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从采集的样本中发现马铃薯癌肿病的休眠孢子囊超过子已报道的形态大小,防腐浸渍液处理后休眠孢子囊平均大小缩小50%以上。  相似文献   

陈永康  兰顺海 《植物检疫》1989,3(2):116-118
马铃薯是美姑县首要粮食作物,常年种植6万亩左右,收成好坏对当地彝族人民生产生活关系极大。1979年发现马铃薯癌肿病,大面积危害损失常在30~40%,重病地基本无收,薯块病组织大量消耗养料,不能积蓄淀粉,大大地降低了食用、  相似文献   

涂锐 《植物医生》2004,17(3):28-30
马铃薯癌肿病(Potato wart)又名黑瘤病、黑痂病,群众俗称"疙瘩洋芋".病菌(属鞭毛菌亚门真菌)以休眠孢子囊在病组织内或随病残体遗落在土壤中越冬.休眠孢子囊抗逆性很强,可在土壤中存活25 a左右,遇适宜的条件,萌发产生游动孢子和合子,从寄主表皮细胞侵入.  相似文献   

马铃薯癌肿病 Synchytriumendobioticum(Schilb.)Perc.,是严重为害马铃薯生产的世界性检疫病害,1895年匈牙利首先报道,以后欧、美、亚、非、大洋等5州53个国家相继作了报道。在这些国家的发病区,常使马铃薯产量损失占总收获量的50%以上,个别重病地甚至无  相似文献   

贵州六盘水市马铃薯癌肿病的发生与防治初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭麟书 《植物检疫》1991,5(6):414-415
六盘水市位于贵州高原的西部,全市大部分为高海拔地区,1800m 以上的高寒山区约占30%左右,马铃薯是全市的主要夏粮作物,也是高寒山区人民的口粮。近年来全市栽培面积达47万多亩,占夏粮播种面积的50%左右,总产占夏粮的一半以上,占全市粮食总产的10%左右。主产区  相似文献   

进一步较系统地研究了马铃薯癌肿病的生物学特性、宏观与微观危害特征及在我国的病害发展。对马铃薯块茎休眠芽癌肿病的早期(潜伏期)诊断、土壤休眠孢子囊及其活力测定等快速检测方法与技术进行了研究并取得预期结果。  相似文献   

马铃薯癌肿病发病原因与防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂锐 《植物医生》2004,17(2):40-42
马铃薯癌肿病(Potato wart)又名黑瘤病、黑痂病.被当地群众称为"疙瘩洋芋",是一种危险性、毁灭性的真菌病害,属国际国内植物检疫对象.植株感病后,块茎不能食用,同时也不能用作饲料,给马铃薯生产造成极大的损失.  相似文献   

本文对马铃薯癌肿病生物学特性等方面进行综述,通过分析该病害的传播和定殖规律,并采用GARP生态位模型分析预测该病害在中国的潜在地理分布,参照国际上有害生物危险性分析方法,对马铃薯癌肿病在中国的危险性作出综合评价。结果表明,马铃薯癌肿病的潜在入侵区远大于目前的实际分布区,因此仍会继续在中国扩散;中国中东部的广大地区是马铃薯癌肿病最易入侵的地区,应采取措施防止其入侵。危险性综合评价值为2.163,在中国的危害风险性很大。  相似文献   

云南马铃薯粉痂病病原研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘霞  杨艳丽  罗文富 《植物保护》2007,33(1):105-108
马铃薯粉痂菌(Spongospora subterranea f.sp.subterranea)是引起马铃薯粉痂病的病原。本试验对云南省马铃薯产区的马铃薯粉痂菌进行了研究,通过光学和扫描电子显微镜对病原菌进行了描述。光学显微镜观察到了典型的海绵状蜂窝结构;扫描电子显微镜观察到的休眠孢子囊结构与国外观察的一致,证明了马铃薯粉痂菌在云南省马铃薯主产区的存在。  相似文献   

前言在苏格兰约有1万公顷的可耕地,受与马铃薯癌肿病 Synchytrium endobioticum(Schilb.)Perc.有关的政府规定管理。这些规定(1912~1973年)对于在发生癌肿病的土地上种植马铃薯进行了限制,并把这些土地登记为“立案地”。在这些立案地上过去是准许种植经农业部批准的马铃薯癌肿病免疫品种的,但自从1973年法令公布后,就不许种植马铃薯了,而对于这个农场的其它土地(称作“安全地带”)也只  相似文献   

Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) are economically important pests of potato plants worldwide that can result in yield losses exceeding 80%, with an estimated cost of £50 million annually in the United Kingdom alone. The life cycle of PCN, and in particular the hatching of eggs and development and survival of juveniles, is sensitive to temperatures in the soil. Despite this fact, relatively little is known about temperatures inside potato drills and how these may differ to temperatures in the surrounding soil. We monitored the temperature inside potato drills at 19 sites across the United Kingdom and used a published temperature-driven process-based PCN life cycle model to compare predictions of PCN population dynamics driven by these temperatures to predictions based on modelled soil temperatures derived from the HadUK-Grid climate. We found that mean soil temperatures derived from the climate model were lower than those observed inside potato drills; thus, using temperatures measured directly in potato drills resulted in increased estimates of population growth and shorter estimated generation times than when using modelled soil temperatures. This finding suggests that greater understanding of the temperature inside potato drills is required if we are to make accurate predictions about the effects of temperature on PCN populations.  相似文献   

The impact of increasing temperatures on the population dynamics of the soil-dwelling nematode Globodera pallida, a persistent and economically important pest of potatoes, was investigated. The reproductive factor (final population⁄initial population) and length of life cycle were found to be temperature sensitive. Pot experiments performed over 4 months allowed comparison of the effect on development of G. pallida of two temperature regimes: an average temperature comparable to current field conditions (14.3 °C) and an average temperature above current field conditions (17.3 °C). A larger second generation of juveniles was observed at 17.3 °C compared to 14.3 °C. Multiplication of G. pallida at field sites in Shropshire and East Lothian (average soil temperatures of 15.5 and 14.1 °C, respectively, during potato cropping) was also examined. A quantitative PCR assay and visual examination of roots were used to monitor the dynamics of the G. pallida populations in both field sites at 4-weekly intervals. Four cultivars, Desirée, Cara, Maris Piper and Estima, were grown with and without nematicide treatments. Nematicide treatments suppressed population increases at both sites. Females were observed on the roots of cvs Cara and Desirée at the end of the growing season in Shropshire, but not at East Lothian, and are likely to represent a second generation.  相似文献   

马铃薯斑马片病(potato zebra chip disease)是20世纪90年代中期在南美洲首次发现的新病害。近年该病害在美国、墨西哥及新西兰等地扩散为害,对当地马铃薯生产构成严重威胁。同时,也为害其他茄科作物。为此,对该病害的发生历史、分布、为害、病原、发生规律、检测技术及防控措施进行综述,并指出应加强检疫,防止该病害传入我国。  相似文献   

为了解湖南省马铃薯种薯质量和主要病毒病发生情况,2019年-2020年马铃薯秋作和冬作期间,对长沙、益阳、湘潭、澧临等马铃薯生产区的155个马铃薯样品,运用反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)和双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附检测(DAS-ELISA)技术,筛查6种主要马铃薯病毒,包括马铃薯X病毒Potato virus X(PVX)、马铃薯Y病毒Potato virus Y(PVY)、马铃薯M病毒Potato virus M(PVM)、马铃薯S病毒Potato virus S(PVS)、马铃薯A病毒Potato virus A(PVA)、马铃薯卷叶病毒Potato leaf roll virus(PLRV)。检测结果表明:6种马铃薯病毒病在湖南均有不同程度的发生,单一和两种病毒复合感染植株占比最高,其次是3种病毒复合感染,存在极少数植株复合感染4~5种病毒病情况。在秋作马铃薯中,PVY检出率达到29.41%;PVS和PVA检出率均为27.94%;PVM、PVX、PLRV的检出率分别为20.59%、19.12%、17.65%。在冬作马铃薯中,PVX检出率最高,达到31.03%;其次是PLRV,...  相似文献   

甘薯病毒病害SPVD抗性鉴定方法及产量损失估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了建立规范、有效的甘薯病毒病害(sweet potato virus disease,SPVD)抗性鉴定方法,于2011—2012连续两年,利用田间人工嫁接病毒接穗的方法对12个甘薯品种进行抗性鉴定和产量损失测定。结果显示,嫁接接种后,接穗成活率接近100%,12个品种都有不同程度发病,病情指数在51.0~95.2之间;感染SPVD的甘薯植株叶绿素含量降低、蔓长缩短;单株薯块产量损失范围在55.1%~97.8%之间。研究表明,供试的12个甘薯主栽品种感染SPVD后均可引起严重的产量损失,且田间人工嫁接病毒接穗是一个有效的SPVD抗性鉴定方法。  相似文献   

甘薯病毒病害(Sweet potato virus disease,SPVD)是由毛形病毒属(Crinivirus)的甘薯褪绿矮化病毒(Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus,SPCSV)和马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)的甘薯羽状斑驳病毒(Sweet potato feathery mottle virus,SPFMV)协生共侵染甘薯引起的病毒病害[1].  相似文献   

In recent years black dot ( Colletotrichum coccodes ) has become an economically important disease problem in potato ( Solanum tuberosum ). It is characterized by silvery lesions on the tuber surface which result in a deterioration in skin quality. In addition to causing tuber blemish symptoms, C. coccodes also causes symptoms on stems and foliage, resulting in crop losses in some countries, and is implicated as a factor in the potato early dying disease complex. In the past, the incidence and severity of black dot might have been underestimated, as tuber symptoms were often mistaken for silver scurf ( Helminthosporium solani ). Inoculum of C. coccodes can be both seed tuber- and soilborne, and disease control is difficult as there are few chemical control methods and little resistance in commercial cultivars. Cultural control options offer the only potential means to control this disease at present. Current developments in rapid and specific PCR-based detection methods are being used to address epidemiological questions.  相似文献   

The diapause of potato cyst nematodes was bypassed by avoiding desiccation of the cysts. Larvae were artificially hatched by cutting the cysts in halves and subsequent incubation in potato root diffusate. Approximately 40% of the cyst content hatched. These treatments had no influence on viability and fecundity as ascertained by rearing nematodes in pots and on roots of sprouts grown on water agar in Petri dishes. With the artificial hatching procedure it is possible to produce five to six generations a year in Petri dishes and three to five generations in pots.Samenvatting De diapauze van aardappelcysteaaltjes kan worden omzeild door te voorkómen dat de cysten uitdrogen. Hiertoe worden de cysten opgekweekt op wortels van aard-appelspruiten in Petrischalen met wateragar of in potten en zorgvuldig vochtig gehouden.De larven worden uit de eieren gelokt door de cysten met een scalpel te halveren of zorgvuldig door te drukken zonder de eieren te beschadigen en deze vervolgens te incuberen in lokstof. Op deze wijze wordt ongeveer 40% van de cysteïnhoud gelokt. Deze behandeling heeft geen nadelige invloeden op de vitaliteit van de larven en de vrucht-baarheid van de hieruit ontwikkelde mannetjes en vrouwtjes. Dit geldt zowel voor eieren uit cysten opgekweekt in Petrischalen als die in potten.Op deze wijze is het mogelijk drie tot vijf generaties per jaar in potten te kweken en vijf tot zes generaties in Petrischalen.  相似文献   

通过对发生区调查和历史数据分析,总结昭通内生集壶菌发生原因,根据昭通防治经验,结合国内研究成果,提出加强检疫,清除田间病残体,收集病薯高温处理,发病区进行轮作并全部挖出隔生薯,轮作后种植抗病品种的防治策略。  相似文献   

<正>Dickeya和Pectobacterium属细菌的植物寄主广泛,包括十字花科、茄科、百合科、伞形花科和禾本科等科的农作物[1],所引发的细菌性软腐病严重影响农作物的产量和品质,造成严重经济损失,威胁农业生产和粮食安全。Dickeya和Pectobacterium属不同种的菌株能侵染同一种植物,产生相似的病症。如已发现能侵染马铃薯并导致软腐病害的有D. solani、D. dianthicola、D. dadantii、D.chrysanthemi、D. zeae、P. versatile、P. carotovorum、P. brasiliense、P. atrosepticum、P. betavasculorum、P. parmentieri、P. parvum、P. peruviense、P. polaris、P. actinidiae和P. punjabense等种的细菌[2-3]。  相似文献   

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