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Das Cadmiumaneignungsvermögen von Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L. und Lolium multiflorum Lam. Mehrere Pflanzenarten mobilisieren Bodenphosphate (P) und Kationen wie Fe und Al durch die Exsudation organischer Anionen und Protonen. Deshalb untersuchten wir das Cd‐Aneignungsver‐mögen von P‐, Fe‐, Al‐mobilisierenden Arten (Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L.) im Vergleich zu einer nicht mobili‐sierenden Pflanzenart (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Die Pflanzen wuchsen in zwei stark unterschiedlichen Böden (saurer Humuspodsol, karbonathaltiger Lössunterboden). Die Cd‐Aufnahme in die Sprosse war bei Weidelgras 5 bis 10 mal höher als bei Blauen bzw. Weißen Lupinen. Dieses Ergebnis hat mehrere Ursachen: 1. Das Wurzellängen/Sprossmasseverhältnis des Weidelgrases ist 2—3 mal größer als das der Lupinenpflanzen. 2. Bei Weidelgras wird ein größerer Teil des aufgenommenen Cd in die Sprosse verlagert. 3. Die Cd‐Aufnahme bei Lupinen ist im sauren Boden (Podsol) und bei P‐Mangel auch im Kalkboden niedriger als bei Weidelgras. Während im Podsol die Cd‐Konzentration der Bodenlösung unter Lupine geringer war als in der Kontrolle (Gefäße ohne Pflanzen), war sie im Kalkboden höher. Bei den Lupinen war der Efflux organischer Säureanionen, vor allem Citrat und Malat, um den Faktor 10—100 höher als bei Weidelgras. Diese Exsudation kann zu einer hohen Cd‐Komplexierung, insbesondere durch Citrat, in der Rhizosphärenbodenlösung führen (˜ 85%). Diese Ergebenisse deuten darauf hin, dass das komplexierte Cd von den Wurzeln schlechter aufgenommen wird als das freie Cd.  相似文献   

Cluster roots are structures formed by many plants adapted to phosphorus (P)-deficient soils. We investigated the combined influence of spatial heterogeneity in soil water and P distribution on the allocation of cluster root formation in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). In this study, single plants were grown at a low or a high rate of water supply in containers filled with a P-poor sand to which either no P was added or which was fertilized homogeneously or heterogeneously. Furthermore, heterogeneous soil water distribution was established in half of the containers by using a finer instead of a coarser sand in a lateral third of the containers. Plant growth increased with water supply rate, but P fertilization had no influence on shoot biomass production. Although overall cluster root production decreased with increasing homogeneous P supply, localized P fertilization had no effect on cluster root allocation. However, cluster roots were preferentially allocated in the soil sections with lower water availability when overall water supply rate was low. The results suggest that overall cluster root production was a systemic response to initial plant P status, while cluster root growth was stimulated locally in drier patches when overall water supply was limiting plant growth.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Chemical processes in the rhizosphere play a major role in the availability of metals to plants. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of white...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to monitor the changes in isoflavone content in different plant organs (leaves, stems, roots) during the crop growth stage of three cultivars of Lupinus albus (white lupin) under field conditions, taking into account sowing time effects (autumn and early spring) and cultivar effects. Three sampling dates (from late vegetative to late grain growth stages) were evaluated. Seven isoflavones and four flavonoids were identified by LC-ESI-MS analysis. The isoflavone content was higher in leaves than in stems, and it was highest before flowering, whereas it decreased during maturity. Autumn-sown plants showed higher isoflavone content than early spring-sown plants, especially in late vegetative and early reproductive stages. Genistein 7- O-glucoside was the main isoflavone of leaves and stems in the late vegetative stages of early spring sowing, whereas genistein was the main isoflavone under autumn sowing. Variation among cultivars affected only marginally the total isoflavone content. No isoflavones were detected in seeds.  相似文献   

The protein and mineral composition of different varieties of three different lupin species (Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius, and Lupinus luteus) and the effect of alpha-galactoside removal by means of a hydroalcoholic extraction process on such composition were studied in relationship to nutrient distribution among the different anatomical parts of the seed (embryo, cotyledon, and seed coat). The extent of processing-derived protein insolubilization was assessed by both chemical and electrophoretic techniques and related to the amount of nitrogen soluble in H(2)O, NaCl, ethanol, NaOH, and sodium dodecyl sulfate/beta-mercaptoethanol (SDS/BME). The alpha-galactoside extraction process caused a significant increase in the amount of total and insoluble nitrogen and decreased the amount of soluble protein nitrogen, without affecting the content of soluble nonprotein nitrogen. alpha-Galactoside extraction was not effective at decreasing the levels of Mn present in lupins, and processing caused an increase in the content of this mineral in all of the species studied with the exception of L. albus var. multolupa. In general, the effect of processing on mineral content varied with the different lupin species, and mineral losses were lower in L. luteus.  相似文献   

We studied microbe-plant interactions of white lupin, a cluster root-forming plant, under low P and N conditions to examine increased nutrient acquisition by plants either by a shift to a more specialized microbial community or changes in microbial enzyme production. White lupin plants were grown in rhizoboxes filled with either P- or N-deficient soil; fertilized soil was used as control. After cultivation of plants in a glasshouse for 41 d, plant growth (shoot and roots) and P and N accumulation in shoots were measured. Microbial functions were analyzed by P- and N-cycling enzymes. The microbial community structure was estimated by fingerprinting (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and sequencing techniques. P deficiency induced the released citrate and acid phosphomonoesterases from cluster roots and stimulated the production of microbe-derived alkaline phosphomonoesterase in the rhizosphere. P deficiency decreased microbial diversity in the cluster root rhizosphere. Increased relative abundance of Burkholderiales in the rhizosphere of P deficient plants might be responsible for the degradation of different organic P fractions such as phytates. N deficiency induced an increase of the number of nodules and P concentration in shoot as well as roots of white lupin. We clarified that high release of citrate from cluster roots might be the preferred mechanisms to meet the P demand of nodulated plants under N deficiency. In addition, the high abundance of Rhizobiales and Rhodospirillales in the rhizosphere of cluster roots showed that the importance of N-fixing microorganisms under N deficiency. The contribution of rhizosphere microorganisms due to similar activities of N-cycling enzymes under the two different N treatments is less important for N nutrition of plants. Further understanding of the regulation of cluster roots under N-deficiency will provide new information on the interactions between P and N nutrition.  相似文献   

由于北方石灰性土壤锌有效性低,作物锌含量无法满足人体营养需求.前期研究发现种植绿肥可提高后茬小麦锌含量且后者与自身吸锌量正相关,但机制尚不明确.通过田间试验测定绿肥(黑麦豆、绿豆、高丹草)地上部锌含量,水培试验收集分析绿肥根系分泌物组成,土壤浸提试验测定根系分泌有机酸对土壤pH值及土壤锌的影响,从而揭示绿肥吸锌能力及其...  相似文献   

Phosphorus nutrition of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in mixed culture with white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ?Schirokko”?) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) were grown in mixed culture in Mitscherlich pots with 20 kg of soil in a green house. The soil used was a Bt of a Parabraunerde-Pseudogley from loess low in available P and limed from pH 4.6 to pH 6.5. Phosphorus was added as phosphate rock. In half of the pots cylinders of stainless steel screen prevented intertwining of the roots of the plant species. Independent of P addition, white lupin had higher dry matter production and P uptake than wheat, even although wheat had thinner roots and higher root densities than lupin, factors which favour the utilization of soil and fertilizer P. The higher P efficiency of white lupin was due to higher P uptake rates per unit root length mainly through mobilization of P especially in the rhizosphere of the proteoid roots. When the roots of the two species were allowed to intertwine, shoot dry matter production of wheat was nearly double because of improved tillering. Higher P concentrations and a more than 2-fold higher P uptake indicated that the increase in dry matter production of wheat was due to improved P nutrition. Nitrogen concentrations, however, remained unaffected at sufficient levels. An increased P uptake rate per unit root length was responsible for the better utilization of P by wheat, rather than the increase in total root length, due to the extended root volume. White lupin was able to mobilize P in the rhizosphere in excess of its own requirements. Thus mobilized P may be available to less P-efficient plants grown in mixed culture.  相似文献   

Microbial population and bioactive amine profile and levels of two lupin species (Lupinus luteus L. cv. 4492 and Lupinus angustifolius L. var. zapaton) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds as affected by germination were investigated. Microbial population increased considerably mainly in the first stage of germination (2 days), then small changes in bacterial numbers were observed up to 5 days to levels between 7.8 and 8.9 log colony-forming units/g. Microorganisms belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family were dominant for the legumes tested. Ungerminated legume seeds contained putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, spermidine, and spermine. Bioactive amine levels found in fenugreek seeds were between 3- and 4-fold higher than those found in lupin seeds. The highest total amine levels were found in fenugreek seeds [162 mg/kg of dry weight (dw)], followed by L. angustifolius var. zapaton seeds (84 mg/kg of dw) and, finally, L. luteus cv. 4492 (46 mg/kg of dw) seeds. The concentration of individual amines showed a gradual rising trend during the germination period in all tested sprouts, reaching levels >3 times higher than those found in ungerminated seeds. After 5 days of germination, the fenugreek sprouts contained the highest amount of total bioactive amines. Tyramine was the predominant amine in both lupin varieties, whereas cadaverine was the main bioactive amine detected in fenugreek. The results of this work thus indicated that microbial population and biogenic amine levels in the studied lupin and fenugreek sprouts are not a risk for healthy consumers or for individuals with restricted activity of detoxification enzymes.  相似文献   

氮素对不同大豆品种根系分泌物中有机酸的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内溶液培养方法,分别研究了接种根瘤菌处理下,两种氮源和两种氮浓度对两个大豆品种根系分泌物中有机酸的影响。结果表明,合丰25号根系分泌的有机酸种类和数量无论苗期或花期,接种或不接种根瘤菌,均表现为硝态氮处理高于酰胺态氮处理,表明合丰25号大豆更喜硝态氮,硝态氮促进了有机酸的分泌。绥农10号在酰胺态氮下的有机酸种类和数量均高于硝态氮处理,表明其更喜酰胺态氮,酰胺态氮下根瘤菌的存在增加其根系分泌物中有机酸种类和数量。可见,大豆根系分泌物中有机酸的种类和数量因品种而异,因品种对氮源的喜好而变化;根瘤菌在不同程度上增强或减弱根系有机酸的分泌作用。柠檬酸受氮素供应浓度影响很大,当氮素供应浓度较低时,大豆根系分泌物中可检测到柠檬酸,供氮浓度升高则检测不到。  相似文献   

Liu  Beibei  Liu  Xinyu  Huo  Shanshan  Chen  Xin  Wu  Lin  Chen  Miao  Zhou  Kaibo  Li  Qinfen  Peng  Lixu 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2017,17(1):266-276
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The rhizosphere plays an important role in promoting the biodegradation and phytoremediation processes of organic pollutants in mangrove sediments; however, the...  相似文献   

Effect of root mucilage and modelled root exudates on soil structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plant roots release in the rhizosphere diverse organic materials which may have different effects on soil structure. We have evaluated the effect of natural and modelled root‐released materials on soil aggregates and the biodegradation of carbon from roots in the soil. The effects of root mucilage from maize and of a modelled soluble exudate were compared with those of simple compounds (glucose, polygalacturonic acid). For all treatments, soil was amended with 2 g C kg?1 soil and incubated for 30 days at 25°C. The biodegradation of mucilage was similar to that of polygalacturonic acid, and slower than the decomposition of modelled exudates and glucose. Addition of all substrates increased the stability of aggregates, but the duration of this effect depended on the chemical nature of the material. Compared with the control, the proportion of stable aggregates after 30 days of incubation was multiplied by 3.8 for root mucilage, by 4.2 for modelled soluble exudates, by 2.5 for polygalacturonic acid and by 2.0 for glucose. The different fractions of root exudates in the rhizosphere evidently affected the aggregate stability.  相似文献   

在自然种植条件下研究了强化感水稻品种“P1312777”不同叶期(3~6叶)、不同器官(根、茎、叶)水浸提液对稗草根长的抑制率,比较了不同极性树脂处理后水稻根系分泌物水溶液的抑制率变化。结果表明:在3~6叶期相同水稻器官比较,均以5叶期浸提液抑制率最高;5叶期水稻不同器官比较,以叶的浸提液抑制率最高;土培至6叶期的水稻根系分泌物水溶液的抑制率为47.06%,经极性树脂ADS-21处理后抑制率增强为64.71%,经非极性树脂ADS-5处理后抑制率减弱为26.47%;水培至6叶期的水稻根系分泌物水溶液的抑制率为38.24%,经ADS- 21处理后抑制率增强为58.82%,经ADS-5处理后抑制率减弱为20.59%。因此水稻“P1312777”根系分泌物中化感物质以非(弱)极性物质为主,极性物质减弱了非(弱)极性物质的化感抑草作用。  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) uptake by white lupin (Lupinus albus) was studied at low Cd concentrations (0.05nM to 5 μM) in hydroponic solution. Ten 12‐day old seedlings were pretreated in 0.5 mM CaCl2 solution in presence and absence of metabolic inhibitors (DCCD, DNP or NaN3). Cadmium solutions were labelled with carrier free 109CdCl2. Cadmium uptake was measured after a 2 h desorption in unlabelled CdCl2 solution. In the absence of any metabolic inhibitor and at 5 [μM Cd, roots absorbed 235.23 μg Cd/g root dry weight. Over the range of lnM to 5 μM Cd, exchangeable Cd represented approximately 5% of the absorbed fraction, and about 25 % of the total absorbed Cd was adsorbed to the root. Cadmium was passively absorbed to about 30% as observed in the presence of the inhibitor (DCCD). Ative absorption which represented 70% of Cd uptake involved H+‐ATPase carriers. Cadmium absorption was reduced to 30 and 20% in presence of lanthanum (La3+) and zinc (Zn2+), respectively which suggested that calcium (Ca), Cd, and Zn use the same carriers. Cadmium uptake in presence of DNP or NaN3 was approximately 4‐ fold that in control. Data showed presomption for an excretion of Cd out of root cells which could be the expression of a detoxification process limiting cell contamination.  相似文献   

铝和镉胁迫对两个大麦品种矿质营养和根系分泌物的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study the effect of aluminum (Al) and cadmium (Cd) on Al and mineral nutrient contents in plants and Al-induced organic acid exudation in two barley varieties with different Al tolerance. Al- sensitive cv. Shang 70-119 had significantly higher Al content and accumulation in plants than Al-tolerant cv. Gebeina, especially in roots, when subjected to low pH (4.0) and Al treatments (100 μmol L^-1 Al and 100 μmol L^-1 Al +1.0 μmol L^-1 Cd). Cd addition increased Al content in plants exposed to Al stress. Both low pH and Al treatments caused marked reduction in Ca and Mg contents in all plant parts, P and K contents in the shoots and leaves, Fe, Zn and Mo contents in the leaves, Zn and B contents in the shoots, and Mn contents both in the roots and leaves. Moreover, changes in nutrient concentrations were greater in the plants exposed to both Al and Cd than in those exposed only to Al treatment. A dramatic enhancement of malate, citrate, and succinate was found in the plants exposed to 100 μmol L^-1 Al relative to the control, and the Al-tolerant cultivar had a considerable higher exudation of these organic acids than the Al-sensitive one, indicating that Al-induced enhancement of these organic acids is very likely to be associated with Al tolerance.  相似文献   

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(12-13):1769-1776
Corn (Zea mays L.) root exudates were flushed from a hydrophobic system that allowed the aseptic separation of soluble exudates from the intact plant root. Plants were grown for 90 d, during which time root exudates flowed from the hydroponic setup directly onto columns containing soil previously contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Mineralization of the PAH, pyrene, was then determined in soil removed from columns. In addition, exudated samples were directly taken from the hydroponic system for estimation of total organic carbon release and for use in microbial studies. In soil from columns that received root exudates from a planted (versus an unplanted) apparatus, there was a significant increase in 14C-pyrene mineralization. The extent of stimulation was comparable to that measured in rhizosphere soil isolated from plants growing in the same soil. Soil from columns that received solution from apparatuses that were not planted showed no stimulation of 14C-pyrene mineralization. Separate studies confirmed that some members of the soil microbial community were able to utilize these soluble plant compounds. This indicates that root exudates have the potential to increase the degradation of xenobiotics by the growth of soil microorganisms. Separating the chemical impact of the root exudates from any root surface phenomena is an important step in isolating a potential mechanism of phytoremediation. Many studies have speculated on the involvement of root exudates in rhizosphere degradation of organic contaminants, but very few studies go beyond adding simple carbon substrates in short pulses. This study employed a system that exposed the microbial community to real root exudates in the concentrations and over a time period that mimicked actual conditions.  相似文献   

Maize was grown for 36 days in solution culture with roots either under axenic conditions or in the presence of rhizosphere organisms. In other experiments with sterile roots the plants were grown with different concentrations of potassium. At the end of the experiments sugars, organic acids and amino acids in the nutrient solutions were determined. Under axenic conditions the exudates consisted of up to 65% sugars, up to 33% organic acids and only up to 2% amino acids. The same substances were detected in non-sterile nutrient solutions. In the presence of microorganisms fructose, arabinose and the predominating glucose decreased to almost one half, while sucrose was not affected. The amounts of organic acids were not changed by microbial growth. The main amino acid, glutamic acid, was nearly doubled by the presence of microorganisms, whereas other amino acids remained unchanged. The lower O2 content of the nutrient solutions of non-sterile roots suggested microbial decomposition of monosaccharides. In another experiment with roots grown under axenic conditions and with different K treatments low K supply significantly increased the total amounts of sugars, organic acids and amino acids exuded g?1 root dry matter. As in the previous experiment glucose, fumaric and oxalacetic acid as well as glutamic and aspartic acid dominated in the respective fractions. Again sugars and organic acids represented the major quantity of exudates, while amino acids amounted to less than 2%. In an additional experiment with another cultivar, with nitrate as N source and a 5-day longer growth period, somewhat different results were obtained. In the exudates sugars were found in lower amounts, probably due to a higher growth rate. Under these conditions organic acids were the prevailing root exudates. Unlike sugars and amino acids, their total quantity was not affected by K nutrition, but the proportion of malic acid increased with increasing K supply, while oxalacetic acid dominated at low K nutrition. Similarly the total amount of organic acids within the root was independent of K nutrition. However malic acid content increased with increasing K application, while the likewise dominating citric and oxalacetic acid decreased.  相似文献   

草莓根系分泌物障碍效应的模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
草莓是一种营养丰富、经济价值较高的水果,但连作障碍使草莓生长发育不良,产量与品质下降,而造成连作障碍的因素种类繁多,极其复杂。本文以“全明星”生根试管苗为材料,应用组织培养技术分析了根系分泌物对草莓生长的影响。结果表明,根系分泌物显著抑制了植株的生长,降低了根系活力、叶片SOD活性和叶绿素含量,而叶片中的MDA含量和细胞质膜相对透性增加,导致草莓抗病性下降。根系分泌物对草莓的不利影响随浓度的增加而增大,表明草莓根系分泌物可能是造成草莓连作障碍的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was designed with the objective of determining whether the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and the resulting mobilization of heavy metals have any affect on: (i) soil microorganisms, (ii) growth of L. albus, and (iii) microbial colonization of roots. There was no effect of the different treatments on the contents of soil microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N. Increasing addition of EDTA to soil led to proportionate increases in extractable C and N, being roughly equivalent to the added amount. Increasing EDTA addition to soil led also to a proportionate increase in mobile heavy metals. Plant height, total amount of shoot and root C were not affected by EDTA addition. Fungal ergosterol in the lupine roots showed a 5- to 8-fold increase in the 0.1 and 0.2% EDTA treatments in comparison with the control. In contrast, EDTA addition did not affect fungal glucosamine or bacterial muramic acid concentrations in the lupine roots. Increasing EDTA addition to soil led also to a proportionate increase in the metal concentrations in the lupine shoots. The concentrations of heavy metals in the lupine shoots and in the NH4NO3 soil extracts were all highly significantly correlated.  相似文献   

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