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Growth and yield models were developed for individual tress and stands based on336 temporary plots with 405 stem analysis trees of dahurian larch(Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.)plantations throughout Daxing’anling mountains.Several equations were selected using nonlinearregression analysis.Results showed that the Richards equation was the best model for estimatingtree height,stand mean helght and stand dominant height from age; The Power equation was thebest model for prediction tree volume from DBH and tree height; The logarithmic stand volumeequation was good for predicting stand volume from age,mean height,basal area and other standvariables.These models can be used to construct the volume table, the site index table and other for-estry tables for dahurian larch plantations. 相似文献
IntroductionDahurianlarch(L8risgmeliniiRupr.)isoneofthemostimportanttimberspeciesinChina.AsaresuItofovercuttingforseveraIdecades,thenaturaIDahurianIarchforestresourcesaredecliningrapidly.PIantationsofdahurianIarchhavebecomeanimportantpartofforestpreserveresourcesinDaxing'anMountains.ConsequentIystudyingthegroWthofDahurianlarchandformingtheforesttabfesareofsignrficancetofor-estproduction.ThispaperpresentsinformationongroWthandyieIdmodeIsofDahurianlarchpIantations.MethodsDataof4O5stema… 相似文献
Normal yield tables forLarix gmelimii (Rupr) Rupr. were constructed from 228 temporary sample plots. A normal stand was defined as having the maximum growth rate
parameter, based on the theory of forest growth. Basal area growth curves were described with Richard’s equation according
to Von-Bertalanffy’s growth theory and allometric law. The growth rate parameter was found to be K, so a normal stand had
maximum K. Thus, the basal area growth curve of a normal stand was obtained simply by increasing K. A normal yield table forL. gmelinii of Daxinganling natural forest was then constructed. 相似文献
Based on the main characteristies of growth,ohenology and resistance at both seed-ling stage (one year old) and sampling stage (seven years old) of Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.) from seventeen provenances in China ranging from 47°10′ to 52°25′N and 119° 57′to 130°25′E,the rules and patterns of infraspecific geolgraphic variation have been studied by using variance analysis,corelation analysis,partial correlation analysis and regression analysis.The best provenance for local site and its neighborhood was selected according to the growth char-acteristies of seven years provenance test on Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm of NortheastForestry University. 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONSitequalityisoneofthemostimpor-tantfactorsinfluencingtheproductivityofforeststands.Eva1uatingsitequalityisba-sictostudystandgrowthanddeviseman-agementtreatments.Basisofsitequalityissoil,whichhasacontrollinginfluenceontheforestproductivity-Soilpropertieschangeslowlyovertime,andsoilindexcanbeappliedincutover,deforested,andnonforestedareasinadditiontoareaswheretimberstandsarepresent.Underundisturbed,naturalconditions,somein-dicatorplantscomprisingthelesservegeta-tionmaybeassociat… 相似文献
落叶松树皮厚度变化规律的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以黑龙江省带岭林业局大青川林场84株人工落叶松解析木数据为例,研究胸径处树皮厚度(BT)与胸径(D)、树高(H)、树冠宽度(CD)、冠长率(CR)、冠长(CL)和相对高度(RH)的关系。用多元逐步回归的方法建立落叶松人工林树皮厚度模型。结果表明,人工落叶松树皮厚度最优模型为BT=0.4221+0.0583D-0.046H。模型检验(F=32.46,P〈0.0001)及拟合统计量(R2=0.5155,RMSE=0.1507)都表明该模型较好的描述落叶松树皮厚度的变化。这对于合理的经营和管理落叶松人工林具有重要的理论和实际指导意义。 相似文献
Plantationsofdahurianlarch(LarixgmeIini(Rupr)Rupr.)haveestablishbdandhavebecomeanimportanttimberspeciesintheforestreserveresourcesinthenortheastofChina.Soformingtheforesttableswhichhavehighprecisionformakinglogicalmanagementdecisionsha$beenimportantproblemstobesolvedquicklyinforestrypractice.Uptonow,thereisalackofsystematicforestrytablesfordahurianlarchplantations.Themainpurposeofthispaperistotrytoconstructaseriesofsomeforestrytablesfordahurianlarchplantations.MATERIALSANDMETHODSData… 相似文献
A forest biomass yield table based on an empirical model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tomohiro Nishizono Toshio Iehara Hirofumi Kuboyama Miki Fukuda 《Journal of Forest Research》2005,10(3):211-220
We report an empirical model for estimating unutilized wood biomass, and its application to Cryptomeria japonica D. Don and Larix kaempferi in Tohno City, Iwate Prefecture, northeast Japan. Outputs from the model are the quantity of unutilized wood biomass and merchantable volume produced by timber harvest. The unutilized wood biomass is divided into stumps, tops, branches, foliages, small trees, and unutilized stems due to their defects. Inputs to the model are mean diameter at breast height (DBH), mean tree height, trees per unit area, and timber utilization standards. DBH distribution, DBH–height curve, stem form, bark thickness, and relationship of stem biomass to foliage and branch biomass could be described by the proposed model, indicating its validity. The proposed model enables us to develop the forest biomass yield tables modified from the existing stem volume yield tables. The developed forest biomass yield tables indicated that the unutilized wood biomass due to defects accounted for the largest part of the whole unutilized wood biomass, and that the ratio of unutilized parts in stem volume to total stem volume could vary with stand age and site productivity class. Based on a comparison of the developed forest biomass yield tables with those reported previously, we concluded that the proposed model-based forest biomass yield table would be useful for estimating the quantity of unutilized wood biomass. 相似文献
NaturalregenerationofmanchurianashusuallytakesplacewheretherearesuitablesoilmoistureandseedbankofsecondarymanchurianashforestintheEasternMountainousAreaofNortheastChina.Sometimes,naturalregenerationofmanchurianashcanbefoundinpureconiferousplantation.Inordertofindoutthepossibilityofintroducingnaturalregenerationofmanchurianashinpureconiferousplantation,trialsandresear-cheshavebeencarriedoutindahurianlarchp1antationbyopeningupeffectbeltinthestands.lntheend,charactersofcommunitystructureandmicr… 相似文献
江苏海岸带林农复合模式林分密度研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对江苏海岸带1-4年生5种造林密度林农复合模式的综合经济效益进行了较系统地调查和评价。结果表明:在造林后1 ̄2a内,林分密度对林农复合经营影响不明显,2a后,则成为制约林农复合经营综合经济效益的主导因子,在5种密度林农复合模式中以农林比例5:1,株行距采用小株距、大行距配置形式的综合经济效益最高;会议收益率为19.65%,净现值为5825.57元/hm^2,净现值指数为1.712,林业农业土地经济 相似文献
Wenfang Leng Hong S. He Rencang Bu Limin Dai Yuanman Hu Xugao Wang 《Forest Ecology and Management》2008
The larch (Larix) genus is the most important species group in the forest ecosystems in Northeastern China, occupying about 25% of the forest areas. The high tolerance to coldness and relatively fast growth rate make this genus the main species group for forestation. According to the predictions of the global circulation model CGCM3, temperature could rise by 2–4 °C over the next 100 years. Few studies have been conducted on the response of larch species to climate warming in Northeastern China. Such studies are becoming increasingly needed due to the economic and ecological significance of this genus. This paper studies the potential distribution ranges of three larch species under the current and the warming climate conditions. A new classification and regression tree technique, Random Forest, was used to investigate the potential distributions of three larch species, based on 18 environmental variables which reflect the climate, topography and soil conditions of Northeastern China. The results showed that the biological coldness index (BCI) is the most important factor for Dahurian larch, annual precipitation (AP) is the most important factor for Korean larch and elevation (DEM) is the most important factor for Prince Rupprecht larch. 相似文献
传统收获表是指某一树种在特定地区和管理体系下,以立地条件和年龄为变量描述林分平均生长过程的数表.林分密度管理图是根据林分密度效果编制的可预测林分平均收获的图.通过与传统收获表和林分密度管理图的概观比较和探讨,该文系统地阐述了系统收获表的概念和功能.系统收获表的基本特点是为预测现实林分在不同立地条件和管理体系下生长过程的计算机程序.因此,系统收获表能描述在多维变量(如年龄、立地条件、林分密度、胸径和树高)条件下的现实林分和单木的无数生长过程 相似文献
Guillermo Trincado V. Raúl Quezada P. Klaus von Gadow 《Forest Ecology and Management》2003,180(1-3):443-451
The study compares two methods of stand table projection based on data from young Eucalyptus nitens (Maiden) plantations in Chile. The projected diameter distributions were estimated using the methods proposed by Nepal and Somers (1992) [For. Sci. 38 (1992) 120] and Cao and Baldwin (1999) [For. Sci. 45 (1999) 506]. The evaluation compared the observed and estimated diameter distributions for different projection intervals, using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and an error index called ‘relative discrepancy’. The evaluation showed that both methods are suitable for application in the Eucalypt plantations. However, the method proposed by Nepal and Somers proved to be more accurate, especially when the projection period extends over 4 years or more. Expected error and bias for the observed and estimated total and merchantable volumes at stand level were also evaluated. The observed error and bias were relatively low for both methods; however, some differences were detected when the volume distributions were analyzed at diameter class level. 相似文献
Dahurian1arch[Larixgmelini(Rupr.)Rupr.jisamaintimbertreespe-ciesinDaxing'anLingForestRegion,and'itisalsoafast-growingandregenerationtreeinNorthChina-Becauseitsecologicalamplitudeisverywild,therearemanyva-riabletypesinvarioushabitats.Themostsignificativetypes,whichhavebeenfoundrecentlyininvestigation,aretheredwoodandwhitewood.Theformerisfromyellow-browntored-brown,andthelat-tCrisfrompaleyellowtowhite.Theyaresimilarto'Redscotchpine#and'Whitescotchpine#.Theparametersofwoodcol-ourandphysico-… 相似文献
本文提出以林分构成因子——林分胸高总断面积及林分平均高,估计林分蓄积量的办法,选取9种方程求解参数,配合了最优林分蓄积量经验方程,制定出《福州地区人工杉木林分蓄积量表》,对完善我省林业数表的种类、形式和内容,进行了初步尝试。 相似文献
木荷一元材积表和地径材积表的研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据木荷人工林样木的材积V、胸径D和地径D0测定值,采用多模型选优法并配合改进单纯形法研制了木荷人工林一元材积方程V=0.000357D2.18617和地径材积方程V=0.000277D02.115752,据此编制了一元材积表和地径材积表。经检验,这2种数表能够满足生产上的精度要求,可在森林调查中推广应用。 相似文献