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To investigate the effect of feeding forage legumes containing condensed tannins (CT) on internal parasitism, red deer calves were fed either lucerne (Medicago sativa; 0.1 per cent CT), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus; 1.9 per cent CT) or sulla (Hedysarum coronarium; 3.5 per cent CT) and trickle-infected with deer-origin gastrointestinal nematode and lungworm (Dictyocaulus sp.) larvae for 5 weeks, then slaughtered at 7 weeks. There was a significant negative linear relationship between dietary CT concentration and abomasal nematode burdens. No significant differences in faecal egg counts, lungworm burdens or voluntary feed intake were found. Deer fed sulla had higher liveweight gain, carcass weight and carcass dressing-out percentage, higher serum total protein and albumin concentration and lower serum gastrin concentration and faecal lungworm larval count, compared with lucerne-fed deer. Inclusion of sulla in diets for young red deer may reduce the impact of internal parasites and/or reduce the dependence on anthelmintic treatment.  相似文献   

Post mortem examination of red deer calves on a deer farm situated on hill ground in north-east Scotland revealed infection by a lungworm morphologically similar to Dictyocaulus viviparus. Trials were conducted to monitor the natural development of D viviparus infection in red deer, to investigate the value of a commercial lungworm vaccine and to evaluate methods of treating clinical cases. The findings indicate that the syndrome may be less apparent in red deer than it is in cattle, protection might be gained by vaccination and that housing and medication provide useful therapy. The extent of clinical disease is likely to depend on the general health, bodily condition and nutritional status of the animals versus the weight of infection acquired from the pasture. However, various factors can affect both sides in this confrontation.  相似文献   

Three groups of ten 4-month-old red deer (Cervus elaphus) calves naturally infected with lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) were treated with either oral ivermectin (200 microg/kg), topical (pour-on) ivermectin (500 microg/kg) or oral oxfendazole (5 mg/kg). Faecal larval counts for lungworm were undetectable or very low for 14 days after treatment with oxfendazole, 28 days after treatment with oral ivermectin and for 49 days after treatment with topical ivermectin. This pilot study suggests that the topical formulation of ivermectin was very effective against lungworm and had a more persistent action than the oral ivermectin formulation in young red deer.  相似文献   

Two selenium (Se) supplementation trials were conducted in successive years involving a total of 70 red deer calves 3-15 months of age grazing pasture containing 30-57 ppb of Se on a dry matter basis. The trials compared growth rate, whole blood Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSHpx) concentrations of calves which received periodic doses of oral Se or a single injection of barium selenate (equivalent to 50 mg Se) or no Se supplementation. There were no significant weight gain differences between treated and untreated groups in either trial. Whole blood GSHpx levels were strongly correlated with blood Se levels (r = 0.9278) and produced the following regression equation: GSHpx = 0.0155 Se - 2.292. In both years the 3 month old calves had GSHpx levels of 6-9 kU/I which probably derived from maternal transfer of Se. The GSHpx levels in unsupplemented calves declined from these levels to a minimum in winter (group means approximately 2.6) and then progressively rose the following spring and summer. Periodical oral dosing with Se or a single injection of barium selenate significantly elevated blood Se and GSHpx levels throughout the trials.  相似文献   


Two selenium (Se) supplementation trials were conducted in successive years involving a total of 70 red deer calves 3–15 months of age grazing pasture containing 30–57 ppb of Se on a dry matter basis. The trials compared growth rate, whole blood Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSHpx) concentrations of calves which received periodic doses of oral Se or a single injection of barium selenate (equivalent to 50 mg Se) or no Se supplementation. There were no significant weight gain differences between treated and untreated groups in either trial. Whole blood GSHpx levels were strongly correlated with blood Se levels (r = 0.9278) and produced the following regression equation: GSHpx 0.0155 Se ? 2.292.

In both years the 3 month old calves had GSHpx levels of 6–9 kU/l which probably derived from maternal transfer of Se. The GSHpx levels in unsupplemented calves declined from these levels to a minimum in winter (group means ? 2.6) and then progressively rose the following spring and summer.

Periodical oral dosing with Se or a single injection of barium selenate significantly elevated blood Se and GSHpx levels throughout the trials.  相似文献   

Thirty eight newly weaned hinds were randomly allocated to one of two equal groups. One group received ivermectin, the other, oxfendazole at dose rates of 0.2 mg/kg and 4.5 mg/kg, respectively. All deer were drenched four times and were grazed on pasture. Both anthelmintics reduced D. viviparus faecal larval counts to low levels 20 days after dosing, but the mean larval output and the proportion of deer shedding D. viviparus larvae at 27 and 33 days after treatment, were significantly lower in the ivermectin treated group. There was no significant difference in weight gain between the two groups throughout the trial. This study suggests that ivermectin prevents reinfection with D. viviparus for approximately 14 days longer than oxfendazole.  相似文献   

Lungworm (Dictyocaulus sp.) is the parasite of most concern to the New Zealand deer industry. Although lungworm can be controlled by anthelmintics there is an increasing concern over excessive drenching programmes and reliance on chemicals for parasite control. A live irradiated larval vaccine developed for cattle has been available in Europe for the past 40 years but has never been evaluated in red deer in New Zealand. Four groups of red deer and two of cattle were hand reared from birth in parasite-free conditions. The cattle acted as a control group to ensure that the vaccine was still efficacious on arrival in New Zealand. Two groups of deer were vaccinated, and all four groups were challenged with either D. viviparus or deer origin Dictyocaulus, tentatively identified as D. eckerti. The vaccine provided excellent protection to cattle under New Zealand conditions, there was no larval output in the vaccinated cattle and no adults were found in their lungs at necropsy. In red deer, patency was delayed in the vaccinated groups regardless of challenge species and larval output was lower but was not prevented. Adult lungworms were found in the lungs of all deer at necropsy but fewer were recorded in the vaccinated deer. Although Huskvac provided a degree of protection for red deer it was not effective enough to recommend its use.  相似文献   

Triplets in red deer (Cervus elaphus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the persistent anthelmintic effect of ivermectin as a topical treatment at 500 μg/kg against induced infection with lungworm (Dicryocaulus viviparus) in red deer (Cervus elaphus). The results showed a highly significant (p < 0.01) anthelmintic activity for at least 28 days against a newly acquired infection with Dictyocauus viviparus (> 99% efficacy).  相似文献   

A controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the persistent anthelmintic effect of ivermectin as a topical treatment at 500 microg/kg against induced infection with lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) in red deer (Cervus elaphus). The results showed a highly significant (p <0.01) anthelmintic activity for at least 28 days against a newly acquired infection with Dictyocaulus viviparus (>99% efficacy).  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Three intravenously inoculated deer (dose 10µg–1000µg) developed miliary tuberculosis of the lungs and all died within 28 days of being infected. No clinical illnesses were observed in four subcutaneously (dose 1 uµg–100uµg) and three intratracheally (dose lµg–100µg) inoculated deer. At the conclusion of the experiment six weeks post inoculation, these seven animals reacted to 2 mg/ml of bovine purified protein derivative. The principal lesions in the intravenously inoculated deer were in the lungs which had multiple foci of necrosis containing very large numbers of acid fast bacilli. A gradation of changes was seen in the subcutaneously inoculated deer. The animal receiving the 1µg dose only had lesions at the injection site and the draining prescapular lymph node. Deer receiving higher doses also had histopathological changes in the lungs and liver. Microscopic changes in the intratracheally infected animals were restricted to the thoracic cavity. The ability of the deer to control infection was related to the route of inoculation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Three intravenously inoculated deer (dose 10 microg-1000 microg) developed miliary tuberculosis of the lungs and all died within 28 days of being infected. No clinical illnesses were observed in four subcutaneously (dose 1 microg-1000 microg) and three intratracheally (dose 10 microg-100 microg) inoculated deer. At the conclusion of the experiment six weeks post inoculation, these seven animals reacted to 2 mg/ml of bovine purified protein derivative. The principal lesions in the intravenously inoculated deer were in the lungs which had multiple foci of necrosis containing very large numbers of acid fast bacilli. A gradation of changes was seen in the subcutaneously inoculated deer. The animal receiving the 1 microg dose only had lesions at the injection site and the draining prescapular lymph node. Deer receiving higher doses also had histopathological changes in the lungs and liver. Microscopic changes in the intratracheally infected animals were restricted to the thoracic cavity. The ability of the deer to controlled infection was related to the route of inoculation.  相似文献   

An outbreak of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in farmed red deer imported from an eastern European country is described. Twenty-six of the 106 deer examined at autopsy were found to be infected and 19 had visible lesions of tuberculosis. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin tests on 51 deer showed that the test had a specificity of 61.3 per cent and a sensitivity of 80 per cent relative to subsequent biological and cultural tests on tissues taken at autopsy. Three hundred and seventy eight culled fallow and sika deer which had been running in a park in contact with some of the infected animals were found to be free of tuberculosis.  相似文献   


AIM: To describe the pathology of the reproductive tract of red deer stags with active Brucella ovis infection and in stags in which B. ovis infection had resolved.

METHODS: Twenty-three red deer stags of varying history were slaughtered and their epididymides and accessory sex glands examined grossly and by histopathology. At the time of slaughter five of the stags had an active B. ovis infection of 24–55 days duration following exposure to infected rams, 10 stags had been experimentally infected with B. ovis by intravenous inoculation 649 days previously and had developed an active infection but the bacterial infection had resolved at least 308 days prior to slaughter, and eight stags had not been exposed to B. ovis at any time.

RESULTS: Of the five stags with an active infection, one had gross enlargement of the epididymides that could be detected by scrotal palpation. Histological lesions in all five stags included mild to severe, predominantly non-suppurative epididymitis, vesiculitis, prostatitis and ampullitis, with neutrophil exudation in associated glandular ducts. Additional lesions in the epididymides were spermatic granulomas and epithelial hyperplasia with intra-epithelial cyst formation. Of the 10 stags in which the bacterial infection had resolved, two had gross enlargement of the epididymides. The histological lesions were similar to those in stags with active infection but were generally milder, with increased periductal scar tissue in the epididymides. The lesions seen in stags resembled those seen in rams with B. ovis infection but they were usually less florid and had fewer plasma cells. No gross abnormalities or histopathological lesions were detected in the non-infected stags.

CONCLUSIONS: Only a small percentage of red deer stags infected with B. ovis develop lesions of epididymitis that can be detected by scrotal palpation. Gross and histological lesions of the genital tract of stags associated with B. ovis infection are similar to the lesions seen in rams. Lesions in stags persist for >300 days after the bacterial infection has resolved.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Brucella ovis infection should be considered when there are gross lesions of epididymitis or histological evidence of inflammation in the epididymides or accessory sex glands of red deer stags. Retrospective diagnosis of B. ovis in stags could be achieved by histological examination of the reproductive organs.  相似文献   

Eighteen of 23 red deer (Cervus elaphus) at a deer slaughtering premises were successfully stunned with an apparatus modified from that normally used to stun sheep. The five unsuccessful electrical stuns were associated with poor head restraint and poor head contact by the electrodes. The median stunning current was 0.9 A, and in the majority of cases the duration of stunning was less than 1 second. The signs of the electrically induced epileptiform seizures in the deer were dissimilar to those seen in sheep, cattle and pigs, in that the initial tonic phase was less marked, and of shorter duration. A similar shorter and less obvious tonic phase was noted in four deer shot with a captive bolt pistol. Two animals which were electrically stunned, and bled within 10 seconds, showed no signs of recovery while bleeding. The electroencephalograms of four deer stunned with currents of 1.3 A for a duration of either 0.5 or 1.0 seconds were recorded under more controlled conditions. All four animals developed electroencephalograms typical of an epileptiform seizure. The animals exhibited behavioural reactions similar to the other 18 animals in the trial at the deer slaughtering premises and were rendered unconscious for between 54 and 122 seconds. The electroencephalogram activity amplitude was greater than that recorded immediately before stunning and took between 6 and 9 seconds to build up to maximum value. It is concluded that, providing the heads of deer are adequately restrained, head-only electrical stunning can be incorporated into a humane method of slaughter for deer.  相似文献   

In the present study, we compared the utility of immunohistochemistry with serological and histological results for the characterization of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis) in tissues of affected red deer. Bacterial isolation was considered the standard reference. Samples were taken from seven clinically affected animals with typical macroscopic lesions. The enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the gel diffusion tests (GD) were used for serological determinations. Samples from intestine and mesenteric lymph nodes were processed for bacterial isolation and histology. M. paratuberculosis was isolated from all the animals. Histologically, lymph nodes displayed necrosis and mineralization at the cortical and medullar areas. Ziehl-Neelsen stained bacteria were numerous inside macrophages and Langhans-type giant cells. Giant and epithelioid cells and lymphocytes were prominent at the ileal mucous membrane. The immunostaining of M. paratuberculosis was very clear inside epithelioid and giant cells. Image analysis was carried out to determine the immunostained area. There was total agreement among the methods employed. Immunohistochemistry can be very useful when the microorganism cannot be recovered from tissues or faeces.  相似文献   

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