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由陕西省人民政府主办、陕西省农业厅承办的“2000陕西果品国际年会·市场框架形成后的苹果产业论坛”于2000年12月22~23日在杨凌农科城举行。来自中国农业科学院、中国农业大学、西北农林科技大学等科研、教学、推广部门的专家学者和有关市、县、大型果业生产企业的代表共80多人参加了会议。 本次论坛面向新世纪,紧紧围绕西部大开发,市场框架形成后如何推进陕西苹果产业化进程这一主题,以专题报告、专家座谈等形式,就陕西苹果产业  相似文献   

“只有不断提高质量,中国水果业才会嬴得未来的市场。”目前,中国果品流通协会会长刘洪禄在接受记者采访时说,“中国果品流通协会将致力于推动国产水果质量的不断进步。”推动观念革新 去年美国甜橙的大举进军已经使国内的生产者闻到了激烈竞争的硝烟。要与国外产品抗衡,首先国内产品的质量要过硬。 刘会长谈到,国内水果对近在咫尺的香港的输入量还远远比不上远隔重洋的美国,其关键原因就是质量,那么如何才能提高质量呢? 刘洪禄说,在短缺经济时代,我们只关心产量,因为只要产品生产出来就不愁卖不掉。但随着市场经济的发展,人民…  相似文献   

竹山县绿谷食用菌有限公司(以下简称“绿谷”),2015年兴建于擂鼓镇红岩村,它的到来为竹山县带来了不一样的风景。在这片绿土之上,“绿谷”始终坚守“利益共享,风险自担,优势互补,共同发展”的经营理念,沿着“公司+基地+农户”和“公司+合作社+基地+农户”的发展模式,打通菇菌产业命脉,承载起众人的期盼,托起竹山县贫农的致富之梦。  相似文献   


A biologically based phenology model is proposed to simulate the flowering of the female kiwifruit `Hayward'. The heart of the model is a phenological sub-model describing the distribution of buds and flowers between several phenological stages. It is based on the model of Dennis et al. (1986) with temperature as driving variable, assuming that the development of a flower bud is a stochastic process consisting in accumulated small increments of development time, expressed in degree-hours. Another sub-model integrates quantitative elementary components which allows the simulation of the number of flowers. The model parameters have been estimated for the female cv. Hayward and have been fitted on a data set from 1991. Validation has been done on data sets from 1990 and 1992. Under the climatic conditions of Corsica, this model gives a good representation of the variability of delay in and intensity of flowering, and it fits well to the distribution of canes for flower number.  相似文献   

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