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《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):165-171

The supernodulating soybean cultivar Sakukei 4 was previously characterized by its superior ability to maintain a high leaf nitrogen (N) content and high photosynthetic rate. Despite these desirable traits, the growth performance of Sakukei 4 was inferior to that of its normally nodulating parental cultivar, Enrei. The physiological basis for the unique growth characteristics of Sakukei 4 remains unclear. The objective of the present study was to characterize in further detail thevegetative growth of Sakukei 4, particularly during the period before pod expansion. In the first experiment, the growth of Sakukei 4 was compared with that of its parental cultivar Enrei under various rates of N fertilizer. The dry weight of tops, roots and nodules of the plants grown at lower rates of N application was greater in Enrei than in Sakukei 4, but it was vice versa at higher rates of N application. The number and weight of nodules were far greater in Sakukei 4 than in Enrei at any rate of N application. These genotypic differences were significant on 39 days after sowing (DAS) and became greater at the flowering stage. In the second experiment, therefore, more detailed growth analysis was made during an earlier growth stage (DAS 31-46). During this period, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and leaf area ratio (LAR) were lower in Sakukei 4 than in Enrei and the related non-nodulating line En1282, whereas the leaf photosynthetic rate was higher in Sakukei 4 at all leaf positions. The dry-matter partitioning to each plant part excluding nodules was similar in all three genotypes. The rate of leaf expansion in Sakukei 4 during this period was significantly slower than that in the other genotypes. These results suggest that the inferior growth of Sakukei 4 prior to flowering is probably due to excessive dry-matter partitioning to nodules and depressed capability of leaf expansion and root growth, which might limit dry-matter production of the whole plant during pre-flowering stage.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):291-297

The supernodulating soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar Kanto 100 was previously characterized by superior nitrogen (N) fixation and photosynthesis, and resulting in high yields. However, this cultivar seems to be susceptible to waterlogging during the vegetative growth stage, which frequently occurs in major soybean producing areas in East Asia. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of waterlogging on nodulation, N fixation and photosynthesis in Kanto 100 with those in its normally-nodulating ancestral cultivar Enrei. Kanto 100 and Enrei were grown in pots, and subjected to waterlogging for 10 days at three vegetative growth stages in 2003 and 2004. Waterlogging significantly reduced the number of nodules of both cultivars, but the magnitude of the reduction was more pronounced in Kanto 100. The acetylene reduction activity (ARA) of nodules and apparent photosynthetic rate (AP) of leaves were generally depressed immediately after the start of waterlogging, but both functions recovered substantially at the pod-filling stage in both cultivars. No marked cultivar difference was found in the magnitude of the reduction of ARA per plant and AP measured immediately after waterlogging and at the pod-filling stage in both years, but growth impairment was more pronounced in Kanto 100 in 2003. These results suggest that the supernodulating cultivar Kanto 100 is more susceptible to waterlogging than its normally-nodulating ancestral cultivar.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(1):112-121

The Supernodulating Soybean Cultivar Sakukei 4 Was Previously Characterized By Its Superior Capabilities of Nitrogen (N) Fixation and Photosynthesis, and Was Expected To Be High Yielding. Since The N Absorption By Sakukei 4 Is Largely Dependent On N Fixation, It May Be Strongly Affected By Waterlogging During The Vegetative Stage, Which Occurs Frequently in Major Soybean Producing Areas. in This Study, We investigated The Reduced Growth and Yield Resulting From Waterlogging DuringVegetative Stage and The Subsequent Recovery in Sakukei 4, in Comparison With Those in The Normally-Nodulating Cultivar Enrei and Non-Nodulating Genotype En1282. Under The Field Conditions, The Reduction of Growth and Yield By Waterlogging Was Greatest in En1282 Among The Three Genotypes, indicating That Capability of N Fixation Is Essential For The Recovery From Waterlogging-induced injury. The Waterlogging-induced Yield Reduction in Sakukei 4 Resembled That in Enrei, Although Growth Reduction Was Greater in Sakukei 4 Than in Enrei. Irrespective of Cultivar, The Yield Was Associated More Closely With The Crop Growth Rate (Cgr) During The Post-Treatment Stage Than With That During The Waterlogging Treatment. in The Pot Experiments, Yields Positively Correlated With Both Above- and Underground Plant Parts Irrespective of Cultivar, Not Significantly, But Significantly With Root Dry Weights in Enrei and With Nodule Dry Weights in Sakukei 4. These Results indicate That Sakukei 4 Exhibits A Marked Decrease in Dry Matter Production By Waterlogging, But Yield Decrease Is Compensated To A Level Similar To That of Enrei Because of Its Enhanced Nodule Growth During The Recovery Stage.  相似文献   

用Unispec光谱分析仪和SPAD-502叶绿素仪测定不同生育时期不同氮肥水平大豆叶片光谱反射率及叶绿素含量,并分析了光谱植被指数与叶绿素含量的相关性。结果表明:不施氮肥处理光谱反射率高于施氮处理,随着施氮量的增加,大豆叶片光谱反射率下降,并初步断定结荚期是大豆氮素光谱营养诊断的敏感时期;随着氮肥水平的提高叶绿素含量增加;整个生育时期,除鼓粒期不施氮处理外其它处理的植被指数mND705与叶绿素含量均呈极显著正相关;在花期和结荚期,各处理的mSR705与叶绿素含量呈极显著正相关,PSSRc与叶绿素含量呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to establish the correlation of the chlorophyll meter (SPAD) readings with the contents of chlorophyll (Chl) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), the gross photosynthetic rate (Pg), and the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) (Fv/Fm) in flag leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in ripening stage. The SPAD readings significantly correlated with the Chl content, the Rubisco content, Pg and Fv/Fm (R2 = 0.848, 0.648, 0.671 and 0.712, respectively), which suggests that the SPAD meter has the potential to estimate the photosynthetic capacity of the flag leaves. However, both Pg and Fv/Fm had a stronger relationship with the Rubisco content than the SPAD readings, indicating that the PSII photochemical and CO2 assimilation capacities are strongly influenced by the Rubisco content. Therefore, accurate calibration would be indispensable to obtain the physiological information from the SPAD readings of flag leaves.  相似文献   

叶色突变体既可用于作物叶绿素合成、降解和光合作用等研究,也可作为标记基因为作物育种利用。本文对一个新发现的大豆黄绿叶自发突变体NJ9903-5进行遗传鉴定。结果表明:从对生真叶开始,该突变体幼嫩叶呈黄色,随着生长叶片逐渐转变为绿色。黄化叶片叶绿体数目下降,基质片层减少且排列疏松,叶绿素a、b、类胡萝卜素含量都极显著下降;其对株高、主茎节数、单株粒数、单株荚数有负效应,但对百粒重、蛋白质含量、油脂含量影响小,杂交后代中上述性状变异大。3个杂交群体遗传分析表明该性状受一对隐性核基因控制,利用F2隐性个体将目标基因ygl定位在SSR标记BARCSOYSSR_02_1445和BARCSOYSSR_02_1477之间约366 kb区段,包含36个候选基因。测序分析发现在突变体中,叶绿体膜转运蛋白相关基因Glyma.02G233700第1个外显子第38个碱基G缺失,移码突变导致蛋白翻译提前终止,结合前人研究结果,推测其为黄绿叶的目的基因ygl。  相似文献   

大豆叶片叶绿素含量与光谱的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用Unispec光谱分析仪和SPAD叶绿素仪测定了2个品种从初花期到成熟期的反射光谱和叶绿素含量.用SPAD叶绿素仪测定结果表明:每个时期均为合交98-1667的叶绿素含量高于合丰55号;用Unispec光谱分析仪测定结果显示:合丰55号大豆的光谱反射率高于合交98-1667,并且发现在可见光510 nm~610 nm处有一个叶绿素反射吸收峰,此吸收峰是大豆叶片上特有的一个特征值.数据统计分析表明:叶片叶绿素含量与光谱植被指数mSR705、mND705,和PSSRc具有极显著相关性.说明可以通过测量叶片光谱的方法来监测大豆叶片叶绿素含量.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):156-167

We tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 concentration [CO2]-induced enhancement of biomass production of soybean is greater in a genotype that has a higher nitrogen (N) fixation capacity. Furthermore, we analyzed theinteractive effects of N fertilization, temperature and [CO2] on biomass production. Three genetically related genotypes: Enrei (normally-nodulating genotype), Kanto 100 (supernodulating genotype), and En1282 (non-nodulating genotype) were grown in pots, with or without N fertilizer for two years (2004, 2005). They were then subjected to two different [CO2] (ambient and elevated (ambient + 200 ?mol mol-1)) × two temperature regimes (low,high (low + 4~5ºC)). Top dry weight at maturity was the greatest in the elevated [CO2] × high temperature regime, irrespective of genotype and N fertilization. The [CO2] elevation generally enhanced N acquisition and dry matter production during the vegetative growth stage, and the enhancement was more pronounced in the nodulating genotypes (Enrei and Kanto 100) than in the non-nodulating genotype (En1282), indicating that N supply through N fixation contributes to elevated [CO2]-induced biomass production in soybean. However, the relative responsiveness ofbiomass production to elevated [CO2] was not necessarily higher in the supernodulating genotype than the normally-nodulating genotype. The N utilization efficiency to produce biomass was inferior in the supernodulating genotype than in the normally-nodulating and non-nodulating genotypes. These results did not fully verify the hypothesis that elevated [CO2]-induced enhancement of biomass production of soybean is greater in a genotype with a higher N fixation capacity.  相似文献   

氮肥减施与接种根瘤菌对大豆光合与产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示氮肥减施与接种不同根瘤菌对大豆光合作用及产量的影响,通过设置不同减氮量+接种根瘤菌处理,研究其对大豆净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度及大豆产量的影响。结果表明:在开花期, T1(1/2施氮+拌种NF)、T2(1/2施氮+土壤施用NF)、T3(1/2施氮+拌种DF)处理的净光合速率相对于CK分别提高了50.4%、30.1%、29.6%。所有处理较常规施肥(CK)的蒸腾速率、胞间CO_2浓度、气孔导度均有所上升,而大豆叶绿素含量较CK差异不显著,各处理的叶片干重较CK差异不显著,除T3处理外,各处理的茎干重较CK差异也不显著。进入结荚期后,T1、T2处理的胞间CO_2浓度较CK分别提高了34.3%、47.0%,各处理净光合速率较CK均下降,而蒸腾速率、气孔导度均高于CK,除T4、T5外,叶绿素含量较CK差异不显著。除T2处理外,各处理的叶干重均低于CK,茎与荚皮干重较CK差异不显著,籽粒干重在所有减1/2施氮量+接种根瘤菌处理中均显著高于CK。在鼓粒期,各处理的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO_2浓度较CK差异不显著,气孔导度均高于CK,不施氮肥处理的叶绿素含量均显著低于CK。各处理的叶片干重均显著低于CK,但茎、荚皮干重与CK相比差异不显著,且籽粒干重有一定升高趋势,T3处理籽粒干重较CK提高了24.6%;在成熟期,1/2减氮+接种根瘤菌处理基本上均能提高大豆的产量及其构成因子,尤其是T3处理较CK产量提高9.75%。  相似文献   

以玉米进行C4光合的全展第5位叶片为材料,分析从叶基部到顶部的解剖结构和叶绿素含量变化,研究玉米C4光合叶片"花环"结构随叶片发育的变化规律。结果表明,玉米第5位叶从基部到顶部都具有完整的典型"花环"结构,维管束鞘细胞(BSC)和叶肉细胞(MC)的体积在叶片发育过程中具有渐变性,从叶基部到顶部BSC和MC均呈先增大后变小的趋势,而且叶绿素a、b和a+b含量呈相同的变化趋势,说明BSC和MC细胞体积与叶绿素含量的变化具有相关性。叶绿素a/b总体呈上升趋势,说明玉米第5叶基部到顶部的光合途径存在C3向C4转变的过程。玉米第5叶不同部位C4光合途径发育的渐变性比前3叶更为明显。  相似文献   

野生大豆由于丰富的遗传背景在大豆育种中具有重要的利用价值.选取来自俄罗斯远东地区和中国东北地区的野生大豆与栽培在中国北京种植,并对其农艺性状进行比较.与栽培大豆相比,野生大豆具有较高的蛋白质含量(47.55%),较低的脂肪含量(12.91%).此外,野生大豆的异黄酮含量高并且具有较好的胞囊线虫抗性.将经过筛选的不同野生大豆与栽培大豆进行杂交,已经选育出一些具有高异黄酮含量和良好胞囊线虫抗性的大豆材料.同时研究了野生大豆与栽培大豆的天然杂交,发现通过分析F1代花色和荚皮色的分离情况可以鉴定天然杂交种.结果证明通过杂交的方式将野生大豆中的目的基因导入栽培大豆进而提高大豆育种效率是切实可行的.  相似文献   

为探究黄土高原半干旱区保护性耕作提高春小麦产量的光合生理机制,依托黄土高原半干旱区2001年建立的不同耕作措施长期定位试验,于2019年研究了传统耕作(T)、传统耕作秸秆翻入(TS)、免耕秸秆不覆盖(NT)、免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)四种耕作措施对春小麦叶片光合相关性状、干物质积累和产量的影响。结果表明,小麦叶片叶绿素含量和叶面积指数在抽穗期达到峰值,保护性耕作延缓了花后叶片衰老,其中NTS处理的叶片叶绿素含量和叶面积指数在乳熟期均显著高于其他处理;耕作措施对开花期小麦旗叶RuBP羧化酶活性没有影响,但在灌浆期免耕和秸秆还田均提高了RuBP羧化酶活性,其中NTS处理的RuBP羧化酶活性是T处理的1.95倍;秸秆覆盖对小麦旗叶光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度影响显著,NTS处理可有效改善春小麦开花期和灌浆期的光合性能,其中NTS处理的开花期旗叶光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度比T处理分别提高了19.2%、30.7%、23.0%;免耕处理(NT和NTS)下花后干物质积累对籽粒贡献率较耕作处理(T和TS)提高了41.7%,秸秆还田处理(TS和NTS)花后籽粒干物质积累量及花后干物质积累对籽粒产量贡献率较不还田处理(T和NT)分别提高了71.2%和35.7%;NTS处理有效促进了小麦花后干物质积累和转运,显著增加了穗数和千粒重,使产量较T处理提高了18.7%。因此,在黄土高原半干旱区应用免耕秸秆覆盖的保护性耕作措施可促进春小麦旗叶花后光合作用、干物质积累及其向籽粒分配,延缓灌浆后期叶片衰老和叶绿素降解,协调和优化光合性能、光合时间、光合面积之间的关系,从而提高产量。  相似文献   

为了解小麦新品种西农979的叶片功能、干物质积累及运转等特点,为其优质高产高效标准化栽培提供依据,选用西农979及大穗品系西农9814为试验材料,以小偃22为对照,对其不同生长发育时期叶面积、叶绿素含量及干物质的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,在抽穗期,西农979最大单茎叶面积为72.78cm2,对照小偃22最大单茎叶面积为101.69 cm2;西农979叶片衰老较快,在5月25日几乎没有绿叶面积,而对照小偃22绿叶延迟至6月1日;西农979旗叶叶绿素含量也比对照小偃22低,但西农979单茎干物质积累和对照小偃22相当;在灌浆成熟期,西农979单粒重显著高于对照,成熟后西农979比对照增产7.4%。由此说明西农979叶片光合速率高,开花后光合产物向籽粒中运转快。后期光合时间短是西农979生产上存在的主要问题,可在扬花期采取叶面喷肥来延缓叶片衰老,维持后期叶片光合功能,扩大花后干物质积累量。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):227-231

Chlorophyll meter (SPAD) is a convenient tool to estimate leaf nitrogen (N) concentration of rice plants. There is no information on the effects of leaf phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentration on SPAD readings and on the relationship between SPAD values and leaf N concentration in the literature. In 1996 dry season, cv IR72 was grown at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) under various N, P and K fertilizer combinations. SPAD measurements were made on the topmost fully expanded leaves at mid-tillering and panicle initiation. The leaves were then detached, dried and analyzed for N, P and K. The SPAD values were highly correlated with leaf N concentration (r = 0.93 to 0.96). Fertilizer-K application did not affect SPAD values, leaf N concentration, or the relationship between the two. Phosphorus deficiency reduced leaf N concentration at mid-tillering, but increased leaf N concentration at panicle initiation when the same amount of N was applied. The SPAD values were 1 to 2 units greater for zero-P plants than P-treated plants at a given leaf N concentration at mid-tillering. At panicle initiation, the relationship between SPAD values and leaf N concentration was not significantly affected by leaf P status. These results suggest that a different regression equation between SPAD values and leaf N concentration should be used to estimate leaf N concentration of P-deficient and P-sufficient rice leaves at vegetative stage using a SPAD.  相似文献   

密度对大豆群体叶面积指数及干物质积累分配的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在大田条件下,以垦农4号为材料,研究了大豆在5种密度条件下的叶面积指数及干物质积累分配规律.结果表明:叶面积指数在一定密度范围内随密度增加呈增加趋势,R5期叶面积指数主要集中在冠层中上部;干物质阶段积累量、日积累量以及阶段积累量占总积累量的比例.均呈单峰曲线变化.干物质阶段积累量随密度的增加而增加,单株干物质日积累量随...  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):224-228

Abstract : Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars were grown under arid (Urumqi, Xinjiang, China) and humid (Matsudo, Chiba, Japan) conditions to analyze their abilities to adapt to arid conditions in terms of transpiration, leaf movement and leaf temperature. Under the arid condition, the leaf temperature of the cotton cultivars was higher than that of the soybean cultivar and the air temperature. There was no significant difference in leaf temperature among the cotton and soybean cultivars under the humid condition. The flow rate of stem sap in the cotton cultivars under the arid condition was always higher than that in the soybean cultivar, and was largely affected by vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Under the humid condition, however, the flow rates of stem sap were lower in the cotton cultivars than in the soybean cultivars. These results indicate that cotton can avoid heat stress by the high transpiring ability possibly supported by well-developed root systems, which leads to higher drought resistance under the arid condition. Soybean would adapt to arid conditions by the combination of paraheliotropic leaf movement and reduced transpiration.  相似文献   

氮肥对不同品质基因型大豆光合生理和干物质积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以6个不同品质基因型大豆品种为试材,探讨了苗期追施尿素对叶片光合生理和植株干物质积累的影响。结果表明:随着生育进程,各品种的叶面积指数、叶色值和光合速率呈单峰曲线变化,干物质积累呈"S"型曲线。苗期追施尿素会对开花期至鼓粒初期大豆的叶面积指数、光合速率和叶色值产生显著影响,单株干物质积累最大速率和平均速率在施肥处理间均存在极显著差异。追施氮肥会使单株干物质最大积累速率出现时间提前,以高蛋白品种提前天数最多。  相似文献   

大豆通常被认为是较难转化的豆科作物之一,大豆基因型是影响大豆转化效率的重要因素。采用农杆菌介导大豆子叶节遗传转化方法,对2个国外大豆品种和9个国内品种进行转化研究,对转化再生植株进行BAR试纸条和PCR检测。结果表明:不同大豆品种再生率及转化效率存在显著差异。国外品种Jack和Bert,南方大豆品种华春6号和东北大豆品种沈农9号具有较高的再生率和转化效率,转化效率分别达到6.45%、3.80%、3.24%和2.86%。对来源于沈农9号的PCR阳性植株进行Southern杂交检测,结果表明:外源基因已导入受体大豆品种,该受体品种实际转化效率为2.14%。对外源T-DNA插入结构进一步分析表明:低拷贝(1~2个)T-DNA插入比例为75%。本研究筛选了4个转化效率较高的大豆品种,为开展高效大豆遗传转化研究提供依据;同时,作为大豆主栽品种,利用华春6号和沈农9号作为受体品种开展转基因研究,对于加快转基因大豆新品种培育研究也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

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