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利用N-15自然丰度法研究固氮植物生物固氮量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物固氮对全球生态系统氮素循环和全球变化有着重要影响,但是由于测定方法的原因,过去对生物固氮,特别是多年生固氮植物的共生固氮的定量研究不足。在对目前国际上日益受到重视的用N-15自然丰度法研究固氮植物生物固氮量的研究进展进行初步总结的基础上,探讨了影响该方法准确性的一些主要因素。N-15自然丰度法克服了传统的差值法、N-15同位素稀释法和乙烯还原法等的不足,可野外原位定量研究生物固氮,如果对各影响因子加以系统考虑,合理解决参比植物选择和固氮植物取样部位等方面的问题,该方法可较为准确地原位测定人工生态系统中固氮作物和固氮树种的生物固氮量。但是在天然生态系统中由于植物有效氮源的多样性以及其它影响因素较复杂,应用难度较大。  相似文献   

新疆陆生固氮蓝藻的分布与生理生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝藻是唯一具有原核生物结构而又有高等植物光合作用的生物类群。它们进行光合作用固定二氧化碳放氧,为地球大气提供氧气。同时又能固定大气中的氮而合成植物可利用的氮化物。它们在地球生态系统氮、氧、碳循环中起重要作用。蓝藻对恶劣环境表现出极强的适应性。在各种逆境中能够生存与发展。因而它们在生态脆弱带的能量交换与物质循环中起更为重要作用。我们于1988—1990年,对新疆地区陆生固氮蓝藻的分布、生理生态及人工培养进行了研究。  相似文献   

生态自然修复及其研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然修复的现实必要性、理论可能性和技术可行性一直备受争议.本文通过对自然修复研究的系统回顾,全面梳理自然修复的理论基础、技术关键、理念构成、应用条件等的不同观点,阐明了自然修复的概念、特性、机理,总结了现有技术、应用范围.分析表明:自然修复并不拒绝人的主观能动性,而是改变了人在生态修复中的地位,变主宰为辅助;自然修复的理论基础是生态恢复力理论;在矿区生态系统的修复中,自然修复相比人工工程修复具有更大的应用空间和更广泛的适应性.创新自然修复理论和开发自然修复技术,对我国东部关闭矿山的生态治理、我国西部大开发中生态矿山建设等具有非常重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

9种典型荒漠植物生态化学计量学特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化学计量学是研究生态过程中能量平衡和多重化学元素平衡的科学,能够定量化研究活有机体重要组成元素碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)之间的关系,有助于解决植物和生态系统养分供应与需求等方面的难题为解决生态系统养分供求与循环问题提供了新思路。化学计量学已成为研究生态系统元素平衡和生物地球化学循环的重要手段之一。为了厘清极端环境条件下荒漠植物在逆境适应与元素循环的反馈能力,对东阿拉善-西鄂尔多斯荒漠生态系统中9种优势植物霸王(Sarcozygium xanthoxylon)、胡杨(Populus euphratica)、四合木(Tetraena mongolica)、白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)、蒙古扁桃(Amygdalus mongolica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)、沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicum)、细枝岩黄芪(Hedysarum scoparium)和沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)根、茎、叶的C、N、P含量和生态化学计量学特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)9种荒漠植物根、茎、叶的C、N、P含量的均值分别为:418.96 mg·g^-1、15.07 mg·g^-1、1.10 mg·g^-1,460.88 mg·g^-1、12.99 mg·g^-1、1.03 mg·g^-1,435.07 mg·g^-1、23.40 mg·g^-1、1.18 mg·g^-1。根、茎、叶的C∶N∶P化学计量比分别为381∶14∶1、447∶13∶1和369∶20∶1。表明其C的相对过量和P元素的限制性。(2)植物根部的C储备能力较弱,与其处于荒漠生态系统土壤贫瘠,日照强,年降水量较低有关。(3)四合木的N∶P(9.45)计量学较全球陆生植物(12.6)、中国陆生植物(16.3)中国北方典型荒漠及荒漠化地区植物(15.8)显著偏低,表现出我国特有孑遗珍稀植物四合木化学计量学特征的独特性。(4)与已有的荒漠植物化学计量学研究结果相比,9种荒漠植物根、茎、叶N含量均显著偏高,茎和叶P含量显著偏低,根的P含量无显著差异。生物与环境的协同进化,使得荒漠植物在温度逆境、干旱胁迫、营养限制、物质代谢和辐射损伤的条件下,经过长期的进化适应形成了自身独特的生理生态和生态化学计量特征。该研究结果可为我国西北荒漠区植物化学元素循环以及生物多样性保护中限制性营养的判定与维护生态系统元素平衡提供案例借鉴。  相似文献   

蓝藻是唯一具有原核生物结构而又有高等植物光合作用的生物类群。它们进行光合作用固定二氧化碳放氧,为地球大气提供氧气。同时又能固定大气中的氮气而合成可利用的氮化物。它们在地球生态系统中氮、氧以及二氧化碳循环中均起重要作用。蓝藻对恶劣环境表现出极强的适应性。在各种逆境中能够生存与发展。因而在生态脆弱环境中,它们起着极显著的能量与物质循环作用。我们在1988—1990年,对新疆干旱地区陆生固氮兰藻生理生态进行了研究,并且对其分布做了较详细的考察。对北疆大部分地区和南疆沿天山南坡前山带,约40万平方公里范围的不同生态条件进行考察和采集样品,并做有关生理及生态条件有关因子  相似文献   

生态养殖是畜牧业可持续发展的重要组成部分,生态养羊是针对塔里木河中下游地区脆弱的环境条件,为保护和恢复退化生态系统平衡,发展区域经济提出的生态可持续发展方式。针对塔里木河中下游地区的实际情况,依据退化生态系统恢复、产业生态学、系统的能流功能原理、可持续发展原则、景观生态学的理论,对生态养羊中的退耕还草、还牧,天然草地的恢复,圈舍建设,繁殖饲养管理,粪便的无害化生态处理等进行分析,提出生态养羊的相应理论框架。  相似文献   

替代稳态下的荒漠生态系统生态弹性反映了系统承受环境干扰后的恢复能力,这对认识荒漠生态系统过程具有重要的理论意义。当前研究主要集中在湖泊和森林生态系统,而有关荒漠生态系统弹性的研究普遍未考虑替代稳态,也鲜有考虑弹性的时间变化。本研究以阜康北部的古尔班通古特沙漠南缘至沙漠腹地样带为例,运用2001年1月至2020年12月的MODIS全球植被指数遥感数据,采用BFAST(Breaks for Additive Season and Trend)和状态空间建模对数据进行处理和提取,通过不同状态的退出时间量化得出不同时段替代稳态条件下的生态弹性,同时根据计算结果分析了该地区生态弹性时空演变特征及其影响机制。研究结果表明:(1)研究区弹性+和弹性-整体呈现先下降后上升的趋势,但沙漠边缘至腹地空间差异显著。(2)生态弹性对降水变化存在滞后响应。(3)降水季节变化的差异会降低降水量与生态弹性之间的相关性。综上所述,生态弹性的空间分布总体受降水格局控制,但立地条件导致的植被空间异质性增加了生态弹性空间分布的复杂性,而生态弹性与降水变化的关系取决于植被群落构成、植物对降水变化响应、降水量变化趋势和季节分布...  相似文献   

北京顺义区域生态安全格局构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域生态安全格局构建是区域生态管理的重要依据。文中提出以生态环境现状调查分析、关键生态问题识别、区域生态安全评价及区域生态安全格局构建作为核心步骤的技术路线,并以北京市顺义区为研究区进行探索性研究。研究结果表明:顺义的主要生态系统为林地生态系统、湿地生态系统、城镇生态系统、农田生态系统等类型,存在生物多样性降低、湿地萎缩、水污染、土地沙化等生态环境问题,在区域生态安全上潮白河沿线一带、东北部山区地带和潮白河以东大部分区域生态安全水平较高,西部地区的大部分尤其是西南部地区生态安全指数较低;应通过在主要城镇组团核心周边进行生态控制带建设、恢复潮白河等天然河流,保护汉石桥湿地、东北部山地森林生态系统和潮白河沿线等大型斑块,建立沿道路的生态廊道,综合构建顺义区域生态安全格局。  相似文献   

研究荒漠生态系统同一生活型植物对氮素的利用是否存在生态位分离,有助于深入了解荒漠植物的生存策略,更好掌握氮素对荒漠植物生存的影响。在古尔班通古特沙漠中,广泛分布着4种短命植物尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrrhynchum)、琉苞菊(Hyalea pulchella)、假狼紫草(Nonea caspica)和飘带果(Lactuca undulata),对4种荒漠短命草本植物在不同月份不同土层深度对不同形态氮素的吸收利用进行了研究。结果显示:(1)在不同土层深度,5月4种植物的氮素吸收速率均高于4月的氮素吸收速率;对于不同形态氮素的吸收速率,甘氨酸均低于硝态氮和铵态氮。(2)4月假狼紫草对硝态氮的回收率最高,可达52.3%;5月假狼紫草对铵态氮的回收率最高,可达90.7%。(3)琉苞菊对15N的吸收量低于其他3种植物。(4)4种短命植物不仅可以利用土壤无机氮,还可以有效利用土壤有机氮,且尖喙牻牛儿苗和飘带果对硝态氮有明显的吸收偏好。(5)在古尔班通古特沙漠生态系统中,短命生活型的植物对氮素的吸收能力有着差异和多元化的特点,且均可吸收土壤中的可溶性的有机态氮源。  相似文献   

土壤熏蒸对土壤氮循环及其功能微生物的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤熏蒸凭借高效、广谱等优点已被广泛应用,但正因为其具有广谱性,熏蒸剂在杀死土壤中有害生物的同时,也影响着驱动土壤中各种元素循环、转化的非靶标微生物。土壤氮循环是连接大气、土壤和水体的重要枢纽,而与氮循环有关的关键过程主要由微生物所驱动,因此,土壤熏蒸势必会影响氮循环中的物质转化。已有研究表明,熏蒸剂可显著改变一些与土壤氮循环相关的功能基因及功能微生物的种类及丰度,其中一些熏蒸剂在进行熏蒸处理后,短期内均能提高土壤中氮的矿化速率,增加土壤中的氮素累积矿化量,而固氮、硝化和反硝化过程均受到抑制,可提高对氮素的利用率。本文就常用的几种熏蒸剂在进行土壤熏蒸后,对土壤中氮循环中的固氮、矿化、硝化和反硝化等反应中的各个关键过程和功能微生物产生的影响进行综述,可为研究土壤熏蒸的环境风险提供依据。  相似文献   

新疆干旱地区陆生固氮蓝藻的种群、分布及对环境的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文报道了在新疆干旱地区有普通念珠藻(Nostoccommune)、发状念珠藻(Nostocflagelliforme)、具鞘微鞘藻(Nicrocoleusvaginatus)、眼点伪枝藻(Scytonemaocellatum)和密味裂须藻(Schizothrixmellea)五种陆生固氮蓝藻。根据土壤类型、降雨量、气温及植被类型等划分五个陆生固氮蓝藻分布生态区。由于固氮蓝藻能进行光合作用和固氮作用,它们能有效地增加土壤有机质和氮化物数量,能提高土壤微生物数量,能促进土壤酶活性增加.能减少土壤含盐量及提高保水能力.总之陆生固氮蓝藻在生态脆弱带的能量与物质循环中起重要作用。  相似文献   

额济纳绿洲的生态退化过程与生态保育对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用长期的统计、水文和遥感数据对额济纳绿洲生态系统退化的驱动因素及环境影响、植被恢复过程等进行了综合分析,并对干旱绿洲的生态保育对策进行了探讨。结果表明:额济纳绿洲生态退化的主要原因之一是黑河流域水土资源的过度开发利用,调水对额济纳绿洲的恢复起到了决定性作用。统筹流域内的水土资源开发利用是干旱绿洲生态保育的必要途径。  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部兴安落叶松原始林倒木研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
倒木是森林生态系统的重要组成部分之一,在森林生态系统中发挥着许多重要、独特的生态功能。对大兴安岭北部兴安落叶松原始林倒木进行研究,发现平均每块样地共有兴安落叶松和白桦倒木32株,总材积为14.92m3,大约165m3/hm2,兴安落叶松占78%。研究认为,在大兴安岭兴安落叶松林生态系统,兴安落叶松的浅根性生理特征是影响倒木输入的内在原因;风和多年冻土是影响倒木输入的重要生态因子。由于大兴安岭林区低温高湿的环境,倒木分解非常慢,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ级腐烂级倒木的现存量最多,兴安落叶松倒木的分解常数是0.0136/a(R2=0.9557),白桦为0.3508/a(R2=0.8789)。倒木的产生为森林经营管理提出了警示,预示达到成熟年龄的林分要及时进行抚育渐伐,避免树木心腐而浪费资源;同时,倒木的发生及其分解产生了很多重要作用和病虫害以及森林火灾隐患,应进行合理地管理利用。  相似文献   

Sustainable farming systems strive to minimise the use of synthetic pesticides and to optimise the use of alternative management strategies to control soil-borne pathogens. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous in nature and constitute an integral component of terrestrial ecosystems, forming symbiotic associations with plant root systems of over 80% of all terrestrial plant species, including many agronomically important species. AM fungi are particularly important in organic and/or sustainable farming systems that rely on biological processes rather than agrochemicals to control plant diseases. Of particular importance is the bioprotection conferred to plants against many soil-borne pathogens such as species of Aphanomyces, Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Macrophomina, Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinium, Verticillium and Thielaviopsis and various nematodes by AM fungal colonisation of the plant root. However, the exact mechanisms by which AM fungal colonisation confers the protective effect are not completely understood, but a greater understanding of these beneficial interactions is necessary for the exploitation of AM fungi within organic and/or sustainable farming systems. In this review, we aim to discuss the potential mechanisms by which AM fungi may contribute to bioprotection against plant soil-borne pathogens. Bioprotection within AM fungal-colonised plants is the outcome of complex interactions between plants, pathogens and AM fungi. The use of molecular tools in the study of these multifaceted interactions may aid the optimisation of the bioprotective responses and their utility within sustainable farming systems.  相似文献   

BAI Jie 《干旱区科学》2021,13(8):814-834
As the largest inland river basin of China, the Tarim River Basin (TRB), known for its various natural resources and fragile environment, has an increased risk of ecological crisis due to the intensive exploitation and utilization of water and land resources. Since the Ecological Water Diversion Project (EWDP), which was implemented in 2001 to save endangered desert vegetation, there has been growing evidence of ecological improvement in local regions, but few studies have performed a comprehensive ecological vulnerability assessment of the whole TRB. This study established an evaluation framework integrating the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy method to estimate the ecological vulnerability of the TRB covering climatic, ecological, and socioeconomic indicators during 2000-2017. Based on the geographical detector model, the importance of ten driving factors on the spatial-temporal variations of ecological vulnerability was explored. The results showed that the ecosystem of the TRB was fragile, with more than half of the area (57.27%) dominated by very heavy and heavy grades of ecological vulnerability, and 28.40% of the area had potential and light grades of ecological vulnerability. The light grade of ecological vulnerability was distributed in the northern regions (Aksu River and Weigan River catchments) and western regions (Kashgar River and Yarkant River catchments), while the heavy grade was located in the southern regions (Kunlun Mountains and Qarqan River catchments) and the Mainstream catchment. The ecosystems in the western and northern regions were less vulnerable than those in the southern and eastern regions. From 2000 to 2017, the overall improvement in ecological vulnerability in the whole TRB showed that the areas with great ecological improvement increased by 46.11%, while the areas with ecological degradation decreased by 9.64%. The vegetation cover and potential evapotranspiration (PET) were the obvious driving factors, explaining 57.56% and 21.55% of the changes in ecological vulnerability across the TRB, respectively. In terms of ecological vulnerability grade changes, obvious spatial differences were observed in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the TRB due to the different vegetation and hydrothermal conditions. The alpine source region of the TRB showed obvious ecological improvement due to increased precipitation and temperature, but the alpine meadow of the Kaidu River catchment in the Middle Tianshan Mountains experienced degradation associated with overgrazing and local drought. The improved agricultural management technologies had positive effects on farmland ecological improvement, while the desert vegetation in oasis-desert ecotones showed a decreasing trend as a result of cropland reclamation and intensive drought. The desert riparian vegetation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River was greatly improved due to the implementation of the EWDP, which has been active for tens of years. These results provide comprehensive knowledge about ecological processes and mechanisms in the whole TRB and help to develop environmental restoration measures based on different ecological vulnerability grades in each sub-catchment.  相似文献   

Human-environment relationship is a focus of academic researches and an understanding of the relationship is important for making effective policies and decisions. In this study, based on rural household survey data of Taibus Banner, Duolun county and Zhengxiangbai Banner in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region of China, we identified the impact of livelihood diversification on ecosystems in these agro-pastoral areas by using the ecological footprint theory and methodology together with the one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) and correlation analysis methods. In 2011, the total ecological footprint of consumption(EFC) was 0.665 g hm2, and the total ecological footprint of production(EFP) was 2.045 g hm2, which was more than three times the EFC. The ecological footprint of arable land consumption(EFAC) accounted for a large proportion of the EFC, and the ecological footprint of grassland production(EFGP) occupied a large proportion of the EFP. Both the ecological footprint of grassland consumption(EFGC) and EFGP had a significant positive correlation with the income, indicating that income was mainly depended on livestock production and the households with higher incomes consumed more livestock products. The full-time farming households(FTFHs) had the highest EFP, ecological footprint of arable land production(EFAP), EFGP and EFGC, followed by the part-time farming households(PTFHs) and non-farming households(NFHs), which indicated that part-time farming and non-farming employment reduced the occupancy and consumption of rural households on local ecosystems and natural resources to some extent. When farming households engaged in livestock rearing, both the EFAP and EFAC became smaller, while the EFP, EFC, EFGC and EFGP increased significantly. The differences in ecological footprints among different household groups should be taken into account when making ecosystem conservation policies. Encouraging the laborers who have the advantages of participating in non-farming employment to move out of the rural areas and increasing the diversification of livelihoods of rural households are important in reducing the environmental pressures and improving the welfare of households in the study area. Moreover, grassland should be utilized more effectively in the future.  相似文献   

生态功能区划是依据区域生态系统类型、生态系统受胁迫过程与效应、生态环境敏感性、生态服务功能重要性等特征的空间分异性而进行的地理空间分区,其目的是明确区域或国家生态安全重要地区,分析区域可能的生态环境问题与生态环境脆弱区,为产业布局、生态环境保护与建设规划提供科学依据。资源型城市的资源型产业占较大比重,生态环境问题较其他...  相似文献   

黄土区人工林地的土壤水分研究动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
水分是黄土区植被恢复与重建的重要限制因子,土壤水分是植物生长和发育的必要环境因素。由于土壤水分供给的有限性,使它成为植物生长和生存的限制性因素。因而,对土壤水分的研究具有十分重要的意义。在土壤水分研究现状的基础上分析植被恢复与重建,并从研究的方法与内容方面进行论述,提出当前土壤水分研究中存在的问题与解决对策。  相似文献   

土壤呼吸对不同来源水分响应的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高进长  苏永红 《干旱区研究》2012,29(6):1014-1021
土壤是陆地生态系统最大的碳源,也是最大的碳汇。土壤呼吸作为全球碳循环的一个重要组成部分,是调控全球碳循环和气候变化的关键过程,也是当前全球变化生态学研究的重要领域和碳循环中碳收支研究中的一个热点问题。水分是土壤呼吸的重要扰动因子,比较不同来源土壤水分对土壤呼吸的影响,对准确估算土壤呼吸具有重要意义,这在干旱和半干旱地区尤为明显。通过土壤水分的3种主要来源:降水、灌溉和地下水,比较分析了土壤呼吸对不同来源水分的响应过程和规律,为今后土壤呼吸方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Assessment of ecological flow or water level for water bodies is important for the protection of degraded or degrading ecosystems caused by water shortage in arid regions, and it has become a key issue in water resources planning. In the past several decades, many methods have been proposed to assess ecological flow for rivers and ecological water level for lakes or wetlands. To balance water uses by human and ecosystems, we proposed a general multi-objective programming model to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for inland water bodies, where two objectives are water index for human and habitat index for ecosystems, respectively. Using the weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization, minimum ecological flow or water level can be determined from the breakpoint in the water index–habitat index curve, which is similar to the slope method to determine minimum ecological flow from wetted perimeter–discharge curve. However, the general multi-objective programming model is superior to the slope method in its physical meaning and calculation method. This model provides a general analysis method for ecological water uses of different inland water bodies, and can be used to define minimum ecological flow or water level by choosing appropriate water and habitat indices. Several commonly used flow or water level assessment methods were found to be special cases of the general model, including the wetted perimeter method and the multi-objective physical habitat simulation method for ecological river flow, the inundated forest width method for regeneration flow of floodplain forest and the lake surface area method for ecological lake level. These methods were applied to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for two representative rivers and a lake in northern Xinjiang of China, including minimum ecological flow for the Ertix River, minimum regeneration flow for floodplain forest along the midstream of Kaxgar River, and minimum ecological lake level for the Ebinur Lake. The results illustrated the versatility of the general model, and can provide references for water resources planning and ecosystem protection for these rivers and lake.  相似文献   

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