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Wild and farmed Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) were collected to assess changes in mercury with size in wild vs. farmed fish. Mercury concentrations were compared with Health Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency consumption guidelines. Lipid dilution of mercury was examined by comparing lipid-extracted (LE) and non-lipid-extracted (NLE) flesh samples in both farmed and wild fish. Mercury concentrations in the flesh and liver of farmed salmon were significantly lower than concentrations in wild salmon of similar fork length ( P <0.001), possibly due to growth dilution in rapidly growing farmed fish. Mercury concentrations were higher in LE tissue compared with NLE ( P <0.05), suggesting lipid dilution of mercury in farmed fish with a high lipid content. Farmed cod, which do not grow more rapidly than wild cod, did not have significantly different flesh and liver concentrations compared with wild cod of similar fork length ( P >0.05). Between species of farmed fish, cod had significantly higher mercury concentrations than salmon ( P <0.05), but neither farmed nor wild salmon mercury concentrations exceeded federal consumption guidelines. These results suggest that rapid growth rates and a high lipid content may play important roles in regulating concentrations of contaminants such as mercury.  相似文献   

A previous study described genetic changes in a wild Atlantic salmon , Salmo salar L., population resulting from the spawning of escaped farmed salmon in the Glenarm River, Northern Ireland, in 1990. This study reports an extension of the original investigation with a further follow-up sample that was taken from the river in 1997 to assess the genetic status of the wild population two generations after the original hybridization between the wild population and the farmed strain. Overall genetic variation across eight polymorphic allozyme loci indicated that the wild population remains significantly different from the pre-escape population and from the immediate post-escape population, the presence of an allele not having been previously detected in this population ( GPI-1,2*140 ), suggesting that further incursion(s) of farmed salmon may have taken place.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity between three farmed and four wild populations of Atlantic salmon from Ireland and Norway were analysed using 15 microsatellite markers. High levels of polymorphism were observed over all populations with the average number of alleles and average heterozygosity at 17.8 and 0.70, respectively. Farmed salmon showed less genetic variability than wild salmon in terms of allelic diversity but not necessarily in terms of overall heterozygosity. Between farmed populations significant differences were observed in expected heterozygosity suggesting that more intensive breeding practices may have resulted in a further erosion of genetic variability. Phylogenetic analysis using either populations or individuals as nodes show a clustering of populations into two groups, farmed and wild. This suggests that founder effects and subsequent selection have had more effect on the genetic differentiation between these strains than geographical separation. This technology has great potential for use in aquaculture situation where levels of genetic variation could be monitored and inbreeding controlled in a commercial breeding progra.  相似文献   

The role of escaped farmed salmon in spreading infectious agents from aquaculture to wild salmonid populations is largely unknown. This is a case study of potential disease interaction between escaped farmed and wild fish populations. In summer 2012, significant numbers of farmed Atlantic salmon were captured in the Hardangerfjord and in a local river. Genetic analyses of 59 of the escaped salmon and samples collected from six local salmon farms pointed out the most likely source farm, but two other farms had an overlapping genetic profile. The escapees were also analysed for three viruses that are prevalent in fish farming in Norway. Almost all the escaped salmon were infected with salmon alphavirus (SAV) and piscine reovirus (PRV). To use the infection profile to assist genetic methods in identifying the likely farm of origin, samples from the farms were also tested for these viruses. However, in the current case, all the three farms had an infection profile that was similar to that of the escapees. We have shown that double-virus-infected escaped salmon ascend a river close to the likely source farms, reinforcing the potential for spread of viruses to wild salmonids.  相似文献   

Commercial farming of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is now being developed in several countries. The ecological consequences of cod culture are poorly understood, but recent research suggests that Atlantic cod are more prone to escape from net pens than Atlantic salmon. Here, we describe the movements and the spatiotemporal distribution of farmed cod after escape relative to wild cod, both during and outside the natural spawning season. The experimental design included simulating escape incidents of farmed cod tagged with acoustic transmitters and using an array of automatic listening stations to monitor their dispersal and distribution. For comparison, local wild cod were monitored using the same array of receivers. The farmed cod dispersed rapidly after a simulated escape, they randomly distributed over large areas and their distribution overlapped with local wild cod. Moreover, escaped farmed fish were found at local cod spawning areas during the spawning season. The study also indicated that the recapture rate of escaped farmed cod was high compared with that of escaped farmed salmon. Thus, while our results showed that there is a considerable potential for ecosystem effects caused by escaped farmed cod, mitigating actions such as an efficient recapture fishery for escapees may be possible.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The swimming performance of wild and hatchery-reared smolts of two salmonid species was investigated. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts (WS) and brown trout smolts (WT) of equal size were caught in fish traps during migration. Hatchery-reared smolts of both species (HS and HT for salmon and trout respectively) were first generation offspring from wild broodstock. The swimming performance of individual smolts from the four groups (WS, HS, WT, HT) was tested three consecutive times using a swimming flume with water flowing at a start rate of 0.16 m·s−1 and a constant acceleration rate of 0.167 cm·s−2 (10 cm·s−1·min−1). Wild caught smolts of both species performed significantly better than those reared in hatchery conditions. The WS group were observed to maintain an average swimming speed ( U burst) that was 30% faster than the HS group, whereas the wild trout smolts were superior to HT by approximately 25%. Repeated measures revealed species-specific exhaustion patterns. Brown trout smolts maintained consecutive U burst indicating significant stamina compared with Atlantic salmon smolts that were found to be exhausted by the initial trial.  相似文献   


In 1990, the US International Trade Commission stated that Atlantic and Pacific salmon species did not share a substitute relationship in any of the product forms. This result is contrary to economic demand studies that show a substitute relationship for Atlantic and Pacific salmon species. Time‐series results reported in this paper are consistent with the earlier demand studies and show evidence of an equilibrium price system that includes Atlantic, chinook and coho salmon species for the US market. For these three salmon species a substitute relationship cannot be rejected. However, we observe only weak price links across the three different species in the different US regional markets.  相似文献   

Run timing of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar vs. wild fish was compared by the use of video camera surveillance in 15 rivers over several years, covering 1600 km of the Norwegian coastline (from 58°N to 69°N). Annual runs of wild salmon varied among rivers from <200 fish to more than 10 000. During the surveillance period that for most rivers extended from late May to early October, larger‐sized salmon (fish ≥ 65 cm) generally entered the rivers earlier than small fish. The percentage of salmon identified as escaped farmed fish ranged from 0.1% to 17% across rivers with an average of 4.3%. Estimates of escapees are, however, assumed to represent minimum values because an unknown number of farmed fish passing the video cameras may have been misclassified as wild fish. By the use of a linear mixed model and generalised additive mixed models, it was found that the relationship between run timing and fish length differed significantly between farmed and wild salmon. While small‐sized farmed and wild fish (<65 cm) entered the river at about the same time, wild large salmon returned on average 1–2 weeks earlier than similarly sized escapees. The proportion of large‐sized farmed escapees also increased until late August and decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was a relatively constant and lower proportion of small‐sized escapees throughout the season. Within the surveillance period, there was no evidence of any exceptionally late runs of fish classified as escaped farmed salmon.  相似文献   

The most important visual quality characteristic of Atlantic salmon is the red/pink flesh color. The primary source of this coloration in salmon is caused by deposition of relatively large amounts of pigments, such as astaxanthin, obtained from their diet. Astaxanthin is expensive, and in commercial farming practice, dietary color pigments comprises about 15-20% of the total feed cost. One important operational process in commercial fish farms is therefore to minimize pigment costs. Based on recent models on the effects of dietary pigment concentration and fish size on visual color perception of Atlantic salmon, this study has built a mathematical programming model designed to optimize dietary astaxanthin concentrations throughout the grow-out period that results in well-pigmented fish at minimum cost. We have applied a mixed-integer non-linear programming algorithm to solve this problem. Various managerial implications of applying optimization models in product quality management of farmed salmon are discussed.  相似文献   


Aquaculture is contributing at an increasing rate to the world seafood supply. The interaction between fisheries and aquaculture is especially important for the seafood market where supply of wild and farmed fish can affect price dynamics. We examine market interactions in the French fresh sea bass and sea bream markets. We test for long-term price parity between farmed and wild products for these two species, applying a bivariate cointegration approach to market delineation. We also conduct the Law of One Price (LOP) test between price series. Our data base consists of monthly domestic price series for fish purchased by French households from 2007 to 2012. Our empirical results show that the fresh fish markets for whole wild and farmed sea bream are partially integrated, yet those for whole wild and farmed sea bass are not integrated. The substantially higher price for wild sea bass relative to farmed sea bass suggests that consumers may be more sensitive to seafood production processes when it comes to higher-value species.  相似文献   

We investigate empirically market interactions in the Turkish wild and farmed sea bass and sea bream markets. For gilthead sea bream and European sea bass, we conduct a Granger causality test between the prices of the wild and farmed products, based on the estimation of a vector autoregressive model. Our data set consists of annual fish prices from 1996 to 2016. Our empirical results show that the wild and farmed sea bass are neither substitutes nor complements: the markets for each product are independent. However, in the case of sea bream, the price variations for farmed sea bream have a causal impact on the price of wild sea bream. Moreover, the price of wild sea bream Granger-causes the price variation of farmed sea bream. Thus, the wild and farmed sea bream markets are integrated.  相似文献   

Analyses of a unique database containing sea lice records over an 11 year period provide evidence of changing infestation patterns in Scotland. The data, collected from more than 50 commercial Atlantic salmon farms, indicate that both species of sea lice commonly found in Scotland, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus, have declined on farms over the past decade. Reductions for both species have been particularly marked since 2001 when more effective veterinary medicines became available. Treatment data were also available in the database and these show a growing trend towards the use of the in-feed medication emamectin benzoate (Slice), particularly in the first year of the salmon production cycle. However, this trend towards single product use has not been sustained in 2006, the latest year for which data are available. There is some evidence of region to region variation within Scotland with the Western Isles experiencing higher levels of infestation. However, compared to the levels observed between 1996 and 2000, all regions have benefited from reduced lice infestation, with the overall pattern showing a particular reduction in the second and third quarters of the second year of production.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematodes of the family Anisakidae occur in the visceral cavity and surrounding tissues of many marine fish species at a prevalence as high as 100% in wild salmon samples. Human consumption of fish products containing these parasites can result in the zoonotic disease anisakiasis, and Anisakis simplex is most commonly associated with human disease. Previous studies of farmed salmon have found no anisakids in viscera or muscle, presumably because formulated feed production renders parasite larvae nonviable. However, among farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) examined by histopathology as part of a provincial government auditing program in British Columbia, Canada, 1 of 894 (0.11%) had an anisakid larva partly embedded in the wall of an intestinal cecum. Skeletal muscle is not examined as part of the government's program, but other studies have correlated anisakids in the viscera and muscle. Using anisakid prevalence in viscera as an estimate of its prevalence in muscle, the risk ratio of anisakid parasites in commercial product is 570 times less in farmed than in wild Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract  A method of distinguishing between farmed, ranched and wild-origin Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using scale morphology is proposed. Circuli spacing and scale texture data, as expressed as a Fourier transform of transmission luminescent patterns. were extracted by image processing. Spacing patterns and texture features were most distinct for wild salmon compared with the other two groups. Three-group quadratic discriminant function models were developed using different combinations of data types. The most efficient model to separate the three groups had a classification efficiency of 74%. When models were simplified to two groups, farmed and wild, efficiency increased to 90%, thus reflecting the feature overlap between farmed and ranched groups. The method may be a useful tool for more objective and efficient classification of wild versus husbandry-origin salmon. However, it should be stressed that farmed salmon that escape at the smolt stage are still problematic.  相似文献   

The abundance of salmon lice and the physiological effects of infection were examined in two stocks of sympatric sea trout and anadromous Arctic char in northern Norway. One stock feed in a coastal area with extensive salmon farming (exposed locality), while the other feed in a region with little farming activity (unexposed locality). The results showed that the lice infection was significantly higher at the exposed locality, at which the mean intensity of infection peaked in June and July at over 100 and 200 lice larvae per fish respectively. At the exposed locality we also observed a premature return to freshwater of the most heavily infected fish. Such behaviour has previously been interpreted as a response by the fish to reduce the stress caused by the infection and/or to enhance survival. Blood samples taken from sea trout at sea at the exposed locality showed a positive correlation between intensity of parasite infection and an increase in the plasma cortisol, chloride and blood glucose concentrations, while the correlations from sea trout in freshwater were more casual. Several indices pointed towards an excessive mortality of the heaviest infected fish, and 47% of the fish caught in freshwater and 32% of those captured at sea carried lice at intensities above the level that has been shown to induce mortality in laboratory experiments. Furthermore, almost half of all fish from the exposed locality had lice intensities that would probably cause osmoregulatory imbalance. High salmon lice infections may therefore have profound negative effects upon wild populations of sea trout. At the unexposed location, the infection intensities were low, and few fish carried more than 10 lice. These are probably within the normal range of natural infection and such intensities are not expected to affect the stock negatively.  相似文献   

Parasites can, in theory, have large impacts on the survival of fish populations. One method to evaluate such impacts on anadromous species is to apply manipulative field experiments in which parallel groups of antiparasitically treated and non‐treated fish are simultaneously released and then subsequently recaptured as returning adults. A systematic review and meta‐analysis on all such Norwegian studies on Salmo salar provided a data set for the time period 1996 to 2011 on 118 release groups comprising 657 624 fish released and 3989 recaptured. The overall risk ratio (RR) was estimated to be 1.18 (95% CI: 1.07–1.30). The effect varied strongly between groups, (Higgins I2 = 40.1%). Over 70% of this heterogeneity could be explained by the release location, time period and baseline survival. The most important predictor variable was baseline survival. In groups with low recapture in the control group (low baseline survival), the effect of treatment was high (RR = 1.7), while in groups with high recapture in the control group (high baseline survival), there was no effect of treatment (RR ~ 1.00). The most prevalent parasite in the region affected by the drugs administered was Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Hence, the meta‐analysis supports the hypothesis that L. salmonis contributes to the mortality of S. salar during outward migration. However, the effect of treatment was not consistent, but was evidently strongly modulated by other risk factors. The results suggest that the population‐level effects of parasites cannot be estimated independently of other factors affecting the marine survival of S. salar.  相似文献   

Sea lice are the most economically damaging parasite affecting marine Atlantic salmon production the dominant sector of UK aquaculture. The Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation has published mean adult female lice abundance for four regions for 2011–2013 and for 30 areas in 2013. An analysis of these data shows that sea lice abundance is highly seasonal with values lowest in the first half of the year. Abundance also varies by region, the regional patterns vary from year‐to‐year but overall the highest abundance was found in the northern part of mainland Scotland. While most areas had low lice abundance, in a few areas the abundance was persistently above average; these areas were clustered together. There was no significant year‐on‐year trend in lice abundance, and trends appear to vary between regions. Although previous Scottish analyses have been carried out using data from a large company, this analysis cover 95% of production in all salmon farming regions of Scotland and it can be extended as more data become available.  相似文献   

The genetic effects on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., populations from potential bottleneck situations caused by human activities in two Norwegian rivers, Lærdalselva and Batnfjordelva, were studied by analysing DNA from fish scales collected before and after the populations had been exposed to human‐induced changes: river regulation, Gyrodactylus salaris infection and rotenone treatment. Using 15 microsatellites, no significant changes were found in the genetic structure and diversity of four population samples from Lærdalselva collected over 34 years. However, salmon from Lærdalselva were significantly differentiated from nearby (Årøyelva) and more distant (Batnfjordelva and Suldalslågen) populations, testifying to the power of the marker system to detect small genetic differences. Furthermore, two population samples from Batnfjordelva, collected 20 years apart, showed low but significant differentiation. The lack of effects on neutral genetic composition in Lærdalselva, despite several potentially severe bottleneck events, indicates that stocking and sea cohorts maintain the status quo of this population.  相似文献   

The migration patterns of wild and released farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were studied by radio-telemetry during migration from entering a river to after spawning. The wild salmon were caught during return migration in bagnets and the farmed salmon were produced in a near by fish farm. Both groups were tagged and released at sea near the river mouth of the River Alta, North Norway. A pronounced individual variation in migration pattern was observed. No significant differences was found between wild and farmed salmon in the distance from entering the river mouth to the place of the first stop (recorded in the same pool for 5 days or longer) and the days from entering the river mouth to arrival at the first stop. For both wild and farmed salmon, mean migration speed was 2.6 km day1, varying from 0.4 to 11.0 km day-1. A larger proportion of farmed salmon distributed to the upper part of the river at spawning; mean distances from the river mouth were 30.1 and 19.1 km. respectively. Farmed salmon spent a significantly longer time from entering the river to reaching the area occupied during spawning.  相似文献   

The Norwegian aquaculture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is hampered by ulcerative disorders associated with bacterial infections. Chronic ulceration may provide microenvironments that disturb the normal microbial biodiversity of external surfaces. Studying the composition of microbial communities in skin ulcers will enhance our understanding of ulcer aetiology. To achieve this, we tested marine farmed Atlantic salmon and sampled the base and edge of ulcers at the end of winter (April) and end of summer (September), in addition to skin mucus of healthy individuals. In order to assess microbiota associated with the host and obtain insight into the environmental ecology, we also sampled sea water, the sediment layer underneath the farm facility and the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon. The skin microbiota of Atlantic salmon was different from that of the surrounding water. Residential Tenacibaculum and Arcobacter species persistently dominated the cutaneous skin and ulcer mucus surfaces of Atlantic salmon during both winter and summer periods. The intestinal microbiota was dominated by Mycoplasma with an increase in Aliivibrio and Alcaligenes abundance in the intestine of fish with ulcerative disorder at the end of winter. These findings suggest the presence of resilient microbes in the mucus surfaces of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

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