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Abstract – The survival of brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolts during passage over small weirs was estimated in two small Danish rivers during the spring of 1998. Parallel groups of smolts were released upstream and downstream of the weirs and recaptured in traps further downstream. The results showed a smolt loss varying from 18 to 71% for trout and 53% for salmon. Furthermore, the surviving smolts from the upstream groups were delayed for up to 9 days compared to downstream groups. The study demonstrated that an increased proportion of total river discharge allocated to fish passage increased the smolt survival. Losses may be because of fish penetrating grids erected at fish farm inlets, predation and delays, which may lead to desmoltification. The low survival may seriously threat both the long-term viability of wild populations of anadromous salmonids and the outcome of the intensive stocking programme in Denmark.  相似文献   

Migration behaviour, route selection and mortality of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts were studied at four different hydroelectric facilities in the River Mustionjoki, Finland, in May 2017. Radio-tagged smolts were released upstream of the power stations and tracked by stationary antenna-receiver systems and hand-held receivers. Tracking revealed a general tendency of smolts to move downstream with the main flow, but also variable behaviour and mortality related to diverse conditions characteristic of each power station. Average migration delay at the power stations ranged between 13.8 and 101.1 h (median: 1.7–61.5 h). Estimated mortality ranges were 0%–50% in the forebays, 4%–64% in the power stations and 2–30%/km during river migration after passage of the dam. This study provided essential information on behaviour and mortality in relation to local conditions at each power station required for successful application of fish bypass systems in a salmon restoration project.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The real-time diel pattern of Atlantic salmon smolt migration was observed for 8 years using automatic resistivity counters verified by video surveillance. A clear dominant nocturnal migration was demonstrated early in the migration period, later becoming increasingly diurnal, until rates became approximately equal at day and night. Migration patterns were related to water temperature, such that when mean daily temperatures were below 12 °C, hourly rates of migration were significantly lower during the day than at night. When daily mean temperatures exceeded 12 °C, there was no significant difference between diurnal and nocturnal migration rates. Migration patterns showed a distinct suppression of migration at dawn and dusk throughout the migration period. It is hypothesised that this behaviour is an active decision and/or an adaptive strategy either to take advantage of increased food in the form of invertebrate drift or to reduce predation risk from actively feeding piscivores or both.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The effect of pike Esox lucius predation on the mortality of newly stocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts was investigated in the Pyhäjoki River, Finland. The number of smolts eaten by pike was assessed by estimating the size of the pike population (mark–recapture experiment) and studying the stomach contents of pike. Before recapturing the pike, approximately 39,700 smolts were stocked upstream of the 2.5-km-long (89-ha) research area. The estimated size of the >40-cm pike population was 1507 (95% CL 1012–4731) individuals (17 pike and 29.8 kg·ha−1). Pike were estimated to eat 29% of the released smolts during 1 week. The diet of the pike in the research area consisted almost entirely of smolts, whereas in the reference area with no stocked smolts, the meal sizes were significantly smaller and the importance of smolts as prey was substantially lower. Pike <40 cm had not eaten any smolts, probably indicating a size refuge for the smolts, or alternatively fear of intraspecific interactions or cannibalism of pike.  相似文献   

The number and the size of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using the Isohaara fishway was elevated by increasing the fishway discharge and by changing the type of the pass entrance. The fishway is intended to help fish bypass a hydroelectric station located close to the mouth of the large, regulated River Kemijoki, in northern Finland. Multi-sea-winter (MSW) salmon returned to the river mouth during peak flows in early June but did not use the fishway until 1 month later. Their number in the fishway was positively correlated with the tailwater level. One-sea winter (1-SW) salmon, which arrived approximately one month later, started to enter the fishway without corresponding delays. In autumn, a high tailwater level and a small drop at the fish entrance seemed to be needed for the successful passage of these small-sized salmon and sea trout, Salmo trutta L.  相似文献   

Abstract  Hatchery-reared salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts are generally stocked during daylight hours, but the natural migration of smolts tends to occur at night. Recapture rates and timing of migration were compared between Atlantic salmon smolts stocked during the day and during the evening. Timing of release had no significant effect on the number of smolts recaptured, but had a strong effect on nocturnal behaviour. When stocked in the evening (but not during the day) hatchery-reared smolts moved almost exclusively during the night. This study suggests that timing the release to coincide with the natural time of smolt migration may provide valuable acclimatisation and facilitate nocturnal smolt passage.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The timing of the smolt migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was investigated during 1972–2002 in the Simojoki, a river flowing into the northern Baltic Sea. The onset of the smolt run was positively correlated with the river water temperature; a rise in water temperature above 10 °C being the main proximate environmental triggering factor. There was also a weaker correlation between the decreasing river discharge in the spring and the onset of the smolt migration. The duration of the main run was shorter in the years when the onset of the smolt run was delayed. No differences were found in the onset timing or in the duration of the smolt run between wild smolts and semi-wild smolts released into the river as parr. A polynomial equation fitted to the annual data on the survival of Carlin-tagged wild smolts and the sea surface temperature (SST) in June off the river mouth appeared to follow a dome-shaped pattern. Survival was lower in cold early summers (SST <9 °C) than in those with an average SST (9–11.9 °C), and lower again, although not significantly, in warm early summers (SST ≥12 °C). Too low and probably also too a high water temperature in early summer could thus be one of the underlying reasons for the fluctuations observed in postsmolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Results from an acoustic telemetry study revealed for the first time a northerly migration route for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts leaving the east coast of Ireland. Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged in spring 2019 in the Castletown and Boyne rivers. Three tagged smolts registered on disparate deep‐water offshore marine receivers as they travelled northwards out of the Irish Sea through the North Channel. One fish had migrated an estimated 250 km in a period of 32 days. The remaining two individuals were detected on receivers located off the Northern Ireland coast, further corroborating the northward migration of salmon smolts through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

Abstract Current models estimating the impact of red-breasted mergansers, Mergus serrator L., on salmon, Salmo salar L., fisheries in Scotland fail to take account of any annual variation in the proportion of the diet that is smolts. During the 1987–1990 smolt runs, the annual variation in the diet of mergansers was estimated from the stomach contents of birds shot on two Scottish rivers. The proportion of salmon in the diet was greatest early in the smolt run (76–91% by weight), and contained proportionately more smolts than later in the run, when coarse fish were more prominent. There was little annual variation in the proportion of the diet that was juvenile salmon. However, the proportion of these fish that were smolts, was twice as great in some years than in others and this appeared to be independent of estimated annual smolt production in the rivers.  相似文献   

Upstream counts of adult salmon in a tributary to the River Dee during autumn and winter were examined over a 13‐year period using an optical fish counter. Statistical analysis indicated that salmon were mainly primed to enter the tributary at a particular time of year, peaking at early December. However, environmental factors also had a large influence. Entry of salmon was initiated by high flow rates in the main stem of the River Dee. Increases in water level in the tributary itself were not needed to stimulate the entry of salmon. Moreover, a change in flow from 1 day to the next did not result in a response from salmon. Rather, they reacted only after more than a day of flow increase. There was no consistent threshold level of flow that triggered tributary entry. The upstream passage of salmon was reduced at low temperatures (below 3°C). The numbers of salmon migrating upstream showed a gradual increase as the temperatures increased up to 11°C, and then sharply decreased at higher temperatures. Female salmon migrated earlier by about 2 weeks on average than males. Increasingly, counters and traps are being installed on spawning tributaries to examine the state of salmon stocks. Caution should be exercised, however, in using upstream entry data from individual tributaries to provide an overall assessment of salmon abundance, as local conditions in the tributaries may affect the salmon counts in particular years.  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing pressure from user groups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, to manage Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., on a river-specific basis. The requirement to maximize benefits to users while ensuring that conservation goals are met has resulted in an initiative to develop river-specific target spawning requirements. In Newfoundland, anadromous juvenile Atlantic salmon make widespread use of lacustrine habitat for rearing. Depending on the river, lacustrine habitat can account for a substantial proportion of total production. Therefore, target spawning requirements for a number of rivers in several management areas were derived in terms of the contribution of both riverine and lacustrine habitats. The approach adopted, and derivations of associated parameter values, are reviewed, and limitations and research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Downstream passage for juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) and steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) through the fish weir at Foster Dam, Oregon, was evaluated to assess the weir's efficacy as a long-term passage solution. Radio telemetry was used to estimate survival, passage and effectiveness for the fish weir, spillway and turbines. Survival of Chinook salmon through the fish weir varied by season and reservoir elevation (66%–87%), and passage proportions were low (8%–20%). Fish weir effectiveness was low to moderate (0.39–2.09). Steelhead survival was lower (57%–77%) but passed the fish weir in higher proportions (77%), and weir effectiveness was consistently high (2.96–5.49). The results indicate the existing fish weir will not be a suitable long-term passage solution for all species. However, because of the high passage proportions and effectiveness observed for steelhead, further development of the surface-flow concept appears to be promising for safely passing downstream-migrating fishes.  相似文献   

Growth of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. smolt is poor in the period immediately following transfer to seawater, and the fish may use endogenous reserves to meet metabolic requirements at this time. Fat dynamics of smolt that differed in ‘fat status’ (10–12 versus 5–7% body fat) at the time of transfer to seawater were examined in fish fed either high‐(31% fat, 41% protein) or low‐fat (18% fat, 49% protein) feeds during seawater rearing. Samples were taken at intervals over 14 weeks to monitor changes in fat of the fillet, viscera and remaining carcass (head, skeleton, skin and ‘belly flap’). Growth rates (SGRs) were low during the first 3–6 weeks, but improved with time and SGRs for the 14 weeks were approximately 1% d?1. Fat status of the smolt appeared to influence growth in seawater, because the fish that had been held on the high‐fat feed in fresh water grew less well than those given low‐fat feed at that time. At transfer to seawater, the fillet housed 20–25% of the body fat, and the carcass over 50%. After 14 weeks, the fillet held 32–35% of the body fat, and viscera 19–26%, but the carcass, with 40–49%, was still the major fat depot irrespective of dietary treatment. Thus, the carcass is a major fat storage depot in Atlantic salmon smolt, but the fillet appears to become more important as the fish increase in size.  相似文献   

Salmon smolts were released upstream of a run‐of‐river hydropower site and recaptured downstream for inspection. Descending fish behaviour through three possible migration routes (turbines, fishway, spillway) was analysed using telemetry, fyke nets and diving. Tagged smolts did not follow the main water flow; over 70% used the fishway, which received only about 10% of the flow. The turbines received about 80% of the water, but <25% of the smolts. Smolts were not fully stopped from entering the turbines by the 25‐mm bar racks. Mortality of smolts passing through the Kaplan turbines was at minimum 36%. No mortality was found in fish moving through the fishway or spillway. This shows that small and fast‐rotating Kaplan turbines can cause relatively high mortality. No mortality in alternative migration routes resulted in a total mortality for descending smolts at the hydropower station of 8.5%, emphasising the importance of providing functional alternative migration routes.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We compared timing of smolt migration for two populations of naturally spawned Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , originating from an upper catchment (River Tummel) and a lower catchment (River Almond) tributary of the River Tay, Scotland. Smolts from the upper tributary began migration earlier than those from the lower tributary. On both occasions when fry derived from River Isla (lower tributary) stock were transferred to a location in the upper catchment, smolt migration was later than for native fish. Similarly, when fry from Tummel and Isla stocks were stocked in a common, upper catchment location, Isla origin fish migrated at a later date, in both of the two following smolt years. These differences are indicative of a genetic basis for the timing of smolt migration and suggestive of local adaptation. Mounting evidence points towards local genetic adaptation for the timing of expression of behaviours associated with migration. These aspects of variation should be accommodated in management theory and practices.  相似文献   

Long‐distance migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is known to result in high levels of mortality. For a species experiencing global population decline, it is thus vital to better understand migration behaviour, both in the river and marine stages. Atlantic salmon smolts (= 50) were tracked using acoustic telemetry in the River Deveron, Scotland, and adjacent coastal area. Higher rates of mortality were observed in the river (0.77% per km) than the early marine stage of migration (0.0% per km). Mortality likely resulted from predation. Higher swim speeds were recorded in the early marine stage compared with the river (marine = 7.37 ± 28.20 km/day; river = 5.03 ± 1.73 km/day [mean ± SD]), a potential predator avoidance behaviour. The majority of smolts leaving the river did so in darkness and on a flooding tide. Overall river and marine migration success were linked to nights of lower lunar brightness. Marine migration speed decreased with increasing environmental noise levels, a finding with implications for fisheries management. The migration pathway in the early marine environment did not follow obvious geographical features, such as the coastline. Thus, we suggest that early marine environment pathways are more influenced by complex water currents. These findings highlight factors that influence smolt migration survival and behaviour, areas on which future research should focus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the effect of growth, size and season on the flesh quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Following smoltification, two groups of size sorted 0+ and 1+ smolts (four treatment groups in all) were measured for body weight and length in January, June and October 2002. The fish were stored on ice for 4 days before filleted and samples taken for flesh colour, fat/dry content, end pH, gaping score and texture shear force. Large fish upon smoltification grew faster during the first year at sea, while smaller fish grew faster during the second year at sea, resulting in similar weight at slaughter. Season showed the main influence on quality, where fish slaughtered in October had harder texture, higher fat content and redder colour compared to previous samples (P < 0.05). There were only minor differences between the fish slaughtered in January and June (P > 0.15). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were detected as an effect of size or smoltification age when effects of season were accounted for in the statistical model. We conclude that the observed variation in quality was an effect of changes in growth with season. We recommend that actions aimed to halter growth prior to slaughter could be an effective control measure to reduce seasonal quality variations.  相似文献   

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