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The spawning behaviour of wild caught brood stock as well as early egg and larval development were studied in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). Spawning occurred naturally in the austral spring/summer (November-February) when the seawater temperature was above 17 °C. Courtship behaviour involved one male and female, and consisted of a high-speed pursuit punctuated by stalling, nipping and touching. This lasted for approximately 0.5-1.5 h until, immediately prior to spawning, the male would nip at the female gonoduct, presumably to induce spawning. At this stage, in 50% of spawns, a second male would become involved. The release of gametes involved frenzied circling behaviour near the bottom of the tank and lasted approximately 22 s. Spawning occurred in the early daylight hours at the start of the spawning season, but shifted to around dusk in the latter part. Spawned eggs were positively buoyant, had a high fertilisation rate (> 99%), ranged 1.33-1.50 mm in diameter with a single oil droplet 0.30-0.33 mm diameter, and developed in a similar manner to that described in congenerics. Egg viability within the floating fraction was visually determined to be 74% ± 17% over the entire reproductive season. Indistinct cell margins and asymmetrical cleavage were the most common blastomere deformities observed. Egg and oil droplet volume were found to decrease by 15-20% over the spawning season, though no relationship was found between visually assessed egg viability and date. Egg incubation trials between 16 and 24 °C indicated that temperature accelerated the time to hatch by a Q10 of 5.0. While larvae were found to hatch at a smaller length with a larger yolk sac and oil droplet at warmer incubation temperatures, there was little difference in the maximum larval length reached at the onset of first feeding among the rearing temperatures used. It is proposed that the reason for this was that higher incubation temperatures accelerated the hatching process faster than the rate of tissue deposition. The findings from this study are discussed in terms of the biological significance and implications for the larviculture of this species.  相似文献   

Successful natural spawning of Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis in captivity from 19 March to 11 May, 2008 is described for the first time. A single male dominates a harem of two females, spawning with each at dusk, from 10 min before to 20 min after sunset. Each female laid an average 119 × 103 eggs during the spawning period. Fertilized eggs were spherical, buoyant and had a diameter of 0.83 ± 0.02 mm (mean ± SD). Embryonic development lasted 15–18 h at 28.1 °C. Newly hatched larvae were 1.60 ± 0.07 mm in total length (TL) with 27 myomeres. Larvae completed yolk absorption within 3 days post hatching (ph) at 3.01 ± 0.08 mm TL. Ten days ph, the larvae had attained 3.95 ± 0.12 mm TL. Larvae were fed either 100% s‐type rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis), 100% copepods (Microsetella sp.), a combination of the two (50%:50%) or without live feed (starved control) to determine the effect of live feed on the survival rate. The survival was significantly (P<0.001) higher in larvae fed a combination of diet than the others. These results indicate that C. septentrionalis is a potential species for captive breeding programs and the use of a combination of diet (s‐type rotifers and copepods) may be a suitable first food for the larvae.  相似文献   

在(21.0±0.5)℃条件下,研究了Cu2+、Zn2+、Pb2+3种金属离子对七带石斑鱼胚胎和初孵仔鱼的毒性效应。结果表明:1)随着3种金属离子浓度的升高,受精卵的孵化速率和孵化率逐渐降低,畸形率逐渐增加。重金属引发胚胎发育发生各种畸形,如胚体增生异常而死亡、尾芽弯曲,仔鱼不能正常出膜而死亡,初孵仔鱼脊椎弯曲多呈L、S、V型或尾部未展开呈逗号状畸形。综合孵化速率、孵化率和畸形率等指标,可以看出,3种金属离子对胚胎发育的毒性大小依次为Cu2+Zn2+Pb2+;2)初孵仔鱼的毒性试验周期为96 h,随着时间加长,仔鱼的存活率逐渐降低,且金属离子浓度越大,其下降幅度越大。此外,仔鱼出现脊椎S、V型弯曲等畸形也越来越多。通过计算各时间段的半致死浓度(LC50)和安全浓度得出,3种金属离子对初孵仔鱼的毒性大小依次为Cu2+Pb2+Zn2+。本研究的一系列数据可以为新渔业水质标准的制定和水环境的监测提供理论参数,为七带石斑鱼等鱼类繁育养殖中的重金属监测与治理提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

斜带髭鲷室内产卵的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了斜带髭鲷在室内大量自然产卵的试验结果。实验表明:3龄亲鱼采用加强饵料营养,结合使用适当剂量的激素(TRHR-A_2、TRHR-A_3和HCG)进行催熟和催产,亲鱼产卵量大,产卵集中,卵质较好。使用57尾亲鱼(27尾雌鱼,30尾雄鱼),总产卵量6256.5×10~4粒,受精卵4504.5×10~4粒,平均每尾雌鱼产卵231.7×10~4粒,平均受精率66.7%,仔鱼孵化率 79.2%。  相似文献   

黑鲪早期发育与摄食的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对黑鲪Sebastes schlegelii早期发育及摄食进行了研究。结果表明,在水温15.4~16.0℃、盐度30~32、pH8.4的培养条件下,黑鲪初产仔鱼全长为6.07±0.25mm,腹部有残存的卵黄囊;1日龄仔鱼全长为6.21±0.31mm,大部分仔鱼进入摄食期,开口饵料为经小球藻强化过的褶皱臂尾轮虫;20日龄仔鱼全长为8.81±0.40mm,开始增投经营养强化的卤虫无节幼体,仔鱼进入快速生长期。依照TL=aD3+bD2+cD+d方程式,对仔鱼个体的全长与日龄进行回归,得到其生长模型为:TL(mm)=0.0096D2-0.0415D+6.7503(R2=0.9877)。仔鱼耐受饥饿的时间临界点(PNR)发生在产出后第4天(3日龄),不可逆转饥饿期的时间为2d。黑鲪仔稚鱼在24h内均有不同程度的摄食。1日龄仔鱼的摄食高峰出现在8:00,5日龄仔鱼摄食高峰则出现在16:00,12日龄仔鱼的摄食强度在12:00达到最大,相应的摄食率高峰出现在16:00,19日龄仔鱼在12:00~0:00出现摄食率高峰,24日龄稚鱼的摄食强度在12:00达到最大,30日龄稚鱼的摄食高峰出现在12:00~16:00,且16:00的峰值明显高于12:00,24h内摄食率达到100%。结果表明,黑鲪仔稚鱼无明显的摄食节律,属于全天摄食型,摄食高峰出现在白天。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal occurrence of pelagic fish stages and their biological variability may affect their dispersal and survival, and ultimately fish recruitment. We collected Atlantic cod larvae at one station inside and at one station outside the Gullmar Fjord, eastern Skagerrak, in order to investigate small-scale larval group differentiation. Rectangular midwater trawl hauls were taken every 6 h (during 24 h) from three separate depth intervals between the surface and 70 m depth. About 80% and 20% of all larvae occurred above the halocline at the Fjord station and the Coastal station, respectively. Hatching (at both stations) occurred from the 3rd week in February to the 1st week in May, indicating that cod larvae were present for at least 5 months (from late February to early August). The length and hatch date frequency distributions of larvae from the surface layer were unimodal inside the fjord but bimodal outside the fjord. Analyses of seven microsatellite DNA loci indicated that larvae collected inside the fjord (where local spawning occurs) were genetically distinct from larvae sampled on the outside (FST = 0.0026). The two age cohorts outside the fjord were not, however, genetically different, nor were larvae collected at different depths. We conclude that small-scale variability of vertical concentration and larval life history variability should have consequences for interpreting models of larval dispersal and survival, and subpopulation structure analyses.  相似文献   

鱼类早期发育阶段摄食行为研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柳琪  区又君 《南方水产》2006,2(1):71-75
对鱼类早期阶段的摄食行为研究进行了综述。重点阐述了胃含物分析法、饥饿对摄食的影响、摄食器官的形态发育特征与摄食行为的关系、食物选择及其生理生态因子对摄食的作用。初步探讨了仔稚鱼饥饿后的捕食量和捕食速度的变化,并结合食物保障,分析了食物选择性指数I在鱼类摄食行为研究中的应用。  相似文献   

The spawning season and grounds of red sea bream in Hiuchi-nada, the central part of the Seto Inland Sea, were described using a new method based on monoclonal antibodies for identifying Pagrus major eggs, and the daily egg production (standardized by the incubation time and survival rate) was estimated. At the peak of spawning (May), the ranges of sea temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a where red sea bream eggs occurred were 14.8–17.4°C, 32.0–33.0, 0.5–4.4 μg/L, respectively. The main spawning grounds of the red sea bream were confirmed as being the areas near the Geiyo Islands, Misaki Peninsula, Saijyo, Niihama. The spatial spread of red sea bream eggs increased with the egg developmental stage. The ranges of daily egg production in 2005 and 2006 were 0.3–19.3 and 0.2–6.7 × 109 eggs/day, respectively. In Hiuchi-nada, aquaculture farms are located close to the spawning grounds, and the potential spawning population from the aquaculture farms equaled or exceeded that of the estimated spawning population obtained by the egg production method. Red sea bream eggs in Hiuchi-nada might be produced by both wild and aquaculture-based spawning populations.  相似文献   

为了提高尖翅燕鱼 (Platax teira) 的卵孵化率和苗种成活率,并为人工催产和苗种繁育提供理论依据,观察分析了尖翅燕鱼受精卵胚胎发育和仔稚鱼发育的时序特征,对其形态学指标进行测量,推算出仔稚鱼阶段生长特性的回归方程。结果显示,尖翅燕鱼受精卵为浮性卵,直径 (1.29±0.09) mm,卵壳较坚韧,呈黄色透明的球状,单个油球,无黏性。在孵化温度 (26±0.3) ℃、盐度34~36和pH 7.8±0.5条件下,整个胚胎发育经历7个阶段共27个时期,耗时27 h 45 min。初孵仔鱼全长 (3.120±0.349) mm,呈透明状,体表散布着大量分枝叶黄素,先后经历仔鱼期 (0~17 d) 和稚鱼期 (17~25 d),25 d后进入幼鱼期。此时幼鱼鳍棘和鳍条已发育完全,其典型特征为头部、躯干部和尾部各有3条黑色条带,身体呈银白色。统计模型显示,尖翅燕鱼早期阶段生长速度较缓,7日龄后生长加速;8日龄仔鱼出现残食和攻击行为。  相似文献   

Sperm physiology, in vivo artificial insemination and spawning of the ocean pout (Macrozoarces americanus L.), a marine bottom fish, were studied. Milt was collected from the reproductive tract of mature males by suction using a catheter. The uncontaminated milt, having a very low sperm concentration, contains highly motile spermatozoa and sperm motility was retained in vitro at 4 °C for at least 24 h in both seminal plasma and ovarian slime collected from the oviduct of pre-spawning females. Instead of activating sperm, dilution in sea water instantly immobilized the spermatozoa of ocean pout. Osmolarity and pH of ocean pout seminal plasma were in the ranges 365–406 mOsM and 7.2–7.5, respectively. A study of the ionic composition of ocean pout seminal plasma demonstrated the presence of various ions including Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Cl, with a remarkably lower K+ concentration compared to that from other fish species. Since injections of milt containing motile sperm into the ovaries of pre-spawning females, which spawned in the absence of males, yielded fertilized ocean pout eggs, it is concluded that the ocean pout exhibits internal fertilization. The larvae hatched after 3 months of egg incubation in ambient sea water (9–10 °C). With proper timing of in vivo artificial insemination of mature females, fertilized ocean pout eggs can be obtained from fish reared in captivity.  相似文献   

The development of digestive enzymes was examined in laboratory-reared yellowtail kingfish larvae from hatching to 36 days after hatching (DAH). The specific activities of amylase, lipase, and alkaline phosphatase showed three distinct phases: a sharp increase in enzyme activity from hatching to the onset of exogenous feeding on 3 DAH, followed by a fluctuation and a general decline toward 18 DAH, and then a period of low activity from 18 to 36 DAH. The total activities of these three enzymes showed a gradual increase from hatching to 18 DAH, followed by a sharp increase toward 36 DAH. In contrast to other enzymes, the specific and total activities of trypsin reached the maximum on 15 DAH and 24 DAH, respectively, and then both activities declined to low levels toward 36 DAH. The dynamics of digestive enzymes corresponded to the anatomical development of the digestive system. The enzyme activities tend to be stable after the formation of gastric glands in the stomach on 15 DAH. The composition of digestive enzymes indicates that yellowtail kingfish is able to digest protein, lipid and carbohydrates at an early stage. However, due to the low level of amylase specific activity after 18 DAH, the carbohydrate component should remain at a low level in formulated diets for fish larvae.  相似文献   

The first larval feeding in Crassostrea gigas, detected by epifluorescence microscope, occurred 24 h after fertilization at 24°C and 30 h at 21°C. The amount of algal cells (Pavlova lutheri and Isochrysis galbana) necessary to have larvae with filled stomachs was estimated to be 800 cells per day at 24°C and 400 cells per day at 21°C.  相似文献   

Live food such as Artemia is considered to be an essential part of any marine finfish hatchery. Standard methods were developed for hatching and enhancing the nutritional value of the Artemia nauplii by using different enrichment products. Although there is a variety of commercially available products in the market, further research on more specific enrichments for solving specific nutritional deficiencies in fish larvae is still required. A simple, compact and reliable experimental system was developed for these nutritional experiments. The system was built as a compact, all-in-one system with eight 50-l conical tanks in a water bath. The system reduces variation between the replicates (tanks), otherwise resulting from individual heaters and aeration. It reduces the manpower and time needed for harvesting and to re-establish the system on a daily basis by the ability to harvest, wash and refill all the tanks at the same time with the same volume of water. The system has been used for a variety of experiments, comparing commercial and experimental enrichments, bacterial monitoring and evaluation of different Artemia procedures.  相似文献   

This study investigates how age at first maturity of two tropical amphidromous species Sicyopterus lagocephalus (Pallas, 1770) and Cotylopus acutipinnis (Guichenot, 1863) varies in relation to their larval and juvenile life history. Reproductive stage was estimated based on histological observation of ovaries of more than 200 females of each species caught monthly over 1 year. The age of fish was estimated by interpreting the daily increments deposited on otoliths during the oceanic larval phase, and the juvenile phase in the river. The age at first maturity was approximately 9 months for S. lagocephalus and 7 months for C. acutipinnis, corresponding to approximately 70–130 and 90–130 days after they returned to freshwater respectively. For both species, the time spent in freshwater before maturity was significantly influenced by the duration of the pelagic larval stage at sea (PLD) and the season of return in freshwater. Individuals with a long PLD, or returning in freshwater during the warmer season, maturated faster once in freshwater. This reproductive advantage may minimise the risk of extirpation due to catastrophic events at each generation and thus probably benefits amphidromous species living in very unpredictable tropical rivers.  相似文献   

A key to success in the culture of marine fish species is the mass production of high quality fry, a process largely dependent on successful first feeding and normal development and growth of fish larvae. In this regard it is important to examine the structural and functional development of the endocrine system (pituitary, thyroid, interrenal glands) during early ontogeny of marine fish. Particularly, the thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), influence numerous metabolic processes, such as growth, differentiation, metamorphosis, reproduction, respiration, migratory behaviour, central nervous system activity, seasonal adaptation, etc. Therefore the aim of this study was to describe the development of the thyroid gland and the ontogeny appearance of the thyroid hormones in Solea senegalensis larvae by means of histological and immunohistochemical techniques. The first thyroid follicle was present at 4 days-post-hatch (dph) coinciding with first feeding. During metamorphosis (12–20 dph) the follicles increased in both number and size, and by 30 dph presented the same characteristics as that seen in adult fish. Tissue immunostaining of both thyroid hormones decreased during the endogenous larvae development to nearly undetectable levels at the completion of yolk-sac absorption. During larvae exogenous phase, T3 and T4 immunostaining was first detected by 6 dph and an increase of specific staining for both hormones was detected between 12 and 20 dph, during metamorphosis phase.  相似文献   

在水温(19±0.5)℃条件下,为研究不同饥饿时间对胭脂鱼仔鱼生长、摄食及消化酶活性的影响,设定两个实验:实验一,设置完全饥饿组(S)和正常摄食组(C);实验二,设置延迟0(对照组)、1、3、5、7、9和11 d投喂组,分别记作D0、D1、D3、D5、D7、D9和D11。实验历时29 d。结果显示:(1)孵化后7 d胭脂鱼仔鱼初次摄食,14 d时卵黄物质耗尽,27 d进入不可逆点期(PNR),在抵近PNR时,胸角特征明显,死亡率显著增加;(2)恢复摄食后,D1和D3组仔鱼体质量与D0组无显著差异,表现出完全补偿生长效应;(3)在饥饿1~7 d过程中,胭脂鱼仔鱼的胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性显著下降(P<0.05),随着饥饿时间的延长,饥饿9~11 d仔鱼的胰蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性显著上升。恢复摄食后19日龄时,胰蛋白酶活性随饥饿时间的延长呈先上升后下降的趋势,但淀粉酶活性与其相反,呈先降后升的趋势;29日龄时,随饥饿时间的延长脂肪酶和淀粉酶活性均呈显著上升趋势。 结果表明,饥饿会导致胭脂鱼仔鱼的生长、摄食和消化酶活性产生明显的变化,其补偿生长随饥饿时间的不同而不同;在恢复摄食后,不同饥饿程度仔鱼在不同恢复时间消化酶恢复策略并不一致,饥饿时间越长越倾向于对碳水化合物的利用,但其内在机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

烟威近岸海域是历史上重要的鲐(Scomber japonicus)产卵场之一,或囿于对其“过路渔场”的认知,近年来对该海域鱼类产卵场的研究相对较少。为了解烟威近岸海域鱼类产卵场现状,于2020年4—9月对该海域开展逐月产卵场调查,基于鱼卵、仔稚鱼及环境数据,运用空间插值、聚类分析、非度量多维标度排序、相似性分析和冗余分析(RDA)等方法对该海域鱼类早期资源时空分布、群落结构月度更替及主要种类适宜产卵生境进行了综合分析。结果显示,2020年4—9月于烟威近岸海域采集到鱼类早期资源种类52种,包括33种鱼类的337 038粒鱼卵和28种鱼类的2122尾仔稚鱼;5—6月为主要产卵期,共有21种鱼卵出现,鱼卵数量占全年鱼卵总数的98.32%,主要产卵场位于烟台套子湾至威海鸡鸣岛北部海域,主要产卵种类为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、鲐、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、高眼鲽(Cleisthenes herzensteini)、黄条 (Seriola lalandi)、绯 (Callionymus beniteguri)、少鳞 (Sillago japonica)、黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegelii)、短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri)、长蛇鲻(Saurida elongata)等;烟威近岸海域鱼卵与仔稚鱼群落结构年内变化明显,除产卵末期(8—9月)外,各月间种类更替率不低于50%,鱼卵与仔稚鱼群落月间平均相异性不低于73%;海表温度(SST)、海底温度(SBT)、海表盐度(SSS)和深度(DEP)是显著影响4—9月主要鱼种产卵选择的环境因子。研究表明,烟威近岸海域为黄渤海规模较大的鱼类产卵场之一,需在鱼类早期生活史研究与产卵场养护策略制定时得到足够重视。  相似文献   

Ancestry and amphidromy in island freshwater fish faunas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amphidromy is a frequent attribute of fish faunas of remote islands, where the presence of freshwater fishes creates perplexity as to how such remote places came to have ‘freshwater fish’. Not infrequently, the fact that amphidromous species spend part of their lives in the sea is invoked as indicating that such species have marine ancestries, and this is the implied explanation for presence of freshwater fishes on islands. However, examination of the ranges of some amphidromous species, and of the distributions of genera to which amphidromous fishes belong, strongly suggests that amphidromy, especially in the gobies of the subfamily Sicydiinae, is a widespread, probably ancestral trait. Rather than such amphidromous fish having a marine ancestry, their marine life stages are themselves the likely key element in explaining their distributions.  相似文献   

Successful natural spawning of Pomacanthus semicirculatus in captivity from 11 September to 18 October, 2006 is described for the first time. Each female laid an average of 230 000 eggs during the spawning period. Fertilized eggs were spherical, transparent and buoyant and had a mean diameter of 0.61 ± 0.03 mm (mean ± SD). Embryonic development lasted 18–21 h at 28.5 °C. Newly hatched larvae were 1.35 ± 0.02 mm in total length (TL) with 27 (12+15) myomeres and had an oil globule in the ventroposterior area of the yolk sac. Larvae completed yolk absorption within 3 days post hatching at 2.37 ± 0.05 mm TL. Larvae were fed either 100% microalgae ( Nannochloropsis sp.), 100% s-type rotifers ( Brachionus rotundiformis ), 100% dinoflagellates ( Gonyaulax sp.) or different combinations of the three (50%:50%:0%, 30%:35%:35%) to determine the effect of live feed on the survival rate. The survival was significantly ( P <0.001) better in larvae fed a combination of diets (30%: 35%: 35%) than others. These results indicate that P. semicirculatus is a potential species for captive-breeding programmes and the use of a combination of diets (microalgae plus s-type rotifers and dinoflagellates) may be a suitable first food for fish larvae.  相似文献   

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