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: Dry cow antibiotic therapy is used to eliminate existing intramammary infections and to prevent new infections in the dry period. It is implemented as part of a total management system known as the 'Five-Point Plan' for mastitis control. Recent public concerns over the widespread prophylactic use of antibiotics, coupled with an increasing interest in organic farming, have lead to a re-evaluation of the treatment of cows at drying-off. As a result, attention has focussed on the use of novel alternatives to antibiotic therapy at the end of lactation. One such therapy involves the application of a non-antibiotic bismuth-based intramammary teat seal designed for use in cows with low cell counts at the end of lactation. Like the keratin plug that forms naturally in teats of cows that have been dried-off, teat seal forms a physical barrier to invading pathogens. To date, a number of independent studies have shown that teat seal is as effective as traditional dry cow antibiotic products in preventing the occurrence of new infection during the dry period in cows with somatic cell counts of ≤200,000 cells ml-1 at drying-off. This paper reviews the efficacy of teat seal in preventing dry period mastitis in both conventional and organic dairying systems.  相似文献   

Dry cow nutrition. The key to improving fresh cow performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence supports the concept of the dry period being a critical component to lactation preparation rather than an insignificant rest period between lactations. Required nutrient amounts for the dry cow are the sum of maintenance, pregnancy, and reserve replenishment needs with additional requirements for growth during the first two pregnancies. Maintenance energy requirements can be dramatically increased by level of activity and adverse environmental conditions. A wide variety of feed ingredients can be successfully fed to dry cows as long as rations are appropriately formulated to meet energy, protein, mineral, and vitamin requirements. A early and close-up dry program best matches increasing pregnancy requirements and declining intake capacity with management capabilities. The early dry cow ration is formulated for high fiber/low energy density while the close-up ration contains higher energy density with less fiber. Both rations contain sufficient other nutrients based on determined intake. This two-group system provides maximal flexibility in managing for optimum body condition at calving. Environmental stresses and dramatic dietary changes should be minimized during the transition period from late gestation to lactation. A sound dry cow program results from integration of quality nutrition and cow management practices as described. A dry cow program that enacts these guidelines should result in reduced incidence of clinical mastitis, successfully complete pregnancy with a viable calf, maximize genetic potential for milk production, minimize incidence of health disorders, and allows cows to breed back within an economically optimum time interval. Overall, a sound dry cow program is a critical key to improved fresh cow performance.  相似文献   

A within herd comparison of teat dipping and dry cow therapy (full treatment) with only selective dry cow therapy (partial treatment) was carried out in six commercial dairy herds for a two year period. In four herds, the incidence of clinical mastitis was 2 to 12 per cent higher in the partial treatment group. In another herd, in which the pattern of clinical mastitis isolates was unusual in that minor pathogens were isolated from 30 per cent of mastitis cases, the incidence was 43 per cent higher in the partial treatment group. In the remaining herd the incidence was 10 percent higher in the full treatment group. Streptococcus uberis mastitis was more common in the partial treatment groups of five herds; coliform mastitis was more common in the full treatment groups of two herds and similar in both groups in the other herds. High rates of coliform mastitis were associated with poor herd environmental conditions but this was not true for Strep uberis mastitis. Rates of staphylococcus aureus and Strep dysgalactiae mastitis were low in all herds. The level of major pathogen infection in cows completing the trial in all herds increased in the partial treatment group from 5 per cent of quarters at the start to 12 per cent at the finish of the trial. In the full treatment group, however, there was only a small increase in this level. In contrast, levels of Corynebacterium bovis infection increased by 17 per cent in both treatment groups. Continued use of teat dipping and dry cow therapy was associated with a higher rate of coliform mastitis in two of the three herds where there were poor standards of hygiene and husbandry.  相似文献   

酮病是奶牛三大营养代谢病之一。目前,大多数奶牛场,奶牛酮病特别是亚临床型酮病的发病率很高。本文对奶牛酮病的病因、监测方法和防治,这三个方面进行了综合阐述,以供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛子宫内膜炎是造成奶牛不孕症的主要原因之一,对奶牛业的危害较大。国内外学者对奶牛子宫内膜炎的防治作了大量研究,提出了许多行之有效的治疗方法。目前治疗本病的非抗生素治疗方法包括生物疗法、激素疗法、物理疗法、中草药疗法等。但最有应用前景的是生物疗法和中草药疗法。今后应加强生物疗法和中草药方面的研究,同时应加强中草药制剂的质量控制和安全性评价,以及中草药的作用机理方面的研究。  相似文献   

Dramatic increases in energy requirements during late gestation and early lactation, superimposed on an animal with a profound drop in DMI just before calving, make the dairy cow highly susceptible to the metabolic diseases ketosis and hepatic lipidosis. Increased serum concentrations of NEFA appear to be causally linked to these problems, and feeding strategies to reduce or avoid this dramatic increase are desirable for optimal health and performance. During the last 3 to 4 weeks prepartum, a diet higher in energy and protein concentration than current NRC recommendations should be fed so that adequate nutrient intake occurs within the limits of the reduced DMI. The additional energy should be provided by glucose precursors, such as starchy concentrates or propylene glycol, and not by lipid. Excessive energy and reduced fiber should be avoided both early in the dry period (more than 28 days prepartum) and immediately postpartum. Attention should be paid to the environment of the cow, especially during the last 3 weeks prepartum, to avoid environmental stressors as much as possible.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The effects of three selection strategies for dry cow therapy on prevention of new infections and rate of antibiotic usage were compared. Quarter infection status of 1044 cows in 12 herds was determined by bacteriological methods at drying off, calving and three to five months into the following lactation. Cows that were uninfected at drying off were randomly allocated to treatment (whole udder, dry cow therapy) and non-treatment groups. Infected cows were randomly allocated to whole udder or infected quarter only treatments. The strategies compared were blanket treatment (treat all quarters of all cows), selective cow treatment (treat all quarters of any cow infected in one or more quarters) and selective quarter treatment (treat infected quarters only). Selective cow treatment was identified as the preferred strategy. Blanket treatment resulted in increased antibiotic usage (15.5 vs 6.4 tubes per infection eliminated) with no additional benefit, and selective quarter treatment resulted in a higher new infection rate (6.4%vs 3.9% quarters) in the dry period. The prevalence of infection within a herd at drying off had no influence on new infection rates in the dry period or early lactation. The cure rate after dry cow treatment (mean of 66%) decreased significantly with increasing age (P < 0.001). Cows infected in the previous lactation contributed over 76% of infections at calving and nearly 70% at mid-lactation. To lower the incidence of mastitis in a herd, a greater emphasis on culling of older infected cows and prevention of new infections during lactation is needed.  相似文献   

Three hundred subclinically infected quarters of 259 Holstein cows infected with gram‐positive bacteria were selected via quota sampling based on the California Mastitis Test (CMT) result and were divided randomly and equally into treatment and test groups. Quarters of test group (n = 150 in 128 cows) were treated with an intramammary infusion of tilmicosin, and quarters of the control group (n = 150 in 131 cows) were treated with cloxacillin as a traditional intramammary infusion of dry cow (DC) ointment. Cows with more than one infected quarter were randomly assigned to the same group, and adjacent quarters were treated the same. The milk samples of all quarters were obtained, and bacterial cultures and somatic cell count (SCC) were tested before dry cow therapy (DCT) (50 ± 15 days before parturition), and finally on day 2 of the next lactation. Results have shown that total bacteriological cure rates on day 2 of the next lactation were 45% and 78%, (p = .01), new infection rates were 43.3% and 56.6%, and SCC was (6.732 × 105 ± 3.124 × 105) and (5.025 × 105 ± 2.935 × 105), (p > .05) in test and control groups, respectively. Tilmicosin had less effect on reducing IMI due to Corynebacterium bovis, and had no effect on Streptococcus agalactiae, but had a potent effect against Staphylococcus aureus. It was concluded that tilmicosin alone should not be infused as an alternative to conventional dry cow therapy. However, it had a significant effect against S. aureus, and the potential of tilmicosin to treat S. aureus IMI should be confirmed in further studies.  相似文献   

In response to farmer complaints about unfair penalties, for the presence of inhibitory substances in early lactation following the use of dry-cow antibiotic therapy, a two-part study was carried out to try and establish why these unexplained grades occur. A survey of instructions supplied with each of 13 registered dry-cow products suggested that the directions for drug use were in some cases inappropriate for long-acting antibiotics. A residue release study was conducted at the beginning of lactation following antibiotic therapy at various times during the dry period. The results showed, for the-three dry-cow preparations studied, that treatment during the dry period, especially within six weeks of calving, could lead to detectable residues in milk from treated quarters.  相似文献   

Seven hundred and three cows were treated at drying off, using three main types of therapy: control, long-acting intramammaria and short-acting intramammaria. Selective dry cow therapy in infected quarters was used. Of the cows with one or two infected quarters one to six weeks before drying off, 57.7 per cent had one or more new infected quarters at drying off. Thus selective dry cow therapy on quarter basis determined from the results of samples taken one to six weeks before drying off would give "inadequate" therapy (i.e. new infection in non-treated quarters at drying off) for more than 50 per cent of the cows. For those cows given "adequate" therapy (no new infection at drying off) long-acting therapy, short-acting and control yielded 53.6%, 49.3% and 30.7% healthy cows respectively two to five weeks post partum. In cows with "inadequate" therapy the treatment groups yielded 42.9%, 52.9% and 29.7% healthy cows respectively. Our conclusion is that if long-acting intramammaria are to be used, all the quarters of infected cows should be treated, whereas if short-acting preparations are to be used, treatment can be restricted to infected quarters only.  相似文献   

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