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The clinical findings, the autopsy and the histology of functional pyloric stenosis in three sheep between four and eight years old are described. A chronic ulcer with structural alterations of the pyloric protuberance was found in the first animal. In the second sheep there were several polyps in the pylorus, and in the third erosions throughout the whole pylorus, and a few hyperplastic areas of epithelium at the junction between pylorus and duodenum. The abomasum was moderately to extremely congested and the contents weighed between 6.7 and 13 kg. In addition to these findings chronic and unspecific abomaso-duodenitis was found in all three sheep. These three cases can be attributed to the distal functional pyloric stenosis (Hoflund syndrome).  相似文献   

Twenty-two sheep and 4 goats suffering from central nervous listeriosis were treated with a therapy that had proved to be successful in cattle. For one week they received daily subcutaneous injections of 50,000 IU Procaine Penicillin G per kg live weight and 5 to 10 mg Vitamin B1 per kg body weight. The base excess was tested by blood gas analysis, and it was compensated by intravenous infusion of Na-bicarbonate. Animals that could not eat or swallow received water and rumen liquid by stomach tube. Eight of 26 patients (31%) were healed. The prognosis of central nervous listeriosis depends mainly on the time of initial treatment and on the degree of general disturbances: More than 90% of the animals that were recumbent (16 of 17) or showed dysphagia (12 of 13) at the beginning of treatment died or had to be euthanized because of persistent central nervous disturbances. The correction of blood-pH was of no therapeutic benefit when the disease was already in progress. Treatment of central nervous listeriosis seems to be effective as long as the patients can stand and swallow. When patients received care at this early stage of disease, 77% (7 of 9) were healed and returned to the flock.  相似文献   

The udder health of 404 sheep from 23 flocks and 397 goats from 15 herds in Lower Austria was examined. In order to determine cell levels, the Schalm Test (equivalent to the California mastitis test) and a fluoroscopic "Fossomatic" cell count appliance were employed. The resultant physiological median levels of somatic cell content were established as 71,000 cells/ml for sheep milk and 415,000 cells/ml for goat milk. Significant factors influencing the cell count levels were the milking technique in both species and age in sheep but not in goats. The pathogens most frequently isolated as causes of chronic or latent mastitis were coagulase-positive and -negative cocci.  相似文献   

Different vaccines used against chlamydial abortion in sheep are described. Problems associated with insufficient immunity after vaccination are discussed. Reasons for failure of certain vaccine preparations are addressed. Finally new developments in vaccine production are introduced which might be useful in solving problems still existing in the prevention of chlamydial abortion in sheep by vaccination.  相似文献   

鱼类的干扰素系统及干扰素功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干扰素系统是机体对抗病毒感染的一道重要防御系统,它与细胞免疫、体液免疫及其他非特异性免疫协同作用抵抗病毒的侵染。在干扰素系统中产生的干扰素是一种广谱抗病毒剂,其作用是通过对细胞表面受体作用使细胞产生抗病毒蛋白,抑制病毒在宿主细胞中的复制。还可增强自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)、巨噬细胞和T淋巴细胞的活力,从而起到免疫调节作用,增强抗病毒能力,在一定程度上还影响细胞生长和分化等多种生物活性。本文将对鱼类的干扰素系统及干扰素功能作综述报道。  相似文献   

Twenty new-born lambs of each of the breeds Schwarzkopf, Texel and Finnish were fed with 600 ml of pooled colostrum (0-12 h) on the first day of life. The total allocation was fed in portions ranging from 25 to 150 ml at intervals of 1, 2, 3, or 6 hours. The effect of the different intervals and portion volumes on the transintestinal passage of immunoglobulins, the onset of endogenous synthesis, the growth performance of the lambs and the mortality rate was investigated. The concentrations of IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgA in the sera were analyzed over the course of a nine-week period. 1. The extent of passive immunization by transintestinal passage remained essentially unaffected by different feeding schedules. 2. There was also no effect on the onset of endogenous Ig synthesis. 3. Growth performance and mortality rate likewise showed no discernible differences.  相似文献   

This is the first report of the simultaneous occurrence of sheep pulmonary adenomatosis and lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (Maedi) in the same animal in the Federal Republic of Germany. Seven adult sheep of the Merino Landrace were tested by immunodiffusion-assay for antibodies against Maedi/Visna-virus. Five of them originating from three different flocks had a positive reaction. In all pulmonary foci, which were examined by light microscopy, we found proliferations of the alveolar epithelium and therefore made a diagnosis of pulmonary adenomatosis. The animals with antibodies against Maedi-virus were additionally affected by a non-purulent peribronchitis and interstitial pneumonia. The diagnostic difficulties in double infections like those reported here are discussed. Eradication is complicated by the unknown epidemiologic situation.  相似文献   

The significance of sheep and goats in this country in connection with the zoonoses rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, contagious ecthyma, Q-fever, chlamydiosis, brucellosis, campylobacteriosis, echinococcosis and toxoplasmosis is discussed.  相似文献   

自1957年,Issacs等从鸡胚中发现干扰素以来,家禽干扰素的研究已取得了突破性的进展.研究表明干扰素具有抗病毒、抗肿瘤、免疫调节等功能,且干扰素基因工程产品在临床上的应用也取得了显著的成效,但是还有一些问题需要进一步的探索。本文着重就家禽IFN的产生、分类、作用机理、研究现状及目前存在的问题和应用前景做一综述。  相似文献   

A total of 467 tissue specimens recovered from 165 aborted ovine fetuses were examined for chlamydiae microscopically and by means of cell culture. Chlamydiae were detected by microscope in 34 fetuses (20.6%) and by cell culture in 60 fetuses (36.4%). Of the 467 tissue specimens, 51 (10.9%) were microscopically positive, whereas chlamydiae were recovered from 181 specimens (38.8%) using the routine method of BGM cell culture. A total of 87 specimens of fetal organs was tested by the BGM cell culture technique and simultaneously by an enzyme amplified immunoassay to detect chlamydial antigen. Although not as sensitive as cell culture isolation, the ELISA has the advantage of rapidity and of detecting antigen from non-viable chlamydiae in sheep abortion material.  相似文献   

戴伟  许梓荣 《水产科学》2008,27(5):266-270
干扰素系统(Interferon system)作为非特异性免疫系统的重要组成部分,是目前所知的机体防御反应中出现最早的细胞功能调节系统,在病毒感染几小时之内就起作用,是脊椎动物抗病毒感染的重要效应系统。除了抗病毒作用外,干扰素(IFN)还参与机体的其他重要生理过程,如调节细胞生长和  相似文献   

There are regional differences in the aetiology of the CNS form of listeriosis; whereas in some flocks it is predominantly the adult animals which are affected, other units encounter substantial lamb losses with only small numbers of diseased ewes. Attempts at treatment are only likely to be successful with the septicaemic form of the disease. The evaluation of a vaccine to reduce lamb losses caused by listeriosis is problematic. The fact that the live vaccine which is usually tested is a highly virulent vaccine, which may under certain circumstances cause listeriosis in lambs, makes its further use indefensible in our opinion.  相似文献   

A case of othaematoma in a sheep is reported. The successful treatment was carried out following the treatment principles known in the dog.  相似文献   

李开敏  王磊  巩志宏  王清滨  李华  杨桂文  黄友华  陈松林 《水产学报》2024,237(4):049428-1-049428-12

干扰素调节因子 (irf3)是干扰素调节因子 (IRF)家族的一员,是I型干扰素依赖性免疫反应的主要转录调节因子,在针对DNA和RNA病毒的先天免疫反应中发挥重要作用。本研究中,斑石鲷irf3基因 (Oplegnathus punctatus interferon regulatory factors 3,Opirf3)来自实验室斑石鲷基因组数据库,经分析鉴定Opirf3的CDS序列全长1 362 bp,可编码453个氨基酸,预测其蛋白分子量为50.0 ku,理论等电点为4.97,有一个IRF结构域和一个IRF-3结构域。荧光定量分析结果显示,Opirf3在斑石鲷肝脏、鳃、心脏、皮肤、脾脏、肠、脑、肾脏、胃和头肾组织均有表达;虹彩病毒感染7 d时,免疫组织肝脏、脾脏和肾脏中Opirf3的表达水平显著上调。斑石鲷肾细胞系体外刺激实验显示,不同浓度poly I:C刺激后,Opirf3的表达量较对照组均显著升高,poly I:C浓度为100 μg/mL时,肾脏细胞中Opirf3的相对表达水平升高,为对照组的86.8倍。siRNA干扰后,斑石鲷肾细胞系中Opirf3表达水平显著下调30%,下游基因IFN-αCD40、CD80和IL-1β显著下调,IL-6显著上调。以上结果可能表明Opirf3基因参与了I型IFN在斑石鲷抗虹彩病毒过程中的先天免疫反应。本研究可为斑石鲷抗病分子育种提供理论依据。


A review is presented on the species spectrum, biology and epidemiology of endo- and ectoparasites of sheep and goats in Germany. Current therapeutic, prophylactic and metaphylactic measures are given and discussed.  相似文献   

The article is based on the analysis of selenium concentration in blood plasma of 9 goats and their kids (n = 17), from two different places, as well as of 12 sheep and their lambs (n = 19) from several flocks. The selenium concentration was measured using ASS. In addition, the activity of CK was determined enzymatically. There was a low plasma selenium level in lambs and goat kids immediately post-natal depending on the selenium state of the mothers. After application of vitamin E and selenium to a group of lambs their selenium levels increased remarkably over 24 hours. Ten days later the average selenium concentration in the plasma of those animals that had been treated was three times as high as that of the control group. It was shown that the absorption of vitamin E and selenium when given orally to newborn lambs is comparable with the absorption after parenteral application, and that a significant increase of the plasma selenium level is attainable by oral application.  相似文献   

根据河南省绵羊饲养情况,提出了一种开发农区绵羊数字化管理系统的设想,对系统的框架、系统功能以及系统平台等进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

Contagious pustular dermatitis (CPD, contagious ecthyma, Orf) is a highly contagious viral disease afflicting sheep and goats. The infectious agent is a parapoxvirus which is widespread and also contagious for humans (zoonosis). Recently the disease in sheep and goats is marked by increased incidence and severe cases which cause many losses especially among lambs in fattening farms. The immunity of once infected animals is based on cellular defense mechanisms which are very unstable. The most suitable method for the prevention of ecthyma is parenteral vaccination with attenuated live vaccines. Effective vaccination programmes should enclose the whole animal population at intervals of 6-8 months.  相似文献   

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