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Habitat quality often varies substantially across space and time, producing a shifting mosaic of growth and mortality trade‐offs across watersheds. Traditional studies of juvenile habitat use have emphasised the evolution of single optimal strategies that maximise recruitment to adulthood and eventual fitness. However, linking the distribution of individual behaviours that contribute to recruitment at the population level has been elusive, particularly for highly fecund aquatic organisms. We examined juvenile habitat use within a population of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) that spawn in a watershed consisting of two interconnected lakes and a marine lagoon. Otolith microchemical analysis revealed that the productive headwater lake accounted for about half of juvenile growth for those individuals surviving to spawn in a single river in the upper watershed. However, 47% of adults had achieved more than half of their juvenile growth in the downstream less productive lake, and 3% of individuals migrated to the estuarine environment during their first summer and returned to freshwater to overwinter before migrating back to sea. These results describe a diversity of viable habitat‐use strategies by juvenile sockeye salmon that may buffer the population against poor conditions in any single rearing environment, reduce density‐dependent mortality and have implications for the designation of critical habitat for conservation purposes. A network of accessible alternative habitats providing trade‐offs in growth and survival may be important for long‐term viability of populations.  相似文献   

We tested whether variations in stock characteristics (spawner and smolt abundance) and biotic conditions (prey variability, predation, competition) during the early marine period explained variations in the return of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to Great Central and Sproat lakes, adjacent lakes on the west coast of Vancouver Island. There are two freshwater age groups in each lake; fish spend 1 or 2 yrs in freshwater after hatching. We tested the influences of stock and biotic factors on the return of each of the two age groups from each of the two lakes. Results of regression analyses showed that prey biomass variability best explained the variation in return for all lake‐age groups. Euphausiid (Thysanoessa spinifera) and cladoceran (Evadne) prey biomass variability explained between 0.75 and 0.95 (adjusted R2) of the variation in return. There appear to be instances of a mismatch between the seasonality of prey productivity and the apparent critical period of feeding for juvenile sockeye.  相似文献   

In high‐latitude lakes, air temperature is an important driver of ice cover thickness and duration, which in turn influence water temperature and primary production supporting lake consumers and predators. In lieu of multidecadal observational records necessary to assess the response of lakes to long‐term warming, we used otolith‐based growth records from a long‐lived resident lake fish, lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), as a proxy for production. Lake trout were collected from seven deep, oligotrophic lakes in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve on in southwest Alaska that varied in the presence of marine‐derived nutrients (MDN) from anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Linear mixed‐effects models were used to partition variation in lake trout growth by age and calendar‐year and model comparisons tested for a mean increase in lake trout growth with sockeye salmon presence. Year effects from the best mixed‐effects model were subsequently compared to indices of temperature, lake ice, and regional indices of sockeye salmon escapement. A strong positive correlation between annual lake trout growth and temperature suggested that warmer springs, earlier lake ice break‐up, and a longer ice‐free growing season increase lake trout growth via previously identified bottom‐up increases in production with warming. Accounting for differences in the presence or annual escapement of sockeye salmon with available data did not improve model fit. Collectively with other studies, the results suggest that productivity of subarctic lakes has benefitted from warming spring temperatures and that temperature can synchronise otolith growth across lakes with and without sockeye salmon MDN.  相似文献   

Summer stratification often leads to large areas of hypolimnetic hypoxia in lakes and reservoirs. These areas of hypoxia alter fish behaviours and distributions as well as restrict access to valuable prey resources, yet few studies have examined foraging behaviour of fish in response to low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. We observed foraging behaviour of juvenile largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, in response to varying DO concentrations in tanks that simulated a stratified lake water column during the summer: 28°C oxygenated epilimnion, 15°C deoxygenated hypolimnion. Compared with saturated concentrations (8.0–9.0 mg/L), hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations of 3.0 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L resulted in a drastic decrease in prey consumption, handling efficiency and time spent below the thermocline mainly due to avoidance behaviour of hypoxic conditions. However, we found at high hypolimnetic prey densities, individual fish were more willing to venture into reduced oxygen concentrations. Several unique behaviours including transporting prey above the oxycline for consumption, aquatic surface respiration and gill flaring were employed by largemouth bass foraging in low oxygen environments. Reduced hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations may influence and alter feeding strategies, especially for fish that rely on benthic prey resources.  相似文献   

Salmonid fishes may reside within or migrate between stream and lake habitats, or undergo anadromous migrations between freshwater and the ocean. While the degree of anadromy of salmonids has been thoroughly compared, no analogous review has examined the degree of lake use. To assess the extent of reliance on lake habitat in this family, we considered 16 species of salmon, trout and charr from the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, comparing their (a) use of lakes as spawning habitat, (b) rearing strategies in lakes, and (c) occurrence and diversity of lacustrine trophic polymorphism. In identifying the primary life‐history patterns of each species and exploring the lesser‐known lacustrine behaviours, we found that the extent of reliance on lakes exhibits a negative association with the degree of anadromy. Oncorhynchus rely least on lakes, Salmo to an intermediate level and Salvelinus the most, opposite of the general prevalence of anadromy among these genera. Lakes are critical to adfluvial and lake‐resident salmonids, but they also support anadromous and fluvial life histories by providing spawning, rearing, overwintering and/or summer refuge habitat. Adfluviality, although a non‐anadromous life history, consists of similar migration‐related traits and behaviours as anadromy, including the parr–smolt transformation, sex‐biased patterns of migration and residency, and the presence of precocious males. Lakes support life‐history variants, reproductive ecotypes and trophic morphs unique to lacustrine habitat. Therefore, conservation of salmonids is dependent on maintaining the diversity and quality of their habitats, including lakes.  相似文献   

Threespine stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations that have evolved pelvic girdle reduction are most commonly found in lakes with low dissolved ion concentration, a lack of piscivorous fishes and abundant macroinvertebrate predators. Researchers have speculated that macroinvertebrates have a propensity to consume prey with pelvic spines. If this is true, perhaps macroinvertebrates use the stickleback's spines to facilitate capture and manipulation. This study tested whether dragonfly naiads differentially prey upon stickleback possessing either a complete or reduced pelvis and documented naiad hunting and capturing behaviour. Results from an arena experiment suggest that naiads do not prey more heavily upon individuals with one pelvic phenotype over the other. However, results from trials where the naiads were presented with one stickleback with pelvic spines and another without suggest that naiads prey more heavily upon small stickleback with pelvic spines and large stickleback without pelvic spines and that they adjust their predatory behaviour based upon the pelvic phenotype of the prey.  相似文献   

Abstract – Stable δ13C and δ15N isotopes, diet and parasites demonstrated that the prey consumed by ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius in a small lake on Baffin Island changed during the summer and also revealed intraspecific variation in their ecological niche. In July, there were differences in the diets of male and female ninespine stickleback as indicated by the stable isotopes, differences corroborated by the data on diet composition and the parasite fauna. Differences suggested that the sexes occupied different habitats during spawning. During July, females utilise the shallower littoral areas consuming zooplankton and benthic organisms, while males occupy deeper areas of the littoral zone feeding mainly on pelagic zooplankton. Parasite data support these observations as males had higher infections of copepod‐transmitted parasites than females. There appeared to be no segregation of resources between males and females in late August, although the diet of both male and female ninespine stickleback shifted towards more benthic organisms, compared with July. Differences in δ13C isotope, diet composition and infections of co‐occurring parasites demonstrated that sympatric ninespine stickleback and Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus captured in the littoral zone occupied separate niches. Ninespine stickleback preyed mainly on zooplankton and chironomids, while Arctic char consumed a greater variety of prey items, including zooplankton and larger‐sized prey such as insects and ninespine stickleback. The multifaceted approach improved our understanding of the trophic ecology of ninespine stickleback in southern Baffin Island and quantified resource use and dietary overlap with Arctic char.  相似文献   

Many organisms exhibit compensatory growth (CG), an accelerated growth rate during recovery from periods of low nutrient resources. Despite numerous studies, many aspects of CG, particularly fine‐scale temporal effects early in life, remain poorly understood. We manipulated early‐life feeding regimens in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) to study compensatory responses in growth rate and lipid storage during the first growing season. Laboratory‐reared stickleback, including ancestral oceanic and derived freshwater populations, were divided into three age‐specific dietary treatment groups – DPR1, DPR2 and DPR3 – which were exposed to a half‐ration nutrient deprivation for 30 days at the onset of 2, 3 and 4 months of age, respectively. We hypothesised that these month‐long periods of nutrient deprivation would result in strong, yet variable CG responses across stickleback populations and dietary treatments following a return to optimal ration levels. The youngest two age classes of fish (DPR1 &and DPR2) exhibited strong CG responses, matching growth rates and lipid generation levels seen in control fish fed an ad libitum diet. The oldest nutrient‐deprived group (DPR3) showed a reduced CG response, with body growth recovering only partially, and lipid levels exhibiting even less recovery. Our results demonstrate that compensatory growth responses in juvenile stickleback depend on the timing of deprivation during the first growing season and further that responses to late‐season deprivation have favoured development of a larger body frame entering the overwintering season over lipid regeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract – We sampled three limnetic fish species: juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), three‐spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) in Lake Washington to quantify species‐specific patterns of diel vertical migration (DVM). Catch‐per‐unit‐effort data analysed from 15 years of midwater trawling documented seasonal and diel differences in vertical distributions for each species. These results were consistent with the hypothesis that the patterns of DVM in Lake Washington were affected by life history, size and morphology. Sockeye salmon showed clear DVM in spring but essentially no DVM in fall, remaining in deep water, whereas three‐spine sticklebacks were prevalent at the surface at night in both seasons. In fall, distribution patterns may be explained by differences in thermal performance (e.g., sticklebacks favouring warm water), but the patterns were also consistent with inter‐specific differences in predation risk. Younger sockeye salmon and longfin smelt were present in greater proportions higher in the water column during dusk and night periods than older conspecifics. Compared with sockeye salmon, the greater use by three‐spine sticklebacks of surface waters throughout the diel cycle during weak thermal stratification in spring was consistent with the hypothesis that sticklebacks’ armour reduces predation risk, but use of this warmer, metabolically beneficial stratum may also have promoted growth. This study illustrates variation in the vertical distribution of three sympatric planktivores and offers broader implications for the DVM phenomenon and applied lake ecology.  相似文献   

The productivity of Fraser River sockeye salmon has declined in recent years, with 2019 being the lowest return on record. The cause of the decline is still not fully understood; however, bottom‐up drivers and trophic interactions during the early marine migration are considered to be important contributing factors. McKinnell et al. (Fisheries Oceanography, 23, 2014 and 322) developed a “trophic gauntlet hypothesis,” proposing that low biological productivity leads to an energy deficit from poor foraging opportunities in migrating salmon. When combined with poor foraging conditions in typically productive waters elsewhere on the migration, low marine survival may result. Our study examined prey availability and stomach fullness of juvenile sockeye salmon along the 120 km stretch of the coastal migration through the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait to determine whether this section of the migration is indeed food limited. We observed low stomach fullness throughout tidally mixed waters, providing empirical support for the trophic gauntlet hypothesis. Zooplankton abundance was high in these regions so it appeared that unfavourably small prey size may have been the cause of low foraging success. We also observed foraging hotspots at both ends of the gauntlet, indicating that such areas may be key feeding grounds for migratory salmon.  相似文献   

  1. Juvenile Pacific salmon exhibit diverse habitat use and migration strategies to navigate high environmental variability and predation risk during freshwater residency. Increasingly, urbanization and climate-driven hydrological alterations are affecting the availability and quality of aquatic habitats in salmon catchments. Thus, conservation of freshwater habitat integrity has emerged as an important challenge in supporting salmon life-history diversity as a buffer against continuing ecosystem changes.
  2. To inform catchment management for salmon, information on the distribution and movement dynamics of juvenile fish throughout the annual seasonal cycle is needed. A number of studies have assessed the ecology of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during summer and autumn seasons; catchment use by this species throughout the annual cycle is less well characterized, particularly in high-latitude systems.
  3. Here, n = 3,792 tagged juvenile coho salmon were tracked throughout two complete annual cycles to assess basin-wide distribution and movement behaviour of this species in a subarctic, ice-bearing catchment.
  4. Juvenile coho salmon in the Big Lake basin, Alaska, exhibited multiple habitat use and movement strategies across seasons; however, summer rearing in lotic mainstem environments followed by migration to lentic overwinter habitats was identified as a prominent behaviour, with two-thirds of tracked fish migrating en masse to concentrate in a small subset of upper catchment lakes for the winter. In contrast, the most significant tributary overwintering site (8% of tracked fish) occurred below a culvert and dam, blocking juvenile fish passage to a headwater lake, indicating that these fish may have been restricted from reaching preferred lentic overwinter habitats.
  5. These findings emphasize the importance of maintaining aquatic connectivity to lentic habitats as a conservation priority for coho salmon during freshwater residency.

Beaded streams are prominent across the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of Alaska, yet prey flow and food web dynamics supporting fish inhabiting these streams are poorly understood. Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) are a widely distributed upper‐level consumer on the ACP and migrate into beaded streams to forage during the short 3‐month open‐water season. We investigated energy pathways and key prey resources that support grayling in a representative beaded stream, Crea Creek. We measured terrestrial invertebrates entering the stream from predominant riparian vegetation types, prey types supporting a range of fish size classes, and how riparian plants and fish size influenced foraging habits. We found that riparian plants influenced the quantity of terrestrial invertebrates entering Crea Creek; however, these differences were not reflected in fish diets. Prey type and size ingested varied with grayling size and season. Small grayling (<15 cm fork length (FL)) consumed mostly aquatic invertebrates early in the summer, and terrestrial invertebrates later in summer, while larger fish (>15 cm FL) foraged most heavily on ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) throughout the summer, indicating that grayling can be insectivorous and piscivorous, depending on size. These findings underscore the potential importance of small streams in Arctic ecosystems as key summer foraging habitats for fish. Understanding trophic pathways supporting stream fishes in these systems will help interpret whether and how petroleum development and climate change may affect energy flow and stream productivity, terrestrial–aquatic linkages and fishes in Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis, the aetiological agent of salmonid rickettsial septicaemia (SRS), is a global pathogen of wild and cultured marine salmonids. Here, we describe the development and application of a reproducible, standardized immersion challenge model to induce clinical SRS in juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), Atlantic (Salmo salar) and sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Following a 1‐hr immersion in 105 colony‐forming units/ml, cumulative mortality in Atlantic salmon was 63.2% while mortality in sockeye salmon was 10%. Prevalence and levels of the bacterium in kidney prior to onset of mortality were lower in sockeye compared with Atlantic or pink salmon. The timing and magnitude of bacterial shedding were estimated from water samples collected during the exposure trials. Shedding was estimated to be 82‐fold higher in Atlantic salmon as compared to sockeye salmon and peaked in the Atlantic salmon trial at 36 d post‐immersion. These data suggest sockeye salmon are less susceptible to P. salmonis than Atlantic or pink salmon. Finally, skin lesions were observed on infected fish during all trials, often in the absence of detectable infection in kidney. As a result, we hypothesize that skin is the primary point of entry for P. salmonis during the immersion challenge.  相似文献   

Our collaborative work focused on understanding the system of mechanisms influencing the mortality of juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Coordinated field studies, data analysis and numerical modelling projects were used to identify and explain the mechanisms and their roles in juvenile mortality. In particular, project studies addressed the identification of major fish and bird predators consuming juvenile salmon and the evaluation of three hypotheses linking these losses to (i) alternative prey for predators (prey‐switching hypothesis); (ii) salmon foraging behaviour (refuge‐dispersion hypothesis); and (iii) salmon size and growth (size‐refuge hypothesis). Two facultative planktivorous fishes, Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), probably consumed the most juvenile pink salmon each year, although other gadids were also important. Our prey‐switching hypothesis was supported by data indicating that herring and pollock switched to alternative nekton prey, including juvenile salmon, when the biomass of large copepods declined below about 0.2 g m?3. Model simulations were consistent with these findings, but simulations suggested that a June pteropod bloom also sheltered juvenile salmon from predation. Our refuge‐dispersion hypothesis was supported by data indicating a five‐fold increase in predation losses of juvenile salmon when salmon dispersed from nearshore habitats as the biomass of large copepods declined. Our size‐refuge hypothesis was supported by data indicating that size‐ and growth‐dependent vulnerabilities of salmon to predators were a function of predator and prey sizes and the timing of predation events. Our model simulations offered support for the efficacy of representing ecological processes affecting juvenile fishes as systems of coupled evolution equations representing both spatial distribution and physiological status. Simulations wherein model dimensionality was limited through construction of composite trophic groups reproduced the dominant patterns in salmon survival data. In our study, these composite trophic groups were six key zooplankton taxonomic groups, two categories of adult pelagic fishes, and from six to 12 groups for tagged hatchery‐reared juvenile salmon. Model simulations also suggested the importance of salmon density and predator size as important factors modifying the predation process.  相似文献   

Imperfect detection associated with sampling gear presents challenges for wildlife inventory and monitoring efforts. We examined occupancy dynamics and habitat use of juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, in shallow lake environments over a summer and early fall season in the Knik River area of south central Alaska using models which control for and estimate sampling gear detection efficiency. In addition, we present statements for the probability that observed absences at a survey site or from a survey area (a collection of sites) are true absences given some amount of sampling effort and analysts' beliefs about site occupancy and sampling gear detection efficiency which can be used to guide inventory and monitoring efforts for juvenile salmon or other wildlife and plant species. Occupancy modelling results demonstrate that minnow traps were effective at sampling juvenile coho in shallow lake environments, with a mean probability of detection across the study period of 0.68 (i.e., probability of detecting the presence of juvenile coho given that they are present at a trap site; SE = 0.03). Juvenile coho salmon migrated into shallow water lakes in late summer and early fall, presumably to seek out overwinter habitat. N‐mixture modelling examination of habitat use demonstrated that once in shallow lake environments, juvenile coho were widely distributed across a range of microhabitats, with some evidence for preference for shallower depths and warmer water temperatures.  相似文献   

The early foraging ecology of alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) is poorly documented, with little information available on young‐of‐year food habits or ontogenetic diet shifts. We conducted laboratory experiments to quantify prey selection and foraging behaviours of larval and early juvenile alligator gar (16–80 mm TL) simultaneously offered zooplankton, chironomid larvae and one of three densities of fish prey. The smallest size groups of alligator gar consumed zooplankton almost exclusively, but with increasing size, selection for zooplankton declined and selection for fish prey increased. At higher densities of fish prey, alligator gar exhibited lower selection for zooplankton and positively selected for fish at smaller sizes. Ingestion efficiencies for chironomids were considerably lower than for zooplankton or fish prey, resulting in low rates of consumption and negative selection for chironomids by all size groups of alligator gar. Fish prey elicited a different foraging response from alligator gar than zooplankton or chironomids, as alligator gar pursued and struck at fish over longer distances than for other prey types. With increasing size, alligator gar used a wider vertical range of the water column for foraging, changed their strike tactics and exhibited decreased handling times for zooplankton and fish. These observations indicate that alligator gar undergo several functional and behavioural changes during early ontogeny that facilitate a rapid transition to piscivory, but fish prey density strongly affects prey consumption patterns and the size at which alligator gar transition to piscivory.  相似文献   

Lakes can be important to stream dwelling fishes, yet how individuals exploit habitat heterogeneity across complex stream‐lake networks is poorly understood. Furthermore, despite growing awareness that intermittent streams are widely used by fish, studies documenting the use of seasonally accessible lakes remain scarce. We studied Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in a small seasonally flowing (June–October) stream‐lake network in Alaska using PIT telemetry. Overall, 70% of fish visited two lakes, 8% used a single lake, and 22% used only stream reaches. We identified five distinct behavioural patterns that differed in dominant macrohabitat used (deep lake, shallow lake or stream reaches), entry day into the network and mobility. Some juvenile fish spent the entire summer in a shallow seasonally frozen lake (average 71 days), whereas others demonstrated prospecting behaviour and only entered the stream channel briefly in September. Another group included adult and juvenile fish that were highly mobile, moving up to 27 km while in the 3‐km stream‐lake network, and used stream reaches extensively (average 59 days). Lentic and lotic habitats served differing roles for individuals, some fish occupied stream reaches as summer foraging habitat, and other individuals used them as migration corridors to access lakes. Our study emphasises the importance of considering stream‐lake connectivity in stream fish assessments, even to shallow seasonally frozen habitats not widely recognised as important. Furthermore, we demonstrate that individuals may use temporary aquatic habitats in complex and changing ways across ontogeny that are not captured by typical classifications of fish movement behaviour.  相似文献   

A range of organisms, from plankton to fish, commonly shift their habitat distributions horizontally or vertically due to predation risk. Juvenile lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, are generally viewed as occupying deep areas of lakes to decrease predation pressure from adults. In contrast, we found that juvenile lake trout from Great Bear Lake, NT, Canada, occupied a variety of habitats and from shallow to deep depths (0–150 m), overlapping with adult lake trout. No evidence occurred for a length depth‐based segregation (e.g., ontogenetic shift). Genetic variation was also similar among juveniles in the different depth zones. However, isotopic niches and C:N ratios among juveniles showed some variability in niche widths and positions for individuals caught from the 51–150 m zone compared to juvenile individuals caught from 0–20 m and 21–50 m zones. The uniformly distributed adult lake trout in Great Bear Lake may evenly distribute predation pressure (including cannibalism) across shallow‐ and deep‐water habitats more than in other lakes. As a result, juveniles may respond to differences in foraging opportunities rather than predation risks. Juvenile lake trout did not appear to conform to the general pattern of juveniles seeking a deep‐water refuge to reduce predation risks. In contrast, juvenile lake trout of Great Bear Lake displayed broad resource use across all depths and habitats.  相似文献   

Migrations of juvenile salmon smolts are generally high‐risk, with predation often implicated in reduced survival. In theory, smolts can maximise survival via depensation, or synchronising movements to swamp predators. Depensation, however, is difficult to assess in the wild. Accounting for depensation could also generate more realistic telemetry‐based survival estimates for management. Here, we assess six years (2010–2014, 2016) of acoustic telemetry and outmigration density data for sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from Chilko Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Prevoiusly, depensation for this population wasassessed for a single year, but interannual consistency is not known. We found evidence of depensation in each year, although its strength varied. In addition, by integrating depensation with outmigration densities, annual population‐level survival estimates in this initial (14‐km) migratory segment increased by 0.02–0.24 relative to previously published estimates. However, when extending these survival rates from the first 14 km through the entire tracked migration (1,044 km), increases in estimates were small (~0.01). Potential conservation and management applications of depensation include implications for recovering imperiled populations and informing hatchery release strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Male threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus , display an orange/red throat during the breeding season, which is carotenoid-based colour. We examined the relationship between energy-based costs of reproduction and colour in three lacustrine populations of threespine stickleback: two benthic (Willow and Big Beaver) and one limnetic (Lynne) ecotypes. In two lakes (Willow and Big Beaver) where benthic males defend nests against cannibalistic groups, males paid higher energy costs than in the third lake (Lynne) where cannibalistic groups are absent. We then examined colour variation within each population. Males from Lynne Lake did not change colour during the parental stage, whereas males from Willow and Big Beaver lakes became more intensely coloured. In addition, colour was typically independent of condition within stages. We propose that energy-based reproductive costs could explain some of the observed variation in colour by altering the payoffs associated with signalling effort during current versus future reproduction.  相似文献   

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