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毛竹材用林丰产培育技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛竹,别名茅竹、楠竹、江南竹、猫头竹、唐竹、孟宗竹等,属于单子叶植物纲禾本科竹亚科刚竹属,生长快、繁殖强、成材早、产量高、用途广、周期短、见效快、投资少、收益高,是经济价值很大的优良竹种。新造毛竹7—8年可成林,连续利用可经营百年不衰。  相似文献   

日本三重县林业中心的科研人员将劈成两半的孟宗竹交叉绑缚起来,然后在竹子的内侧钻孔,接种了从适用于柳杉、扁柏的一些菌种当中挑选出的耐旱性较强的“三重  相似文献   

我国竹资源非常丰富,产量居于世界首位,是世界主要产竹国之一。我国拥有竹类植物30属300多种,但具有工业化利用价值的竹材仅有10多种。用于室内地面装修的竹地板,原材料是毛竹,又称为楠竹、茅竹、猫头竹和孟宗竹,主要产地是我国长江以南地区。高档竹地板采用竹龄4~6年的新鲜毛竹,经过防潮、防霉、防蛀和脱脂等30多道特殊改性工艺加工而成,色泽匀  相似文献   

楠竹又称毛竹、孟宗竹,单子叶植物中的禾本科竹亚科植物。楠竹是我国分布最广,材质最好,用途最多的优良竹种。楠竹全身是宝。浙江余姚河姆渡原始社会遗址内,出土了距今7000多年的竹子加工品,可见,我国劳动人民利用竹子的历史悠久。殷商时代就开始用竹子做书生意,编竹器,制箭头等。现今竹子用途更加广泛。它远远超过了宋代诗人苏东坡的...  相似文献   

蕨菜的保绿技术初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对护色剂的选择,护色液的浓度及pH值,加工处理的温度和时间以及料液比例等因素的交叉试验,探讨了蕨菜加工中最有效的保绿措施,对指导蕨菜采集加工,使之成功出口创汇的天然,重要的食品资源。  相似文献   

竹子诗画   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹子从笋、新篁到成熟的各个生长时期及其在日月光下的影子和风雨雷雪等气候中的形貌特征,皆被诗人画家所歌咏、描绘;人们又借助竹子有节、虚心和凌寒等生物学特性与人格品德相联系,加上湘妃竹、孟宗竹、青梅竹马和胸有成竹等传说典故,赋予竹丰厚的精神象征与人文内涵。除此之外,竹诗画还有其丰富的文化外延。    相似文献   

深圳市草坪冬季保绿技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深圳市草坪在冬季会出现枯黄现象。作者阐述了草坪各种草种的生态学特性及其受环境因素影响而变黄的原因,提出了草坪在冬季保绿的具体技术措施。  相似文献   

日本三重县林业中心的科研人员将劈成两半的孟宗竹“交叉绑缚起来,然后在竹子的内侧钻孔,接种了从适用于柳杉、扁柏的一些菌种当中挑选出的耐旱性较强的“三重4号、5号”菌种。这次初步试验的结果是,在植入的68株菌种中有2株存活并长出了蘑菇。由于竹子的含水量较低,只有20%,所以在培养蘑茹时,要注意洒水、保湿。  相似文献   

山野菜经保绿腌制后,其色泽保持或接近天然的鲜绿色泽,避免了褐菜、黑菜的产生,减少了营养成份的损失,提高了山野菜腌制品的质量和商品价值。  相似文献   

保绿求安──番禺市绿化达标后不断提高绿化质量陈培栋去年11月9日,正是广东省番昌市人大正式通过《番禹市人民政府关于建立生态公益林保护区及其管理规定》的有意义的日子,我们到市郊农村采访。这里森林稠密绿树环抱,良田万顷。欣欣向荣。路过的所有村庄,无论村前...  相似文献   

This study evaluated the protection effectiveness of alcohol-borne reagents for the green color of ma bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro) and moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel). The results show that the types and concentrations of alcohol-borne reagents, the kinds of solvent, and the conditions of treatment greatly affected the green color of these two bamboo species. Without alkali pretreatment, an excellent green color protection (a* = −14.5) was obtained when the ma bamboo culms were treated with 0.5% methanol-borne copper chloride (CuCl2) at 60°C for 30 min. Similar results were also obtained when ma bamboo culms were treated with 0.5% methanol-borne copper nitrate [Cu(NO3)2] at 60°C for 2 h (a* = −13.5). For moso bamboo, an attractive green color in the bamboo culms was achieved by treating the specimens with 1% methanol-borne copper acetate [Cu(CH3COO)2] at 60°C for 30 min. The a* value of treated specimens was −13.3. In addition, results demonstrated that ultrasonic treatment was more effective on green color protection than conventional water bath treatment. When moso bamboo was treated with 1% copper acetate at 60°C in an ultrasonic bath for only 15 min, a remarkable green color with an a* value of −13.6 was obtained on the bamboo epidermis.  相似文献   

The attractive green color of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel) culms fades without chemical treatment. Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) has been used to protect the green color of bamboo, but CCA is harmful to factory workers and the environment. To overcome the toxicity of arsenic in CCA, two chromium-based formulas developed by the authors, chromated copper phosphate (CCP) and chromated phosphate (CP), were evaluated for their protection of the green color of moso bamboo. The results revealed that bamboo treated with CP had a greener color than those treated with CCA or CCP. The concentration, treatment time, and CrO3/H3PO4 ratio in CP solution greatly affected the color of moso bamboo culms. The attractive green color, which resembles the color of fresh-cut moso bamboo, was obtained by treating bamboo with 2% CP solution at 60°C for 3h, using a 11 CrO3/H3PO4 ratio in aqueous solution. In addition, the CP-treated moso bamboo exhibited excellent green color fastness in both accelerated ultraviolet lightfastness testing and outdoor weathering exposure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to find an effective method for treating ma bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus) and moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) using new water-based reagents containing copper. The effects of green-color protection using various treatments on bamboo culms were examined in this study. Two methods were used: heating in a water bath and ultrasonic dipping. The results revealed that excellent green-color protection (a* value of −6.2) was obtained when ma bamboo culms were treated with 0.25% ammoniacal copper quaternary compound-type B (ACQ-B) in a water bath at 100°C for 2 h. It was also found that the wettability of bamboo epidermis increasedsignificantly after pretreatment in a mixture of 1% KOH and surfactant in a water bath at 100°C for 30 min. Furthermore, pretreated moso bamboo culms exhibited excellent green-color protection after they were treated with 0.25% ACQ-B at 100°C for 2 h (a* value of −8.2). This novel treatment method definitely endows the bamboo culms with a fascinating green skin color and consequently could increase the economic value of bamboo products. No improvement in green-color protection was found when ultrasonic energy was added to the water bath at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

为考察硅铝无机防腐处理对竹材表面颜色的影响,以毛竹为材料,采用不同热处理溶液浓度(0、25%、50%、100%)、处理温度(140、160、180℃)和处理时间(1、2h)分别对其进行处理。依照标准色度系统指定表征防腐处理前后竹材表面颜色,通过颜色总色差、明度、红绿色指数、蓝黄色指数的变化,探讨防腐处理工艺参数对竹材表面颜色的影响。通过傅里叶红外光谱和X衍射光谱分析防腐液与竹材结合方式,并使用场发射扫描电子显微镜观察对比处理前后防腐液在竹细胞腔内的分布情况。结果表明,防腐液浓度对竹材色差变化影响较大,随着浓度的增大,竹材色差也随之增大。热处理工艺的处理温度与处理时间对竹材表面颜色的影响也符合传统木材热处理色差变化规律。微观检测发现,防腐剂不仅与纤维有化学键结合,也通过物理吸附以分子团聚形式附着填充在细胞腔内部。  相似文献   

四明山区域毛竹资源丰富,是宁波重要的生态保护区、水源涵养地。近年来,四明山区域毛竹林扩张较快,不少毛竹林出现无序扩张、杂乱分布、日益退化等现象,原本用于保护生态、帮助百姓提高收入的绿色资源没有发挥出应有的价值。文章通过实地调研,综合分析了四明山区域毛竹产业发展现状、存在的突出问题和主要制约因素,从一二三产全产业链的角度提出了毛竹产业高质量发展的建议。  相似文献   

Ma bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro) treated with chromated phosphate (CP) exhibits an excellent green color. To understand the effects of the treatment sequence of CrO3 and H3PO4 and their interactions regarding green color protection, CrO3-H3PO4 and H3PO4-CrO3 two-step treatments plus a H3PO4-CrO3-H3PO4 three-step treatment were carried out in this study. Results revealed that the treatment sequence of CrO3 and H3PO4 definitely affects the effectiveness of bamboo color protection. Green color protection of ma bamboo culm could not be achieved by treating it with CrO3 or H3PO4 alone or with the H3PO4-CrO3 two-step treatment. Only by treating it with the CrO3-H3PO4 two-step treatment or the H3PO4-CrO3-H3PO4 three-step treatment did ma bamboo exhibit an excellent green color. The results indicated that bamboo reacts first with CrO3 and then forms an insoluble complex with H3PO4, which produces the green color on its epidermis. Chlorophyll analyses demonstrated that chlorophyll is not a key factor for green color protection. The green pigment was also formed when chlorophyll-free bamboo was treated with 2% CP at 60°C for 3h.  相似文献   

以毛竹和重组竹为研究对象,用绵腐卧孔菌(PV)、密粘褶菌(GT)两种褐腐菌和彩绒革盖菌(CV)、变色栓菌(TV)两种白腐菌进行腐朽试验,比较分析了毛竹和重组竹腐朽前后表面视觉性质及其质量损失差异。结果发现:毛竹和重组竹颜色均发生了显著变化,主要表现为明度(L~*)降低,色度值(C)、红绿轴色品指数(a~*)和黄蓝轴色品指数(b~*)显著增大,其中绵腐卧孔菌对毛竹及重组竹的色差影响最大。重组竹(耐绵腐卧孔菌)能达到Ⅰ级强耐腐水平;毛竹(耐绵腐卧孔菌)和重组竹(耐密粘褶菌和彩绒革盖菌)达到了Ⅱ级耐腐水平;毛竹(耐密粘褶菌、彩绒革盖菌和变色栓菌)和重组竹(耐彩绒革盖菌)为Ⅲ级稍耐腐水平。整体来看,重组竹对白腐菌和褐腐菌的耐腐效果好于毛竹。绵腐卧孔菌虽然对毛竹和重组竹的降解能力最弱,但对其颜色变化的影响却最大。扫描电镜可观察到彩绒革盖菌通过毛竹导管壁上的纹孔进入薄壁细胞、伴胞等,同时通过分泌木质素酶导致其细胞壁降解。  相似文献   

粗放经营毛竹林的生长状况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对浙江安吉县一片16年未进行过人工砍伐的毛竹杉木混交林中天然生长状态的竹林进行了生长状况的调查和分析。对不同年份的竹子数量、胸径、生长状况和死亡情况进行了统计分析,表明这片天然竹林成长较为健康。说明粗放的经营状态对保持竹林的抗性和其他生态功能有好处。  相似文献   

对毛竹竹地板的基本单元毛竹竹片进行染色试验的结果表明:染料种类不同,毛竹竹片的上染率亦不同,酸性染料更适于毛竹竹片的染色;毛竹竹片含竹节时的上染率小于不含竹节的毛竹竹片;染料浓度对毛竹竹片的上染率有重要影响,酸性大红对毛竹竹片染色时的较佳浓度为1%;染色温度对毛竹竹片的上染率有较大影响,适宜的染色温度为90℃;随着染色时间的延长,上染率逐渐增大;染料溶液适宜的pH值为4.5;与常压染色相比,真空加压染色能显著提高毛竹竹片的上染率,且随着真空加压染色时间的延长,上染率增大。  相似文献   

提高毛竹林笋成竹数量和质量的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
科学施肥、择优留笋、强化护笋和合理伐竹是建立合理的毛竹林群体结构,提高笋成竹数量和质量的关键技术,可供生产参考。  相似文献   

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