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Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) was introduced recently into Greece and is being cultivated experimentally for the production of liquid biofuel. A pilot survey was conducted in October 2005 to provide information on the species composition and density of its lepidopterous stem borers, which appear to cause severe losses in production. The dominant pest in that season wasSesamia nonagrioides Lefebvre, with a mean density of 1.41 larvae per plant. Larvae were sampled from various plant internodes and found to have a preference for the lower ones. Analysis of variance showed no significant effects on larval density of the irrigation levels or of the organic — conventional soil fertilization method. A significant negative correlation was found between the body length ofS. nonagrioides larvae and the internode from which they were retrieved. This is the first published report of sorghum borer pests in Greece. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 7, 2007.  相似文献   

Information on persistence ofBacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is needed to improve the microbial pest management programs against the pine processionary mothThaumetopoea wilkinsoni in pine forests in Israel. The persistence of the microbe under natural conditions of rain and sunlight was evaluated and is documented here for the first time. Pine saplings were sprayed with three commercialBt products, Foray 48B, Delfin WG and Dipel DF, all used at 32,000 IU mg−1 in a formulation with 1% (w/v) of condensed milk. In experiments conducted in November and December of 2004, the saplings were either exposed to rain and sunlight or were sheltered to avoid these environmental factors. The lowest rainfall recorded in the 8-day experiments was 16.5 mm (test 2) and the heaviest was 71.1 mm (test 1). Solar irradiation ranged from 9.4 to 10.9 MJ m−2. The minimum temperature was close to 10°C and the maximum was less than 23°C. Needles of the treated saplings and their controls were sampled after 0, 1, 5 and 8 days, and were fed to 1 st or 2 nd instar larvae. Dipel DF persisted better than Delfin WG and still retained its initial activity of 80–100% mortality on day 8 at low rainfall (test 2). Dripping ofBt from upper to lower branches was quantified with the larval bioassays. The milk formulation proved to be an effective rain-fasting adjuvant. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 4, 2007.  相似文献   

The susceptibility ofThaumetopoea wilkinsoni larvae toBacillus thuringiensis (Bt) formulations was screened in 2003 and 2004. Eggs and larvae were collected from pine forests in 11 geographical locations in Israel. Larval mortality bioassays were conducted with commercial formulations (Delfin WG, Dipel DF and Foray 48B) at concentrations ranging from 0.001% to 0.1%. Significant differences in susceptibility toBt were recorded among populations that were treated withBt intensively, frequently, or never. The mortality recorded in a population that was never treated withBt was twice that in an intensivelyBt-treated population. The correlation between susceptibility toBt and the possible resistance to the microbe is discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 31, 2007.  相似文献   

The development time and parasitization rate ofDiaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) onBrevicoryne brassicae (L.) feeding on differentBrassica cultivars was studied in the laboratory at 20°C. The shortest development time from egg to adult parasitoid was 11.6 days on cabbage cv. ‘Yalova 1’ and the longest was 12.1 days on turnip cv. ‘Antep’ and rapeseed cv. local variety. Females lived significantly longer than males on the host plants used in the study. Females and males had the shortest longevity on rapeseed at 11.1 and 5.1 days, respectively. The highest percent parasitism ofB. brassicae byD. rapae was found on cabbage (40.20%), and the lowest was recorded on turnip (32.64%). Our results demonstrate that parasitism rate could be influenced by the plant quality, probably due to the nutritional status of the aphids or to toxic compounds ingested through the plant. Cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli were found to be suitable plants for the parasitoid, considering the development time of pre-adults, and the parasitization rate ofD. rapae onB. brassicae. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 23, 2007.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of using sclerotia ofSclerotinia sclerotiorum for producing conidia ofConiothyrium minitans in liquid culture. The medium (SST) was made of water containing 2.0, 1.5, 1.0 or 0.5% (w/v) ground sclerotia ofS. sclerotiorum and 100 μgl −1 thiamine hydrochloride (HCl). One ml of conidial suspension (2 × 107 conidia ml−1) ofC. minitans LRC 2534 was inoculated into 100 ml of SST medium or control (thiamine HCl in water) and incubated at 20 ± 2°C on a shaker at 200 rpm. Subsamples were removed periodically and examined under a compound microscope. Conidia in the SST media germinated within 24 h, developed into branched hyphae within 48 h, produced pycnidia after 3–4 days, and the pycnidia released mature conidia after 7 days. Production of conidia varied with the concentration of sclerotia in the SST medium. It was lower (3.6 × 106 conidia ml−1) at 0.5% but higher (1.2 × 108 conidia ml−1) at 2%. The new conidia were viable and the colonies developing from them showed the original morphological characteristics. It was concluded that using SST liquid medium as a substrate for mass production of conidia ofC. minitans has potential for use in commercial development of this mycoparasite as a biocontrol product. http:www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 23, 2007.  相似文献   

The Nantucket pine tip moth (Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock) (Lep., Tortricidae)) has been found on Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia L.) in the Aegean Region of Turkey. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 12, 2006  相似文献   

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and its variant fuscans are the causal agents of common bacterial blight of bean. Production of seeds is recommended in arid climates with the use of pathogen-free seeds. However, contamination of seeds still occurs in these seed production areas. To verify if low contamination levels of sown seeds could explain these field contaminations, we used seeds that were naturally contaminated with CFBP4834-R, a rifamycin-resistant X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli fuscous strain, to contaminate field plots at different rates. We also inoculated seeds to verify some parameters of plant colonization and seed transmission. In growth chambers, seedling contamination was always successful from seeds contaminated with CFBP4834-R having population sizes greater than 1 × 103 CFU seed−1 and were not successful below 1 × 102 CFU seed−1. In the greenhouse, the efficiency of contamination of seeds was not significantly different between contaminated plants that had a low or a high CFBP4834-R population size and reached between 40% and 52% whatever the origin of the inoculum (aerial or seed-borne). In field experiments, under low relative humidity, plots with 0.1–0.003% contamination rates or plots sown with seeds that were inoculated with low CFBP4834-R population sizes (1 × 102 and 1 × 104 CFU seed−1) led to an asymptomatic colonization of bean during the entire growing season with low CFBP4834-R population sizes. Seeds were contaminated both in primary and secondary foci. The contamination of seeds without symptom expression during the growing season represents a risk for eventual disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

The variation and distribution of virulent phenotypes ofBremia lactucae Regel, the causal agent of lettuce downy mildew, were studied during 2002–2003 in lettuce fields (Lactuca sativa) in Israel. A total of 21 isolates ofB. lactucae were collected from nine locations in three regions of Israel: Galilee, the Coastal Plain, and the Shefela. The isolates were examined for the presence of 21 virulence factors (v-factors) and their combinations with differential sets of lettuce lines/varieties. There were clear differences in v-factors, and a broad diversity of v-phenotypes among the isolates was found. Although 17 different v-phenotypes and 20 v-factors were detected, a composite of similar v-phenotypes generally occurred between isolates within the three regions. They differed mostly in the presence or absence of only a few v-factors. The Coastal Plain region averaged the highest virulence complexity (0.63), significantly different from that of the Shefela (0.45) and of Galilee (0.4). Comparison of the IsraeliB. lactucae isolates that were tested in this study with data of other countries showed that factor v18, which did not occur in the Israeli populations, was detected only in Czech and German pathogen populations. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 21, 2006.  相似文献   

The employment of formulatedBacillus subtilis for peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea cv. ‘Shulamit’) counteracted the destructive effects of the seedborne pathogenSclerotium (Athelia)rolfsii on the nodulation, leghemoglobin and nitrogenase activity of peanuts. Moreover, the changes in crop vigor index, total nitrogen content and survivability of bothRhizobium spp. andB. subtilis have been related to compatibility and even an occasional synergism between them. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 12, 2006.  相似文献   

Pythium and Phytophthora species were isolated from kalanchoe plants with root and stem rots. Phytophthora isolates were identified as Phytophthora nicotianae on the basis of morphological characteristics and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the rDNA-internal transcribed spacer regions. Similarly, the Pythium isolates were identified as Pythium myriotylum and Pythium helicoides. In pathogenicity tests, isolates of the three species caused root and stem rots. Disease severity caused by the Pythium spp. and Ph. nicotianae was the greatest at 35°–40°C and 30°–40°C, respectively. Ph. nicotianae induced stem rot at two different relative humidities (60% and >95%) at 30°C. P. myriotylum and P. helicoides caused root and stem rots at high humidity (>95%), but only root rot at low humidity (60%).  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus causes yellow leaf disorder epidemics in many countries worldwide. Plants of Physalis ixocarpa showing abnormal interveinal yellowing and plants of Physalis peruviana showing mild yellowing collected in the vicinity of tomato crops in Portugal were found naturally infected with ToCV. Physalis ixocarpa and P. peruviana were tested for susceptibility to ToCV by inoculation with Bemisia tabaci, Q biotype. Results confirmed that ToCV is readily transmissible to both species. The infection was expressed in P. ixocarpa by conspicuous interveinal yellow areas on leaves that developed into red or brown necrotic flecks, while P. peruviana test plants remained asymptomatic. Infected plants of both P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana served as ToCV sources for tomato infection via B. tabaci transmission. This is the first report of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana as natural hosts of ToCV.  相似文献   

The development time, survivorship and reproduction ofTuberolachnus salignus (Gmelin) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) [Lachninae, Lachnini] were studied onSalix babylonica (weeping willow) andSalix matsudana (corkscrew willow) at five constant temperatures (17.5, 20, 22.5, 25 and 27.5°C). The development time of immature stages ofT. salignus ranged from 14.56 days at 17.5°C to 12.50 days at 25°C onS. babylonica, and 16.47 days at 20°C to 12.28 days at 25°C onS. matsudana. The total survivorship of immature stages ofT. salignus varied from 28% to 85% at 22.5 and 17.5°C, respectively, onS. babylonica, and from 13% to 63%, respectively, at 17.5 and 25°C onS. matsudana. The greatest intrinsic rate of increase occurred at 25°C onS. babylonica (0.2691) and also onS. matsudana (0.2607). The mean generation time of the aphid population ranged from 14.15 days at 25°C to 16.24 days at 17.5°C onS. babylonica, and from 14.33°C days at 25°C to 19.86 days at 20°C onS. matsudana. The optimal temperature forS. babylonica growth, development time, reproduction and percent survival was 25°C.  相似文献   

The development and reproductive rates ofTetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval (Acari: Tetranychidae), the carmine spider mite, were studied on two strawberry cultivars (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.; ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Sweet Charlie’) at three NaCl concentrations, 1760, 2400 and 3040 mgl −1, and control. The effects of NaCl application on the contents of plant nutrients, chlorophyll, proline, peroxidase activity (POX) and proteins were assessed. On Camarosa,T. cinnabarinus had a faster development rate with applications of NaCl than without, except for female development at the highest salinity level. The total development time of females increased with the NaCl concentration, whereas total development time of males decreased. The oviposition period and female longevity on Camarosa was significantly longer in the control than with NaCl, whereas daily and total fecundity were significantly higher at all NaCl concentrations than in the control, except for total fecundity at the lowest salinity level. The total development time, oviposition period, female longevity, daily and total fecundity on Sweet Charlie did not differ significantly between NaCl salinity levels and the control. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m ) on Camarosa and Sweet Charlie were significantly higher with NaCl than in the control. However, the contents of Na, Cl, P, chlorophyll, proline, POX and protein in the two strawberry cultivars changed depending on NaCl concentration. On the other hand, the K and N contents were not affected significantly by NaCl salinity. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 19, 2006.  相似文献   

The silverleaf whiteflyBemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) [also known as strain B of the sweetpotato whiteflyB. tabaci (Gennadius)] is a major pest of tomatoes due to both feeding damage and transmission of plant viruses. Certain wild species ofLycopersicon have demonstrated high levels of resistance to the pest. Greenhouse studies were undertaken to quantify the effects on whitefly behavior and mortality of individual, resistant plants selected from three accessions ofL. pennellii (Corr.) D’Arcy (LA 1340, LA 1674 and LA 2560), five accessions ofL. hirsutum f.typicum Humb. & Bonpl. (LA 386, LA 1353, LA 1777, PI 127826 and PI 127827) and one accession ofL. hirsutum f.glabratum C.H. Mull. (PI 126449). In no-choice experiments, fewer adults settled on leaflets of the wild species and deposited 75–100% fewer eggs compared to the cultivated tomato,L. esculentum Mill. Adult mortality ranged from 77–100% on wild accessions but was only 1% onL. esculentum. Most dead adults were trapped in glandular trichome exudates. The effects of these resistant accessions onB. argentifolii were mechanically transferable by appressing the trichome exudates onto the leaves of the susceptible tomato, indicating an association between the factors mediating the resistance and the glandular trichomes. Laboratory studies evaluated the repellent, fumigant and residual toxic effects of representative constituents of trichome exudates onB. argentifolii adults by using selected concentrations and probit analyses. RC50 values (estimated concentration to repel 50% of the adults) and LC50 values for fumigant and residual toxicity indicated that 2-tridecanone had low levels of repellent and residual toxicity activity; that 2-undecanone had high levels of repellent and fumigant activity; and that ginger oil (composed, in part, of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons) had high levels of repellent and residual toxicity activity. These studies suggest that multi-factor resistance exists in wild tomato germplasm. By combining genetically the observed chemical constituents of resistance into a single germplasm, the resulting resistance may be more difficult forB. argentifolii to overcome. http://www.phytoparasitica.org  相似文献   

The genera ofMicrogaster Latreille 1804 andHygroplitis Thomson 1895 from China are presented systematically in this paper. Thirty-two species ofMicrogaster and three species ofHygroplitis are known in China. Diagnosis, character variation, distribution and host of each species among the two genera are presented, including its host and distribution. Keys to the species ofMicrogaster andHygroplitis are given. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 19, 2006.  相似文献   

The differential interactions of V. longisporum (VL) and V. dahliae (VD) on the root surface and in the root and shoot vascular system of Brassica napus were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), using GFP tagging and conventional fluorescence dyes, acid fuchsin and acridin orange. VL and VD transformants expressing sGFP were generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. GFP signals were less homogenous and GFP tagging performed less satisfactory than the conventional fluorescence staining when both were studied with CLSM. Interactions of both pathogens were largely restricted to the root hair zone. At 24 h post-inoculation (hpi), hyphae of VL and VD were found intensely interwoven with the root hairs. Hyphae of VL followed the root hairs towards the root surface. At 36 hpi, VL hyphae started to cover the roots with a hyphal net strictly following the grooves of the junctions of the epidermal cells. VL started to penetrate the root epidermal cells without any conspicuous infection structures. Subsequently, hyphae grew intracellularly and intercellularly through the root cortex towards the central cylinder, without inducing any visible plant responses. Colonisation of the xylem vessels in the shoot with VL was restricted to individual vessels entirely filled with mycelium and conidia, while adjacent vessels remained completely unaffected. This may explain why no wilt symptoms occur in B. napus infected with VL. Elevated amounts of fungal DNA were detectable in the hypocotyls 14 days post-inoculation (dpi) and in the leaves 35 dpi. Root penetration was also observed for VD, however, with no directed root surface growth and mainly an intercellular invasion of the root tissue. In contrast to VL, VD started ample formation of conidia on the roots, and was unable to spread systemically into the shoots. VD did not form microsclerotia in the root tissue as widely observed for VL. This study confirms that VD is non-pathogenic on B. napus and demonstrates that non-host resistance against this fungus materializes in restriction of systemic spread rather than inhibition of penetration.  相似文献   

Willows (Salix spp.) are beneficial as a potential source of renewable energy, riparian barriers and riverbank control, yet are considered invasive weeds when they clog watercourses and lead to erosion and flooding. Interactions between willow rustMelampsora epitea (Thüm.) (Uredinales: Melampsoraceae) and leaf beetlePhratora spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feeding damage have an impact on effective pest management and biological control. The present study investigated the effects of(a) prior mechanical leaf damage on rust development, and(b) rust infection on beetle feeding under laboratory conditions for different time intervals and levels of damage. Willow rust infection significantly reduced the amount of leaf area consumed by beetles. The result was similar when a compatible or an incompatible rust pathotype was sprayed ontoSalix viminalis (L.) ‘Mullatin’ plants. There were no overall significant effects of mechanical damage on rust development, although the lowest level of rust infection was found with the incremental damage treatment. There were, however, differences of significance for leaf position and damage status, with damaged leaves at all positions having fewer pustules and a smaller pustule area than the corresponding undamaged leaves. There was no detectable effect of possible volatile emissions from crushed willow leaves on rust infection and development, although the volatile compoundcis-3-hexenyl acetate significantly reduced pustule diameter and overall pustule area. The results are discussed in terms of the implications for pest management and biological control. Corresponding author http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting April 6, 2003.  相似文献   

Serial passage experiments (SPE) of a Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) isolate were performed on Zhong ZH and TC14 wheat lines to evaluate the durability of their resistance to BYDV. At different passage numbers (from the 2nd to the 114th), biological properties of the produced isolates were recorded either by monitoring infection percentages and virus titers of the first 3 weeks of viral infection or by measuring their impact on yield components. Statistical analyses using the area under pathogen progress curves and the area under concentration progress curves demonstrated that these two resistant lines induce, after only a few passages, a selection of variant(s) with significantly modified infection abilities. Isolates resulting from SPE performed on these lines induced important decreases of yield components. These results indicate that the use of Zhong ZH and TC14 lines in BYDV-resistant breeding programmes should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

Four lines (designated MR0, MR1, MR2, and M8) from 13 accessions of Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima were selected on the basis of phenotypes produced after foliar rub-inoculation with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV). The susceptible phenotype developed bright yellow local lesions, whereas the resistant phenotype had symptoms ranging from no visible lesions to necrotic lesions at the inoculation site. MR1 and MR2 lines had a resistant phenotype depending on the isolate and the MR0 line was susceptible to all isolates of BNYVV tested. The M8 line was highly susceptible; the virus spread systemically and caused severe stunting. These plant lines will be useful for distinguishing BNYVV isolates having different pathogenicities, especially those controlled by RNA3 and/or RNA5.  相似文献   

Leaves of Xanthium strumarium infected with downy mildew were collected in the vicinity of a sunflower field in southern Hungary in 2003. Based on phenotypic characteristics of sporangiophores, sporangia and oospores as well as host preference the pathogen was classified as Plasmopara angustiterminalis. Additional phenotypic characters were investigated such as the size of sporangia, the number of zoospores per sporangium and the time-course of their release. Infection studies revealed infectivity of the P. angustiterminalis isolate to both X. strumarium and Helianthus annuus. Inoculation of the sunflower inbred line, HA-335 with resistance to all known P. halstedii pathotypes, resulted in profuse sporulation on cotyledons and formation of oospores in the bases of hypocotyls. Infections of sunflower differential lines often led to damping-off. Molecular genetic analysis using simple sequence repeat primers and nuclear rDNA sequences revealed clear differences to Plasmopara halstedii, the downy mildew pathogen of sunflower.  相似文献   

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