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几种常用化学除草剂防除蔗地杂草试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄健君 《广西植保》2007,20(4):16-18
田间小区试验结果表明:在甘蔗出苗前和中耕培土后使用化学除草剂防除蔗地杂草,能有效降低人工劳动强度,提高防效,节约生产成本,增产增收。使用5种蔗地常用化学除草剂防除杂草比人工除草平均每公顷增产9 765kg,平均增收3 138.9元。38%阿特拉津胶悬液3 000ml/ha 80%阿灭净可湿性粉剂1 500g/ha混用杂草鲜重防效最好,增产效果显著。  相似文献   

The global area covered with transgenic (genetically modified) crops has rapidly increased since their introduction in the mid-1990s. Most of these crops have been rendered herbicide resistant, for which it can be envisaged that the modification has an impact on the profile and level of herbicide residues within these crops. In this article, the four main categories of herbicide resistance, including resistance to acetolactate-synthase inhibitors, bromoxynil, glufosinate and glyphosate, are reviewed. The topics considered are the molecular mechanism underlying the herbicide resistance, the nature and levels of the residues formed and their impact on the residue definition and maximum residue limits (MRLs) defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and national authorities. No general conclusions can be drawn concerning the nature and level of residues, which has to be done on a case-by-case basis. International residue definitions and MRLs are still lacking for some herbicide-crop combinations, and harmonisation is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

Economic and herbicide use impacts of glyphosate-resistant crops   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
More than 95% of United States maize, cotton, soybean and sugarbeet acres are treated with herbicides for weed control. These products are used to improve the economic profitability of crop production for farmers. Since their introduction in 1996, over 75 million acres of genetically engineered glyphosate-resistant crops have been planted, making up 80% of soybean acres and 70% of cotton acres in the USA. These genetically engineered crops have been adopted by farmers because they are perceived to offer greater economic benefits than conventional crop and herbicide programs. The adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops has saved US farmers 1.2 billion dollars associated with the costs of conventional herbicide purchases, application, tillage and hand weeding. With the adoption of glyphosate-resistant sugarbeets on currently planted sugarbeet acres, US growers could potentially save an additional 93 million dollars. The adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops by US agriculture has reduced herbicide use by 37.5 million lbs, although the adoption of glyphosate-resistant sugarbeets would dampen this reduction by 1 million lbs.  相似文献   

Reduced herbicide doses in field crops: A review   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Farmers are becoming increasingly interested in more comprehensive weed management programs that reduce weed populations over time and in the use of reduced herbicide doses that lower their production costs. Research indicates that there is good potential to reduce the number of herbicide applications and utilize lower herbicide doses within competitive cropping systems. Diverse crop rotations, competitive cultivars, higher crop seed rates, reduced row spacing, specific fertilizer placement, and cover crops have been identified as integral components of competitive cropping systems. This review paper explores the potential for successful use of reduced herbicide doses within competitive cropping systems that have a multiyear approach to weed management. The utilization of decision support systems or new methods of assessing active weed growth are discussed in light of further enhancing the successful use of reduced herbicide doses and advising farmers on when (and when not) they might be a viable option.  相似文献   

李香菊 《植物保护》2023,49(5):316-324
基因重组技术的发展突破了作物有性杂交的限制, 为培育耐除草剂作物提供了新途径。转基因作物种植产生了显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益, 种植面积迅速增长。全球转基因作物1996年仅170万hm2, 2022年种植面积扩大到2.022亿hm2, 增加了近120倍。面积最大的前5个国家转基因作物种植比例均在90%以上, 阿根廷种植比例接近100%, 耐除草剂性状一直是转基因作物的主要性状。2008年, 我国启动了转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项, 利用生物育种技术研发出中黄6106、DBN8002、DBN9936、DBN9858、DBN3601T等多个含有耐除草剂草甘膦基因的转化体, 并获得农业转基因生物生产应用安全证书。2021年-2023年, 我国在云南、内蒙古等地开展了转基因作物试点种植, 结果表明, 草甘膦在上述转化体及其衍生品种上应用, 除草效果好、增产节本优势明显, 适合不同的轮作与栽培模式。本文概述全球转基因作物的研发和商业化应用情况, 分析我国农田杂草危害现状及防控需求, 结合具体国情和转基因耐除草剂作物应用需求, 论述其在我国产业化应用的前景, 以期为转基因耐除草剂作物的研究、种植和草害可持续控制提供参考。  相似文献   

转基因耐除草剂作物的历史、现状及展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪80年代以来。以信息技术、生物技术、新材料新能源技术为代表的科技进步日新月异,其中,以植物基因工程为核心的农业生物技术的应用是对传统农业的重大技术革命。在近20多年中进入突飞猛进的阶段。据统计,从1996年商品化种植转基因(GM)作物以来,全世界每年的种植面积均以两位数的百分比增长,1996年总面积为170万hm^2,  相似文献   

Mechanisms of herbicide resistance include (1) modified target site, (2) enhanced detoxification or delayed activation, and (3) alterations in the uptake, translocation, or compartmentalization of a herbicide. The first two mechanisms have mainly been identified in plants. Herbicide resistance genes were isolated for several herbicides of different modes of action. Genes that coded for herbicide target or detoxification enzymes were transferred into crop plants. The transgenic plants expressing these genes were tolerant of the active ingredients of herbicides. Before commercialization, the transgenic plants were tested in the field for risk assessment. In the case of crops with herbicide detoxification enzymes, including cytochrome-P450-species-metabolizing xenobiotics, the substrate specificity of the enzymes as well as the toxicological properties of the herbicide metabolites and the pattern of secondary metabolites in plants must be evaluated. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The herbicide benzoylprop-ethyl (SUFFIX,a ethyl (±)-2-(N-benzoyl-3,4-dichloro-anilino) propionate) is applied post-emergence for the control of wild oats (Avena spp.) in wheat. During application some falls onto the soil and in the present work the possible uptake of residues from the soil, particularly by rotation crops has been studied using radioisotope techniques under indoor and outdoor conditions. Soil application at 1 kg/ha gave lower residues in wheat in the year of application than were found in previous studies using overall foliar-soil application. In the radiochemical experiments soil residues did persist into the following year, but residues in potatoes and wheat grown in these soils, although generally below the limit of determination (0.005 mg/kg), were occasionally just above this level (0.006 mg/kg). On the results of the present work, residues in rotational crops from soils treated in the previous year are unlikely to reach the limits of normal analytical determination.  相似文献   

磺酰脲类除草剂与杂草对其抗性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1磺酰脲类除草剂的概况1.1磺酰脲类除草剂的发展20世纪70年代末,美国杜邦公司Levitt等首次开发和报道了磺酰脲类除草剂绿磺隆的除草活性[1]。80年代初,这一除草剂开始进行大规模商品化生产,此后,又不断研制和开发了许多磺酰脲类除草剂新品种。此类除草剂问世以后,以其活性高、选择性强、杀草谱广及对动物安全等特性在世界各地得到广泛应用。目前有关磺酰脲类除草剂的专利有400多项,已商品化的有30多种。这类除草剂有很高的除草效率,用量一般为2~100 g/hm2,比传统除草剂的除草效率高100~1 000倍[2]。磺酰脲类除草剂对动物低毒,在非靶标生物…  相似文献   

Decision about pesticide application for pest control is an issue of major concern, but research on factors affecting decision-making is limited. This study investigates jointness in farmers' decision to apply pesticides in multiple crops and socio-economic determinants of pesticide use across crops using a survey of 2083 farms from 17 districts in Bangladesh applying a multivariate Tobit model. Overall, 75.4% and 12.7% of the farmers applied pesticides in one and two crops, respectively. The decision to apply pesticides in multiple crops was found to be negatively correlated, providing evidence of jointness. Also, individual socio-economic factors exerted variable influences on pesticide use in different crops. Output price significantly increases pesticide use whereas the influence of fertilizer price and labour wage is varied. Educated farmers use significantly more pesticides in rice and oilseed. Marginal and small farmers use significantly less pesticides in wheat/maize and pulse. Policy implications include price policies to reduce fertilizer prices and engaging agricultural extension agencies and non-governmental organizations to disseminate information on specific crop combinations which will synergistically reduce pesticide use.  相似文献   

农田杂草防治是农作物稳产高产的一个重要环节。化学除草剂以其高效、简便、经济的优势,一跃而成为我国现代农业中杂草治理的重要手段,但与此同时也带来了药害(对作物不安全)和抗药性问题。转基因技术的发展为培育耐除草剂作物品种提供了有力的手段。至今,全世界已培育出大量转基因耐除草剂作物品种。转基因耐除草剂作物的利用为拓宽除草剂的使用范围、减少作物药害带来了新的希望。本文在对国际上转基因耐除草剂作物的研发和商业化应用情况进行概述和分析的基础上,结合我国农作物生产的实际情况和小农户、多种作物混合种植的模式,提出转基因耐除草剂植物在我国开发利用的前景和相应的发展策略,以期为转基因耐除草剂作物的研究、开发和推广管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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