factorial model which incorporated measurements of P availability, feed efficiency and normal whole-body P concentration indicated that the dietary requirement was approximately 10 g kg−1. The dietary requirement established in this study (10–11 g kg−1) is higher than previously reported for Atlantic salmon or other fishes. Possible reasons for the wide range of reported dietary P requirements in fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

The salmonid orthomyxovirus infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) causes disease of varying severity in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Field observations suggest that host factors, the environment and differences between ISAV strains attribute to the large variation in disease progression. Variation in host mortality and dissemination of ISAV isolates with high and low virulence (based on a previously published injection challenge) were investigated using immersion challenge. Virus dissemination was determined using real‐time PCR and immunohistochemistry in several organs, including blood. Surprisingly, the low virulent virus (LVI) replicated and produced nucleoprotein at earlier time points post‐infection compared to the virus of high virulence (HVI). This was particularly noticeable in the gills as indicated by different viral load profiles. However, the HVI reached a higher maximum viral load in all tested organs and full blood. This was associated with a higher mortality of 100% as compared to 20% in the LVI group by day 23 post‐infection. Immersion challenge represented a more natural infection method and suggested that specific entry routes into the fish may be of key importance between ISAV strains. The results suggest that a difference in virulence is important for variations in virus dissemination and pathogenesis (disease development).  相似文献   

A 2-year study was carried out on amoebic gill disease (AGD) involving monthly samples of 1+ Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts, histological assessment of the gills and analysis of environmental data. Gill pathology was seen before amoebae could be detected microscopically. These changes in gill integrity were associated with marine environmental conditions, particularly elevated ammonium, nitrite and chlorophyll levels. The results suggest that the environmental changes predispose salmon to colonization by amoebae and ciliates. High densities of histophagous scuticociliates were observed in the gills during periods of advanced gill pathology. A number of different amoebae were observed in close association with gill pathology. Neoparamoeba was not seen in high densities, nor was it associated with gill pathology, indicating that Neoparamoeba may not be the primary agent of the AGD in Irish salmonid culture.  相似文献   

Abstract  Hatchery-reared salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts are generally stocked during daylight hours, but the natural migration of smolts tends to occur at night. Recapture rates and timing of migration were compared between Atlantic salmon smolts stocked during the day and during the evening. Timing of release had no significant effect on the number of smolts recaptured, but had a strong effect on nocturnal behaviour. When stocked in the evening (but not during the day) hatchery-reared smolts moved almost exclusively during the night. This study suggests that timing the release to coincide with the natural time of smolt migration may provide valuable acclimatisation and facilitate nocturnal smolt passage.  相似文献   

Freshwater bathing is one of the main treatment options available against amoebic gill disease (AGD) affecting multiple fish hosts in mariculture systems. Prevailing freshwater treatments are designed to be long enough to kill Neoparamoeba perurans, the ectoparasite causing AGD, which may select for freshwater tolerance. Here, we tested whether using shorter, sublethal freshwater treatment durations are a viable alternative to lethal ones for N. perurans (2–4 hr). Under in vitro conditions, gill‐isolated N. perurans attached to plastic substrate in sea water lifted off after ≥2 min in freshwater, but survival was not impacted until 60 min. In an in vivo experiment, AGD‐affected Atlantic salmon Salmo salar subjected daily to 30 min (sublethal to N. perurans) and 120 min (lethal to N. perurans) freshwater treatments for 6 days consistently reduced N. perurans cell numbers on gills (based on qPCR analysis) compared to daily 3 min freshwater or seawater treatments for 6 days. Our results suggest that targeting cell detachment rather than cell death with repeated freshwater treatments of shorter duration than typical baths could be used in AGD management. However, the consequences of modifying the intensity of freshwater treatment regimes on freshwater tolerance evolution in N. perurans populations require careful consideration.  相似文献   

Multiple greyish‐white visceral nodules containing abundant rapidly growing and acid‐fast bacteria, subsequently identified as Mycobacterium salmoniphilum, were detected in moribund and newly dead market‐sized fish during a period of increased mortality in an Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, farm in western Norway. Isolates cultured from diseased fish were phenotypically consistent with Mycobacterium sp. previously isolated from Atlantic salmon [MT 1890 (= NCIMB13533), MT1892, MT1900 and MT1901] in the Shetland Isles, Scotland. Partial sequences of 16S rDNA, ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1), 65‐kDa heat‐shock protein (Hsp65) and β subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoB) revealed 97‐99% similarity with M. salmoniphilum type strain ATCC 13758T. The source of infection was not confirmed. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled following experimental challenge of Atlantic salmon with field isolate NVI6598 ( FJ616988 ). Mortality was recorded in experimentally infected fish; however, the infection remained subclinical in the majority of affected fish over the 131‐day challenge period.  相似文献   

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