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The effects of progesterone (P4) on follicular growth and fertility in ewes were examined. In Experiment 1, 22 ewes received either one or three packets of P4 (5 g/packed) or an empty packet subcutaneously (sc) from Days 5 to 15 of the estrous cycle (estrus = Day 0). On Day 6, P4-treated ewes received 12.5 mg of prostaglandin F2α. Follicles ⩾3 mm in diameter were observed via transrectal ultrasonography daily from Day 4 through estrus, corpora lutea (CL) were observed 5 to 7 d after estrus. Ewes with low (LOW; ⩽1 ng/ml; n = 5), intermediate (MED; > 1 and <2 ng/ml; n = 10), or normal (NOR; ⩾2 ng/ml; n = 7) P4 in jugular plasma on Days 7 through 15 differed in follicular development. The largest follicle at estrus was larger in ewes with LOW vs. MED and NOR P4 (7.8 ± 0.3 vs. 6.9 ± 0.2 mm; P < 0.05). Treatments differed in proportions of multiple-ovulating ewes, in which the oldest ovulatory follicle was first observed before Day 10 (LOW: 3 of 3, MED: 6 of 10, NOR: 0 of 5, respectively; P < 0.05). Estradiol was higher early in the treatment period in LOW ewes than in MED and NOR ewes (day × treatment; P < 0.05). In Experiment 2, ewes received 5 mg of P4 in corn oil (low progesterone [LP]; n = 51) or 2 ml of corn oil (CON; n = 49) sc every 12 hr on Days 6 through 14 of the estrous cycle before mating. LP ewes received 15 mg of prostaglandin F2α on Day 6. Mean serum P4 on Days 7 through 15 was 0.6 ± 0.1 ng/ml in LP and 1.9 ± 0.1 ng/ml in CON ewes. Eleven LP and 12 CON ewes were scanned daily from Day 4 through mating, and in all ewes (n = 93), CL were counted 10 d after mating and embryos were counted at 25, 40, and 60 d of gestation. In multiple-ovulating ewes, day of cycle of appearance was earlier for the oldest (Day 6.1 ± 0.8 vs. 10.4 ± 0.8) but not second oldest (Day 11.7 ± 1.0 vs. 12.2 ± 0.9) ovulatory follicles in LP compared with CON ewes. The conception rate was lower in LP (72%) than in CON ewes (98%; P < 0.01). However, numbers of CL 10 d after mating, and in pregnant ewes, numbers of embryos 25 d after mating and lambs born, did not differ with treatment. In summary, low P4 increased the size of the largest follicles and the age of the oldest ovulatory follicles. Embryos resulting from the ovulation of older and younger follicles in the same ewe did not differ in their ability to survive.  相似文献   

Progestagen impregnated sponges have been widely used for the induction and synchronization of oestrus in the ewe. We report here a study of the use of the natural hormone, progesterone, administered on sponges in order to induce oestrus in anoestrous ewes. A linear increase in fertility was observed when the progesterone dose was increased from 500 to 1000 mg. A similar quantity of progesterone (250 mg) was absorbed by the ewes regardless of the dose administered in the range 500 to 1200 mg. Sixty eight per cent lambing of treated ewes was achieved using sponges impregnated with 1000 mg progesterone. Optimum fertility appeared to be governed by adequate absorption of the hormone at a rapid initial rate, and this was ensured at the higher doses of progesterone.
Kurzfassung Progestagen-getränkte Schwämme wurden zur Herbeiführung und Synchronisierung der Brunst bei Schafen weitgehend benutzt. Eine derartige Behandlung der Tiere kann zu einer geringeren Fruchtbarkeit, als sie unter natürlichen Zuchtbedingungen im Herbst besteht, führen. Die Wirkung von zunehmenden Dosen der verabreichten synthetisch hergestellten Progestagene auf die anschliessende Fruchtbarkeit der Schafe ist gut dokumentiert. Mehrere Verfasser haben den Restgehalt an SC-9880 gemessen, der auf den Schwämmen nach ihrer Entfernung von den Schafen, die zur Herbeiführung und Synchronisierung der Brunst behandelt worden waren, verblieb. Sie stellten eine lineare Zunahme der Frunchtbarkeit mit der verabreichten Dosis bei SC-9980 fest; bei höheren Dosen (30 bis 50 mg) wurde eine verlangsamte Progestagen-absorption von den Schwämmen beobachtet. Die Forscher berichteten, dass die Frucktbarkeit nicht-brünstiger Schafe bei Dosen von SC-9880 von über 30 mg bei 38 bis 67% Lammen liegen kann.Hier wird eine Untersuchung des natürlich vorkommenden Hormons Progesteron und seiner Verabreichung auf Schwämmen zur Herbeiführung der Fruchtbarkeit bei nicht-brünstigen Schafen beschrieben. Auch bei dieser Untersuchung wurde eine lineare Zunahme der Frucktbarkeit bei zunehmenden Dosen des verabreichten Progesterons beobachted. Ein Schwellenwert von Progesteron (250 mg) wurde von den Schafen unabhängig von der verabreichten Dosis im Bereich von 500 bis 1200 mg absorbiert. Bei den behandelten Schafen (mit 1000 mg imprägnierte Schwämme) wurde ein Ergebnis von 68% Lammen erzielt. Eine optimale Fruchtbarkeit wird anscheinend bei einer anfänglich schnellen, angemessenen Absorption des Hormons erzielt und diese Faktoren waren bei höheren Dosen von Progesteron gegeben.

Resume On a largement utilisé la technique des éponges impregnées de progestagène pour induire et synchroniser l'oestrus chez les brebis. Un tel traitement peut entraîner un taux de fertilité inférieur à celui obtenu dans des conditions normales de reproduction en automne. L'effet de l'augmentation des doses de progestagène synthetique administrées sur la fertilité ultérieure des brebis a fait l'objet de nombreuses études. Plusieurs auteurs ont etudié les niveaux résiduels de SC-9880 sur les éponges après leur retrait des brebis qui avaient été traitées en vue de l'induction et de la synchronisation de l'oestrus. Ils ont constaté une progression linéaire de la fertilité en fonction des doses de SC-9880 administrées et un ralentissement de l'absorption du progestagène contenu les éponges aux doses les plus elevées utilisées (30 a 50 mg). Ces chercheurs ont signalé que la fertilité des brebis pendant l'anoestrus pouvait aller de 38 a 67% d'agnelage aux doses de SC-9880 supérieures à 30 mg.Le présent rapport a pour objet l'étude de l'hormone naturelle, la progestérone, administrée au moyen d'éponges pour induire l'oestrus chez les brebis en période l'anoestrus. Dans la présente étude, on a également observé une augmentation linéaire de la fertilité avec l'augmentation de la dose de progestérone administrée. On a constaté chez les brebis une valeur limite d'absorption de progestérone (250 mg), quelle que soit la dose administrée allant de 500 a 1200 mg. On a obtenu 68% d'agnelage chez les brebis traitées au moyen d'éponges impregnées de 1000 mg de progestérone. La fertilité optimale semble dépendre de l'absorption adéquate de l'hormone à un taux initial élevé, condition qui se trouve remplie en administrant des doses élevées de progestérone.

Riassunto Le spugne impregnate di progesterone sono comunemente utilizzate per indurre e sincronizzare l'estro della pecora. Un simile procedimento rischia tuttavia di rendere l'animale meno fecondo rispetto alle condizioni di riproduzione naturale nella stagione autunnale. Gli effetti che dosi crescenti di preparati progestogeni producono sulla fecondità delle pecore sono del resto ampiamente documentati. Analizzando i residui di SC-9880 che restano sulle spugne rimosse dal corpo della pecora, diversi autori sono giunti alla conclusione che esiste un incremento lineare della fecondità se si somministrano le dosi sotto forma di SC-9880. La stessa indagine evidenzia inoltre un minore assorbimento di sostanza progestagena dalle spugne se si utilizzano dosi massime comprese fra 30 e 50 mg. I ricercatori affermano che le pecore in anestro hanno parti in una percentuale compresa fra il 38 e il 67% se ricevono dosi di SC-9880 superiori ai 30 mg.La presente ricerca riguarda la somministrazione mediante spugne di progesterone naturale per indurre l'estro nelle pecore in anestro. Essa dimostra che dosi crescenti di progesterone conducono ad un incremento lineare della fecondità. Esiste un tetto massimo di assorbimento del progesterone (250 mg) anche con dosi di somministrazione comprese fra i 500 e i 1200 mg. Il 68% dei parti delle pecore trattate si ha con spugne impregnate con 1000 mg di progesterone. La fecondità ottimale sembra dipendere da un adeguato ed inizialmente rapido assorbimento dell' ormone, ottenibile con dosi massime di somministrazione.

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Early selection of ewes for better reproductive performance may reduce generation interval and increase genetic gains. Considering this, the present study...  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the effect of multiple stresses (thermal, nutritional, and walking stress) on the adaptive capability of Malpura ewes in terms of changes in physiological mechanisms and blood biochemical changes. The study was conducted for a period of 35 days covering two estrous cycles during summer season (April–May). The ewes were randomly allocated into two groups of 12 animals each, viz., GI (n?=?12; control) and GII (n?=?12; multiple stresses). GI ewes were maintained in the shed while GII ewes were subjected to multiple stresses. GI ewes were maintained in shed while GII ewes were subjected to heat stress by exposing them to 32–44 °C (average 42 °C) and RH of 12–26 % for 6 h from 10:00 to 16:00 h in natural environment. GI ewes were provided with ad libitum feeding while GII ewes were provided with restricted feed (30 % of intake of GI ewes) to induce nutritional stress. Further, GII ewes were subjected to walking stress by forcing them to walk 14 km in two spans between 9:00 and 10:30 h and 15:00 and 16:30 h. Blood collection was done at weekly intervals. Multiple stresses significantly (P?<?0.01) affected body weight, respiration rate, pulse rate, rectal temperature, sweating rate, tri-iodo-thyronine, thyroxine, cortisol, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, glucose, and total protein. The findings from this experiment provide useful information to understand the ideal nutrient requirement for these animals to adapt to such stresses in the semi-arid tropical environment without compromising production.  相似文献   

Two hundred eighteen ewes were used in experiments 1) to develop a progesterone supplementation regimen capable of sustaining serum concentrations of progesterone at about 2.0 ng/ml for a period of 50 d (Exp. 1) and 2) to determine the effects of progesterone supplementation (d 6 to 50 after mating) on pregnancy and embryo survival rates in mated ewes (Exp. 2). In ovariectomized ewes in Exp. 1, s.c. administration of four cylindrical (9.5 x 60 mm) silastic implants, containing 20% (1.1 g) progesterone by weight, sustained mean serum concentrations of progesterone of 1.9 +/- .07 ng/ml compared with 1.03 +/- .05 ng/ml in ewes bearing two implants. In Exp. 2 each ewe (n = 159) was mated to two fertile rams at a spontaneous estrus (d 0) during mid-breeding season. Mean ovulation rate, determined on a subgroup of 46 ewes, was 1.45 +/- .05. On d 6, ewes were assigned randomly to control (two implants containing no progesterone) or progesterone-treated (four implants similar to those used in Exp. 1) groups. From d 7 to 50 after mating, progesterone concentrations in serum were greater (P less than .001) in progesterone-treated (four implants similar to those used in Exp. 1) groups. From d 7 to 50 after mating, progesterone concentrations in serum were greater (P less than .001) in progesterone-treated (3.50 +/- .06) than in control (2.65 +/- .05) ewes. Pregnancy rates (86% and 83%) and calculated embryo survival rates (77% and 78%) were similar (P greater than .05) for the control and progesterone-treated groups, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of feed flushing on ovulation rate was investigated during the autumn seasons on 24 adult Malpura ewes (BW 34.8 ± 0.58 kg and age 4–7 years) equally divided into two groups. Ewes in G1 (group 1) were grazed 8–10 h daily on Cenchrus ciliaris pasture interspersed with seasonal shrub. In addition to grazing, concentrate was provided at 1.5% of BW to the animals in G2 (group 2) for a period of 35 days. Estrus was synchronized by a double injection schedule of PGF at 0 and 10 days of the experiment and detected by parading aproned rams at 6 h intervals. Blood samples were collected at weekly interval during the estrous cycle. A rumen fermentation study was conducted on day 23 of the experiment at 0 and 4 h post-concentrate feeding. Ovarian responses in terms of number of corpora lutea and large follicles was examined on all the ewes by laparoscopy after 3 to 6 days of each estrus and were found to be similar in both the groups. Hemoglobin and packed cell volume, total protein, albumin, and globulin were similar among the groups. Concentration of plasma glucose (12 and 22 days) was higher (P < 0.05) in G2 vis-à-vis control. Plasma urea was higher (P < 0.01) in the control than G2. Rumen liquor pH, concentration of total N, TCA–ppt N, NH3–N, and TVFA were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in G2 than the control. Thus, it can be concluded that concentrate supplementation in ewes prior to mating (flushing) did not enhance ovulation response during the autumn season.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the effect of combined stresses (thermal and nutritional) on physiological adaptability and growth performance of Malpura ewes. Twenty-eight adult Malpura ewes (average BW 33.56 kg) were used in the present study. The ewes were divided into four groups, viz., GI (n = 7; control), GII (n = 7; thermal stress), GIII (n = 7; nutritional stress), and GIV (n = 7; combined stress). The animals were stall-fed with a diet consisting of 60% roughage and 40% concentrate. GI and GII ewes were provided with ad libitum feeding, while GIII and GIV ewes were provided with restricted feed (30% intake of GI ewes) to induce nutritional stress. GII and GIV ewes were kept in climatic chamber at 40°C and 55% RH for 6 h/day between 1000 and 1600 hours to induce thermal stress. The study was conducted for a period of two estrus cycles. The parameters studied were feed intake, water intake, physiological responses (viz., respiration rate, pulse rate, and rectal temperature), body weight, and body condition scoring (BCS) of ewes. Both thermal and combined stress significantly (P < 0.05) affected the feed intake, water intake, respiration rate, and rectal temperature. The feeding schedule followed in the experiment significantly (P < 0.05) altered the body weight and BCS between the groups. The results reveal that when compared with thermal stress, nutritional stress had less significant effect on the parameters studied. However, when both these stresses were coupled, it had a significant influence on all the parameters studied in these ewes. It can be concluded from this study that when two stressors occur simultaneously, the total cost may have severe impact on biological function.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of mineral and antioxidant supplementation on growth, reproductive performance and physiological adaptability of heat‐stressed Malpura ewes. The study was conducted for a period of 21 days in 21 adult Malpura ewes. The ewes were randomly divided into three groups with seven animals each viz. GI (control; n = 7), GII (heat stress; n = 7) and GIII (heat stress + mineral and antioxidant supplementation; n = 7). The animals were stall fed ad libitum with the diet consisting of 70% roughage and 30% concentrate. GI ewes were maintained under normal controlled condition in the shed, while GII and GIII ewes were subjected to heat stress by exposing them to 42 °C in the climatic chamber. The parameters studied were feed intake (FI), water intake (WI), body weight, body condition score (BCS), physiological, biochemical and endocrine responses. Heat stress significantly altered FI, water intake, BCS, respiration rate and rectal temperature in the afternoon, oestrus duration, estradiol, progesterone, Hb, PCV, plasma glucose, total protein, cortisol, T3 and T4 levels while mineral and antioxidant supplementation ameliorated this heat stress effect on the parameters studied. Further, the adverse effect of heat stress on the productive and reproductive efficiency of Malpura ewes was reduced considerably by mineral mixture and antioxidant supplementation. This is evident from the non‐significant difference in BCS, oestrus duration and plasma estradiol between GI and GIII in this study. Hence, it is very pertinent to conclude from this study that mineral mixture and antioxidant supplementation were able to protect Malpura ewes against heat stress.  相似文献   

Feed scarcity during hot summer months is one of the major predisposing factors for low reproductive efficiency of livestock reared in hot semiarid environment. A study was conducted to assess the effect of concentrate supplementation during summer months on growth, reproductive performance, and blood metabolites in Malpura ewes. Twenty adult Malpura ewes were used in the present study. The ewes were divided into two groups viz, group 1 (n?=?10; control) and group 2 (n?=?10; concentrate supplementation). The study was conducted for a period of 35 days covering two estrus cycles. In the first cycle, only PGF was given to all ewes, while in second cycle, all ewes were synchronized for estrus using progesterone-impregnated intravaginal sponges and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. The animals were allowed for grazing for 8–10 h per day. Apart from grazing, group 2 ewes were supplemented with concentrate mixture at 1.5 % of body weight. Concentrate supplementation had significant influence on body weight, ADG, estrus percentage, estrus duration, onset of estrus, ovulation response, plasma glucose, total protein, and urea. The present study reveals that ewes supplemented with concentrate mixture at 1.5 % of body weights during summer season significantly influenced the growth and reproductive performance of Malpura ewes. Further, the study signifies the importance of providing additional feed supplementation to ewes kept grazing under the conditions of a hot, semiarid environment to improve their reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the effects of a short-term progesterone treatment for oestrous cycle control in cattle. Progesterone was administered by intravaginal sponge pessaries inserted for a 10-day period. Progesterone pessaries alone did not affect oestrous cycle length or corpus luteum function at either early (day 2) or midluteal (day 12) cycle stages. However, when progesterone (250 mg) and oestradiol benzoate (7-5 mg) were given intramuscularly on the day of pessary insertion corpus luteum development was inhibited in animals treated at day 2 and was regressed in animals at day 12. This combined oestrogen-progesterone treatment efficiently controlled oestrous cycle length.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized ewes (n=22; 68.76+/-2.34 kg initial body weight; 2.9+/-0.1 initial body condition score) were individually fed one of three diets: (1) control (phytoestrogen-free; n=7), (2) flax containing diet (n=8), or (3) linseed meal (LSM) containing diet (n=7) to investigate the rate of progesterone (P4) clearance. On day 20 of feeding (day 0=initiation of treatment), a P4 releasing device (CIDR) was placed in the vagina and jugular blood samples were obtained prior to CIDR insertion and 15, 30, 60, and 120 min following CIDR insertion. Further, blood samples were obtained daily between days 21 and 24. On day 25, blood samples were retrieved prior to CIDR removal and 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 360 min following CIDR removal. There was no difference in initial or final body weight or body condition score and there were no time by diet interactions on P4 clearance. The fractional rate of P4 uptake measured prior to CIDR insertion through day 4 following insertion tended to be greater (P=0.07) in LSM fed ewes (508.75+/-71.37%/min) compared to flax (295.39+/-66.76%/min) and control fed (287.54+/-71.37%/min) ewes. Diet tended (P=0.10) to influence P4 clearance rate when measured from prior to CIDR removal through 120 min following CIDR removal with LSM fed ewes having a greater (1.26+/-0.2) fractional rate constant than flax (0.929+/-0.09) and control fed (0.922+/-0.09) ewes. Flax fed ewes also had more (P<0.01) omega-3 fatty acids and total fatty acids in plasma. Reports of increased pregnancy rates in dairy cows fed flax may relate to P4 metabolism.  相似文献   

Megestrol acetate has been tested for its applicability to synchronisation of oestrus in 463 mature heifers in the framework of preclinical and clinical experiments. Clinical tests and studies in the context of laboratory diagnostics have shown that 40 mg/die megestrol acetate, administered in two applications with twelve hours in-between and over 15 days, are necessary for maximum synchronisation effect. The resulting oestrus was found to be prolonged, with ovulations taking place within two or three days. Technological requirements in this context are discussed. Megestrol acetate is found to be suitable for oestrus synchronisation in heifer. Tests conducted under industrialised conditions have shown conception rates to be identical with those obtained by administration of chloromadinone acetate.  相似文献   

Long-term administration of relatively high therapeutic dosages of megestrol acetate to cats produced a progressive deterioration in glucose tolerance, with a significant (P less than 0.05) increase in mean fasting plasma glucose concentrations and decrease in mean plasma glucose clearance rates after six and 12 months of treatment. There appeared to be no relationship, however, between the development of glucose intolerance and circulating growth hormone (GH) concentrations in the cats of this study, since no significant rise in plasma GH concentrations was detected during the 12 month period of megestrol acetate treatment. Administration of megestrol acetate also produced a progressive decrease in both resting plasma cortisol concentrations and cortisol concentrations after ACTH stimulation. Three months after discontinuation of megestrol acetate, the elevated fasting plasma glucose concentrations, decreased glucose clearance rates and subnormal plasma cortisol concentrations all returned to normal pretreatment values, indicating resolution of glucose intolerance and hypoadrenocorticism. The results of this study demonstrate that administration of megestrol acetate to cats can produce a state of moderate to severe glucose intolerance, which is usually reversible after cessation of treatment. Although the exact mechanism of the glucose intolerance and overt diabetes mellitus induced by progestagen treatment of cats remains unclear, it is likely that these alterations in glucose metabolism result primarily from the glucocorticoid activity intrinsic to megestrol acetate.  相似文献   

Megestrol acetate is widely used for oestrus control in the bitch and cat. Field reports suggested that the compound may also be used successfully in male animals for the control of undesirable behaviour. Previous surveys have indicated that the following signs or combinations of signs presented a real problem to the owners of male dogs: aggression (dominant or fear-induced), mounting, territory marking by urination, roaming, excitability and destructiveness. In the present study the efficacy of megestrol acetate was assessed using a defined dosage regime in 163 dogs exhibiting one or more of the above signs. Seventy-five per cent of dogs improved during treatment, and 64 per cent of dogs assessed three months after the end of treatment had maintained their improvement. The incidence of side effects was found to be low.  相似文献   

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