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Parasitic plants are becoming a severe constraint on major agricultural crops in Mediterranean and tropical countries and the efficacy of available means of control is minimal. The problem is particularly severe in field pea, which is very sensitive to standard glyphosate treatments and in which little resistance has been identified. Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) has proven to be effective as a tool for controlling plant pathogens, including fungi, bacteria and viruses, but only recently has this phenomenon started to be evaluated as a control strategy against parasitic weeds. The present studies were conducted to evaluate the potential of SAR activation for broomrape control in pea. The effect of salicylic acid, glutathione and benzothiadiazole (BTH) in three different application methods was studied. Foliar application of 0.6–1.0 mM BTH, in the form of Bion 50 (50% a.i.), reduced broomrape infection under controlled conditions (growth chamber and greenhouse) by limiting the success in attachment and retarding the development of established tubercles. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 1, 2003.  相似文献   

A wettable powder (WP) formulation providing 5–25 μg mL−1 of 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) and 15–75 μg mL−1 of WP applied to cotton cotyledons significantly increased the resistance of the next two leaves to challenge inoculation by Alternaria macrospora . The wettable powder alone at 15–75 μg mL−1 had a lesser effect. A wettable granule (WG) formulation supplying 35 μg mL−1 of benzo-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH) and 35 μg mL−1 of WG, applied as a cotyledonary treatment, significantly reduced the formation of lesions on the subsequent two leaves when challenged with A. macrospora . The WG control had no effect. Each treatment except for the WG control also raised the activities of β-1,3-glucanase in unchallenged leaf and stem tissue. Each of the components of the wettable powder without INA applied to cotyledons raised enzyme activities in the next leaves. Individual components, as suspensions of silicic acid and kaolin and solutions of the detergent Attisol II, the wetting agent Ultravon W300 and pure INA, applied to cotyledons increased the resistance of the next leaves to A. macrospora . The responsiveness of cotton to BTH and to each of the components of formulated INA is discussed in relation to knowledge of the effects of BTH and INA on other plants and to possible ways in which the other components of the wettable powder may affect the process of signalling for systemic resistance to disease.  相似文献   

The effects of ozone on the susceptibility of leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris toSclerotinia sclerotiorum andBotrytis cinerea have been investigated. Seedlings of one ozone-sensitive (Pros) and five relatively ozone-insensitive cultivars (Gamin, Precores, Groffy, Narda, Berna) were exposed to different ozone concentrations (0, 120, 180 and 270 g m–3) for 8 h. One day after the exposures, primary leaves were detached and immediately inoculated with spores of either pathogen suspended in water or in a 62.5 mM KH2PO4 (Pi) solution. Visible ozone injury differed between the cultivars and increased with increasing ozone concentration. On the leaves of non-exposed plants, spores of the pathogens suspended in water caused very few lesions, whereas fungal pathogenicity was stimulated by addition of Pi to the inoculum. Ozone-injured leaves of all cultivars exhibited lesions after inoculation of the leaves with the pathogens suspended in water, and the number of lesions was positively correlated with the level of ozone injury for either pathogen and cultivar. The increase in susceptibility of bean leaves in response to increasing ozone concentrations was greater forB. cinerea than forS. sclerotiorum when spores were suspended in water, but was similar when the spores were suspended in Pi.In general, the number of lesions following inoculation with spores in Pi increased with increasing ozone concentration. However, the number of lesions in the ozone-insensitive Groffy was reduced by an exposure to 120 g m–3 but increased with higher concentrations. This pattern of susceptibility response to the pathogens was not found in the other ozone-insensitive cultivars and, thus, did not appear to be related to the inherent ozone-insensitivity in bean.  相似文献   

 从油菜植株体内分离出的内生细菌BY-2,经过生物学鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。用BY-2回接油菜,重新分离到具有BY-2相同形态特征和抑制病原真菌能力的内生菌株。油菜接种后的第10 d,体内的BY-2菌数达(2.24~9.02)×103 cfu/g鲜植株,25 d仍然保持在(3.13~8.59)×103 cfu/g鲜植株。BY-2与油菜核盘菌[Sclerotinia sclerotiorum(Lib.) de Bary]对峙培养可以形成直径为3.1 cm的抑菌圈;可使油菜核盘菌菌丝细胞浓缩变短,细胞壁破裂,原生质外溢,从而抑制真菌生长发育;同时还能抑制菌核的萌发,抑制率达60%~70%;在油菜离体叶片试验中,BY-2对菌核病的防治效果达100%。  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and lignin induced by acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) during the expression of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) of cucumber plants against the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare was analysed with electron microscopy and energy-filtering electron microscopy (EFEM). ASM pretreatment consistently led to the blockage of appressorial penetration pegs into leaves at early stages after inoculation, whereas the fungus was able to grow into the vascular tissue after distilled water pretreatment. The blocked pegs, seen frequently at epidermal pectin layers in leaves of ASM-treated plants, were surrounded by abundant electron-dense amorphous material and dots. These were identified as lignin, based on their appearance and high reactivity with KMnO4. Lignin first appeared as an amorphous material at pectin layers, and then as dots in some areas of the material. The results showed that ASM caused SAR in leaves via faster formation of lignin within 1 day after inoculation. After CeCl3 treatment to detect H2O2, H2O2-reactive products (cerium perhydroxides) were seen near ASM-induced lignin formation sites in pectin layers. EFEM analysis showed that Ce and O were located at the same sites as the lignin dots, suggesting that lignin was associated with sources of H2O2 generation. The results indicate that the faster H2O2 generation and lignification induced by ASM were the potential causes of SAR.  相似文献   

The effect of indole-acetic acid (IAA) on the development of symptoms caused by Pythium ultimum on tomato plants was investigated using different bioassays. Application of IAA (5 μg ml−1) on tomato seedlings inoculated with P. ultimum did not affect their emergence suggesting that IAA did not affect the severity of Pythium damping-off. However, IAA was shown to influence the development of P. ultimum symptoms on tomato plantlets. Low concentrations of IAA (0–0.1 μg ml−1) within the rhizosphere of plantlets increased the severity of the symptoms caused by P. ultimum, while higher concentrations (10 μg ml−1), applied either by drenching to the growing medium or by spraying on the shoot, reduced the symptoms caused by this pathogen. In addition, the study demonstrated that P. ultimum produces IAA in liquid culture amended with L-tryptophan, tryptamine or tryptophol (200 μg ml−1) and in unamended culture.  相似文献   

The effect of different soil amendments and biological control agents on soil-borne root diseases that cause significant economic losses in organic and other soil-based tomato production systems (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and Verticillium albo-atrum) was compared. Organic matter inputs (fresh Brassica tissue, household waste compost and composted cow manure) significantly reduced soil-borne disease severity (measured as increased root fresh weight) and/or increased tomato fruit yield, with some treatments also increasing fruit number and/or size. Soil biological activity also increased with increasing organic matter input levels and there were significant positive correlations between soil biological activity, root fresh weight and fruit yield. This indicates that one mechanism of soil-borne disease control by organic matter input may be increased competition by the soil biota. Chitin/chitosan products also significantly reduced soil-borne disease incidence and increased tomato fruit yield, number and/or size, but had no effect on soil biological activity. Biological control products based on Bacillus subtilis and Pythium oligandrum and commercial seaweed extract (Marinure) and fish emulsion (Nugro)-based liquid fertilisers had no positive effect on soil-borne disease incidence and fruit yield, number and size. The use of ‘suppressive’ organic matter inputs alone or in combination with chitin/chitosan soil amendments can therefore be recommended as methods to control soil-borne diseases in organic and other soil-based production systems.  相似文献   

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