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《Fisheries Research》2007,88(2-3):229-239
North Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, used to migrate to northern European waters (Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, and Øresund) where it supported important commercial and sportfisheries. The species disappeared from the region in the early 1960s and the species is now still extremely rare. The factors which led to the development of the fishery and its subsequent decline remain unclear and poorly documented. This investigation documents the development of the fishery in terms of landings, effort, and gears with focus on the time period from 1900 to 1950 when landings were increasing. The species was frequently sighted while fishermen were targeting other species (herring, mackerel) and occasionally was caught as bycatch with these and other species. Information from scientifically trained observers demonstrate that tuna schools were common in the North Sea for 2–3 months during the summers of 1923–1931. As fishermen realized that the species had market value, new catch methods were developed and employed. These included harpoon-rifle, improved hook and line methods, and hydraulically operated purse seines. Landings rose sharply as did the number of vessels and the capacity of processing facilities for bluefin tuna. Bluefin tuna in this area were generally medium-large (>50 kg whole weight). The most important countries which participated in bluefin tuna fisheries in this period were Norway, Denmark and Sweden, but bluefin tuna were also exploited by France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Similarly sportfishing increased in popularity in some of these countries and attracted many foreign participants. The increase in landings between 1900 and 1950 was driven particularly by an increase in fishing effort and technology. We found no evidence that the increase was due to a temperature-related shift in habitat into the region. Our results demonstrate that the species was an important part of the ecosystem at least back to the early 1900s and that commercial and recreational fisheries were well established in northern European waters before official ICCAT records.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying spatial heterogeneity in ichthyoplankton communities in the SW Atlantic, we examined for the first time the latitudinal and continental shelf–slope gradients in ichthyoplankton structure and oceanographic features in the Campos Basin during the relaxation phase of coastal upwellings (late autumn to early winter). This region, located on SE Brazil's continental margin, is the most productive offshore oil basin in the country and has ecological relevance owing to the existence of areas that experiences mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) processes (eddies, filaments, and upwelling) caused by the interaction of continental shelf and slope circulation with deep water masses. The present study collected a total of 3892 fish eggs and 10,030 larvae from 36 sampling stations, averaging 22 eggs per 100 m3 and 56 larvae per 100 m3. A total of 250 taxa (5 for fish eggs and 248 for larvae) were identified, encompassing 80 families and 145 genera. Species distribution exhibited a considerable degree of spatial variability, which was related mostly to hydrological characteristics. In general, greater densities were associated with higher nutrient concentrations areas. Through distance-based Redundancy Analysis, some discriminating species were found to associate with certain areas of the continental shelf characterized by colder temperatures. The ichthyoplankton distribution patterns suggested a potential influence from mesoscale oceanographic fronts, specifically those that induce upwelling of the cold and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water. Nonetheless, the methodologies used in this study faced challenges in distinctly identifying these processes.  相似文献   

In order to understand the processes affecting early survival of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus population in the Seto Inland Sea, we examined the monthly fluctuations in the abundance and survival rates from eggs to recruits (15-day-old larvae, 13?mm in standard length fish, defined as 1-month-old fish) during their main spawning season from 1980 to 2007. The abundance of the yolksac larvae positively correlated with the abundance of eggs, but the abundance of recruits did not significantly correlate with the abundance of yolksac larvae. These results imply that the survival rate during the egg stage is relatively stable, but that the rate during the larval stage is variable. Of the three most recent decades (1980s, 1990s and 2000s), the abundance of recruits was highest in the 1980s. The decrease in the abundance of recruits after the 1990s can be considered to have occurred through a decline in survival rate during the larval stage because there were no significant differences in egg abundance, yolksac larval abundance, and survival rates during the egg stage in the three decades of the study period.  相似文献   


This study was aimed to investigate the effects of dietary β-carotene supplement for 42 days on lipid and protein oxidation biomarkers in carp meat at different times of storage. Seventy-five fish were divided into three groups: group 1 as control group was fed with basic diet; groups 2 and 3 received 50 and 100 mg kg?1 diet β-carotene, respectively. Based on the present study results, muscle malondialdehyde concentrations were significantly lower following β-carotene consumption at 0, 24, 72, and 96 h after harvest in group 3 compared to the control group (p < 0/05). Muscle protein carbonyl contents showed a significant decrease following β-carotene supplementation at 0, 48, and 96 h after harvest in group 3 compared to the control group. Ferric reducing antioxidant power values were significantly increased following β-carotene supplementation at 72 and 96 h after harvest in group 3 compared to the control group. The results indicated that β-carotene supplementation with a dose of 100 mg kg?1 diet is largely effective to improve the oxidative status of carp meat by reducing lipid and protein oxidation.  相似文献   

Small‐scale driftnets (SSDs) have been historically used in the Mediterranean without major environmental concern. The introduction of large‐scale driftnets caused unwanted catches of protected species. Specific regulations were therefore issued in European waters, culminating in a proposed moratorium on SSDs. This study aimed to characterise the SSD fishery targeting anchovy (menaide), evaluating its environmental sustainability, economic performance and social relevance. In 2013, a survey by interviews, logbooks and observers on board assessed the order of magnitude of this fishery in terms of fishing capacity and activity, volume of landings and revenues. The menaide fleet consisted in 60 vessels <12 m overall length, moored in little harbours in southern Italy. These nets are highly selective: the target species, European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus (L.) and sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum), dominates the catches, while discards are negligible. The anchovies caught are of high quality and large size; the high prices support fish processing by local factories. Moreover, the results of a SWOT analysis demonstrated that replacing SSDs with a semi‐industrial fishery, like purse seining, would increase impacts on the ecosystem, and a loss of socio‐economic opportunities for several coastal villages. These findings support the option of keeping SSDs operating, in the framework of specifically oriented management measures.  相似文献   

This investigation was performed to monitor hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT, and its metabolites, refered to as DDTs), plasma levels of estradiol-17β (E2), and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) between sampling sites of unpolluted ponds of Gujartal, Jaunpur (control site) and the polluted rivers Gomti (Jaunpur) and Ganga (Varanasi), which affect the reproductive physiology of some edible catfish and carp during the pre-monsoon season. HCHs and DDTs were measured by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and hormones by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The results indicated that the level of HCHs and DDTs was very high in both the catfish and the carp captured from the polluted rivers compared with the fish captured from the control site. The GSI and E2 values were lower in both groups of fish when compared to the fish from the control site. The results also indicate that catfish showed greater bioaccumulation of HCHs and DDTs than carp, above the permissible limit, as compared to the fish from the control site. In conclusion, fish from the Gomti and Ganga rivers were highly polluted when compared with fish from the control site, as was evident from high levels of tissue bioaccumulation of HCHs and DDTs and decreased levels of plasma E2, inhibiting the reproductive physiology of these species at the receptor level. The levels exceeded the maximum residue limits (MRL) as recommended by Codex, hence it is suggested that the fish should be avoided for food purposes.  相似文献   

This study represents the first quantitative analysis of the characteristics of the distribution areas and stomach contents of common minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata, sei whale B. borealis, and Bryde’s whale B. edeni in relation to oceanographic and prey environments in mid summer in the western North Pacific. Common minke whales were distributed within subarctic regions and the northernmost region of the transitional domain, coinciding with the main habitat of their preferred prey, Pacific saury Cololabis saira. Sei whales were mainly found in the northernmost part of the transition zone and showed prey preference for Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonica, which was significantly more abundant in the main distribution area of the whale than in its adjacent areas. “Hot spots” of Bryde’s whales were found in several regions of the transition zone between the subarctic boundary and the Kuroshio front. This whale species preferred Japanese anchovy as prey, for which the distribution density was significantly higher in the main distribution area of the whale than in the adjacent areas. These results indicate that the summer distributions of Pacific saury and Japanese anchovy greatly influence the distributions of these whale species, suggesting that the whales’ habitat selection is closely related to their prey selection.  相似文献   


This study provides abalone producers and consumers with price forecasting models exhibiting better performance for five classes of abalone prices based on shell size to help farmers predict abalone shipments and enhance the economic activity of consumers. First, the autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) models of abalone producer prices based on information criteria are selected. Second, the best ARMA model using out-of-sample data based on the mean squared error and mean absolute error is determined. Finally, this study compares the predictive accuracy of the better ARMA model and other ARMA models, using a modified Diebold–Mariano test. Higher forecasting accuracy is exhibited by the AR (1,3) model for 8 and 10 abalones per kilogram, the ARMA (1,0) and ARMA [(3),(1)] models for 13 abalones per kilogram, the ARMA (1,0) and ARMA [(1),(2)] models for 15 abalones per kilogram, and the ARMA (1,0) and ARMA (0,1) models for 20 abalones per kilogram.  相似文献   

Chen  Yu-Kai  Pan  Chia-Yi  Wang  Yi-Chen  Tseng  Hsiu-Ju  Su  Bo-Kun  Lee  Ming-An 《Fisheries Science》2021,87(1):131-144
Fisheries Science - In this study, the interannual variations of ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Taiwan Strait (TS) during the winters of 2007–2013 were determined. The cold China Coastal...  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between ion levels (Na?, Cl?, K?, Ca2?, and Mg2?) in the fluid phase and total chyme of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract segments of freshwater and marine-estuarine teleosts collected in different salinities (0-34 ppt) in estuarine and freshwater portions of the S?o Gon?alo channel, southern Brazil. In addition, the relative contribution of feeding and osmoregulation to the ionic content of each portion of the gastrointestinal tract of fishes collected in different ambient salinities was analyzed. There was no relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of the segments of the gastrointestinal tract when considering all species together. However, there was a significant positive relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of two fish species (Micropogonias furnieri and Genidens barbus) collected in three or more different salinities. In most species, ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme changed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, suggesting absorption, but the ionoregulatory mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract seem to vary according to species.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for simulation and modelling of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) population in the Strait of Gibraltar to discriminate the environmental effects of fishery impacts. A discrete biomass–abundance dynamic model was implemented to obtain a simulated monthly time series of blackspot seabream biomass. On this simulated time series, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were fitted. The best ARIMA fit provided a significant correlation of 0.76 and persistence index higher than 0.85. The proportion of variance non‐explained by the ARIMA models was correlated with a time series of sea surface temperature (SST) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The analysis of global, annual and winter correlation between the proportion of variance not explained by the ARIMA models and environmental variables showed that significant associations were not detected over the full time series. Our analysis therefore suggests that overexploitation is the main factor responsible for the commercial depletion of blackspot seabream in the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

Since 2006, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has mandated gear modifications (“chain mats”) and fishing effort reductions in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic sea scallop dredge fishery to alleviate or minimize interactions with sea turtles. Turtle interactions with gear can be defined as those that are “observable” based on standard fishery observer protocols, plus unobserved interactions, which include both quantifiable and unquantifiable interactions. Once a gear modification is in place, a turtle interaction that was once observable may become unobservable, because the gear modification successfully prevented the turtle from being captured. This paper describes turtle interactions in scallop dredge gear from 2001 to 2008, identifies gear and environmental correlates with observable interaction rates, and reports the average annual number of interactions and adult-equivalent interactions before and after chain mats were mandated in the fishery. Fisheries observer data were used to develop a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) to estimate rates of observable interactions of hard-shelled turtles. These rates were applied to commercial dredge fishing effort to estimate the total number of observable interactions, and to infer the number of unobservable, yet quantifiable interactions after chain mats were implemented. Interaction rates of hard-shelled turtles were correlated with sea surface temperature, depth, and use of a chain mat. The average number of annual observable interactions of hard-shelled turtles in the Mid-Atlantic scallop dredge fishery prior to the implementation of chain mats (1 January 2001 through 25 September 2006) was estimated to be 288 turtles (CV = 0.14, 95% CI: 209–363), which is equivalent to 49 adults. After implementation of chain mats, the average annual number of observable interactions was estimated to be 20 turtles (CV = 0.48, 95% CI: 3–42), equivalent to 4 adults. If the rate of observable interactions from dredges without chain mats had been applied to trips with chain mats, the estimated number of observable and inferred interactions of hard-shelled species after chain mats were implemented would have been 125 turtles per year (CV = 0.15, 95% CI: 88–163). Results from this analysis suggest that chain mats and fishing effort reductions contributed to the decline in estimated turtle interactions after 2006.  相似文献   

To develop ways to catch fewer undersized specimens of Jasus frontalis in the traps of the rock lobster fishery off the Juan Fernández Archipelago (Chile), we studied the use of lobster traps with different-sized escape vents (circular windows of 80, 85, or 90 mm diameter). The traps used in the present fishery served as controls. Selection curves were fit to each of the vent sizes examined in the study. The method of alternating hauls was used for this purpose in a manner similar to that employed with trawl nets. We compared the size–frequency distributions obtained for each vent size with those determined for the control traps. We monitored 2437 traps and obtained a total catch of 13,444 specimens. Undersized individuals decreased in the catch as the diameter of the openings increased. The selection curves fit a logistic-type model adequately. A direct relationship was established between the vent size and the length corresponding of the first catch (L50). The CPUE for legal-sized rock lobster increased in traps having up to 85-mm vents, but this yield dropped in traps fitted with 90-mm vents. The CPUE for undersized rock lobster, however, was inversely proportional to the size of the vents. Unlike typical selectivity literature that relies on the L50, the objective of this study was to maximize the number of legal (≥98 mm Lc) specimens retained in the traps while simultaneously minimizing the retention of undersized specimens. To achieve this, we used a model relating vent size to L50 and the slope of the selection ogives. The optimal diameter for vents in this fishery was determined to be 83 mm. Furthermore, underwater recordings were used to register the escape behavior of the lobsters. These recordings contributed new data on the way in which the lobsters detect, confront, and escape through the vents.  相似文献   

The distribution and movement between habitats with growth of the hard clam Meretrix lusoria were examined by comparing the size–frequency distributions among 17 sites in the Shirakawa–Midorikawa Estuary of the Ariake Sea. This clam is a commercially important bivalve in Japan, and its annual catch is largest in the Ariake Sea. At the study sites, new recruits were abundant at river mouths, and density was strongly affected by the distance from coastal tidal rivers and streams. In contrast, adults were widely distributed on tidal flats, although density was low at many sites. At marine site Oda, the density of adults was higher than that of new recruits at all sites and higher than that of juveniles at most sites. These results indicate that this species moves from riverine sites to marine sites with growth. Moreover, the observed low density of adult clams may indicate overfishing. The active movement of M. lusoria across the fishing grounds complicates the sustainable resource management of this species. Therefore, further studies are needed for effective resource management of M. lusoria.  相似文献   

The stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (L.), is a typical and dominant intermediate host of Raphidascaris acus in lowland streams of Central Europe. The prevalence of infection of R. acus in B. barbatula from the River Haná ranged throughout the year from 73.3 to 100%. The abundance and the mean intensity of infection also varied throughout the year with a peak in September. Larvae were located mainly in the liver parenchyma. High numbers of larvae and their migration through the tissue caused cyst- or abscess-like formations in the host parenchyma. The severity of the disease condition ranged from mild to severe. We speculate that the infection of stone loach by R. acus larvae regulates the population density and abundance of the intermediate host in lowland streams where natural predators are absent.  相似文献   

A predator–prey model was applied to the red grouper Epinephelus morio fishery from Yucatan, Mexico, with the aim of understanding the spatial behaviour of a mid-sized fishing fleet. The heterogeneity of the environment was considered, and different habitat quality levels were determined to address environmental differences. The behaviour of the fleet was also evaluated based on a simulation of restricted fishing areas (RFA). The model was applied utilising 5 years of information on catch and fishing effort (1973–1977). Four levels of habitat quality were defined (low, medium, high and exceptional). The total costs and revenue for a fishing expedition in the areas of exceptional habitat quality were higher due to their location farthest from the base port. The fleet was most efficient during the winter at locations in the eastern continental shelf, with the number of these areas clearly decreasing in the autumn. The model simulation of the RFA showed a total revenue reduction of 7–27 % in scenarios of RFA for adult protection. When the RFA was implemented for the protection of juvenile fish, the total revenue was not reduced, indicating that this type of RFA might be a feasible management strategy for a sustainable fishery.  相似文献   

Fish farms have been shown to aggregate large numbers of wild fish in their surroundings. Although little is known about how this affects the local fishery, two hypotheses have been put forward; a trapping and a protecting effect on wild fish. This study provides the first monitoring of commercial and recreational fishing activity at a fish farm. We assessed the effect on the small‐scale fishery analysing the differences between fishing in farm proximity and away from the farm (in terms of catch rate, income and catch composition). Moreover, we estimated the biomass removal from fishing activities by farm employees inside the farm. The study was conducted from January 2011 to June 2012 at a Gilthead seabream farm in the NW Mediterranean. The findings revealed a relevant amount of commercial and recreational fishing effort in farm proximity. Yet, the results showed no benefit or difference of fishing in close proximity to the farm compared with areas away from the farm. Thus, we conclude that farm‐aggregated fish are protected from the commercial fleet by the farm leasehold area, but remain vulnerable to hidden fishing practices inside the farm, where farm employees harvest more than 4 t of wild fish annually.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the population density of ayu and the survival rate, number of ayu caught by “Tomozuri” angling and total fishery catch, ayu were introduced into experimental ponds with currents at densities of 1.1–6.1/m2 in 2011 and 2012. After stocking in May, fishing was conducted from early July to late August or early September. The proportion of dead ayu in each pond was less than 20 % through the experiment and was not correlated with the initial density of ayu in either year. The growth rates of ayu that were fished and that remained in ponds to the end of the experiment were negatively correlated with the initial density. However, the number and catch of ayu fished by Tomozuri peaked at an initial density of 2.6–4.7/m2. Medium- and large-sized ayu heavier than 30 and 50 g, respectively, caught by fishing peaked at initial densities of 2.6/m2 and 2.1–2.6/m2. These results suggest that the traditional criterion on the stock density of ayu, 0.6–0.7/m2, is too low from the viewpoint of Tomozuri angling, and recent stock densities used in many prefectures, 0.5–2.0/m2, are not sufficient.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the bacterial communities in the shrimp and sea cucumber culture environment, including shrimp ponds (SP), sea cucumber ponds (SCP), mixed-culture ponds (MCP) and the effluent channel (EC) in Qingdao, China. Bacteria cultivation showed that the counts of heterotrophic, nitrate-reducing and sulfate-reducing bacteria in the sediment of SP were higher than that in the sediment of SCP and MCP, varying between 8.7 × 104 and 1.86 × 106, 2.1 × 104 and 1.1 × 105, and 9.3 × 101 and 1.1 × 104 CFU g?1, respectively. In contrast, the counts of ammonium-oxidizing and nitrifying bacteria in the sediment of SP was lower than that in the sediment of SCP and MCP. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA gene and dendrogram analyses showed that bacterial diversity in the mixed-culture environment was higher than that in the monocultures. The similarity of bacterial community between EC and SCP or MCP was higher than that between EC and SP. These results indicated that sea cucumber culture played a significant role in influencing the environmental bacterial communities that were composed mainly of Flavobacteriaceae (64.3%), Bacteriodetes (21%) and delta proteobacteria (14.7%), including the genera of Croceimarina, Lutibacter, Psychroserpens and so on. The results explained the benefit of sea cucumber culture in shrimp ponds at the level of microbial ecology.  相似文献   

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