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牧草种质资源是草业乃至草地畜牧业发展的关键。针对牧草品种少、产量低等问题,从丰富遗传资源出发,陕西省榆林市近年来引进了若干牧草、生态草种,通过对其适应性、丰产性等性能进行观测,以筛选出若干适合当地立地条件的草种。对陕西省榆林市12个县(区)的草种引进、种植及利用情况进行了调查、分析,以期对该地区今后的草种引进工作起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

贵州优良草品种引种选育及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州主要地方优良草种选育及利用在贵州草地畜牧业发展和石漠化治理中具有重要意义,研究结合近年来的科研工作,综述了贵州近30年来在主要地方优良草种选育利用方面的主要成就。结果表明,自贵州草地畜牧业兴起以来,广大科技人员为解决草地生产用种问题,先后引进国内外优良草种10余种累计100多份品种资源,并多次考察收集贵州野生牧草品种资源近1 000份,经过整理、鉴定,发掘了一批重要的育种材料。近15年来,采用引种驯化筛选、选择育种等方法先后选育牧草新品种9个,对促进贵州草地畜牧业的发展做出了一定的贡献。还分析了贵州牧草育种存在的主要问题并展望了今后育种研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

外来草种在青藏高原地区难以正常生长,加之青海省育成牧草品种少;缺乏重点草种的收集和系统评价;对各材料之间的变异及重点草种的遗传多样性、核心种质研究少:除燕麦属、披碱草属草种在青海省覆盖推广面积较大外,其他牧草良种还未建立起合理有效的牧草良种繁育体系和区域性种子生产基地,多数牧草品种繁育体系不健全。针对上述问题,笔者认为,在继续开展牧草种质资源收集整理工作基础上,应加强青藏高原乡土草种的驯化选育。在饲草品种选育上,把消化能作为一项育种目标考虑进去,选出优良的刈用型饲草品种;在生态建设上,结合牧草保水和耐牧性能,选育出不同用途的生态型和牧用型牧草品种;积极探索辐射育种、太空育种、分子育种等高新技术;建立健全牧草良种繁育和推广体系,加快牧草良种产业化进程。  相似文献   

生态建设与保护是三江源区今后很长一个时期所面临和解决的课题,草种的引种驯化是草地生态建设基础的一环。对三江源区草种的引种驯化状况作了简要的概述,从生物资源保护和牧草资源开发出发,充分收集、保存三江源区草地有价值的草种和种质资源材料,与生产和科研相结合,围绕优良草种发掘和开发,是目前三江源区牧草引种驯化的重点。  相似文献   

现代生物技术在牧草生产中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李琼  周汉林 《草业科学》2005,22(10):18-25
牧草研究和开发在我国生态建设和草地畜牧业发展等方面具有十分重要的意义.对现代生物技术在牧草品种资源保存、牧草基因克隆与表达的分析研究和牧草育种方面的应用研究进展作一综述,为今后我国开展牧草种质资源研究和育种工作提供参考.  相似文献   

位于青藏高原的青海天然草地,是世界上高寒类牧草的种质资源库。天然草地上野生牧草的优良品质,如抗寒、抗旱等抗逆基因和特殊种性是在世界其他地区所无法寻觅的,也是弥足珍贵的种质资源。据2007年调查统计,青海省有禾本科植物59属257种32个亚种及变种,并且已经有不少引进种和栽培种,已成为高寒牧区适宜种植的当家品种。因此,保护青海天然草地上极具挖掘潜力的牧草种质资源,深入研究和合理开发利用牧草资源是十分必要的。  相似文献   

内蒙古野生苜蓿种质资源及其开发利用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苜蓿属(Medicage L)植物全世界有65种,分布很广,野生和栽培种均有。开发利用当地野生苜蓿种质资源,对解决当前半干旱和干旱地区可种植推广的牧草品种单调、缺乏主要草种问题至关重要。内蒙古地区野生苜蓿有黄花苜蓿、阿拉善苜蓿、天蓝苜蓿。野生苜蓿的开发利用对内蒙古地区的畜牧业生产有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

青海天然草地拥有十分丰富的牧草种质资源,部分牧草具有优良的抗逆基因。近年,青海省充分重视优质牧草种植资源的开发与保护工作,取得不错的成效。但目前依然有较多的问题存在,如总体数量偏少、缺乏丰富的保存方式等。需进一步完善优质牧草种质资源的保护与开发体系,促使优质牧草种质资源得到深入开发、利用与保护。  相似文献   

1吉林省牧草种质资源利用成就 吉林省牧草种质资源的创新利用研究工作可追溯至上个世纪50年代。经过广大牧草育种工作者的不懈努力,种质资源的创新研究工作己从初期的引种和野生品种栽培驯化发展到利用常规育种技术培育新品种阶段,  相似文献   

优质牧草是草牧产业可持续发展及生态环境建设的重要基础,培育优质牧草既可以满足家畜对饲草料质量与数量的需求,又可以用于建植人工草地,有效缓解大面积天然草地的供草压力,使其得以保护和修复。吉林省作为我国重要的畜牧业生产基地,草地资源丰富,但目前优质牧草品种匮乏已成为制约吉林省草牧产业发展的主要问题。笔者简要概述中国牧草培育研究工作进展的同时,结合吉林省自然生态条件和牧草培育现状,分析了吉林省牧草培育工作过程中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出完善牧草种质资源"收-鉴-评-研"一体化进程、提纯和复壮已育成牧草品种、因地制宜确定牧草育种目标、加强现代生物技术的应用、尽快健全优良牧草品种的"育-繁-产-推"体系的建议,以期为促进吉林省草牧产业的快速发展提供参考。  相似文献   

关于建立草原生态补偿机制的探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国森林生态补偿已经有所落实,而草原生态补偿尚未进行。基于草原为社会提供大量公益性产品、草原许多经济价值不允许变现、草原退化在一定程度上是由于为国家发展作出贡献以及由于草原地区贫困引起社会不公等原因,提出要进行草原生态补偿的观点。其目的是支持和鼓励草原地区更多地承担保护草原生态环境责任的同时,维持和发展社会经济。此外,文中还对草原生态补偿的原则、对象以及资金来源等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Plateau zokor (Myospalax fontanierii) is a native subterranean rodent in alpine rangeland on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) in China, and its foraging, digging, and mounds building cause the unique disturbance pattern to alpine rangeland ecosystem. Over the past decades, the zokors have been regarded as major pests who result in the degradation of the rangeland ecosystem in the QTP and have been simply eliminated by rodenticides or traps. Understanding the function of zokors and evaluating the zokors’ impacts on alpine rangeland systems should be the solid scientific basis for zokor control. In this study, we considered the average nearest neighbor indices of zokor mounds to represent the disturbance intensity of zokor to alpine rangeland and surveyed the plant species richness, diversity indices, biomass, and soil physicochemical properties in intermound areas under different zokor disturbance intensities in alpine rangeland in Tianzhu Tibet Autonomous County, located in eastern QTP. Our results indicated that 1) the plant species diversity indices were positively correlated with zokor disturbance intensity and aboveground and belowground biomasses were not significantly different under the different disturbance intensities; 2) the importance value of the forb functional group increased as the disturbance intensities increased, and the sedge functional group showed the opposite trend. The proportions of aboveground and belowground biomasses of forbs increased as the disturbance level increased; 3) there were no changes in the dominant plant species among the different disturbance intensities, but new plant species (Polygonum viviparum and Equisetum arvense) occurred in the plots with high disturbance intensities; 4) a significant positive correlation was observed between soil moisture in the 0-20 cm layer and disturbance intensity, while soil temperature exhibited a significantly negative relationship with the disturbance intensity; however, no differences in soil chemical properties were observed; and 5) redundancy analysis identified that mound building changed soil physical properties, especially soil moisture, in intermound areas, which influenced the plant community structure. In conclusion, the plateau zokor in our study area increased plant species diversity and did not decrease plant biomass, which is beneficial for alpine rangeland systems. We suggest that rangeland managers should consider the multiple functions of zokors to an alpine rangeland ecosystem instead of simply eliminating them.  相似文献   

藏族的草原游牧文化(Ⅱ)——藏区的草原和生产文化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
青藏高原是全球海拔最高的自然地域单元,由于地势高耸、气候寒冷而被称之为“地球第三极”.它是南亚、东南亚众水发源地,哺育了中华黄河、长江流域文明和印度河流域文明.至当代,它仍然对中华民族乃至南亚、东南亚人民的生存和发展有着决定性影响.草原分为高寒草原、高寒草甸、荒漠草原、高寒灌丛等.在各类草地类型中,以高寒草原与草甸草地...  相似文献   

通过对昭苏马场丘陵山地草原冬草场、春秋草场、河滩阶地草原春秋牧场、沟谷平地人工草地、前山带低山丘陵草甸草原冬草场进行定位观测研究,结果表明:草地年度内地上生物量变化随年度的季态变化而变化,而草地产量的增减变化幅度与草地的草群组合、利用状况及所处的位置有关。  相似文献   

通过对昭苏马场丘陵山地草原冬草场、春秋草场、河滩阶地草原春秋牧场、沟谷平地人工草地、前山带低山丘陵草甸草原冬草场进行定位观测研究,结果表明:草地年度内地上生物量变化随年度的季态变化而变化,而草地产量的增减变化幅度与草地的草群组合、利用状况及所处的位置有关。  相似文献   

论实施草原生态移民搬迁的必要性与可行性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了实施草原生态移民的必要性、可行性、困难和需要遵循的原则。失去赖以生存草地的牧民,居住在不适合人类居住草地区的牧民,严重荒漠化草地治理区的牧民,国家级自然保护区的核心区及缓冲区的牧民,大江、大河源头水源涵养区的牧民需要从天然草地迁出。实施生态移民需坚持以人为本、量力而行、循序渐进、因地制宜、可持续发展、先生产、后生活的原则。生态保护区、源头区、水源保护区的草地生态移民要尽快建立长期稳定的生态补偿机制。  相似文献   

以草地地上生物量为基础,运用经济学的市场价值法、物质量法、水量平衡法等方法对太仆寺旗和沽源县境内的农牧交错区草地的固定CO2、释放O2、土壤侵蚀控制、涵养水源、营养物质循环5项生态系统服务功能进行初步的评估。结果表明:由这5项功能构成的生态系统服务的间接价值在农区为16 668元/(hm2·a),在草原区为17 223元/(hm2·a)。尽管草原区的间接价值比农区的高3.33%,但研究所选的农牧交错区由于农业活动的干扰,并没有导致草地生态系统服务功能间接价值的显著下降。这说明维持现阶段的农业活动或退耕还草可能促进草地生态系统生态经济价值的可持续性发展;但若继续开垦和破坏草地,草地生态系统的服务功能可能会显著下降,草地所具有的生态屏障作用也会减弱甚至消失。  相似文献   

苏大学 《草地学报》2008,16(2):105-109
开垦草原、过度农垦和撂荒、过度利用水资源、超采地下水,导致干旱区土地沙化、沙尘源面积扩大;草原持续超载过牧,滥采滥挖草原的植物资源,无序开发草原矿产资源,人为破坏草原植被,造成草原沙化;超越水土资源承载力,追求高产出的不当农业经营方式,违反自然规律的生态建设,造就了新的沙尘源,助长了沙尘暴的暴发。通过采用资源可持续利用技术、降低草原和土地利用强度、恢复干旱草原以牧为主的经营方式等措施,可以提高植被覆盖度,减少裸露旱作农田、撂荒地等沙尘源面积,从而减少沙尘暴的暴发次数,减轻其危害程度。  相似文献   

In many developing countries where rangelands are a dominant land type and critically important in livelihoods of a significant portion of the population, severe rangeland degradation and/or conflicts over rangeland use can create significant social, economic, and environmental problems. In this paper, we review rangeland degradation in the developing world, its impacts and causes, discuss problems in applying rangeland science to improve rangeland conditions, discuss the role of rangeland scientists, and discuss our approach for enhancing rangeland science in international development. We suggest range scientists can provide valuable input and direction on issues of rangeland degradation (including state changes and impacts on ecosystem goods and services), provide guidance in methods and realistic opportunities for rangeland improvement to local users, government, and development organizations, and work to provide pastoralists with adaptive management in variable ecosystems. Conflict and poverty can create situations where a long-term goal of sustainable rangeland use is overwhelmed by short-term needs of safety and food security; however, providing science and training on sustainable management can make a difference where conflicts are not too severe and can help promote societal stability. Negative perceptions about aid are widespread, but the needs for improved conditions associated with multiple values of rangelands, and the needs of people utilizing these areas, are great. Conducting planning and projects with transparency and accountability will help promote more inclusive participation and successful projects. To be effective, a project needs to consider the needs of the people utilizing the project area but also provide to these communities information on values of the rangelands to other stakeholders (ecosystem services). Sustainable projects will require accountability and enhance self-reliance to allow community empowerment and adaptability to changes.  相似文献   

The creation of local institutions with a mandate over land access and control is seen as a prerequisite for successful decentralisation of land tenure and effective local resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. However, with land tenure reform in South Africa currently at a state of legislative impasse, real uncertainty now exists over land rights and governance of rangeland in many communal areas. This paper draws on case study material from Eastern Cape province to illustrate how this ongoing uncertainty has resulted in the operation of a range of traditional authority and civil society institutions in different communal areas with varying degrees of legitimate authority over land administration and highly variable performance in managing rangeland resources. Collective management of rangeland resources seems most difficult in environments where land rights are contested because of the coexistence of traditional leaders and civil society institutions. On this basis an approach to tenure reform is advocated, which vests all powers over local land administration in democratically elected and accountable civil society institutions. Some successful examples of this already exist and might serve to guide policy formation, which must be flexible enough to accommodate collective management approaches that emphasise cooperation both within and between communities.  相似文献   

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