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主要论述了学科化服务的内容,包括学科信息收集整理、信息需求分析、宣传培训、信息推送、信息咨询、信息跟踪与反馈等,并探讨了图书馆实施学科化服务急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

样本容量的确定在现代生物医学研究以及在对两个独立的二项实验进行统计分析时,是经常遇到的一个问题。在实验设计阶段,往往需要计算最佳样本容量,目的是为了保证两个二项参数差的估计值与真实值的误差在所要求的范围内概率最大。巧妙地利用先验信息是实验设计的一个关键环节,目前正在广泛应用的样本量的计算公式在利用先验信息时通常采用点估计的形式。本文提出了确定样本容量的Bayes风险准则,给出了样本容量计算的Monte Carlo方法,并把这些方法应用到估计两个二项比例差的实验设计上。最后考虑了0-1损失函数和平方损失函数下计算样本容量的Bayes方法。  相似文献   

 样本容量的确定在现代生物医学研究以及在对两个独立的二项实验进行统计分析时,是经常遇到的一个问题。在实验设计阶段, 往往需要计算最佳样本容量,目的是为了保证两个二项参数差的估计值与真实值的误差在所要求的范围内概率最大。巧妙地利用先验信息是实验设计的一个关键环节,目前正在广泛应用的样本量的计算公式在利用先验信息时通常采用点估计的形式。本文提出了确定样本容量的Bayes风险准则,给出了样本容量计算的Monte Carlo方法,并把这些方法应用到估计两个二项比例差的实验设计上。最后考虑了0-1损失函数和平方损失函数下计算样本容量的Bayes方法。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,使得人们越来越依赖数据库资源,而根据专业学科的不同,数据库被划分成了不同的学科数据库。文章以化学学科为例,介绍了上海图书馆化学学科数据库的建设状况与服务模式,并对其中产生的问题做了分析,为上海图书馆学科数据库的建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

图书馆问卷调查是一种从大量被调查者中收集数据的快捷、简便的方法,是图书馆服务数据收集的主要手段。提高图书馆问卷的科学性、合理性和可操作性是问卷设计的核心。针对问卷调查的总体原则、问题设计、发放途径、统计分析等方面,探讨并讨论实践中存在的问题,有效开展高校图书馆问卷调查工作。  相似文献   

《云南农业大学学报》1993~1997年引文分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 对《云南农业大学学报》1993~1997年5年间发表的253篇论文的学科分布以及论文后所引用的1753条文献的年代、语种及其类型进行统计分析。找出文献利用存在的问题,并加以讨论。  相似文献   

The problems that relate to the outermost limits of institutional care, if such limits exist, will certainly be among the most salient problems during the coming years-no matter whether such care proceeds on an inpatient or an outpatient basis. Whatever course may be taken will certainly affect the lives of every citizen in urbanized and industrialized society. At present in California there is considerable shifting of individuals from one care status or category to another, in efforts to find accommodations that will better reflect the realities of modern existence. However, such shifting of caseloads as the moving of individuals from nursing and convalescent homes to hospitals and back again does not constitute a change, either from the standpoint of the subjects involved or from the standpoint of significantly affecting the overall caseload. Most commonly, the shifting of caseloads has been merely jurisdictional. Much the same can be said of the transfers from a police agency to welfare, or vice versa. Similarly, a shift from inpatient status to outpatient status does not constitute a significant change. Such transfers from one jurisdiction to another reflect a reduction in caseload for one agency, but a corresponding increase in caseload for another. Thus, there has been no significant change in the subject population as such. Jurisdictional transfers are often merely caretaking actions that reflect bureaucratic decisions. Equally often, such decisions do not address themselves to the basic priorities that guide the functions of caretaking. Explicitly stated priorities must supersede jurisditional transfers if the concept of caretaking is to include better resources for human development and if the subject population is to participate in the managing of institutions. On any given day during 1969 in the state of California, virtually 8 million people from an estimated population of 19,800,000 were under some form of institutional care or in some institutional program, or were employed to provide the care and administer the programs. Clearly this is a vast effort toward the training and retraining, as well as the rehabilitation of people, in the traditional sense of these words. The salient problems that have emerged from this context of urban and industrial development involve social control, social mobility, organizational behavior by caretakers and subjects, minority peoples, and the extensions of institutions into communities. Given these developments, is it not proper to ask whether or not the nature of urbanized and industrialized society has changed to such a point that a return to the past (and past solutions) is no longer feasible? Is it not also proper to ask what voice the subject population will have in helping to guide the urban and industrialized state into the future? And certainly there is a question that virtually everyone will ask: What percentage of tax revenues (whether shared or under direct programs) shall be destined to better meet the problems of this future society, which, it seems, is already upon us?  相似文献   

随着辽宁省人工影响天气作业信息量不断增加,现行的作业信息统计模式已经无法满足工作需要。建立B/S模式面向省、市级人影部门的作业信息管理系统,解决了上报信息格式不统一、历史作业信息查询困难和上报速率慢等问题,实现了辽宁省人影作业信息的现代化管理。  相似文献   

农业信息化是现代农业发展的重要标志,也是推进农业转型升级的重要动力。文章分析了武汉市东西湖区农业信息化建设的问题,如农户信息化意识不足,建设投入成本大,人才队伍建设薄弱等,提出了加强规划设计,积极争取财政资金支持,强化人才队伍建设等对策,以期促进东西湖区农业信息化建设。  相似文献   

思想政治教育学是社会科学中的一员,与其他社会科学一样,和数学密不可分。因而,将数学应用到思想政治教育研究中,实现思想政治教育研究与统计学的有机结合,存在其必要性和可能性。具体的途径是,坚持马克思主义方法论,通过构建思想政治教育学科基础理论,结合现代信息技术,吸收其他社会科学的统计方法,探索思想政治教育中的规律。  相似文献   

总结潍坊烟区推进现代烟草农场现状,分析存在的问题,并结合探索与实践,提出基于现代农业形势下提升烟叶农场组织水平、技术水平、服务水平、信息化水平、质量保证水平、主体意识的推进路径和取得成效。  相似文献   

蔬菜质量安全溯源系统研发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农产品安全是关系到人民健康和国计民生的重大问题。针对示范区(企业)存在的主要问题,依托现代农业信息技术、GIS技术和测土施肥等技术,建立了蔬菜产地和加工环节的编码体系,将蔬菜安全生产贯穿于生产、加工和流通等各环节。系统基本实现了通过网络查询可追溯产品和企业质量安全信息的工作目标,为科学管理农产品生产与经营提供了有效保障。  相似文献   

阐述了河北省滨海临港地区现代农业的构成及其配套服务体系,针对滨海地区发展现代农业需要解决的问题,提出了发展对策,以为现代农业体系的发展与完善提供参考。  相似文献   

"一体两翼"是华南师范大学增城学院人才培养模式,ESP是该模式一个培养内容之一。图书馆是一个图书的汪洋,图书馆的图书资料建设必须要有针对性,面对着高校蓬勃发展起来的ESP教学,图书馆需要加强相关方面的图书资料建设。学科馆员是这些图书资料的推荐者、导航者,如何结合自己的专业知识为学生的阅读进行指导深化服务,这是许多高校学科馆员正在研究讨论的问题。这是一个图书馆能否得到充分利用,能否将它的价值发挥得淋漓尽致的问题。下面就结合ESP教学来讨论图书馆的相关资料建设和学科馆员的阅读指导职能。  相似文献   

分析海南7所高校多校区管理中存在的校区治理机制缺乏、学科布局泛化、公共资源共享难、管理成本增加、校园文化建设成效差等问题。提出合理定位校区功能、加强网络信息系统建设、建立资源共享机制、加快校园文化建设等建议。  相似文献   

为培养高级应用型食品检测专业人才,对食品分析实验进行了课程改革,分析了目前教学中存在的问题。对课程设置、时间安排、实验评分标准等内容进行改革,尤其是增加了不同学科之间互相渗透的综合性大实验,将食品分析实验和食品工艺实验结合在一起。旨在培养出掌握食品检测专业知识、符合企业发展需要的高素质应用型人才。  相似文献   

In the Florida single cloud experiments, the main result of the statistical analyses is that the dynamic seeding effect on rainfall is large, positive, and significant. From all the 1968 and 1970 data together, the seeding effect is estimated to be larger than a factor of 3; that is, the seeded clouds rained more than three times as much as the controls after the seeding run. On fair days, defined objectively by percentage of area covered by showers, the seeding effect is shown to be larger than the overall average, but it may be negative on rainy days. Rainy days in the tropics are about 10 percent of the days with rain, but they produce about half the total rainfall. The applicability of our single cloud results to other areas is not established but seems hopeful for many tropical and subtropical regions. It can be assessed by cloud population studies together with our numerical model (25). Guidance for the next steps toward practical rainfall enhancement and toward the understanding and modification of cloud systems in storms may be provided by our study of merger clouds. Mergers are shown often to produce more than an order of magnitude more rain than isolated clouds on the same day, probably owing to dynamic invigoration of the merged cloud circulations. Results of our first small attempt toward inducing and documenting mergers in a multiple cloud seeding experiment appear promising. Although far from statistically conclusive, they have opened a new frontier in the science and technology of dynamic cloud modification. It is also hoped that the multiple cumulus seeding experiments will help to clarify the formation of "cloud clusters" and their role in large-scale circulations, thus contributing to the focal subject of the Global Atmospheric Research Program in the tropics.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着农民信息需求和意识的不断提高,中国农村信息传播的针对性、及时性和有效性受到极大重视。研究不同主题下农村信息传播存在问题和影响因素,有助于农村各类信息精准传播,并为优化农村信息传播提供理论依据。[方法/过程]采用文献计量学的方法,通过关键词聚类进行主题分类,而后对不同主题的相关文献进行深度分析和梳理。[结果/结论]当前农村信息传播显现出健康、农业科技、政策、文化四大主题研究方向,主要理论包括使用满足理论、创新扩散理论等;各主题下的传播者、传播内容、传播媒介和受传者具有不同特征和问题,亟待解决是政府职能发挥不充分、受传者主体地位丧失等问题;传播者的信息素养、内容的形式和质量、农村的基础设施建设和人际关系网络等因素会在不同程度上影响信息的传播。  相似文献   

昆虫图象作为一种更丰富的信息载体,正在成为多媒体信息处理时代昆虫学研究的重要对象。数学形态学是一种新兴的信号和数字图象处理和分析理论,对图象的处理主要以几何的形式刻划,很适合于昆虫图象的研究。本将数学形态学基本算法如二值图象和灰度象的噪声消除、边缘检测及梯度计算引入昆虫图象的处理之中,得到较好的效果,也为昆虫数学的建立提供了一些有益的资料。  相似文献   

Folk experiments     
Folk experiments in agriculture are often inspired by new ideas blended with old ones, motivated by economic and environmental change. They tend to save labor or capital. These notions are illustrated with nine short case studies from Nicaragua and El Salvador. The new ideas that catalyze folk experiments may be provided by development agencies, but paradoxically, the folk experiments are so common that the agencies that inspire them usually pay little attention to them. Some folk experiments are original, but others simply copy innovations that farmers have seen somewhere else. Unlike formal scientific research, in which results are consistently written, folk experiments are rarely “inscribed,” because the results are for use by individual farmers and need not be shared with an audience.  相似文献   

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