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Composition, structure and diversity of oribatid communities inhabiting saxicolous mosses and lichens were studied in the Krkonoše Mts. (Czech Republic) along an altitudinal gradient reaching from submontane to alpine belt. Samples of various saxicolous mosses and lichens from 197 stands were collected. Impact of altitude and dominant moss or lichen species on community structure were analysed. Data were evaluated using divisive cluster analysis and direct ordination analysis. Altogether 104 oribatid species were recorded. Four groups of saxicolous habitats, which differ in the composition of their oribatid communities, were distinguished:1. Mosses below the upper forest line with accessory higher plants growing on their surface. Higher plants indicate favourable moisture conditions and an appreciable degree of humus layer development. Their oribatid mite community is rich in number of frequent species and consists of ubiquitous species, ubiquitous species with higher requirements for moisture and amount of decaying organic matter, a high number of soil dwelling species and several hygrophilous species.2. Mosses below the upper forest line without accessory higher plants. They predominantly include mosses with no or only a weakly developed humus layer. Their oribatid mite community is composed mainly of ubiquitous species and a few soil dwelling species.3. Mosses in open areas above the upper forest line. Their humus layer is not developed at all or only weakly. Humidity and temperature fluctuations are here much higher compared with mosses below the upper forest line, which are protected by the specific forest microclimate. Their oribatid mite community is poor in number of frequent and dominant species and consists predominantly of Oribatula cf. pallida and two specialised species living exclusively in mosses and lichens (Mycobates tridactylus and Trichoribates monticola).4. Saxicolous lichens. Their oribatid community comprises ubiquitous species, species frequent both in mosses and lichens and several species with a strong affinity to lichens (Mycobates carli and five species of the genus Carabodes).  相似文献   

Summary The effects of simulated acid rain and acidification combined with liming on enzymatic activities in the gut of the enchytraied Fridericia sp. were studied under laboratory conditions. Simulated mild (pH 4.4) and strong (pH 3.1) acid rain was applied throughout a 52-day experiment. Liming, at rates of 1500 and 4000 kg CaCO3 powder ha-1, was applied once on the 27th day of acid rain. After 52 days, the treatment effects were determined by analysing changes in the fresh body weight of enchytraeids and the activities of amylase (EC, xylanase (EC, trehalase (EC and C1-cellulase (EC in the gut. The effects were significant in only a few instances. After acidification, xylanase and trehalase activities decreased. The changes in fresh body biomass were not significant. Amylase and cellulase activities increased slightly, possibly because the acidification had a stimulatory effect on soil amylolytic and cellulolytic microorganisms. After liming, both xylanase activity and the enchytraeid body biomass decreased. This was the only marked evidence of a negative effect on the enchytraeids. The high amylase, trehalase and cellulase activities that were observed might have been caused by intensive digestion of dead acidophilous microflora.  相似文献   

The wolf spider (Lycosidae) community of open paddocks and five different configurations of woodland habitat in the wheatbelt of New South Wales, Australia, was sampled by nocturnal spotlighting. A total of 16 species was detected amongst the 2769 individuals that were sufficiently mature to allow identification, and 80% of these individuals were accounted for by just three species. There were no significant differences in the spider community among any of the woodland configurations, but the community of all five configurations differed significantly from that of open paddocks. However, only three species differed significantly in abundance between paddocks and the woodland configurations. Two species, Venator spenceri and Sp. C appeared to be less common in paddocks than in the woodland habitats, while Sp. A was more abundant in the paddocks. The percentage cover of thistles, medium grass and high grass, as well as the total abundance of Callitris glaucophylla were the habitat variables that best explained variation in the wolf spider community between woodland sites. Of these, thistle cover had the strongest correlation suggesting that disturbance, rather than cover per se, might be an important determinant of wolf spider communities. This study indicates that habitat fragmentation, at the spatial scale associated with current agricultural practices, may not be presenting a threat to generalist ground predators such as wolf spiders.  相似文献   

A long-term prescribed burning experiment, incorporating replicated plots that receive burning biennially (2 yr burn) or quadrennially (4 yr burn) and unburned controls, has been maintained in a wet sclerophyll forest at Peachester, Queensland, Australia since 1972. In 2003 we extracted DNA from soil collected from the experimental plots and investigated the influence of the burning on the soil fungal community by comparing denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles of PCR-amplified partial rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1). Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) of the DGGE profiles of the upper 10 cm of the soil profile grouped the data strongly according to treatment, indicating that both burning regimes significantly altered fungal community structure compared to the unburned controls. In contrast, no obvious trend was observed for soil from a depth of 10-20 cm of the profile. Sequencing of selected DGGE bands found no obvious patterns of presence/absence of taxonomic groups between the treatments. Analysis of soil nitrogen and carbon by mass spectrometry indicated that total soil C and N, along with both gross and net N mineralisation, were significantly lower in 2 yr plots compared to control and 4 yr plots.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated acid rain and acidification, combined with liming, on amylolytic, laminarinolytic and xylanolytic activity in whole body homogenates of enchytraeids Cognettia sphagnetorum were studied under field conditions. Simulated acid rain (pH 2.5) and simulated acid rain with subsequent liming (CaCO3) were applied to experimental plots in a mixed forest soil. The pH of the soil was lowered by acid treatment (4.3), while the pH increased after liming (6.3) in comparison with the control (4.5). Acidification of soil caused a decrease in enchytraeid body mass and amylolytic activity. In acidified plots after liming, amylolytic activity and laminarinolytic activity increased, while live body mass decreased. The enzymatic activity of enchytraeids depended on season and also indirectly on individual mean mass. Received: 12 February 1996  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effects of limining on growth and nutrient concentrations of Brachiaria decumbens inoculated with five vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungal assemblages which orginated from soils with different acidity. Liming increased plant growth when applied at rates up to 3 g kg-1 soil and depressed growth at higher rates. Mycorrhizal plants grew better than non-mycorrhizal ones in unlimed soil and also liming rates of 4.5 and 6.0 g kg-1 soil. The growth amelioration effects of VAM in highly acid or over-limed soils were related to nutrient uptake. VAM fungi isolated from an acidic soil exhibited a high symbiotic effectiveness and were better adapted to unlimed soil than those that originated from non-acidic soils. VAM root colonization, 90 days after planting, was little affected by liming. Fungal spore production and species compositions were highly affected by liming. A mixture of Glomus diaphanum and Glomus occultum predominated in unlimed soils inoculated with VAM assemblages isolated from non-acidic soils. In these fungal assemblages, an increased liming rate favored Glomus etunicatum over the other VAM fungi. Gigaspora margarita sporulated abundantly when introduced into unlimed soils, but rarely in limed soils. VAM appear to be crucial for the establishment of brachiaria pastures in the nutrient-deficient acidic soils of Central Brazil. It is suggested that liming may cause striking shifts in VAM populations which may, in turn, have a long-term impact on agricultural productivity in the tropics.  相似文献   

Landuse changes may dramatically enhance erosion risk. Besides deforestation, also arable landuse may have an important influence on soil loss. We investigated the erosion risk in a 151 km2 subwatershed of the Cuyaguateje watershed (Cuba) using the RUSLE model. It was found that the valleys used for agriculture have the highest erosion risk, with actual erosion surpassing soil loss tolerance. Over the period 1985–2000, about 14 km2 of forest has been converted into arable land. As a result, the area with a very high erosion risk increased with 12%. On arable land it was found that the crop management factor C of a “tobacco/maize” rotation was 0.478, compared to 0.245 for a rotation of various crops (sweet potato, beans, maize, cassava and fallow). When maize in the “tobacco/maize” rotation was intercropped with a leguminous crop (hyacinth bean) the C factor decreased to a value of 0.369. Also contouring may halve soil loss on moderate slopes (< 10%) when high ridges are applied, which is in Cuba generally the case for maize, cassava and sweet potato.  相似文献   

为探讨土壤施肥对烟粉虱种群的影响,在室内采用盆栽方法测定了11种氮、磷、钾施肥组合处理和对照处理的黄瓜苗上烟粉虱的发育历期、存活率、若虫大小、寄主选择、繁殖力及寿命等生命参数。结果表明,烟粉虱的发育历期受施肥影响显著;施肥对卵和低龄若虫存活率无显著影响,但对高龄若虫存活率及各龄若虫大小影响显著;成虫较喜欢在氮肥施用量适中且不施用钾肥和磷肥的黄瓜植株上取食和产卵,而不喜好氮肥施用量大且施用钾肥和磷肥的植株;烟粉虱的寿命及繁殖力在单独施用磷肥的黄瓜植株上低于对照处理的植株,在其他施肥处理上均高于对照。在氮肥施用量大且施用钾肥和磷肥的植株上,一个世代后烟粉虱种群增殖最大,达74.4倍;在单独施用磷肥时增殖最小,仅17.2倍。  相似文献   

Summary At least 105–106 viable cells of the rhizopseudomonad strain 7NSK2* had to be applied per seed of maize cultivar Beaupré and barley cultivar Iban in order to obtain a beneficial effect on plant growth under greenhouse conditions. In pot experiments where an increase in plant growth, varying between 15% and 25%, was observed, the introduced strain 7NSK2* constituted at least 20% of the bacterial root colonizers. This colonization provoked a shift in the fungal rhizospheric community. Due to the inoculation with 7NSK2, Penicillium spp. became the dominant isolates, while Trichoderma spp. were the dominant isolates in pot experiments with low and inefficient inoculum levels of 7NSK2*.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is an important plant nutrient and is crucial for the plant growth and grain yield formation of field crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. aestivum). However, little is known about the influence of N on secondary metabolites in wheat grains which are supposed to be beneficial for human health due to their antioxidant potentials. Therefore, we investigated the influence of N fertilization on plant growth and yield performance of winter wheat, as well as on total phenolic concentration, antioxidant capacity, and the accumulation of (in)soluble phenolic acids in wheat grains during the grain‐filling phase. It was found that ferulic acid was the predominant phenolic acid in wheat grains. As expected, higher amounts of N fertilizer led to increasing grain yields, whereas the concentration of soluble ferulic acid decreased. In contrast, insoluble bound ferulic acid, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity were not affected by the N treatment. Insoluble phenolic compounds seemed to be less susceptible to variations in N supply.  相似文献   

Well‐aerated soils are sinks for atmospheric methane (CH4) whereas hydromorphic soils act as sources. Both CH4 oxidation and production are highly sensitive to variation in soil moisture. Significant changes of net CH4 fluxes from soils can therefore be expected to accompany redistribution of precipitation in the course of climate change where more extreme events are predicted for the future. The extreme summer drought in 2003 offered the opportunity to study the impact of such events on methane fluxes under field conditions. The objective was to evaluate the impact of the summer drought in 2003 on net methane budget of a spruce‐forest ecosystem. We studied net CH4 flux (bi‐)weekly during the summers of 2000–2004 using a closed‐chamber technique on six different soil types ranging from well‐aerated Cambisols, to poorly drained Gleysols and a wet Histosol in a cool‐humid spruce forest.  相似文献   

Kemmitt et al. (Kemmitt, S.J., Lanyon, C.V., Waite, I.S., Wen, Q., Addiscott, T.M., Bird, N.R.A., O'Donnell, A.G., Brookes, P.C., 2008. Mineralization of native soil organic matter is not regulated by the size, activity or composition of the soil microbial biomass - a new perspective. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 61-73) recently proposed the “Regulatory Gate” hypothesis, which states that decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is regulated solely by abiotic factors. Without studying the mechanisms of such regulation, Kemmitt with coauthors challenged the classical Winogradsky theory of soil microbiology and questioned the concept of autochtonous and zymogenous microbial populations. In this letter, we revive the significance of microbial activity for SOM decomposition especially for the short-term (hours to weeks) processes and show that the “Regulatory Gate” is (micro)biologically driven.We explain the results of the three experiments in Kemmitt et al. (2008) from a microbiological point of view and suggest that SOM decomposition is mainly regulated by exoenzymes. We criticize the abiotic Regulatory Gate hypothesis based on bottleneck processes and pools limiting the SOM decomposition rate, comparison of constant and changing environmental conditions, as well as the connection between community structure and functions. We explain the results of Kemmitt et al. (2008) according to the properties of soil microbial community: functional redundancy and inconsistency between the excessive (but largely inactive) pool of total microbial biomass and the real mineralization activity. Finally, we suggest that to gain new perspectives on SOM decomposition and many other biochemical processes, future studies should focus on hot spots of (micro)biological activity (i.e., the rhizosphere, drillosphere, detritosphere, biopores, etc.) rather than on the bulk soil.  相似文献   

The biochemical changes in fresh cow manure caused by the earthworm Eisenia andrei (Bouché) were measured over a period of four months, under controlled laboratory conditions. Earthworms were introduced into each of four plastic containers (0.4 × 0.27 × 0.15 m) containing fresh cow manure (2500 g), and four containers containing manure but without earthworms served as controls. Earthworms reduced the pH and decreased the moisture content in the manure. The C:N ratio of the manure with or without earthworms decreased progressively from 36 to 21. The ash and total nitrogen contents increased greatly for a few weeks after the introduction of earthworms, reflecting a rapid breakdown of carbon compounds and mineralization of nitrogen by the earthworms. CO2 evolution decreased rapidly (44%) one week after the introduction of earthworms, and continued at a lower rate throughout the 17 weeks (51% reduction as compared to 22% without earthworms), indicating increasing stability of the organic matter. Earthworms reduced microbial biomass early in the process, but enhanced nitrogen mineralization and increased the rates of conversion of ammonium-nitrogen into nitrate. The major general effect of earthworms on the organic wastes was to accelerate the maturation of the organic wastes as demonstrated by enhanced growth of lettuce and tomato seedlings.  相似文献   

The study aimed at exploring durum wheat landraces to be utilized in breeding programs. 566 single durum wheat plants selected from 117 populations collected from 12 provinces were studied. The selected material was planted for characterizing their some qualitative and quantitative traits such as percent vitreousness, pearling index, grain protein content, seed yield and thousand kernel weight; as well as determining time frame for germination-tillering, germination-shooting, germination-heading, germination-maturity, tillering-shooting (T-S), tillering-heading (T-H), tillering-maturity, shooting-heading, shooting-maturity, and heading-maturity. Mean, coefficient of variation, and confidence intervals (0.95) were computed for each of 12 provinces, for altitudinal origins with 200 m of ranges and, for each of two geographical regions separately. The highest variation existed for number of days between T-H and the lowest for number of days between T-S. The highest variation within developmental stages was observed in samples from Diyarbakir with a CV of 32.96%, from 600 to 799 altitude range with a CV of 18.86%, and from Southeast Anatolia with a CV of 20.12%.  相似文献   

A crop rotation experiment was conducted on two adjacent tracts of land differing in long-term croppin history (30 year in tall fescue pasture or 3 year in sorghum-sudangrass hybrid (SSGH).. Short-term crops were 2 years in tobacco or low-endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones & Gams) tall fescue. Tobacco was grown on all plots in Year 3, and data relating mycorrhizal stunt disease of tobacco and populations of the stunt pathogen, Glomus macrocarpum Tul. & Tul., and of other members of the mycorrhizal fungal community, were taken. Disease incidence was highest with SSGH-tobacco and lowest with fescue-fescue, the other two combinations being intermediate. Mycorrhizal colonization was related to disease occurence. At the beginning of the season, populations of G. macrocarpum were equally high in land with a long-term history of SSGH, regardless of its short-term history; but at the end of the season, populations of G. macrocarpum among the four treatments were proportional to the incidence of disease. Populations of four mycorrhizal fungal species which were high in land with a short-term history of fescue were depressed by production of tobacco. Monocropping of tobacco appeared to narrow the diversity of the mycorrhizal fungal community and increased the proportion which is pathogenic, the overall result being lower productivity of soil for tobacco. Crop rotation of tobacco with fescue decreased the proportion of the mycorrhizal fungal community which is pathogenic and maintained productivity of soil for tobacco.  相似文献   

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