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随着厦门旅游发展步伐的加快,边缘区旅游发展显得举足轻重。本文以厦门市同安区为例,在实地调研的基础上,通过对同安旅游条件和旅游市场的分析评价,探讨同安旅游的旅游开发。文章认为,城市边缘区开发旅游是市场的需求,政府应积极采取前瞻性促进策略。  相似文献   

湿地鸟类旅游开发研究--以泉州湾为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湿地是濒危鸟类、迁徙候鸟的主要栖息、繁殖地,鸟类及其生存、栖息的环境具有极强的观赏性,为湿地开展旅游提供了得天独厚的自然优势。但是,目前国内的湿地鸟类旅游只是简单地涉及到观鸟等单个项目,系统、理论的研究还比较少。本文以泉州湾湿地鸟类为研究对象,在全面分析鸟类的赋存状况、可观赏性的基础上,结合鸟类旅游开发的若干原则,提出鸟类旅游专项产品,指出湿地鸟类旅游开发的保障措施,以期对湿地鸟类旅游开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以新疆四地州旅游发展战略规划为例,研究生态脆弱地区旅游开发与生态环境保护的辩证关系,着重分析旅游开发所带来的不良的环境影响。从规划、建设、管理等层面提出了一系列的解决对策,以期能为我国西部生态脆弱地区旅游业的可持续发展提供一些解决思路。  相似文献   

在实地调查厦门同安区旅游资源和市场的基础上,通过对同安旅游资源分析评价和旅游市场趋势分析,确定同安区的5个旅游主题,结论是随着旅游发展,厦门同安区城市旅游主题开发的出现将是一种必然现象,旅游主题开发满足同安建设“城市后花园”的需要。  相似文献   

毛卫东  马晓冬  杨春宇 《土壤》2008,40(6):898-902
城市边缘区的景观、生态和空间优势,使其成为城市旅游开发的重点地域。但过渡性、动态性和城乡交错性导致其在旅游用地上存在较多的规划滞后和管理无序现象。长期以来,对城市边缘区的城市旅游、城郊旅游和乡村旅游的空间界定一直存在争议,直接影响了旅游用地的科学规划、评价和管理。本文首次将城市边缘区范围明确到城郊、乡镇和边界地区三个层面,运用社会变迁时空模型理论(space-time model of social change theory)相应归纳出城郊风景区、环城游憩带、旅游园区和旅游卫星镇等主要旅游用地类型及特征,并就各自的开发方向进行了初步探讨。最后,提出了优化功能分区,推进市场圈层,对旅游小城镇保护性开发,提升同质化产品的质量,以及实施刺激开发战略等对策建议。  相似文献   

滩地蕴含着丰富的旅游资源,具有较高的景观美学价值,因此也有着巨大的旅游开发潜力。以黄河滩地郑州段为例,分析了黄河滩地旅游景观开发的优势和威胁。论述了黄河滩地旅游景观规划的总体思想和原则,并详细介绍了黄河滩地旅游景观功能分区及其详细规划方法。通过该研究案例的经验总结,希望能对同类型资源的旅游景观规划具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文阐明了窟野河、秃尾河、孤山川区域自然背景,论述了综合治理开发目标和任务;提出了流域内水资源开发利用、水土保持、环境保护及煤田开发区开发利用和治理保护等各项措施。同时还对重点项目治理开发的指导思想,治理方略、开发层次和总体布局提出了见解。从而为探索多沙粗沙区煤田开发及综合治理配套措施提供了经验和模式。  相似文献   

大田县位于福建省中部,山多平地少,人地矛盾突出,相当部分的农业土壤分布于丘陵、台地上,而这部分农业土壤也是生态环境脆弱、水土流失严重的地区.武陵乡反季节蔬菜基地开发项目是大田县近年来山地开发的主要项目,项目的开发给当地农民带来了可喜的经济效益,但由于缺乏有效的水土流失防治措施造成了严重的水土流失.针对基地的水土流失状况,在分析其成因的基础上,因地制宜地采取有效的治理措施,经过2年的治理,水土流失得到了有效的控制,生态环境趋于良性循环.  相似文献   

以植物园水系工程为例,介绍了项目的概况及规划思路,提出了如何防止水土流失和保持良好水质的工程措施,并且评价了工程完成后的生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

肯斯瓦特水利枢纽工程是一座具有防洪、灌溉供水和水力发电等效益的综合利用的水利枢纽工程。该工程在建设过程中破坏了原有地貌及植被,造成土层松散、地表裸露,使土壤失去了原有的固土防风能力,从而造成水土流失。以肯斯瓦特水利枢纽水土保持现状和建设项目区自然环境的特点为依据,对项目建设各时期的水土流失分别进行了预测,并依据预测结果提出相应的水土保持措施。  相似文献   

期刊文献以其自身的特点,为院校的教学、科研和领导决策服务起着不可忽视的重要作用,如何收集开发利用期刊文献,以充分发挥其作用,是新世纪院校图书馆必须重视的一个问题。本文就期刊文献的特点,以及收集、开发利用等问题进行了探讨,并结合本校工作实际,提出了期刊工作要为教学与科研服务、为领导决策服务。  相似文献   

The identification of suitable crop varieties that respond best to organic management is the key to achieving better crop yields. A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 at Almora (Indian Himalayas) to evaluate the performance of five varieties of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) and changes in the soil properties under organic and integrated nutrient management (INM) systems. The yield reduction under organic management was 14.4% in 2005–2006 and 10.1% in 2006–2007 compared with INM. Among the garden pea varieties ‘Vivek Matar 9’, ‘Vivek Matar 8’ and ‘Azad pea 1’ produced similar but significantly higher pod yield compared to other varieties. The soil pH, organic carbon, and microbial activities in terms of dehydrogenase and phosphatase (acid and alkaline) were higher in the plots under organic management compared to INM. The latter, however, had higher activity of urease, and N, P, and K contents in soil. We conclude that at least 15–20% price premium for organic garden pea may be required to offset the higher cost of cultivation and low yields under organic production system. Among the garden pea varieties, ‘Azad pea 1’, ‘Vivek Matar 8’ and ‘Vivek Matar 9’ were found suitable for organic cultivation.  相似文献   

为避免乡村旅游开发引起乡村特色消失和生态风险加剧等负面影响,该文采用最小累积阻力模型构建福建省晋江市紫星村"自然?文化"综合生态安全格局,以此为约束条件对旅游用地进行空间布局规划,将综合生态安全格局划分为核心保护区、生态缓冲区、生态过渡区和人类活动区4类生态功能区,各区空间分布和土地利用现状决定了其差异化的用地特征。自然旅游用地规划以维持原有景观不变为主,对景观进行修复为辅的原则布局在生态缓冲区、生态过渡区和人类活动区内,采用GIS空间叠加分析法将金溪北部片区规划为农事活动体验区,农科所片区规划为农业生态观光区,紫溪水库、金溪规划为水域观光游览区。文化观光旅游用地和休闲旅游用地规划以景观不变和景观修复为原则,主要布局在核心保护区和生态缓冲区内;而农业科教旅游用地布局规划在人类活动区内,结合实地调研选址在下溪园北侧新建生态农业展览馆。服务设施用地规划以景观发生变化为原则,主要布局在生态过渡区和人类活动区,采用GIS核密度和空间叠加分析法划定顶溪园西北部为游客中心,金星村为民宿、餐饮集中布局区。其他旅游用地规划以景观不发生变化为原则布局在人类活动区内。生态约束下的乡村旅游用地空间布局有利于协调人与自然之间关系,对乡村旅游用地规划具有较强的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

论文以稻作梯田农业文化遗产地——广西龙脊平安寨为个案,采用田野调查、调查问卷和统计分析方法,通过测算案例地居民对社会文化变化的态度值,探讨了农业文化遗产地类型旅游地居民对旅游开发引起的社会文化变化的感知及其对旅游发展的影响。结果表明,旅游开发使农业文化遗产地的社会文化发生较大变化,且总体上呈正向发展。不同特征居民对社会文化的态度存在差异,但总体上对变化持积极态度。家庭收入、旅游移民、社会治安、建筑服饰等文化因素的变化将直接影响居民对当地未来旅游发展的态度。只要能正确引导、调控和疏导其变化方向,旅游地社会文化变化的负面影响可以减少乃至消除,并促进旅游地更好的发展。论文还针对遗产旅游地的社会文化负面影响,提出了针对各级政府管理部门及专业机构、旅游企业及投资商、旅游者和当地居民的社会文化影响调控建议。  相似文献   

Understanding local perceptions of degradation and attitudes to fire management are critical for gaining support for restoration work and improving livelihoods. Deforestation and annual burning are causing significant land degradation problems in the area around Bandawe, northern Malawi. We mapped evidence of soil erosion and remaining areas of woodland. Gully erosion was common and primarily associated with heavily utilised footpaths. Areas between gullies showed signs of significant soil movement. Remnant patches of native woodland existed but were small, degraded and isolated. We interviewed local households to understand local awareness and impacts of land‐degradation, its perceived cause and preferred methods for restoration. All households were aware of the presence of gullies and reported associated problems of flood damage. Most households believed erosion was a result of deforestation. Burning practices were seen to have exacerbated erosion problems. Changing fire management practice was not seen as realistic as it risked reducing the productivity of grasses and fires were perceived to be too difficult to control. Tree planting was the community's preferred approach to tackling erosion. Their focus was on planting exotic fruit and timber trees around houses and they often requested that such work be done by volunteers. Such attitudes may have been influenced by recent extension work and a desire to secure ownership of utilisable resource. Ecologists in the miombo zone should focus on improving fire management practices and involving communities in creating diverse secondary woodlands that provide a range of goods and services. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil management influences food production, economic performance of farm businesses, and a range of public benefits such as water quality, flood control and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of participatory research in combining scientific and farmer knowledge of soils to meet these multiple objectives. We use five separate research studies involving communication, consultation and co‐production, carried out in the English East Midlands between 2014 and 2018. We compare the participatory processes for knowledge exchange and their material outcomes and assess them retrospectively against specified criteria for successful application of participatory research. We conclude that, depending on context and scalar fit, multiple approaches to participatory research can be complementary, strengthen engagement and build trust within a farming community, resulting in a greater shared understanding of how to address the soil management objectives of farmers and wider society.  相似文献   

To conserve a rare plant, conservation programs must be guided by the biological attributes of the species. What constitutes the most critical biological information for plant conservation has been the issue of discussion for the last 30 years. Most scientists promote an approach that is either ecological or genetic in emphasis. Ecological and genetic processes will often interact synergistically to influence the population viability and to determine the persistence of populations in the long run. Consequently, conservation management of plant species, in addition to ecological information, requires a robust understanding of underlying genetic processes as well as the variation within and between populations. Conservation has a cost and the resources available for conservation programs are always limited. Therefore, conservation management strategies should not only be scientifically justified but also practical in terms of resource availability. Shorea lumutensis is a rare and endemic dipterocarp in Peninsular Malaysia. A comprehensive research activity was initiated to assess the population ecology and population genetics of S. lumutensis to elucidate specific ecological and genetic requirements and subsequently to set conservation strategies and priorities. This paper is apparently the first attempt at applying both the ecological and genetic approaches into conservation management of a rare dipterocarp. In addition, this paper also attempts to link the gaps between conservation research and conservation management in a realistic manner. It is our hope that this study will serve as a model for the study of other rare dipterocarps which should be given priority for conservation.  相似文献   

Wildlife is a critical food resource throughout Amazonia. Consequently, adaptive management based on continued resource evaluation is essential to ensure long-term sustainable use of Amazonian wildlife. Since 1996, the Kaxinawá people of Western Amazonia have participated in a capacity-building program focused on natural resource management leading to the development of a territorial management plan that includes monitoring of wildlife use. In this study, we report the results of collaborative management-oriented research where hypotheses designed by the Kaxinawá about game availability within their territory were supported by the analysis of self-monitoring hunting data collected through a methodology designed in collaboration with conservation biologists. Results support Kaxinawá hypotheses that: (1) there is variation of game availability among villages in Kaxinawá territory; (2) preferred game species are more available to those villages closest to the isolated headwaters; and (3) previous land and wildlife use, present density of villages, and human population density are the main factors causing observed variations of game availability. The results of this study suggest the relevance and value of long-term participatory studies to complement short-terms academic studies of biodiversity and natural resource use and management.  相似文献   

Developing effective management strategies is essential to conservation biology. Population models and sensitivity analyses on model parameters have provided a means to quantitatively compare different management strategies, allowing managers to objectively assess the resulting impacts. Inference from traditional sensitivity analyses (i.e., eigenvalue sensitivity methods) is only valid for a population at its stable age distribution, while more recent methods have relaxed this assumption and instead focused on transient population dynamics. However, very few case studies, especially in long-lived vertebrates where transient dynamics are potentially most relevant, have applied these transient sensitivity methods and compared them to eigenvalue sensitivity methods. We use bison (Bison bison) at Badlands National Park as a case study to demonstrate the benefits of transient methods in a practical management scenario involving culling strategies. Using an age and stage-structured population model that incorporates culling decisions, we find that culling strategies over short time-scales (e.g., 1–5 years) are driven largely by the standing population distribution. However, over longer time-scales (e.g., 25 years), culling strategies are governed by reproductive output. In addition, after 25 years, the strategies predicted by transient methods qualitatively coincide with those predicted by traditional eigenvalue sensitivity. Thus, transient sensitivity analyses provide managers with information over multiple time-scales in contrast to the long time-scales associated with eigenvalue sensitivity analyses. This flexibility is ideal for adaptive management schemes and allows managers to balance short-term goals with long-term viability.  相似文献   

Human exploitation can have severe conservation implications for wildlife populations. In the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania, illegal hunting is a serious concern for wildlife management, and in this study we investigated if density, demography and behaviour can be used as indicators of human exploitation. We used impala (Aepycerus melampus) as a model species to study human exploitation inside and outside a strictly protected area. Over a six month period, a total of 2050 km of transects were driven in the different protected areas (National Park, Game Reserve, Open Area). Densities were estimated by using distance sampling and the partially protected areas were found to have significantly lower densities (4.3 ind/km2) than the National Park (15.3 ind/km2). A variation in density between different sections within the National Park was also found. However, we found no differences in group sizes. Moreover, the sex-ratio was more skewed towards females in the partially protected areas and in sections within the National Park close to villages. In addition, impalas showed higher alertness levels, and longer flight initiation distance to an approaching human in the partially protected areas compared to the National Park. The present harvest levels by illegal hunting in the study area are most likely the cause of the observed differences. Our results suggest that density, demography and behaviour can be used as indicators of human exploitation, but that this probably varies according to local hunting pressure. Furthermore, it could be expected that the results obtained in this study might reflect the state of other ungulates in the area, which raises concern whether management objectives for the buffer zones of Serengeti National Park are met.  相似文献   

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