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呼伦贝尔沙化草原植被覆盖度估算光谱模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选用美国ASD公司F ieldspec光谱仪,在内蒙古呼伦贝尔高原中西部的沙化草地进行了高光谱遥感地面观测以及草地植被覆盖度测定。运用回归分析方法,建立归一化植被指数(NDVI)与植被覆盖度(fc)之间的地面光谱模型。基于决定系数(R2)判断,拟合较理想的模型为乘幂模型和指数模型,R2分别达到0.752和0.716。误差分析显示指数模型和幂函数模型拟合误差较小。综合分析后确定选用乘幂函数作为研究区植被覆盖度估算模型(fc=0.7479*NDVI1.1928,R=0.86,p<0.001)。该模型为呼伦贝尔沙化草地区域植被覆盖度测定提供了新的技术方法。  相似文献   

利用新一代卫星遥感MODIS影象数据,结合地面调查数据,对2006年5月份MODIS影象数据的归一化植被指数(NDVI)进行了植被专题信息的提取,与植被覆盖度建立线性回归模型,得出陕西省北部地区的沙漠化土地分级图。分析结果表明该分级图与陕北植被空间变化特征有很强的一致性。该方法适宜于以地面调查数据为基础的植被盖度提取,为遥感技术在沙化土地评价中应用提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

为了有效监测稻纵卷叶螟的为害状况及其对水稻生长发育产生的危害,本研究通过开展连续的定点大田观测实验,对稻纵卷叶螟虫情及其为害状况进行调查,通过观测水稻冠层光谱反射率和叶面积指数(LAI)等,分析水稻冠层光谱反射率、植被指数与LAI的相关性,筛选出与LAI相关系数高的光谱特征波段和植被指数,构建了多因子LAI估算模型,并利用实测数据进行验证。结果证明模型拟合效果理想,可为我国更好地开展水稻生产监测提供参考。  相似文献   

为了分析东北地表植被覆盖动态变化及其变化机理,选取该地区1998-2007年的SPOT/NDVI时间序列数据进行研究,并利用时间序列谐波分析(HANTS)算法对旬合成的NDVI数据进一步去云处理,根据处理后的结果,用一元线性回归趋势法定量描述了东北地表植被覆盖的动态变化。结果表明:近10年来中国东北地表植被覆盖整体得到改善的区域远比植被覆盖退化的区域面积大,其中严重退化的区域主要是内蒙古的东四盟地区,尤其是呼伦贝尔和科尔沁地区。  相似文献   

以青海省金银滩草原为研究区,采用Sentinel-2卫星影像结合地面实测数据进行草地地上生物量估算研究。分析了18种典型植被指数与生物量的拟合关系,通过精度评价和敏感性分析确定了不同植被指数模型的适用范围,并提出基于多植被指数模型的协同估算方案来提高草地生物量的制图精度,尝试克服传统单变量植被指数模型适用范围受限的问题。结果表明:18种植被指数与生物量的最优拟合模型呈现幂函数和指数函数两种类型,其中幂函数模型中CIgreen (Green chlorophyll index)所对应的估算精度最高,且当生物量高于0.65 kg·m-2时适用性最强;指数函数模型中NDII(Normalized difference infrared index)所对应的估算精度最高,且当生物量低于0.65 kg·m-2时适用性最强,且NDII与CIgreen模型的适用范围具有互补性。提出的多植被指数协同估算模型对应的R2cv达到了0.61,RMSEcv为0.226 kg·m-2,相对于单植被指数模型精度明显提高,R2cv增加7.0%以上,RMSEcv减小超过3.8%。综上,提出的多指数模型协同估算方案充分考虑了不同指数模型的适用范围,提高了牧草生物量的估算精度。  相似文献   

水稻冠层叶绿素含量高光谱估算模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了寻求西北引黄灌区水稻冠层叶绿素含量的高精度估算模型,通过田间试验测定了水稻冠层SPAD和高光谱数据,运用任意波段组合的方式构建了一系列基于原始光谱、一阶导数光谱的比值、差值、归一化和土壤调节植被指数,筛选出反映水稻冠层SPAD的最佳植被指数作为自变量,应用普通回归分析方法和随机森林算法建立了该区域水稻冠层SPAD估算模型并进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1)应用普通回归分析方法,以RVI(D1316,D736)为自变量建立的指数模型是估算西北引黄灌区水稻冠层SPAD的最佳单变量模型;(2)采用随机森林算法,以4个植被指数RVI(R696,R540)、DVI(R700,R536)、SAVI(R700,R536)、RVI(D1316,D736)建立的估算模型比普通回归模型精度更高,验证结果的决定系数R2为0.873,均方根误差RMSE为3.221,平均相对误差RE为13.25%。说明通过随机森林算法建立的模型可以实现水稻冠层SPAD的精准估测,可以用于西北引黄灌区水稻冠层叶绿素含量的快速、无损获取。  相似文献   

利用棉花主要生育时期的无人机近红外影像数据,提取4种不同的植被指数,通过与棉花地上生物量的实测值建立拟合关系,分析了不同植被指数在棉花各生育时期的估算效果并对其进行了验证。结果表明,随棉花生长,归一化植被指数(NDVI)、宽动态植被指数(WDRVI)、比值植被指数(RVI)和差值植被指数(DVI)均从苗期开始显著增加,其后则表现为基本稳定的“饱和”现象,但棉花实测生物量在不同生育期均有显著差异。植被指数与棉花实测生物量的拟合结果显示:NDVI和DVI的二元线性拟合模型对苗期生物量拟合效果最佳(R2=0.84,RMSE=0.13 kg·m-2);WDRVI和DVI的二元线性拟合模型对花蕾期生物量拟合效果最佳(R2=0.87,RMSE=0.52 kg·m-2);RVI的非线性拟合模型对花铃期生物量拟合效果最佳(R2=0.79,RMSE=0.95 kg·m-2);WDRVI和RVI的二元线性拟合模型对盛铃期生物量的拟合效果最佳(R2=0.86,RMSE=0.96 kg·m-2)。  相似文献   

查干湖透明度高光谱估测模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖水透明度能直观反映湖水清澈和混浊程度,是水体能见程度的一个量度,同时也是评价湖泊富营养化,衡量水质优劣的一个重要指标。传统地表水透明度观测主要采用塞克盘(Secchi Disk)法,这种方法不仅费时费力,而且只具有局部的代表意义。遥感技术具有快速、大面积和周期性的特点,可以有效地解决这种局限性。该文通过查干湖高光谱数据,建立透明度(Secchi Disk Depth)单波段和比值高光谱估测遥感模型,并进行验证。结果表明:利用高光谱遥感监测模型对查干湖透明度进行估算和监测,能够获取较为准确的评价结果,相对于传统监测方法具有省时省力的特点。通过对单波段估测模型和比值估测模型进行比较发现,单波段模型估测结果好于比值模型,而对数比值模型又强于单纯的比值模型。查干湖透明度高光谱定量估测模型的建立,有利于今后利用遥感影像,对查干湖水体透明度进行全面估测,对于研究和监测查干湖水体水质状况有重要意义。  相似文献   

冬小麦生物量遥感监测模型的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文利用1992-1994年乌兰乌苏农业气象试验站观测农学资料、光谱资料以及同步接收的NOAA/AVHRR资料,计算了冬小麦生物量与比值植物指数(RVI)和归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)的相关系数,并建立了冬小麦生物量的光谱监测模型和气象卫星遥感监测模型,为冬小麦长势的动态监测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为提高西北半湿润区葡萄园蒸散量的估算精度,以波文比系统实测蒸散量ETc为基础,基于彭曼公式法计算参考作物蒸散量ETo,得到葡萄作物系数Kc后,采用FAO-56双作物系数法计算土壤蒸发系数Ke与水分胁迫系数Ks,获得基础作物系数Kcb;同时利用无人机多光谱遥感影像获取葡萄光谱数据,提取多个波段反射率计算4种植被指数(归一化植被指数NDVI、土壤调节植被指数SAVI、比值植被指数RVI、差值植被指数DVI),建立葡萄Kcb与植被指数的关系模型(一元线性回归、多项式回归、多元线性回归),从而计算葡萄园实际蒸散量用以验证无人机多光谱遥感估算葡萄Kcb的精度。结果表明:(1)相同建模方法下,植被指数与Kcb的模型拟合精度受到其种类与葡萄生长时期的影响。在生育前期,利用一元线性回归建模得到的Kcb-VIs模型拟合精度表现为NDVI>RVI>SAVI...  相似文献   

Growth of annual plants in arid environments depends largely on rainfall pulses. An increased understanding of the effects of different rainfall patterns on plant growth is critical to predicting the potential responses of plants to the changes in rainfall regimes, such as rainfall intensity and duration, and length of dry intervals. In this study, we investigated the effects of different rainfall patterns(e.g. small rainfall event with high frequency and large rainfall event with low frequency) on biomass, growth characteristics and vertical distribution of root biomass of annual plants in Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia of China during the growing season(from May to August) of 2014. Our results showed that the rainfall patterns, independent of total rainfall amount, exerted strong effects on biomass, characteristics of plant growth and vertical distribution of root biomass. Under a constant amount of total rainfall, the aboveground biomass(AGB), belowground biomass(BGB), plant cover, plant height, and plant individual and species number increased with an increase in rainfall intensity. Changes in rainfall patterns also altered the percentage contribution of species biomass to the total AGB, and the percentage of BGB at different soil layers to the total BGB. Consequently, our results indicated that increased rainfall intensity in future may increase biomass significantly, and also affect the growth characteristics of annual plants.  相似文献   

Changes in the sizes of precipitation events in the context of global climate change may have profound impacts on ecosystem productivity in arid and semiarid grasslands. However, we still have little knowledge about to what extent grassland productivity will respond to an individual precipitation event. In this study, we quantified the duration, the maximum, and the time-integrated amount of the response of daily gross primary productivity(GPP) to an individual precipitation event and their variations with different sizes of precipitation events in a typical temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Results showed that the duration of GPP-response(τR) and the maximum absolute GPP-response(GPPmax) increased linearly with the sizes of precipitation events(Pes), driving a corresponding increase in time-integrated amount of the GPP-response(GPPtotal) because variations of GPPtotal were largely explained by τR and GPPmax. The relative contributions of these two parameters to GPPtotal were strongly Pes-dependent. The GPPmax contributed more to the variations of GPPtotal when Pes was relatively small(20 mm), whereas τR was the main driver to the variations of GPPtotal when Pes was relatively large. In addition, a threshold size of at least 5 mm of precipitation was required to induce a GPP-response for the temperate steppe in this study. Our work has important implications for the modeling community to obtain an advanced understanding of productivity-response of grassland ecosystems to altered precipitation regimes.  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔作为全球气候变化的敏感区域,分析其植被生产力时空格局具有重要科学意义。简化光能利用率模型的水分胁迫系数,基于E0S/MODIS卫星遥感资料,研究呼伦贝尔地区植被净初级生产力(NPP)时空格局。结果表明:1)研究区内大兴安岭林区单位面积NPP为高值区,呼伦贝尔草原西部NPP为低值区,林草交错区和农牧交错区NPP介于林区和草原区之间;2)2000年-2008年4类土地覆被类型单位面积NPP为下降趋势;3)呼伦贝尔西部草原、呼伦贝尔林草交错区单位面积NPP主要受降水量的影响,而大兴安岭林区和岭东农牧交错区主要受生长季气温的影响。  相似文献   

过度放牧导致干旱半干旱区毛乌素沙地草地严重退化。通过禁牧措施排除放牧干扰,使草地自然恢复,作为一种低投入的措施在世界各国退化草地生态系统恢复中得到广泛采用。文中对毛乌素沙地三种不同管理类型(持续放牧、围栏5年和围栏16年)土壤理化性状进行了研究,研究结果显示:围栏禁牧5年对0~30cm土壤颗粒组成和容重没有显著影响;围栏禁牧16年0~10cm土壤容重显著小于持续放牧区,而极细沙、粉粒和粘粒含量显著高于持续放牧区;围栏5年显著增加了0~5cm土壤有机碳,而0~30cm的全氮均没有显著增加。围栏16年土壤有机碳较放牧区在0~5cm、5~10cm、10~30cm分别显著增加了231%、81%、55%;全氮含量的变化趋势与之相同。结果表明,围栏5年对土壤粘粉粒、全氮含量的恢复基本没有效果;围栏16年能显著增加表层土壤粘粉粒含量和有机碳、全氮,但土壤碳、氮水平还是在比较低的水平(有机碳:4.30g.kg-1;全氮:0.74g.kg-1),即长期禁牧可以逐渐改善土壤质地和提高土壤肥力。研究结果为半干旱退化沙质草地生态系统的恢复、重建及管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Determining soil N mineralization response to soil temperature and moisture changes is challenging in the field due to complicated effects from other factors. In the laboratory, N mineralization is highly dependent on temperature, moisture and sample size. In this study, a laboratory incubation experiment was carefully designed and conducted under controlled conditions to examine the effects of soil temperature and moisture on soil N mineralization using soil samples obtained from the Stipa krylovii grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. Five temperature(i.e. 9°C, 14°C, 22°C, 30°C and 40°C) and five moisture levels(i.e. 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% WHC, where WHC is the soil water holding capacity) were included in a full-factorial design. During the 71-day incubation period, microbial biomass carbon(MBC), ammonium nitrogen(NH4 +-N) and nitrate nitrogen(NO3--N) were measured approximately every 18 days; soil basal respiration for qCO2 index was measured once every 2 days(once a week near the end of the incubation period). The results showed that the mineral N production and net N mineralization rates were positively correlated with temperature; the strongest correlation was observed for temperatures between 30°C and 40°C. The relationships between moisture levels and both the mineral N production and net N mineralization rates were quadratic. The interaction between soil temperature and moisture was significant on N mineralization, i.e. increasing temperatures(moisture) enhanced the sensitivity of N mineralization to moisture(temperature). Our results also showed a positive correlation between the net nitrification rate and temperature, while the correlation between the NH4 +-N content and temperature was insignificant. The net nitrification rate was negatively correlated with high NH4 +-N contents at 80%–100% WHC, suggesting an active denitrification in moist conditions. Moreover, qCO2 index was positively correlated with temperature, especially at 80% WHC. With a low net nitrification rate and high soil basal respiration rate, it was likely that the denitrification concealed the microbial gross mineralization activity; therefore, active soil N mineralization occurred in 60%–80% WHC conditions.  相似文献   

Grazing is a main human activity in the grasslands of Xinjiang, China. It is vital to identify the effects of grazing on the sustainable utilization of local grasslands. However, the effects of grazing on net primary productivity(NPP), evapotranspiration(ET) and water use efficiency(WUE) in this region remain unclear. Using the spatial Biome-BGC grazing model, we explored the effects of grazing on NPP, ET and WUE across the different regions and grassland types in Xinjiang during 1979–2012. NPP, ET and WUE under the grazed scenario were generally lower than those under the ungrazed scenario, and the differences showed increasing trends over time. The decreases in NPP, ET and WUE varied significantly among the regions and grassland types. NPP decreased as follows: among the regions, Northern Xinjiang(16.60 g C/(m~2·a)), Tianshan Mountains(15.94 g C/(m~2·a)) and Southern Xinjiang(-3.54 g C/(m~2·a)); and among the grassland types, typical grasslands(25.70 g C/(m~2·a)), swamp meadows(25.26 g C/(m~2·a)), mid-mountain meadows(23.39 g C/(m~2·a)), alpine meadows(6.33 g C/(m~2·a)), desert grasslands(5.82 g C/(m~2·a)) and saline meadows(2.90 g C/(m~2·a)). ET decreased as follows: among the regions, Tianshan Mountains(28.95 mm/a), Northern Xinjiang(8.11 mm/a) and Southern Xinjiang(7.57 mm/a); and among the grassland types, mid-mountain meadows(29.30 mm/a), swamp meadows(25.07 mm/a), typical grasslands(24.56 mm/a), alpine meadows(20.69 mm/a), desert grasslands(11.06 mm/a) and saline meadows(3.44 mm/a). WUE decreased as follows: among the regions, Northern Xinjiang(0.053 g C/kg H_2O), Tianshan Mountains(0.034 g C/kg H_2O) and Southern Xinjiang(0.012 g C/kg H_2O); and among the grassland types, typical grasslands(0.0609 g C/kg H_2O), swamp meadows(0.0548 g C/kg H_2O), mid-mountain meadows(0.0501 g C/kg H_2O), desert grasslands(0.0172 g C/kg H_2O), alpine meadows(0.0121 g C/kg H_2O) and saline meadows(0.0067 g C/kg H_2O). In general, the decreases in NPP and WUE were more significant in the regions with relatively high levels of vegetation growth because of the high grazing intensity in these regions. The decreases in ET were significant in mountainous areas due to the terrain and high grazing intensity.  相似文献   

In the arid and semi-arid areas of China, rainfall and drought affect the growth and photosynthetic activities of plants. Gross primary productivity (GPP) is one of the most important indices that measure the photosynthetic ability of plants. This paper focused on the GPP of two representative grassland species (Stipa krylovii Roshev. and Allium polyrhizum Turcz. ex Regel) to demonstrate the effect of a temporal rainfall on the two species. Our research was conducted in a temperate grassland in New Barag Right Banner, Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, in a dry year 2015. We measured net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and ecosystem respiration flux (ER) using a transparent chamber system and monitored the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air and soil temperature and humidity simultaneously. Based on the measured values of NEP and ER, we calculated the GPP of the two species before and after the rainfall. The saturated GPP per aboveground biomass (GPPAGB) of A. polyrhizum remarkably increased from 0.033 (±0.018) to 0.185 (±0.055) μmol CO2/(gdw?s) by 5.6-fold and that of S. krylovii decreased from 0.068 (±0.021) to 0.034 (±0.011) μmol CO2/(gdw?s) by 0.5-fold on the 1st and 2nd d after a 9.1 mm rainfall event compared to the values before the rainfall at low temperatures below 35°C. However, on the 1st and 2nd d after the rainfall, both of the saturated GPPAGB values of S. krylovii and A. polyrhizum were significantly lower at high temperatures above 35°C (0.018 (±0.007) and 0.110 (±0.061) μmol CO2/(gdw?s), respectively) than at low temperatures below 35°C (0.034 (±0.011) and 0.185 (±0.055) μmol CO2/(gdw?s), respectively). The results showed that the GPP responses to the temporal rainfall differed between S. krylovii and A. polyrhizum and strongly negative influenced by temperature. The temporal rainfall seems to be more effective on the GPP of A. polyrhizum than S. krylovii. These differences might be related to the different physiological and structural features, the coexistence of the species and their species-specific survival strategies.  相似文献   

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