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  • ? We examined the relationships between productivity, leaf traits and carbon isotope discrimination in bulk leaf matter (Δ1) and in phloem sap (Δs) from more than 5-year-old trees belonging to Populus deltoides × P. nigra and Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides; trees were grown in alluvial and non alluvial sites in a commercial poplar plantation.
  • ? On both sites, a large genetic variability was evidenced for all variables. The genotypic ranking remained stable between years for all variables, while it differed between sites. Δ1 scaled positively with Δs and neither Δ1 nor Δs were correlated with productivity. A significant genotype by site interaction was evident for all variables. The non alluvial site resulted in lower productivity, and in thicker/denser leaves with lower nitrogen and carbon contents. Noteworthy, the genotypic ranking for Δ1 measured at the alluvial site was similar to that previously established in a glasshouse.
  • ? As observed in previous studies from younger trees, there is a potential to select genotypes, combining high productivity and high water-use efficiency, for growth in moderately drought-prone areas.
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    Single-node, leafy stem cuttings of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum. were collected from successive nodes down the uppermost shoot of 2-shoot stockplants. The leaves were trimmed to 10, 50 and 100 cm(2) before the cuttings were set under intermittent mist to root. Batches of cuttings were harvested after 0, 14, 28 and 42 days to assess leaf water potential, dry weight and carbohydrate content of their leaf and stem portions. Cuttings with leaf areas of 10, 50 and 100 cm(2) increased in total dry weight by 29, 61 and 90%, respectively, during the 6-week period. The increase in dry weight was accompanied by increases in reflux-extracted soluble carbohydrates (RSC), water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and starch. By contrast, increase in leaf area reduced leaf water potential of cuttings before root emergence. Fewer large-leaved cuttings rooted than smaller-leaved cuttings, suggesting that rooting ability is at least partially determined by the balance between photosynthesis and transpiration. Fewer roots per cutting were produced on cuttings with 10 cm(2) leaves than on cuttings with larger leaves. Node position affected increments in dry weight, carbohydrate content and leaf water potential, with differences between nodes on day 0 generally being lost or slightly reversed by day 14. Rooting ability was not related to initial (day 0) carbohydrate content, suggesting that rooting is dependent on carbohydrates formed after severance. During the rooting period, the proportions of total non-structural carbohydrate as WSC and starch were reversed, from mostly WSC on day 0 to mostly starch by day 42. These changes in WSC and starch occurred most rapidly in large-leaved cuttings.  相似文献   

    2005年在宿州的踊桥区、祁县、泗县和砀山进行杨树注于剂“长得快”的林间试验。结果表明,注射“长得快”注干剂能很好地促进杨树生长,生长量和材积较对照增长率在8%以上,同时带来更大的经济效益,注射“长得快”的杨树的投入与产出比在1:2、0到1:7、3之间。  相似文献   

    We used gas exchange techniques to estimate maximum rate of carboxylation (V(cmax)), a measure of photosynthetic capacity, in the understory and upper crown of a closed deciduous forest over two seasons. There was extensive variability in photosynthetic capacity as a result of vertical canopy position, species type, leaf age and drought. Photosynthetic capacity was greater in oaks than in maples and greater in the overstory than in the understory. Parameter V(cmax) was maximal early in the season but declined slowly throughout most of the summer, and then more rapidly during senescence. There was also an apparent decline during drought in some trees. Variability in V(cmax) as a result of species or vertical canopy gradients was described well by changes in leaf nitrogen per unit area (N(a)). However, temporal changes in V(cmax) were often poorly correlated with leaf nitrogen, especially in spring and summer and during drought. This poor correlation may be the result of a seasonally dependent fractional allocation of leaf nitrogen to Rubisco; however, we could not discount Rubisco inactivation, patchy stomatal closure or changes in mesophyll resistance. Consequently, when a single annual regression equation of V(cmax) versus N(a) was used for this site, there were substantial errors in the temporal patterns in V(cmax) that will inevitably result in modeling errors.  相似文献   

    Growth data are presented to 15 years of age from a genetic study involving factorial matings within and between P. elliottii var. elliottii and P. caribaea var. hondurensis, planted across three sites in southeast Queensland. Specific volume equations developed using the centroid method for each taxon/site combination as well as a generic (i.e. conical) volume equation, were used to estimate the mean annual increment (MAI) at 10 and 15 years of age. MAI estimated using the conical volume equation were downwardly biased by 18% in P. elliottii but the bias was less than 2% in P. caribaea var. hondurensis, and yielded different rankings of taxa at each site compared to the taxon/site specific volume equations. At all three sites, P. caribaea var. hondurensis and the F1 and F2 hybrids significantly exceeded the productivity of P. elliottii; however, differences between P. caribaea var. hondurensis and hybrid pine were generally small. Assuming a realistic contribution of the three site-types to the population of deployment environments, average MAIs for southeast Queensland were estimated as: 17.6, 23.0, 23.7 and 23.5 m3 ha?1 y?1 for Pee, Pch, F1 and F2 respectively.  相似文献   

    Laboratory studies investigating the influence of environmental, host and cultural factors on conidium morphology of isolates of Marssonina brunnea, M. castagnei and M. populi established that conidial features (length and breadth dimensions, shape, conidium ratios, L:B, LS:B and septum location) were remarkably stable. Significant differences in length and breadth dimensions and ratios were induced by culture media and host but not by media pH, incubation temperature, photoperiod, leaf age, leaf surface and infection severity. Significant differences in conidial dimensions and ratios of M. brunnea were observed following examination of monthly collections from a single field-grown tree. The variation in conidial features induced by environmental, host and cultural factors in no instance obscured taxonomic differences between species.  相似文献   

    Leaf beetle occurrence and abundance on certain shrubs and bushes were surveyed during 2002–2003 in several natural habitats of Isparta. The 34 leaf-beetle species collected are listed and classified according to their relative percentage of the total caught and to their associated host plants. In all habitats sampled, leaf beetles showed a preference for plants from the genera Quercus and Crataegus. Some abundant species causing serious damage to their food plants are discussed.  相似文献   

    Foliar and stem injury was assessed in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings planted in the spring and in the summer of 1992 and injured during their first overwintering on two sites in the southeastern boreal forest of British Columbia. Freeze-desiccation appears to be the main cause of the injury. Seedlot effect on the injury was significant, while planting time effect was not. Although the seedlot effect may be confounded with stock-type effect, analyses indicated increasing injury with increasing seedling height and declining ground-level diameter. Seedling vigour (height and diameter increments in the previous growing season) was also significantly related to the injury which increased with increasing vigour but the significance of this relationship varied from site to site. Condition of injured seedlings generally declined further during the post-injury growing season. This decline was greater in spring-planted than in summer-planted seedlings. Excavated root systems of container-grown seedlings showed the majority of post-planting root growth originating from the bottom-third of the nursery-container plug, deeper than 10 cm from the soil surface. This is seen as a factor potentially contributing to desiccation injury as the soil in the geographic region often remains frozen at these depths long into spring.  相似文献   

    JOHANSSON  M .-B. 《Forestry》1995,68(1):49-62
    Needle litter from 14 stands of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris,L.), 13 stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) andleaf litter from three stands of white birch (Betula pubescensEhrh.) were analysed for chemical composition. The concentrationsof the elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn as well as solid organiccomponents (lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses) and solubleswere determined. When the average chemical compositions werecompared the Scots pine needle litter was clearly the most nutrient-poorlitter type. Of the solid organic-chemical components the ligninfraction dominated in the spruce and birch litter whereas thecellulose dominated in the pine needle litter. When Norway spruce and Scots pine were growing in adjacent standson soils with the same bedrock origin the spruce litter hadsignificantly higher concentrations of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca,Mg, Mn) than the pine needle litter. At sites where Norway spruceand white birch were growing in adjacent stands, the birch leaflitter had generally higher concentrations of nutrients. However, significant or nearly significant differences were onlyobtained for Mg (P = 0.002), K (P = 0.056) and N (P = 0.087),probably due to the few replicates of stands compared. Concerningorganic chemical components, the spruce needle litter had significantlyhigher concentrations of lignin and mannan than all the otherlitters and lower levels of ethanol-soluble substances, celluloseand galactan than the pine needle litter. Further, it had lowerconcentrations of water solubles, rhamnan and xylan than thebirch litter. No relationships were established between the nutrient statusof the conifer litters and the site index H100 (the dominantheight of the trees at a reference age of 100 years) of thestands. Concentrations of solid carbohydrates in the litterswere, however, positively correlated with site index (P <0.001). Further, the concentration of nitrogen in the pine needlelitter was negatively correlated with the latitude of the sites(P < 0.01). The influence of litter chemistry on the decompositionof litter and nutrient cycling of forests is discussed.  相似文献   

    In vitro cultured shoots of three Chinese poplar species (Populus tomentosa, P. alba cv. Pyramidalis andP. euphratica) and an improved poplar (FS-51), as a control, were exposed to the stress of low osmotic potential, salinity and high pH, and the shoot growth was measured.P. tomentosa andP. euphratica could grow even under the high osmotic stress (0.5m mannitol; −1.7 MPa).P. euphratica shoots which were previously cultured on the medium containing 0.7m mannitol (−2.4 MPa) recovered its growth after being transplanted to the medium without mannitol. The shoot growth ofP. euphratica was not so reduced even on the medium containing 100 mM NaCl. However, growth of the other poplars markedly reduced with 10 mM NaCl. Medium pH (pH 5.8–10) also did not affect the shoot growth ofP. euphratica. These poplars have different tolerance to the stresses in cultured shootin vitro. P. euphratica was extremely tolerant to the stresses which are possible to damage plants in dry land. A part of this study was presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society. (1993).  相似文献   

    The epidemic of bud rot disease affecting oil palm in Colombia is primarily caused by Phytophthora palmivora. The pathogen has a cosmopolitan presence that includes Southeast Asia, but to date, bud rot has not been reported in this region. This study provides an overview of the potential risk of Malaysian P. palmivora isolates cross‐infecting other host species, including cocoa, durian, rubber and Malaysian oil palm planting materials (Dura × Pisifera, D × P). On cocoa pods, the durian isolate PP7 caused dark brown necrotic lesions. Detached leaf bioassays showed that P. palmivora isolates PP3 and PP7 infected different hosts, except rubber foliage without wounding. Inoculation tests on cocoa, durian and rubber seedlings caused brown necrotic lesions when stems were wounded, with 10% mortality in cocoa and durian at 17 days post‐inoculation (dpi). However, no further infection was observed, and lesions closed within 14–28 dpi on the non‐wounded seedlings. Pathogenicity tests of oil palm seedlings inoculated with isolates PP3 and PP7 indicated that Malaysian P. palmivora isolates were not pathogenic to oil palms based on localized infection observed only through wounding. Overall, the work demonstrated that Malaysian P. palmivora isolates were able to cross‐infect multiple hosts but did not show severe infections on oil palms.  相似文献   

  • ? Several reports on annual plants have already shown the involvement of epigenetic modifiers such as DNA methylation in their adaptation to abiotic stresses.
  • ? Nevertheless, the genotypic variations of epigenetic modifiers, their possible correlations with morphological traits and the impact of water deficit have not been described for perennial plants.
  • ? Six genotypes of Populus deltoides × P. nigra were subjected or not to a moderate water deficit treatment. Various morphological traits such as the height of the plants, their biomass and the total leaf area were measured to characterize the productivity in both conditions. Levels of DNA methylation, histone acetylation and the activities and isoform accumulation of the corresponding enzymes were measured at the shoot apex, the site of morphogenesis. Genotypic variation was observed for the morphological traits and the epigenetic variables and correlations were established among them. Genotypic variation for DNA methylation was detected in hybrid poplars. A positive correlation was demonstrated between DNA methylation percentage and productivity under well watered conditions.
  • ? While there was a general decrease of growth for all genotypes in response to a moderate water deficit, genotypic dependant variations of DNA methylation were found suggesting different strategies among hybrids.
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    Seasonal differences in phenology between coniferous and deciduous tree species need to be considered when developing models to estimate CO(2) exchange in temperate forest ecosystems. Because seasonal variations in CO(2) flux in temperate forests are closely correlated with plant phenology, we quantified the phenology of forest species in a multilayered forest with patches of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.) in Brasschaat, Belgium. A scaling-up modeling approach was developed to simulate reflectance at the leaf and canopy scales over a one-year cycle. Chlorophyll concentration, water content, specific leaf area and leaf area index of the forest species were measured throughout an entire year (1997). Scaling-up from the leaf to canopy was achieved by linking the PROSPECT and SAIL models. The result is the annual progression of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) in a 1 km(2) forest area, which can be directly related to high-resolution, remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

    Implications of the differences in leaf life span are still subject to debate in the field of ecophysiology. Since leaf traits associated with these differences may be decisive for determining the distribution of tree species, this topic is particularly relevant in the context of climate change. This study analyzes the effects of the differences in leaf life span on premature losses of leaf area owing to insect herbivory and to abiotic stress. Loss of leaf area may be an important determinant of...  相似文献   

    READ  D. J. 《Forestry》1966,39(2):151-161
    In north Yorkshire the earliest symptoms of disease appear atthe base of the bud in January. A small area of tissue in theregion of the lowest leaf primordium becomes necrotic, the protoplastsbeing damaged and the cells filled with resin. This stage isrevealed externally by bleeding of fresh, clear resin on tothe outer bud scales. From the bud the necrosis extends intothe shoot and into the needle bases. Buds of the lower branches are the most susceptible, the diseaseproceeding upwards through the crown and usually killing onlycurrent year shoots. An analysis of distribution of disease reveals that north-facingslopes are heavily infected while trees on south aspects aregenerally vigorous and healthy. A distinction is made between dieback disease which occurs inpoorly ventilated, sheltered stands and debility resulting fromexposure, or from nutritional disorders.  相似文献   

    The three-dimensional (3-D) architecture of a peach tree (Prunus persica L. Batsch) growing in an orchard near Avignon, France, was digitized in April 1999 and again four weeks later in May 1999 to quantify increases in leaf area and crown volume as shoots developed. A 3-D model of radiation transfer was used to determine effects of changes in leaf area density and canopy volume on the spatial distribution of absorbed quantum irradiance (PAR(a)). Effects of changes in PAR(a) on leaf morphological and physiological properties were determined. Leaf mass per unit area (M(a)) and leaf nitrogen concentration per unit leaf area (N(a)) were both nonlinearly related to PAR(a), and there was a weak linear relationship between leaf nitrogen concentration per unit leaf mass (N(m)) and PAR(a). Photosynthetic capacity, defined as maximal rates of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) carboxylation (V(cmax)) and electron transport (J(max)), was measured on leaf samples representing sunlit and shaded micro-environments at the same time that the tree crown was digitized. Both V(cmax) and J(max) were linearly related to N(a) during May, but not in April when the range of N(a) was low. Photosynthetic capacity per unit N(a) appeared to decline between April and May. Variability in leaf nitrogen partitioning between Rubisco carboxylation and electron transport was small, and the partitioning coefficients were unrelated to N(a). Spatial variability in photosynthetic capacity resulted from acclimation to varying PAR(a) as the crown developed, and acclimation was driven principally by changes in M(a) rather than the amount or partitioning of leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   

    A factorial field experiment, located near Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, was used to test the effects of brush competition, fertility, and soil temperature on first and second-season growth of planted white pine and white spruce. Soil temperature, soil moisture tension, and photosynthetically active radiation were continuously monitored to quantify treatment effects. Foliar nutrition was assessed on nursery stock pre-planting and on current and previous foliage age classes after one growing-season. Measurement of biomass components and leaf surface area was carried out after one growing-season. Increasing soil temperature improved the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of both species in the first growing-season. Relative growth rate (Gr) of both species was positively affected by the soil temperature treatments but, because of changes in carbon partitioning and foliage morphology, was not directly related to Pn. Fertilization and brush control treatments caused compensating adjustments in morphology and biomass allocation that did not affect Gr in the first season. In the second season, environmental conditions changed and brush competition increasingly influenced growth. Despite the changes in environmental conditions during the plantation establishment period, the ability of trees to successfully adjust to environmental stress increased from the first growing-season to the second.  相似文献   

    Populus hybrid TT32 lines produced from 15 treatment tissue culture regimes exhibited somaclonal variation in morphological and gas exchange parameters. Within four years of regeneration, discrete lines showing statistically validated superior, or inferior, growth performance relative to the parental reference clone were identified. Significant differences in the ratio of leaf length/width between treatment lines provided the earliest reliable indicator of the divergence in overall growth performance. Despite discernible variation in leaf phenotype among primary regenerants and secondary propagules within individual lines, the leaf length/width ratio was identified as a potential parameter for predicting growth performance. Its subsequent use led to the recognition of four distinct leaf morphotypes; cordate, ovate, reniform and oval. Two or more of these morphotypes were distributed within each of the original 15 treatment lines. Regrouping the data on the basis of leaf morphotype resulted in a clear segregation of the morphological traits, and revealed differences that were not readily apparent by statistical analysis based on treatment groups. The demonstration of similar relative performances by individual morphotypes with respect to a range of growth and gas exchange parameters confirmed that variation in leaf morphology was indicative of differential photosynthetic performance. Somaclonal variants with a leaf morphology was indicative of differential photosynthetic performance. Somaclonal variants with a leaf morphotype closest to that of the parental line showed the highest overall potential for selection, suggesting that the greatest benefits accrue from a minimal disturbance of the parental leaf phenotype.  相似文献   

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