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干旱胁迫对马铃薯品种生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干旱是最严重的自然灾害之一,影响植物的生长、发育和繁殖等生命活动。干旱逆境可引起植物生理生化方面的一系列变化。近几年,云南省干旱问题愈加严重,因此,本研究以云南省主栽马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)品种‘会-2’为试验材料,研究干旱胁迫对马铃薯抗氧化酶活性和光合特性的影响,以期在干旱情况下为稳定马铃薯的生产、提高产量提供理论依据。结果表明,随着干旱胁迫的加剧块茎干重下降比较明显;在光合特性方面,净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和细胞胞间隙CO2浓度降低,干旱胁迫下,细胞失水,气孔关闭,限制CO2吸收,蒸腾速率减弱,从而影响光合作用的速率;干旱胁迫会诱导抗氧化酶活性的降低,减弱抗氧化酶对活性氧的清除能力,导致危害植物的丙二醛大量积累。  相似文献   

马剑  张钰 《玉米科学》2019,27(2):155-160
在位于陇东旱塬区的陇东学院试验农场进行田间试验,研究追肥时期对玉米营养器官中非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累转运变化及产量的影响。结果表明,从小喇叭口期至成熟期,玉米叶片中NSC含量呈倒"V"的变化动态趋势,追肥时期仅改变其NSC峰值大小,不影响其变化趋势。小喇叭口期追施氮肥显著提高茎秆中NSC含量。玉米茎秆、根和叶片中NSC的转运量和转运率的变化规律相同,转运量表现为茎叶根,其转运率分别为7.72%、5.69%、2.70%。试验条件下,小喇叭口期:大喇叭口期:灌浆期为1∶2∶1的追肥方式下,玉米的产量最高,为10 177.59 kg/hm~2,较常规施肥(小喇叭口期一次追肥)增产11.86%。  相似文献   

The present study was under taken to investigate the genetic distance and the performance of thirty one potato genotypes in diverse environments.Multivariate and canonical analysis were used to study genetic diversity among the genotypes and stability parameters were estimated according to Eberhart and Russell,Parkinge and Jinks and Freeman and Perkins models for plant height,branch number per plant,tuber number and tuber weight.Thirty one genotypes were grouped in to six clusters with the help of Mahalonobis distance and canonical analysis.The stability analysis revealed that yield was greatly influenced by the environments.Most of the studied genotypes were sensitive for yield with the environment.For over-all performance 'Hera','Chamak','Patnai','Lala pakri','TPS-7','TPS-364','Somerset' and 'Superior' were the best genotypes for tuber yield and breeding material for potato breeding.  相似文献   

Principal activities of the NEIKER-Basque Institute of Agricultural Research contributing to potato research in Spain are described from its origin in 1933 to 2004. In the first period, the genetic crosses begun and the first Spanish variety called “Eminencia” was obtained. From the 1950s (second period) the Station was divided into four sections: virology, ecology, pre-basic potato production and genetics. In 1979 (third period) a new generation of scientists was brought in to reinvigorate activities like genetic breeding and to start new ones, such as tissue culture, nematology, pathology and serology. Since the 1980s, a total of 23 varieties have been registered, which have good industrial attributes or fresh consumption characteristics.  相似文献   

抗机械损伤褐变马铃薯品种(系)的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用分光光度法研究了21个马铃薯新品种(系)在机械损伤条件下的褐变。筛选试验表明,4℃褐变24 h后,品种(系)云薯301、S03-259、S04-801和JS05-53-275的褐变度变化值为0.004~0.081,而且初始褐变度都很小,因此这4个品种(系)可作为抗机械损伤褐变品种(系)加以研究和开发利用。  相似文献   

Summary Application of 6-benzylaminopurine or its riboside to potato cuttings on four successive days was very effective if the treatment started on day 4 after cutting. These cytokinis caused cuttings that were well induced to express a lower level of induction than they actually had received. There was a shift from sessile tuberization of the central bud to non-sessile tuberization of the central bud or to tuberization of ancillary buds, or a shift from ancillary-bud tuberization to swollen shoots. Effects were largest after a moderate induction. If rooting occurred, cytokinin reduced the proportion of rooted cuttings significantly. Cytokinin increased the levels of fructose and glucose in the tubers if it was applied after day 3. Dry weight of the buds was reduced by cytokinin in those cases where it caused suppression of ancillary-bud development. Paper No 836, Department of Vegetable Crops, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853, USA.  相似文献   

以‘东农311’和‘克新13号’为试验材料,采用盆栽控水的方式,在抗旱棚内研究马铃薯叶片叶绿素荧光参数受干旱和复水的影响。结果表明:干旱下,叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、Y(Ⅱ)和qP持续下降,Y(NPQ)、NPQ表现为不断增加;在处理的第15 d和第23 d,‘克新13号’的叶绿素荧光指标变化幅度大于‘东农311’,在复水后‘东农311’的恢复程度大于‘克新13号’。‘东农311’的叶绿素荧光参数比‘克新13号’更适应干旱胁迫。  相似文献   

氮素形态与马铃薯品质的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在田间条件下研究了不同形态氮素对马铃薯块茎硝酸盐含量、淀粉、蛋白质及还原糖含量的影响。结果表明,马铃薯块茎内硝酸盐含量从块茎形成期到成熟收获期是逐渐降低的。使用铵态氮肥并加硝化抑制剂双氰胺可以显著地抑制马铃薯块茎硝酸盐的积累;与硝酸盐含量变化相似,从块茎形成期到收获期蛋白质含量也逐渐降低,不同氮素形态处理对马铃薯块茎内蛋白质含量的影响无显著差异;铵态氮添加双氰胺处理可降低块茎还原糖含量。虽然马铃薯被认为是喜硝作物,但本研究表明,不同氮素形态处理不仅没有造成马铃薯产量的显著差异,而且块茎内淀粉含量也无显著差异。  相似文献   

Potato is grown worldwide, in some cases in very acid soils. Aluminum (Al) is a major limiting factor for crop productivity in acid soils. Al toxicity was studied mainly on plant roots, while less attention was given to its effects on leaves. Al tolerance observed in solution cultures has rarely been correlated with Al tolerance in acid soils. Al tolerance was assessed in 12 potato cultivars grown in nutrient solutions containing 0, 25, and 50 μmol Al L?1 by its relative root elongation (RRE). The effect of acid soil with high level of exchangeable Al on leaf mineral content, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, water use efficiency (WUE), and light use efficiency (LUE) was studied on cultivars, with the greatest differences in RRE (cv. Tresor, 63.1 and 42.5% and cv. Canberra, 23.3 and 19.2%, for the 25 and 50 μmol Al L?1 treatments, respectively), grown for 49 days after planting (DAP) in acid and limed soil. Growth in acid soil significantly reduced concentrations of nitrogen (?18.51%) and magnesium (?27.17%) in the leaves in cv. Canberra and concentrations of potassium and copper in both cultivars. Canberra grown in acid soil showed a significant decrease in chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, from 28 to 49 DAP, and in transpiration rate and LUE when averaged across all measurements, while cv. Tresor was not affected. Physiological disorders observed on leaves of plants grown in acid soil can be correlated with the differences in Al tolerance observed in nutrient solutions.  相似文献   

马铃薯膜下滴灌节水及生产效率的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了探索膜下滴灌在马铃薯生产中应用的可行性,于内蒙古达茂旗进行了膜下滴灌试验。结果表明:膜下滴灌比露地滴灌平均增产26%,水分利用效率提高28.5%,灌水的平均生产效率提高26%,因此,膜下滴灌应该成为内蒙古西部地区马铃薯生产中有效的增产节水措施。一带双行滴灌模式下马铃薯平均产量显著高于一带一行处理,这种滴灌模式不仅节约管道设备,而且进一步提高了水分利用效率和灌水生产效率,值得在生产中广泛推广。尽管露地滴灌条件下马铃薯产量与滴灌带的密度有关,一带一行灌溉方式下产量高于一带双行,但总体而言,露地滴灌在水分利用效率上显著低于膜下滴灌,因此在水分不足的内蒙古西部马铃薯产区,不建议广泛推广露地滴灌。  相似文献   

马铃薯青枯病抗性鉴定新方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用传统方法和改进方法(取名为茎枝菌液浸泡法)对马铃薯的青枯病抗性进行了鉴定和评价,其结果是一致的,但茎枝菌液浸泡法更加简便快速、经济有效、可操作性和可重复性更好,并且在番茄的青枯病抗性鉴定上也得到了验证。该方法对于茄科作物的种质资源抗病性评价和筛选,特别是对于病菌诱导产生抗性的抗(感)病植株的快速鉴定及其幼苗的先期快速筛选具有重要意义,可望成为一种理想的茄科作物室内抗病鉴定方法。  相似文献   

以15个马铃薯育成品种和引进品种为材料,采用微卫星分子标记技术鉴定供试马铃薯品种。研究检测了4个SSR位点在15份马铃薯育成品种(系)中的多态性。在15份马铃薯品种(系)中,共检测到等位基因26个,每对引物检测到的等位基因个数最少为5个,最多为10个,平均6.5个。PIC(Polymorphism information content)值最高为0.9288;最低为0.8597,平均PIC值为0.8857。仅利用少数几对高PIC值的SSR引物,即能将全部供试品种(系)区分,因此,SSR技术有利于高效准确的鉴定马铃薯品种。  相似文献   

The tubers of 14 potato varieties were analysed for glycoalkaloids. The level of glycoalkaloids in tubers of all the varieties analysed are within the safe limits for human consumption. The peels of tuber contained about 60–70% of the total glycoalkaloids present in the whole tuber. The levels of glycoalkaloids in leaves and tubers were correlated (r=0.865). There was a significant increase in the content of glycoalkaloids in peels of tubers exposed to sunlight. Glycoalkaloid contents increased at the rate of 1.9mg/100g fresh weight per day in peels of Kufri Jyoti tubers exposed to diffused sunlight.  相似文献   

Summary The shoot system of potato is a configuration of stems with terminal inflorescences. In this review, shoot development is quantified in terms of stem production, while stem development is quantified in terms of leaf and flower primordia production per stem, which are functions of the rates and the durations of primordia initiation. The effect of the position of the stem in the shoot system on number of leaves and flowers per stem is also evaluated. Flowering of individual stems is described by the ‘time to flower primordia initiation’ (expressed in number of leaves produced) and ‘flower production’ (a function of the number and the development of flower primordia). At warmer temperatures and longer daylengths the number of leaves and flower primordia per stem, and the number of stems per shoot increase by prolonging stem production and primordia development. Temperature and photoperiod also affect flower primordia survival by altering assimilate production and partitioning. The photothermal response of the number of leaves per stem is small compared to the response of stem production; at higher temperatures, flower primordia survival becomes the principal factor determining flower production. The similarity of the signals leading to flower primordia initiation and tuberization, and the relation between shoot and tuber growth are discussed.  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎在不同温度和光照条件下贮藏6~18 d,用乙醇-乙酸法提取块茎皮中的α-茄碱,用高效液相色谱法测定其含量,研究块茎皮中龙葵素含量的变化。结果表明,在有光照、贮藏温度为8,15,25℃条件下贮藏6 d,样品中α-茄碱的含量分别为1.35%,4.96%和9.67%;在有光照、贮藏温度15℃的条件下,贮藏时间为6,12,18 d,样品中α-茄碱的含量分别为4.96%,8.78%和12.76%;在25℃、贮藏时间6 d条件下,有光照和无光照处理的样品中α-茄碱含量分别为9.67%和7.61%。块茎皮中的α-茄碱含量随贮藏温度和时间的增加而增加,光照条件下块茎皮中的α-茄碱含量明显增加。  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that the darkening of potato processing colour attributable to a trace concentration of ethylene gas is more severe when CO2 is also elevated. In view of the increasing use of ethylene gas for sprout suppression in potato storage facilities, it was considered important to determine whether this effect also occurs at the much higher ethylene concentration used in commercial practice. Sprouting and processing colour of the French fry cultivars Russet Burbank, Shepody and Innovator and the potato crisp cultivar Dakota Pearl were tested during the November to June storage season of two consecutive years. Treatments were 0 or 2 kPa CO2 and 0 or 10 μL?L?1 ethylene in a factorial design, plus a chlorpropham check. The 0 CO2?+?0 ethylene treatment constituted an untreated control. The ethylene exposure was commenced abruptly to maximize its effect on colour. The main effect of ethylene resulted in darker processing colour in all cultivars, whereas darkening attributable to the main effect of CO2 was observed only in Innovator and Dakota Pearl. The statistical interaction of the CO2 and ethylene was not significant except in Dakota Pearl Hunter a (redness) scores, although a tendency to darker colour when both gases were present was seen in Russet Burbank and Innovator at all evaluation dates. The results indicate that both gases can affect processing colour when ethylene is used to control sprouting, although considerable variability in the response exists among cultivars. This variability in combination with management of storage conditions such as temperature and CO2 can be utilized to minimize the impact of these gases on the processing colour of stored potatoes.  相似文献   

D. Poder 《Potato Research》1990,33(4):465-468
Summary Single-node leaf cuttings, from plants originated from apical cuttings on sprouted potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.), were used to study phosphate transport following hormone (IAA) and calcium treatments. Phosphate accumulation in tubers was significantly enhanced by axillary bud pretreatment with calcium followed by a subsequent treatment of the tuber formed with IAA. The results suggest that calcium may be necessary for the regulatory action of auxin on phosphate transport into the tuber.  相似文献   

Summary Drying potatoes for 2 weeks after harvest decreased the severity of skin spot, silver scurf, black dot and black scurf after 20–26 weeks' storage at 5°C. Diseases were decreased more after early than late harvest.  相似文献   

Summary Roots of 15-day-old sprouts detached from tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv., Local Red, were dipped for 1 min in a 0.25% solution of Ethrel (ethephon), Rootone-F (RF), or Transplantone (TP) or in water and then planted in the field. Plants treated with RF and TP were significantly (P<0.05) taller, had heavier haulm, produced more leaves, and yielded more tubers than those of the control treatment with water, ethephon had no effect. RF was significantly (P<0.05) superior to TP for all measured components except leaf number.  相似文献   

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