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Judith A.  Hudson  DVM  PhD  Donald F.  Buxton  DVM  PhD  Nancy R.  Cox  DVM  PhD  Susan T.  Finn-Bodner  DVM  MS  Stephen T.  Simpson  DVM  MS  James C.  Wright  DVM  PhD  Shellie S.  Wallace  DVM  MS  Alexander  Mitro  MD  PhD  DSc 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1997,38(4):313-322
Doppler ultrasonography was performed on the cerebral arteries o f 19 neontal dogs.Vascular structures were identified using anatomic preparations of brains pre-injected with a radiopaque silicone rubber product and cleared using a modified tissue clearing technique. Brain sections were subsequently radiographed of examined under a steromicroscope. Color flow Doppler imagin was used to facilitate positioning of the Doppler calipers for measurement of peak systolic velocity, minimum diastolic velocity, and resistance index. Blood flow velocities in the internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries were lower when measured intransvere images than in sagittal images. The rostral cerebral arteries could be measured using either plane but values obtained from different locations or using different methods of measurement were statistically different. Blood flow velocities generally increased during the first month after birth. Arterial signals were diphasic with flow throughout diastole. Resistance indices most often were between 0.6 and 0.7 and did not exceed 0.86.  相似文献   

Color Doppler ultrasonography was performed in 15 young dogs with intestinal intussusception to test the hypothesis that color Doppler findings can be used as a predictor of the manual reducibility of the intussusception at celiotomy. Color flow Doppler ultrasonography indicated blood flow within mesentery of the intussuscepted bowel in 12 of 15 dogs and reduction was achieved in nine of these 12 dogs (75%). In the remaining three dogs and in three dogs where no color Doppler signal were observed, an irreducible intussusception was confirmed at celiotomy. Color Doppler ultrasonography is a useful method for predicting the reducibility of intussusception in dogs.  相似文献   

Susan T.  Finn-Bodner  DVM  MS  Judith A.  Hudson  DVM  PhD  Joan R.  Coates  DVM  Donald C.  Sorjonen  DVM  MS  Stephen T.  Simpson  DVM  MS  Nancy R.  Cox  DVM  PhD  James C.  Wright  DVM  phD  Phillip D.  Garrett  DVM  MS  Jan E.  Steiss  DVM  phD  Dana M.  Vaughn  PhD  Starr C.  Miller  BS  Scott A.  Brown  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1995,36(1):39-48
Prior to trauma, intraoperative ultrasound of the spinal canal in 31 normal dogs was performed through a hemilaminectomy in the left pedicle of L2. A ventral compressive model of spinal cord injury was performed as part of a clinical drug trial. Maximum ultrasonographic spinal cord diameter ranged from 4.9–7.2 mm (5.7 × 0.6). Significant positive correlation (p = 0.023, r = 0.49) was found between age and spinal cord diameter. The dura mater was a separate, well-defined, echogenic horizontal line in 28 (90%) dogs, dorsally, and in 29 (94%) dogs, ventrally. Cerebrospinal fluid was anechoic. Eighteen (58%) dogs had a well-defined anechoic dorsal subarachnoid space, whereas 22 (71%) had a well-defined ventral space. Pia mater was thin but strongly echogenic and covered spinal cord. Central canal was a double hyperechoic line in 17 (55%) dogs and a single-line in 14 (45%) dogs. A difference in the ultrasonographic appearance between gray and white matter was not seen. Epidural fat and connective tissue was a lobular echogenic material in the ventral epidural space. The periosteal-vertebral body interface was seen as a bright curvilinear echo with distal acoustic shadowing. Spinal cord parenchyma could be classified subjectively into four groups based upon ultrasonographic appearance. Spinal cord parenchyma had a uniform hypoechogenicity in 8 (27%) dogs (Group 1), subtle low level echoes in 7 (23%) dogs (Group 2), multiple clusters of defined echogenic foci in 12 (37%) dogs (Group 3), and multiple sharply-defined linear echoes in 4 (13%) dogs (Group 4). There was a significant relationship between pre-trauma ultrasonographic appearance of the spinal cord and histopathology 21 days after trauma. One (13%) dog in Group 1, 4 (57%) dogs in Group 2,10 (91%) dogs in Group 3, and 3 (75%) dogs in Group 4 had malacia on histological evaluation. Therefore, dogs with echogenic spinal cords or linear echoes within cord parenchyma were significantly more likely to develop malacia rather than Wallerian degeneration after induced spinal cord trauma (p = 0.002). Spinal cord echogenicity may indicate vascularity in a segment of spinal cord and might be prognostic following spinal cord trauma. No complications were found related to intraoperative ultrasound. Hematoma or fibrous tissue formation appeared to impede percutaneous ultrasound of the spinal cord in dogs re-evaluated forty-eight hours and one week after surgery.  相似文献   

The prostate gland of 11 normal dogs and five dogs with histological confirmed chronic lymphocytic or lymphoplasmocytic prostatitis were imaged with grey-scale and Doppler ultrasound. Three vessel types (prostatic artery, capsular artery and parenchymal artery) were identified with color Doppler and the resistive index and maximum and minimum velocities were measured with pulsed wave Doppler. No differences between normal dogs and dogs with prostatitis was identified in either grey-scale ultrasound or in any Doppler parameters measured. Regardless of histologic diagnosis, acepromazine (0.05 mg/kg IV) caused a significant decrease in capsular artery maximum and minimum velocities and prostatic artery resistive index. This study establishes normal Doppler ultrasound parameters for the intact male canine prostate gland. Additional studies are necessary to further evaluate the clinical utility of Doppler ultrasound in canine prostatic diseases.  相似文献   

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a specialized magnetic resonance sequence to determine the direction of water molecule motion. Our hypothesis was that information derived from DTI will be significantly different in dogs with a spinal cord lesion compared with a normal dog. Eleven normal dogs and six dogs with a spinal cord lesions were imaged. DTI was performed along with standard T1‐ and T2‐weighted sequences in transverse and sagittal planes. Fractional anisotrophy and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were obtained using regions of interests centered on the cranial aspect, middle cranial, middle caudal, and caudal aspects of the spinal cord. In normal dogs, the DTI sequence was characterized by normal fiber tracking with no statistical difference between the four sections of spinal cord (P>0.05). In the dogs with a spinal cord lesion, there was a significant difference in fractional anisotropy between the two groups (P=0.0003) and the ADC analysis statistical significance (P=0.048) at the caudal most site. Based on these findings, DTI is a potentially useful method to evaluate the spinal cord in dogs.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 1993, nine dogs with spinal cord tumors were treated postoperatively with cobaltradiation at North Carolina State University-Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Total doses ranged between 33.3–48.0 Gy given in 10–12 fractions of 3–4 Gy over a four week period. Five dogs were euthanized due to recurrence of the tumor or neurologic signs and two dogs were euthanized due tounrelated problems. Two dogs were alive but lost to follow-up at 12 and 25 months. Survival time ranged from 6.5–70.0 months. Median survival time (95% confidence interval) was 17 (12–70) months. Results of this study suggest decompressive surgery followed by irradiation can be an effective treatment for dogs with spinal cord tumors.  相似文献   

Resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) are indirect measurements of blood flow resistance that may be used to evaluate vascular changes in renal and ophthalmologic diseases. To our knowledge, no reports are available describing values for renal and ocular PI index in the unsedated dog and ocular RI and PI indices in the unsedated cat. The purpose of this study was to measure normal values for both intrarenal and ocular RI and PI within the same subject in unsedated clinically normal dogs and cats. Twenty-seven dogs and 10 cats were considered healthy by means of physical examination, CBC, biochemical profile, urinalysis, and ultrasonography. Systolic blood pressure was measured by Doppler ultrasonography. Intrarenal and ocular arteries were scanned by pulsed Doppler ultrasonography to calculate RI and PI. No significant differences were noted between the values obtained for the right vs. the left kidney and eye. The upper values of these indices were calculated as mean+2 standard deviations resulting in 0.72 and 1.52 for dog renal RI and PI; 0.7 and 1.29 for cat renal RI and PI; 0.76 and 1.68 for dog ocular RI and PI; and 0.72 and 1.02 for cat ocular RI and PI.  相似文献   

Cervical spinal cord abnormalities are often unapparent on myelographic studies, because no normal values for cervical spinal cord diameter are currently available. The purpose of this study was to establish, myelographically, the normal sagittal diameter of the cervical spinal cord in large and small breed dogs and its relationship to the sagittal diameter of the vertebral canal and sagittal height/length of the corresponding vertebral bodies. Forty-one adult dogs underwent cervical radiography and myelography. Spinal cord and vertebral canal sagittal diameter, vertebral body height at C2 to 5, body length at C3 to 5, and dorsal spine length of C2 were measured on lateral views. Ratios of spinal cord:vertebral canal diameter, spinal cord:body height, and spinal cord:body length/spine were calculated, and a normal range was determined for small and large breed dogs. The spinal cord:vertebral canal ratios showed that small breeds have a higher cervical cord-to-canal ratio than large breeds. The mean values and ranges of 14 ratios are reported. The ratios of spinal cord:body length at C2 to 4 in small breeds and spinal cord:body height at C3 to 5 in large breeds were found to be the most accurate for assessing spinal cord sagittal diameter. These normal ranges would allow quantitative and objective evaluation of the cervical spinal cord by myelography and early identification of dogs with altered spinal cord diameter, which could be further evaluated by means of alternative imaging techniques.  相似文献   

Ushio  Fukushima  DVM  Shu  Sasaki  DVM  Shozo  Okano  DVM  PhD  Toshifumi  Oyamada  DVM  PhD  Takashi  Yoshikawa  DVM  PhD  Mitsuyoshi  Hagio  DVM  PhD  Katsuaki  Takase  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2000,41(2):172-177
We have attempted to identify whether it is possible to utilize transcranial Doppler ultrasonography to evaluate the brain damage that occurs after resuscitation from 3 min (control group) and 12 min (damage group) of cardiac arrest in dogs. In this study we used transcranial Doppler ultrasonography to follow the basilar arterial flow and middle cerebral arterial flow for 180 min following the induction of cardiac arrests. Two abnormal waveform patterns (the "to-and-fro" and "diastolic no-flow" patterns) were found in all dogs in the damage group whereas abnormal waveforms were not detected in the control group. Pathological diagnosis revealed that, compared with the control group, the damage group recognized ischemic alteration at the level of the hippocampus and caudate nucleus. In conclusion, this study shows that the basilar arterial flow of observed with transcranial Doppler ultrasonography may be use for the prediction of outcome and the diagnosis of brain damage in the dog.  相似文献   

Metrizamide myelography was used in five dogs and two cats with signs of spinal cord disease. The history, clinical signs, cerebrospinal fluid examination, and myelography supported a presumptive diagnosis of spinal cord neoplasia in all seven animals. Myelography demonstrated a deviation of the subarachnoid space in each of them. Five of the animals had an expansile intramedullary spinal cord lesion causing thinning and peripheral deviation of the subarachnoid space. Two had extramedullary lesions causing a central deviation of the subarachnoid space. Spinal cord tumors in six of the seven animals were confirmed by necropsy or surgical excision and histopathologic examination. In the seventh animal, a spinal cord fungal grapuloma was diagnosed by necropsy.  相似文献   

The truncation artifact in magnetic resonance (MR) images is a line of abnormal signal intensity that occurs parallel to an interface between tissues of markedly different signal intensity. In order to demonstrate the truncation artifact in sagittal images of the canine spinal cord and the effect of changing spatial resolution, we conducted an experimental in vitro study. A section of fixed canine spinal cord was imaged using a 1.5T magnet. Spatial resolution was increased by increasing the acquisition matrix and reconstruction matrix, producing series of T2‐weighted (T2w) images with the following pixel sizes: A, 1.6 (vertical) × 2.2 mm2 (horizontal); B, 1.2 × 1.7 mm2; C, 0.8 × 1.1 mm2; D, 0.4 × 0. 6 mm2. Plots of mean pixel value across the cord showed variations in signal intensity compatible with truncation artifact, which appeared as a single, wide central hyperintense zone in low‐resolution images and as multiple narrower zones in high spatial resolution images. Even in images obtained using the highest spatial resolution available for the MR system, the edge of the spinal cord was not accurately defined and the central canal was not visible. The experiment was repeated using an unfixed spinal cord specimen with focal compression applied to mimic a pathologic lesion. Slight hyperintensity was observed within the spinal cord at the site of compression although the cord was normal histologically. Results of this study suggest that caution should be applied when interpreting hyperintensity affecting the spinal cord in T2w sagittal images of clinical patients because of the possibility that the abnormal signal could represent a truncation artifact.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure splanchnic blood flow during digestion in unsedated dogs by using duplex Doppler sonography. The study population consisted of 12 healthy dogs. Blood flow in the cranial mesenteric artery, the celiac artery, and the aorta was measured before a test meal and at 20, 60, and 90 minutes after eating. The following measurements were made or calculated: vessel diameter, peak systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity, mean velocity, resistive index, pulsatility index, and flow volume. There was a significant postprandial decrease in the resistive and pulsatility indices in both the cranial mesenteric (preprandial RI = 0.867, postprandial RI = 0.796, preprandial PI = 3.033, postprandial PI = 2.173) and the celiac (preprandial RI = 0.854, postprandial RI = 0.769, preprandial PI = 2.639, postprandial PI = 1.930) arteries. In both vessels the end diastolic velocity, the mean velocity, and the flow volume increased significantly postprandially. These changes occurred significantly earlier in the celiac artery than in the cranial mesenteric artery. The findings most likely correspond to postprandial splanchnic vasodilation. Doppler ultrasound provide a good methode of detecting changes in postprandial splanchnic blood flow in the dog.  相似文献   

Occipital dysplasia was found in association with cervical spinal cord abnormalities in two dogs. One dog presented for tetraparesis and cervical hyperesthesia, the other for historical cervical hyperesthesia and mild paraparesis. In dog 1, a midline cervical spinal cord defect consistent with a communicating syrinx was found. In the other dog, a presumptive syringo/hydromyelia of the cervical spinal cord was found on magnetic resonance imaging. While occipital dysplasia alone is not thought to cause any clinical abnormalities, the dogs of this report suggest that intramedullary central nervous system abnormalities may be present concurrently with occipital dysplasia and should be considered as a possible cause of the clinical signs. The relationship between occipital dysplasia and syringo/hydromyelia in these dogs remains unclear, however, similar associated abnormalities are occasionally found in humans with Chiari malformation.  相似文献   

Intraoperative spinal ultrasonography was performed in cervical and lumbar spine of 2 and 5 normal dogs, respectively, following ventral slot technique or dorsal or hemilamenectomy. The dura was hyperechoic, while the parenchyma was hypoechoic. The subarachnoid space was anechoic. An echogenic line was present in the center of the spinal cord, as seen in human. Pulsation of the spinal cord was noted during M-mode imaging. Clinical findings of one dog with thoracolumbar disk herniation and one with thoracic vertebral fracture/subluxation confirmed the usefulness of intraoperative spinal ultrasonography for real time evaluation of spinal canal spatial abnormalities (mass lesion and degree of spinal cord compression on scanning planes) and spinal cord motion. Follow-up ultrasound examinations were possible from 6 days postoperatively.  相似文献   

Various magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques have been used to assess lumbar spinal abnormalities in people. Four, young adult, clinically normal dogs were used to compare images of the spinal cord acquired using conventional spin-echo and rapid acquisition relaxation-enhanced (RARE), commonly called fast spin-echo (FSE), magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Lateral myelograms were made as an anatomic control. The T2-weighted FSE technique was characterized by better image quality than the T2-weighted conventional spin-echo technique. The short acquisition time with the FSE technique allowed increases in the matrix size and number of excitations, thus improving resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. In canine lumbar spinal MR imaging, use of a FSE technique is recommended to reduce the overall time for imaging and to improve image quality.  相似文献   

Twenty-one dogs with confirmed tumors of the spinal cord or paraspinal tissues were imaged with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Anatomical location, location in relation to the dura and the medulla (spinal cord), and bone infiltration were assessed on the MR images and compared to findings at surgery or necropsy. Localization of tumors in the intradural-extramedullary compartment was not always possible. Bone infiltration was correctly assessed in all but one dog, and the anatomical locations involved were accurately determined in all dogs. Sagittal T2-weighted images were helpful to determine the anatomical location. Transverse T1-weighted images pre and post Gd-DTPA administration were helpful for additional localization and definition of tumor extension.  相似文献   

The normal flow velocity profile and duplex Doppler waveform of the major abdominal blood vessels (aorta, caudal vena cava and the portal vein as well as their major branches) were examined by Doppler ultrasound. The flow velocity profile of an artery is largely determined by its diameter. The pulsatility of the waveform is related to the vascular impedance downstream to the point of measurement. Early systolic peak is present in the Doppler pattern of some vessels in some dogs. The waveform of the veins is mainly affected by the pressure conditions of the right atrium and the intrathoracic and intraabdominal pressure changes due to the respiration. Simultaneous electrocardiogram was used to reveal the effect of the heart beats on the Doppler patterns of the veins.  相似文献   

Intramedullary masses are a dilemma due to the limited access for a nonsurgical biopsy, thus, accurate imaging characterization is crucial. Magnetic resonance imaging findings of two confirmed canine thoracic intramedullary hemangiomas are described. A capillary hemangioma was of mixed intensity but predominantly T2‐hyperintense and mildly T1‐hyperintense to spinal cord with strong contrast enhancement. A cavernous hemangioma had a target‐like appearance in both T1‐weighted (T1w) and T2‐weighted (T2w) images. In T2w images there was a small isointense center surrounded by a relatively large hyperintense area. In T1w images, there was a large isointense centre with a relatively small hyperintense periphery. Such characteristics should prioritize hemangioma as a consideration in a progressive myelopathy due to an intramedullary mass.  相似文献   

The common hepatic artery in 10 healthy adult beagles, 20 healthy pups (13 Deerhounds and seven Irish Wolfhounds), and seven dogs with either a congenital or acquired hepatic disorder was examined by duplex-Doppler ultrasonography. Peak systolic velocity (Vs), resistive index (RI), pulse rate, angle of insonation, and sample volume depth were recorded. Measurements in Beagles were made after a 24 h fast and repeated 2 h after feeding. The mean Vs and RI in fasted Beagles were 1.5 m/s (range 1.1-2.3 m/s) and 0.68 (range 0.62-0.74), respectively. Postprandially, there were no significant differences in any of these variables. Mean Vs and RI were lower in pups: 1.0 m/s (range 0.8-1.3 m/s) and 0.59 (range 0.46-0.65), respectively (P < .001). Two dogs with congenital arterioportal fistula had higher mean Vs (P < .001) and lower mean RI (P < .05) than normal pups. No significant differences were detected between normal Beagles, three dogs with portal vein thrombosis, and two dogs with acquired hepatic insufficiency. Differences in measured hepatic blood flow in dogs of different age or breed will complicate diagnostic use of hepatic arterial Doppler measurements.  相似文献   

This study examined the blood flow velocities and flow patterns in the normal dog using pulsed wave spectral Doppler echocardiography in eight areas of the heart. Two breeds of dogs, aged between 8 and 112 weeks and of both sexes, were used. The dogs were fully conscious and no drugs were used. The areas examined were the mitral valve, left atrium, tricuspid valve, right atrium, aorta, left ventricular outflow tract, pulmonary valve and the right ventricular outflow tract. The peak and mean velocities, direction of flow and whether flow was systolic or diastolic was determined for each of these flow areas. Additionally each of these waveforms were described. Aortic flow was also measured from the thoracic inlet by continuous wave Doppler.  相似文献   

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