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随车乳化器的设计及在495A柴油机上的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
设计了一种随车型乳化器,分析了其工作原理。研究了495A柴油机使用该乳化器时工作参数与油耗率的关系,用二次正交回归设计方法建立了油耗率与工作参数之间的数学模型,用优化的方法得到了柴油机的最佳工作参数。台架对比试验结果表明:在最佳参数条件下使用乳化器,在常用工况内,柴油机节油率可达2.1%~6.2%,排气烟度值明显降低。  相似文献   

玉米水平圆盘精密排种器型孔的研究   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
针对长期以来对水平圆盘精密排种器型孔参数的确定建立在经验基础上,难以保证设计的合理性及对具体种子尺寸如何选择合理型孔的现状,从水平圆盘精密排种器结构和工作原理出发,依据种子几何尺寸分布的特点,统计分析了具有代表特征的大圆、小圆、大扁和小扁4种不同玉米种子囊入型孔的状态特征,从理论上建立了型孔参数设计的数学模型;通过对型孔工作特性的台架试验,应用Lab Windows CVI软件编制的排种性能指标统计程序求出了4品种播种均匀性指标值,以唐抗5号种子为例,实证了型孔参数数学模型设计的合理性,此模型可作为水平圆盘精密排种器型孔参数的设计及根据不同种子类型选择型孔型式的依据。  相似文献   

基于数学形态学的相接触草莓果实的分割方法及比较研究   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6  
多个草莓在田间经常相互接触。为了便于机器人的自动化采摘,需将相接触的多个成熟草莓果实分开,并给出各个草莓的重心坐标。基于数学形态学的方法,研究了两种针对这种较复杂情况的成熟草莓果实分割的方法,即聚类快速分割法和分水岭区域分割法。首先对成熟草莓果实和背景使用BP神经网络方法进行分割,然后进行灰度化、二值化、孔洞填充等初步处理,最后分别利用聚类快速分割法和分水岭区域分割法分割相接触成熟草莓果实图像。两种分割方法可分别得到两个果实区域,通过对这两个区域计算重心即可为机器人采摘提供重心数据。结果表明,两种分割方法都能将相接触区域分开,各有优缺点和适用性。  相似文献   

新型组合吸孔式小麦精密排种器性能的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
在室内试验和田间试验的基础上,探讨了新型组合吸孔式小麦精密排种器的排种性能,分析了排种器转速、拖拉机前进速度以及投种高度等因素对其排种性能的影响。试验结果证明,新型组合吸孔式小麦精密排种器实现了单粒精密播种,粒距合格指数达到52%以上,粒距变异系数小于29%,拖拉机前进速度可以达到6 km/h,完全符合小麦精密播种的农业技术要求。  相似文献   

滴灌因其精量、可控而被认为是再生水最安全、可靠的灌溉方式,然而再生水中含有大量的颗粒物、营养盐分、有机物、微生物等物质使得灌水器堵塞机理变得更为复杂,堵塞风险也大幅度增加。该文在对灌水器堵塞物质-生物膜结构、组分变化特征进行分析,基于生物膜组分:干物质量(DW)、磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)和胞外聚合物(EPS)含量与灌水器堵塞程度之间显著的"S型曲线"关系明确了生物膜形成是诱发灌水器堵塞的根本原因。灌水器堵塞过程中表现为:再生水中微生物首先在滴灌系统毛管内部固定形成生物膜,并不断摄取、消耗水中的底物和营养物进行新陈代谢,分泌大量的胞外多聚物,并依靠胞外多聚物的黏性不断吸附微生物及固体悬浮颗粒物而引起生物膜不断形成、生长与脱落以及堵塞沉积物的不断聚集,而最终导致灌水器堵塞。从流道结构形式与几何参数、水体颗粒物特性、近壁面流动剪切力、灌溉水质以及灌水频率五个方面阐述生物膜的形成机制及影响因素。并分别从灌水器流道结构优化(增强流道自清洗能力,促进生物膜脱落)、抗菌材料开发(抑制微生物附着)、化学加氯、微生物拮抗与生长群体响应、微纳米气杀菌等多个角度出发提出了以生物膜形成为靶向目标的灌水器堵塞控制技术体系。最后从滴灌灌水器内部附生生物膜的水动力学-微生物学耦合作用机制研究、滴灌灌水器堵塞预报的综合模拟模型构建及灌水器设计参数合理阈值确定、协同考虑灌水器堵塞清除效应与土壤质量健康长期可持续发展的堵塞控制模式建立三个方面出发提出了再生水滴灌系统灌水器堵塞控制领域未来急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

土壤及地下水中氮污染的研究概况(上)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
武淑霞  温贤芳 《核农学通报》1994,15(5):245-248,F003,238

为了对含铜肥料、农药的使用提供科学依据,对桂北地区柑桔园不同品种,不同树龄植株的叶片样品60个、根系样品60个和植株耕地表层土壤样品46个,进行铜含量分析。结果表明,桂北地区柑桔园植株叶片铜含量极不均匀,介于3.5~72.3 mg/kg之间,平均7.90 mg/kg;根系铜含量较丰富,平均19.83 mg/kg,无缺铜现象,也不存在过量的现象;土壤有效铜含量范围为0.80~22.41 mg/kg,平均6.37 mg/kg,为高含量水平;同时发现耕作层土壤有效铜含量与土壤成土母质、土壤pH值、土壤有机质含量有关;土壤有效铜与植株铜含量呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   


Foliar analysis is an effective method to diagnose the nutritional status of plants. However, the mineral concentration in foliar tissue has traditionally been evaluated by assessing the activity of each element, without considering the interactions between them. To address this, dual interactions were calculated using the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) to identify which crop nutrients are most influential in nutrient imbalances and which are the most limiting nutrients for the nutritional status of banana crops in Ecuador. To achieve this, a regional survey of the nutritional status and its productivity levels was conducted for 188 different sites during the crop season in 2017–2018, involving banana cultivars ‘Vallery’ and ‘Williams’, from the Cavendish subgroup. The DRIS calculation method was combined with Beaufils and Jones functions. From the initial 188 foliar samples, 83 samples (representing 44% of the population) were considered to represent the high-yield reference population, with yields of 38–60 t ha?1. The DRIS method defined the mean nutritional balance index, which was not found to be statistically correlated (p?>?0.05) with productivity, revealing that there was no significant association with the nutritional status of the plants. Specific DRIS norms were obtained and indicated that deficiencies in K, N, Ca, and Fe, and excesses in Mn, B, Cl, Zn, S, Cu, and Mg were the most limiting nutrients for banana cultivars in the south of Ecuador.  相似文献   

Roots of the Fe-efficient tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cultivar Floradel) were cultured in an inorganic medium supplemented with glycine, thiamine, pyridoxine, and nicotinic acid, with sucrose as an energy and carbon source. Iron was supplied as ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid (FeHEDTA) and the initial PH was 5.5. Root growth was limited when less than 40 μm FeHEDTA was supplied. Roots grown at lower Fe concentrations decreased the pH of the FCR assay medium to a greater extent than did roots grown at higher Fe concentrations. Cultured roots grown with 10 μm FeHEDTA had increased levels of ferric chelate reductase (FCR) activity compared to roots grown with either lower or higher concentrations of FeHEDTA. Low FCR activity of roots grown at 2.5 or 5 μm FeHEDTA was attributed either to impaired metabolism due to Fe-deficiency or the lack of sufficient Fe for enhanced FCR formation. Roots of hydroponically grown tomato plants exhibited typical increases in FCR activity with Fe-deficiency. Based on these preliminary results, cultured roots were found to exhibit similar Physiological responses to Fe-deficiency stress as intact root systems. Cultured roots should provide a useful system for the investigation of the role of the root in plant Fe-deficiency stress responses as previously suggested by Bienfait et al.(Plant Physiol., 83, 244–247, 1987).  相似文献   

以东方百合"马可波罗"的花被片、花丝、花托、子房为外植体,建立快速无性繁殖系。在本实验条件下,诱导花托、花被片、花丝、子房产生丛芽的最佳培养基分别为:MS 6-BA 0.5~3.0 mg/L NAA 0.1~0.2 mg/L、MS 6-BA 2.0 mg/L NAA 0.2 mg/L、MS 6-BA 2.0 mg/L NAA 0.2 mg/L和MS 6-BA 1.0 mg/L NAA 0.2 mg/L;丛芽增殖的最佳培养基为MS 6-BA 1.0 mg/L NAA 0.1 mg/L;生根结鳞茎的最佳培养基为1/2 MS 糖50~80 g/L NAA 0.4~0.8 mg/L。  相似文献   

分析比较了龙眼各营养器官之间、同品种不同结果母枝类型间、同品种不同植株之间、不同龙眼品种之间的多糖含量。结果表明:龙眼各营养器官皆含有多糖成分,且差异显著,依次为叶(4.575%)>新梢(1.928%)>枝条(1.644%)>根(0.918%);同一营养器官仅在不同成熟期的部分龙眼品种间多糖含量存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Leaves of olive (Olea europaea var. minor rotunda) were collected from mature non-irrigated trees in an “off” year, at monthly intervals, from May 2015 to April 2016. Leaf concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and boron (B) were determined. Seasonal fluctuation curves were developed for each nutrient, in order to use them for interpretation of leaf analysis. Concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg showed significant fluctuation throughout the year, while B, Fe, Mn and Zn showed less intense changes. Nutrient accumulation varied according to tree vegetative growth and weather conditions.  相似文献   

图像拼接重建苹果树冠层器官三维形态   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为重建苹果树年生长期冠层器官三维形态,以休眠期、疏花期、成熟期苹果树冠层为研究对象,分别针对基于光合混合探测技术(photonic mixer detector,PMD)的摄像机与彩色摄像机获取的强度图像与彩色图像开展冠层图像拼接技术研究。利用Scale invariant feature transform算法的尺度不变特征,并结合Random sample consensus算法精确确定图像映射模型,避免了果园非结构光及图像尺度变换的影响。以此为基础,应用拉普拉斯金字塔分解与重构算法、分层确定融合规则,实现了不同生长期的冠层图像拼接,有效克服了传统融合算法反映细节信息能力差、拼接痕迹明显等缺点。果园不同环境下(晴天顺光、晴天逆光、阴天)的试验表明:提出的拼接方法适合于苹果树年生长期的冠层器官图像拼接,且算法的鲁棒性、速度及拼接精度均能满足冠层三维重建工作的要求,研究成果对提升剪枝、疏花、测产、采摘等果园管理的信息化水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Winter wheat grain yield is connected with radiation use efficiency (RUE). A suitable planting pattern and irrigation strategy are essential for optimizing RUE. In order to investigate the effects of planting patterns and irrigation frequency on winter wheat RUE, a field study was conducted with two planting patterns and three irrigation frequencies. The two planting patterns were wide-precision (WP) and conventional-spacing (CS). The three irrigation frequencies were irrigated 120 mm at jointing stage, 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages, and 40 mm each at jointing, heading, and milk stages. The results showed leaf area index (LAI) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in WP than in CS. In addition, the LAI in WP decreased with the increase in irrigation frequency. Under the same irrigation frequency, the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) interception and dry matter were higher in WP than in CS. In WP, reduced irrigation frequency significantly increased the PAR interception at 60 cm above the ground surface. The largest grain yield and highest RUE was found in WP when plants were irrigated twice. The results indicate WP in combination with irrigated 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages maximized the winter wheat grain yield and RUE.  相似文献   

The silk industry is important for south China's rural economy. Leaves of mulberry (Morus spp.) are used for silkworm production. Hubei province is one of the main silk‐producing provinces in China. The objectives of this research were to survey the fertilization practices in the mulberry‐producing regions in the province and to determine the best nutrition‐management practice for mulberry plantations. A survey and a series of field experiments with N, P, K, and micronutrients were conducted from 2001 to 2002. In addition, a silkworm‐growth experiment was also conducted by feeding leaves harvested from various fertilization treatments. The results indicate that poor soil fertility and unbalanced fertilization were the main factors limiting mulberry‐leaf yield and quality in Hubei province. Nitrogen fertilization of mulberry has reached a high level (454 kg ha–1 y–1) in Hubei province, but P‐ and K‐fertilization rates have not been matched with N‐fertilization rates as farmers are not aware of the significance of P and K. Balanced fertilization showed positive nutrient interactions with respect to mulberry yield and quality. Potassium application increased yield and quality (protein and sugar concentration) of mulberry leaves. Silkworm growth and cocoon quality were improved when silkworms were fed with the leaves derived from K‐fertilized plants in comparison with those taken from control plots. Application of Mg, S, and B also significantly improved leaf sugar, essential and total amino acid concentrations, but did not increase leaf yield significantly. It is concluded that a fertilizer dose of 375 kg N ha–1, 66 kg P ha–1, and 125 kg K ha–1 is suitable for the cultivation of mulberry in the Hubei province along with Mg, S, and B, wherever necessary, for the improvement of yield and quality of mulberry leaves.  相似文献   

2006年5~9月,采用PSYPRO水势仪,测定了库布齐沙地白刺的叶水势,对叶水势日变化、月变化进行了动态研究,并分析了其影响因子.结果表明:白刺叶水势的日进程在5月、6月、8月份表现双峰曲线变化,7月和9月份则表现单峰曲线规律,12:00左右通常是一天中叶水势的最低值;以6月份叶水势日变化为研究对象,表明水势与气温、光量子通量密度成显著负相关,与大气相对湿度、大气水势、土壤含水量成显著正相关.  相似文献   

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