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Our objective was to characterize epithelial cells lining the epididymal duct (caput, corpus, cauda) of the alpaca using AE1/AE3 cytokeratin antibodies and a battery of different lectins: Con-A, UEA-I, LTA WGA, GSA-II, GSA-IB4, SBA, PNA, ECA, DBA, MAL-II and SNA. Sialidase digestion and deglycosylation pre-treatments were also employed. The principal cells (PCs) along the epididymis showed differences in immunostaining patterns toward keratin antibodies. Lectin histochemistry demonstrated variations in the content and distribution of glycosidic residues of glycoconjugates in different epididymal regions. In particular, staining of the Golgi zone in the epithelial PCs was interpreted as evidence for synthesis and secretion of O- and N-linked oligosaccharides. In the caput, the apical mitochondria-rich cells contained mainly β-GalNAc, subterminal α-GalNAc, α-Gal and Neu5Ac α2,3Gal residues. Conversely, in the corpus they were particularly rich in α-GalNac and β-Gal-(1–3)- d -GalNAc linked to sialic acid moieties. Basal cells mainly expressed β-GalNAc and α-Gal in the caput, α-Gal in the corpus and α-Fuc and β-GalNAc in the cauda. The differences in immunostaining patterns and in lectin histochemistry in the alpaca epididymis reported in this investigation seem to be related to regional differences in function.  相似文献   

Abstract— The thyroid gland in seventy-five cats has been examined. Abnormalities are by no means uncommon and cases of adenomas, adenomatous goitre, colloid goitre, carcinoma and amyloidosis are described.
Résumé— –On examina la glande thyroide de soixante-quinze chats. Les anomalies n'y sont pas rares du tout. L'auteur décrit des cas d'adénomes, de goitres adénomateux, de carcinomas, et de dégénérescences amyloides.
Zusammenfassung— Es sind die Schilddrüsen von fünfundsiebzig Katzen untersucht worden. Missbildungen treten keineswegs selten auf, und es werden. Fälle von Drüsengeschwulsten, adenoma-tösem Kropf, Gallertkropf, Krebs und Amyloidose beschrieben.  相似文献   

Oestrogens are involved in regulation of spermatogenesis and sperm maturation and are essential for male fertility. To study the role of oestrogens on epididymal function in the domestic cat, we analyzed the localization patterns of oestrogen receptors (ERs) within the epididymis of juvenile, pubertal and adults using immunohistochemistry. Cat epididymal tissues obtained during routine castrations were fixed in chilled Bouin's solution and processed for immunohistochemistry with ER-specific antibodies. For a certain receptor type, ER localization was influenced by donor age. In the juvenile epididymis, ERα was localized in the nuclei of epithelial cells of efferent ducts and undifferentiated epithelium of the ductus epididymis. During puberty, ERα localization in the undifferentiated epithelium of the epididymis shifted from the nuclei to the cytoplasm and plasma membrane. Oestrogen receptor-α level was highest in the pubertal and adult epididymis, especially within the cytoplasm and in plasma membranes of caput epithelial cells. This finding was suggestive of a role in fluid reabsorption within the efferent ducts and the epididymis. In corpus and cauda regions, ERα was less abundant, suggesting a minor role for oestrogens in sperm storage areas. Interestingly, localization of ERβ was neither influenced by age nor location within the epididymis and was ubiquitous throughout. Results demonstrate that oestrogen actions within the epididymis may be predominantly mediated through ERα during sexual maturation in the domestic cat.  相似文献   

To compare the histological changes of the adult yak's epididymis in different breeding seasons,six adult yak testis in breeding season and nine adult yak testis in breeding interval were collected for structure investigation by HE staining,Masson's and Gomori's histochemistry methods,and IPP (Image-Pro Plus) statistics method was used to quantitative statistics.The results showed that comparing with the adult yak in the breeding interval,the epididymis ducts of adult yak in the breeding season were covered with the columnar ciliated epithelium.The collagen and reticular fiber in cauda epididymis were obviously more abundant than caput and corpus epididymitis.And the thickness of columnar epithelium cells in caput and corpus epididymitis,the length of the cilia in caput,and also the internal and external lumen diameter of caput and corpus epididymitis were all significantly increased in the breeding season (P<0.05),but the external lumen diameter of the cauda epididymis had no significant differences (P>0.05).In conclusion,the research showed that the distribution of collagen and reticular fiber in adult yak's epididymis interstitial were similar,and they were more rich in cauda epididymis,which might relate to the capacity and the sperm transport;The changes of the epithelial thickness,the length of cilia,the internal and external lumen diameter were close related to the different breeding seasons,and it might be a common phenomenon in plateau mammals that the enlargement and reduction of the epididymal duct in different breeding seasons.  相似文献   

为比较不同繁殖季节成年牦牛附睾组织结构特征变化,应用苏木精-曙红常规染色、Masson's和Gomori's特殊组织化学染色方法比较不同繁殖季节牦牛(6头繁殖期成年牦牛和9头繁殖间期成年牦牛)附睾的组织结构特点并用IPP图像分析软件进行定量分析。结果显示,与繁殖间期相比,繁殖期附睾尾间质胶原纤维和网状纤维较附睾头及附睾体明显增多;附睾头和附睾体柱状上皮厚度显著增加(P<0.05),附睾头纤毛长度增加显著(P<0.05);附睾头和附睾尾管腔内径及外径显著增高(P<0.05);但是附睾尾管腔外径繁殖期与繁殖间期相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。本研究结果表明,成年牦牛附睾管外围网状纤维与胶原纤维分布一致,二者在附睾尾较为丰富,可能与其较强的收缩能力及精子运输有关;柱状纤毛上皮高度及纤毛长度、管腔内径与外径的变化与其所处的不同繁殖季节密切相关,附睾管腔的膨大和回缩亦可能是高原地区季节性繁殖的哺乳动物中一种普遍存在的现象。  相似文献   

In the present study, 15 canine ovaries without morphological lesions were examined histologically and immunohistochemically by using a large number of proteins including AE1/AE3, cytokeratin7 (CK7), CK13, CK20, vimentin, desmin, alpha smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA), calponin, S100, Neurofilaments, Inhibinalpha, placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and neuron-specific enolase. Ovarian structures observed in this study included surface epithelium (SE), cortical tubules (CT), tunica albuginea (TA), stromal cells (SC), internal endocrine cells (IE), rete ovarii (RO) and fallopian tubes (FT). SE, CT, RO and FT were broadly immunoreactive for desmin. Besides AE1/AE3 and vimentin, desmin was also closely linked to these structures. Rete ovarii forming a reticular structure showed a positive reaction to S100. Surface epithelium was immunoreactive for PLAP at a significantly high level. In conclusion, these results indicate a specific segment of immunoreactivity as well as the broad range of immunoreactivity in canine ovary. The distinct patterns of immunoreactive for various kinds of proteins will play an important role in facilitating their identification and discrimination even in a normal canine ovary with a complex structure.  相似文献   

In most avian species, only the left ovary and oviduct are developed in the adult bird. Right ovaries and oviducts usually do not mature further after hatching and remain only rudimentary. However, occurrence of a functional right ovary is frequently found in several species of birds of prey. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of the right ovaries and their morphology in these bird species. Four examined wild bird species possessed a right ovary: long‐eared owl, common buzzard, sparrow hawk and goshawk. We used histological and immunohistochemical techniques to evaluate structural differences of the gonads and tried to correlate the findings with folliculogenesis and endocrine functions. The right ovaries showed different sizes and shapes. Cytoskeletal elements (tubulin and vimentin) and α‐smooth muscle actin have been detected in different structures of the right ovaries, but their staining intensity was weaker compared with the left ovary. This shows that also the right ovary is mechanically able to ovulate. We could also demonstrate the expression of oestrogen receptor α and progesterone receptor in the right ovaries, which indicates that also the right ovary can respond to steroid hormone stimuli. We assume that the expression of steroid hormone receptors in the presumptive gonad is still sufficient to mediate the development of a right ovary in the studied species. We conclude that the expression of steroid hormone receptors in the right ovary is involved in its post‐natal development. The histological and immunohistochemical data also imply that in the right ovary, folliculogenesis and ovulation can occur.  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同日龄伊拉兔睾丸和附睾组织在性成熟前的变化规律,为其初情期及性成熟的判定提供组织学依据。【方法】将45只伊拉兔随机分为9组,每组5只,从30日龄开始每隔15日采集1组试验兔的睾丸及其附睾,运用形态学与组织解剖学方法对其生长发育规律进行研究分析。【结果】随着日龄的增加,睾丸指数、睾丸重、睾丸长径、睾丸短径及厚径等指标逐步增加,且150日龄时各指标均显著高于其他组(P<0.05);30、45、60日龄睾丸内生精小管排列稀疏,75、90、105日龄时睾丸间质成分逐渐增多,管腔逐步形成,120、135、150日龄时间质细胞进一步增生并成群分布,90日龄起出现圆形和长形未成型精子,120日龄的睾丸生精小管、附睾管腔中出现少量成型精子,150日龄时有大量精子密集分布于睾丸管腔内,且在120、135、150日龄时生精小管面积、上皮细胞厚度、支持细胞数均显著大于其他组(P<0.05);30日龄以上各组间质细胞个数在各组间差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于30日龄;120、135、150日龄时附睾头、体、尾的直径均极显著高于其他组(P<0.05),而附睾头的柱...  相似文献   

猫的肾上腺皮质癌转移至脾在兽医临床非常罕见。在本报告中,描述了1例10岁田园猫,其症状表现为腹部疼痛,频繁呕吐,消瘦,有慢性肾上腺功能损伤病史,影像学检查脾肿大。对患猫进行脾摘除手术,并对摘除的组织进行组织病理学检查和免疫组化分析。病理组织学结果显示,肿瘤细胞具有丰富的脂质样空泡,细胞体积大,有丝分裂象多见,且肿瘤细胞已发生血管侵袭,细胞核浓染;免疫组织化学结果显示,synaptophysin、S-100和GATA4阳性表达。根据病理组织学和免疫组织化学及病史和实验室检查,最后诊断为肾上腺皮质癌的脾转移。首次报道了猫肾上腺皮质癌脾转移临床病例及病理学诊断,对于临床相关疾病诊疗有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Anovulatory haemorrhagic follicles (AHFs) are often the reason for ovulation failure in the mare. As the underlying factors that lead to AHF development are not well understood, it was of interest to investigate the vascularization of AHFs compared with normal follicles and corpora lutea (controls). In the present study, the ovarian cell populations investigated immunohistochemically included granulosa and luteal cells as well as various vascular structures. None of these cell types showed differences in the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) between control ovaries containing normal follicles and corpora lutea and ovaries with AHFs. In contrast, a considerable reduction in the proportion of Flk-1-expressing cells, together with a decreased intensity of staining, was apparent in the AHFs. This greatly reduced expression of Flk-1 in the luteinized cells and the vascular structures of AHFs may lead to a distinct decrease in the potential pro-angiogenic activity of VEGF-A in these structures compared with the situation in normal follicles and corpora lutea. Furthermore, the authors suspect that the distinct expression of angiopoietin2 and VEGF-A seen in the cells within the inner fibrous layers of the AHFs was caused by hypoxia resulting from deficient vascularization, as suggested by the irregularity of the capillaries present in the luteinized wall of the AHF. In addition, whereas LH-receptor (LH-R) expression occurred uniformly in all stages of development of the corpora lutea in normal control ovaries, there was highly variable labelling for LH-R in all the AHFs examined, thereby indicating a possible numerical deficiency of LH-receptors in AHFs. The authors concluded that, despite the apparent expression of sufficient VEGF-A in the AHFs allows ovulation and corpus luteum formation, a relative lack of receptor, Flk-1, effects the pro-angiogenic activity of VEGF-A which could be a reason for ovulation failure associated with AHF formation.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was made of 75 mandibular fractures in 62 cats. Mandibular fractures comprised 14.5% of all fractures seen in 517 cats. Automobile trauma was the cause of injury in more than 50% of the cases. The mean age of patients was 29.5 months. Symphyseal fractures were most common (73.3%), followed by fractures of the body (16%), condyle (6.7%), and coronoid process (4%). Sixty-seven percent of the fractures were stabilized. Cerclage and interfragmentary wiring were the most common forms of fixation. Antibiotics were administered to 73.6% of the patients. Complications were reported in 24.5% of the cats. Malocclusion and soft tissue infections were the most frequent complications. Complications developed more commonly in cats with multiple or open fractures. Clinical union occurred by an average of 6 weeks (range, 3-12 weeks) for symphyseal fractures, 10 weeks (range, 8-16 weeks) for body fractures, 6 weeks for coronoid fractures, and 6 weeks (range, 4-8 weeks) for condylar fractures.  相似文献   

成年雄性仓鼠经皮下连续注射二乙基己烯雌酚(DES)7 d后,用改良甲苯胺蓝染色法(MTB)和阿尔新蓝番红染色法(AB S)研究DES对附睾肥大细胞的形态大小、类型和数量分布的影响。结果表明:仓鼠附睾肥大细胞为结缔组织型肥大细胞,多分布于附睾头与附睾尾的被膜和间质中。试验组的肥大细胞常见于附睾管近旁,多呈脱颗粒状。虽然试验组与对照组的肥大细胞大小相近,但试验组的肥大细胞数量增多,尤其是附睾尾间质中肥大细胞增加明显(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

通过向每侧公牛附睾尾注射自制的"绝育1号"2.5 mL,能使附睾组织结构破坏,形成不可复性损伤,精子无法通过,其绝育效果确实可靠.该技术操作方法简单,无不良反应,便于推广.  相似文献   

李军祥 《四川畜牧兽医》2000,27(3):24-24,26
采用外周血淋巴细胞培养及常规染色体制备分析手段,对青海省西宁动物园展出的兔逊的染色体核型进行了研究,是:兔逊染色体数目为2n=38;常染色体形态类型划分为12M+14sM+8sM+2T,性染色体形态类型为X、Y均是sM;雄 、雌兔逊染色体核型公式分别为38,XY和38,XX;染色体总臂数雌雄均为NF=74。  相似文献   

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