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Run timing of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar vs. wild fish was compared by the use of video camera surveillance in 15 rivers over several years, covering 1600 km of the Norwegian coastline (from 58°N to 69°N). Annual runs of wild salmon varied among rivers from <200 fish to more than 10 000. During the surveillance period that for most rivers extended from late May to early October, larger‐sized salmon (fish ≥ 65 cm) generally entered the rivers earlier than small fish. The percentage of salmon identified as escaped farmed fish ranged from 0.1% to 17% across rivers with an average of 4.3%. Estimates of escapees are, however, assumed to represent minimum values because an unknown number of farmed fish passing the video cameras may have been misclassified as wild fish. By the use of a linear mixed model and generalised additive mixed models, it was found that the relationship between run timing and fish length differed significantly between farmed and wild salmon. While small‐sized farmed and wild fish (<65 cm) entered the river at about the same time, wild large salmon returned on average 1–2 weeks earlier than similarly sized escapees. The proportion of large‐sized farmed escapees also increased until late August and decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was a relatively constant and lower proportion of small‐sized escapees throughout the season. Within the surveillance period, there was no evidence of any exceptionally late runs of fish classified as escaped farmed salmon.  相似文献   

Landlocked Atlantic salmon (ouananiche, Salmo salar) spawning migration timing varies throughout its range and is influenced by a variety of environmental variables. This study examined the spawning migration time of landlocked Atlantic salmon in a small (4 ha) constructed stream linked to a large reservoir (32,600 ha) in Newfoundland, Canada. Salmon use of the stream was passively monitored using Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags from 2006 to 2012. Of the salmon tagged throughout the reservoir, 48% entered the stream during the spawning season and remained there for 18–36 days from late September to November before they returned to the reservoir. Most fish entered the stream at dusk (32%). The lunar cycle influenced the timing of migration each year. Mean stream discharge (cubic metres per second) influenced migration timing in some years, and water temperature appeared to have minimal impact on migration timing. Twenty per cent of fish migrated to the stream in multiple years and 51% of these individuals appeared to use the stream on a biennial or alternate year cycle. These results demonstrate that small constructed streams can attract salmon from throughout a large reservoir and can provide valuable habitat in areas where spawning habitat is limited.  相似文献   

The downstream movement of coho salmon fry and parr in the fall, as distinct from the spring migration of smolts, has been well documented across the range of the species. In many cases, these fish overwinter in freshwater, but they sometimes enter marine waters. It has long been assumed that these latter fish did not survive to return as adults and were ‘surplus’ to the stream's carrying capacity. From 2004 to 2010, we passive integrated transponder tagged 25,981 juvenile coho salmon in three streams in Washington State to determine their movement, survival and the contribution of various juvenile life histories to the adult escapement. We detected 86 returning adults, of which 32 originated from fall/winter migrants. Half of these fall/winter migrants spent ~1 year in the marine environment, while the other half spent ~2 years. In addition, the median return date for fall/winter migrants was 16 days later than spring migrants. Our results indicated that traditional methods of spring‐only smolt enumeration may underestimate juvenile survival and total smolt production, and also overestimate spring smolt‐to‐adult return (SAR). These are important considerations for coho salmon life cycle models that assume juvenile coho salmon have a fixed life history or use traditional parr‐to‐smolt and SAR rates.  相似文献   

Fixed location split-beam horizontal echosounding was used to assess the size and timing of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawning run in the River Tornionjoki. Four transducers, two on each river bank, were mounted across the river at the study site 4 km upstream from the river mouth. Net weirs were used on both shores to direct the passage of fish through the acoustic beams. Hydroacoustic monitoring covered 40–50% of the river cross-sectional area. Also test fishing and yearly catch statistics of salmon were used as an indication of the size of the spawning run in the river. Altogether, 7 700, 5 300 and 4 300 salmon-sized targets (target strength, TS ≥ –29 dB) moving upstream were detected in 1997, 1998, and 1999, respectively. The fish migration began in all the years by early June and peaked during the second half of the month; the migration period of large salmon lasted until mid-July. The observations made by the echosounding and catch statistics were similar in this respect. In 1998 and 1999, however, more targets of TS ≥ –29 dB were detected during late summer than could be expected by the river catches of salmon. It may be that the large targets in late summer were, in fact, whitefish whose run occurred during the same time. Hydroacoustic estimation of the total salmon run at the study site was found difficult. The numbers of salmon-sized targets detected were almost the same as the numbers of salmon caught each year by fishermen. Therefore, only an index of the run timing and the size of the stock can be produced from the data. It was clear that a considerable amount of fish escaped the acoustic monitoring by using areas uncovered by the beam, such as gaps in the bottom and the surface layers of the water column near the shores. Moreover, it was found that species recognition based on TS only is not adequate in multispecies environments. Assessment of spawning runs remains, however, a key issue in the management of Baltic salmon, and with further development, the hydroacoustic monitoring may be the most viable means of doing it.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), is an important biological and cultural resource in Alaska, but knowledge about Chinook salmon ecology is limited in many regions. From 2009 to 2012, spawning distribution and abundance of a northern Chinook salmon population on the Togiak River in south‐west Alaska were assessed. Chinook salmon preferred deeper mainstem channel spawning habitat, with 12% (14 of 118 tags in 2009) to 21% (22 of 106 tags in 2012) of radio‐tagged fish spawning in smaller order tributaries. Tributary spawners tended to have earlier run timing than mainstem spawners. Chinook salmon exhibited extended holding and backout (entering freshwater but returning to saltwater before completing anadromous migration) behaviours near the mouth of Togiak River, potentially prolonging their exposure to fishery harvest. Mark–recapture total annual run estimates (2010–2012) ranged from 11 240 (2011) to 18 299 (2012) fish. Exploitation of Chinook salmon ranged from 36% (2012) to 55% (2011) during the study period, with incidental fishery catches near the mouth of the river comprising the largest source of harvest.  相似文献   

Conservation spawning requirements (limits) for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., have been developed for a number of rivers in Newfoundland. Status of stocks is evaluated against these limits and scientific advice and recommendations on levels of recreational catch provided to resource managers. A critical factor in this process is the determination of total returns. This has been accomplished for 30–40% of the rivers in question over the years through the use of fish counting fences and traps installed in fishways. In Newfoundland, it is not logistically or financially possible to operate fish counting facilities in all of the approximately 200 Atlantic salmon rivers. Thus angling catch data have been used as an alternative means of estimating total returns to rivers without counting facilities. Estimates of total returns were three to four times higher than the actual values for one of the two rivers studied and deviated from the actual by as much as 60% for the other. Management implications of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The proportion of angled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. being caught and released has increased. If individuals are repeatedly captured, this may have fish welfare consequences. Of 995 Atlantic salmon tagged during catch and release in eight Norwegian rivers, 10% were captured twice, while 3% were captured three times within the same fishing season. The probability that released salmon were captured again decreased with decreasing time left of the fishing season, decreased for larger‐sized fish and varied among rivers/years. Increased exploitation rates within the river, indicating an increased fishing pressure, strongly increased the probability that fish would be recaptured. However, the proportion of salmon caught a second time was much lower than the total exploitation rates in the same rivers (which was on average 46%). For fish tagged in the sea, the likelihood of being angled decreased with time since entering the river, which may explain why the recapture rates of caught and released fish were lower than the total exploitation rates.  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing pressure from user groups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, to manage Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., on a river-specific basis. The requirement to maximize benefits to users while ensuring that conservation goals are met has resulted in an initiative to develop river-specific target spawning requirements. In Newfoundland, anadromous juvenile Atlantic salmon make widespread use of lacustrine habitat for rearing. Depending on the river, lacustrine habitat can account for a substantial proportion of total production. Therefore, target spawning requirements for a number of rivers in several management areas were derived in terms of the contribution of both riverine and lacustrine habitats. The approach adopted, and derivations of associated parameter values, are reviewed, and limitations and research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

The malacosporean Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae was detected in kidneys from Atlantic salmon parr in 64 of 91 sampled Norwegian rivers. Using real‐time PCR, this parasite was found to be present in Atlantic salmon parr in rivers along the whole coast, from the northernmost and southernmost areas of the country. In addition, T. bryosalmonae was found in kidneys from brown trout parr in 17 of 19 sampled rivers in south‐east Norway, and in Arctic charr sampled in the River Risfjordelva, located at the northernmost edge of the European mainland. In conclusion, T. bryosalmonae has a widespread distribution in salmonids in Norwegian watercourses. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) caused by T. bryosalmonae and PKD‐induced mortality has been observed in salmonids in several Norwegian rivers and it can be speculated that more PKD outbreaks will occur as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

The Eastern Canadian northern shrimp population, representing one of the most important fisheries in the region, decreased dramatically since the mid‐2000s to a historical low in 2017, but changes were not spatially uniform. Applying a biophysical model within Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) management areas, we investigated connectivity processes during the long pelagic larval phase (2–3 months) of Pandalus borealis and key drivers of larval dispersal in different environmental conditions. We selected 3 years representative of contrasting North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phases to assess potential larval dispersal patterns of the northern shrimp population in NL, and hierarchically assessed the impact of the timing of release (yearly and daily), release location, and vertical migration behaviour on shrimp larval dispersal. Overall, we found that populations located on the northern Newfoundland and Labrador shelf supplied potential settlers to southern populations because of the dominant Labrador Current. Ocean circulation and current velocities during the NAO positive year differed from other years, generating contrasting settlement spatial patterns. Larval release location and vertical migration behaviour were the two most important influences on the strength of larval supply and settlement patterns. Inclusion of diel and ontogenic swimming behaviour increased settlement success of larvae released from inshore areas, regardless of study years. Our study improves understanding of northern shrimp stock‐recruitment relationships, their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions, and spatially non‐homogeneous population decline for bentho‐pelagic species with a long larval phase, which could potentially help improve management strategies.  相似文献   

Adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar; approximately 800 g start weight) were fed diets with a high replacement of fish meal (FM) with plant proteins (70% replacement), and either fish oil (FO) or 80% of the FO replaced by olive oil (OO), rapeseed oil (RO) or soybean oil (SO) during 28 weeks in triplicate. Varying the lipid source only gave non‐significant effects on growth and final weight. However, a significantly reduced feed intake was observed in the SO fed fish, and both feed utilization and lipid digestibility were significantly reduced in the FO fed fish. Limited levels of dietary 18:3n‐3, precursor to EPA and DHA, resulted in no net production of EPA and DHA despite increased mRNA expression of delta‐5‐desaturase and delta‐6‐desaturase in all vegetable oil fed fish. Net production of marine protein, but not of marine omega‐3 fatty acids, is thus possible in Atlantic salmon fed 80% dietary vegetable oil and 70% plant proteins resulting in an estimated net production of 1.3 kg Atlantic salmon protein from 1 kg of FM protein. Production of one 1 kg of Atlantic salmon on this diet required only 800 g of wild fish resources (Fish in ‐ Fish out < 1).  相似文献   

The straying rate of ranched Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., into rivers in Iceland was estimated on the basis of coded wire tag recoveries. Out of a total of 15 158 recaptured tagged salmon from the releases between 1987 and 1992, 189 fish (1.3%) strayed into 25 out of the 79 salmon rivers observed. Most of the strayers were found in neighbouring rivers to the ranching stations. There were no significant differences in straying rate between different age classes of salmon returning from the same smolt year class. Generally, there was a delay of 26-27 days in running time between strayers in rivers and salmon returning to the ranching station. Higher straying rates were observed for ranching stations using riverine traps than for stations using estuary traps. By close inspection of seven key rivers in Iceland and assuming a 50% exploitation rate (fishing effort) in the rivers, on average, 2.1% of the returning salmon in ranching were estimated to stray to native salmon rivers over the years. A limitation of using these numbers to estimate geneflow between ranching stocks and wild populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Results from an acoustic telemetry study revealed for the first time a northerly migration route for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts leaving the east coast of Ireland. Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged in spring 2019 in the Castletown and Boyne rivers. Three tagged smolts registered on disparate deep‐water offshore marine receivers as they travelled northwards out of the Irish Sea through the North Channel. One fish had migrated an estimated 250 km in a period of 32 days. The remaining two individuals were detected on receivers located off the Northern Ireland coast, further corroborating the northward migration of salmon smolts through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

Kim M, Lapointe M. Regional variability in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) riverscapes: a simple landscape ecology model explaining the large variability in size of salmon runs across Gaspé watersheds, Canada.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2011: 20: 144–156. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rivers in the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, present a 20 to 1 variability in the average numbers of returning adult salmon per km2 of watershed area (the ‘specific run size’). These variations are very poorly explained by interbasin differences in total stream length (R2 = 0.033, P = 0.533) or in estimates of total area of salmon habitat that fail to take into account complementarity and interconnections across life stage habitats (R2 = 0.065, P = 0.448). The relative spatial distribution of three complementary habitat types (adult holding pools, spawning beds, parr habitats) is hypothesised to be an important factor controlling the production of salmon at any given watershed area or given total stream length, and by extension the numbers of adults returning each year to spawn. We developed a simple riverine landscape ecology (or riverscape) model that uses easily accessible topographic map sources to identify optimally productive river segments. These segments were identified based on large‐scale river and valley features and the associated spatial organisation of complementary salmon habitats. We tested the ability of this model to predict salmon run sizes for 14 watersheds in the Gaspé Peninsula. The aggregate length of optimally productive segments, as defined in our model, is a strong predictor of the average size of the annual salmon runs for these watersheds (R2 = 0.913, P < 0.0005). Furthermore, specific salmon run sizes were accurately predicted (R2 = 0.771, P < 0.0005) after removal of the obvious scale effects of watershed size.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate manipulation of spawning time as a potential means to extend 0+ Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt production in Tasmania, Australia, female salmon were exposed to a natural/simulated natural (42°S) photoperiod or an advanced (L:D 9:15) photoperiod from the austral summer solstice (20 December) under natural or advanced (~ 6 °C below natural temperature) temperature conditions. In late summer (26 February) injections of a commercial LHRHa preparation or vehicle (propylene glycol) commenced. Regular ovulation checks were conducted and ova were fertilised using milt from LHRHa-injected males held under matching photo-thermal conditions. Plasma levels of 17β-estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) were monitored and reproductive success (cumulative % ovulation, % fertilisation and % survival to the eyed-egg stage) was recorded. Ovulations commenced first (09 March) in LHRHa-treated fish that experienced advanced photoperiod and thermal regimes whereas sham-treated fish exposed to natural photoperiod and temperature conditions where the last to ovulate (22 May-08 June). Treatment-related sequential changes in the timing of ovulations were reflected by sequential advances in the timing of peaks in plasma levels of E2 and T. The fertilisation of ova from LHRHa-treated fish that experienced advanced photoperiod and thermal regimes was significantly reduced (~ 52%) relative to all other treatments (> 80%) but there were no significant treatment-related differences in the survivals of eggs to the eyed stage (~ 50-90%). Consequently, a maximum advance in the timing of median ovulation of 71 days and commercially acceptable eyed-egg yields were generated, demonstrating that combinations of photoperiod, thermal and hormone treatments may be employed to significantly extend spawning and thereafter increase the availability of 0+ smolts for grow-out.  相似文献   

The debate over Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., stocking in Britain centres on the trade‐off between enhancing rod fisheries and harming wild populations. This article informs the debate by quantifying the relationship between stocking and angler catch statistics for 62 rivers over 15 years. After controlling for environmental factors affecting adult abundance, the 42 rivers with stocking had non‐significantly lower mean catch statistics than the 20 rivers without stocking. This difference increased with the age of stocked fish. Among stocked rivers, weak relationships between mean stocking effort and catch statistics also became more negative with the age of stocked fish. For stocked rivers, there was no evidence for a generally positive relationship between annual stocking efforts and catch statistics. Those rivers for which stocking appeared to improve annual rod catches tended to have lower than expected mean rod catches. The results suggest the damage inflicted on wild salmon populations by stocking is not balanced by detectable benefits to rod fisheries.  相似文献   

Abstract  Return migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was studied in the Gulf of Bothnia, northern Baltic Sea, by a mark-recapture experiment and catch records from commercial trap-nets. Coastal salmon fishing is regulated by delayed opening of the fishery in consecutive regions based on the assumption that the wild fish migrate before reared ones and the migration is unidirectional and continuous from south to north. Neural network modelling suggested that the migration does not progress linearly from one regulation region to another, but shows variation between origin and sea age among and within regions. Further evidence of the non-linear migration included a noticeable part of salmon on their way to two major estuaries first visiting the northern-most Bothnian Bay before turning back south. Salmon returning to the different homing sites in the north showed no differences in run timing in the southern Gulf whereas the same individual fish showed differences in catch accumulation further north. Run timing estimates indicated only a slight tendency towards earlier migration for wild salmon compared with reared fish.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study on the occurrence and distribution of piscine reovirus (PRV) in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., caught in Norwegian rivers. PRV is a newly discovered reovirus associated with heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), a serious and commercially important disease affecting farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway. A cross‐sectional survey based on real‐time RT‐PCR screening of head kidney samples from wild, cultivated and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon caught from 2007 to 2009 in Norwegian rivers has been conducted. In addition, anadromous trout (sea‐trout), Salmo trutta L., caught from 2007 to 2010, and anadromous Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), caught from 2007 to 2009, were tested. PRV was detected in Atlantic salmon from all counties included in the study and in 31 of 36 examined rivers. PRV was also detected in sea‐trout but not in anadromous Arctic char. In this study, the mean proportion of PRV positives was 13.4% in wild Atlantic salmon, 24.0% in salmon released for stock enhancement purposes and 55.2% in escaped farmed salmon. Histopathological examination of hearts from 21 PRV‐positive wild and one cultivated salmon (Ct values ranging from 17.0 to 39.8) revealed no HSMI‐related lesions. Thus, it seems that PRV is widespread in Atlantic salmon returning to Norwegian rivers, and that the virus can be present in high titres without causing lesions traditionally associated with HSMI.  相似文献   

Daily returns of all hatchery- and naturally reared Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., to the Umealven (Sweden) were examined for an 18-year period, 1974–1991. Returns of naturally reared fish to the Norrfors fish ladder were more abundant than returns of hatchery fish with little obvious trend since the mid-seventies. Arrival date and median return date to the Norrfors fish ladder were consistently different by rearing type and sex with no overall trend since 1974. Hatchery-reared fish passed through the ladder later than naturally reared fish of the same sex and size. Males migrated later than females of the same size and rearing type. Larger, and presumably older, fish migrated earlier than smaller fish. There was little trend in the timing of the run since 1974. There was no simple relationship with river flows or river temperatures to explain the variation in most characteristics of the run. Pre-midsummer mean river temperatures were negatively correlated with arrival date but this was only significant for hatchery-reared males. The fishery catch data in the estuary indicated that the proportion of hatchery-reared adults decreased between the Umeätilven estuary and the fish ladder. There is evidence that larger fish took longer to travel from the estuary to the fish ladder.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon become thermally stressed when water temperatures exceed 23 °C. To alleviate this stress, they behaviourally thermoregulate by moving to patches of cold water, often forming large aggregations. These patches are known as thermal refuges. Given the consensus that climate change will increase temperatures in Atlantic salmon catchments, thermal refuges will become increasingly important in minimising summer mortalities. While the behaviour of salmonids within thermal refuges is fairly well understood, less is known about their main stem movement in search of thermal refuges or its thermal and temporal cues. We detail the results of a PIT telemetry study to investigate the main stem movement behaviour of thermally stressed Atlantic salmon parr in a temperature‐impacted river. PIT antennas placed around two thermal refuges and at the upstream and downstream limits of their surrounding reach were used to record the movement of salmonids during a heatwave. We observed parr movement at the upstream and downstream antennas 135 min prior to the occurrence of the midpoint of aggregations in the thermal refuges, indicating that Atlantic salmon parr make reach‐scale movements in search of cool water prior to aggregating. Logistic regression showed that the number of degree hours >28 °C predicted the occurrence of main stem movement with a good degree of accuracy, indicating that this temperature represents a fundamental threshold causing Atlantic salmon parr to move towards cool water. Such data could be instrumental in allowing river managers to place limits on human activity within rivers, allowing salmon populations time to recover following heat stress events.  相似文献   

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